3ABN Today

God's Beautiful Heavens

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Jim Burr


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY014100A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to another "3ABN today program."
01:10 I am so blessed today.
01:11 We're so blessed to have Brother Jim Berg.
01:14 Jim, it's good to have you here.
01:15 Good to be here, Danny.
01:16 And you're the president of Heaven's Declare.
01:19 I like that incorporated, Heaven's Declare.
01:22 I will tell this, Jim is one of my
01:23 favorite people to come here.
01:25 I'll tell you why.
01:26 He's one of the most interesting individuals
01:29 you'll ever meet and very balanced.
01:32 Just that one plane ride I had with you
01:34 couple of years ago,
01:35 somewhere from ASI we sat by each other.
01:37 I said, I could listen this guy because I learned so much.
01:41 And Jim is very balanced and I love that about.
01:44 Now that as you know Jim,
01:45 we got people gone off this side of boat
01:47 and fallen out over here so to find somebody did it,
01:51 that it's solid, it's straight down in the middle,
01:54 it's balanced and got common sense.
01:57 You know, so I find it a blessing today,
01:59 to have you here and the knowledge that
02:01 you have gained over many, many years of studying the universe,
02:06 the stars and I mean the astronomy.
02:08 This is--
02:10 This is something that you've been doing
02:12 from many, many years.
02:13 Did this start, it started out as a hobby?
02:15 Yes, that's right.
02:17 I think we started 3ABN about 27 year --
02:19 21 years ago and we did 16 programs
02:21 and Christian concerns.
02:23 We'll have our programs on astronomy starting--
02:25 I think 94 or something like that.
02:27 Now it's been a long time, hasn't it?
02:29 Yeah.
02:30 And this thing has just grown and grown
02:31 but the communications and the--
02:36 That has developed so much
02:38 in the last 27 years from the time you came,
02:42 we know so much more than we knew back then, right.
02:45 That's right.
02:46 Talk about Daniel says, the last events we be rapid,
02:50 you know, men run to and fro knowledge shall be increased.
02:53 And this gonna be a great program.
02:55 We actually have some videos
02:56 from the Hubble or what is it called?
02:58 Yeah, we have some clips from the Hubble.
02:59 Some video clips we got some pictures.
03:01 We're gonna talk about God's great universe.
03:04 Reminds me that song,
03:05 "How big is God, how big and wide is His vast domain,
03:08 To try to tell these lips can only start,
03:11 He's big enough to rule the mighty universe,
03:13 but most importantly He is small enough
03:15 to live within our hearts."
03:17 We serve a great big wonderful God.
03:20 Today we have some special music
03:23 and talk about favorite people
03:25 this is also one of my favorite people
03:26 and singers here today Margie Salcedo-Rice
03:30 and she is gonna be doing a medley about heaven.
03:48 There's a land that is fairer than day
03:54 And by faith we shall see it afar
04:01 For the father waits over the way
04:07 To prepare us a dwelling place there
04:14 In the sweet by and by
04:21 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
04:28 In the sweet by and by
04:34 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
04:41 In the sweet by and by
04:48 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
04:54 In the sweet by and by
05:01 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
05:08 By and by
05:11 When the morning comes
05:13 When the saints of
05:16 God are gathered home
05:19 We shall tell the story
05:22 How we've overcome
05:25 We'll understand it better
05:27 By and by
05:30 We'll understand it better
05:33 By and by
05:38 On that resurrection morning
05:40 When the trump of God shall sound
05:42 We shall rise, we shall rise
05:47 Then the saints will come rejoicing
05:49 And no tears will e'er be found
05:51 We shall rise, we shall rise
05:56 We shall rise, Hallelujah! We shall rise!
05:59 Amen! We shall rise!
06:02 On that resurrection morning
06:05 When the prison bars are broken
06:07 We shall rise, we shall rise
06:48 We shall rise, Hallelujah!
06:51 We shall rise!
06:56 Oh, face to face I shall behold Him
07:03 Far beyond the starry sky
07:10 Oh, face to face in all His glory
07:18 I shall see Him
07:20 By and by
07:25 Oh, face to face I shall behold Him
07:33 Far beyond the starry sky
07:40 Oh, face to face in all His glory
07:47 I shall see Him by and by
07:55 By, I shall see Him
08:03 Face to face
08:14 To face
08:21 Amen. Thank you, Margie.
08:22 That's a toe tapper, that's a happy song.
08:25 And when we are talking about Saint Jesus face to face,
08:28 rightfully it should be but I've found out
08:30 something about her today.
08:31 I've always thought her as violinist
08:33 but I found out she got little country in her
08:35 because she is fiddling today.
08:36 There is difference, if you don't know
08:38 you have t stick around and listen little bit.
08:40 There's a difference between a fiddling,
08:42 when you're fiddling or when you're playing a violin
08:45 but she can do both.
08:46 Thank you so much for your music
08:48 and your dedication to the Lord.
08:49 Again my guest today, our guest today
08:51 is Brother Jim Berg.
08:53 Jim, once again it's great to have you here
08:55 and I don't want to take up anymore time.
08:57 I want to give you the other 45 minutes
08:59 or so that's left because you have
09:01 some incredible information for us today.
09:03 Well, praise the Lord.
09:05 You know, I thought it would be good for us
09:06 to get everybody on the same page.
09:08 You've probably seen this before.
09:09 And the first picture is gonna show us
09:10 how small the Earth is, compared to the sun.
09:13 And you see at tiny little spec,
09:15 we could put million Earths inside the sun.
09:18 And our sun is just kind of an average star.
09:21 It's nothing really big or special about it.
09:23 That little bead that one says Earth right that?
09:25 Yeah, in the corner. There it is.
09:26 You can compare to the sun.
09:28 Now let's look at one of the biggest--
09:29 the biggest star we know about
09:31 and the next picture is Canis Majoris
09:33 and there you see our sun compared to Canis Majoris.
09:35 Now how small will Earth be on that picture.
09:38 You wouldn't be able to see it with naked eye.
09:39 You can put a pin on the screen
09:41 and say that's how big our Earth is.
09:43 So it helps us realize we're not really
09:45 at the centre of the universe.
09:47 No, mercy.
09:49 But yet, sometimes people say
09:50 oh, I feel so small after I sit through
09:52 one of your programs and this one interesting
09:54 "Desire of Ages" says in page 668.
09:57 It says, "The Lord is disappointed
09:59 when His people place a low estimate upon themselves."
