3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY014025A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome
01:08 to another 3ABN today cooking program.
01:11 We are the Micheff Sisters. And I'm Linda.
01:15 I'm Brenda. And I'm Cinda.
01:19 We tell you that its time there's
01:20 so many people will get us all mixed up.
01:22 I honestly don't know why that is?
01:24 But they'll call me Linda or Cinda
01:26 or they'll call you guys my name and--
01:30 But you know honestly, our dad does that too.
01:33 Hey, Linda, Brenda, Cinda
01:35 oh, you know which one I mean, get over here.
01:37 So we started calling us sunshine,
01:39 I thought that was my special name
01:41 until I realized he called them sunshine too.
01:44 All of us have special names.
01:46 Now, wait a minute, I'm sunshine.
01:47 He just made it--
01:49 he just made it easy for himself.
01:50 We love you, daddy.
01:51 Yep, just answer, hi, daddy. Well, hi, sunshine.
01:56 Well, today we are calling this program
02:01 Let's Celebrate.
02:04 What are we celebrating, you ask?
02:06 God's great love for all of us. That's right.
02:08 Everyday of life is the day to celebrate.
02:11 And so you don't have to have a--
02:13 you know, make up a special reason.
02:14 We already have a special reason.
02:15 That's right. You know.
02:17 You know, I at--
02:18 when my kids were growing up,
02:20 I would find ways to just kind of brighten a week
02:24 or brighten a month and celebrate.
02:26 I remember when Katie fell and broke her foot,
02:31 she was just so and I was like--
02:33 let's have a party.
02:35 You broke your foot, you've never done that before.
02:38 This is it, let's have a party.
02:40 She looked at me and we had a party.
02:42 Well, it says in Philippians,
02:44 rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.
02:48 So I made kinds of special food and we just celebrated.
02:53 Speaking of special food, there is something special
02:57 about this program that we're celebrating too
03:00 and that's our brand new cookbook.
03:03 The Micheff Sisters Cooking with Kellogg's.
03:05 And Kellogg's corporation contacted us to
03:09 you know write their cookbook for them
03:12 using all of their products.
03:14 They own a lot of vegetarian products.
03:15 They are vegan products. Yes.
03:17 Yeah. And they Loma Linda--
03:20 Foods, Worthington Foods,
03:21 MorningStar Farms, Gardenburger.
03:24 I mean, I actually when we started this project,
03:27 I don't know about you sisters
03:28 but I didn't know that they own--
03:29 I did not realize that.
03:31 So many of that a vegetarian products,
03:32 and many of their products are vegan.
03:35 So we've taken the vegan products
03:38 and we have each of us
03:40 created recipes using one of their products,
03:43 their vegan products each one of these recipes.
03:45 We're showing you-- right--
03:46 we're showing you creative ways to make to use these products.
03:50 To use these products. That's right.
03:51 Because a lot of time you'll see a can
03:55 and you'll think okay, what do I do with this?
03:58 Or you'll buy one of their frozen patties
04:01 or their frozen burgers and you think,
04:04 oh, I just can only use that for a sandwich.
04:08 We're showing you some pretty creative and delicious.
04:11 That's right.
04:12 Ways you can do use them that are different.
04:16 So, well, maybe we should show them right now.
04:18 Okay. Show you.
04:20 What we're making today.
04:21 We're giving you some ideas that little bit extra special
04:26 that you can use when you want to find a reason to celebrate.
04:32 May be, just you don't normally try.
04:34 Right. Yeah.
04:35 So starting up with--
04:36 Let's show you, we're gonna start off
04:39 with the Little Chick'n Hot Pockets.
04:42 That's right. Those are delicious.
04:43 And then we have Spinach Triangles.
04:47 And I love spinach. And that's good.
04:48 Then we're gonna have Chicken Vegetable Alfredo.
04:51 Oh, and one of my favorites Roasted Acorn Squash.
04:56 So good.
04:58 I love that and then we've got Sweet Potato Salad.
05:00 Can't go wrong with that. I love sweet potatoes.
05:03 And then we have Chicken Asparagus Salad.
05:06 Now if you don't like that asparagus
05:08 just hang on because it's really good.
05:11 Think you didn't too.
05:13 But you can take it out and put another vegetable.
05:14 Sis, doesn't like asparagus. I love asparagus.
05:17 We're gonna start with the Little Chick'n Hot Pockets
05:19 and let me read this recipe.
05:22 For this you will need...
05:49 Which is vegan, right. Which is vegan.
05:51 And if you didn't have time to write all that down
05:53 don't panic, don't worry
05:55 just sit down, just enjoy the program
05:57 because you can get all of our recipes
05:59 on our website micheffsisters.com
06:02 and its m-i-c-h-e-f-fsisters.com
06:06 and there's not only the recipes there
06:08 but there is a picture of the food
06:11 that we are preparing.
06:13 So that you get to see it and there's the recipe.
06:15 You can get it on 3ABN.
06:16 And you can also get it on 3ABN's website 3ABN.org.
06:20 And you can also get our new cookbook.
06:22 Yes, they're all in here, right here.
06:25 Okay, so for this recipe I'm using the Tender Bits and--
06:32 And they're by Loma Linda.
06:33 Aren't they or they Worthington?
06:36 Loma Linda, just want to be sure.
06:37 Well, you know what in your defense,
06:39 there's Worthington on the can too.
06:43 All right, so we were both right.
06:46 That works.
06:48 Okay, so you're gonna start by taking the Tender Bits
06:51 and putting them in your food processor.
06:53 And if you don't have a food processor
06:55 you can just chop them up really fine with a knife.
06:59 And so go ahead and grind those up.
07:01 I'll probably do.
07:02 Yeah, Linda would use the knife.
07:04 Cinda and I would use the food process.
07:06 Yeah. Well.
07:11 Does that look good? There you go, that's good.
07:15 Oh, am I say said that's good. Okay.
07:19 We just want to say
07:20 a special thank you to Camille Gilley
07:21 who donated this food processor for us.
07:24 And thank you, Camilla.
07:26 You are always so thoughtful
07:27 and thinking about all the cook series.
07:29 So we appreciate you.
07:30 Do you know what, she even sent me
07:31 a pair of shoes in the mail
07:32 because my feet were hurting.
07:34 She is the sweetest. Just love her.
