3ABN Today

Food for Prevention and Reversal of Diabetes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Lucia Tiffany


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY014103A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, friends,
01:07 and welcome to another 3ABN today cooking program.
01:11 I'm Jill Morikone and with me in the kitchen today
01:14 is a brand new sister in Jesus.
01:17 Our brand new friend and I'm speaking of Lucia Tiffany.
01:20 And, Lucia, it is such a joy to have you come to 3ABN
01:24 and to share the gifts God has given you
01:26 with our audience at home.
01:27 Thank you.
01:28 It's just so nice to be here as well.
01:30 And for our friends since you are brand new
01:32 we have to talk a little bit about your ministry.
01:34 Tell me the name of your ministry
01:36 and how you got involved in healthy cooking?
01:39 Give me some of the background.
01:40 Sure, it's called 3-D Health and it's a ministry
01:44 that has a real focus and helping people
01:48 to make healthy lifestyle changes
01:51 so that they can enjoy the kind of health
01:52 that really God designed for us to have.
01:55 And so we've done a number of different things,
01:57 we do health education seminars,
01:59 health and wellness coaching for people
02:01 that really wants one-on-one help with lifestyle change.
02:04 We have a cookbook I think that Jill's got that,
02:07 she's gonna show us little bit.
02:08 And so that's the kinds of things we do.
02:10 Amen.
02:11 So the 3-D is that body, mind and spirit or?
02:14 You got it.
02:17 It is because it's really about whole person health.
02:19 We aren't healthy in just the physical way
02:21 without needing to be healthy mentally
02:24 and spiritually and I believe that all works together.
02:26 Amen. That's right.
02:28 And Lucia is trained as well.
02:30 Sometimes we have guests who come and just say,
02:32 I love to cook and God's given me this ministry
02:34 but Lucia has background in training,
02:36 so tell us about that?
02:37 Sure.
02:38 And it started way back even this interest in health
02:40 with your mom and dad, right?
02:41 It did.
02:42 My mom and dad were doctor, nurse health education team
02:45 that went around and helped in community,
02:48 some times church invitations that sort of thing
02:50 from the time I was very small.
02:51 And so I kind of grew up in that environment
02:54 and very interested in health so I ended up doing nursing
02:57 and getting a master's in Public Health at Loma Linda
02:59 and I have really enjoyed using that in many different ways.
03:02 We spent sometime in West Africa
03:04 working with development
03:05 and health in the rural villages.
03:07 You and your husband? Me and my husband, yes.
03:10 And then I do a lot of community health work
03:12 with our different churches that we've been involved in
03:15 and that sort of thing.
03:16 Amen. Oh, that's incredible.
03:18 Truly the health message is the right arm of the gospel.
03:21 It does. It opens the door.
03:22 Yes, it does and today we have some special recipes
03:25 because we are focusing on a specific niche
03:27 which I think is very important.
03:28 We don't always focus on this
03:30 and we're talking about diabetes today.
03:32 Why are we talking about diabetes?
03:34 Well, diabetes is one of those diseases
03:35 that we are seeing more and more
03:37 of not only in the United States and Canada
03:39 but many of the developing countries,
03:41 and diabetes is such a devastating diseases.
03:44 I've had a chance to kind of see it up close
03:46 because I have a lot of relatives
03:47 that suffer with diabetes.
03:49 And I have seen the devastation
03:52 it can cause with the loss of limbs,
03:53 loss of sight and the sad part is that
03:56 a lot of time our lifestyle choices
03:58 can completely change the outcome.
04:02 We can actually prevent developing diabetes
04:04 by making healthy choices
04:06 on a consistent basis many much of the time.
04:09 And even if we are suffering from either hyperglycemia
04:12 which is like a low blood sugar or diabetes that's full blown,
04:15 that type II diabetes especially is very amenable
04:19 to lifestyle changes.
04:20 And we are gonna talk about foods that can help us
04:22 both to prevent and reverse diabetes.
04:25 Amen.
04:26 I like that, because prevention of course is better than cure.
04:28 Absolutely.
04:29 But then if you are dealing with something already,
04:31 then we can actually reverse something.
04:33 Especially diabetes type II.
04:34 People have diabetes type I
04:36 that always just reverse it with lifestyle
04:38 but even the kinds of things we are talking about today
04:40 can decrease the need for medication.
04:43 In a person with even a type I diabetes
04:45 because it's just kind of a--
04:46 it's a healthy approach to eating
04:48 that can help all of us.
04:49 Amen.
04:51 Now I heard that genetics loads the gun
04:53 but lifestyle pulls the trigger.
04:55 One of my favorite sayings.
04:56 Is that?
04:57 Well, I wasn't sure but yeah, that's great because,
05:00 you know, we all-- you know, we live in a world of sin
05:03 and we see that prevalent not only in
05:06 what takes place in the world
05:07 but in the sickness and diseases
05:08 but yet our lifestyle what we eat.
05:11 Those eight laws that health makes a tremendous difference
05:15 in our quality of life and in reversal of many
05:18 of those diseases so necessarily.
05:19 Absolutely.
05:20 In fact, it's really so fascinating to me
05:22 that we've recently, rather recently learned
05:24 that the choices we make can actually turn our genes
05:28 for developing diabetes or heart diseases
05:30 or whatever on and off.
05:32 And so we are not--
05:33 That's called the genetics, right?
05:34 That's right.
05:35 And so we are not stuck with what we are born with,
05:36 and I just think that's, that give us a lot of hope.
05:38 It does, absolutely.
05:40 Now we talked about your cookbooks.
05:41 You have a ministry in English and in Spanish.
05:43 Yes.
05:44 And I just discovered she also speaks French
05:46 but today we're doing English
05:47 because that's all Jill can speak.
05:50 "Flavors of Health" tell me about your cookbook?
05:52 "Flavors of Health" is actually a cookbook
05:54 that my mother and I developed together.
05:57 She had a real burden to develop a Spanish cookbook
06:00 that was plant based
06:01 because it was very difficult to find Spanish recipe books
06:05 that are plant based.
06:06 And so that's how the project started
06:07 and it kind of grew as people ask us,
06:09 we really like an English version of that.
06:11 So we ended up doing it in both languages
06:14 and we are on our second edition at this point.
06:16 Wow. Amen.
06:17 There is breakfast, there is entrées, soups,
06:20 breads and crackers, huh, dessert?
06:23 There are dessert section in there.
06:24 Oh, okay.
06:26 That's wonderful and this is high marks
06:29 from Dr. Zeno Charles-Marcel and Dr. Hans Diehl
06:32 and so that we recommend this book to you.
06:35 It looks great and I'm excited to look into that further.