10:02 If the cross tells it's how valuable we are to God
10:05 and He desire His chosen heritage
10:07 to value themselves according to the price
10:09 He is placed upon us.
10:11 Wow.
10:12 So that kind of puts things in perspective.
10:14 Now we got some new incredible footage
10:16 from the Hubble Space Telescope.
10:19 We have in our Milky Way galaxy,
10:21 you know, 200 maybe it depending on
10:23 which book you read.
10:25 We're gonna zoom in
10:26 on a cluster of 10 million stars.
10:28 Ten million?
10:29 There is 10 million, this is the Omega star cluster,
10:32 the Hubble is zooming in
10:33 and when it switches the color now you're gonna see
10:36 the new color camera $125 million camera
10:39 but it's gonna show you how these stars are gonna move
10:41 in the next 10, 000 years.
10:44 It plotted those for four years
10:46 and here is how they are going over the next 10,000 years.
10:49 Now they are not just on a wall.
10:51 They are going in three dimensions
10:53 in every different direction.
10:54 And they are taking planets with them
10:57 and you don't see any crashing into each other,
11:00 I mean, it's just amazing.
11:01 Those are just blazing suns like our sun.
11:03 Our sun puts out four million tons
11:05 of mass every second, its emitting four million tons.
11:09 And so when you see all those stars moving
11:11 in all these different directions
11:12 they're also taking planets with them.
11:14 They're traveling an average of ten--
11:17 tens of actually, tens of thousands of miles
11:19 an hour in every direction
11:21 and the interesting thing is Jupiter moves
11:26 our Sun a half a million miles, 500,000 miles.
11:29 When Jupiter goes around our Sun,
11:31 it moves the Sun off center, 500, 000 miles.
11:36 When your kids are little you swing them in a circle
11:37 you know, when they get bigger pretty soon
11:39 they are swinging you, right.
11:40 Okay.
11:41 Well, Jupiter swings it off
11:43 500, 000 miles and what is interesting
11:46 I attended a lecture on gravity form the University of Oklahoma
11:49 and this professor said that, when you have three Jupiter,
11:54 we got two Jupiter and the moon,
11:55 when you three bodies of different sizes
11:58 there is no mathematician on Earth
12:00 that can give you a formula for the center of those three.
12:04 It can't be done,
12:05 and when I got back home I emailed him.
12:08 I said, professor, before I repeat that in the public,
12:10 did I hear you correctly?
12:13 I got choked up when he said that
12:16 because I've been showing audiences these stars going
12:19 and I realize we got 100 billion.
12:22 In our Milky Way galaxy,
12:23 and God got it all figured out and we can't figure out three.
12:27 He said yes, he said, Google three body problems says,
12:31 Isaac Newton for 330 years, we have not been able to come
12:36 for formula give you the centre of rotation.
12:37 Now he said, we can get close,
12:40 we can simulate it on a computer
12:41 but there is nobody been able to write a formula
12:43 for the exact center of rotation of three.
12:45 Now what's incredible,
12:46 we have another clip coming up in just a little bit
12:49 and it's gonna show you
12:50 how our sun is going 45, 000 miles an hour.
12:54 I mean, we got so many different motions
12:55 taking the planets with it.
12:57 And so here you see all the planets
12:59 going around the sun
13:01 that outer one there is probably Pluto,
13:03 it takes Pluto 247 years for Pluto to go around the sun.
13:07 It's traveling at 10,600 miles an hour.
13:09 But you can see Saturn and Jupiter
13:11 there orbiting the sun traveling through space.
13:15 So when you think of that other previous clip
13:17 where we had all these stars going in different directions,
13:20 realize they're all doing this
13:22 probably with planets in every different directions.
13:24 What a God we serve?
13:26 What a God?
13:28 We can't figure out three,
13:29 what if we had to try to figure out four?
13:32 Is that an incredible clip?
13:33 Oh, it's absolutely, mind boggling.
13:35 This was done in Holland by a gentleman
13:39 and he gave his permission to use
13:41 this clip with his blessing.
13:43 Now there is one other motion it's missing there.
13:45 You remember I told you
13:46 the sun is moving 500, 000 miles an hour,
13:48 so we should actually see that sun wobbling
13:52 and we are wobbling with it.
13:53 Oh, my.
13:54 You know, so it's in-- this incredible
13:58 what a God we serve.
14:00 It overwhelmed you really.
14:03 We're going to, the next picture
14:05 we're gonna show is Saturn.
14:07 We've shown this before but, it's one of my favorite
14:09 because there is the Earth from one billion miles away
14:13 and this was taken by the Cassini Spacecraft,
14:15 the Cassini traveled,
14:17 it took seven years to get there,
14:18 they flew it through
14:19 the F and G ring fire, the rockets
14:21 and its now the sun is right behind the planet,
14:24 you see the sunbeams, the rays coming out.
14:27 The sun is right behind it,
14:28 now see that arrow pointing to our Earth.
14:31 And we-- That's Earth?
14:32 That's Earth, that little spec.
14:33 Yeah, I can hardly see it.
14:35 We talked about this before,
14:37 but something is occurred to me you know,
14:41 when Christ was tempted-- the Bible tells us,
14:45 Jesus says, all powers given me in heaven and Earth.
14:47 We look at this all these stars
14:49 and all these galaxies and Jesus said,
14:51 all power is given to me and yet Satan tempted Him
14:53 and said, I will give You all this glory,
14:56 that little spec.
14:58 I don't think Jesus was surprised.
15:01 You know, I never thought about that before, absolutely,
15:04 I give you the whole Earth and then you say,
15:06 the whole Earth you can't even see it,
15:07 it really compare to the universe.
15:09 Yes, I don't think was He impress,
15:11 He was that impressed in another thing.
15:12 Is there more that we haven't seen?
15:15 Well, we can look out about--
15:18 They say 13.7 billion light-years away.
15:22 That's about as far as we can which you know,
15:25 I don't believe in the Big Bang.
15:26 In fact, I did a series,
15:28 I did 40 some programs on Loma Linda,
15:30 "The Hubble, The Bible, The Big Bang"
15:32 and form that at least a few people thought
15:34 I believe in the Big Bang.
15:37 And I change the title "The Hubble, The Bible
15:40 and The Big Bang that Never Happened."
15:42 Or--
15:44 Well, I always thought of Big Bang
15:46 but not maybe the one that they thing.
