3ABN Today

Small Bite Delights

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Micheff Sisters


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY014014A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello and welcome to our 3ABN today cooking program.
01:09 We are the Micheff Sisters.
01:12 I'm Linda. I'm Brenda.
01:13 And I'm Cinda.
01:14 And we are so excited today, we have a special program.
01:19 I love when I go to a restaurant
01:21 I love appetizers, don't you?
01:22 I do too.
01:23 Sometimes I'll just order appetizers.
01:26 I just-- I have done that
01:28 before with you actually and you
01:30 when we ordered one appetizer on the menu of everything.
01:34 And that was our meal, we just ate appetizers.
01:35 Yeah, not just one appetizers
01:37 she said one of every appetizer.
01:39 That was vegan, vegetarian.
01:42 And I like going with them
01:43 because that's when I have appetizers
01:45 as we don't usually have them at home so it's pretty nice.
01:49 Well--
01:50 So our program today is called small bite delight.
01:56 And that's really nice to have a appetizer,
01:58 you just kind of just have a little nibble here,
01:59 a little nibble there
02:01 and it kind of especially if you have--
02:02 Kind of like grazing?
02:06 I like to do it.
02:07 You tend to think of appetizers for guests
02:10 and when you are having guest over and you put that--
02:13 Or parties you have it out there
02:14 and then it gives a time to mingle
02:16 and talk and everything and not be, you know,
02:19 too hungry before the main meal.
02:21 But I like to do appetizers with my family as well.
02:24 I think what we can do to make our family feel special
02:27 since the message is especially to our children
02:30 that they are special too.
02:31 We don't just do special things for guests,
02:33 our children are special and--
02:36 I remember when Catie was small
02:39 I used to have little tea parties for her
02:42 and all the nieces and nephews
02:44 and they would, I mean, I have pictures of them
02:47 and I would make these decorative little sandwiches
02:50 and little cookies and-- oh, it was so fun.
02:54 And they would all dress up, you know, she would--
02:56 Cinda would bring down her boxes of dress up clothes
02:59 and then they would all dress up for the parties.
03:01 And really appetizers are really for anybody
03:04 because if you don't have children
03:05 you have-- you can make special
03:07 for your husband and if you are single
03:09 you can either have friends over.
03:11 Or just make something nice for yourself now and then.
03:13 That's right.
03:16 Because you are worth it too. That's right.
03:18 Well, let's take a look at some of the appetizers
03:20 that we are preparing today.
03:21 Well, you know, can I-- I want to say one other thing.
03:23 These appetizers are very special
03:27 because they are from our brand new cookbook.
03:33 It's Micheff Sisters cooking with Kellogg's.
03:38 That's right and we are really excited about this cookbook.
03:41 It has every single recipe in the cookbook
03:44 features one of Kellogg's products
03:46 and they have--
03:48 Until we start working on this actually didn't know that
03:51 Kellogg's owned all these companies
03:52 but they own Loma Linda and--
03:54 Worthington.
03:55 And they own Worthington Food.
03:57 They own MorningStar Farm and they own--
03:59 And they own Gardenburgers and I love Gardenburger.
04:03 I had been eating Gardenburger
04:04 for a long time I didn't even know,
04:06 you know, how that they were owned by Kellogg's.
04:08 But now they are in our cookbook,
04:10 brand new cookbook the Micheff--
04:11 And the list of products that they have
04:13 under each of those brand names is incredible.
04:16 That's right. I mean, there's a lot.
04:18 In fact, most of-- do you have one of our cookbooks
04:20 I'm gonna get it for you right here.
04:22 Oh, you'll love it.
04:24 Tada!
04:28 We are really excited about this cookbook.
04:30 So now there is-- let's tell them sisters,
04:34 what appetizers, well, we have the appetizers.
04:36 We've lots more of ingredients
04:38 not just the appetizers in this cookbook.
04:40 So we do have-- Breakfast.
04:42 We start with breakfast
04:43 and then we have the appetizers of course.
04:46 We have soups and stews. So you'd like that.
04:48 That's right and entrees and side dishes and we--
04:53 in all our cookbooks this is our sixth one.