06:38 Right now what we want to do is look at those recipes
06:42 that we are going to be taking a look at here today.
06:44 The first one is you pronounce that Migarrones?
06:47 Migarrones, that's kind of a Spanish word
06:49 and its one we made up
06:50 because it's a take off on a Spanish word
06:52 that means sausage
06:54 and it's kind of a beef crumble.
06:56 So you can call it whatever you want to call it.
06:58 Make a sausage crumble and we're gonna put that
07:00 into the Baked Spaghetti.
07:01 We are, we are gonna do that because it's a--
07:03 it's a really great way to find a low cost beef replacement
07:07 for any recipe that calls for ground beef.
07:09 I like that.
07:10 And then we are making a Mexi-White Corn Salad.
07:13 That's right.
07:14 It's kind of a Mexican flavored salad
07:17 and then we end with something special for dessert.
07:20 Fruity Chews. Fruity Chews, that's right.
07:23 That's wonderful.
07:24 We'll we are looking at food today
07:26 for the prevention and reversal of diabetes.
07:29 That's correct. Let's read our first recipe.
07:31 You want to read that for us here, Lucia?
07:49 That's pretty easy. That's it?
07:51 It is. Wow.
07:53 And very simple.
07:54 Do I need to turn this pan on for you?
07:55 While we go ahead and turn on so it starts to get warm
07:57 and then we basically do it all in the blender
08:00 which makes it really simple.
08:02 Do you want it on high, medium, low?
08:04 Let's start with high. High, okay.
08:05 And turn it down if it starts to smoke.
08:06 Okay, sounds good. Okay.
08:09 And then we will start by putting in our walnuts.
08:13 Walnuts are an excellent source of protein
08:15 and they are the kind of fat that's good for helping us
08:17 control our blood sugars.
08:19 Because it comes with all the fiber
08:21 that God designed for it rather than free oil.
08:23 Onion of course is both for health and for flavor.
08:26 I love onions.
08:28 And then we have celery, more fiber and really great flavor.
08:33 Some garlic.
08:34 I don't know how to cook without garlic and onions.
08:37 And little bit of salt.
08:39 And then we will put that in our blender
08:41 with part of the water.
08:44 Okay.
08:50 And put the lid on. Put the lid on.
08:53 And make some noise.
08:54 And I make sure I have all the knobs down to roll.
09:15 You usually want blend it till everything is creamy.
09:18 That doesn't take too long, it doesn't matter
09:20 whether you have a really high powered blender
09:21 like the Vitamix or cheaper blender,
09:23 you just blend it a little bit longer.
09:25 Okay.
09:26 And then we will put that in our pot.
09:29 It was warm. Yes, it was.
09:34 And put the rest of the water in with it.
09:37 So I need to stir here?
09:40 I think you can stir that around.
09:43 And that's the broth
09:44 then that will give the flavor to our bulgur wheat.
09:48 Now this is the bulgur wheat and this provides
09:51 the texture for your beef crumbles.
09:54 And I'm just gonna put those.
09:58 You want of course grind.
10:00 There are some grinds you can find there
10:01 even a darker brown than this and that's fine too.
10:04 And bulgur wheat is a little bit different from whole wheat.
10:07 Because bulgur wheat has actually been cracked
10:10 and precooked and then dried.
10:12 Okay.
10:13 So it doesn't take very long to cook or to absorb liquid
10:16 like it's going to in this particular recipe.
10:18 And so we will stir it to make sure
10:20 it's really well mixed and then put it--
10:23 bring it to a boil and then let it cook on medium heat
10:27 for about 15 minutes.
10:28 What you wanted to do is soak up the liquid.
10:31 You would cover it or stir it?
10:32 It doesn't matter if you cover it,
10:34 you want to stir it every few minutes depending on your pot.
10:37 You want to be really careful
10:38 because it can stick and burn kind of easily
10:41 and you don't want that to happen.
10:42 No.
10:43 When it's ready it will probably look more like this.
10:47 Okay.
10:48 You know, it will be kind of mushy,
10:51 it won't be dry at all, it might not even look quite
10:53 as grainy as this does here and that's okay.
10:57 Because then you will just take that
10:58 and spread it out thin in the cookie sheet
11:01 and put it in the oven to dry out.
11:04 And it's the drying out then that it kind of cooks
11:07 all those nice flavors right into the wheat
11:09 and you can cook it
11:11 till it's crumbly like here's the example.
11:15 This is done.
11:16 Okay, and you can make it kind of moist
11:18 and then you need to keep it in the refrigerator,
11:20 it probably last well for a week to 10 days
11:23 or you can dry it out even more
11:24 till they're like really crunchy
11:26 and then you can keep it in the fridge or the freezer
11:28 for an indefinite period of time.
11:29 Okay.
11:31 So it's available just sometime when you want to,
11:33 you know, throw some crumbles into a dish.
11:35 So I like to make a big batch all at once
11:37 and then just save the extra the leftover.
11:40 How much does one batch make the recipe that we did,
11:42 how much when it's actually cooked down?
11:43 The recipe that we did it will make about six cups.
11:47 Okay.
11:48 Yeah, just about four to six cups depending.
11:52 And what type of recipes would you use that in?
11:54 Oh, you can just use it in so many different things..
11:57 We had as one of our samples using in tacos.
12:00 We have it over here, you can see that.
12:01 Or you can us it like the ground beef,
12:03 then we'll put all your dressings on it
12:05 or you could use it in spaghetti
12:06 or lasagna or chilly
12:09 or put it in barbecue sauce and make Sloppy Joes.
12:12 So there's a lot of different things you can do.
12:14 Pretty much anything you would do with ground beef.
12:16 Nice, I love that.
12:18 I got to try some here and I don't think
12:20 I got a spoon which is a problem
12:22 but the next recipe I will get a spoon and try it
12:24 because we want to see what it tastes like.
12:25 That's wonderful.
12:26 So what type of-- we are talking about foods
12:30 for the prevention and reversal of diabetes.
12:32 So tell me if I just eat a low sugar diet
12:35 is that gonna help me?
12:36 Well, it won't hurt you
12:38 and we want to avoid refined sugar
12:40 but actually one of the things
12:41 that's really important for diabetics
12:43 is to be really careful
12:46 with the amount of fat in their diet.
12:48 We actually found that fat increases your blood sugar
12:51 even more dramatically than sugar intake does.
12:54 For example they did a really interesting study
12:56 with medical students that were perfectly healthy
12:59 and they fed them a pound of sugar--
13:02 a pound of sugar.
13:03 Anyway a good quantity of sugar every day,
13:06 I have to check my facts on that one.
13:07 Okay.