15:48 When Lord said, let them rely,
15:50 when the Lord spoke and things happened,
15:52 I got a feeling it was great power.
15:55 Yes. Bang.
15:56 But it wouldn't be just something out there doing.
15:59 When God speaks it's powerful, it happens.
16:01 I need to be clear,
16:03 I don't believe in the Big Bang.
16:04 That what I think about that picture again
16:06 that little spec, I think of one other illustration
16:08 and that is Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:30
16:11 he is walking on the roof the palace,
16:13 he is probably got suspenders
16:15 and he gone wow, isn't this the great Babylon I have built?
16:18 I like to get Nebuchadnezzar right in the space,
16:21 in the Cassini Spacecraft and give him binoculars
16:24 and then Nebuchadnezzar can go where?
16:27 Where is this great Babylon I've built?
16:29 Yeah, not even outside know universe the first--
16:32 Kind a puts things in perspective.
16:34 Wow.
16:35 You know, Psalm 33:8, 9 says,
16:36 "By the word of the LORD were the heavens made."
16:39 You know the power of God created the heavens,
16:43 and Isaac would agree with that,
16:46 the equivalence of mass and energy,
16:48 mass and energy God's got this incredible energies,
16:51 incredible power which is this mass,
16:53 this is matter and Einstein says
16:55 it's the equivalence of mass and energy
16:57 God could speak
16:58 and put power in and create matter.
17:02 I talked to a Russian scientist not too long ago
17:06 and I ask him if he believed in God?
17:10 And he said, he didn't use, but the more he learns
17:14 and the more he sees
17:16 and with all these incredible technology
17:19 he said, I will say there must a designer.
17:23 I don't know, he doesn't know about Jesus for sure,
17:25 he doesn't know about all the things
17:27 but he says, it's just could not have happen by coincidence,
17:31 there must be a master designer.
17:36 There is something pretty amazing
17:37 that doesn't have to with the astronomy,
17:38 but it does have to do
17:39 with the Creator and an atheist.
17:41 Dr. John Sanford, who is a geneticist,
17:45 he has 32 patterns in the field of genes.
17:48 He invented the gene gun,
17:50 he sold his last company and then he is said,
17:51 I'm gonna do what I'm interested in
17:53 and he started looking at human reproduction
17:55 and he says, every child of that
17:57 who is running downhill from the parents, gene pool
18:01 and we loose one to three percent.
18:05 In fact, Adam lived 960 years, we're not living 96,
18:08 he must have had pretty good gene pool.
18:10 Dr. John say, he was an atheist,
18:12 an evolution an atheist,
18:14 and so he started looking at the research
18:15 and discovered that every generation looses
18:17 one to three percent.
18:19 He started running that back
18:20 and he said, when you get back to Adam,
18:22 Adam would had a perfect gene pool,
18:25 you didn't come from a monkey billions years ago,
18:27 because of research and then he said,
18:29 in 100 generations Earth will be depopulated,
18:32 there will be nobody on Earth
18:33 because of this passing on
18:36 we have 100 million billion body cells
18:39 that have to duplicate themselves.
18:41 If we loose one to three percent
18:43 and 100 years there will be nobody on Earth.
18:45 You know what, God show this to the lady 120 years ago
18:48 in councils in the chapter
18:51 the "Violation of Physical Laws"
18:52 and "Councils on Health."
18:54 She said, what he-- she verified
18:55 what he discovered in the lab it is amazing
18:58 and she says, the present
18:59 and feeble condition of the human family
19:02 was presented before me
19:03 every generations been growing weaker
19:06 and disease of every form afflicts the race.
19:09 Had Adam originally, had your gene pool
19:11 there be nobody on Earth today.
19:12 Yeah.
19:13 And she says, vital four, she doesn't use gene pool.
19:15 But there be nobody.
19:17 She said, if Adam is started out
19:18 where we are today there be nobody on Earth
19:20 and she says, through success of generations
19:24 after the fall the tendency is been continually down
19:26 where disease has been transmitted
19:28 from parents to children, generation after generation.
19:31 If the Lord should not soon come
19:34 and destroy Satan's power, the Lord will be--
19:38 the Earth would be depopulated.
19:40 And here what Dr. Sanford discovere
19:41 in the lab was told 120 years of basically the same thing,
19:45 if Adam had your gene pool nobody on Earth today
19:47 and in the future,
19:48 if God doesn't destroy Satan's power
19:49 there will be nobody on Earth, just amazing stuff.
19:52 That is.
19:54 And Isaiah 55 it says,
19:55 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,"
19:57 it's going back to the all these stars moving,
19:59 this fits, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
20:03 nor My ways your ways," says the Lord,
20:05 "for as the heavens are higher than the Earth
20:07 so are My ways higher than your ways.
20:10 And My thoughts and your thoughts."
20:11 How high that last galaxy 13.7 billion years,
20:14 that's how much higher God's thoughts
20:16 are than our thoughts.
20:17 We have another picture of Saturn,
20:19 this is kind of interesting one
20:20 because somebody did some artwork and said,
20:23 if Saturn was placed where our moon is
20:25 that what you'd see when you look outside.
20:29 The Bible says, "Eye has not seen,
20:31 nor ear heard, has not even entered
20:33 into the heart of man the things
20:35 which God has prepared for those who love Him."
20:37 That's kind of-- they did one of Saturn as well.
20:41 Okay, we got some new stuff.
20:42 We've talked about this before
20:44 but we got something brand new this year.
20:46 Okay, the penny, the energy in,
20:48 if the God put the atom in there so powerful
20:51 that Atom is so powerful if you could fuse the atom
20:55 in a penny would be equal
20:56 the 2.2 million gallons of gasoline.
20:59 That is the power there, a 17 times
21:01 more powerful than our nuclear reactors.
21:02 What is in the penny?
21:04 To run San Francisco for one year
21:06 takes 21 million box carts of coal,
21:08 if we could release like what happens on our sun.
21:12 The fusion process, we could run San Francisco
21:15 on 500 gallons of seawater for year.
21:17 500 gallon-- there is so much power
21:19 in that atom 500 gallons
21:20 of seawater replace 21 million boxcars of coal.
21:25 So we're trying to create a sun on Earth.
21:27 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
21:29 they have a recipe for making a sun.
21:31 Really?
21:32 This is a laser, okay, this a laser.
21:35 They're taking a hundred--
21:36 I mean, we got a lasers
21:37 will cut through steel like that.