04:55 We've always had a specialty section.
04:57 In some of our cookbooks we have a specialty section
04:59 of maybe crock pot cooking or cooking for a crowd
05:03 or one dish meals or things like that.
05:05 Well, this one is potlucks.
05:07 There are so many that will go to a potluck
05:09 or a fellowship dinner or--
05:10 And they have no idea what to take.
05:12 Exactly.
05:13 You know, it's like, what do I fix?
05:15 You know, because you want a large amount
05:17 and you need it easier and large amounts.
05:20 So I think you're really gonna like this section.
05:23 So this is cooking with Kellogg's,
05:26 the Micheff Sisters cooking with Kellogg's.
05:28 And now we are going to show you the appetizers
05:30 that we are preparing from this cookbook today.
05:32 Every appetizer is from this cookbook.
05:35 Let's show you what we are gonna fix for you right now.
05:37 We are starting off with my Egg Salad Bites,
05:40 and I think you are gonna be pretty amazed
05:41 how much like real egg it taste like
05:44 but there is no egg in it.
05:45 It's delicious.
05:47 And then we are gonna have Chik'n Salad Dip.
05:49 Oh, now that looks good too.
05:51 And Big Frank Hummus.
05:54 Now who doesn't like hummus?
05:56 And this is real different twist.
05:58 And then we have Garden Stuffed Mushrooms.
06:00 And I think you are gonna be pretty amazed at--
06:04 I love what meat is in there.
06:06 And we have Black Bean Chipotle Dip.
06:09 Oh, that looks wonderful.
06:11 And then Mediterranean Sliders.
06:15 I wonder what that is.
06:17 That includes your famous cucumber sauce?
06:20 Yes, it does.
06:22 Oh, I love that.
06:24 We thank you well too
06:26 but we are gonna start off with today my egg salad bites
06:29 and let me read the recipe for you.
06:31 For this you'll need--
07:03 Now you can actually even though
07:04 I put that bread in there for you,
07:05 you can use lots of different types of bread.
07:08 You can even use the hard crusty type breads
07:11 where almost feels like a cracker.
07:14 I like the softer bread for it and the whole wheat.
07:17 And the whole wheat and that's what, what I did.
07:20 So today I've already precooked our onions
07:23 because you know the Micheff Sisters
07:25 none of us like raw onions.
07:27 We love onions not raw.
07:29 So they are really, really cooked and ready
07:31 and the tender bits--
07:34 I want to show you a picture of this
07:35 these are Loma Linda tender bits
07:37 and they have a--
07:38 they are gonna have a strong texture
07:40 which I really, I mean the flavor.
07:41 It's a subtle flavor and I like that
07:44 and it has got a nice little chewy texture to it
07:46 and so I like that part on it.
07:49 So, and you can use in many difference ways.
07:52 It comes like in a round shape.
07:54 Almost like little nuggets or something.
07:57 But I have chosen to dice them up very finely
08:01 and sis, we are gonna just-- you put that in there
08:04 and you can go ahead and get all that out of there.
08:07 And we are gonna just saute, that doesn't have to be a lot--
08:10 we're really just warming it up
08:12 and getting it a little bit warm in there.
08:15 And while that's happening--
08:17 And also the sautéing
08:18 with the onions flavors a little bit.
08:20 It does. It does.
08:22 It flavors it I think a lot.
08:24 And then what we are going to do
08:27 is going to put our tofu in there.
08:30 Now this is a water packed tofu
08:32 and it has been rinsed and drained
08:35 and we are just gonna break that up in there sis,
08:38 so go ahead and have it.
08:40 I flip this in here too because here sometimes
08:43 I have just gone through
08:44 and this is how easy it is to break it.
08:46 Sometimes I just kind of squashed it
08:48 and chopped it up with narrow blade.
08:50 Now you can also use your gloves
08:54 and just take the hand
08:55 and crumble it in here which I do a lot.
08:57 I was gonna say.
08:58 That's probably what I do at home
09:00 because it's easier but you know,
09:02 some of you might not have kitchen gloves yet
09:04 although I think,
09:05 I think once you tried it make you believe out.
