3ABN Today

Personal Testimony and Church Plant in St. Louis

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brian & Diane Hamilton (Host), Lizzie Chambwa


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY014095A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:07 Well, we want to welcome you to 3ABN today.
01:12 And we're glad that you have tuned in
01:14 and joining us for this particular program.
01:18 I am Brian Hamilton.
01:20 I oversee the finances for 3ABN.
01:24 Some people call me the chief financial officer
01:27 but I don't like that title.
01:30 I think Jesus is our chief financial officer
01:34 and I'm just an under steward of the means
01:39 that you have invested in 3ABN to further the ministry.
01:43 I have beside me my lovely life Diane.
01:47 And this is our first time doing this together, isn't it?
01:51 Yes it is. Are you nervous?
01:54 Yeah. Yeah, me too.
01:55 But you know, we have a lot of friends out there.
01:58 And so we're just gonna have to pretend
02:00 that you're all in our living room
02:02 and we're just having a good time together, okay?
02:05 3ABN today hasn't always been called that,
02:09 we have just launched,
02:12 recently celebration of 30 years of ministry.
02:17 And when 3ABN today was originally launched
02:21 this program it was called 3ABN Presents.
02:26 But somewhere along that journey
02:28 the name got changed to 3ABN today.
02:33 And so this is a program,
02:36 if this is maybe the first time you've tuned in
02:39 to our particular network or this program
02:42 where we do interviews.
02:44 We interview people who are involved
02:47 in different kinds of ministry
02:50 and the idea is that you'll be inspired by
02:53 what God is doing through that ministry
02:55 and maybe would want to do something similar.
02:58 We introduce-- we interview individuals
03:03 and they share their journey with God
03:06 and how they have been impacted on life events.
03:11 And so as you hear their testimony
03:14 it will edify and an encouraged.
03:17 And today's program will be no different.
03:21 This is going to be a very interesting program
03:24 you want to stay tuned,
03:25 maybe even get a notebook to take a few notes
03:28 on what you're going to learn today on 3ABN today.
03:33 Diane, we have some music, don't we?
03:35 Yes, we do.
03:36 Darrell Marshall will be singing
03:39 "In the Sweet By and By."
03:47 There's a land that is fairer than day
03:51 And by faith we can see it afar
03:56 For the Father waits over the way
04:01 To prepare us a dwelling place there
04:06 In the sweet by and by
04:10 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
04:15 In the sweet by and by
04:20 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
04:29 We shall sing on that beautiful shore
04:34 The melodious songs of the blessed
04:38 And our spirits shall sorrow no more
04:43 Not a sigh for the blessing of rest
04:48 In the sweet by and by
04:52 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
04:57 In the sweet by and by
05:01 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
05:15 To our bountiful Father above
05:20 We will offer the tribute of praise
05:25 For the glorious gift of His love
05:29 And the blessings that hallow our days
05:34 In the sweet by and by
05:39 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
05:44 In the sweet by and by
05:48 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
05:53 In the sweet by and by
05:57 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
06:02 In the sweet by and by
06:07 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
06:11 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
06:24 Well, we want to thank Darrell Marshall.
06:27 We always are blessed by him
06:28 as he comes to 3ABN from time to time
06:31 and shares wonderful talent
06:33 the Lord has given him and music
06:35 and that's a real blessing, isn't it?
06:38 Yes, it is.
06:40 Well, we have a guest with us today
06:42 that we want to introduce you to,
06:45 her name is Lizzie.
06:46 And, Lizzie, we are glad that you are here with us.
06:48 Amen. Share your last name with us.
06:51 It's Chambwa. Chambwa.
06:53 Yes, it's the African last name.
06:55 Okay. Yes.
06:56 It sounds, it sounds interesting.
06:58 Doesn't have any meaning to it?
07:00 Yes, it actually means,
07:01 well, my husband's name is Lushomo Chambwa.
07:03 Lushomo.
07:04 And Lushomo means faith in Africa.
07:06 Okay.
07:07 And so Chambwa is the family's last name
07:10 and I'm honored to be able be a part of the family.
07:14 And so sometimes last name is very difficult to pronounce,
07:18 so I just tell people hey call me LC.
07:20 Okay. Yes.
07:22 Well, we're gonna address you as Lizzie
07:25 but I practiced Chambwa.
07:28 Yes, excellent.
07:29 Before hand to see if my tongue would--
07:31 you know, do the things it needs to do.
07:33 Amen.
07:34 To say that but and now, Lizzie,
07:37 I know, you're involved with church plant
07:38 and then that's where we're gonna go to.
07:40 Okay.
07:42 But before we do that
07:43 tell us a little about yourself.
07:45 Have you always been an Adventist,
07:47 Seventh-day Adventist, is this a new journey for you,
07:50 when did that happen?
07:52 Give us a little background of yourself.
07:54 Well, it's a new journey for me.
07:56 I'm excited about the journeys, life changing experience.
07:59 Okay.
08:00 I would not give-- give it up
08:02 for anything in the world.
08:04 I was raised in the Baptist church.
08:07 I was out of church for quite a few years.
08:10 I think I went back to the church
08:11 when I was 33 years old
08:14 and I want to get to know the Lord a lot more better.
08:20 And so one day I got a flyer in the mail said,
08:23 the good news is better than you think.
08:25 And at that age you think that you heard
08:27 all the good news or as to hear, right?
08:29 And so I decided to go
08:30 to the seminars, awesome seminar.
08:33 It was a six week Revelation seminar,
08:35 it was taking place in St. Louis
08:37 and Forest Park at the Art Museum.
08:40 It was six weeks, I went every singe night,
08:43 except for night.
08:44 And I have never heard
08:45 the gospel preach like that before in my life.
08:47 Now I was still attending the Baptist church
08:49 with the same time I was attending
08:52 this Revelation seminar.
08:53 And all the years I've been a Baptist
08:56 I have never heard the gospel preach like that
08:57 before actually from the Bible itself.