21:39 But they're amplifying these lasers 100--
21:42 they will take 192 and amplify them
21:44 at one quadrillion times,
21:46 they have to feed each laser through
21:48 one mile of tubes to amply it and then they're focusing them
21:51 on the little capsule, a little capsule,
21:54 192 lasers focus on this capsule of heavy hydrogen,
21:58 it's a seawater basic called lithium.
22:02 So they are firing and they're actually,
22:04 have now in February they have actually heated
22:06 this the temperature of the core of sun,
22:08 50 million degrees C and they got--
22:10 they prove the sun works, they put in 10, 000 joules
22:14 and they got 17, 000 joules out.
22:17 This a 50 year project, 100 of suns that
22:19 we can solve our energy problem.
22:21 The sun is so incredible, just cries out that,
22:23 this going for billions of years,
22:25 you know if it was made out of coal,
22:26 be gone and 5, 000 years.
22:28 Yeah.
22:29 So, in February of 2014 this year,
22:33 they got a gain of about 70 percent gain
22:36 coming out of that thing, okay.
22:38 That they only could fire it,
22:39 then only the lasers on for 20 trillions of a second,
22:44 you want to melt California off the map,
22:46 but they in that 20 trillions,
22:47 they heated this thing to the temperature
22:50 the core of the sun 50 million degrees C,
22:52 and they got more out and they put in.
22:54 Now what's interesting, remember what I said,
22:58 that they had to have 192 miles of tubes to amplify?
23:03 Okay, they got a 7,000 joule gain,
23:05 they put in 10, 000 they 17 out,
23:08 it took 500 trillion joules of energy
23:11 to heat those lasers to the temperature
23:13 of the core of the sun.
23:17 You know, if-- I don't know where my match is
23:20 but if we had-- I was like to strike a match
23:24 for the audience but, if we had that thing,
23:28 heat of the temperature of the core of the sun,
23:29 we'd be vapor bricks and all be gone, you know.
23:32 Wow.
23:35 So it took 500 trillion joules to get 7, 000 joule gain.
23:40 The Lord says, the Bible says,
23:42 "I'm the Lord that is My name,
23:44 I will not share My glory with anyone else."
23:45 Is that sun glorious out there?
23:47 Is that sun big?
23:48 Is that sun hot? Yeah.
23:50 Folks, this is the glory of man.
23:52 They heat a little capsule,
23:53 they bring it ahead of a match for 20 trillion of a second,
23:56 we have 2, 000 into the smartest scientist,
23:58 I mean, these are 2,000 scientists,
24:00 they have $20 billion to build
24:02 this facility to 50 year project,
24:05 you try to harvest the sun.
24:08 God did it and He says,
24:11 I will not share My glory with anyone else.
24:13 And there are so many other problems,
24:15 we have-- these people will say,
24:19 you know, on the sun everything was just right,
24:21 hydrogen gas was just right, the gravity is just right,
24:23 and pull that together and all of a sudden
24:24 we had the miracle of a sun, just happen.
24:27 We have 100 billions stars in the Milky Way galaxy,
24:30 100 billion times a hydrogen gas was just right,
24:32 the gravity is just right and spinning, collapsing,
24:34 condensing that heated through gravity
24:36 that pulls this gas together, where it hit 50 million degrees
24:38 and voila, we have proof a sun, okay.
24:41 And this is all we can do.
24:43 With 2,000 scientists, $20 billion,
24:46 this is what man's been able to do.
24:49 And they have a 100 billion in the Milky Way galaxy,
24:52 at 100 times everything was just right,
24:53 oh, we have a 100 billion galaxies.
24:55 What do you think all this knowledge
24:57 and it now there is a new, I heard the other day,
25:00 a new telescope it's gonna be--
25:02 how many times, 100 times stronger than Hubble,
25:06 I'm not sure, it's supposed to be take us
25:10 into places we've never been.
25:12 What do you know about that?
25:14 Well, it's a James Webb telescope, it's been delayed,
25:17 I think it was probably four, five years late.
25:21 It is gonna reduce some spectacular stuff.
25:23 It's gonna be placed out in space a million miles,
25:26 we won't be able to go out there to fix it
25:27 or service it, it's out, like it was very cold, it's beyond.
25:32 So we have the sun and then we have the Earth
25:34 going around the sun, and there is a spot
25:37 where gravity is null called the Lagrange points,
25:40 there are these spots around like
25:41 between the Earth and the sun,
25:43 we have a null area where you can put a satellite,
25:45 it needs very little correction
25:47 because the gravity of both just kind a cancels.
25:49 Very little correction to keep it there
25:50 and so it's gonna be beyond the Earth.
25:53 And yeah, we can hardly wait,
25:54 it's gonna be still number of years
25:56 before they get it.
25:57 Amazing.
25:58 What is this do to all of their
26:00 starting back in 50s you know,
26:02 and this is an event in their life time.
26:04 You know, in our 50s they had know programs about
26:07 Marian Martians when you go
26:08 because you know, now this is how intelligent
26:10 we were for all these 1, 000s years of plant Earth.
26:14 So we said, well, there people that live
26:16 maybe you know, on Mars, and so there is Martians,
26:19 and then so you got all these UFO hunters
26:22 always looking for somebody but from what--
26:25 Hubble can take us out how far away,
26:28 I mean, how many light years away
26:30 and we still not seeing any aliens out there,
26:33 I mean, that should be if I were a UFO hunter
26:36 and believing in aliens,
26:37 I would kind of start loosing my faith in it.
26:40 I thank when you, way I seen anything else out there.
26:44 I think there is increasing interest in aliens.
26:49 And I think Satan's gonna come--
26:50 if you look at Great Controversy,
26:52 page 624 it says, soon marvelous things
26:55 in the heaven's are gonna happen
26:57 and she goes on and she said, the cry will go out,
26:59 Christ has come, Christ has come.
27:01 There is a very controversial thing,
27:03 there is a telescope looking for aliens savior.
27:07 This kind of controversy, I didn't know
27:09 if you bring it up or not?
27:10 It's called the Lucifer Telescope.
27:11 Oh, my, really?
27:12 And they believe, that in aliens
27:17 and that they would be more superior than man
27:19 because we're sinners
27:20 and then these aliens are gonna come
27:22 and they're going to reveal the Bible to us better
27:27 because they're closer to God, and they're more righteous
27:29 and more-- who believes this?
27:31 Well, there is a group of people?
27:33 You can look up. Okay.
