3ABN Today

Small Bite Delights

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Micheff Sisters


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY014014B

00:01 Well, the time always goes by so fast.
00:03 Too fast.
00:04 That's because we are having fun.
00:06 That's right and we've had a awesome time
00:08 bringing you appetizers small bite delight.
00:12 Let's take a look at some of the--
00:13 once again with some of the recipes
00:15 that we prepared today.
00:16 The bean dip, the chipotle dip.
00:18 That's riddles favorite.
00:20 And then we have the egg salad bites.
00:22 Little mini egg salad sandwiches and--
00:25 And then we have the chik'n dip.
00:27 With the crackers that you can serve it with.
00:29 And the Mediterranean sliders
00:31 and the hummus-- the Big Frank Hummus.
00:34 And there is your sliders right there,
00:36 I mean those look good.
00:37 And we don't want to forget the stuffed mushrooms.
00:40 And so its really been a fun time.
00:44 Go home and-- you know,
00:46 prepare something for your family.
00:47 That's right, treat them to a small bite delight.
00:51 Well, that's all the time we had today,
00:52 until next time may all your meals
00:55 be seasoned with God's love.
00:58 Bye-bye, everybody.


Revised 2015-02-12