08:59 Yeah.
09:00 And so I knew the Lord was doing something in my life
09:03 and I had just rededicating my life to Christ
09:07 through baptism in the Baptist church.
09:10 I would never forget the date
09:12 it was the August the 31st 2005.
09:17 And three days later I was baptized again
09:20 in the Adventist church
09:21 and that was September the 5th 2005.
09:26 And so I've been Adventist ever since
09:28 and my life has just been awesome,
09:30 it has been awesome and I thank God for it.
09:33 That's wonderful.
09:34 Okay, so you are raised Baptist.
09:37 Yes. Maybe straight a little bit.
09:39 Yes.
09:40 But coming back somehow God intervened through a flyer.
09:45 Yes.
09:46 And Revelation seminar and that captivated you.
09:50 Yes, well, actually when I saw
09:52 the flyer in the mail it had all these creepy little beast
09:55 on the front of them and I'm like,
09:57 I don't think I want to go to this church
09:59 you know, who will send to me
10:00 something like this in the mail.
10:02 And so instantly I wasn't familiar
10:04 with the Holy Spirit at the time.
10:06 But I knew that the Lord was speaking to me
10:08 and He says, I thought you said,
10:09 you want to get to know Me better.
10:11 And I'm like yeah, I do
10:12 but I don't think this is gonna be good.
10:15 He says, trust Me and I went and I'm telling you,
10:18 it has changed my life.
10:20 And I'm here today because of that message.
10:23 Okay, so you became a Seventh-day Adventist
10:26 and then you just sort of relaxed
10:28 and just chilled out?
10:32 Oh, no, you don't relax
10:33 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
10:34 No, you can't do that. Okay.
10:36 Oh, no.
10:37 So tell us the next part of the journey.
10:38 Well, I was excited about getting involved in ministry.
10:43 Actually I had a little small women support group
10:45 in the community
10:47 before I joined the Adventist Church.
10:49 I started my own food pantry in 2001.
10:53 And I was just getting little scraps
10:55 from here and there from different churches
10:57 asking for help to just give out
10:59 little food baskets here and there.
11:01 And I was joining the church they told me that
11:04 well, as Adventist we have community service training
11:08 and so you can learn at the Adventist way.
11:11 Okay. Amen.
11:12 I love the Adventist way, amen.
11:14 And so I got training on community service,
11:17 how to serve better, how to be a better leader.
11:20 And then later on I got into Bible worker training.
11:23 So I've been a Bible worker now for nine years
11:26 and I'm excited about it, you know,
11:28 and so I just stay busy in the Lord.
11:31 Next thing I know I was traveling
11:33 for training in different cities and states
11:35 and shared my testimony.
11:37 Okay.
11:38 I started my own Women's Ministries,
11:40 Harrison's Referral Services for Women.
11:43 I was a victim of domestic violence
11:44 and I started that ministry from that crisis
11:48 and so it changed lives
11:50 and some ladies are in the Adventist Church today
11:53 because of that ministry as well.
11:55 Praise the Lord.
11:56 You used the term Bible worker
11:58 maybe some of our viewers don't know
12:01 what a Bible worker is.
12:02 So maybe elaborate a little bit on what Bible worker is.
12:05 Okay, well, a Bible worker we visit homes.
12:08 Okay.
12:09 We give Bible studies in home Bible studies,
12:12 we drop off lesson to the potential people
12:16 that we're gonna be spending time with.
12:18 Okay.
12:19 We pray with them, we find out what their needs are
12:23 and that's exciting point about it.
12:25 We get to meet different people from different backgrounds.
12:28 And the awesome point about it is I like to do surveys,
12:31 I like to find that
12:33 what the needs of the people are
12:34 before we go in with the gospel message.
12:36 Okay.
12:37 Sometimes people don't have food,
12:39 they might have, they might-- utilities might be turned off,
12:44 they might need clothing.
12:45 And so I've learned the way Jesus will help people,
12:49 is that we meet the needs first.
12:50 And once I can meet their needs first
12:53 then I can go in and have Bible studies with family,
12:57 drop off lessons, spend time with them,
12:59 pray with them and particularly they end up coming to church.
13:03 Now we've been hearing some less than positive news
13:08 about the St. Louis area lately in the news.
13:11 Yes, yes a lot going on in Ferguson.
13:14 Strife and turmoil. Yes.
13:16 But what your tell us is there's other things
13:18 that go on St. Louis that maybe don't hit the news.
13:21 That's true. That are good things.
13:23 Yes, very good thing and that's evangelism.
13:25 Yeah.
13:26 And so people coming together, people helping each other.
13:30 And tell us a little more about the food pantry,
13:33 how long now have you been operating the food pantry?
13:36 Actually since 2001, it wasn't Adventist food pantry at first.
13:40 Okay.
13:42 So I started in 2001
13:44 and as I joined the Adventist church,
13:47 the new church that we had
13:48 was called Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church
13:50 I was a part of our new church plant myself.
13:52 All right.
13:53 And the church was called
13:54 Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church.
13:56 So I named the pantry
13:57 after the Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church.
14:00 And we are going strong now for 14 years.
14:03 Now I haven't been Adventist for 14 years
14:05 but the pantry has been going for 14 years.
14:07 We serve two communities in downtown St. Louis.
14:11 We're preparing for our thanksgiving baskets this year.
14:14 We have our volunteer's working on that.
14:15 We served over maybe I will say 14,000 people
14:19 maybe more in that community within those few years.
14:22 Okay.
14:23 And we also have Bible studies
14:26 that have come out of serving food baskets too.
14:30 Do you take the items to people or do they come to you
14:35 to receive the food, how's the service?
14:37 Yes, they come to our facility,
14:39 we're located in downtown St. Louis
14:41 a 1401 Lasalle street.
14:44 And so we have two different distribution days.
14:47 We serve two different zip covers on Mondays
14:49 and we had served all the others zip covers
14:52 on every other Thursday.
14:53 So we serve twice a month.