27:34 You can look up, Lucifer Telescope.
27:36 Oh, my goodness, okay.
27:37 And they think that there is aliens gonna come,
27:40 and the aliens savior is coming,
27:41 if you read Great Controversy 624, you will see
27:44 where it talks about Satan, personating Christ.
27:46 False Christ it's gonna be.
27:47 So I think anything involve
27:49 with aliens has to do with Satan.
27:52 And I think the Star Wars all of these,
27:54 I think feed into that.
27:56 Prepare people for that. Absolutely.
27:57 When you turn on the television,
27:59 you can't even hardly watch it,
28:00 it's all about alien creatures and it's got worse and worse
28:04 and they are much more sophisticated
28:06 when you look at deal, Frankenstein deal,
28:08 and that went from there to finally
28:09 we went into you know, these other Martians
28:12 as I said earlier and all of these,
28:14 they were very and now they've got
28:16 all these sophisticated beings that come from all over
28:20 and spirits and ghost, and you name it.
28:22 That's what the media is portraying
28:25 and people have a tremendous--
28:27 seem like they have a thirst to hear that junk.
28:30 I can use that word maybe you should just say,
28:32 garbage and be straight out with it.
28:36 When I lecturing usually I do about 100 pictures an hour,
28:40 and you say 12, okay?
28:42 I like to give you one really beautiful picture.
28:45 Here in the next picture coming up.
28:46 Isn't that a glorious picture?
28:47 Oh, it's not a Orion.
28:49 That's actually was actually by 12,000 light-years away,
28:54 it's about a 100 light-years across,
28:56 takes lights about 100 years across that area,
28:58 it's in the-- the light-years?
29:00 Its six trillion miles, so distance light
29:02 can travel in one year.
29:04 The six trillion miles. The six trillion miles.
29:05 Yeah. That is amazing.
29:07 And your automobile will take you about 8,000 years to--
29:10 Yeah.
29:12 Travel that actually. Yeah.
29:14 If you want to see that picture,
29:16 you could click on our picture heavensdeclare.org
29:20 and you click on NASA picture of the day,
29:22 everyday on our website
29:23 we have a NASA picture of the day.
29:25 This happened to be you can go back to November 18,
29:27 November 18, 2014
29:30 and you can actually download that image is this.
29:31 And where is this? Where is this?
29:32 Well, it's in our Milky Way galaxy,
29:34 it's in the Tadpole Nebula.
29:36 Just put it back up again
29:37 if we can for our production that's incredible.
29:41 Isn't that incredible? Isn't that incredible?
29:43 That absolutely amazing.
29:44 But yeah, you can download
29:45 that picture printed out if you like.
29:47 Go to our website heavensdeclare.org
29:50 and you click on NASA picture of the day,
29:52 and you go down to the calendar
29:53 and click on November 18 and you will see,
29:56 may have got all the pictures there can go back.
29:58 If you don't believe that this was designed
30:01 what's your other options?
30:03 I mean, really you been into this so long as you said
30:07 all of this stuff could never happened, it's amazing.
30:10 I mean, when you think about showing the pictures of the sun
30:14 and pulling the planet and all these traveling
30:16 and none of these are crashing into each other,
30:19 I mean, that it's mind boggling to me.
30:23 So what is your options, if you sitting there
30:25 and say no, I don't believe in God is this--
30:28 I mean, could this just have happened out of nowhere?
30:31 It couldn't have been yet, I think people are in--
30:33 children have doctrinated young
30:35 and prepared for that
30:37 and they just buy the whole lie.
30:39 You know, they just buy the whole.
30:40 But on the other hand the question would be asked
30:43 how come God doesn't forget about us?
30:44 Look we're just a tiny spec
30:46 and we haven't found heaven yet,
30:48 it's apparently, further than is.
30:50 How come we be assured that God remembers us?
30:54 He knows the sparrow that falls,
30:56 and the hairs on your head and I believe it.
30:57 You know, we have so much evidence
30:59 they are just, so much evidence,
31:00 how can they not believe?
31:01 It seems like the evidence.
31:02 I mean, how do you get from a warm little pond
31:05 and an ameba to a mango?
31:08 You know, as a quite tree or an elephant
31:11 or a humming bird.
31:13 You know, or a bat that can fly--
31:15 he has got radar, how do you evolve radar
31:17 from an ameba who can find a mosquito
31:19 in the dark with the radar system?
31:21 I mean, God is so good,
31:23 He gave us 20, 000 herbs and spices.
31:26 You know, if evolution was true
31:28 you'd be looking to be eaten down lines greens of--
31:30 you know, or grass.
31:32 Twenty thousand and thousands of foods
31:34 there are just a goodness of God.
31:35 Moses said, let me see your glory,
31:37 and I will think of something spectacular like
31:39 that picture we saw and he says,
31:40 I'll make my goodness pass before you.
31:43 And the Romans have goodness of God
31:44 leads us to repentance.
31:46 Wow.
31:47 I want to show you a picture of an Orion.
31:50 Okay.
31:51 Okay, whenever I travel in evident circles
31:54 I'm often ask about Orion.
31:55 This is the Horsehead Nebula,
31:57 its right there at the bottom belt star.
31:59 Look at that bottom
32:00 half of the picture is a thick cloud.
32:02 Wow.
32:06 In Deuteronomy 5 and then in Exodus 19
32:10 God covered the whole mountain with the thick cloud,
32:12 with the glory, His brightness.
32:14 He had to cover the whole mountain three times,
32:16 one place He covered it with thick darkness.
32:19 If this New Jerusalem is the city of light,
32:20 where He have to put a cloud over that?
32:22 Absolutely.
32:23 Is that where we looking at?
32:24 Let's go back and take a look at that picture again.
32:26 That whole bottom half of the picture
32:29 is dark every book you read says.
32:31 These are dark-- Orion.
32:32 Yes, it's in Orion.
32:33 Its right at the bottom of belt star.
32:36 Every book you read say it dark dense of scaring clouds.
32:40 Now there is something else you need to look for,
32:43 if you there, that is just one little part of it.
32:49 That cloud if you will Google Barnard's Loop,
32:53 I couldn't get that picture to you here.
32:56 You will see a thick cloud with light coming out
32:59 around this whole cloud.
33:00 Could that be a thick cloud covering the New Jerusalem?
33:04 That cloud is so big, in fact the Horsehead
33:07 just across the Horsehead that is 30 trillion miles tall,
33:10 the neck of the horse is 30 trillion.