13:08 But a good quantity of sugar every day
13:10 for a number of weeks thinking that,
13:12 maybe they could turn them into diabetics
13:14 by giving them all the sugar
13:15 but they kept checking their bloods
13:17 and they didn't get diabetic.
13:20 But they took the very same students
13:21 and put them on a high fat diet,
13:23 kind of like standard American diet
13:26 and it only took them about three or four weeks
13:29 to develop diabetes
13:30 and these were perfectly healthy people.
13:32 And so we found that fat is really important.
13:36 So in this recipe we are using walnuts for our fat which is--
13:40 which means they come with a lot of fiber
13:42 the way God designed them
13:43 and the wheat has a lot of fiber as well.
13:47 And fiber really helps to moderate blood sugars.
13:50 So it helps the carbohydrates in the dish
13:54 not to raise your blood sugar
13:55 and spike it as much as it would,
13:57 if they were was the fiber to slow that down.
13:59 So the key is the fats we eat,
14:01 we want natural fats like your nuts, your seeds,
14:04 your avocado something like that and in addition
14:06 you want fiber along with the fat.
14:08 That's right. Okay.
14:09 And if you are eating whole plant based foods,
14:12 you are automatically gonna get that kind of a diet.
14:14 But we want to show you different ways
14:16 that you can do that and incorporate that
14:17 into your menus.
14:19 And this-- you can see here
14:20 it's starting to get thick.
14:21 I can.
14:23 And we would let it cook just a little bit longer.
14:24 We don't have time to do that here on the show
14:26 but we would cook it down just a little bit more
14:28 and then put it in the cookie sheet
14:29 and when you are done, you just bake it
14:32 till it dries out at low heat about 200 degrees
14:35 and just stir it every half hour
14:38 or so and it will start to turn into crumbles
14:41 because as it dries out it will get crumbly
14:44 and just keep stirring it and get it as dry
14:46 as you want depending on the use.
14:48 Right. Oh, that's great.
14:50 If you dried out really dry and you are gonna use it
14:52 again you can rehydrate it in something like
14:54 tomato juice or vegetable broth
14:57 and give it a really nice flavor
14:59 before you put it into the other dish.
15:01 I like that, oh that's great.
15:03 And we are going to put it in a dish.
15:04 Now in the baked spaghetti That's right.
15:06 So let's read that recipe for Baked Spaghetti.
15:30 So after you made the recipe, if you decide
15:32 you want little more or little less of the salt,
15:33 you can always adjust.
15:45 If you're really struggling with your blood sugar,
15:47 you might want to drop the olive oil
15:49 either half of it or leave it out.
15:51 And in this particular demonstration
15:53 we're going to use two cups of the vege beef crumbles
15:56 that we just showed you,
15:58 the Migarrones as to make it more of the main dish.
16:03 I love spaghetti,
16:04 I like lasagna any of that type of stuff
16:08 and it's just traditional, you know,
16:10 at least here in America it seems to be.
16:11 It is and pasta is one of those things
16:13 that we think of kind of as a quick
16:14 and easy dish a lot of times or a very economical dish
16:18 if we are tying to feed
16:19 a lot of people with not a lot of money.
16:20 And the way we are gonna do the spaghetti
16:22 today is making it like a main dish
16:25 which means you don't need very much to add to it
16:27 to have a complete meal.
16:29 For instance just add a tossed salad, you know,
16:32 little bit of garlic toast if you want or you know,
16:34 something like that and then you are all set.
16:37 And you can make it ahead, it freezes well,
16:40 you can make it the day before anything like that.
16:42 So I think this will be something
16:43 that can be very practical.
16:45 I like that, absolutely.
16:47 And this would be high fiber and low fat
16:50 because that's what we are pressing in this program.
16:51 That's right.
16:52 And sometimes pasta tends to be a carrier for fat.
16:55 Okay, some people say hey, I'm avoiding that.
16:57 That's right.
16:58 And a lot of diabetes think they can't eat pasta
17:02 and they shouldn't be eating white pasta.
17:04 We're gonna be using a whole wheat pasta today.
17:07 If you need to be gluten free, you can substitute
17:10 a whole grain brown rice pasta just as well.
17:14 And that would make it gluten free,
17:16 you might use a soy crumble instead of the wheat crumble
17:19 if you wanted to make a gluten free version of this.
17:21 Okay, great.
17:22 So let's start with the blender
17:24 because you are gonna have several layers.
17:26 We are gonna make our sauce layer first.
17:27 And in the sauce layer
17:28 we are going to be putting cashews.
17:31 Cashews are really great for giving a creaminess
17:34 without a great deal of extra fat
17:36 and they are very tasty.
17:39 If you can't get cashews or cashews are too expensive
17:42 because people say oh, I can't afford cashews.
17:44 You could substitute sunflowers same quantity.
17:47 It will be a little bit different flavor
17:49 but it will still be good.
17:50 Okay.
17:51 So we have cashews and then we have onions
17:52 and red bell pepper.
17:54 Onions are very good for your health and red pepper
17:57 of course a very good source of vitamin C
18:00 and the yeast flakes, our nutritional yeast flakes
18:04 which give a cheesy flavor to the dish.
18:06 And so I always like it when we want something
18:08 that's gonna be a little bit cheesy.
18:10 Plus you get your B vitamins too.
18:11 That's right. That's right.
18:13 And then we have garlic.
18:15 Like I told you I can't cook without garlic.
18:19 And we have a little bit of salt,
18:21 a little bit of lemon juice for some tartness
18:23 and we will be putting in just a small amount of oil
18:25 like I said that's optional.
18:27 So if you are really struggling with your blood sugar,
18:28 just leave the olive oil out.
18:30 Okay, great.
18:32 Okay, so we start with our water,
18:37 and our cashews which I always want to wash first
18:41 before you use them.
18:43 But do it just before you use them.
18:45 And then we will put in the onions,
18:48 just chunks so your blender can handle it.
18:51 The peppers help to give a nice color to the sauce.
18:54 Oh, yeah.
18:56 There go our flakes.
18:59 I'm gonna put the oil in a little bit
19:00 ahead of time at the end
19:03 and I will go ahead and put the garlic in now
19:08 and I will put the salt in.
19:12 Okay.
19:13 And no lemon juice yet either.
19:15 I'm gonna put those two in at the end.
19:16 So you will notice me adding it right at the end
19:18 after everything is blended up really nice and smooth.
19:25 Make some noise. Yep, time to make some noise.
20:06 Now at home if we weren't on camera
20:08 would you blend it longer?
20:09 Just a little bit.
20:10 Just I want to get it very smooth.
20:12 Okay. And I love the color.
20:14 It's almost like a pimento and it's the pepper.
20:16 Yes, it is. I like that.