14:55 And then we also have this program called MoboMarket.
14:59 Well, we have a 16 wheeler truck
15:02 that comes to our facility once a month.
15:04 Okay.
15:05 And they bring the food to us
15:07 and we have maybe five to seven pounds of food
15:09 and we line their food up outside on pallets
15:12 and we just give it away to the whole entire community,
15:14 oh, it's awesome.
15:16 We have such a wonderful time doing that.
15:17 Wow.
15:18 So is this the storefront
15:20 or is this a church that you're working out?
15:24 Well, no, the building that we're working out
15:26 of right now the food pantry,
15:29 it's the St. Louis housing authority.
15:30 Okay.
15:31 I've been serving the community for so many years
15:34 and they've enjoyed what I've been doing.
15:36 They gave me a place to use for free for the last 14 years.
15:39 Wow.
15:40 I don't have to pay any bills and the utilities.
15:42 They just want me to serve the community
15:44 and we've been doing a wonderful job with that
15:46 and I thank God for that.
15:48 Wow.
15:50 Now you're not new to 3ABN.
15:54 If I-- Diane, you were involved with Lizzie.
15:58 Right, yes, the radio station had
16:02 you doing women of the Bible or no--
16:06 Women at the well. Women at the well.
16:08 Yes, yes.
16:10 And I did a program with you I remember.
16:13 Yes, and I enjoyed it.
16:14 I'm so looking forward to it
16:15 and I pray that people around the world
16:18 had the opportunity to listen to the broadcast
16:19 and they were blessed by it.
16:21 So you're a co-host.
16:22 Yes, co-host, yes, women at the well, yes.
16:25 Okay. Yes, the Lord is good.
16:27 Yes.
16:28 So this last year you became a Seventh-day Adventist,
16:33 you were involved with mission work
16:37 and ministry into people
16:38 even before you became a Seventh-day Adventist.
16:41 And tell us what are you doing in addition to the food pantry,
16:48 what kinds of things do you have?
16:50 Well, I have my own women's ministries
16:52 as I was saying earlier
16:53 Harrison's Referral Services for Women,
16:55 its domestic violence ministry.
16:58 We help women and children
16:59 that are going through domestic violence,
17:02 we have been get into domestic violence shelters,
17:05 we help them with correct packages,
17:08 prayer and also we give them Bible lessons.
17:11 And we make sure they want to get out of these shelters that
17:15 and they get into transitional housing,
17:17 they were there to also support them
17:19 through that as well.
17:21 And we're excited about
17:22 that we just had our women's retreat
17:24 we just had a one day women's retreat
17:26 this past couple of weeks ago
17:29 November 1st and 2nd very nice time,
17:32 we had such a wonderful time.
17:34 And we're trying to reach more people in our community
17:40 and with everything going on in St. Louis and Ferguson
17:42 there is a lot of domestic violence
17:44 as well as all different types of abuse.
17:46 And so we're trying to also intertwine
17:48 what was going on in St. Louis,
17:50 so we can help those that are going
17:52 through different type of domestic violence.
17:55 So do you have a place that women come to,
17:59 you have an office, you have
18:01 or is it at the community service center?
18:04 Yes, yes, we also meet there or a lot of times we get calls,
18:07 we get emergency calls.
18:08 And so once those calls come in
18:10 we just have to place them in emergency facilities
18:12 and there we just work from there.
18:14 And so those call can come in the middle of the night,
18:17 early in the morning it just depends.
18:20 We're working on
18:22 8th Annual Domestic Violence Victory Banquet.
18:26 It's gonna be coming up
18:27 next year July the 19th on Sunday.
18:30 That victory banquet you come out
18:33 and we have a three course meal.
18:35 Okay.
18:36 Very nice, we have keynote speaker
18:38 and the floors open for testimonies
18:40 for people to come up and share
18:41 what the Lord has done for them and share their victories.
18:45 Well, whatever it is that you've been through,
18:47 it's so wonderful event, hope you all can come.
18:50 Yeah, that's good.
18:51 This is the first time you've done it?
18:53 No, this is our eighth annual coming up.
18:54 Eighth annual. Yes.
18:55 Wow, okay. Yes.
18:58 You have down to also it sounds like
19:01 every things really going on great
19:02 but you may be had some struggles
19:04 in your journey as well.
19:06 Well, we have our struggles here and there
19:09 and I thank God for the struggles.
19:11 Okay.
19:12 It's a growing experience for me,
19:14 humbling experience for me.
19:17 It also boosts up my prayer life.
19:19 Okay.
19:20 And so but yeah, we've had
19:21 a little challenges here and there
19:23 but nothing that the Lord haven't
19:25 you know, been able to bring us through
19:28 but right now everything seem to be going pretty well.
19:31 Praying every day that the Lord just continues to guide me,
19:37 to lead me and teach me what it is He wants me to do.
19:41 My biggest thing getting into ministry
19:44 was this is God's ministry, it's not mine.
19:47 Okay, right.
19:48 The Lord has just allowed me, amen, to be a part of it
19:52 and I just want to please God in every aspect
19:55 of every thing that I do.
19:57 My biggest goal in my--
20:03 my prayer request has always been that
20:06 the Lord would teach me how to be a good leader,
20:10 how to be a inspiration to others?
20:13 I don't want to be a stumbling block to anyone.
20:16 Now I'm human you know and we make mistakes
20:19 but I love people, I love to serve
20:22 and that's what I want to do.
20:23 I just want to serve the way Jesus wants me to serve.
20:25 Okay.
20:27 Lizzie, tell us about, you have family?
20:29 Yes, yes, yes.
20:33 I've been married three years next year, June the 10th.
20:37 I just married my lovely husband
20:39 Lushomo Chambwa, he's from Africa from Zambia.
20:42 Zambia? Yes, and I have--
20:45 my son he's 14 years old from a previous marriage.
20:49 And my husband now we have our new son,
20:52 a he's a year old and this Lushomo Chambwa Jr.