07:37 I missed her, when we had her grandkids on Tiny Tots
07:42 she was faithful at Tiny Tots every single time we taped
07:46 and would help us in anything.
07:48 Oh, I know. I miss that.
07:49 Because she had grandchildren on the program,
07:51 so she was there--
07:52 She was there and it was so nice.
07:54 She loves Jesus. But they grew up.
07:55 So she lives to help others
07:58 and that's what you do when you love Jesus.
07:59 You have to ask her,
08:00 she's getting more grandkids coming up.
08:03 I know, I know.
08:05 Okay, I have already taken the spinach and chopped it up.
08:09 And what I did was I just--
08:13 which I should have showed you but I was in a hurry
08:16 and I just bunched all the leaves together
08:18 and then you just chop it up.
08:20 And so you just get little shreds,
08:22 so we'll do that.
08:23 Now if you are not into the red pepper flakes
08:27 then you don't have to add them.
08:29 I like them for a little bit off--
08:32 Can I start opening one of these?
08:35 Sure. And then--
08:36 It's just the refrigerating crescent dough.
08:39 I'm gonna put the--
08:43 And now this is the VegeSal is one of my--
08:47 in fact it is my favorite
08:48 all purpose vegetable seasoning.
08:51 If it's made by Spike I think and if you can't find VegeSal
08:55 then you can just use your favorite
08:57 all purpose seasoning.
08:59 Aw! Sorry. Sorry.
09:04 Okay, meanwhile we are making a dish over here.
09:09 It's kind of exploded a little bit,
09:10 so if that happens to you.
09:12 Okay, okay, here's the popping fresh.
09:15 This was really popping fresh.
09:18 I don't know, I can't even hear anymore.
09:21 Well, good thing I have a good heart
09:25 'cause it's still working.
09:27 Okay, this is the Tofutti Better Than Cream Cheese.
09:30 And if you can't find this it's a soy part
09:34 if you can't find this then just use the--
09:36 Low far or no fat.
09:38 Low fat or light regular cream cheese.
09:41 If you can't find that and you do use dairy,
09:45 if not then you could--
09:46 I think I have you open this one.
09:48 I think I'll pass on that.
09:49 Oh, I'll open it, just wait I will get it.
09:53 Its half way open, it might pop again.
09:57 Okay.
10:01 I'm not opening those things.
10:02 So what you do is just mix it up.
10:04 So that's our mixture, that's what's gonna go in our
10:06 little chick'n hot pockets okay?
10:09 All right.
10:10 Make sure you get the cream cheese in there,
10:13 the vegan cream cheese.
10:15 Okay, that's what's gonna be in it.
10:17 Now, we're gonna take our dough and find the seam.
10:21 Which I got another can for you.
10:23 That was really nice of you, sis.
10:25 I was celebrating.
10:27 You want to find the seam
10:29 where it was put together and unroll it.
10:33 Or you could make your own dough too.
10:35 Sure.
10:36 You can make your whole a homemade biscuit dough,
10:39 you could make a bread dough.
10:42 I've actually done it with the bread dough.
10:45 Okay and then I cut along the perforation
10:51 just because I don't like to tear the dough
10:53 because its really soft and it will tear
10:57 and then I put a mixture in
11:01 at the top about like that
11:06 and then I fold like this
11:08 and then I press down on the sides
11:12 and then roll up like this,
11:15 because you want to seal that in
11:17 so it doesn't come out
11:19 when you are baking it and roll.
11:21 Oh, look at that. And there you go.
11:24 Oh, wow. Beautiful.
11:26 We'll do one more.
11:28 You see how easy it is
11:29 and then you're gonna put this in a 375 degree oven
11:35 for about 10 to 12 minutes
11:38 depending on how your oven bakes
11:40 because honestly ovens bakes differently.
11:43 And you wanted to be nice and golden
11:46 and we'll show you some that I made earlier.
11:50 Look how pretty and golden those are.
11:53 Oh. those are delicious. Those are delicious.
11:55 And they-- you can have them hotter,
11:57 how about cold little bit.
11:58 You can eat them hot, you can eat them room temperature.
12:00 All right.
12:02 So, what's our next special recipe?
12:03 Our next is my spinach triangle.
12:06 So let me read the recipe for you.
12:08 For this you'll need...
12:39 And that's really all the rest to it.
12:41 I have to say this is my husband's
12:43 very favorite appetizer and it is found
12:45 in appetizer section of our new Kellogg's cookbook.
12:49 And you can fill it with other things
12:51 but he really loves the spinach triangles.
12:55 And what I use to make this for him
12:58 was with the real feta cheese in there.
13:02 And he loved it with the feta cheese
13:03 so it was really kind of funny.
13:05 When he came home and he saw these baking
13:08 in the oven he said,
13:10 oh, my you haven't made those in so long, I love those.
13:13 And he comes over and he's eating them
13:15 he think that he's got the fatter cheese in it.
13:17 There is no fat and he didn't even miss it.
13:19 So I didn't tell him, so don't you tell him either.
13:22 And he's a very picky eater so--
13:24 I know, he doesn't even know.
13:26 He could even tell food by the smell, you know.
13:28 I know.
13:29 If it doesn't smell right, he's not eating it.
13:30 He is exactly right.
13:31 He's challenging to cook for so--
13:34 why don't you get a win like that, he is--
13:36 I love working with the fillo dough,
13:39 and the traditional way of fillo dough is you
13:43 brush melted butter on it.
13:45 Exactly.
13:46 And you don't have to do that with this.
13:48 We just spray it with the no bake cooking--
13:51 The nonstick.
13:52 Yeah, the nonstick and so you don't have
13:55 all fat and calories.
13:56 Yeah. Its better, yeah.
13:58 And it still makes a really crispy flakey.
14:02 Oh, so good.
14:03 Really good, so we're gonna start off with Linda,
14:06 would you turn the fire on and put the onions in
14:11 and then I've already precooked them.
14:13 To save us some time.
14:14 Save, well, and also I want to make sure
14:16 of those things are dead.
14:17 I want to make sure that those things are really done.
14:21 And yeah, I love onions just not raw,
14:25 so there we go put that in there and then sis,
14:29 while that's cooking you can even put go ahead
14:32 and put those seasoning in there.
14:34 And what gonna happen-- The red pepper flakes.
