3ABN Today

Happy Holidays from Our Kitchen to Yours

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Micheff Sisters


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY014043A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to our 3ABN today cooking program.
01:12 We're the Micheff Sisters. I'm Linda.
01:15 I'm Brenda. And I'm Cinda.
01:19 And we have an exciting, exciting program today.
01:23 Yes, we do.
01:24 We are calling this happy holidays
01:28 from our 3ABN kitchen to yours.
01:34 And I love this time of year, don't you?
01:35 I do.
01:36 It's not just, it's not just all the beautiful colors and--
01:40 and the snow, and the fire places,
01:43 and all the aromas that you think about
01:45 this time of year--
01:46 It's the sprit of the people,
01:50 they get in to this giving spirit,
01:52 they are happier--
01:54 It is because we are highlighting
01:56 Jesus Christ as our Savior to the world.
01:59 Yes, because Jesus is the reason for the season.
02:03 And I love that.
02:05 When you made Jesus first in your life,
02:06 I love that you just can't help
02:09 and want to share Him all year long.
02:11 But I love that we have a special time
02:13 and we really think about His birth.
02:14 And we can reflect on His birth.
02:16 That's right.
02:17 We really think about what God has done for us.
02:18 We think about Jesus birth and what God's amazing gift,
02:22 that He would send His only Son to this earth to die for us,
02:26 so that we might have eternal life for Him.
02:28 And we cannot concentrate on that too much,
02:30 we cannot stop thinking about that too much.
02:33 We should really think about what Jesus did His special,
02:37 you know, gift on Calvary that He did for us.
02:39 And you know, we talk about sharing Jesus all year long
02:44 but, you know, we can really take the opportunity
02:49 to share Jesus specially at the holidays.
02:52 That's right.
02:54 And something, something that I do it
02:56 in every holiday is I always invite--
03:01 I mean anybody who needs a little cheering up,
03:05 whose had a hard year
03:06 or whose gonna be lonely for the holidays,
03:09 I invite them to my holiday table.
03:12 That's right.
03:13 And we are encouraging you to do the same.
03:15 And in fact, Cinda always makes her home so inviting,
03:19 she always has a very special holiday theme
03:21 and I think our long time viewers have come to know
03:24 that when we are doing a holiday program,
03:26 you gonna get to see one us
03:27 in this table decorations and today is--
03:31 That's right.
03:32 You are not gonna miss out,
03:33 today you are going to get that as well.
03:35 To give you ideas how to decorate
03:36 your buffet table and then just, you know,
03:38 put the food out and invite people
03:41 that you would normally not even invite your home.
03:42 Right.
03:43 May be somebody that you have seen that--
03:44 may be that you noticed
03:45 they don't really have anybody sitting with at church.
03:47 And may be your neighbor that you never see him
03:49 when coming and going from there house
03:50 and you know, there is, there is-- invite people.
03:53 There's somebody wonderful opportunities
03:55 to have those divine appointments
03:56 where we can really just love people to Jesus.
03:58 Or those single people in your church
04:00 who don't have families and they are all by themselves
04:02 and where the holidays aren't very happy for them.
04:06 There is no better-- You can help them to be happy.
04:08 That's right, there is no better way
04:10 than friendship evangelism to touch hearts for Jesus.
04:12 And when you invite some one into your home,
04:14 you are sharing Jesus.
04:16 There is another part of it that is, it is so special
04:20 and that is, is that in this day and age
04:23 families are just being split apart
04:25 and this is the time when we can even make
04:28 our family feel very, very special.
04:30 Special, that's right.
04:31 To celebrate what Jesus Christ is done for families
04:35 and I think you know,
04:36 just making something special for them,
04:38 says I love you and doing little special--
04:41 And you are special.
04:43 And you are special, so you are right sis,
04:45 this is-- this is a wonderful time of the year
04:49 to also make our families feel.
04:51 Like they are very important and special--
04:53 And loved.
04:54 Because when we do that they will start to glimpse
04:56 how much Jesus Christ really loves them.
04:59 Because unless we show God's love
05:01 how can anybody really know what is love?
05:04 And I loved, how we learned even as a child
05:06 and we talk about our mom and dad a lot
05:09 and because we just really love them
05:10 and they were set really godly parents--
05:12 And examples to us. And examples to us.
05:15 I loved how mom would always have
05:17 a special night usually Friday nights,
05:20 where it was a all the best dishes that she has,
05:24 special goblets those blue goblets and yeah--
05:26 I have, there is only one left
05:28 and I have it in a box.
05:30 Its like--
05:31 And it is just that brings back such more memories
05:33 because she didn't just save the best for the guest.
05:35 That's right.
05:36 She wanted her family to feel, like we were loved and special.
05:39 And so that's where we got it,
05:42 it was our training from our mom and dad.
05:43 And also what I love that mom and dad,
05:46 every holiday we didn't have money for gifts.
05:50 In fact, some years we didn't get gifts.
05:53 That's right. We made home made things.
05:54 We made home made things, and sometimes may be--
05:57 Cards.
05:58 It was only one gift a person, but you know,
06:00 so mom and dad always focused
06:03 on what we could do to other, for other people.
06:07 So that way the focus was not on us,
06:09 even though we were little children
06:11 and even though we--
06:13 I mean, as we grew up through the years
06:14 it wasn't on what we were getting,
06:17 it was what are we gonna do
06:18 for someone and who would you--
06:19 Come and give.
06:20 Who would you gonna do something for this season.
06:23 That's right. And we did it as a family.
06:24 And that's because I loved it and we did it as family.