20:55 Wow, okay.
20:57 And we call him Juju, that's his nickname.
21:01 And so he keeps me very, very busy.
21:04 Okay. I have four grandchildren.
21:06 All right.
21:07 And I have two daughters, they both 24 years old.
21:11 They are ten months apart so you know, this--
21:14 they look like twins but they're not twins.
21:16 And so one of my daughter
21:17 her and her husband have four children.
21:19 Oh.
21:20 And my other daughter that's Daine,
21:22 that has the four children.
21:24 And Victoria she doesn't have any children yet.
21:26 She's just finished four years of college at Mazowe.
21:30 And now she's enjoying life right now.
21:32 And she is very excited.
21:34 Now I would never have guessed Lizzie would be a grandma.
21:37 I know.
21:38 That just never even entered my mind.
21:40 Now we may be-- I look like a grandpa
21:43 but I don't think Lizzie.
21:44 Well, that's wonderful.
21:48 I've heard just a little bit about
21:51 involved with church planting.
21:52 You said, you were in a church plant.
21:55 Yes, part of a church plant.
21:57 Eventually, part of church plant
21:59 and now you're involved in a church plant
22:03 in someway, how did that come about?
22:06 Wow, I was attending the Mid-Rivers
22:10 Seventh-day Adventist Church in Saint Peters
22:13 under the leadership of Pastor Robb Long
22:16 and the Missouri Conference.
22:19 And they started the program called Equipping University
22:23 and we were getting a lot of training
22:25 on how to preach,
22:26 how to write sermons and the internet area.
22:29 So I've done lot of training with Equipping University.
22:32 And through that program they started church planting.
22:37 And I was interested in church planting.
22:38 I had no idea that I'll be church planting
22:41 more or less in church period, okay.
22:43 Okay.
22:44 And so but I was excited about church planting
22:48 and I said, Lord you know, can I church plant?
22:50 Can I plant a church for You?
22:52 And so with the training and the support,
22:55 and the prayers, and the love,
22:57 the Holy Spirit just overwhelmed
22:59 and I said, yes, you can do
23:01 all things to Christ that strengthens you.
23:03 And so I got involved in church planting.
23:06 I love it. It's like--
23:07 my life is just seem to be blossom me more
23:11 in so many different aspects
23:13 and I'm just happy about that.
23:14 So how was-- how would a person go
23:17 about planting a church?
23:20 Well, that's a good question,
23:22 I'm still trying to find out as well.
23:24 Figure out, okay. It's a journey.
23:26 All right.
23:27 The good thing about it is we have training every month.
23:30 Okay.
23:31 We also each one of us that are planting churches
23:34 about three or four of us right now.
23:36 We have a pastor coach.
23:38 And so we were assigned a coach
23:40 and they are there to support us
23:41 and to be there for us to pray with us,
23:44 if we have any questions or need help with anything,
23:46 they are there to support us,
23:47 so we're not doing this by ourselves.
23:49 We have the support of the Missouri Conference.
23:52 So went out and you rented a great big church's building
23:56 somewhere, is that what you did you do?
23:58 Oh, no, that's gonna be later on down the line.
24:00 That's the down the line.
24:01 Right now we're house church right now.
24:03 You're house church.
24:04 Yes, it's exciting to open up now.
24:06 And whose house? It's in my house.
24:08 Oh, your house. Okay.
24:09 Excuse me, honey, our house.
24:10 Our house, God's house is your house.
24:12 Yes, in God's house yes so.
24:13 Okay.
24:14 Yeah, we're house church right now.
24:15 And so everyone comes to our home,
24:18 we have Sabbath school, adult Sabbath School,
24:20 we have youth Sabbath school as well.
24:23 My husband Lushomo he teaches youth Sabbath school
24:26 and I teach adult Sabbath school
24:28 and I also bring the message on Sabbath.
24:31 Unless I have a speaker coming
24:33 and you know, every now
24:34 and then but we have worship service,
24:38 praise and worship is awesome.
24:40 We have a wonderful time and the good part is
24:43 we get to fellowship together and we eat well, amen.
24:47 The church members love the food.
24:48 All right.
24:49 I think that's what keep them coming back you know.
24:52 Well, the spiritual food and this also physical food.
24:54 Yes.
24:55 How many do you have coming?
24:56 Well, right now we have about 16 people attending right now,
25:00 most the majority of them are youth,
25:02 which I'm very excited about that.
25:04 We have a quite a bit of youth
25:06 as of two week ago we just recruited two more.
25:08 Okay.
25:09 Youth, young ladies, two sisters 15 to 16 years old
25:14 and this is the good part
25:15 everybody lives right to next door to us.
25:18 That's your neighbors. Is your neighbors?
25:20 Yes, our neighbors. Wonderful.
25:21 Yeah. Oh, wow.
25:22 Isn't they beautiful? Yeah.
25:23 So are you feeding them
25:25 or they don't bring food you provide all the food?
25:28 Yes, yeah, I provide the food.
25:29 Actually I have a ministry for catering.
25:32 I do catering and wedding decorating.
25:34 Is there anything you don't do?
25:35 I'm sorry.
25:37 Well, the Lord did say, He will multiply our talents, amen.
25:39 Yeah, right yeah. And so I love to cook.
25:41 Okay.
25:42 And I cater different types of food
25:45 and I do decorating for weddings,
25:48 I cater for weddings in the different events
25:51 its called Calvary Catering and Wedding Decorating.
25:54 And I-- as I came with the name Calvary
25:57 because without Calvary we can do nothing.
25:59 Without Calvary we wouldn't be here today.
26:01 And so I thank the Lord for that,
26:02 but they're excited about the food
26:04 because we eat well, very well and healthy.
26:07 So what's a typical meal that you would have on Sabbath?
26:11 Well, they love greens, cabbage,
26:14 lentils, they like cornbread.
26:19 All right.