14:37 Red pepper flakes
14:38 and the McKay's chicken style seasoning,
14:41 a little bit of cayenne and a little bit of salt.
14:45 Now, when this starts cooking up those mushrooms
14:49 when they cooked they get kind of watery
14:51 and depending on the mushrooms
14:53 I find some of them more watery than others.
14:56 So if this you can do one or two things.
14:58 In the cookbook for the directions
14:59 I told you just drain of the excess liquid.
15:02 And you can either do that or if you have the time,
15:05 you can have--
15:07 you can just saute it and it will evaporate off.
15:11 So you'll cook off the liquid.
15:13 So that's okay too and it's a little more
15:15 concentrated flavor either way is good.
15:17 So-- but you--
15:18 what you don't want is to mix this all up
15:21 and it's all drippy and not it too juicy,
15:24 you don't want that.
15:25 Yeah, it's not gonna be good. It's got to be thicker.
15:30 So while she is sauteing over there,
15:34 we're gonna add this when she is done.
15:36 When you are done we're gonna put the spinach in.
15:38 Let's see, so this here is actually not getting that juicy
15:45 so I think maybe we're okay.
15:47 And so sis, a little bit at a time
15:49 can you just start adding the spinach in here?
15:51 Do I break it up? No?
15:53 Nope, you can just put it in like that
15:55 little bit of time and it will welt down.
15:57 You'll be surprise how much that were gone.
15:59 And I'm gonna move that to this side if I could
16:01 and you're just gonna keep adding
16:03 a little bit of time and keep cooking that in.
16:04 It wilts down fast. It wilts down fast.
16:07 It looks like a whole lot of spinach
16:08 she is putting in there but it's just shrinks down.
16:11 Yeah. It's gone.
16:12 It really is.
16:13 So we're gonna wait to all that is cooked
16:14 and then will put it in our self some tofu, okay?
16:17 And I'm using that in place of the feta cheese
16:19 and you don't even know,
16:21 I make that switch over on you, okay.
16:24 The chick'n patties go in the stir fry.
16:26 Yes, now I wanted to get an extra skillet
16:29 because you-- again to save time
16:32 I'm going to have her cook this
16:35 but on the same-- for the same mixture.
16:38 The chick'n patties are very soft patties.
16:43 Very soft.
16:44 You could be even-- the texture can be
16:45 a little bit mushy if you do not saute them first.
16:49 In fact, they are even hard to cut like that stat.
16:52 Yeah.
16:53 You want to cut individually, let me go get you a skillet.
16:56 Okay, because I want to saute them separately.
16:59 If we had time on the program
17:02 when you put your onions in you could go ahead
17:04 and put your chick'n patties down at that point.
17:07 But since we don't have time today,
17:09 I'm gonna do them separately
17:11 and just try to speed up the process, okay.
17:13 Something's you have do for television
17:15 just so that you can see it
17:16 and so that's what I was gonna do.
17:19 Okay, go ahead, skillet is getting hot.
17:20 And we're gonna spray that with spray.
17:21 I turned it on. It's getting hot.
17:22 You dice that up for me. Okay.
17:24 And we're gonna add that to-- How little?
17:27 Just-- yeah, that's good
17:29 and then you know little dices just diced.
17:31 Yeah, that's good.
17:33 You see how soft this is-- it even it just--
17:35 Yeah, I'm gonna this
17:36 so they can see get a shot of that
17:39 where you can see how its very, very soft
17:42 and you will-- you will want to--
17:45 let me just put this in the skillet over here.
17:47 Sis, can you spray
17:48 some nonstick cooking spray over here.
17:51 I can.
17:52 And I'm just gonna put it into the pan over here
17:54 and saute that up.
17:57 And here it goes and we're just keep adding that over there.
18:02 You can break that up for me.
18:03 You're gonna have to do double duty over there, sis.
18:06 You are in charge of the, you know,
18:07 frying pan queen over here right, right here.
18:10 Wow, I never ever had that title before,
18:12 the frying pan queen, wow.
18:15 If anyone can handle-- That sounds pretty important.
18:19 Yeah, I'll do this. So you take that one too.
18:21 Okay, now-- I'll just go like this.
18:25 I'm just gonna wet my hands
18:26 because I don't like sticky fingers
18:28 when I'm doing that but you can see
18:29 how that was very soft and you're gonna want to--
18:34 want to saute that up and nice golden just put some--
18:38 spray the tops of it as well, and--
18:41 You want to in on that queen stuff too.
18:43 Oh, I don't know.
18:45 Okay, you know what, I'll move over.
18:46 I just feel sorry for you.
18:48 I'll move over and she's gonna share.
18:50 Isn't that awesome that God gives us sisters
18:53 to help us in the kitchen
18:56 and you might say well I only have brothers,
18:58 you know, I don't have sisters.
18:59 Hey, brothers are awesome cook.
19:00 Brothers are awesome cook too
19:02 and you have a whole church full of sisters.
19:04 That's right.
19:05 So everybody has the sister, right?
19:07 Okay so you got somebody
19:08 just invite them over to help you.
19:10 We are so glad we're part of the family of God.
19:13 And you have neighbors. And you got neighbors.
19:15 Invite your next door neighbor in.
19:17 Hey, how is this looking? That's looking really good.
19:20 How about-- you guess what?
19:21 Now almost that did get juicy,
19:23 so you're gonna have to reduce it down
19:25 by letting it cook it of a little bit.
19:26 So we'll just keep you over there reducing--
19:28 just keep over there.
19:30 Job security over here.
19:33 All right, real quick over here,
19:36 this is because we don't have time
19:37 to wait for that we're gonna do this
19:40 I'm gonna roll out the fillo dough
19:42 and some people that say,
19:43 oh, I'm scare to work with this.
19:45 Don't be, you don't have to be but what you do--
19:48 I do need to have a sharp knife and--
19:50 You know what, you want this one?
19:53 I have one right here. Yes.
19:54 Instead of--
19:56 What we're gonna do is one thing with fillo dough
19:58 you want to keep it, it will dry out very quickly.
20:01 When it dries out it will become
20:03 like a paper and just crumble.
20:04 So you have to keep it moist when you're working,
20:06 we're gonna roll it out and we're gonna just cut it
20:09 into long strips right here
20:11 and make-- I mean three long strips.