06:26 That's right, when you thinking about others,
06:28 that's really the best blessing anyway.
06:30 There is no better and there is really
06:32 a no better joy than to serve Jesus
06:34 and we are helping others we are serving Jesus.
06:36 You know, when we are thinking about others.
06:37 That's right. So--
06:39 And it says in John 13, it tells us
06:42 that we are to love one another
06:43 and it says by this we will all will know
06:46 that we are disciples of Jesus Christ.
06:48 So how we show love to one another
06:51 says who we belong to.
06:53 That's right. You know--
06:54 I love that thought too, and that's one of my favorites.
06:56 I love the fact that mom and dad in--
06:59 they involved and included all five of us children.
07:04 Yep, there's five of us. We have two brothers.
07:05 And to, and to making the holiday special
07:08 for our family and for those around us,
07:12 the people that we knew,
07:13 people that we didn't even know.
07:15 And they didn't spend the lot of money.
07:17 No.
07:18 We actually remember how we would go out
07:19 and pick-- the little holly berries
07:22 and we would string it with popcorn
07:25 and we find this little bush and dad would bring it in
07:28 and we put our popcorn strings and our berries around it.
07:33 And it wasn't always the most,
07:34 you know, fun loving people at church
07:36 that they invite into our home either.
07:38 I can remember, I don't if you guys remember this
07:41 but there is a one particular lady in our church
07:43 that didn't never had--
07:45 she wore the same thing to church every single day.
07:47 She didn't smell very good because I, you know,
07:50 she didn't smell like she bath very much at all
07:52 and she just was always but, boy, by herself.
07:54 Mom and dad just welcomed her into our house,
07:58 we invited into the home and you know,
07:59 none of us made it even seem like she smell bad,
08:05 we just showed her love.
08:06 Do you know that woman changed?
08:08 Mom helped her find cloths,
08:09 mom slowly she was able to, you know--
08:11 Throughout the year just be friend to her.
08:12 About cleanliness to the ears
08:14 and it made a huge difference in her.
08:15 That's right and so you know, you as parents keep in mind
08:20 that you are the example for your children.
08:23 You can tell your children all kinds of things,
08:26 but you need to show them.
08:27 You are the example.
08:28 And and if you don't have children
08:30 so you are single whatever and your--
08:33 you still can be a mother in Israel or a father in Israel
08:38 that shares with the church kids
08:40 and those around you.
08:41 Well, that lady I was speaking about,
08:43 till the day she died thought of us as family.
08:46 And so you know, God really does want us
08:48 to reach out and help, help others
08:51 and think about others and it's about the giving.
08:53 And we learned to really love her
08:55 and see the beauty in our heart.
08:56 That's right.
08:57 There's lot of times we compare the outside and we think--
09:00 Exactly.
09:01 But when we look at through God's eyes
09:03 into the heart we see the beauty.
09:05 Exactly. That's all I was gonna say.
09:07 When, when she actually came to our home
09:10 and we actually spent time with her--
09:12 She was a-- she was precious.
09:14 We were like wow, she is really nice.
09:16 We like her. Well--
09:21 We have got some recipes for you today
09:23 that will inspire you to have your buffet
09:26 and invite all your friends and neighbors
09:30 and, and people that you don't even know that well,
09:32 invite them in for a wonderful holiday meal.
09:35 We'll start with my root vegetables.
09:38 Oh, those are look so good. Oh, my God.
09:40 Carrots and looks like beets in there.
09:43 Then we will have Creamy Potato Puffs.
09:46 Oh, and those look good too.
09:47 Who doesn't love potatoes? Then we have Tofu Turkey.
09:51 That's beautiful. Well, thanks, sis.
09:54 And we are gonna top it off with Carob Delight cake.
09:57 Oh, nice slice of a cake in, but sounds good.
10:00 Is your mouth watering? All right, sis.
10:04 I know, I want one of those root vegetables.
10:06 And you know, just relax and watch the program
10:09 and you can always go on the 3ABN website
10:14 and get the recipes
10:15 or you can go on the Micheffsisters.com
10:18 website to get the recipes.
10:20 Just www.micheffsisters.com and cook on recipes
10:24 and we also give you the picture
10:25 what the recipe looks like.
10:27 That's right.
10:28 Okay, I'm gonna start with now
10:30 I choose some of my favorite root vegetables.
10:33 So if you do not particular like them,
10:38 I say you try them
10:40 because you need to eat your vegetables.
10:43 So you gonna do the recipe, read the recipe.
10:45 No, you didn't-- yes, I will, sis, but now--
10:49 but you can substitute another vegetable in
10:52 or leave it out, if there is a vegetable that you don't like
10:54 but, Linda is right let me read the recipe for you.
11:20 Is that it? Wow, I love short recipes.
11:23 Simple as that. That's it.
11:25 Okay, Brenda, since I'm gonna do one--
11:28 I'm gonna just do cut off the tops for beets for you
11:31 and I'll let you peel but folks,
11:34 you are gonna need some gloves for the beets.
11:36 Some gloves, that's right.
11:37 So-- If I doing beets--
11:39 You know, we are famous for our kitchen gloves.
11:40 I'm gonna have you do sweet potatoes.
11:42 Okay. So what I'm gonna--
11:44 If you wanted to the beets
11:45 oh, we're happy to give you beets.
11:47 Oh, that's just fine. I like this--
11:48 I'm gonna get started with the sweet potato,
11:50 so with the sweet potato
11:52 I'm gonna just cut off the little end
11:55 and then if you will peel that for me.