26:20 A lot of times I make different soups
26:21 especially since its getting cold now
26:23 I make a lot of vegetables soups,
26:25 lentils loafs, oatmeal patties, amen.
26:29 Okay. And so--
26:30 The neighbors are getting introduced to it.
26:31 Yes, and salad, yes, so they aren't--
26:33 they've thinking that they're eating, real meat
26:36 but they're like man this stuff is good
26:38 but you keep telling me you don't eat meat
26:40 then why do you serving us meat?
26:42 And it's just so interesting and they love the food.
26:45 Yeah.
26:46 And not realizing they're eating tofu.
26:50 And lentils this is so awesome but they're eating healthy.
26:54 And I'm sharing the health message
26:55 with them as well so--
26:57 So when got the inspiration to start this church plant
27:04 did you have a team of people
27:06 whether just you and your husband?
27:09 Well, we're working on core team.
27:10 Okay.
27:11 And those core teams of people
27:12 that were working with share the same vision.
27:15 Okay.
27:16 That we have for us at the church plant
27:18 and they will--
27:19 some of those will come are potential leaders.
27:22 And so right now it's just six, seven of us
27:24 like I said most of-- excuse me, are youth
27:26 and so we're building up our core team right now.
27:29 So basically we just planting right now
27:32 but we're looking forward to be in a company
27:34 and then a full established church in the future.
27:37 Okay, so it was just basically you and your husband
27:41 or did you have other couples that were?
27:43 No, it was just myself and my husband, yes.
27:46 Okay, all right.
27:48 And now your-- the people,
27:51 young people attending are being mentored
27:54 and trained to takeover various decisions then I guess.
27:58 Yes, and also the adults you know,
28:00 future wise just we seek our future leaders.
28:05 My husband and I we just had our own evangelistic meeting
28:09 that's how I met husband, we were preaching together.
28:11 And we just had our own evangelistic meeting
28:14 called Igniting St. Louis with a Fire.
28:17 And this was in August,
28:18 August of 23rd through this year.
28:21 All right.
28:22 And three young people my husband and I
28:24 we baptized three young people.
28:26 Oh, praise the Lord.
28:27 Out of that evangelistic meeting
28:28 and three of those young people are in our church plant today.
28:31 So did you focus this evangelistic series
28:36 in your neighborhood or--
28:38 No, we were actually in the whole new community.
28:40 We rented out in the Baptist church
28:43 in south St. Louis.
28:44 And we reached to people in that community
28:48 as well as the community that we lived in.
28:50 And so we rented that space out for that week,
28:54 we met every night, we have refreshments every night
28:57 from 6 o'clock to 6:30.
28:58 And you provide the refreshment?
29:00 Yes, we provide the refreshments,
29:01 yes, I love to serve.
29:03 And we started every night probably it's at 7 o'clock,
29:07 me and my husband we took turns
29:09 preaching every night different message
29:11 and thank God for ShareHim, amen.
29:14 And so we were able to do that meeting
29:17 and that last Sabbath we met,
29:19 we had a nice fellowship meal,
29:21 after the fellowship meal we had the baptism.
29:24 Very nice.
29:25 How did you advertise your meetings?
29:27 Well, we went door to door, we passed our handbills,
29:31 we did Facebook and we had posters
29:35 and we posted up all through out the communities.
29:36 Okay.
29:37 And we went door to door for about
29:39 for weeks before the meeting.
29:41 Oh. Yes.
29:42 So you're not frightened to knock on the door then?
29:45 Oh, no.
29:46 I might be worrying to dress right now
29:48 but I can takeoff this dress and these hills
29:49 and I can put on some tennis shoes and sweat suits
29:53 and we get out and we knock on doors.
29:54 We are very mission minded, very busy church.
29:58 Okay, is St. Louis the only area
30:02 you've focused in on ministry
30:03 or is there been other places you've traveled or gone to?
30:06 Well, I recently had the pleasure of visiting Manila
30:11 I had a mission trip this past May.
30:14 Myself along with some others from St. Louis
30:18 and around the world all the evangelist
30:19 we all travel to Manila, Philippines.
30:22 It was actually the 28th of April
30:24 until this 19th of May and it was awesome.
30:28 We all preached in different churches.
30:30 I actually preached at the Malabon Seventh-day Church
30:33 in Manila, Philippines.
30:35 And I think-- I think
30:37 if not mistaking about 90 or 95 different locations
30:41 we all preached along with pastor--
30:44 I'm sorry, Elder Ted Wilson.
30:46 We all went together, it was beautiful.
30:49 So was that a ShareHim event?
30:51 Yes, through ShareHim, yes, I love ShareHim, amen.
30:54 Maybe people don't know what ShareHim is,
30:57 why don't you share a little bit of--
30:58 why don't you ShareHim?
31:00 Well, ShareHim is a powerful ministry.
31:04 They, you know, they have evangelistic material
31:10 that you can go out and have evangelistic meetings.
31:15 They help you with whatever you need,
31:17 they setup the mission trips as well plan them
31:20 and help you get to the different locations
31:21 and make sure that you're stable and everything
31:24 and so if you're looking to do an evangelistic meeting
31:27 I recommend to call ShareHim.
31:29 They have different types of evangelistic equipment
31:31 that you can use for your evangelistic meetings.
31:33 PowerPoint, right?
31:34 Yes, PowerPoint, yes, exactly PowerPoint.
31:37 So ShareHim you could Google it on the internet
31:43 and I'm sure you'll find it, it is an organization
31:47 that plans evangelistic outreach events.
31:51 Amen.
31:52 And it has material to help support you
31:54 and all the information on how you can go to
31:59 just about any part of the world, right?
32:00 Amen, amen, yes.
32:02 And do and be a part of an evangelistic endeavor
32:06 of sharing the gospel around the world.
32:09 And so you're connected with one of those events.
32:11 Yes, and it was a very awesome experience.
32:14 The church that I was preaching at 25
32:19 from what I'm understating 25 souls
32:21 accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior.
