3ABN Today

Navajo Native American Church in New Mexico

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Joshua Jones, Moses & Anna Tyler


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY014101A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hi and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:09 My name is C.A Murray, and allow me once again
01:11 to thank you for sharing
01:13 just a little of your no doubt busy day with us.
01:16 To thank you once again for your love, your prayers,
01:18 your support of this ministry
01:20 for what you do to help us do what we are called to do
01:23 and that's to shine the love of Christ
01:26 throughout the world,
01:27 got a really, really good program today.
01:29 I'm excited, yay, verily.
01:32 First of all because of the work,
01:34 a mission work be it at home or abroad always excites me.
01:39 And then we got three really good looking young people.
01:42 Don't know quite how old they are
01:43 but they are younger than me
01:44 so that qualifies they're young people.
01:47 But they're doing a great work that we want to talk about,
01:50 a nation within a nation, a work within a work
01:53 that you may not be aware of even here in the United States.
01:57 We've got Moses Tyler. Moses, good to have you here.
01:59 Thank you.
02:00 Lovely wife, Anna, how you doing?
02:02 Good.
02:03 And Joshua Jones down on the end there,
02:06 really great story and really great work
02:10 that they're doing.
02:11 Their project is called the Issachar Calling
02:15 which to me that's an exciting name anyhow,
02:17 I got to ask you where did that come from?
02:19 We need to get into that.
02:21 Then we're gonna find a little bit
02:22 about your backgrounds and then get into this ministry
02:25 to the Navajo people here in the United States.
02:28 Really, really great story, so you want to draw close
02:31 because air this program shall have ended,
02:34 we gonna ask you for a little help and assistance.
02:35 We want to tell you what's going on
02:37 so that you can get the feel
02:39 of this really, really great work
02:41 that these young people are doing.
02:43 I want to start with you, Moses before we go to our music.
02:47 I asked you this before
02:48 and it's kind of a complex question.
02:51 Where are you from?
02:54 And a list that kind of long, because your parents
02:56 were in the service, were they not?
02:58 My dad was in the core, yes.
03:00 And then after that he got discharged
03:03 and he was doing construction
03:06 as a construction superintendent
03:08 he was transferred every which way,
03:11 but I was born in San Diego, ocean side really, California
03:15 and I like to say that I'm just an American.
03:21 Yeah, that kind of pasting with the nice broad brush
03:24 and so it gets that out of the way.
03:25 Give me just a little bit of the flavor of growing up?
03:28 Adventist home? Christian home?
03:30 I didn't know the Adventist message
03:32 until I was about 9, 10 years old,
03:36 almost 10 years old
03:38 and so I experienced a lot of domestic violence
03:42 and lot of, you know, that weekend partying
03:45 and stuff with my parents and so that all changed
03:50 when someone gave my dad Bible studies
03:53 and next thing you know, we were different people.
03:58 You know, we didn't eat the same,
03:59 we didn't watch the same things.
04:01 A lot of things changed that me and my brothers
04:03 all were kind of, kind of-- we were complaining like,
04:06 hey, what's going on?
04:08 But we did notice tremendous changes in our own house.
04:11 And that was, that by itself was enough to like the change.
04:16 Eventually we all realize this is good.
04:20 Was it to Christianity or Adventism in particular?
04:23 It was to Adventism in particular.
04:26 And this was in San Bernardino, California.
04:29 So you moved up the road a little bit.
04:31 Yeah, yes.
04:34 So going to church as far as your reformative years
04:37 or something that you were accustom to doing.
04:39 Yeah, pretty much.
04:41 So we-- I grew up going to
04:44 you could say Adventist church,
04:45 I was-- eventually
04:46 we moved to Tucson, Arizona.
04:48 And we did a lot of in gathering and pathfinders
04:52 and we were all involved in that
04:53 and so it was, I got to experience all of that.
04:56 Yeah. Yeah.
04:57 I got to ask you one more question
04:59 before I'll leave you and we go to Anna,
05:00 then we'd go to music before we go to Joshua
05:02 because we've got a long time to spend with him.
05:06 But in your teen age did you go through
05:09 any wilderness time as a teenager
05:12 or you pretty much-- where you pretty much
05:13 a straight Adventist all the way through?
05:16 Well, I would say that if-- I did venture probably
05:23 from about 15 years on for till I was about 25,
05:29 I really just-- I went out there,
05:35 I had my Moses experience, you know as I like to think.
05:39 So, little time into wilderness, yeah.
05:41 That's right.
05:42 Now, you were in a service also, were you not?
05:45 Yes, I was, I was in the United States navy
05:48 and I did electronics in the navy,
05:50 I was in for six years and in the navy
05:53 is where I started to realize that I needed to come back
05:56 toward my ending.
06:00 And so little by little God was working on me
06:04 before you know what I realized,
06:05 I had to get out of the navy
06:07 to do what I felt I needed to do.
06:09 Yeah, yeah, but you told me that
06:11 something kind of happened to you on a ship?
06:14 You found some material there in the ship's library?
06:18 Yeah, we were on deployment,
06:21 you know, this is after the 9/11 had happened
06:25 and I had a really good friend of mine F.C. II Olive
06:29 and he was a Baptist and he was a very pious man
06:35 and we were really good friends,
06:37 we started having studies together
06:39 and he started to get me back into religious things,
06:46 and I started realizing I needed to change my life
06:49 and then it just so happens, I found a copy
06:52 of the Desire of Ages and Steps to Christ.
06:55 Wow.
06:56 And there was this other little pamphlet
06:57 that basically had a breakdown of Adventist prophecy it was,
07:01 I forget who it was and it,
07:03 you know, it talked about Daniel and Revelation
07:06 and I remember showing my friend,
07:07 my batches friends this in.
07:09 I said, hey, you know,
07:11 and then I started showing him thing,
07:12 I found another pamphlet on the Sabbath
07:13 and I was like, wow, yeah, this is really good.