11:59 And Brenda, I'm gonna cut the beet,
12:01 I'm just gonna cut the-- you want to cut the top?
12:04 Let's show them what a beet looks like, right here see.
12:07 There you go. With that--
12:09 So you want to cut the-- Root.
12:12 Leaves off.
12:13 And this is why we call these root vegetables.
12:15 Well, can you see, they grow in the ground.
12:18 There is a root.
12:20 So sis, if you want to peel the beet for me.
12:23 Okay. And I will throw this away.
12:28 I throw this away and I will show you how to cut it.
12:30 You know, I-- wow, stumbling in.
12:34 And its, and its and if you don't happen
12:37 to have a peeler, you can use a knife,
12:41 it just try not to take so much of the vegetable with it.
12:44 Okay, while they are peeling that,
12:46 I'm gonna take a zucchini and you're gonna--
12:49 oh, wow, she is, she is fast.
12:50 Good job. Here let's keep her going.
12:54 Got me another one?
12:55 Oh, I got you another one, there keep it going.
12:57 Okay, I am gonna take the zucchini
12:59 and I will show you how to cut it.
13:00 Now, you think your cutting them,
13:02 I actually-- I'm gonna change the recipe
13:05 because I put cut into one inch cubes,
13:07 you really should do one and half to two inch cubes
13:11 because, they really cook down.
13:15 So I cut it in half-- They shrink--
13:18 Then I cut it again and then you're gonna
13:21 want to cut in to a good one and half inch cubes like this.
13:27 Okay, and put that on-- They shrink--
13:30 Your cookie sheet.
13:31 And aren't you gonna spray that
13:32 with little nonstick cooking spray?
13:34 Yes, I will.
13:36 So I can spray that at the end, I'll show you.
13:40 I use a roasting pan at home.
13:43 I have a-- it's about a two inch in size pan,
13:46 and it's a little bit bigger than this
13:48 because I cook-- I usually do a lot of vegetables
13:52 because I invite a lot of people over.
13:54 So this is our yellow squash and I cut off the tops
14:00 and I'm gonna do the same thing I did with the zucchini.
14:02 Is that it for me? I'm gonna go like this, oh.
14:05 I got another one for you, have to have it.
14:07 And I'm gonna do the same thing,
14:09 she wants me to cut the ends off I know.
14:11 And put this on and then the carrots
14:17 for sake of I like to do it in strips,
14:21 but you can cut it in circles
14:23 or you can do it in strips and it's up to you.
14:28 And you can even leave it like that
14:30 because they are gonna roast.
14:32 Now-- Here's your beet.
14:34 The beet, same thing
14:36 I cut the beet into thirds like this
14:39 and then in half and it depending on the size,
14:43 look how big those chunks are?
14:44 Because they will shrink now.
14:46 You're gonna see the finish product,
14:48 how big it is and the same thing
14:50 with the sweet potato, you're gonna cut it,
14:54 cut it again, cut it again and then nice big chunks
15:00 because it really does cook down.
15:03 Now what you're gonna do is take your vegetables
15:07 and you will take a cup of pans.
15:10 Can I have the spray down their.
15:12 Sure.
15:13 Please, so what you're gonna do is,
15:16 you're going to take this
15:17 and spray really good like this,
15:21 make sure your vegetables are all coated,
15:24 toss them a little bit
15:27 and you're gonna put them in a 425 degree oven
15:34 and if you do not have this spray
15:37 then you can just take a little bit of olive oil and--
15:40 Dressed up.
15:41 Kind of drizzle it over and then toss it
15:43 with your hands.
15:44 Then I take a little bit of salt
15:46 and just sprinkle a little salt on it.
15:48 You're gonna put this in the oven
15:51 at 425 degrees for about 45 minutes
15:56 and flip them over gently in between
16:00 like halfway in the cooking time
16:02 and you want to get little bit of brown
16:04 because they are roasted and here's what they look like.
16:06 And you can see how they shrunk down to size as well.
16:09 That's right, see how they shrunk down.
16:10 They are delicious.
16:13 Well, you know what else
16:14 sis says is delicious, is your potatoes.
16:18 My Creamy Potato Puffs for that you will need--
16:47 This one is a special one just for Cinda,
16:50 wow, you can have it too.
16:53 Thanks, sis.
16:55 Everybody knows Cinda loves potatoes.
16:57 Exactly.
16:58 We all love potatoes but Cinda really loves potatoes.
17:00 I know, it's like her favorite food.
17:04 Yeah, she'll eat it cold, she'll eat them hot
17:06 and lukewarm and between.
17:08 Anyway you want to give them to me.
17:10 So to get started,
17:11 we're gonna make our gravy part first.
17:13 We already cooked our potatoes, you can dice them.
17:17 This is five cups, this recipe you can even add
17:20 extra potatoes if you want to
17:22 because there is enough cream sauce.
17:24 Please do.
17:25 Sis, if you could make our slurry
17:27 because we gonna need that.
17:28 You could turn the fire on there
17:31 and we are gonna start this heating.
17:35 This is a really simple, easy potato dish.
17:40 We are gonna need is a little season salt
17:42 and if you want any another kind of seasonings in it
17:45 instead of that just go for it.
17:48 It's hard to mess up potatoes. There here's your slurry.
17:52 That's my slurry, okay, and over here
17:57 you can make 24 of these little potato things
18:01 or you can have more dough and just make 12.
18:04 So we are gonna do the 12. So cut this in 12 pieces.
18:05 Okay, so what it is this? This is puff pastry?
18:08 Puff pastry. Okay.
18:09 So I can get this in your frozen section and it is vegan.
18:10 Three this way and four that way, all right.