32:24 Some were baptized before we left
32:26 and some were baptized after we left,
32:29 but from what I understand out of all of the meetings
32:32 that took place there I think 10,000 souls were baptized,
32:35 during the whole entire meeting.
32:37 All right, praise the Lord.
32:38 I think C.A. Murray from 3ABN also a part of that.
32:40 Yes, yes, he was there as well.
32:41 Yes, very nice event. I'm so excited.
32:44 Is this your first time to do ShareHim?
32:46 Yes, yes, it is. And it won't be my last.
32:49 Okay. Kind of it grows on you.
32:54 Its a catchy inspiring anyway to be involved in that type.
33:00 It really is, yes.
33:01 We've been on some mission trips,
33:03 ours have been more building
33:05 something and then having meetings along with it
33:08 and it's always been a very encouraging thing.
33:11 Okay, well so you have food pantry going,
33:16 you have ministry for women who have been abused.
33:21 Yes.
33:22 And you have a church plant going.
33:24 Yes.
33:26 Wow and then done a mission trip here recently.
33:28 Yes.
33:29 This is-- do you have time for your family?
33:33 Yes, that's a good point.
33:34 My husband and I we make sure we have our date night.
33:37 Yeah.
33:38 And I love date night
33:39 because my husband always surprises me.
33:41 He takes me different places.
33:43 I spend time with my son,
33:45 we have our son and mother and I
33:48 we date night actually with my son.
33:50 And then we have our family time together
33:53 believe it or not most people say,
33:55 well how do you have time for your family?
33:57 Believe it not I make plenty of time for my family.
34:01 And my husband and I we--
34:03 he's my best friend and we have a good time together.
34:07 Now the two daughters are not at home now--
34:09 Now they have an own lives,
34:11 thank God, they're all grown up.
34:12 Baby and another son.
34:15 Yes, I have a new son,
34:16 new baby boy, he's a year old.
34:18 And his name is Lushomo Jr. Right.
34:22 And my son Don, he's 14 years old.
34:25 Okay, so he's still at home.
34:26 Yes. Okay.
34:27 So I have three spoiled babies at home.
34:33 We don't mind being spoiled.
34:34 Oh, I know, my husband don't mind, he's not shy.
34:38 So thank God for that, I thank God for family.
34:42 Well, I'm still, I'm curious church planting is not anything
34:47 that I have been very much involved in.
34:51 I've usually been pastoring a church
34:54 or been into business side of church,
34:57 church planting always sounded scary
34:59 but the way you made it sound it's like now
35:02 it's just did you go to your neighborhood at all?
35:05 How did you advertising your neighborhood,
35:06 how did you tell them--
35:07 We knocked on doors, we knocked on doors,
35:11 we did surveys, we pray for people,
35:13 we pass our little cards to let them know
35:15 well, we're meeting for worship service,
35:17 well, we're having Bible study.
35:19 And right now we have prayer meeting
35:21 every Tuesday night from six to eight.
35:22 Okay.
35:23 We're meeting at 6000, West Florissant Avenue,
35:26 actually were five minutes
35:27 from Ferguson from all the chaos.
35:29 Okay.
35:30 And so we're praising the Lord on one end,
35:32 we have chaos on the other but the Lord is good, amen.
35:35 Yeah.
35:36 And we have worship service at our home.
35:38 Okay.
35:39 And so we have church at home
35:41 and we have building for prayer meeting for now.
35:44 So we're praying for a space
35:46 that we can come together have prayer meeting
35:47 and worship service in the same space.
35:50 We just recently had block party
35:52 for our church plant.
35:53 Oh, okay.
35:54 October the 19th it was awesome.
35:57 I have some pictures
35:58 I would like to show that we have
36:01 Maybe you want to tell us about what we're seeing here.
36:03 Yes, those are church members there.
36:06 And we had African music out
36:10 and we had some ministries come out to share
36:14 the type of ministries that they had going on.
36:16 We had popcorn, we had a prayer booth,
36:19 we had a information booth.
36:21 We had free food
36:23 that's my daughter Diane and my little son Juju.
36:26 Okay.
36:27 It's my husband and our son and we had a wonderful time.
36:31 Those are my neighbors.
36:33 All of them come to our church plant,
36:35 that's Pastor Long, he's a part of our--
36:38 he's my coach, pastor coach and we had a wonderful time.
36:44 I just can't believe what the Lord had just done,
36:46 we had a wonderful time.
36:48 We had about, I think about 12 different ministries
36:51 that were coming out to setup booths along the street.
36:54 Okay.
36:55 Everybody came up from the community
36:57 and do you know I was told that
37:00 nothing ever happened in that community
37:02 like this, since 1975.
37:05 And our logo is, "If it's in the Bible I believe it,
37:09 if it's not in the Bible it's not for me."
37:12 We stole that from ShareHim. Oh, that's good.
37:15 But it's a good slogan we love it
37:18 and we had such a wonderful time.
37:20 The Lord is just so good, He really is so good.
37:23 And we have our prayer here.
37:25 And some of our church members,
37:27 we have a sister from-- she is Nepalese.
37:29 Okay.
37:30 She is also part of our church plant as well.
37:33 So the neighbors have not been offended by this,
37:37 they've really liked
37:38 what's happening in the neighborhood?
37:40 They enjoyed it.
37:41 They said, you know we are so happy
37:43 that you are here doing this
37:44 because nothing's happened in this community
37:47 on this block since 1975.
37:50 So it look like this street was closed off.
37:53 Yes, I had to get a permit. Okay.
37:56 And our older men in my neighborhood
38:00 we got a block party permit,
38:03 we blocked off each end of the street
38:05 and the children came from allover,
38:08 people just came from everywhere.
38:09 We had music, you can hear the music
38:11 for two or three blocks.
38:12 Okay.
38:13 We had a big bounce house for the children,
38:15 free food, free snacks,
38:17 oh, man, I think we gave away so many raisins.
38:19 I can't tell you
38:21 how many raisins and cranberries that we have.