07:16 So I studied it with him, and I got him to admit yeah,
07:19 you know what, the Sabbath, yeah, it is the truth.
07:22 Saturday, the seventh day is the true Sabbath
07:26 and when I realized that I thought,
07:30 you know, I can't do this anymore,
07:33 I need to separate myself
07:36 because in the navy I was surrounded by
07:38 all kinds of influences that you can imagine,
07:41 going from port to port
07:42 and just the things you see even it's--.
07:47 Yeah.
07:48 So the Lord just happened to have these books on board ship.
07:51 You are in the middle of what ocean?
07:53 I think I was in the Indian Ocean at the time.
07:54 Yeah.
07:56 In off the coast of Djibouti they call it.
07:58 Yeah, yeah.
07:59 In Africa, when this happened but--.
08:02 And praise God.
08:03 Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
08:05 Anna, you actually do get to talk.
08:08 Firstly where are you from?
08:10 Well, I'm kind of like him, I'm from a lot of places
08:14 but Arizona isn't the main state I grew up
08:16 and I was born in California, L.A
08:20 but between southern Arizona is where I grew up.
08:27 Yeah. Adventist home growing up?
08:28 Christian home?
08:29 Yeah, pretty much, yeah, yeah.
08:31 My grandparents converted in Mexico
08:34 and so I'm kind of a third generation
08:36 I guess, yeah.
08:38 Were you practicing when you guys met?
08:41 Were you pretty solid in your--
08:43 Well, we were kids, we were like 16 years old,
08:47 we met at Prescott camp meeting,
08:50 Adventist camp meeting so we were kids
08:53 and we got married pretty young,
08:57 then we kind of left together,
09:01 I mean when he was in the military
09:04 but we stayed together.
09:05 Praise God, yeah.
09:06 So when you were in the navy on ship,
09:08 you were married?
09:09 Yes, I was.
09:13 We've been married this December,
09:15 actually in a few days will be 15 years.
09:17 15 years.
09:19 Well, you did get married, yeah.
09:23 Praise the Lord.
09:25 Yeah.
09:28 Moses admits not being a strong Adventist.
09:31 Did his weakness affect you at all
09:35 or you were you able to sort of hold on
09:36 to your faith during those times?
09:38 No, I was weak as well,
09:41 we kind of ventured out together
09:43 and I did feel like calling to come back
09:47 when he was in the navy.
09:49 Being a military wife is really hard.
09:52 It's very challenging and we have a little baby girl
09:57 and I just couldn't imagine her growing up
10:00 in the type of life we were living,
10:03 we were having lots of house parties
10:05 and you know that stuff.
10:06 And I just kept thinking like how can I not give her
10:11 the gift that I was given which is knowing Jesus,
10:16 and going to cradle roll something about cradle roll.
10:18 Yeah.
10:20 I have to take her to the cradle roll class, you know.
10:23 And because I grew up in that environment
10:26 going to Sabbath school, and so once Sabbath I just,
10:32 I was like I'm going to go to church today.
10:35 And I got her ready
10:36 and Moses was tired he said what?
10:39 You are going to church?
10:43 And so I got the baby girl dressed,
10:45 and I got dressed and I went and it was scary
10:48 because I hadn't gone back for a while,
10:50 and I didn't know anybody but everybody was so friendly,
10:54 it was in Norfolk, Virginia.
10:55 Praise the Lord.
10:56 And eventually he started coming with us
10:58 and we just kind of started coming back
11:01 and so we came back, praise the Lord, yeah.
11:04 So, Moses, was your return
11:06 kind of a dramatic, traumatic thing
11:08 or you kind of just eased your way back into, into the faith?
11:12 You know, I want to say that I eased my way in a sense,
11:15 but in a way I didn't 'cause I was still
11:17 very well holding on to the world,
11:19 I was still drinking, I was still smoking,
11:22 doing partying stuff and you know I go to church,
11:24 I started paying my tithe but I don't know.
11:28 It just doesn't feel all right. Yeah.
11:29 And, you know, one thing that I was gonna mention
11:32 that I forgot was,
11:34 when I got back from my second deployment,
11:37 I forget how old my daughter was,
11:38 I think she must have been around three,
11:41 four at the time,
11:42 and she didn't recognized me, and she was afraid of me.
11:46 And to me that was heart breaking
11:48 because here is my daughter.
11:49 Yes.
11:51 And she was hiding from me,
11:52 she was hiding behind her mother
11:54 and I saw that and I thought,
11:55 wow, this is too much,
11:58 you know I just I can't do this.
12:00 Yeah.
12:01 So it was a combination of things,
12:04 it wasn't until I really got out of the navy
12:07 that I went to some evangelistic series in Tucson
12:11 and I was then really moved
12:15 to make definite changes in my life to say,
12:19 okay, hitherto and no more,
12:21 I cannot live this double life anymore.
12:24 Yeah.
12:25 I put it all away I had, I went home that last night
12:29 and I had the wine collection,
12:32 that I had collected from France, Italy, Spain
12:35 all over the world literally South America.
12:38 I don't know how many thousands of dollars that was,
12:40 I went home and I started throwing them in the trash
12:43 and I remember this one bottle
12:45 that I had bought in Paris,
12:47 I thought, oh, man I spent so much money on this,
12:50 how can I just throw this away.
12:52 I grabbed it, I find the cork screw
12:54 and I opened it and I pour a glass
12:56 and I smell it and I taste it
12:58 and I thought I was going to enjoy it
13:00 but I guess God must have given me a hatred
13:04 for because as soon as I put it in my mouth,
13:07 it was so disgusting and I spit it out in the sink.
13:11 Yeah.
13:12 I was like, wow, this is disgusting how?