18:14 Okay.
18:16 And sis, if you could get the vegan cheese slices.
18:19 Okay.
18:20 And I'm gonna go ahead and pour in.
18:23 And you, do you want to break them up
18:24 or drop them then in?
18:25 Break them up and put them in here.
18:28 And I've got a corn starch,
18:30 usually doesn't take too long for this to thicken.
18:37 And when you are working with puff pastry,
18:39 you really want to have it, your dough cold.
18:41 So leave it in the refrigerator till,
18:43 you know, it comes frozen
18:45 so you want to throw it out overnight in your refrigerator,
18:48 but then bring it out of your refrigerator
18:51 right before you ready to use this, you keep it cool.
18:52 That's right.
18:53 Otherwise it kind of sticks together
18:55 and you won't be able to work with it.
18:56 You won't be able to do anything with it.
18:57 But you can spray the pan over there
18:59 and then place these in the pan.
19:01 Okay.
19:03 And we'll get our ready for our potato dish
19:05 and you will see how easy this is
19:07 to make it potatoes look elegant.
19:11 You know, and that's what makes it yum.
19:14 But it simple. It's so nice.
19:15 Because if you can do some thing elegant
19:17 it makes them extra special.
19:20 And this is like almost effortless.
19:22 You know, because it's very easy.
19:24 That's what, that's what I'm thinking its effort less.
19:28 You know, I'm-- I'm working so hard.
19:32 So you can see what Brenda is doing over here.
19:35 I'll bring this over here so you can see.
19:38 I'm picking up one of this particular dough like this
19:42 and just dropping it in to the muffin tin,
19:46 and leave out your point,
19:48 like here so just makes a little cup.
19:50 And take note that she sprayed her muffin tin first.
19:54 Right.
19:55 Because otherwise it will stick in,
19:57 and you won't be able to get it out.
19:58 That's right, and that is important.
20:01 That's the problem. Okay, it's almost thick.
20:05 If you, I don't know if you can probably see this
20:09 but its, its very thick.
20:13 It's getting there.
20:15 And sis, in a just a minute you are gonna put that in.
20:18 Oh, one minute.
20:20 While we are just finishing up nothing but vegan cheese,
20:24 which this vegan cheese takes a little bit more time to--
20:27 Well, vegan cheese if you ever worked with vegan cheese
20:31 there are some that just won't melt,
20:33 and I mean it's hard to melt.
20:35 Yeah. They are coming up--
20:38 But how do you say it I like day is it Daiya?
20:42 Daiya or something I love that cheese.
20:45 I can't remember what it is
20:46 but, may be some day I will tell you.
20:49 I haven't really found a cheese substitute
20:52 that absolutely live source for me,
20:54 I just-- I just put the cheese out.
20:57 And you don't need it
20:58 and you don't have to have it in.
20:59 I would like to leave cheese out.
21:00 Hey, go ahead and turn it off and then add that.
21:03 Oh, turn it off first? Yep, turn it off.
21:04 I can say that, that I had a friend
21:06 that made a cashew cheese that was--
21:09 we tasted really good,
21:10 but such concentrated cashew are so high in fat
21:14 that it would definitely be
21:15 which something I didn't eat all the time.
21:16 And even though it's a good fat
21:17 you just don't eat so much of that.
21:18 Exactly.
21:19 All right, we're gonna put the potatoes in there now.
21:21 You want this?
21:22 Yeah, you can go ahead and mash some of them up.
21:26 We are done with this whip now. Okay, I'll take it.
21:29 I lost one of my potatoes in there.
21:31 Oh, don't lose, don't lose a potato.
21:33 Not letting you get rid of that.
21:36 All right, and you can put garnish it with fresh herbs.
21:42 So--
21:44 I'm gonna leave this here so you guys can see.
21:45 Sis, if you could cut up just a little bit of those potatoes.
21:49 Oh, I can cut, I can cut up the potato for you.
21:52 So, what we're gonna do--
21:53 Oh, look at her. Don't you double dip?
21:55 No more in that. Hey, I got to cover it.
21:59 And you just gonna fill each one like that.
22:00 That's really good, sis. Bake it.
22:03 You won't let me double dip, but I can do this.
22:05 You bake them at 400 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes
22:10 that's all you have to do.
22:11 Ten to twelve minutes depending on your oven,
22:13 because all ovens are different
22:15 and then we have some right here for you
22:17 to see how they turned out.
22:18 Already baked. Already baked.
22:19 These cute little potato puffs, those are delicious.
22:22 And they make a delightful holiday meal.
22:25 Yes, they do.
22:26 You know what else is going
22:28 to make your holiday meal delightful
22:31 and that's Brenda's Tofu Turkey.
22:34 Turkey. Let me read the recipe for you.
23:42 Now that's a lot of ingredients, I know.
23:45 But you know what, its worth it.
23:46 It is.
23:47 You know, holiday time is the time
23:49 to do a little something extra then you would normally do
23:52 and it looks a lot harder than it is.
23:55 I call it tofu turkey
23:56 and I'm going to get started here
23:59 because it is gonna take us a little while
24:00 to get all this together, but hang with me
24:02 you are gonna see how easy it is.
24:04 We're gonna need a few things.
24:06 First we going to use tofu
24:07 and this is already processed in a food processor.
24:10 And if you have a large food processor
24:12 it will go by faster
24:13 because it takes five containers of your--
24:15 So you just grounded really fine?
24:17 It's processor, in processor.
24:19 It's just processed, you blend
24:20 and you process it and in fact this is the--
24:23 Water packed.