38:23 But we gave away healthy snacks and food,
38:26 it was very, very nice, we had a wonderful time.
38:29 How do you finance all of that?
38:31 Well, out of our own pocket or if there is anything
38:34 that we need our conferences there to support us,
38:38 through church plant funds if we need that
38:40 but most of the majority of time my husband and I--
38:42 we provide you know, everything ourselves
38:45 or through our food pantry,
38:47 we have items that we can use to help defray the calls,
38:51 with things we do that as well.
38:53 Okay.
38:54 Exciting, we're very, very exciting,
38:56 we're mission minded church, and we love our community.
39:01 And like I said most of our church members
39:03 are right in our community, our next door neighbors.
39:05 Wow.
39:06 That look like it was an exciting event
39:08 for your neighborhood.
39:10 Yes, it was a lot of work but it was very, very nice.
39:14 And I want to thank all the other members
39:17 and ministries from all the other
39:18 Adventist churches they came out.
39:20 And see what we wanted to do,
39:21 we did the block party to introduce ourselves
39:24 as a new church plant to our community,
39:27 to let them know that we were there.
39:29 And where they can come in worship
39:30 if they wanted Bible study
39:32 and we end up getting at least 21 Bible studies
39:35 out of that block party.
39:36 Wow. Yes.
39:37 Okay. Very nice.
39:39 And who's going to follow up with the Bible study?
39:42 I have done it already as well.
39:44 And the good part is, I'm training everyone
39:48 in our church plant to be Bible workers,
39:51 whether you're young or old you're gonna be a Bible worker.
39:53 And so when we get those names in
39:56 it's not gonna be all my responsibility.
39:58 I'm gonna spread those names out
39:59 for every body throughout the church
40:01 and young or old
40:02 everybody is gonna win souls for Jesus Christ.
40:05 All right.
40:06 Well, Diane and I involved in Prison Ministry.
40:08 Okay.
40:10 And something that Lord kind of let us to
40:12 and open the door for us to be involved in
40:15 and just recently we have gotten
40:19 some product from Christmas Behind Bars.
40:23 Okay.
40:24 Lemuel Vega I know if you've heard of him.
40:26 No.
40:27 He started going to one county jail
40:31 with the little gift package.
40:33 And it's grown to now he does about 45,000 a year.
40:37 Oh, wow.
40:38 Well, I'm just-- I'm thinking out loud
40:40 this isn't anything we've rehearsed
40:42 but we had a little gift box.
40:47 It's about to size of a cracker box
40:49 and little thicker maybe for a particularly prison
40:54 that didn't give it, didn't accept it.
40:57 So I have about 2,000, 2,500 gift boxes.
41:02 Amen.
41:03 Do you think your church plant would be interested?
41:05 I will-- we will love to do that.
41:08 And getting involved in a prison ministry
41:09 somewhere there area--
41:10 Oh, that would be nice.
41:12 And we could provide some gift boxes.
41:14 I appreciate that.
41:15 I did prison ministry for a year and half.
41:17 Okay.
41:18 In Clayton in St. Louis. All right.
41:21 I really enjoyed it, it was a really experience.
41:23 We were able to help some people
41:25 when they were released from prison,
41:27 with transitional housing items and things in the area
41:30 but we will love that, we are new church plant were open.
41:33 Okay.
41:34 We need prayers, we look at differ location
41:38 where we can have worship service,
41:41 we're needing donations of any sort,
41:43 we don't care if it's food, clothing, personal items,
41:49 you know, it doesn't matter but prayer we need the most.
41:54 But we're new church and we're looking to
41:56 you know do great things.
41:57 So if you're in the St. Louis area
42:01 and you want to get involved in an exciting ministry,
42:05 or you want to be a part
42:06 of the church that's just launching,
42:10 you need to get a hold of Lizzie
42:11 it's what you need to do.
42:13 And I'm not just sure when we're gonna have the role
42:17 but we'll give you a chance to
42:19 be able to make contact with Lizzie
42:21 and her ministry in a bit
42:24 and be sure and have something ready to write that down
42:27 because I know that you'll want to be involved.
42:31 And also want to share the name of our church
42:34 is the Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church.
42:36 I love the name the Emmanuel its God with us,
42:40 God is been with us from day one.
42:43 And becoming a new Seventh-day Adventist
42:46 bring a part of this movement has changed my life.
42:49 And when I got into the church,
42:51 the new church plant was Emmanuel.
42:54 And so when Emmanuel church and New Life
42:57 Seventh-day Adventist Church merged together.
43:00 Now in St. Louis are called the Lighthouse
43:02 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
43:03 So with the new church plant because Emmanuel was
43:06 where I started and that was a part of me.
43:10 Yeah.
43:11 And since there was not
43:13 Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church at St. Louis
43:15 I just had to bring it back, amen.
43:17 All right.
43:18 So that's why we got a name
43:19 Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church.
43:21 Wow. Good.
43:24 Okay well, is there any other thing
43:27 that you want to share
43:28 we have a few minutes left here, about your ministry.
43:33 Well, I would just want to share with the audience
43:35 that just pray for us, we really, really need prayer.
43:38 Okay.
43:39 We're new church plant, we're growing,
43:42 if you out there you want to be a part of our new church plant,
43:45 you're Adventist and you're looking for a place to grow,
43:49 amen or you want to do something new
43:51 and like to be apart of us
43:53 please you know, give us a call,
43:55 join us we love to have you.
43:57 If you want to come and share your music,
43:59 your ministry or whatever we will love to have--
44:03 anyone to come out and help us out.
44:05 Okay, I think we have an address role ready,
44:07 why don't we go to the address role.
44:12 If you'd like to contact Lizzie then you can write
44:14 to Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church,
44:17 6068 Emma Ave.
44:20 St. Louis, Missouri 63136,
44:23 that's Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church
44:26 6068 Emma Ave.
44:29 St. Louis, Missouri 63136.