20:13 So I'm just gonna cut
20:14 right along here in minimum this
20:17 and just press down and again right over here.
20:22 And three long strips and there you go that's good.
20:29 Okay and then can you throw this away, sis?
20:31 And then what you're gonna do is
20:35 I'm gonna just cover this up and I have a damp cloth
20:39 and I'm just gonna place it over that
20:40 so it doesn't dry out.
20:42 I'm gonna take one sheet like this
20:44 and I'm gonna spray it.
20:46 I'm gonna take another sheet and so like this
20:49 and Cinda's gonna spray it between for me.
20:51 And so you take another sheet and she's gonna spray it again.
20:55 And you can use two or three.
20:58 Sometimes I use two, sometimes I use three strips like that.
21:02 I honestly like--
21:04 And because-- because three strips
21:06 I like three too but because there's not time
21:09 to wait for that mixture
21:10 this mixture some that saved out
21:12 that's already ready to go.
21:13 So you're gonna take about two spoons or so of that,
21:16 how big you want to make them.
21:18 And then you are going to fold it over
21:22 and make a triangle
21:23 and you know like you are folding a flag,
21:25 just keep going back and forth like that,
21:28 back and forth, back and forth and just like that.
21:32 Is that not easy to do? Then you spray it again.
21:34 Then you spray it again, you're gonna put it on
21:36 some parchment paper right over here
21:38 and you're bake when you get all these filled up,
21:41 you're gonna bake it for about 400 degrees
21:44 for seven to ten minutes
21:45 till they are golden and it looks just like this.
21:49 And I tell-- And they're so crispy and so--
21:55 Tender and spicy.
21:56 You want to try one of those, sis?
21:58 I think this--
22:00 And you don't have to ask me, sis.
22:01 When these are done then what you're gonna do
22:03 is just mix these two together.
22:04 Yes, when the chick'n patties are done you just gonna mix it
22:08 but this has to reduce down first
22:10 and then we're gonna add it.
22:11 And there it is look at that.
22:15 Well, our-- you're gonna want to try these honestly,
22:18 all right, and my husband highly recommends them in
22:21 let me tell you what that is a recommendation.
22:23 So right now we are going to do Linda's recipe
22:26 what is that your Chicken Vegetable Alfredo.
22:29 Okay, sis, could you read the recipe?
22:32 Oh, well, I think that's gonna have to be you.
22:34 All right, here I go, for this you are going to need...
23:15 All right, let's get started, sis--
23:19 Wait, let's just go ahead and get it over with right now.
23:24 Well, I would like you to notice
23:26 the ray of colors.
23:27 It is so important that we have all our colors
23:31 the greens and orange
23:33 and yellows and red would be nice.
23:36 So you can even garnish with the little bit tomatoes.
23:40 Garnish with the tomato rows and you'll be just fine.
23:42 Yes, because when you color your plate like a rainbow,
23:45 you don't have to worry about having good nutrition.
23:48 So with this dinner
23:49 because I don't have the red here,
23:51 you can have a nice salad with it.
23:54 And you know and then
23:55 put all your different colors in that too
23:57 and wow, all the textures and stuff,
24:00 you are gonna have good nutrition
24:03 and that is so important. That takes the worry out of it.
24:05 God takes the worry out of it for us,
24:07 if we just have make sure we have all variety of colors.
24:10 He made so many wonderful foods for us
24:13 and also the different textures.
24:16 You don't have to worry about it.
24:17 Your family--
24:18 Color your plate like a rainbow.
24:22 All right, what am I doing over here?
24:24 All right, you are gonna put
24:25 some water in your pan, turn it on.
24:27 Am I gonna put this first?
24:28 And I need this one so turn that on to.
24:30 Okay, so here we go
24:32 and I'm gonna turn them both pans.
24:34 Right. Your water is going in here?
24:35 No, your water is going is there.
24:37 Oh, my water is going in here.
24:38 And then you're gonna put the onions
24:39 that we've already precooked in there.
24:41 Okay.
24:42 Over here Cinda is going to make a slurry for us
24:45 with cornstarch and water.
24:47 Okay, I can do that.
24:49 We're gonna give some carrots for you.
24:51 Okay.
24:52 And while you are doing that I'm going to start the sauce.
24:55 So I'm gonna put my soy milk and I do have almond.
24:58 This is almond milk
25:00 but you can use your favorite unsweetened would be the best.
25:04 All right.
25:05 And again remember that when you are doing a slurry,
25:09 when you are mixing the water with the cornstarch
25:11 make sure that you are mixing a cool water.
25:16 You do not want to mix warm or hot water
25:18 with the cornstarch because it will lump.
25:20 Lumpy, lumpy, lumpy.
25:21 That's right, so make sure it's a cool,
25:24 real cool water and anytime you are making a slurry.
25:28 And now the product that we're gonna be using
25:32 for this is skallops.
25:34 I love skallops. I do too.
25:37 And it's put out by Worthington as you can see right there
25:40 we have a can for you to see.
25:42 And we're gonna be putting that in there too
25:44 so let it all cook up.
25:46 We're talking about like grandsons Michael and Jason,
25:49 how much they love linketts.
25:51 We were talking about the other day
25:52 that they also love fried skallops.
25:55 They do. Oh, they love that.
25:57 And we grew up with that too.
25:58 We used to think, I thought one of the meals
26:00 mom would do sometimes if we wanted to have
26:03 some special with the picnic she give us the fried skallops
26:07 and we make some homemade French fries.
26:09 That was really good too.
26:10 Well, when it would rain
26:12 that was a big deal at our house.
26:15 Mom would fry up some skallops and she just--
26:18 you know forcibly that was a threat
26:20 because we didn't often get it and then daddy would get a--
26:23 you know, we have some French fries--
26:25 real nutritious meal.
26:27 And then-- But it was a treat.
26:29 And if they're baked you know--
26:30 Yeah, that was a treat and we get in the car
26:33 and while it was raining.
26:34 And we go through the puddles
26:35 and we'd have our food in the car
26:37 that was one of my best memories.
26:39 And we'd say daddy, get the next big puddle.
26:41 He tried to hit the puddle and make a splash.
26:43 But you-- We found--
26:44 we found a lot of family fun in inexpensive thing.
26:47 Exactly.
26:48 Because we didn't have any money.