13:16 So and I looked at the bottle
13:17 and I'm like, I spent that much money on this,
13:21 so I just poured it down the sink
13:22 and I threw it even more fervor
13:24 in the big dumpster that we had outside
13:27 and I did the same with
13:28 a bunch of other stuff that I had it so.
13:30 Yeah, Anna, were you aware of this changes
13:32 that he was going through these moves?
13:34 Yes, yeah, we were going through it together
13:37 and I went to the same evangelistic meeting
13:40 and I have been going to church
13:42 but it wasn't like a 100%, it was like maybe 80%.
13:46 We're still holding on to some things
13:47 and that night we just kind of vowed
13:52 to just leave all that behind.
13:55 We got re-baptized as well
13:58 and it's been a totally different life
14:01 since then just we've been experiencing
14:03 so much happiness and joy ever since then.
14:05 Praise God.
14:07 I got to ask you before we go to our music.
14:10 Okay, you're saying,
14:11 I can't do this navy thing anymore,
14:13 and God is obviously changing your taste
14:15 and your habits.
14:17 Are you getting the direction
14:19 as to what you're gonna do with your life
14:21 'cause you are shutting down one area,
14:24 something else got to open up.
14:25 Is God giving you any kind of direction
14:27 or you're just saying, okay, I'm just leaving this behind
14:29 whatever God gives me that's what I'm gonna do.
14:32 Well, I had thought that God wanted me to finish school,
14:35 and at the same time
14:38 we started a construction business with my father
14:41 and so that's where I thought God was taking us,
14:43 so that's what we did.
14:45 And so I started, I went back to school
14:48 full time and then part time,
14:50 and then eventually I wasn't going to school
14:52 because the construction was consuming my time.
14:54 Yeah.
14:55 And then eventually the market turned
14:58 and I went back to school full time
15:00 and I finished and then my wife
15:04 was very involved with the business as well,
15:06 but I didn't-- we eventually ended up
15:08 walking away from that
15:09 because of how bad things got in Arizona.
15:15 You guys have crisscrossed the country a little bit
15:17 'cause I'm here in San Diego, Norfolk, Phoenix,
15:19 you're going back and forth.
15:24 So you're leaving construction,
15:27 is this new ministry beginning to open up to you or,
15:33 you know, let's do this
15:34 because once I get started I don't want to stop,
15:35 let's go to our music now
15:38 'cause they are gonna take us some place
15:39 and we all want to go to it together.
15:42 But our music is coming from Gylchris Sprauve
15:44 and a great friend of this ministry now,
15:46 living in the Virgin Islands, beautiful voice, beautiful guy
15:49 and he's gonna be singing a beautiful song.
16:02 Some people
16:06 Want to caught to match perceptions
16:12 To lead them
16:16 In their own direction
16:20 But can you follow
16:25 When you don't understand
16:30 When the path you're on
16:32 Is not the cause you bless
16:39 You can't see
16:43 A king without a kingdom
16:48 And in your minds
16:52 I should read your lines of pain
16:56 But through my eyes I see another plan
17:01 When that selfish hearts can't understand
17:05 The king wants to save the lost
17:10 He trades His crown for a cross
17:15 Will you worship Him now?
17:20 Will you worship Him now?
17:24 Hanging here between the earth and sky
17:28 On the cross willing to die for you
17:34 Will You Worship Me Now?
17:38 Will You Worship Me Now?
17:42 I'm before you without my crown I'm your Savior,
17:49 My head's hung down
17:51 And the question I place on your heart
17:55 Will You Worship Me Now?
18:14 Things go wrong
18:18 In your life without a reason
18:23 And naturally
18:27 You want someone to explain
18:32 So then you come to me
18:36 crying Lord, why this pain
18:41 Did I not confess
18:44 My sins in Jesus' name?
18:50 There is one thing
18:54 You've just got to realize
18:58 I am still God full of mercy
19:05 Strong and wise
19:07 So would you trust in my master plan?
19:12 In which I live and die like mortal man
19:17 Your faith and my strength will grow
19:21 And then I can really know
19:26 If you'll worship Me now?
19:31 Will you worship Him now?
19:35 Hanging here between the earth and sky
19:39 On the cross willing to die for you
19:44 Will you worship Me now?
19:48 Will you worship Me now?
19:52 I'm before you without my crown
19:56 I'm your Savior, My head's hung down
20:01 And the question I place on your heart
20:05 Will you worship Me
20:07 When a faith does not equal faith
20:11 You should know I will always be there
20:15 To strengthen and comfort
20:18 And care for you
20:24 In the darkness of all that you face
20:28 I will let you my mercy and grace
20:35 The question we miss
20:38 Will you worship Me now?
20:42 Will you worship Me now?
20:46 I'm before you without My crown I'm your Savior,
20:53 My head's hung down
20:56 And the question I place on your heart
21:03 Will you worship Me now?
21:15 The question I place on your heart
21:34 Will you worship Me now?
21:46 Amen, Gylchris Sprauve, good buddy, good friend,
21:49 "Will you worship Me now."
21:51 Well done.
21:52 My guests, Moses Tyler, Anna Tyler, Joshua Jones,
21:55 a good looking all and when we left,
21:59 you were kind of in transition
22:01 because you were putting the old life behind
22:04 and sort of waiting on a Lord to show you
22:06 what was coming up.
22:08 I want to move you along so we can get to that
22:11 good looking young man on the end there,
22:13 so that he didn't become a hood ornament,
22:15 we want him to talk
22:17 but you are saying goodbye to your old life.
22:20 Obviously, God is moving you some place else.
22:24 Tell me what the Issachar Calling,
22:27 where that name came from?
22:31 Well, I guess I'm the one who came up with it,
22:35 and I saw it as,
22:39 you know that not many people realize
22:41 or remember that it's one of the 12 tribes.
22:44 And I started looking into it,
22:48 it all started with a sermon that I heard by Dwight Nelson,
22:52 and it was a while back ago
22:56 but I started looking more into this tribe
23:00 'cause I have never heard of it,
23:02 and I started realizing things about this tribe
23:04 that I was fascinated with
23:07 and especially in Second Chronicles 12:32.