20:18 And you can actually use it all by itself.
20:19 It's kind of a pimento cheese sauce on veggies
20:22 like cauliflower or something like that as well.
20:24 Now that we-- oh, I need to add the olive oil and the salt.
20:28 I was wondering where that was coming in.
20:30 We're gonna put back on the blender
20:31 and finish that up.
20:32 Okay.
20:34 So normally you add it at the end as its running?
20:36 Yes, yes. Okay, good.
21:04 The smell is wonderful. I love that.
21:07 Let me remove this here for you.
21:09 Okay. Thank you.
21:14 If I unplug it then we can remove over here.
21:21 Okay.
21:23 Now you haven't cooked your spaghetti.
21:25 No, I like to do this really quick and easy
21:27 which means I'm not gonna precook the spaghetti.
21:29 You could actually do this dish very similarly with lasagna.
21:32 Yes.
21:34 The only difference I would make
21:35 if you do lasagna just make sure
21:36 your spaghetti sauce is a little more watery
21:38 because the lasagna will absorb more water than the spaghetti.
21:40 Right, okay. That's great, I like that.
21:44 Here.
21:45 Never mind, I got right here.
21:47 Here you go. It's good.
21:49 Okay.
21:53 We gonna start by putting in a little bit of sauce.
21:59 On the bottom.
22:00 I'll just put that on the bottom
22:02 that keeps the spaghetti from sticking.
22:07 Very good.
22:11 Okay.
22:13 That's the best way to do it. Shake it round.
22:16 I always do lasagna this way with a dry, you know
22:19 I love it uncooked and it saves so much time.
22:21 It does. It does.
22:22 And then with the spaghetti
22:24 I just kind of put down about one layer of spaghetti.
22:27 Nice, okay.
22:29 Now do you have to do it the night before
22:30 so it absorbs or not.
22:31 You don't have to--
22:33 but you can either leave it overnight
22:35 and then cook it the next morning
22:36 or you can cook it right away.
22:38 Okay.
22:39 And it's nice to have a dish
22:40 that's just a little bit longer than the spaghetti
22:42 because the spaghetti tends to curl up
22:44 as it swells on the end if it's right to the ends.
22:46 So this is just about perfect.
22:48 And then I'm going to use-- that will be terrific.
22:53 Little bit or bulgur just kind of sprinkle it on.
22:57 Now this one is not as dry as the other one that we did.
22:59 No. And because--
23:01 You rehydrated it or you just didn't bake it at all.
23:02 This one I didn't bake quite as long
23:04 because I don't want it to soak up
23:06 all of my spaghetti sauce.
23:07 I don't let the spaghetti soak up
23:08 the liquid instead of my bulgur.
23:09 Good.
23:10 So it's kind of a matter of filling out
23:13 how much of your liquid needs to be absorbed.
23:15 If you have a very watery sauce then you could afford
23:17 to use the dry bulgur itself.
23:20 And then we are going to pour
23:21 in just about a third of this cheese
23:24 or cheesy sauce you can say.
23:26 I like that cheesy sauce. Boy, it smells good.
23:30 And then some more tomato sauce.
23:36 Nice layer.
23:38 I've never made it with spaghetti, you know--
23:41 And the spaghetti-- And it's just amazing.
23:42 Yeah, the spaghetti sauce--
23:44 I do want to talk about just a little bit
23:45 because we are not showing us
23:47 a recipe for spaghetti sauce here,
23:49 there is a really nice recipe in the recipe book and if you,
23:53 you can make your own sauce.
23:54 I think I'm gonna put a layer of spaghetti next.
23:56 I was wondering what was going on.
23:59 We get busy talking. Yes.
24:01 So you have a recipe in your cookbook for spaghetti sauce?
24:03 That's right. Okay.
24:04 Yes.
24:06 And if you make your own spaghetti sauce you want to,
24:09 you know, make sure it's not have too much sugar in it.
24:11 Because a lot of spaghetti sauces are very sweet.
24:14 You really don't need the extra sugar or the extra oil.
24:17 You just don't need a lot of extra ingredients.
24:19 You know, tomatoes and onions and garlic
24:20 are kind of the basic sauce that this needs.
24:23 Okay.
24:25 And then you can put another
24:26 couple of layers of bulgur and cheese.
24:31 And one of these baking dish
24:32 is usually three layers of spaghetti
24:34 will pretty much fill it up.
24:37 And I'm only gonna put the beef on two layers.
24:39 So I put that on the bottom, it just kind of gives
24:42 a little bit better presentation on the top.
24:45 It's kind of my preference. Yeah.
24:46 Now that makes a lot of sense.
24:47 Okay, sauce.
24:50 You're gonna reserve something for top
24:51 or you only do two layers of the cheese sauce?
24:53 I actually-- you can do however you want.
24:56 Sometimes I like to use a little cheese sauce
24:57 on the top for decoration
24:59 or you can put it under the sauce
25:00 and then have like a red top on like
25:02 we have on our this boy today.
25:05 Nice.
25:07 And if you find that you are getting to the end
25:10 and you don't have quite as much sauce as you were thinking
25:14 or whatever you can always just add little bit of water
25:16 and it will just get soaked up
25:17 by the spaghetti and it will be fine.
25:19 Yes.
25:20 So I don't worry about that.
25:21 Right. That's okay.
25:23 I love that.
25:24 And while she does that I have the bulgur crumble here
25:26 I'm gonna try.
25:27 I said I had to get my supper spoon to try this.
25:34 And like I told Jill, the bulgur crumble probably
25:35 isn't something you just eat by the spoon fork but--
25:38 Well--
25:41 I usually use it as an ingredient in something
25:44 but you can eat it just like that if you want.
25:46 You know, that's great.
25:48 I like the flavor it will be great in tacos,
25:50 I can see how it will be great in lasagna.
25:53 Anything that would be a substitute
25:54 for that good texture.
25:55 I really like the texture in that too.
25:57 Okay.
25:58 So I'm just gonna use the spatula
26:00 to get the last bit out of him.
26:04 You need help there or you got it?
26:05 I think we've got this. Okay.
26:10 Very nice and that's quick and easy.
26:12 That it is.
26:13 You know, the cheese sauce was nothing just a bake--
26:15 I mean, just to blend there and then, you know,
26:17 you just throw everything together, I like that.
26:20 I don't know about you
26:21 but I'm not the un-messiest cook.
26:26 When I cook I do make a mess.
26:31 And so you just want to make sure
26:32 that you have enough liquid in the dish
26:34 to cover the spaghetti.
26:35 Now would this be enough?
26:36 I would probably put just a little bit more.
26:37 Okay, and then when you bake it.