26:49 Also what I loved is when it would rain,
26:51 they would let us go outside and play in the rain.
26:54 Oh, yeah.
26:55 And we would go, oh, its raining.
26:57 As long as there was that lightening.
26:58 Can we go outside? Yeah.
26:59 And so then we would run outside
27:00 as long as there was a lightning
27:02 we played in rain.
27:03 And momma never complaint about the mud.
27:04 And we got muddy.
27:05 She never complained about the mud.
27:07 It was a real fun.
27:08 And you know what daddy was right out there
27:10 getting muddy with us.
27:11 Yes, he was.
27:12 Sometimes we had a garden house to
27:14 and we will be squirting him at it you know.
27:16 Yeah, it wasn't enough that was raining.
27:18 Doesn't enough that rain
27:19 we're gonna get some more pressure.
27:21 Hey, this is a little season salt
27:23 and what we're actually doing is making Alfredo sauce,
27:26 so we've got a little season salt.
27:28 Use your favorite season salt
27:29 and then a little bit of salt here.
27:32 And we're gonna let that get hot.
27:35 You know, it's got we'll stir it all up
27:38 and when that get hot.
27:39 Now when your vegetables get pretty well cooked
27:42 almost done, we're gonna put the zucchini
27:45 and the yellow squash but not until.
27:47 Not until. So I'll try to restrain myself.
27:49 Oh, no, help. I want to put him so bad.
27:54 So allow us saying that we're gonna do
27:55 is this wonderful garlic press, you're gonna put that in there.
27:58 Yes, incase you guys missed the one of our programs
28:01 we talked about this garlic press
28:03 that I found in Germany and it is the most amazing--
28:06 We know we've been on this quest
28:07 for garlic press for a long time.
28:09 Well, Brenda, has found the most awesome garlic press.
28:13 And not only one she got three of them.
28:16 So we all got one.
28:18 Well, and you know, what we need to share.
28:20 There's something you got to share with your sister,
28:21 right, and this is really amazing.
28:23 Look how effortless is this? And you just barely--
28:26 I'm like how the any of it all and there it is.
28:29 And nice minced garlic and it cleans really easy.
28:32 And this particular garlic press
28:34 you don't even have to take this
28:36 the little white skin off.
28:38 You can just leave it in there
28:40 and the skin will come off on one side
28:42 and you'll get nice minced garlic on the other.
28:44 You know I have to tell something,
28:46 Bonnie Lass helps us with-- in the back in the prep kitchen
28:51 and I went running back
28:52 into the preps kitchen to get something,
28:54 and there is Bonnie squeezing garlic.
28:57 She is practicing playing with our garlic press
29:01 and I really like this, this is really fun
29:04 and she is just pressing on.
29:06 She is searching--
29:07 She helps us in washing dishes as well and she's like--
29:10 Oh, we love her.
29:12 This is the easiest garlic press to clean.
29:13 Yeah, she-- That she's ever seen.
29:14 That's what she said,
29:15 because it's really easy to clean too.
29:18 If I should tell the viewers, if you want to you know,
29:21 purchase a one of these garlic pressers.
29:24 I don't even know the company or name of it
29:26 but I know who does because when I was in Germany,
29:28 I was teaching at AFCOE,
29:31 Europe School of Evangelism there
29:33 and Gerda von Maur is the one that was with me to get these.
29:37 So if you just write to, you can Google
29:39 they have a website they're on Facebook,
29:41 go to AFCOE Europe,
29:42 A-F-C-O-E it stands
29:44 for Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism Europe.
29:47 You can go there and just write to Gerda
29:49 and she will set you all up, okay.
29:51 Okay, now we are ready for the gravy here.
29:55 All right, we're gonna,
29:59 it doesn't take long to get thick.
30:02 As you can see right here
30:04 I don't know if it is getting thicker.
30:06 Yeah, it's getting nice and thick.
30:07 I'll put the rest of this in for you.
30:08 Yeah, but do I really have to wait
30:10 for these vegetables get anymore done,
30:12 I mean seriously-- A little bit.
30:14 Don't you like tender crunchy? Tender crunchy is good.
30:17 Now I'm gonna put the vegan parmesan in it
30:20 and stir that up.
30:22 And now since this is thick
30:23 you can go ahead and turn my burner off.
30:25 And you can put that in there sis,
30:27 if you'll put the tofutti sour cream in it its vegan.
30:31 And if you use sour cream
30:33 and just put a no fat or a low fat sour cream in it
30:37 and that is all there is to the sauce.
30:40 Now when the water will cook all out of the vegetables here
30:44 when its almost done we will add the zucchini
30:46 and the yellow squash and then we will put this
30:49 and all of this vegetables into the sauce.
30:52 And we have some for you here right there, you can--
30:55 Wow. That looks so good.
30:58 So what's next?
31:00 Cinda's Roasted Acorn Squash, wow.
31:04 Let me read the recipe. For this you will need...
32:03 That sounds yummy.
32:04 And you know, we were talking about the red Linda,
32:06 you needed to color your plate,
32:07 well, she's got a lot of this going on right now.
32:09 She's got a green or red her orange going on.
32:12 That's right. She's got it covered.
32:14 I love how God made so many types of food.
32:16 And, you know, we just need to try more types food.
32:19 Exactly, do you know when David was in middle school
32:24 I've always told my kids when you are at school
32:27 and I always pack their lunch
32:29 but like if they went on a field trip
32:32 or you know did something I would say now,
32:33 when you are going through a cafeteria
32:35 or in a restaurant or buffet
32:38 make sure that you put different colored food
32:40 on your plate to color your plate like a rainbow.
32:43 It's a easy way to teach kids nutrition.
32:44 That's right.
32:46 And I remember when they got back from,
32:47 they've gone on a fieldtrip
32:49 and when I got back the teacher said,
32:52 I cannot believe it,
32:53 I learned nutrition from your son.
32:55 And I went and he--
32:58 he looked at the buffet line and said
33:01 but where is the you guy-- yellow
33:03 but where is the green.
33:06 And how come there is no red? And she was like what?
33:15 So he's been learning-- he's learn that from little--
33:19 he is good cook today but.
33:20 But it is a good way to teach.
33:21 But it's a good way to teach nutrition.
33:22 That's right. So--
33:24 Okay, let's get started here because we're got a lot to do.