44:33 You can call 314-482-2594,
44:37 that's 314-482-2594
44:41 or you can email her at lizzieharrison@sbcglobal.net,
44:48 that's lizzieharrison@sbcglobal.net.
44:58 Well, you want to get a hold of Lizzie
45:00 I'm glad that we got to have a chance
45:02 to share that information on our contact.
45:04 And if you want to be a part of that church plant,
45:08 you want to be involved in any of the ministry
45:11 that's the number to call.
45:14 Dian, Lizzie was telling us
45:15 about her Domestic Violence Ministry
45:19 to women with the best--
45:21 Yeah, we like to hear more about that.
45:22 Yeah, tell us more about that.
45:24 Well, it's a very interesting ministry.
45:28 It takes a lot of prayer. Yeah.
45:30 It's not always easy you know,
45:32 depends all the type clients you're working with.
45:36 We get a lot of calls here and there
45:38 throughout the evening, sometimes where women
45:40 that are going to domestic violence.
45:42 Believe it not you know, sometimes they have children,
45:45 sometimes they don't and you know,
45:47 sometimes you're talking to a client
45:48 on the other end and you know,
45:50 you don't know what's going on in the background,
45:53 you don't know if the person is in safe place
45:56 or not at the time, we've had victims
45:59 that have been actually killed
46:02 and murdered from their abusers.
46:06 What we try to do is to come the situation,
46:10 we try to get the victim out of the home
46:12 or separated from the abuser, once we do that,
46:16 we try to find a safe location
46:17 where they can meet to be picked up,
46:20 so they can be transferred over to safe environment,
46:23 and they stay in that shelter.
46:26 Sometimes they have to get their identity changed,
46:28 it depends on how bad the situation,
46:32 the situation is.
46:33 How did they get your number to even call you?
46:36 Knocking on doors. Okay.
46:39 I knock on doors, I've done some radio.
46:42 Okay.
46:43 And we try to get the ministry out there,
46:46 I went through all of our Adventist churches
46:47 in St. Louis most of them are aware of the ministry.
46:50 Okay.
46:51 Sad to say we do have
46:52 some victims of domestic violence
46:54 or in our Adventist churches as well.
46:57 And so we try to be a support system to everyone
47:00 and so just knocking on door with the food pantry
47:03 where meeting so many different people.
47:05 I'm constantly passing out my cards letting people know
47:08 about the services that we have to offer.
47:10 And what's very important and now just as Adventist
47:14 you know, we have to go out, we have to knock on doors,
47:19 we have to let people know what we have to offer.
47:21 Yeah.
47:22 And sometimes people can't get to us
47:24 so we have to go to them so every opportunity I get,
47:29 I get the message out there.
47:30 You never know and even if that particular person
47:33 that I hand a card to,
47:34 they might not ever need the card
47:37 but the card will come in handy for family member or friend.
47:39 Yeah.
47:40 That might be going to domestic violence.
47:42 So then that would mean you would be serving men,
47:46 women and children.
47:47 Yes, we do serve men as well.
47:49 Sometimes we have men, it's sad to say
47:52 but some people don't believe it that they are men,
47:54 they are victims of abuse as well.
47:57 But most majority of the time its always
47:59 you know, the women but it is you know,
48:02 we do have some men and so we have them
48:04 as well with shelter, resources
48:07 or separate themselves from the situation.
48:11 We also encourage them and help them
48:14 get counseling, if they are an abuser.
48:17 You know, and if they want the help
48:19 we trying to make sure that we provide that for them.
48:22 How do you get them separated from the situation
48:24 when they give you a call, how do you--
48:27 Well, we coach them because we don't want
48:30 you know, anything bad to happen
48:31 we have to coach them on when the best time to leave,
48:36 you know, when the best time to
48:39 you know to pack up just keep the situation calm
48:42 because you don't want anything to happen to them.
48:45 So you have to give them the safe way to escape.
48:48 And sometimes they has to be planned.
48:50 Right, it doesn't always happen the minute
48:53 that they're giving you the call?
48:54 No. It maybe a few days later.
48:56 Yes.
48:57 And you're coaching them how to go about
48:59 getting extracted from this dangerous?
49:01 Yes, and some might be on the street
49:03 calling for someone's cell phone
49:04 and we can help them quicker that way,
49:06 but if they're at home and the abuser is there
49:09 we have to coach them on how to make sure the situation is
49:13 you know come before the exactly make that move.
49:16 Well, thank you, you know
49:18 we have another music you want to tell us.
49:22 Okay, Darrell Marshall again
49:24 and he will be singing "Because of Who You Are."
49:29 Amen. All right.
49:36 You spoke the words
49:38 And all the worlds came into order
49:43 You waved Your hands
49:45 And planets filled the empty skies
49:50 You placed the woman and the man inside the garden
49:56 And though they fell they found compassion in Your eyes
50:04 Oh Lord, I stand amazed at the wonder of it all
50:11 Yet a greater wonder brings me to my knees
50:17 Lord, I praise You, because of who You are
50:24 Not for all the mighty things that You have done
50:31 Lord, I worship You, because of who You are
50:37 It's all the reason that I need to voice my praise
50:43 Because of who You are
50:51 One holy night You set Your promise from a virgin
50:57 Your promise grew as You revealed to us Your heart
51:04 Enduring love displayed through out Your crucifixion
51:11 And with Your death, You tore the darken grave apart
51:19 Oh Lord, I stand amazed at the wonder of it all
51:25 Yet a greater wonder brings me to my knees
51:32 Lord, I praise You, because of who You are
51:38 Not for all the mighty needs that You have done
51:45 Lord, I worship You, because of who You are
51:52 It's all the reason that I need to voice my praise
51:59 Lord, I praise You because of who You are
52:05 Not for all the mighty needs that You have done
52:12 Lord, I worship You, because of who You are
52:19 It's all the reason that I need to voice my praise
52:25 Because of who You are
52:32 Because of who You are
52:38 Because of who You are


Revised 2015-02-05