23:09 Yeah.
23:10 Where we are told that they were,
23:11 you know, the children that knew of the times and seasons
23:15 and what Israel ought to do.
23:16 What to do, yes.
23:17 And so I especially liked
23:21 Jacob's prophecy about this tribe
23:25 where he refers to them as a donkey
23:28 that lies down to so that he can be two burdens yeah.
23:33 So I look at this tribe and I think wow,
23:35 they are servants, they are ready
23:42 and willing to serve
23:45 and they're actively doing it and they served
23:49 when they carried our Jesus into Jerusalem.
23:52 They served in many other instances when they carried,
23:55 you know, Jesus away from Bethlehem to Egypt,
23:58 I mean there is so many other things so I thought,
24:00 you know, we need more,
24:02 we need to call more people to be servants.
24:06 And, you know, donkeys don't talk,
24:07 except in the one instance with Balaam.
24:09 One time.
24:10 That was the supernatural event
24:12 and so we should be more like this
24:16 or there should be less complaining, less talking,
24:19 more action, more active service.
24:21 Yes.
24:22 And, you know, being delighted to do this service to--
24:27 Hey, let me carry that burden for you.
24:30 You know, when we start having this thinking upon others
24:33 rather than on ourselves that I really think that
24:38 we can start to do more for Gods work.
24:39 Yeah.
24:41 So that's kind of why I said the Issachar Calling
24:43 because I feel like we need to call other people to do this.
24:46 Do the work.
24:47 Tell me about the day,
24:48 you went looking-- you went driving,
24:51 you heard about some ruins
24:52 and you found upon a particular ruin,
24:55 actually the ruin of an Adventist church.
24:57 Tell me about that thing?
24:59 Okay, so we are on our way to Colorado,
25:05 and we went to Colorado and eventually on our way back,
25:09 we drove through Chinle, Arizona,
25:13 it's on the Navajo Reservation
25:14 although at the time I didn't know it.
25:16 I didn't even know that Navajo Reservation existed.
25:20 I particularly wanted to go to see Canyon De Chelly
25:24 where there are native American ruins there.
25:28 And so my wife and I we detoured a little bit
25:31 and we went there and as we were leaving,
25:33 it was a beautiful, beautiful hike
25:36 and as we were coming leaving to go back towards Tucson,
25:41 we stumbled upon a sign that was in--
25:45 you know, you could barely even read it,
25:47 it was so bad but it said
25:49 Chinle Seventh-day Adventist church
25:51 and it had an arrow, so we were like wow,
25:54 and so we pulled in and we drove,
25:58 we went to go find this church
26:00 'cause I didn't realize who, who's out here.
26:03 Yeah.
26:05 So we find this church
26:07 and we-- at first we couldn't
26:08 even believe the sign for the church
26:11 and school was knocked over.
26:15 And then there was a ginormous,
26:18 I think it was a Cottonwood tree that had fallen over
26:20 and into one of the buildings and all along the property,
26:24 there was cottonwood trees that had fallen on the fence
26:27 and there was just so much damage.
26:29 The roof were lifted up, and so I saw this
26:32 and immediately my heart was crying out like why Lord?
26:37 Why does Your church have to look like this?
26:41 You know in such disrepair.
26:42 Was anybody worshiping in that church at a time?
26:44 Was sort of, kind of just abandoned
26:46 Well, it looked abandoned
26:47 but there was still a small congregation there,
26:51 but they happened to be somewhere else
26:53 and so eventually a lady came that one of the teachers
27:00 that live there and she gave us a tour.
27:02 And we saw even more of the disrepair,
27:06 you know this apparently she told us a storm came,
27:09 knocked over a bunch of trees and it cause a lot of damage.
27:12 So she was pleading with us to please help if we could
27:16 and so we went back to Tucson,
27:18 we showed a bunch of pictures
27:20 that we had taken to several churches in the Tucson area
27:23 and we were able to raise about $5,000
27:26 that we took back to Chinle, about how long was it?
27:30 I think a week later.
27:32 So you got that $5,000 pretty fast.
27:34 Yeah. Yeah, praise God.
27:35 And so then we use that fund
27:37 or those funds to build a new sign out of block wall
27:40 that was later stuck hood
27:41 and then we put a new sign that was lit,
27:44 and you know we did all the electrical
27:46 and then we did painting on the building
27:49 and we repaired a lot of stuff
27:51 and replaced windows that were broken,
27:53 get some roof repaired
27:54 and collected, we took a dump truck with us
27:57 and we collected a bunch of trash
27:59 and hauled it to the dump.
28:01 But so we had a lot of people that came with us
28:04 from Tucson to help with that
28:06 and that was our first experience.
28:07 I've got to say this, the Lord
28:08 kind of put the bit in your mouth pretty fast,
28:11 I mean you got locked into this real quick.
28:13 Yeah.
28:15 It was that-- was that
28:16 the sort of genesis of your wanting
28:18 to work among the Navajo people.
28:21 That was a-- yeah,
28:22 it wasn't necessarily the Navajo as much as it was,
28:26 we wanted to do something more,
28:28 'cause we were even trying to go overseas
28:30 but we had a lot of debt at the time
28:32 and we were counseled that,
28:33 you know, take care of your debt first.
28:34 All right.
28:36 So we-- that's what we did.
28:37 Yeah, so you were a mission in search of something to do,
28:42 I mean you had this thing in your heart,
28:45 you just needed a place to function.
28:48 And God has given you a place to function.
28:50 Now, I want to--
28:51 because I want to get to Joshua real quick,
28:53 but we were talking,
28:56 the Navajo nation is pretty large, is it not?
28:59 Yes. Give me some number?