24:24 Water packed tofu that people don't know what it is.
24:26 I didn't have an extra one to show you here,
24:28 so that is water packed tofu and you just rinse it
24:33 and really squeeze all the water out of it
24:37 and then you're going to put it in the processor
24:40 and you're gonna do that, because there still,
24:41 it's still retains some of the water
24:43 so we are gonna take it out.
24:44 In processor until it's real smooth.
24:47 It's very smooth, so now Cinda has got
24:50 all those seasonings I gave you,
24:52 she is going to just put all those together
24:54 and start stirring.
24:55 While she is doing that-- I am ready.
24:57 Linda, you're going to start this pan cooking here
25:01 and spray some nonstick cooking spray on there.
25:05 Now we've already sauteed the onions
25:09 because I really like those nice and done,
25:11 so you can put those in there, sis.
25:13 And I wanted to show you what the Tofurky looks like.
25:16 Now this is the vegan sausage and really check
25:20 because a lot of these sausage
25:21 I saw are not vegan even though they vegetarian.
25:24 So this one here is a vegan sausage
25:26 made by Tofurky has a really good flavor
25:29 and it flavors this dish a lot for this is
25:32 and I making the filling right here.
25:33 Here we're making the tofu and here we making the filling.
25:36 So this is what that looks like and--
25:39 and then for the basting that I am gonna show you that--
25:42 we won't have a chance baste today
25:44 but this is what I use that Better Than Bouillon
25:49 no chicken baste and that is really one of the--
25:52 the best bouillons that I have vegetarian vegan bouillon
25:56 that I have ever come across.
25:58 Make sure it says no chicken though on it
26:00 because they do make chicken.
26:01 They write and they put them the jars side by side.
26:03 Side, so check and see it, it got to say no chicken on it.
26:06 Now this you can see how these come like this,
26:09 you can just grate these and--
26:12 or you can just peal them in small shreds like this
26:15 and just put them right in here.
26:16 So these have all this been shredded
26:19 and I'm gonna just put that right over here.
26:21 And so Linda is going to stir that up with the onions.
26:25 With the pre-cooked onions. With the pre-cooked.
26:27 There already done.
26:29 They're clear they are really done
26:31 and I'm going to just put a little seasonings in here
26:35 as she stirring and a little bit of salt.
26:38 I'm gonna have-- this is cooked brown rice
26:41 that's in here.
26:42 So that's all done.
26:45 And then I'm gonna toast up our pecans.
26:47 Really when you toast those nuts
26:49 like that it really brings out the fragrance of the nut.
26:52 They become more fragrant.
26:53 You can smell it and taste the difference.
26:55 Oh, yes. Wish you could smell this.
26:57 And now I'm gonna add the mushrooms
26:59 and these are just that chopped mushrooms.
27:01 Okay.
27:03 And you notice that there was,
27:07 the potatoes in the recipe with the water
27:10 and little bit tiny bit of salt,
27:11 that's 'cause you are cooking and boiling those potatoes
27:14 and then you are just making mash potatoes out of it.
27:16 That's what you are doing.
27:17 So I have the two cups of mash potatoes.
27:19 Now I will share this with you, in a pinch
27:22 I will just throw a couple of potatoes in the micro wave
27:24 and take them out, mash them up for little.
27:26 I don't measure I just put enough,
27:28 you know, just sprinkle salt on that for,
27:31 almond milk or soymilk to get it
27:33 to a nice mash potato consistency
27:35 and its all you know, to save me--
27:36 saves me some time.
27:37 So that's a shortcut, if you want to take that is well.
27:40 And Linda, then we are going to just put in our bread crumbs
27:44 and those are just whole wheat bread
27:46 and I'll give that to Cinda.
27:48 And then when she stirs all that up
27:52 she is going to put in the mash potatoes.
27:54 Now obliviously isn't enough time to do all this at once
27:58 so I have some stuffing all ready made.
28:01 So Linda, can go and cook
28:03 but I'm not gonna use it right now.
28:04 Cindy, you did a really good job over here.
28:06 Thank you.
28:07 And we can take this off as well.
28:09 Now I want to show you some thing
28:11 really some important here,
28:14 because actually let's do this one first.
28:17 I have a strainer, you're gonna need a strainer.
28:22 You can use any shape you want.
28:23 I choose this one
28:25 because it has a shape of a loaf
28:28 but honestly the first one I made,
28:29 the only strainer I had was just a round one
28:32 and I made the round one
28:33 and it look kind of a bubble on my plate
28:35 but, you know, everybody loved it.
28:38 And that works too, so-- And you can it bubble loaf.
28:44 So it was good but I got this, so what you gonna need to do
28:48 is you gonna need some cheesecloth and so--
28:51 The cheesecloth is-- is a gauze.
28:54 It's like a gauze and you can, you can get it
28:56 in hardware store, you can get it--
28:57 You can go rob your first aid kit.
29:00 I was just thinking, mom used to rap us our sores
29:03 and stuff with that, we got hurt.
29:05 So here what you're gonna do,
29:06 is you're gonna take the cheesecloth
29:08 and drape it over the side this way
29:10 and over the side this way
29:12 and sis, if you would just cut right here for me.
29:16 There you go. And then this unfolds.
29:21 So, but before I'm fold it,
29:23 Cinda, I will need you to put this under running water
29:26 and ring out the water for me,
29:27 because it it's needs to be wet when you put it on here.
29:29 So you're gonna put it in here
29:31 and we are going to just line it.
29:33 When you line it you don't want any wrinkles in there,
29:37 you want to keep it as smooth as you can
29:39 and sis, a fine job you are doing over there.