33:27 This is-- it looks like a lot
33:31 but it goes together fast and it is a special dish
33:36 when wanting to do something special.
33:37 It's delicious.
33:38 So we're starting with an acorn squash.
33:41 Here's an acorn squash. Now this is a small one.
33:44 So you can get different sizes and--
33:47 I'll put it over here
33:48 so if they want to get a shot of it later.
33:50 Oh, good idea.
33:51 Okay, so what you do is you want to cut that in half
33:55 and take the seeds out and then you have like this
33:59 and then your gonna put some foil
34:01 on a cooking sheet or baking sheet
34:03 put these upside down on your baking sheet.
34:06 And put them in a 400 degree oven
34:09 for about 40-45 minutes.
34:12 Take it out and pierce it with the fork.
34:15 If the fork goes through then it's finished
34:18 and if its-- then its done.
34:20 And then bring it out turn it over
34:23 on that same baking sheet
34:25 and then we're gonna stuff it with filling.
34:28 So while that your squash is baking
34:31 so we're gonna pretend the squash is baking, okay.
34:34 So in the oven right here.
34:36 While the squash is baking,
34:38 we're going to make the filling.
34:41 And also you can get your sauce started.
34:45 This pomegranate-- cranberry sauce is
34:48 what you're going to spoon over the top
34:49 which makes it really delicious.
34:51 So Linda, I'm gonna let you do that.
34:55 You put your pomegranate juice in
34:58 which is very healthy for you.
35:00 And you can get that in a grocery stores
35:02 just it says pure pomegranate,
35:04 there's nothing else with this all juice.
35:06 You are cinnamon and then you can use
35:09 fresh or frozen cranberries.
35:11 And these are the frozen ones that have been taught.
35:14 And this goes in here too?
35:16 And then just stir it up and you want to simmer that
35:19 for 15-20 minutes
35:21 still it starts getting a little bit thick, okay.
35:24 So you go ahead and do that.
35:26 Brenda, I'm gonna actually trade positions with you.
35:29 Okay. Because I'm gonna let you--
35:32 I got feeling I'm gonna turn this on here.
35:33 That's right, and here we--
35:36 as Micheff Sisters do we presauted our onions.
35:39 So they are really done.
35:42 And so add your celery to that now
35:45 because I always wait
35:46 until the onions are pretty clear
35:50 or almost translucent and then I add my celery.
35:54 This is diced pretty fine, they--
35:57 Right, so add your celery
35:59 and you're gonna add your seasonings
36:03 and let that and then I'm going to cut up our Tender Bits.
36:08 And I like to put-- I like to make these thinner,
36:14 you know, like little and little chunks.
36:16 And that is really a wonderful product
36:18 that you can use in a lot of different ways.
36:22 And so I'll get some here and then you'll--
36:24 This is very similar
36:25 to the Worthington vegetable scallops
36:28 but the difference is that Tender Bits
36:30 are little bit more tender.
36:33 They are little denser.
36:34 Little denser and they are little softer,
36:37 the vegetable skallops are firmer.
36:41 And they do have a different flavor.
36:42 Yes. You know, they're--
36:44 But its not an overwhelming flavor,
36:46 so can really take on whatever flavor you give it too.
36:50 Right, there's similar.
36:53 They're some vegetarian products
36:55 that I choose not to eat,
36:57 not made by Kellogg's of course but there is some that--
37:00 So over powering in their flavor
37:02 that I can't use them in any other recipes
37:05 because that flavor is so powerful.
37:08 So what you're gonna keep your gonna keep doing that.
37:12 Okay. Okay, I'll get you some more.
37:16 Did you get a chance to show the can of what its look like?
37:19 Oh, thank you, sis.
37:21 The thicker-- take a look
37:23 when we turn it right here
37:25 and you can get a shot at that
37:27 and that's our Tender Bits by Loma Linda Tender Bits.
37:32 And you can buy these Kellogg's products
37:34 you can purchase them and your local groceries store.
37:38 You can get them in natural food stores
37:40 and if you are having trouble locating them,
37:41 go ahead and Google just put Loma Linda products
37:45 or Kellogg's vegetarian products.
37:48 So if you do that just go ahead and Google that and they'll say
37:51 where do I find this in my area, it'll tell you.
37:53 I love Google.
37:54 Cinda's son David taught me that years ago,
37:57 if you don't know something Google it.
37:58 You will find out what you want to know.
38:01 So that's a good thing.
38:03 Yeah, I don't even call and ask David anything
38:06 unless I've Googled it first 'cause he's gonna say mom--
38:12 You know, we're been talking today
38:14 our theme is Let's Celebrate.
38:17 And one of the things that I think
38:18 is so awesome to celebrate is family.
38:21 Yes.
38:23 You know, the family togetherness
38:25 and it's just you don't have to do anything great.
38:28 You know just took a meal together,
38:33 talk over the days happenings
38:35 but I think family really needs to be celebrated.
38:37 I do too.
38:39 Because there is something so precious
38:40 and special about family, it has to be so special
38:43 because God has made us part of His family.
38:46 That's right.
38:47 And so we're gonna spend eternity.
38:49 We're all gonna be one big family in heaven.
38:52 That's right.
38:53 And at-- God has one banquet table for all of us.
38:56 So He'll put everybody of the family
38:58 and its amazing that when God puts something together.
39:02 You know, like when we get to heaven
39:04 one first things is gonna do is having the banquet for us.
39:06 Yeah. That's right.
39:07 And it's gonna be one family. Okay.
39:09 I can't even imagine. Add your wild rice.
39:14 Okay. That's been cooked.
39:16 We're going to add,
39:17 oh, let's add some seasonings to it.
39:20 There's our sage and let's add some salt.
39:24 Okay.
39:26 There you go and now we're gonna add--
39:29 get that all stirred up good.
39:32 You know, sis, I have to say-- We're gonna add pecans.
39:34 I don't really like sage too much
39:36 but when I tasted your dressing here
39:39 it was so amazingly good.
39:41 Oh, thank you. It doesn't have--
39:44 The sage does not over power. Yeah, it doesn't.
39:46 And sage is easy to over power sage.
39:48 Yeah. Thank you.
39:50 And now we're gonna add our dry cranberries.
39:56 Oh, I love, I love dried cranberries.
39:58 I do too.