29:01 Well, the most recent facts that I saw was
29:05 from a native-- newspaper
29:10 and it says that as of the most recent senses
29:12 that there are currently 332, 000 Navajos,
29:17 Navajo native Americans
29:20 and out of those I believe it's 44,000
29:24 live off the reservations
29:25 so the great majority live on the reservation.
29:27 On reservation.
29:28 And that reservation covers about what size?
29:32 Well, the size of the Navajo Reservation
29:35 is compared to almost being about the same in size
29:41 with the state of West Virginia.
29:43 So we are talking about fairly good slice of land.
29:46 Yes.
29:47 Within the United States.
29:49 Yes. That--
29:51 How is Christianity accepted, rejected?
29:56 How is it doing in the Navajo nation?
29:59 Well, I can tell you my experience,
30:01 and perhaps Josh can give you his.
30:03 Come into.
30:04 So what I have seen is, as Adventists
30:08 we don't have many churches, we have plans
30:12 but what we need are workers.
30:14 Yeah.
30:15 What we need are dedicated people
30:17 with the missionary spirit that are willing to commit.
30:21 Christianity is all over the res,
30:23 but unfortunately the Christianity that exists
30:27 has given Christ a bad name.
30:31 Because of the many things
30:33 that have been done in Christ name
30:36 and it's unfortunate so we go in there
30:39 as just another Christian.
30:41 oh, you are just one of them.
30:43 So we have to, we have to use
30:46 different methods of approaching
30:48 of reaching of winning their hearts.
30:51 Yes. Right.
30:53 And so that's where we have the advantage
30:55 because we have been given knowledge
30:58 on how to reach people,
31:00 you know, in a more successful manner.
31:04 The health message as a massage,
31:06 is that something that
31:07 the Navajo would find appealing?
31:09 Yes, very much so because
31:11 the Navajo are already very much into,
31:16 you know, natural methods, herbs
31:20 and even hydrotherapy believe it or not
31:22 and so lot of this stuff they see it and they go.
31:25 Wow, yeah, you know,
31:26 they want, they except stuff like that.
31:28 Grateful, very good very good.
31:30 Joshua man, you actually get to talk.
31:33 Thank you. Thank you.
31:34 I thought I was just decoration.
31:37 We don't want you to be a hood ornament
31:38 for the whole program.
31:40 Tell me how you met up these guys?
31:42 Well, actually, actually met up with him in 2010 once my mom,
31:48 where we attended a seminar in Pinon hills
31:51 or at Pinon Hills church in Farmington, New Mexico.
31:54 It was quite a while back, I met him,
31:58 I really thought they are strange people to be honest.
32:02 When I first came into an Adventist church
32:04 I thought everybody was strange,
32:06 specially well, while I talked with some guys
32:11 from Amazing Facts
32:13 and they are talking to me about my music
32:15 and back then I was just, I wanted to keep my music
32:20 and I wanted to keep my diet,
32:22 I was eating like a, like a heathen, like--
32:27 Now, I got to walk you through some stuff
32:29 because your mom is here.
32:30 We met a really, really wonderful person.
32:33 Did you had any Christian influences
32:34 in your home at all growing up?
32:37 Well, I did actually but it was more of--
32:42 Hmm, how should I say this, it was more...
32:46 We did go to church, it was the door church.
32:49 We went to church on Sunday, so it was a Sunday church
32:53 and back then I wasn't really serious about church,
32:55 I just-- we went to church like oh,
32:57 we are going to church
32:58 and then once we come back I'd be like,
33:00 oh, man, I got that over with,
33:01 now I can go ski or now I can go do whatever.
33:03 Right.
33:04 So it's kind of a nominal thing,
33:05 it wasn't something that was really in your heart.
33:07 You have brothers and sisters?
33:08 Yes, I do, I have three brothers and one sister.
33:11 Now where are you in that line?
33:12 Well, I'm actually second to the oldest.
33:17 When Adventism began to work its way in to your life?
33:22 Was it something you fought against?
33:24 You said it really kind of, kind of strange really,
33:28 because it's gonna separate you
33:29 from lot of the stuff that you're accustomed.
33:30 Exactly.
33:32 So, it's something that you fought against?
33:33 Well, it was actually something I did fight against
33:37 because back then I just really wanted
33:39 to stick with my music, you know.
33:41 I really, I don't know what it was,
33:44 I say just had a hold on me through music
33:47 and I didn't want to let go of that.
33:49 I didn't want to let go of just the food I was eating
33:53 because I heard the health message,
33:56 so it was pretty hard.
33:58 Yeah, now we-- you said the food you're eating,
34:00 a lot of pork I suspect?
34:02 Pork, beef, ham.
34:07 Wow, a whole lot, bloonies.
34:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
34:11 so Adventism got his hand in your refrigerator?
34:13 Yeah. Right away.
34:14 Yep, yep, exactly.
34:16 And you've got some decisions to make.
34:19 As far as your, your brothers and sisters your siblings,
34:22 were they struggling as you were
34:24 or was it little easier for them?
34:27 They are struggling because,
34:29 you know, they're still younger.
34:30 Yeah.
34:31 So they don't, they won't really accept it as I would
34:35 because I have matured more and I understand,
34:38 I read about it and they just go on,
34:41 you know, they are little
34:42 so they just go about their day,
34:44 they play, they think yeah,
34:46 you know, you know, I'm talking about yeah.
34:48 Very sure.
34:49 Now was your mom buying this new Adventist thing
34:54 was she accepting at herself?
34:55 Yes, she was, she was.
34:58 She was actually the one who prompted it.
35:00 She wanted us to change.
35:02 She is like you know what, we need to change our diet.
35:04 We need to change what we eat.
35:06 She even saw through everybody at church
35:09 like to be honest when I came to the church
35:12 I was wondering what sort of food they are eating
35:15 because it tastes so plain, it was so plain and I was,
35:18 I didn't really like it but now I love it.
35:22 I cannot stand anything else.