26:40 Then we will put it in the oven at 375
26:44 and bake it for about half-an-hour
26:46 if it's the size dish.
26:47 If it's a smaller dish
26:48 a little bit less time is gonna work.
26:51 And then turn the oven down to about 325
26:56 to finish baking for about a half hour.
26:59 Okay.
27:00 And then it should be good.
27:02 And if you let it cool it will hold its shape
27:05 when you serve it,
27:07 so like if you want it to hold it shape.
27:08 So keep it in the dish, let it cool.
27:10 Yes.
27:11 Or you can eat it hot, just spoon it out as well.
27:13 Right.
27:14 But if you wanted to set up a little square
27:17 like we showed here then you want to let it
27:19 cool first and then maybe heat it afterwards.
27:21 Boy, that looks good, doesn't that.
27:23 That's wonderful.
27:24 And that's all there is to it. It is and I love it.
27:27 And you can see the layered,
27:28 I don't know if you can see from the side
27:29 but you can really see the layered on that.
27:30 I can se the bulgur crumbles, I can see the spaghetti
27:33 and the cheese sauce in the midst of it.
27:35 It looks really pretty too.
27:36 It is.
27:37 And I think it's important for healthy food to look nice.
27:39 Yes.
27:40 This is part of making it taste good.
27:42 We eat with our eyes.
27:43 We do. We do.
27:45 And taste buds too. I mean, we can't discount that.
27:49 That is the way the eyes do. Yeah.
27:51 Let's go to our next recipe here
27:53 for that Mexi-White Corn Salad.
28:24 Very nice.
28:25 I like any type of salad
28:27 but especially salads with some of those, you know,
28:29 the corn and pepper and the--
28:32 Yes, we thought it has little bit of Mexican flavor
28:34 but we put our own twist on it
28:36 so it's really not a traditional Mexican dish
28:37 per se but it kind of was inspired by that.
28:41 That's great.
28:42 We are gonna start with our soybeans
28:44 and these are green soybeans also called edamame.
28:48 Sometimes you will see them that way in the store.
28:50 I like to get them shelled and then you just steam them
28:54 they will get a really nice bright green color
28:56 as you steam them.
28:58 And I do until they're just barely tender.
29:00 And feel free to season that with a little bit of salt
29:03 or chicken style seasoning
29:04 at that stage as well if you want.
29:06 So that's something you can do its not part of the recipe
29:08 but you can do that.
29:10 And then we will add our corn
29:13 and we often use a lot of yellow cone,
29:15 I thought for change we used white corn here
29:17 and it also gives us some nice contrast.
29:22 And then we have some black olives.
29:24 I love the colors in the salad.
29:26 Me too. Oh, yes.
29:28 Some red peppers and here again we see a healthy source of fats
29:33 for our diabetic with the olives
29:36 and it means you will need as much fat
29:37 in your dressing, right.
29:39 And then some really nice bright red bell peppers
29:41 and you could use several different colors
29:43 if you want to.
29:44 I like the red and how it makes things stand out.
29:46 I like the red too and it's nice.
29:48 And the diced celery.
29:49 And then you diced it pretty finely.
29:51 Actually I had a helper that loves to dice very finely
29:54 and I like it.
29:55 I think it really makes the colors blend nicely
29:57 and the flavors in your mouth.
29:59 And that's Trish and she came down special to help with you.
30:02 Is she the one who chopped it?
30:03 No actually it was another assistant Idalia helped me.
30:06 That's wonderful.
30:07 And the radish as you notice they are really fine
30:09 and I like radish really fine
30:11 because they can be kind of hot sometimes
30:13 or really kind of very flavorful
30:15 and so having them really small
30:17 I think helps them to blend better with the dressing,
30:20 so that they don't give you that.
30:21 That's great.
30:23 Now Idalia is a great cook, we love her here at 3ABN so--
30:26 Absolutely.
30:27 And then some nice little chopped green onions
30:32 and some cilantro that gives a kind of a Mexican flavor.
30:36 Oh, yeah.
30:37 If you don't care for cilantro, you could use parsley instead.
30:39 You will still get the nice color
30:41 and some great nutrition.
30:42 And then I have the mayo here
30:43 but I'm gonna go ahead and mix it up
30:45 and I kind of like to serve the mayonnaise on the table
30:49 when people put their own on and dress their own.
30:50 Oh, that's a good idea.
30:51 That way they can control the amount
30:53 or you can also as an alternative
30:55 you could dress this with a squeeze of lime juice,
30:59 may be just a drizzle of olive oil and then salt to taste.
31:02 So that's another really great way to do it.
31:04 That looks wonderful.
31:06 Now you do you make your own mayonnaise?
31:08 I do make my own mayonnaise
31:09 but we are doing that on a different show.
31:11 But if you don't make your own,
31:13 you want to look for mayonnaise that's vegan,
31:16 that doesn't have dairy products in it.
31:17 You don't really need those raw eggs
31:19 and you know, some of those things
31:20 that are in a lot of our common mayonnaises.
31:24 And if you can't find one I would suggest using
31:26 the olive oil and lime juice and salt as a dressing.
31:28 Oh, yes. I would love that.
31:29 And you see it's just beautiful salad.
31:31 It is beautiful.
31:32 The soybeans are really good source of protein,
31:34 so you could actually almost make this a main dish
31:37 like for a lunch or something
31:38 if you didn't have a lot of time,
31:39 you maybe on the road or taking a lunch to work,
31:42 this would work really well.
31:44 Oh, yeah. You can get much with it.
31:45 I get a spoon here, I got to try it.
31:48 I doesn't have the mayonnaise
31:49 but I have all the good veggies here.
31:51 Right, You want some seasoning
31:52 and so what you are really tasting
31:53 doesn't have all the seasoning.
31:58 It's wonderful.
32:01 I hope you enjoy it as well.
32:03 You know, that's great.
32:05 I love the vegetables.
32:07 Good kick. Oh, it's wonderful.
32:09 And I'd like it with lime juice I think.
32:10 Yes.
32:11 Me personally lime juice would really make it.
32:13 That's one of my favorite ways to do.
32:15 With the salt little bit of oil, that's great.
32:17 Yes. Yes.
32:18 So just make sure you have enough seasoning it
32:20 needed to cover the soybeans.
32:21 Because soybeans need little extra salt
32:23 if you haven't salted them before or whatever so.
32:25 Right. Oh, yeah.
32:26 Now you do a lot of-- you are just starting
32:28 into this lifestyle coaching.
32:29 Tell me about that.
32:30 And you been though for years
32:33 helping people and working with people.
32:34 Exactly.
32:35 And so one of the things that
32:37 I decided I always like to learn.
32:39 I'm always trying to learn new things.