29:40 Is it ready for mash potatoes?
29:41 You can put the mash potatoes in.
29:44 Okay, sis, help me we are just unfold that.
29:50 Yep, here it is
29:52 and so now you are just going to drape that over
29:55 and see well how you just line it like this.
29:59 Now you are going to spoon all of this.
30:02 If you would hold up this up for me Cinda,
30:04 and we are just gonna dunk it on the sides,
30:07 we're gonna just spoon it right in to the bottom.
30:09 But don't touch the sides with it
30:11 and just put it on the bottom
30:15 like that and that's good.
30:21 Okay, and then you just going to even it out flat, okay.
30:27 When it's completely even out flat like this
30:31 all the way down get it nice and smooth on the top,
30:34 okay, and then make sure its--
30:39 that if you push down gently it will fill up that bottom
30:43 really nice as well see.
30:45 So now you are going to fold in this,
30:48 we are just gonna fold in the ends of the cheesecloth
30:51 and cover it and we've damped that remember.
30:53 So now just fold that all in, now guess what you do?
30:57 I all ready got one done.
30:59 Okay. Let's me guess.
31:01 Well, let me share this with you
31:02 because this still has a lot moisture in it.
31:04 We want all the moisture out of it before we bake it.
31:07 So this is done the day before you want to make your turkey.
31:10 So this is all right, at this point
31:13 now I'm gonna show you what I did.
31:14 If you put this on the back table.
31:17 You are going to take that now
31:18 and you are going to find a pan like this
31:20 that you are going to put it in.
31:23 Something that any pan it will fit to catch,
31:25 because you are gonna put-- here's what I did,
31:27 I found the bowl that fit on top of that
31:30 and I put the bowl in here like that,
31:33 and then you want something heavy to weigh it down
31:35 and we found this bag of rice and we just put that on it
31:38 and we did this last night in the prep kitchen,
31:40 and so now all the liquid--
31:43 Show them the liquid thing.
31:44 So we will show you the liquid that comes out of here and--
31:48 Woo, that was quite a bit.
31:49 Can you hold that up for me Cinda, so they can see.
31:52 Like this so you can see, it can--
31:54 take a look and you can get an idea, see how much--
31:56 Can you see it?
31:58 Pour the other now, yeah, there you could see now.
32:01 You could see it, it's quite a bit of the water
32:04 that came off the tofu.
32:05 So now we are going to take this off,
32:09 we're gonna unwrap it
32:11 and let's see here and see in this is--
32:14 this is very, very wet, but now this is had chance
32:17 to really drain that off
32:19 and we take this bowl if I would, sis.
32:22 And now I'm going to,
32:25 to take an about of one inch around the loaf.
32:30 You're gonna make a mark
32:31 all the way around about one inch like that
32:34 and you're gonna hollow it out to one inch from the bottom.
32:37 And you're gonna just keep hollowing that out like this.
32:42 Let me show you
32:47 and if you get too close to the net,
32:49 you're gonna have to fill it back in
32:51 because you really do have to keep about an inch.
32:55 So we are just hollowing that on.
32:59 Sis, if you can do that here with me,
33:01 you can take some out and try.
33:04 So we are just making it well,
33:06 but make sure you keep an inch on the bottom and on the sides,
33:10 because all this that we're taking out
33:12 we are going to cover and put back in.
33:13 Put back in now.
33:14 Because we're gonna put our filling, our stuffing
33:16 in the middle isn't that cool.
33:17 Very, very cool.
33:19 So this is really a stuffed turkey.
33:20 So is this done? I can turn it off?
33:22 You can turn it off. You did a great job.
33:27 And-- Again.
33:30 It's getting there, let's see. That is really cool.
33:35 So probably I keep it now its good--
33:36 it's good but now we got to make sure
33:39 we just smooth it out there, perfect.
33:42 Good job.
33:43 So now I'm just going to,
33:47 I'm just gonna take a little bit of stuffing
33:50 and put in the middle right here.
33:53 Even though already have a stuffing ready for you,
33:55 see I didn't know for you would get this done in time
33:57 and I wanted to be prepared,
34:00 so my sister Melissa Hoffman was who helps us here,
34:03 she made up one in advance
34:06 so that we would have one just in case.
34:08 That's okay, our crew will be happy
34:10 'cause we will feed them.
34:11 That's right. So you just--
34:14 I'm just gonna just take a time
34:16 and not gonna stuff all of it in here
34:18 but I will just do some of it in here
34:21 and then pull that out of way Linda, so that they can see.
34:24 And then I'm just pour this right back on top
34:27 and Cinda, you are gonna spread that around and cover it,
34:30 that's what we're gonna do.
34:31 So now I need a--
34:35 Melissa, I need a baking sheet, so--
34:39 It's right here behind you.
34:40 Oh, it is? Oh, she is all ready got it.
34:41 Oh, Melissa is efficient.
34:43 I should have known. Okay, so--
34:46 And this is hot underneath so--
34:49 Okay. Let's be careful.
34:51 I put a parchment here because you gonna need this
34:53 to transfer on to your platter afterwards,
34:56 after it's baked.
34:57 So I like to put a nice piece
34:59 of parchment paper right on it as well.
35:02 And good job.
35:06 Okay, now we are going to just fold in those ends like that,
35:13 just like we did oops, sorry, no we're not.
35:18 This is ready to invert on our pan.
35:20 To down this pan. So now this is the tricky part.
35:22 Be careful of the side.
35:24 So now I'm gonna cover it with the parchment paper,
35:26 cover with this and one, two, three sisters,
35:29 we are gonna flip towards me.