40:00 I like putting them on my salad.
40:02 I have a salad.
40:03 I'm always sprinkling pecans and cranberries on my salad.
40:06 And cranberries are so good for us.
40:07 Yeah. Okay. Sis, how is that sauce?
40:11 See that sauce has to simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes
40:15 but I want to show you what it looks like.
40:17 This is what it looks like.
40:19 See how nice the sauce gets. Yep, there you go.
40:26 So it's nice and thick,
40:31 so that's what you wanted to look like.
40:34 Okay, when it gets to this stage now
40:36 with the pecans I have toasted them.
40:38 Now you can toast them in a skillet on the stove
40:41 or you can put it in the oven
40:43 or you can put it even in the microwave.
40:44 But I think you'll like it if you toast your pecans
40:48 because they become really fragrant.
40:50 A rich in flavor. It gives a much richer flavor.
40:54 Okay, sis, at this point now
40:56 what you're gonna do
40:58 is you're going to just take this
41:00 and you're gonna put it.
41:01 Now, this is just come out of the oven
41:03 because we have baked this until it's done.
41:06 All right, so it's tender.
41:07 And so it just came out of the oven.
41:08 So it's still hot and your gonna spoon this
41:11 into it and mound it up.
41:15 And then put it back in the oven
41:18 at the 400 temperature for another 10 to 15 minutes
41:23 and then you will serve it
41:26 with this drizzled over the top.
41:28 And it is wonderful.
41:29 She's got some already here in the plate to show you.
41:32 And she just decorated with the few of those sage leaves.
41:36 Fresh sage leaves. It's beautiful.
41:39 And so that will help make your celebration even more special.
41:45 And something else for your celebration
41:47 is my Sweet Potato Salad.
41:50 Let me read the recipe. For this you will need...
42:25 We knows-- we're always listening to Cinda talk
42:27 how much you love potatoes.
42:29 And I love potatoes too, Linda loves potatoes too.
42:32 But if I had to choose
42:33 between a white potato and a sweet potato,
42:35 I'm gonna go with the sweet potato
42:36 probably almost every time.
42:38 I just love sweet potatoes.
42:40 I like to have sweet potatoes fries,
42:42 baked in my oven and they're really healthy for you that way
42:45 'cause I'm not you know deep frying them.
42:47 Antioxidants. You know.
42:48 Katie makes some awesome sweet potato pancakes.
42:52 I love those.
42:54 All right, sweet potatoes, I love potato soup.
42:56 Sweet potato muffins.
42:57 And sweet potato soup, I mean-- You make a sweet potato jelly.
42:59 Yes, I do.
43:01 It's in one of our cookbook actually.
43:03 I made a sweet potato bun. Oh, that's right.
43:08 Well, turn this on if you would Linda,
43:11 and we're going to just-- these are
43:12 I'm going to share with you right here
43:14 these are our Worthington vegetable skallops
43:18 and oops let me turn this so you can see,
43:20 there you go, our Worthington vegetable skallops
43:23 and they have just been diced up
43:25 and Linda's gonna fry those.
43:26 I just like to fry them
43:27 just to give a little bit of flavor to them
43:29 that's all the reason.
43:30 If you don't want to, you don't have to.
43:32 Its not gonna kill the recipe so.
43:34 During probably the seasoning just--
43:35 No, I just put the-- well, you can--
43:38 sprinkle a dash of cinnamon if you want.
43:40 But I like them just plain right here.
43:42 In the recipe book I do have cinnamon in there
43:44 but I-- I like it both ways.
43:46 So I'm gonna put something like this also Cinda,
43:50 I'm gonna have you start with the dressing.
43:53 You want to apples done first?
43:55 Well, actually what I can do
43:58 while we're waiting for that is if you makes the dressing
44:01 and I'll slice the apple how is that?
44:02 Okay.
44:03 So that you can-- we can get that mixed up.
44:06 Okay.
44:07 The sign of a good leader, she's got us all busy.
44:09 I know, hey, you know, we all want to be busy.
44:11 So Cinda's going to just mix all those dressing ingredients.
44:14 I have just our grapeseed oil vegenaise.
44:16 And this is a substitute for mayonnaise
44:19 which is egg based.
44:21 So this vegenaise is completely vegan.
44:24 And honestly I like it better. I do too.
44:26 Do you? I love the flavor of it.
44:28 I like it better, I don't think you can go wrong with it.
44:31 The grapeseed's my favorite.
44:32 I don't even like the taste of real mayonnaise anymore
44:35 because it's just doesn't tastes good.
44:37 I'm with you.
44:38 So of course I never like the flavor
44:40 of mayonnaise either.
44:42 We grown up I never ever had mayo on my sandwiches,
44:44 I just don't care for
44:46 but I really do like the vegenaise.
44:49 I really like it a lot.
44:51 And so you just gonna put all those ingredients.
44:53 Now, make a note of this if you want to,
44:56 I-- if you want a little tenure dressing
44:59 add just a little bit of lemon juice in it.
45:02 And I'm gonna add just a little extra lemon juice on this one.
45:04 Is that fresh squeezed? Fresh squeezed lemon juice.
45:06 I like the fresh squeezed so much better than--
45:09 Oh, I do too. They are concentrated.
45:11 Exactly, the concentrate I just--
45:13 it doesn't have the same flavor
45:16 but if that's all you got, hey, that's all you got.
45:18 And I have been known to you use it before in a pinch.
45:20 But if I have a real lemon,
45:22 I'm gonna use the real lemon every time.
45:24 And lemons are so good for you. I even put it in a glass
45:27 when I cold water or something,
45:28 I'll put a fresh lemon in it
45:30 or squeeze lemon juice in it and put in ah, so good.
45:35 That's true.
45:36 How are those coming over there?
45:38 Of course, I love it when I met David and Katie,
45:41 because I just go outside and put lemons--
45:43 They have lemons and avocados
45:46 and don't they have pomegranate too?
45:48 And oranges, figs--
45:50 And figs and apricots and great fruits.
45:54 Yeah, well, you just went out to the tree
45:56 and said I think I have an orange today.
45:57 That's true.
45:59 So while she is frying that up, I'm gonna add our--
46:01 these are cooked sweet potatoes.
46:03 And they are just being cut into cubes and you just--
46:08 I've-- they've already been cooked
46:09 and so you just gonna add right there.