32:41 And so I would like to really get better
32:42 at coaching and so I have the opportunity to take
32:46 a course and learn about coaching
32:48 and the thing that I really appreciated about
32:50 that is, that it helped me with the skills,
32:53 the kinds of communication skills
32:55 that we need for coaching
32:56 which is a little bit different from teaching
32:58 like I have done seminars all my life, right,
33:00 and teaching people how to do things and you know,
33:04 what are choices that are better
33:05 but coaching is where it gives me an opportunity
33:08 to really more affectively come alongside someone
33:11 that wants to make a change and in coaching,
33:14 it's not me telling you what to do,
33:16 it's more about well, what are your goals.
33:18 What do you want to achieve? I like that.
33:20 And then I'll say okay, well, let's work together on that.
33:24 Because sometimes all it takes is some encouragement,
33:28 maybe some accountability.
33:30 Somebody to check in with once a week
33:32 and say how are we doing with the goals you've set
33:34 for yourself and you will see
33:37 yourself making changes that way.
33:39 Because most of us really already know
33:42 things that we need to change.
33:44 Like it's not a lack of information a lot of times.
33:47 It's like I know I should be eating less fat
33:49 or I know I need to be exercising more or I need to,
33:53 you know, do these things to lose weight
33:55 or to feel better or to control my blood pressure,
33:58 maybe to avoid another heart attack.
34:01 You know, these things are important
34:03 and I know that if I make changes,
34:05 I would be able to enjoy that
34:08 but I have a hard time making the changes on my own.
34:10 Of course.
34:11 And a lot of us find that having
34:12 somebody to work with us on it
34:14 can make it really much more effective
34:16 and I just love doing that.
34:17 Because if we look at, you know,
34:18 what are your obstacles, what has stopped you
34:20 from achieving this goal before?
34:22 You know, you wanted to exercise more
34:24 and you knew it was good for you
34:25 but what happened yesterday, you know,
34:28 and so we actually can sit down and kind of break it down
34:30 and say what are the things, you know,
34:32 that you would need to do differently to have
34:34 the time to exercise or--
34:36 What are the roadblocks?
34:37 Yeah, what are your roadblocks and what are your--
34:39 you know, you have to come up with the solutions.
34:41 I'm not the answer person but I help you work
34:44 through your own issues and, you know,
34:47 what would work for you and then we try things.
34:50 And sometimes, you know,
34:51 maybe it doesn't work the first time
34:52 and then we will say, okay, in a week what happened?
34:54 What went well, what worked or didn't work
34:57 and we can work together
35:00 that way to have really effective lifestyle change.
35:02 We found that in studies working with diabetics
35:05 especially that just having a coach that follows up
35:09 after doctor's visits or whatever can make
35:12 a great deal of difference in blood sugar control
35:15 and reversal of diabetes.
35:17 And I think that that's just amazing
35:20 and it's just a privilege to work with people
35:23 to help them reach their goals.
35:25 Amen. That's wonderful.
35:26 Because sometimes you know, our family,
35:27 we can, we can connect with our family,
35:29 some people have relationship with their family.
35:31 Now they say, okay, you could be
35:33 my accountability partner, you could help me.
35:35 And then some people maybe don't have
35:36 that support system within their family and--
35:39 And sometimes having-- It's wonderful.
35:40 Having an outside source,
35:42 having someone who is outside who says, okay,
35:44 I can come alongside you.
35:45 I can provide this encouragement
35:47 I can whatever, that's a wonderful thing.
35:49 And you had some testimonies I know too.
35:51 I know before we go to our next recipe,
35:54 she was sharing with me before just a great story.
35:57 You know, when you go out,
35:58 you do these cooking schools,
35:59 you do tip, you do all of this.
36:01 So tell us one of those?
36:02 Yes, I really enjoyed working
36:04 for a number of years with the CHIP program
36:06 which is the complete health improvement program
36:09 is what it's called now.
36:10 It's not coronary?
36:11 It used to be called
36:12 the Coronary Health Improvement Project.
36:13 I'm behind the times.
36:15 But it's been updated as-- and so now it's known
36:18 as the Complete Health Improvement Program.
36:19 This is the improved CHIP. Okay.
36:22 And working with that we had to have a lot of diabetes
36:25 or people with heart diseases or whatever come through
36:27 the program and it's been amazing to me
36:29 as we talk about the simple kinds of principles
36:32 including the ones that we've talked about here today
36:35 that implementing those changes
36:38 can create differences really quickly.
36:40 I remember one fellow who came in who was overweight
36:43 and he was in his 40s
36:45 and he actually had some cardiac problems
36:47 which are often a complication of diabetes
36:49 even though he didn't in this case have diabetes.
36:51 Okay.
36:52 And he was so bad off
36:54 that he already had several bypasses
36:56 and some stents put in and he couldn't get up in the morning,
37:00 get out of bed without taking
37:01 a nitroglycerin to open up his coronary artery
37:05 so that he could brush his teeth
37:06 and get dressed without chest pain
37:08 Oh, wow.
37:09 And that's the state he was in when he came to the program
37:12 and you know, we talked and I was like
37:14 what made you come to CHIP?
37:15 And he said, well, I would like to see my children,
37:18 you know, get married.
37:19 And you know, his children were still young adults
37:22 and he was like I want to be around
37:23 and the doctor has told me that if I don't change
37:26 something I probably don't have more than two years
37:28 to live and he wasn't that old.
37:30 And --
37:31 Oh, 40s you said, 40s is young on.
37:32 Exactly. Yes.
37:33 And so we started in with a program
37:35 and as he started implementing
37:37 the things he was learning it was just amazing.
37:39 Within a couple of weeks
37:40 he went from not being able to walk on the level,
37:43 on a treadmill at half a mile per hour
37:47 to by the end of the program
37:48 he was on the treadmill extended periods of time,
37:51 almost up to an hour, you know,
37:53 two miles, three miles an hour with no chest pain.
37:56 I mean, it was just amazing, when he came in one day,
37:59 you know, partly through the program
38:00 and he was like I can get up out of bed,
38:02 I can get ready for work,
38:03 I can get dressed and no chest pain
38:05 without taking my medicine.
38:06 Amen.
38:07 And so a lot of these changes
38:09 can have a really powerful impact
38:11 in a short period of time
38:12 if they're applied consistently.
38:14 Amen and that's encouraging.
38:15 It was very encouraging.
38:16 it's encouraging to me to hear
38:18 that story but it's encouraging also.
38:19 We want to encourage you at home.
38:20 That's right.
38:21 Maybe you are going through something
38:22 and you are saying my health is not the best right now
38:24 and I know that I need to do something different.