35:30 One, two, three, okay.
35:33 Now we gonna take this off here's is our strainer
35:37 and we are going to take the cheesecloth off.
35:42 And look at this, is this not an amazing?
35:44 Now I just smooth down the ends
35:49 and you can-- I can even take off the--
35:53 tear that off it won't matter.
35:54 Go ahead sister, tear. It won't matter, there it go.
35:59 And look at that, that's all ready to bake.
36:01 Wow. I just smooth down the sides.
36:03 Now that basting what I told you about
36:05 we are gonna baste at this point,
36:07 you put the-- have a confession to make,
36:10 I didn't buy enough of it,
36:11 so the sample took it off for me,
36:13 so I don't have my basting ingredients,
36:16 but you would just baste it at this point
36:18 with that no chicken-- I mean that no chicken
36:21 all right Better Than Bouillon and you baste it like that,
36:24 bake it in the oven and its gonna for--
36:27 how low long Melissa, it's gonna bake
36:29 for 375 for 15 minutes
36:31 and then you gonna turn it down to 350 for one hour.
36:34 Now she is sitting on the side I wish you could see her.
36:35 I wish you could see why I'm laughing.
36:37 She got a big sign going.
36:38 She is got a big sign, she knew I forget.
36:42 Let me see the sign would you way.
36:44 Let me go get this.
36:48 She won't come on camera, she is too shy,
36:50 but this is what she is holding up on the back--
36:53 look at this see that,
36:55 holding up on this side look at that.
36:56 375 for 15 minutes, 350 for one hour.
37:00 If she that the best sets forever,
37:02 I tell you what she really is
37:04 and then when it comes out you have something
37:07 that squish it on to your platter
37:10 and then you just gonna decorate it.
37:12 And there is one already ready for you
37:14 right there to see, and just garnish.
37:16 Cinda did such a beautiful job helping garnish this.
37:19 She is definitely a garnish queen.
37:20 And let's put some Brussels sprouts
37:23 and potato veggies--
37:24 And lots of fresh herbs.
37:25 And red peppers in,
37:26 all those herbs are from Cinda's garden.
37:29 And that's all there rest it.
37:31 Wow. Well, I can't wait to try it.
37:33 Something else you can't wait to try
37:35 is Linda's special desert Carob Delight Cake.
37:39 All right, let me read the recipe for you.
38:26 Now it seems like every holiday
38:29 someone looks forward to something that is sweet.
38:32 Sweet, that's right. I know I do.
38:34 I do too.
38:35 And is nothing wrong with that just you don't we--
38:38 we don't indulge all the time.
38:39 There are times that its nice to have something special.
38:42 And honestly, I look forward to something sweet
38:44 more than just for the holiday.
38:46 Oh, that's right.
38:48 So I guess you could use this recipe for something else.
38:52 So let me-- shall we tell our viewers
38:54 how much of this cake, this is her carob cake
38:57 how much of this cake are you gonna enjoy?
39:00 Well, I can-- I can taste it to see what it's like.
39:04 That's, that's she is gonna have an extra piece
39:07 of your tofu turkey for her desert.
39:09 Yes, that would be like my dessert.
39:11 I'm telling well tale on her
39:13 because, Linda, makes the most awesome vegan desserts
39:16 and she has never liked any dessert ever,
39:18 any kind of dessert.
39:19 I taste it and I try to like it.
39:22 Which is so unusual Brend, you think about it
39:25 she can make really awesome desserts
39:26 and she doesn't like dessert.
39:27 My husband does though.
39:29 And I love my husband so I make him things.
39:32 Yeah, there you go.
39:33 So she, she taste that so she has to, but you know--
39:36 This is the unbleached-- I wish I get that problem.
39:41 Not me, I enjoy the sweets. Oh, yeah.
39:44 Again put our Florida crystals in
39:48 and our carob powder.
39:53 That made you make powders up.
39:55 Oh. That's a look at on me.
39:56 Yeah, does she wearing essence of carob powder right now.
39:59 And this is Roma which is a vegan or vegetarian.
40:03 The substitute for corn caffeinated.
40:06 Not-- yes, no caffeine,
40:08 so I put that in and then we have got
40:11 some baking powder and a little bit of salt.
40:16 Okay, now we are gonna just
40:18 put all this together and mix it together.
40:22 I know it's getting all of this.
40:27 When David was-- when my son David was little
40:30 he wouldn't and he would help me bake
40:33 and we would be doing like this
40:34 and he would pick it up and go
40:37 wee, it's snowing mommy.
40:42 And I be just covered with it.
40:45 And you probably ran and got your camera.
40:47 Oh, off course. Oh, yeah, off course.
40:49 And she didn't get mad about it and go
40:50 oh, don't move, don't move I get my camera.
40:54 I know because we've seen the pictures.
40:56 You know it is fun to make memories
40:58 that families can go back and look at and laugh
41:02 and enjoy the fun times.
41:04 I mean, that's really special to do that as a family.
41:07 Right and you know if there having fun,
41:10 have fun with them.
41:11 That's exactly, enjoy your time with your children,
41:14 it's all gonna-- they grow up way too fast
41:16 I can tell you.
41:17 You know, having now I had two daughters
41:19 that have, you know, grown up and they have--
41:22 Have families of their own. Have families of their own.
41:24 So it in it I really remember like it was yesterday
41:27 when they were babies and I'm thinking,
41:28 wow, how did that happen?
41:30 You know so time goes by. Okay, we are going to.
41:33 What do you want me to do over here?