35:24 Yeah.
35:25 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
35:26 What?
35:27 And I use this terminology, Josh.
35:29 What did it for you?
35:32 Because you said we are doing the Sunday thing
35:34 kind of just, we are just doing it
35:35 but obliviously something happened
35:37 to change your relationship with Jesus.
35:40 What did that for you?
35:42 What helped me change in my relationship with Jesus?
35:46 Well, honestly it was through the health message.
35:49 I found out that,
35:51 you know as sister White most of her,
35:55 most of her teachings were from the early--
35:59 from the 18th century-- not the 18th century
36:02 but the 1800s and early 1900s back then
36:06 they didn't really push health reform and I saw that as,
36:09 it was striking to me like,
36:10 wow, this woman knew about
36:13 all of this before everybody else.
36:16 How could she know?
36:18 How could she preach this to everybody?
36:20 When everybody thinks it's well for them.
36:23 And so I since she was a prophet
36:29 then that that, that drew me closer.
36:33 Praise the Lord.
36:34 How did you guys, I use the term hooked up,
36:37 what brought you all together?
36:40 Well, Corey, and Joshua's mom
36:43 and the family started to come into church
36:45 and we just kind of became their friends
36:48 and we just, we would talk to them about things,
36:54 you know, when they would ask us like,
36:56 how come you guys do that or what's that?
36:57 You know, they had a lot of questions
36:59 and specially Josh have a lot of questions
37:01 and we just kind of formed a friendship with them
37:04 and we started studying prophesy
37:10 and the Bible and just got to know them
37:16 and our kids became friends with the kids
37:20 and actually Josh's siblings comes to the school
37:23 and we just, I guess formed friendships at church.
37:30 Now, I've got to ask you,
37:31 try to link some things together.
37:32 That original church that you began working with,
37:34 that you saw in that deliberated state,
37:36 is that now your church
37:37 or we talking about another church?
37:39 No, no we are in Waterflow in New Mexico now
37:42 which is in the Four Corners
37:44 and that's the one that Doug Batchelor founded
37:47 with both Wright Family and other families out there
37:51 the Adventist back in like '83.
37:54 So that the church that you are now a part of is
37:57 "Doug Batchelor church."
37:59 Yeah, the one, of course the one that is.
38:00 At Waterflow.
38:01 Tell me a little a bit about how your ministry functions.
38:04 What are you trying to do?
38:06 What are you seeking to do?
38:08 And how are you seeking to do it?
38:11 Well, we have a burden to reach those
38:16 that have been hurt out there, and that are hurting
38:21 and they just don't have the light that we have been given.
38:24 We just want to share what we know.
38:27 And like we were talking before,
38:29 there is a lot of health issues out there,
38:31 diabetes is prevalent
38:33 and all kinds of issues out there
38:37 and so we are burdened to start a--
38:43 first of all an elementary mission school out there
38:46 which we got that going,
38:48 but along with that we want to also do community outreach,
38:54 have a small type of lifestyle center
38:57 where we can teach what we know
39:00 and you know, he is gonna,
39:02 Moses is gonna talk about that later
39:04 but we kind of just want to focus on helping
39:09 the community that we are at
39:11 and which is what am I offering to reservation
39:14 and so that our goal is to reach those around us
39:19 in the reservation.
39:22 Joshua, you kind of got into a health bug
39:24 also, have you not?
39:25 Yes.
39:26 Yeah, it's kind of something you wanted to do.
39:27 Talk me about what you want to do
39:29 as far as far as practicing what you now know.
39:32 Well, and coming this semester,
39:36 this coming semester I'm going to be attending
39:38 Wildwood College of Health Evangelism,
39:41 so I will be learning different sort of,
39:43 different healing methods
39:45 and I will be helping Anna and Moses.
39:51 Yeah, I'll be helping Anna and Moses, yeah.
39:54 Praise the Lord.
39:55 So you got to go where we are talking to--
39:57 Georgia. To Georgia. Yeah.
39:58 And then and you will get training
40:00 and then come on back.
40:01 Yes, I'm coming back.
40:02 But obliviously health is something you want to do,
40:04 to help your own people.
40:05 It is definitely something I want to do,
40:07 because so many people they just don't know--
40:11 They don't know what they are eating is harmful to them.
40:14 You know, there the hospitals in Shiprock, New Mexico
40:19 on the reservation,
40:20 they do promote health but they promote--
40:24 They promote healthy eating yet they don't talk about GMOs,
40:30 they don't talk about BHTs they don't talk about MSGs
40:35 what's harmful to the body.
40:37 And I think that it's that we help out,
40:44 that we tell them what--
40:47 We tell them what they are eating.
40:51 Is diet one of the main causes to the health problems
40:58 that the Navajo faces?
41:00 Is it a lot of lifestyle stuff that's really a problem?
41:04 Yes, yes, actually four, four out of--
41:08 This was conducted by the Tuba City Hospital.
41:12 Four out of ten Navajo's on the Navajo Reservation,
41:15 they have diabetes or they have pre diabetes.
41:17 Wow.
41:18 Yeah, four out of ten,
41:20 so that's about 120,000 native Americans,
41:23 Navajos in general who have diabetes or pre diabetes
41:27 and I want to help through because you know,
41:29 diabetes can be prevented through diet.
41:34 You just have to give them a plant based diet
41:38 and then they will--
41:39 The diabetes it will, it will flee.
41:42 You know, I was talking with Danny Shelton the other day
41:43 and he's saying, you know,
41:44 if you gonna take away my $10 bill,
41:46 you got to give me a 20.
41:47 You know, I don't have any problem with you
41:49 taking my 10 if you give me 20,
41:51 but if you take away my 10 and give me nothing,
41:53 so what I'm saying is that when you,
41:57 when you take away what they are eating,
41:59 you got to replace that with stuff, you know,
42:01 that they got to be willing to accept.