09:08 You wouldn't want to have a kitchen
09:11 and call it fully equipped without your kitchen gloves.
09:13 Especially when you start stirring
09:15 after she is mixed with turmeric
09:17 because the turmeric will turn your nails yellow.
09:19 You finger nails yellow, totally.
09:21 It will turn your spoon yellow so we have a red one
09:24 so its not gonna do anything to this one.
09:27 Okay, and you want this just--
09:28 you don't want it mashed too much
09:30 the little pieces like that are good
09:32 because you want to resemble
09:35 like if you have had a boiled egg and chopped it up.
09:37 So now, sis, while you are getting that together
09:40 and Cinda, you can help me.
09:41 We just gonna throw all those ingredients right in there.
09:44 Into the there or here?
09:45 Yeah, just move right on over here
09:47 and just help yourself.
09:49 I'm happy to help.
09:50 Okay, I'm stirring so just put them in.
09:53 You said everything.
09:54 No, no, no, just those.
09:56 I'm gonna keep these over here and I'll show you why.
10:00 So now that's just some of our
10:01 McKay's chicken style seasoning and--
10:03 Now here's the turmeric notice the color
10:06 as she starts stirring that around.
10:08 The heat just sort of brings out the color.
10:12 And then just put rest of your seasonings in there
10:15 and then she is just gonna saute that briefly.
10:18 Its kind of an when you heat up all those seasonings
10:21 it will just make those seasonings more fragrant
10:27 and so it's just more flavorful.
10:29 And after that it's all mixed up
10:33 then we are going to put in over here, sis, in a pan
10:36 and that's really good and put it on the pan
10:38 and guess what, we are not cooking it on that pan
10:40 we are only cooling it off.
10:42 And it has to actually cool first
10:44 so you put it on that pan, cool it off
10:46 and let it cool for about five minutes
10:48 and then you are going to put it in your bowl.
10:50 You are gonna add your grape seed or vegenaise
10:54 and you are going to add your sweet relish.
10:56 Mix it up and it's ready.
10:58 You can put it on make just egg salad sandwich for home.
11:02 You don't have to make appetizers
11:04 if you don't want to.
11:05 It's a great for just an egg salad sandwich
11:08 but if you want to make it a little decorative
11:10 I want to show you we've got already over here
11:12 with just some little around whole wheat baguette
11:15 that has been sliced and you put it on it
11:17 and just I just garnished here with little bit olives
11:21 and it's ready to go.
11:23 It's ready to take a bite, that's it.
11:27 And our next recipe
11:29 which you are not gonna want to miss
11:30 is Linda's Chik'n Salad Dip.
11:33 That's right. Let' read the recipe.
11:36 For that you will need--
12:03 This Chik'n Salad Dip
12:04 can also just be used as a sandwich spread.
12:08 Don't you love recipes that have multiple uses for it?
12:12 I really do. I do.
12:14 And then it just makes it more versatile.
12:15 Well, another thing you can do
12:17 is you can take these little cherry tomatoes, scoop them out
12:20 and then you can fill them with the chik'n salad dip.
12:23 And pop them right in your mouth.
12:25 You know, what else you could do with it?
12:27 You can take those little peppers,
12:30 the little tri colored peppers, the yellow, orange or red.
12:34 Hollow those out and spoon that in
12:36 and then you have that.
12:37 And then you can call them peppers poppers
12:39 and pop them right in your mouth.
12:40 There you go.
12:43 So I do, I'm like you I like things that
12:45 you can use for many different things.
12:48 Okay, you can throw the other one in.
12:50 Now this is you are using MorningStar--
12:52 MorningStar and its a --
12:54 Grillers chik'n.
12:56 It's a grillers chik'n.
12:57 Now if you like it a little bit,
12:59 you know, this is really soft you can take it in a skillet
13:03 and you can front brown it and firm it up a little bit
13:07 if you want that taste to it too.
13:10 And there are really just if you wanted a sandwich
13:12 and put grillers out there and you could, you know, grill,
13:15 you know, heated it up on the stove
13:16 and put pop it in a bun
13:18 and lettuce, tomatoes you got a sandwich but this is a--
13:21 we want to give you other options
13:22 of how to use these products.