38:27 So we want to encourage you to take that first step,
38:29 to reach out for help, to call Lucia
38:34 or something but to reach out for help to get
38:37 into one of these programs.
38:38 And to start making those changes
38:40 and what a difference you will see in your life.
38:43 So that's incredible.
38:45 We are going to our last recipe now.
38:46 Yes, we are.
38:47 Let's read our last recipe, the Fruity Chews.
38:49 You want to read that for us?
38:50 Sure.
39:10 Seems like a good meal needs a good dessert to end it
39:14 with but his is a low sugar version.
39:15 I mean this is-- we are doing fruits.
39:17 We are.
39:18 This is a completely natural dessert
39:21 that has no added sugars or added oils
39:24 which is kind of unusual for lot of desserts, right?
39:27 Yeah, most desserts are high in oil
39:29 and high in sugar, yeah.
39:30 Right.
39:31 And so this is still because we are using nuts and dried fruit,
39:36 all of those are kind
39:37 of concentrated nutrient sources
39:39 so you still want to be cognizant of the amount
39:43 that you eat, so you don't want to, you know,
39:45 eat like six of these at one meal
39:48 even though they are really healthy.
39:49 You know, you want to just have them
39:51 in a moderate amount.
39:52 We want temperance.
39:53 Exactly.
39:55 Okay.
39:56 And so let me talk about
39:57 what we are gonna be putting in it.
39:59 The mixtures of dried fruits,
40:00 and we are gonna start here with some pears.
40:02 You can also have like a peach thrown in here.
40:07 So dried fruit and you can use your own combination.
40:09 This is kind of a starter combination
40:11 so this is not something you can ruin
40:14 by changing maybe the amounts of proportions
40:16 or the varieties that you put in.
40:18 But try to you get the unsweetened dried fruit
40:21 rather than sweetened dried fruit.
40:22 Yes.
40:23 And then we put some raisins, we have apricots.
40:26 Apricots, you know, such a great source of vitamin A
40:29 which is antioxidant, it helps to keep us well,
40:32 it's very important nutrient.
40:34 Raisins like grapes have
40:36 a lot of really good antioxidants
40:40 as well for keeping us well.
40:42 And lots of fiber and I love dates.
40:45 You know I think God knew what He was doing
40:47 when He made dates.
40:48 Because they are one of the sweetest fruits
40:50 but they are also the highest fiber fruit out there.
40:52 I didn't know that.
40:53 And so God knew that when we have sweet,
40:55 we need the fiber combined with it
40:57 and so He did that with dates.
41:00 Wow, that's great.
41:01 And then we will put in some nuts, I chose walnuts today.
41:04 You can use pecans, you can use cashews,
41:07 you can use, you know,
41:08 anything you want and we are gonna just sprinkle
41:10 the salt in on top of the ground up fruit.
41:13 So let me talk about grinding it.
41:15 Because these are very sticky fruits I find that a grinder
41:19 is probably the best way to process them.
41:21 If you have a strong food processor you could try it.
41:24 I don't give you any guarantees on the results.
41:27 And you don't have to have a fancy grinder attachment
41:29 like I do for my kitchen aid here.
41:32 I have also made this using
41:34 just a plain old hand crank meat grinder.
41:36 You know, the kind that you attach to your table
41:38 that just has a crank on it
41:40 and use the finest grinder attachment
41:43 and just push your fruit through it.
41:45 And that works good. Okay.
41:46 It needs the screw to push the dried fruit through
41:49 that's really what's the important part of it.
41:51 So I'm gonna ahead and run the fruit through the mill,
41:53 it's gonna make a little noise
41:54 so I won't be talking but you will see
41:56 how it comes out in strings.
41:57 I'm using my smallest grinder attachment.
42:00 Okay.
42:02 We need the other bowl?
42:03 Probably good.
43:29 All right, so you could see
43:30 it kind of comes out in strings.
43:31 I can.
43:32 It kind of got like meat does
43:34 and then I'm just gonna sprinkle my salt
43:35 on there and I kind of mixed up the fruits
43:38 as I ran them through the grinder.
43:41 That way it premixes it but I want to mix it up
43:44 a little bit better and it's so sticky
43:45 I like to use gloves
43:46 for this particular part of the recipe.
43:47 Right.
43:48 I was thinking now how is she gonna mix this?
43:52 Because basically you just want to knead it together.
43:56 Okay.
43:58 So it-- It's got the apricots.
44:00 Yeah, you want to get the blend in there.
44:03 And I tried to kind of mix real sweet fruit
44:05 with the kind of tarter dried fruit like apricots
44:08 and peaches are often not as sweet as dates and raisins.
44:15 Yeah, that's true. Here we go.
44:19 And so if you like it a little bit sweeter,
44:21 you can put a little bit more raisins or dates.
44:23 Or dates or something.
44:24 Yeah, I love the flavor of apricots personally.
44:27 They have a really good flavor.
44:28 So I would like to have a lot of that.
44:29 And then you just pick off little pieces--
44:33 Okay, so that all there's to it.
44:34 You just put it through it.
44:35 Is basically all and you know,
44:36 I would like the rest of it without my gloves.
44:39 There you go. Let me get a spoon.
44:44 And just kind of get a piece maybe you make them
44:46 the size of a walnut or cherry
44:48 depending on what you are doing.
44:50 Sometimes I like to make a bunch of little tiny ones.
44:52 You know, it depends.
44:54 And then you just take your coconut
44:55 and roll it around in the coconut
44:58 and you get your beautiful little ball.
45:00 Very nice.
45:01 And you can see we have an arrangement here with that.
45:04 I do.
45:05 You just make them all up
45:06 and that's really all there is to it.
45:07 It's a great thing for kids.
45:09 Oh, yeah.
45:10 I remember as a kid my mom would run this
45:11 through the grinder and then we would sit around
45:13 and make the balls.
45:15 So even as kid your parents cooked healthy?
45:17 Oh, yes. Yeah.
45:18 Yes. Wonderful
45:20 It was real blessing to grow up that way.
45:22 That is a blessing.
45:23 I'm gonna try one of this over here.
45:25 Sure.
45:26 Or part of one.
45:35 Very tasty.
45:36 And I think, you know,
45:37 make your presentation really nice and you can go,
45:40 you know, as very nice dessert,
45:42 a finish to a fancy meal even doesn't have to be
45:45 just an everyday thing.
45:47 It also is great for packing
45:48 in kids' lunches for long treat.
45:51 Oh, this is great. This is very versatile.
45:53 I love the flavor. That's wonderful.
45:56 I like the different fruits. Oh, that's wonderful.
45:59 Nice blend, doesn't it?
46:00 Oh, yeah it's a nice blend. I could eat, I could eat two.