42:03 Do you find resistance to that or does it, does it work?
42:06 Are they accepting of new ways
42:09 as far as eating and that kind of thing?
42:12 Well, I think they resist a little
42:15 because they do tend to eat like vast amounts of junk food.
42:20 Actually I read about this the other day
42:23 that Navajo nation, they started taxing junk food.
42:27 In Navajo nation alone, they started--
42:29 They put a tax on junk food.
42:31 But I do think that they will accept it
42:33 because our ancestors they ate a lot of,
42:38 they eat corn and they ate, everything was organic,
42:43 everything was organic
42:44 and I've heard that they want to do that again.
42:47 So I think that this will really--
42:51 Of course this will really work.
42:53 Yeah, yeah.
42:54 Is that the tact that you're thinking about
42:56 taking in Issachar Calling also to really lead with health?
43:00 Well, yes, we of course want to equip them
43:06 with something better.
43:08 We don't just go in and meet people
43:11 and we are like oh, you have babies,
43:13 well, you need to stop eating this and eating that.
43:15 You know, we always treat them--
43:19 Well, do you want to try this?
43:21 You know, we will make the food.
43:24 We are not pushy, we're not like you know.
43:29 Yeah, cut down that kind of thing you're eating up.
43:30 Yeah. Yeah.
43:31 It's just try this,
43:33 try that and many times
43:36 I mean I want to say 9 times out of 10 they'll love it,
43:39 and they will ask us for the recipe
43:42 and we just really have to form friendships with them,
43:46 invite them to our house.
43:49 The cultural thing where you invite people to come
43:52 to eat to your house and they love that, you know,
43:55 and even at church we'll have healthy food at potlucks
43:58 and we really want--
44:02 When Josh gets back we're gonna be doing like
44:04 cooking classes and nutrition type of education.
44:09 So of course we're gonna offer something better than
44:13 that junk food and, you know...
44:15 Yeah. You will give me a 20. Yeah.
44:17 Next time you're gonna give them 20.
44:18 We'll give them a 40.
44:21 Praise the Lord. Let me ask this.
44:23 Is your church behind you in this?
44:25 You have the support of your church?
44:26 Yes.
44:27 Yeah, because the numbers you threw it
44:29 and they are staggering.
44:30 You're talking about a population
44:31 the size of State of West Virginia,
44:33 300,000 plus people.
44:36 So you got to get some help, you know.
44:40 And I think it will grow
44:41 because I think it's a God thing first of all
44:43 and I think the Lord wants it to grow.
44:45 And I don't think He wants the population sitting here
44:47 in the middle of the United States,
44:49 some who have,
44:50 as you said no running water, no electricity,
44:53 but also not to know what to put in my body
44:58 to make me better, to make me live longer,
45:00 to make me a better tool in the hands of God.
45:02 So that is a really, really great thing.
45:06 As you look down the road to the future,
45:09 what's on the agenda?
45:11 What's on the table for the future?
45:13 Well, we--
45:16 I completely forgot about the pictures we had.
45:18 Yeah, let's-- let's go to those pictures.
45:19 We both, we both did, yeah. Let's put those pictures.
45:22 Now we gonna look at some things, yes.
45:23 This first picture shows us in Albuquerque,
45:26 we're at the Texico Conference Camp Meeting
45:29 and Doug Batchelor happened to be there
45:30 and he took a picture with my wife
45:32 and one of our teachers to the left,
45:35 and that's my daughter Isabelle on the bottom right.
45:37 So just, you know,
45:39 it's kind of a special thing 'cause a lot of the members,
45:43 you know, they remember that
45:44 Doug Batchelor started that church.
45:47 So I think in the following pictures
45:51 that we have pictures of the students
45:53 that we have at our elementary school
45:55 that we just started K through 8 really.
45:57 And this is Zak. He's got a special testimony.
46:01 He's a third grader and he...
46:06 He was struggling in public school
46:09 and he's struggling to read
46:13 and he was already in third grade
46:15 and now he's doing much better.
46:16 He is just, he's happy and we have so many testimonies
46:21 from the kids that we find at the school.
46:23 You know, we have kids that were being severely bullied
46:27 and now in a safe Christian loving
46:31 family oriented environment because our kids,
46:34 they're like a family with the teachers.
46:36 So you got a church and a school?
46:38 Yes. How big is the school?
46:39 We have 12 kids right now but it's our first year.
46:43 Oh, you're just starting?
46:44 We just started.
46:45 I need to say that your ministry is fairly new,
46:48 it's fairly young.
46:49 When did Issachar Calling begin?
46:52 Well, officially we recently filed for 501c3 status.
46:59 But we've been functioning as a,
47:01 I guess as a ministry for about two and a half years.
47:04 Uh-huh.
47:06 Who's teaching in the school? Who's the teacher?
47:08 We have two teachers,
47:10 we have Laricia Crabtree
47:11 and we have Miss Cynthia Johnson.
47:14 Cynthia Risk.
47:15 I'm sorry, Miss Cynthia Risk
47:17 and so Miss Cynthia Risk came from La Vida
47:21 which is another mission that's about 70 miles
47:22 from where we are.
47:23 La Vida is where Josh's mom went to school as a child.
47:28 It's a mission school.
47:31 But either way if we can show
47:34 some of the next pictures so we can...
47:35 So this is just some of the kids you can see
47:37 and I'm not sure what they're doing here,
47:39 they're planting something.
47:40 Planting seedlings.
47:42 Here they are just playing on a little swing
47:43 that we have on a tree.
47:45 I love this picture
47:46 because we see all different nationalities here.
47:48 Right.
47:49 We have this girl in the middle,
47:50 she's a Messianic Jew
47:52 whose mom is married to a Navajo.
47:54 Wow.
47:55 And so that's why they're there.
47:57 Yeah, yeah.