33:11 How much? Thirty trillion.
33:12 Thirty trillion.
33:15 You like horses across the bridal.
33:18 Bridal part of that,
33:19 maybe they will show that again,
33:20 right across the bridal.
33:21 Yeah, let's bring it up again.
33:22 The bridal you can put a 100 of our suns
33:25 with all the planets, a 100 solar systems right across
33:28 with all the bridal of that Horsehead.
33:30 Oh, that is just amazing.
33:31 And 30 trillion miles up.
33:33 So then if we--
33:34 I'm gonna have to lay down.
33:35 It's getting into me.
33:38 You got my brain working,
33:39 it's not used to working that hard.
33:40 If you-- if our audience
33:41 would Google Barnard's Loop,
33:43 you will see the light coming out
33:45 and it's a big circle, that circle is so far across
33:47 a flash of lighting over here would take
33:50 300 years to see it on the other side.
33:52 It is huge and there is light coming out,
33:54 I'm juts kind of what? I'm speculating.
33:56 My wife says, you're speculating
33:58 it a little too much.
33:59 But it could be the light
34:01 from that New Jerusalem, you know.
34:02 Now we got one more picture the Horsehead coming up
34:04 and this is an infrared picture of the black
34:06 one was your Kodak moment,
34:08 this shows you the heat present.
34:09 Isn't that glorious?
34:10 Absolutely.
34:11 Right there at the bottom belt star of the horse.
34:13 Absolutely.
34:16 Okay, our time is fly, we've got time
34:18 is fast moving along.
34:21 But when we get to heaven what we're gonna do in heaven?
34:26 We have no idea, eye has not seen, ear is not heard.
34:29 What we're gonna do?
34:30 But you know, like Paul in the road
34:32 of the Damascus Lord, what will you have me do?
34:35 And here is how I got the Sabbath
34:36 into the Baptist Church down Colorado.
34:40 Here is what God could do.
34:41 We don't have any idea about what He could do.
34:43 Say, Danny, I'm going to give you an assignment.
34:46 I want you to have a little spec of the universe,
34:48 the Hubble through looking through a little spec
34:50 of the sky, saw 20,000 galaxies.
34:54 The Lord could say, that's gonna be
34:55 your place in the universe.
34:57 I want you to go check it out, okay?
35:01 And in fact I would like you, let's go to next picture,
35:04 here is the one galaxy,
35:06 okay, just one galaxy.
35:07 And the Lord can say, Danny,
35:08 I want you to spend a week on each galaxy,
35:10 each star in that galaxy.
35:11 Look at the planets
35:12 and just go check out each star.
35:14 Now if you were to do that,
35:18 but you're gonna get a lot of freaking flier miles
35:20 because the Bible says, for one Sabbath
35:22 to another shall all flesh come to worship before Me.
35:24 So you are going to come back to worship
35:26 before the Lord but if you went spend six days
35:28 on each one of those stars on the screen,
35:31 its gonna take you 14 billion 737 million years
35:35 to cover the stars on this screen
35:37 and then you got 19,999 more galaxies to go to.
35:43 Well, that's why it has to be eternity.
35:46 You couldn't do that in short time,
35:48 we've got to have eternity,
35:50 there is a reason why it's eternity.
35:52 Now that galaxy is to get there is gonna
35:54 take you about 30 million years,
35:55 if you travel through speed of out of flash of light.
35:58 Yeah, But I think we're gonna get to travel
35:59 at the speed of thought or the twinkling of an eye
36:01 or like Gabriel when he came to Daniel praying.
36:04 Absolutely.
36:05 And Isaac Asimov the sci-fi writer said,
36:07 you know, I don't believe in after life,
36:10 I don't worry about the tortures of hell
36:13 or even worse the boredom of heaven.
36:14 Boredom.
36:15 Do you think it's gonna be boring there?
36:19 You'll enjoy heaven more than most of us,
36:22 you've been studying this for so long
36:23 and to see it firsthand, we won't be able
36:26 to get your attention for Mary and Jesus.
36:29 Hey, Jim, I'm over here, sorry I'm still taking in,
36:32 I'm fascinated by all of this creation.
36:36 Just one other thought while we look at that galaxy
36:38 that they tell us would take you,
36:40 you know, 30 million years to get there,
36:43 I have a real burden because there are
36:45 some wonderful ministries in the United States
36:48 that say this universe was made 6,000 years ago,
36:50 the whole universe.
36:52 People who are interested in science
36:53 will roll their eyes and think--
36:55 and never hear the gospel.
36:56 They'll think of you as a flatterers' society.
36:59 I just did a--
37:00 we just did a series of programs,
37:01 a documentary on the age of the universe.
37:03 You know, the Bible tells us
37:05 that God's throne is in the heavens,
37:07 over nine places it's said His throne is in the heavens,
37:09 His throne is from everlasting,
37:11 His throne is of old in the heavens, nine places.
37:15 If the universe is made 6,000 years ago,
37:17 how could God's throne--
37:20 you know, what qualifies as of old?
37:25 Micah 5:2, "Bethlehem Ephratah,
37:27 are these who come he who is of old
37:30 and there it as he is from everlasting."
37:32 Look at Revelation 12:12, rejoice ye heavens--
37:34 woe the devil-- woe the Earth,
37:36 Satan's come down, he has a short time.
37:39 So he considers 6,000 years a short time.
37:43 And they say the universe is young and Peter--
37:45 in 2 Peter 3:5, it says, "By the word of the Lord
37:50 the heavens were of old."
37:52 The Bible's plain, they say the universe is young,
37:54 the Bible's plain, heavens were of old.
37:57 Your throne, O God, exists forever and ever,
37:59 Your throne is from time memorial,
38:02 Your throne is established of old,
38:04 thou art from everlasting.
38:06 Why did they feel like it's important to say
38:07 the universe is 6,000 years old?
38:09 Because they read the fourth commandment,
38:11 they won't use the fourth commandment.
38:13 For in six days the Lord made heaven,
38:14 the Earth and the sea and all that in them is,
38:17 but they won't keep the fourth commandment,
38:18 but that is one of their biggies.
38:21 But in Genesis 1:8 it says that
38:24 the firmament God called heaven.
38:26 In the creation account it's about the Earth,
38:28 the Earth, the Earth 21 times,
38:29 the Earth, the Earth, the Earth,
38:31 56 times things of the Earth
38:32 and then in verse 8 it says God talking about the firmament
38:35 and if it's talking about
38:37 100 billion galaxies in the universe
38:39 and it's talking about the Earth and the sea,
38:41 why is the sea mentioned?
