3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY014024B

00:01 Well, I don't know about you,
00:02 but I'm ready for a good game of baseball.
00:05 I'll say me too, but I just don't want to lie that, yeah.
00:10 So I tell you what?
00:11 You have to actually know how to play the baseball,
00:13 we ought to be ready for that.
00:14 But you know, you can still have fun
00:16 even if you don't know how to play.
00:17 I will go there, I'll put the food,
00:18 I'll be out there cheering them on.
00:21 I can do that.
00:22 Except we get tagged out and she is going,
00:25 yeah, way to go.
00:26 And we're like, I just got out.
00:28 I'm like oh, no, no.
00:31 That's okay.
00:32 They need, probably the ones that get out
00:33 need the most encouragement.
00:35 You got to really face my assistant Melissa Hoffman,
00:37 she really love sports, she really love sports.
00:40 And she will be talking about some kind of name,
00:43 you know, sports, you know, team.
00:45 Team. Yeah team and--
00:47 That's what they call them. Yeah.
00:49 And she will be yelling, oh, someone else say,
00:51 oh, is that basketball, football?
00:53 And you go, that would be baseball.
00:57 Or that would be football.
01:00 So I really don't know anything about it,
01:01 but I can really get into the fun of it all,
01:05 so I could go and join you guys and have lots of fun.
01:07 Well, and it really doesn't matter so much you know,
01:10 being outside is important.
01:13 You're getting fresh air
01:14 and just doing something together,
01:16 that's what is so important.
01:19 God made a family to be able to interact together,
01:22 to have fun together, to laugh together
01:25 and the families that do that,
01:27 they are much more easy then to start telling each other,
01:32 may be I had a bad day and encouraging one another,
01:35 and just showing each other the love
01:37 that God has put in our hearts to give to each other.
01:40 So sometimes we don't share what God's put in our hearts.
01:43 It's easier to show the love
01:45 when you don't have all that irritation inside of you.
01:49 When you live with someone who lie,
01:50 it's easier to become irritated
01:51 but, you know, it happens
01:52 Are taken for granted, you are my kid,
01:54 you're going to do what you're supposed to do
01:56 or you know, it's not like that.
01:59 When you have that family bonding,
02:00 when you have that family love, it's different,
02:03 that love in your heart is different.
02:04 You have more patience then you have,
02:06 you know, for each other.
02:08 And, you know, doing something like
02:12 what we've showed you today
02:13 for your family and your friends,
02:16 what an awesome experience and an awesome bonding time
02:19 because you can bond over
02:22 making healthy and nutritious foods
02:25 and then you know, God gave us
02:27 a wonderful beautiful outdoors to enjoy.
02:30 And so you're going out as a family.
02:32 You're eating healthy, you're getting exercise
02:36 and what an awesome way to bond as a family.
02:39 And if you live in the city
02:40 and you just don't have an outdoors that you can go to.
02:44 Spread a blanket on your living room floor
02:47 and just have your kids come in all around,
02:49 just make it a fun picnic there.
02:51 And I've actually done that.
02:52 I've actually done that, and I've actually had a picnic
02:55 just even for my husband, inside.
02:57 I've done that. And that is really cool.
03:00 You know, just to do something special.
03:02 You know, so it's out of the ordinary.
03:05 The best gift that we can give one another, our kids,
03:08 our husbands, our families, even if we're single,
03:12 the best gift that we can give
03:14 is to give someone else our time.
03:16 A gift of our time.
03:17 Our attention and our time, not that we're on our phones
03:22 or we're somewhere else even though we're with them,
03:24 but to actually spend time, getting to know them,
03:28 how are you doing today.
03:29 Listening to them, knowing how they feel.
03:32 It's so important and so rewarding.
03:35 Because nowadays we're so, you know,
03:38 we're so focused on our work and things we have to do
03:42 that we forget our family.
03:44 Exactly.
03:45 Well, you know what?
03:47 Something we don't want to forget is to show you
03:50 one more time everything we've made for today.
03:53 Oh, just do that.
03:54 Also the Veggie Sushi Dogs.
03:56 That's right.
03:58 And then we have our, I guess--
04:01 Sriracha Hot Dog Poppers.
04:03 That's right and I can see
04:04 my Ball Park Pinwheels in there too.
04:06 And the Homerun spread. And Redi burger sandwich.
04:11 And a Redi burger sandwich.
04:12 And then also have-- there's a Ball Park Pinwheels.
04:16 And the Corn Dog Muffins.
04:18 Oh!
04:20 You know and all of those you can make
04:22 the day ahead of time and so that way
04:25 when you're ready to gather everything up
04:28 and have your picnic, it's easy for you.
04:31 So-- That's right.
04:33 And don't forget to invite a friend over
04:35 and enjoy a delicious meal together.
04:39 That's all the time we have for now,
04:41 so until next time,
04:43 may all your meals be seasoned with God's love.
04:47 Bye-bye. Bye-bye.


Revised 2015-02-26