46:11 And I just boiled them in water on the stove
46:13 with the tiny little bit of salt.
46:15 And then we're going to put in
46:17 our all the rest of our ingredients.
46:19 You can toast the pecans if you want.
46:21 I like them toasted but because I just it's television
46:26 and I'm not taking the time to do it right now.
46:28 We're gonna put that together.
46:29 This is good look at that nice there,
46:31 we're gonna add that there and toss this around.
46:34 And sis, if you would just pour that dressing on top.
46:38 Wow. That is how easy.
46:40 That is all it takes and I even garnished
46:44 with some sweet potato roses
46:46 and lets take a look and see
46:48 what the finished product looks like.
46:50 That's beautiful.
46:51 And it's all ready to go
46:52 and if the camera scans over there,
46:54 they can actually see those sweet potatoes roses
46:57 and the very end over there.
46:58 Just look there you go, right there
47:01 and that's all the rest to it.
47:03 And next what do we have coming up?
47:05 We have Linda, you have special salad.
47:08 My Chicken Asparagus Salad.
47:10 Cinda, could you read the recipe for me?
47:11 I would love too. For this you will need...
47:47 And I might want to add,
47:49 you will need a long dash of cayenne pepper.
47:55 I love salad.
47:56 It's one of my very favorite things to eat.
47:58 And it's fun to make.
48:00 In fact, I judge a restaurant on how good it is,
48:01 is how creative their salads are.
48:03 I do too.
48:04 If just lettuce and cucumber and tomato
48:05 or crouton you know popads.
48:08 I really love salad
48:10 and I like the more ingredients the better.
48:12 Well, this salad you can add whatever you want to it.
48:15 I made it simple but you can add
48:17 as many vegetables as you choose,
48:19 you can add it to it.
48:20 So we're gonna start out here,
48:24 I think before to that my start out
48:25 and have you a brown these.
48:28 We're just gonna brown the skallops
48:30 and here I can show you
48:32 what we're having is this skallops--
48:33 Worthington skallops.
48:35 And I cut them in strips and we're going to brown those,
48:40 so you don't have the any seasoning.
48:42 And sis, if you could assemble our dressing.
48:45 Now if you want-- this is a thicker dressing
48:47 but today if want to have
48:49 a little bit thinner dressing just add a little water.
48:51 And I'm gonna have her add a little bit of water to that
48:53 so she can make just the little bit--
48:56 A little bit thinner. Little bit thinner dressing.
48:59 I can do that.
49:00 And so I'm gonna go ahead
49:01 and this is some special lettuce
49:03 that sis, you picked up for me.
49:06 I said the Boston lettuce. Yeah, it's really good.
49:11 I love the rich cream color of the lettuce
49:15 and so you can just put that on your plate
49:18 and then we've got some grated carrots.
49:21 And you can-- you don't have to grate your carrots,
49:23 you can-- you know put it however you want.
49:26 You can cut in strips. I like strips.
49:27 I like grated but if you want a crunch in your mouth
49:30 then you need like a carrot round in the chunk.
49:33 Right.
49:34 I like the flavor though, subtle flavor that gives it.
49:37 Right, here's your ketchup there
49:40 and then I'm gonna put some asparagus.
49:44 I'm just gonna stick it here and there.
49:48 And if you don't like the asparagus then do broccoli,
49:52 do green beans, just any green vegetable.
49:56 You know that you can, I happened to love asparagus.
49:59 No, no, I also like is roasted Brussels sprouts,
50:04 you cut them in half and roast them
50:06 in the oven and put that on them.
50:08 In fact, I love roasted vegetables penne.
50:10 In fact Cinda, somebody was asking
50:12 how do I roast vegetables?
50:13 How hard is that to do?
50:15 I think of the next cooking program
50:17 you should do some roasted vegetables.
50:18 Absolutely. Here you go.
50:20 Because I love roasted vegetables,
50:22 so I make roasted vegetables quite often.
50:24 You make really awesome ones all the time.
50:27 All right.
50:28 That was back Sabbath dinner at her house
50:30 it's not the same without her roasted vegetable.
50:33 That's exactly.
50:34 She has roasted beets and roasted sweet potatoes
50:38 and roasted eggplant,
50:42 I mean just all kinds of stuff in thee.
50:44 I mean, it's really good. I love roasted vegetables.
50:47 Well, you can put like I said-- How am I doing over here?
50:50 You are doing awesome. All right.
50:52 You can just put that around in the salad
50:53 if it's not too hot.
50:54 Is this thin enough for you? Okay.
50:56 That looks really good. I'm gonna put that.
50:58 Yeah, you can just put that right around.
51:00 You can put as many tomatoes as you want.
51:02 That's beautiful.
51:03 You can even have this like for your family,
51:06 just have it like a salad bar theme
51:08 and they can add or make what they want.
51:11 But how pretty when you are having
51:12 a sit down meal, to sit down
51:15 and have this already at your place where you sit.
51:18 Wouldn't that be nice? Yep.
51:19 And that is beautiful.
51:20 Then you just drizzle this on the top.
51:24 Yeah, and you can give,
51:25 go ahead and drizzled it on the top.
51:27 And there you are and that's about it.
51:29 And you are-- That was good enough to eat.
51:32 I have one plated over there a little bit different but--
51:34 Ready for you to see.
51:36 Well, sis, why don't you tell them
51:37 about our brand new cookbook?
51:40 That's right.
51:42 We not only have a-- this as a brand new cookbook,
51:46 we have five other cookbooks.
51:48 That's right.
51:49 And here's how you can get all six cookbooks.
51:55 If you've enjoyed the recipes you've seen today
51:57 and would like to purchase your own copy
51:59 of one of their cookbooks including their new cookbook,
52:02 Cooking with Kellogg's.
52:03 You can write to 3ABN, Post Office Box 220,
52:07 West Frankfort, IL 62896.
52:10 That's 3ABN, Post Office Box 220,
52:14 West Frankfort, IL 62896.
52:17 You can call 618-627-4651
52:21 that's 618-627-4651
52:25 or if you'd like to contact the Micheff Sisters
52:27 for speaking appointment or concerts
52:29 you can do so at their websites at mischeffsisters.com,
52:33 that's M-I-C-H-E-F-F Sisters.com.


Revised 2015-03-05