38:42 If it's talking, God has already told us,
38:44 put these glasses on, Genesis 1:8,
38:46 the firmament, the sky
38:48 and if it's talking about the sky,
38:50 the Earth and the sea, it fits.
38:52 Scripture fits.
38:53 Now there are a couple other scriptures
38:54 they use too but that's a biggie.
38:57 What about the Earth in itself? How do you--
38:59 Well, this is really interesting
39:00 because the Bible says of old
39:02 he laid the foundations of the Earth,
39:04 12 times, 11 times it says He laid the foundations,
39:07 created the heavens, laid the foundations,
39:08 created the heavens, laid the foundations,
39:09 created the heavens,
39:10 of old he laid the foundations of the Earth,
39:12 the foundations are never mentioned in Genesis,
39:15 you're a constructor, contractor,
39:17 you put the foundation in first,
39:19 they're never mentioned in Genesis.
39:20 The foundations are never mentioned in Genesis
39:23 but throughout scripture they're mentioned
39:25 and they're laid of all along with the heavens.
39:28 Could it be God laid the foundations of the Earth,
39:31 it was without form and void
39:33 and darkness is upon the face of the deep
39:34 and then 6,000 years ago, God came and put life here?
39:38 That's what I think happened.
39:40 And that really started to fit, you see.
39:43 So anyhow we're doing all right,
39:45 we got down to 12 minutes and we're doing all right.
39:48 Yeah. Great stuff.
39:50 It is, it is great stuff.
39:53 There's a scripture that is really interesting
39:55 in Job 38:31, 32 and it says that God asked Job,
40:00 "Can you bind the Pleiades?
40:02 Can you loose the belts of Orion?
40:03 Can you bring forth the constellations?
40:05 Can you guide our Taurus with its sons?"
40:07 Well, the Pleiades are bound together like
40:09 a flock of birds, move to the east
40:10 at the 90,000 miles an hour.
40:12 They're bound together, where you saw the stars going
40:14 every different direction, the Pleiades are bound together
40:17 like a flock of birds, 500 bound together.
40:21 God said to Job, "Can you bind the Pleiades
40:23 or loose the belts of Orion?"
40:25 We have discovered now there are three stars
40:26 that have left the belt of Orion
40:28 in three different constellations
40:30 traveling at high speeds, they've traced that back.
40:33 Can you guide Arcturus?
40:34 And we've talked about this before
40:35 but we've got something new.
40:36 Can you guide Arcturus with its suns?
40:39 Arcturus a runaway star, traveling you saw that galaxy,
40:42 it's traveling through our galaxy 400, 000 miles an hour,
40:45 it's not yet collided with other stars, okay.
40:51 Astronomers say it may leave our galaxy.
40:53 New articles come out now and say did another
40:55 galaxy give us Arcturus?
40:56 It looked like it came from another galaxy,
40:58 it traveled through our galaxy,
40:59 it may leave our galaxy with its suns.
41:02 If you Google Arcturus group,
41:04 I for years wondered what that meant.
41:07 And an airline pilot Christian came into my office
41:09 when he said, do you know what that means?
41:10 He says, Google Arcturus group,
41:11 if you Google Arcturus group,
41:13 you'll find there are 52 stars with Arcturus, God said to Job,
41:17 "Can you guide Arcturus with its sons?
41:20 So that's his kind of interview ship Job 38:31.
41:26 I want to share something with you,
41:27 that's just something else amazing.
41:28 This stuff is on.
41:32 I'm gonna say Lord, who might be so blessed
41:33 to be able share this stuff but it's, the more we learn--
41:37 Absolutely.
41:38 What a God we service.
41:39 Yeah, and look how blessed we are
41:41 because, you are literally imparting to us
41:45 things that's taken you years to do
41:47 and, you know, look what a shortcut
41:49 we get to enjoy and learn so much of this
41:52 but for people just like you, thank you for what you do
41:55 and you don't keep it to yourself,
41:57 that you're traveling all around
41:58 the country in the world,
41:59 where you say 100 engagements probably a year, you do?
42:02 And that's amazing and later we'll put
42:05 your address here in a few minutes,
42:06 if people want to contact you for whatever reasons,
42:10 you know, and back here to find out information,
42:12 go to your website, we want them
42:14 to keep in contact with you 'cause this is incredible.
42:16 My wife and I've been to Russia,
42:17 we've been speaking in 20 cities throughout Russia.
42:20 She's only been one trip, I was there for four.
42:23 We did camp meeting in France,
42:25 camp meeting in Australia, camp meeting throughout US,
42:28 we get to prayer in many lot schools.
42:29 Wow. And it's pretty exciting.
42:32 I'm trying to sell my business
42:34 so I can go on the road a little bit more
42:37 but, you know, Bible says if--
42:38 Your business happens to be...
42:40 A tentmaker.
42:43 Yeah, you're tentmaker but you--
42:45 I've seen some of the telescopes
42:47 that you've been involved in
42:49 and I guess, did you invent some of those?
42:51 Yeah, I have a dozen patterns.
42:54 A dozen patterns on telescopes,
42:56 some of them I saw look huge.
42:58 Well, there are some of them, we did a couple for NASA,
43:00 we did one on a trailer with a four wheeler--
43:02 He's very humble, you see,
43:04 I'm having to try to warm this out of him,
43:06 he don't just tell you on his own.
43:08 He says I'm a tentmaker.
43:09 What you're doing is all been to what you're doing now,
43:13 I mean, incredible that you not only bought them
43:16 but you developed, designed and built
43:18 these incredible telescopes.
43:21 The best one probably is the binocular telescope
43:23 where you get a 16 inch telescope for each eye
43:26 when you can use both eyes,
43:27 walk around like this for a while,
43:29 you get eye fatigue looking at dim galaxy
43:32 with one eye and having--
43:34 just like you're fastening your seatbelts,
43:35 just like you're in space when you look through those
43:37 but they're expensive, and business is not good,
43:39 people don't have money like they did.
43:41 I used to have 18 employees,
43:42 you know, I'm down to six full time once now.
43:45 But in my Father's house there are many mansions.
43:47 All right.
43:48 You're a builder, you know, how about a tree house?
43:51 Let's take a look at a tree house.
43:52 Tree houses are becoming very popular today.
43:54 Okay, wow.