47:58 And here we have the kids that
48:00 we actually picked the corn that same morning
48:04 from the field of one of our church members
48:06 and then we went home and made Kneeldown bread
48:08 to the school really and then we made kneel--
48:10 The children made the Kneeldown bread
48:11 I should say and if you go to those,
48:12 some of the next pictures, I think it might show.
48:14 Oh, we got to ask. What is Kneeldown bread?
48:16 You kneel down while you make it.
48:18 Josh will speak for that word.
48:20 Yeah, Josh, walk us through that.
48:21 What is that? All right.
48:22 Kneeldown bread is actually
48:23 more of a Navajo traditional dish.
48:26 Uh-huh.
48:27 You make it by grinding corn and then you mix,
48:31 you make it into sort of...
48:33 Dough.
48:34 Yeah, sort of a dough
48:35 and then you place it within the corn,
48:38 the corn husks and then you bake it in the ground.
48:41 That's almost like
48:42 what my wife's country would call it tamale,
48:44 you put it back in the--
48:45 Yeah, it's almost like that. It's actually really good.
48:48 Yeah, it is very good. It's very good.
48:50 They bake it in the ground which is cool.
48:53 Yeah, they actually bake it in the ground.
48:54 Yeah. I like that. Yeah.
48:56 Okay, let's go back to some of the other pictures, yeah.
48:57 So in the next picture,
48:58 we have here the kids are planting,
49:00 we have them doing life skills so here you see them,
49:03 they're planting crops,
49:04 they planted lettuce and greens and I forgot,
49:07 what else, tomatoes, we had tomatoes,
49:10 spinach and stuff, you know.
49:12 And then we have--
49:14 You can see some of the tomato plants there.
49:15 Oh, wow. Yeah.
49:17 Shortly after these pictures were taken our
49:19 gardening season was over.
49:21 So we have to tell the children,
49:24 we're not gonna have gardening class anymore
49:27 and they were all, what?
49:28 Yeah.
49:29 They love it,
49:31 so we recently were able to get a greenhouse
49:34 and so we're gonna be able to do
49:36 the gardening culture year round now.
49:39 Now this is all in Waterford?
49:40 Waterflow. Yeah.
49:41 Waterflow. Yes.
49:42 Like Waterford, like Waterflow.
49:46 All right. Do we have more pictures?
49:47 Yes, we have a few more.
49:48 So here is one of the building that
49:49 we're working on it right now,
49:50 it's almost completed
49:52 but this is going to serve eventually
49:54 as a fellowship/cafeteria.
49:57 We just recently acquired another building
49:59 with two class rooms.
50:01 We would like to acquire another building,
50:02 if you go to the next slide I believe,
50:05 basically it's what it is,
50:06 that was using the Mesa Unified School District
50:08 down in Phoenix.
50:09 So we are having it transported,
50:11 but we really wanted to
50:12 'cause we need the classroom space.
50:14 We could only afford one and even then we--
50:17 There's still so much work to do
50:19 but nevertheless at least so that the kids
50:20 can have the permanent classroom,
50:23 because right now we are renting space
50:24 from a Sunday church and then eventually
50:27 we would like to even expand and acquire some property
50:31 where we can, you know,
50:33 farm and stuff like that on a more large scale.
50:35 We do have a tractor
50:37 I think it's the next picture and it's not paid off yet,
50:42 we still owe, you know, some money on it,
50:44 but we use it for a lot of the things to prepare
50:47 the soil and for so many other things
50:51 but nevertheless, we do have a--
50:55 We are missing one girl here.
50:56 Oh, yeah.
50:57 This is the group picture of the school.
51:00 Writing with the banners on the back.
51:02 The name of the school is Tse'Bit'Ai,
51:04 Tse and then b-i-t-a-i
51:07 with different hyphens and stuff on it
51:09 and it means rock with wings in Navajo.
51:11 Oh, wow.
51:13 So I think that was our final slide picture.
51:19 We are getting ready
51:21 and I want you to prepare yourself
51:22 to go our address roll.
51:24 And the reason I'm saying like this
51:26 because we've seen the needs,
51:27 one they need to pay off this tractor, amen.
51:30 Two probably there're couple of shackles,
51:32 to get Josh through school.
51:34 Three they want--
51:38 The building that you showed us--
51:39 How much ballpark for that building?
51:41 Well, we acquire that for--
51:45 What was it?
51:46 Basically it comes out to around 12,000.
51:48 12,000. Okay.
51:49 And you want another,
51:50 not just want another, need another.
51:51 We need another. It's okay.
51:52 So you need, we need 24,000 for a couple of buildings.
51:56 This is a new ministry that God has birth
52:00 in the heart of Moses and Anna and Josh also.
52:05 And it's a ministry to a group that wouldn't necessarily be
52:10 ministered to except the Lord put the burden on them.
52:14 You've got a large group of people
52:15 right here in the United States.
52:18 So if you looking for missionary work,
52:20 you don't have to get on a plane
52:21 and fly to India or Africa or South East Asia,
52:25 you got a mission field right here
52:27 and you'll forgive my pejorative of English,
52:29 it ain't a small one, it's a big missionary,
52:33 that needs a lot of work
52:34 that is responding to the gospel
52:37 and we need to help them.
52:38 Should you like to be a part of the Issachar Calling
52:42 to support what they are doing,
52:44 here's the information that you're gonna need.
52:48 If you'd like to know more about this ministry
52:50 or how you can support it,
52:52 then you can write to The Issachar Calling,
52:55 P.O. Box 196, Waterflow, New Mexico 87421.
53:01 That's The Issachar Calling,
53:03 P.O. Box 196, Waterflow, New Mexico 87421.
53:09 You can call 520-250-4140.
53:14 That's 520-250-4140.
53:17 Or you can visit them online at theIssacharCalling.org.
53:23 That's theIssacharCalling.org.
53:27 Contact them today.
53:29 They would love to hear from you.


Revised 2015-01-29