41:34 Over here if you could make a slurry
41:36 with the corn starch and water
41:38 and I'm gonna put this soymilk in here.
41:41 I take that for you. And I'm gonna put our oil in.
41:48 And I'm making the slurry with cold water.
41:50 That's right.
41:51 Does that-- you wouldn't want to use hot,
41:53 we would thicken immediately.
41:55 And this is, this is vanilla,
41:59 and we are gonna get our pure maple syrup in here.
42:03 I love the smell of vanilla. And Cindy, I get you.
42:10 Okay, sis.
42:12 All right, we pour that in to
42:17 and that's like taste that's an egg replacer.
42:20 So I'm gonna stir that up
42:22 before I get the mixer in here,
42:25 little bit, here we go.
42:30 And this makes a large cake.
42:33 Yes. Yeah, it sure does.
42:34 If you making three, eight inch or nine inch rounds?
42:37 There is three. Yeah, three.
42:40 I know, eight inches-- I think they are nine inch.
42:41 They look nine inch to me. I think they are nine inch.
42:44 Yes, nine inch. Well, I guess that's a clue.
42:47 So I think if that was just written on
42:48 and just read it.
42:49 Okay, folks it is nine we can confirm.
42:54 Here we are talking earlier about gift giving
42:56 and I recently received, from one of our
43:00 you know, Kids Time viewers,
43:02 this little story that really touched my heart
43:04 and we might have heard of it but this little boy,
43:09 she told us little boy
43:10 that had a sister that was really, really sick.
43:14 And so she needed to have some blood transfusion.
43:19 And so the parents came home
43:21 and the father took the little boy home
43:23 and he said would you be willing
43:24 to give your sister some of your blood?
43:27 And the little boy was quiet for a minute
43:29 and he looked down at her shoes
43:31 and then he said honey, you don't have to.
43:35 Would you, would you be willing to and he said daddy,
43:38 he said, what that mean that, that my sister would live?
43:42 And he said yes.
43:43 Yeah, that's gonna help for live.
43:45 He said then I will do it
43:46 and just right away didn't hesitate
43:48 and anything else just that's was it.
43:50 All he knew is his sister would live.
43:52 And so he-- he and from
43:56 what I heard the story that told
43:57 that wasn't just some type of surgery or something
44:01 I don't know what she needed some kind of procedure.
44:03 So when it was all over with and he came--
44:06 they were waiting for him and they took his blood
44:08 and they waiting for him, he is waiting there
44:10 and he ask the nurse,
44:11 she goes when I'm gonna die?
44:13 And it just touched my heart so much
44:16 because here he was going to give his--
44:19 he thought he was gonna die.
44:20 He thought he given his sister
44:21 you know, his blood and he was gonna die
44:24 and it's like how much longer well, when I'm gonna die?
44:27 And that just touched my heart.
44:28 I thought about what Jesus did for us.
44:30 Exactly. You know, He didn't hesitate.
44:32 You know, He loved us so much that He doesn't--
44:34 didn't hesitate at all to, you know,
44:37 die on a cross and give His blood
44:38 so that we could live.
44:40 You know, so-- That is amazing.
44:42 Isn't that not, didn't that just touch your heart?
44:43 Well, I'm wiping this up,
44:45 sis, if you could make the frosting.
44:48 Okay. And put that all together.
44:52 Okay, I'm gonna take the foster she told her now.
45:01 Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, just a minute.
45:03 Wait a minute.
45:04 Can I just help it, snow right here little bit.
45:11 Just remember whose is better in sports than you.
45:14 It says when we get older we put away childish things.
45:20 I think it's in 1 Corinthians. Yeah, but we are not old yet.
45:23 No, oh, that's a good one. No.
45:29 Okay, how much longer do you have to do that?
45:32 Okay, it's almost there. Okay.
45:37 You do that and tell it's all creamy
45:40 and then we are going to spray these,
45:42 fill these pans with divided up
45:46 and try to make it is even as we can.
45:48 Okay, go do that, sis.
45:49 And then we are gonna show you what we have here is
45:51 so that I can explain to you how you put it together.
45:54 Okay.
45:55 So this is our carob cake right here
45:56 that we all ready have finished.
45:58 There is three layers, see how big they are,
46:01 in between each layer you can put some soy cream,
46:05 and on the top of it you just put your frosting
46:10 let it drizzle, it's kind of a very runny frosting
46:13 and you let drizzle down and you can just garnish it
46:16 with some fresh raspberry's, some grated carob
46:22 and that is your dessert,
46:24 and it's a three layered carob cake.
46:27 Wow. Wow, looks delicious.
46:28 Which I think we put a smile on your family's face.
46:31 And look at this right here, it did that all three nine inch
46:36 we confirmed that nine inch, sis.
46:39 And I think we can tell them if they wanted to get
46:42 some of our recipes, what do they need to do?
46:44 That's right, you know. That's right.
46:46 We actually have six cookbooks out
46:49 and we are going to show you
46:51 how you can get one or all six of them.
46:57 If you've enjoyed the recipes you seen today
46:59 and would like to purchase your own copy
47:01 of one of their cookbooks including their new cookbook,
47:04 Cooking with Kellogg's.
47:06 You can write to 3ABN, Post Office Box 220,
47:09 West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
47:12 That's 3ABN, Post Office Box 220,
47:16 West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
47:19 You can call 618-627-4651. That's 618-627-4651
47:27 or if you would like to contact the Micheff Sisters
47:29 for speaking opponents or concerts,
47:31 you can do so at their website
47:33 at www.micheffsisters.com, that's micheffsisters.com.


Revised 2015-01-22