43:55 Do you think you could build one like that?
43:56 I don't know, that's pretty neat one right there.
44:00 In my Father's house there are many mansions.
44:02 You know, I live in the mountains of Colorado
44:04 where we have deer and elk and raccoons
44:07 and birds, humming birds
44:08 and in the country, people often say,
44:11 when I went to Russia, live in these big,
44:14 you know, high-rises, oh, that would be heaven to have,
44:18 you know, to have animals like that.
44:20 Well, the Bible tells us that the inheritance
44:23 of the saints is called a country
44:25 in Hebrews 11:14-16,
44:28 inheritance is called the country.
44:31 And tree houses are getting very popular.
44:32 I'm gonna show you something that I think will amaze you
44:35 but let's take a look at the next picture.
44:37 Could you live in that tree house?
44:38 Wouldn't that be an amazing place to live?
44:42 We're gonna build houses in heaven
44:43 and in my Father's house, there are many mansions, okay.
44:47 Now take a look at the next one.
44:49 This is one I drive by everyday.
44:51 In Colorado.
44:52 It's up on the top of the mountain,
44:53 and in my Father's made for a--
44:54 Looked like a big spaceship for a minute, you know.
44:57 Look what Ellen White says talking about heaven,
45:00 "I saw the most beautiful houses
45:02 that had the appearance of silver."
45:04 Does that look like kind of what she's talking about?
45:07 "Supported by four pillars set
45:09 with pearls most glorious to behold,
45:11 which were the inhabitance of the saints."
45:13 I think she's talking about a pretty spectacular place,
45:18 pillars, we got one more picture,
45:19 take a look as most all of these tree houses
45:21 have are on pillars.
45:23 They're supported on pillars and she saw these houses,
45:27 they were more spectacular houses
45:28 which were the inhabitance of the saints.
45:30 Wow.
45:32 So, here Danny, we got through that
45:34 series better than I thought we would,
45:35 I was afraid we wouldn't get all the way through.
45:38 But we can talk about a million other things,
45:41 I tell you it is--
45:43 I think this is so incredible and just for us, Jim,
45:47 for you to bring this to us to keep in mind
45:49 because my dad used to tell me something,
45:52 I'm really glad he did,
45:53 he never had any formal education,
45:55 went to the eighth grade,
45:56 first one of his family out of 14 kids
45:59 they raised 13 or 12
46:01 but to go through the eighth grade,
46:03 be an awful lot of common sense
46:05 but when we would be at home and you didn't like something
46:09 there was five of his kids, and we'd be--
46:11 he'd say, hey, hey, hey, son,
46:13 this world doesn't revolve around you,
46:16 you're just a speck on planet Earth,
46:20 you need to seeing what you can do for the world
46:22 and look into world rather than thinking
46:24 the whole world's looking at you here
46:26 and it helps bring us to the tension
46:29 what kind of a God, God's-- how big is this heart of God
46:35 to love frail human agents who constantly fail
46:39 that He didn't just do, wouldn't that been so easy?
46:41 The universe look like you'd even notice this whole Earth,
46:44 He just zap this off
46:46 but what kind of love does that say?
46:49 I wrote a song recently, it says
46:50 "Calvary says love to me" and so really that's it
46:54 and it sums up when you look at Calvary,
46:58 that shows doesn't say,
47:00 it really shows God's love for us.
47:03 So we serve a Creator that can do all of this
47:06 and yet He loves us enough to leave all of that
47:10 to come to the serve--
47:11 Yes, and live like a street person.
47:13 Now there's something else along with those tree houses,
47:17 I've had people say heaven's kind of spiritual
47:21 and Ellen White says that a fear of making
47:23 the future inhabitance seem too
47:25 material has led many to spiritualize
47:28 the way the very truths
47:29 which lead us to look upon it as our home.
47:32 You know, and she says that
47:34 Christ has showed His disciples
47:36 that He want to prepare mansions for them
47:37 in His Father's house.
47:38 And she also mentions that eye has not seen,
47:40 we don't have any idea
47:41 but, you know, I wanted to mention
47:43 what's going on in Denver.
47:45 The people in Denver, we have six Christian radio stations,
47:48 we have three television stations.
47:50 We're dark, Denver is dark,
47:52 Colorado is dark, its a dark place.
47:55 I just come back from Minnesota,
47:56 you got ten major cities have 3ABN television.
47:58 People are-- my sister says
48:00 we had eight people walk into our church ready for baptism.
48:02 Praise the Lord.
48:03 We had-- I just talked to her
48:04 two weeks ago and she said,
48:05 you know, we had a family in our church
48:07 that was raising dogs and somebody called up
48:09 and said, can we come
48:10 and see your puppies on Saturday?
48:11 And they said oh, we're going to church on Saturday.
48:13 And they said, is there a Saturday church around here?
48:15 We're looking, we're watching 3ABN,
48:17 we've been looking for a Saturday church
48:19 and then some friends came over,
48:21 their family came over,
48:22 you guys go to church on Saturday,
48:24 that's crazy, you know?
48:25 And so in the course of their visit
48:26 and then after a while,
48:27 you know what, we got to get home
48:29 because there's a program we want to see on Hope TV
48:32 and they didn't tell them that was a Saturday church.
48:34 But, you know, I was up in Eureka, Montana,
48:36 that may not be the end of the world
48:38 but I think you can see it from there.
48:40 Six people walked in to Eureka from watching,
48:43 listening radio, 3ABN radio.
48:45 But Denver is dark and people are being--
48:47 they're not told the truth.
48:49 Well, I know that you have peaked a lot of interest here
48:52 from around the world, there's gonna be people
48:54 bombarding your website, I can almost guarantee you that
48:58 but I'd like to give your address
49:00 if you don't mind if it's okay with you,
49:02 we're gonna let the folks
49:03 if you like to get in contact with brother Jim,
49:06 go to his website, you may do this
49:08 at the following address.
49:13 If you'd like to contact to Jim
49:14 or learn more about his ministry,
49:16 then you can write to Heavens Declare Incorporated,
49:20 8550 West 14th Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado, 80215.
49:26 That's Heavens Declare Incorporated,
49:29 8550 West 14th Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado, 80215.
49:35 You can call 303-233-5353.
49:40 That's 303-233-5353 or you can visit his website
49:45 at heavensdeclare.org.
49:48 It's all one word, heavensdeclare.org.
49:51 Call or write to him today.


Revised 2015-06-11