46:03 Is two temperance?
46:06 It probably wouldn't be a problem.
46:08 You know, if you're diabetic check your sugar,
46:10 you know, and it might depend whatever else you ate
46:12 with your meal as to how much of these you can eat so--
46:14 Right because you get the fiber
46:15 with this too and that's a nice thing.
46:16 You do, you do. I like that.
46:17 Now as we were talking before the program Lucia,
46:20 as we eat healthier, it makes a difference in our mind,
46:26 it makes a difference in our spiritual connection.
46:28 Just this morning I was reading in 1 Corinthians "What?
46:30 Know ye not that your body
46:31 is the temple of the Holy Spirit."
46:33 So you had some story that was really powerful about
46:36 the connection between eating different
46:38 and opening up our mind to God more.
46:41 You know, I was in one of the CHIP classes
46:43 that I really saw that happen.
46:45 We had a gentleman who had been studying
46:47 the Bible for a quite bit of time
46:49 and there were certain teachings
46:51 that he was just having hard time grasping.
46:54 He was like I just-- I just don't see it,
46:56 I don't see how that's so important.
46:58 And his wife had been really trying to implement
47:01 some healthy things and she had been eating
47:04 a plant based diet and feeding her family a plant based diet
47:07 for a number of months,
47:08 but he still like to go out and get his hamburger
47:11 at lunch break or you know, have his coffee in the morning.
47:14 And other than that he had adopted
47:17 a lot of healthy changes in his life.
47:19 But when he came to the CHIP program
47:21 the first week of the program is kind of a cleanse.
47:24 And so we take out everything that's addictive
47:28 and it's very plain food for that first week
47:30 and so there was no coffee for that week there was no--
47:37 The foods he was used to eat that were not in the program?
47:39 Yeah.
47:40 It was just a healthy stuff,
47:41 mostly whole grains that sort of thing.
47:43 So he went ahead with the cleanse
47:48 and then he came into class just a couple of weeks later
47:51 and he said, you know, funniest thing happened.
47:54 Actually I think I heard the story
47:55 from his wife who told me that,
47:58 he told me this morning when he woke up
48:00 that all of sudden these teachings
48:02 that he had been struggling
48:03 with from the Bible just clicked.
48:05 And he understood them and he was able to move forward
48:08 in his walk with God
48:09 and it was just such a great example to me
48:11 of how even which might seem like small changes
48:15 can make a big change in the ability of our mind
48:18 to hear the Spirit of God speaking to us.
48:19 Amen, amen.
48:20 And to me that's really
48:21 the most important reason for healthy choices.
48:25 It's great to be better with your diabetes,
48:29 to have lower blood sugars, to feel better, it's wonderful.
48:32 But I really believe that God's purpose for us in giving us
48:37 healthy principles by which to live
48:39 was so that we could have a closer walk with Him.
48:42 Because I believe He wants to be able to talk to us
48:44 and He can only do that when we have a clear mind.
48:46 And all of His principles of health are about
48:49 how to have that clarity.
48:51 Amen, that's beautiful.
48:52 That is the whole purpose of eating different.
48:54 You are right, I love that.
48:55 At the end before we go to your address,
48:57 I want to talk about the cookbook one more time.
48:59 Of course you have it in English and in Spanish
49:01 "Flavors of Health" but you have besides recipes,
49:05 you have a lot of a little tips,
49:07 little nuggets of information.
49:09 Where did you find that and came up with that?
49:13 Different places, you know,
49:14 as I told you we've been my mother
49:15 and I have been involved in health education
49:17 for a number of years
49:18 and so we had come across things that we thought oh,
49:20 this would be helpful.
49:22 So put just little quote
49:23 or little tip here in the cookbook
49:25 as well as basic principles of diet
49:29 like things that are not just about what you eat
49:31 but may be how you eat, how often,
49:34 you know, regulatory.
49:36 I mean there is a lot of principles
49:37 that go along with healthy eating that can help us
49:41 to really get all the benefits.
49:43 It's not just about the ingredients
49:45 but it's about how we life.
49:46 Amen and it's really cute.
49:48 They have the stomach picture in several different sections.
49:50 If your stomach could talk
49:52 and that it says this is your stomach calling
49:54 please don't make me work so hard.
49:57 So there's a different cute things about that
49:59 and I love that because we do that.
50:00 You know, we just stuff it with food
50:02 and we just keep going and yeah,
50:04 so that makes a big difference, rest for the stomach.
50:07 That's right. That's right.
50:10 That's great.
50:11 Well, we want to recommend that you get this.
50:12 This is a great cookbook.
50:14 Do is there another one coming out or...
50:17 Oh, one of these days I would like to put one together
50:19 another one together with some of my favorites
50:20 that I've collected since then
50:22 but we'll see when that happens.
50:24 But in the mean time, you know,
50:25 you can use my contact information
50:27 to either get a cookbook or if you want to talk about
50:31 possibly getting some help with changes you want to make.
50:35 If you are interested in coaching services
50:38 for feeling better, for making changes
50:40 maybe you know you need to make
50:41 or your doctor's told you need to make,
50:42 but you just need a little extra help along the way.
50:45 Feel free to contact me, we can talk about it.
50:46 Absolutely.
50:47 The coaching is so great because you know,
50:49 we all need a step,
50:51 we all need help someone to come alongside us.
50:55 You know, like the Holy Spirit does,
50:56 it comes-- comes alongside
50:57 and you know we need that in the human,
50:59 in the flesh as well.
51:01 And so that's such a blessing to have someone
51:04 come alongside you and say hey, I understand
51:07 this is how we can work together,
51:10 okay, these are your goals,
51:11 I'm here as accountability and that's a great thing.
51:14 What we want to do now is to put up
51:15 the contact information for Lucia.
51:18 If you want to contact her,
51:19 we would like to encourage you to do that to get
51:21 one of these wonderful cookbooks
51:23 or possibly to have her do
51:25 that lifestyle coaching with you.
51:27 She does it via Skype or on the phone
51:30 so you could be anywhere in the world then you could get
51:32 that lifestyle coaching for yourself.
51:34 Here is the way that you can contact here for yourself.
51:40 If you would like to know how you can get the book
51:42 "Flavors of Health" or if you would like to contact Lucia,
51:45 then you could write to 3-D Health LLC,
51:49 8588 Dell Road, Kingsley, MI 49649.
51:54 That's 3-D Health LLC,
51:57 8588 Dell Road, Kingsley, MI 49649.
52:03 You can call 231-263-3974,
52:07 that's 231-263-3974.
52:12 Or you can visit them online at 3dhealthforlife.com.
52:17 It's all one word 3dhealthforlife.com.


Revised 2015-07-02