13:23 All right, you can dump everything
13:25 in except the mayonnaise and the seasonings.
13:28 Okay.
13:29 Don't dump the seasonings?
13:30 Not yet because I like to mix it with my meal.
13:33 And this is actually a vegenaise
13:35 which is a vegan mayonnaise.
13:38 I love that. I love the grape seed.
13:40 That's for we use vegenaise.
13:42 To me I like it better than the mayonnaise
13:45 or you know, Miracle Whip
13:47 or any of those regular meal products.
13:50 I like this, the taste of it so much better.
13:52 Okay.
13:53 And now we have a low fat one.
13:55 You can put the--
13:56 That I didn't know and I'm excited about that.
13:57 The mayonnaise in and then--
13:59 It's the yellow lid, you got to look for the yellow lid.
14:01 Hey, sis, we are slacking here.
14:03 She is telling us here that we are slacking.
14:05 We're talking to you-
14:06 I'm trying to get their attention.
14:08 Okay, you put-- Order in the court.
14:11 Put the vegenaise and then on top
14:12 of the vegenaise put the seasonings.
14:15 Oh, actually check it right on top of the vegenaise.
14:17 This is important, folks.
14:19 It is.
14:20 Oh, like I get my vegenaise right there.
14:22 Okay, there you go
14:24 and some season salt there and--
14:27 Put right on top. Did you see that?
14:28 And then mix it with them all.
14:30 Mix it with talent.
14:31 Sis, you get your seasonings a lot more blended.
14:33 Okay now.
14:35 Just mix it up.
14:38 Okay, here we go.
14:39 All right, that is basically all you do,
14:41 you just chill it in the fridge
14:44 until you are ready to use it and--
14:46 Or make your sandwich.
14:47 Or make your sandwich
14:48 but I have chosen to use it with crackers
14:51 so you can see we have some ready for you.
14:53 And just a little paprika.
14:55 On top as our grandma Micheff already said.
14:58 Paprika. Yeah, paprika.
15:00 That's all there is and Cinda,
15:02 I think you've got something for us.
15:04 Your Big Frank Hummas. Let me read the recipe.
15:09 You well need --
15:51 I love hummas and-- Me too.
15:55 I know-- It is nutritious for you.
15:57 It's very good, yes.
15:59 And you know, my daughter Catie came up with a way
16:01 where you don't use all the olive oil.
16:03 And so that's even better for you
16:06 because, I mean, you need a little bit of the olive oil.
16:10 Because it's good for you
16:11 but a lot of times they'll have a lot.
16:14 Yeah, too much right here.
16:19 And want to and it's healthier for our heart.
16:22 Too much of anything is really not good for us.
16:24 God wants us to have balance.
16:25 Temperance, it's called temperance.
16:26 A balance in our lives. Right.
16:28 And mom used to make this sandwich spread
16:32 when we were little that she would grind these up
16:36 and, you know, mix the--
16:38 The big franks.
16:39 And the vegenaise with it
16:42 and I was like, that sounds good
16:44 but I'm gonna do it healthier.
16:46 I'm not gonna do the vegenaise
16:48 and I thought you know what, I'm gonna try
16:50 and see what it would be like mixed with the hummus.
16:55 She got a winner.
16:56 Can we show a picture this is the can that--
16:59 well, the Loma Linda Big Franks.
17:01 Let me turn this for you so oops,
17:02 that way so you can see.
17:05 And it is vegan product. Right.
17:07 Yes. Right.
17:08 Now you really a food processor is really best for this
17:15 because it grinds your garbanzos
17:17 or chickpeas up really fine. If not--
17:21 Can I use the blender?
17:23 Yeah, you could use the blender.
17:24 You could use the blender.
17:25 And if you don't have all those gadgets then--
17:29 Then it's the old fashioned idea,
17:31 mash it up, you can even used the fork.
17:33 Yeah. Exactly.
17:34 So now Catie's secret was she said,
17:38 save a little bit of the liquid from the garbanzos
17:43 and then I also saved a little bit of the liquid
17:45 from the big franks just in case it was too thick
17:49 because it will be a little bit thick.
17:51 And so-- we are not gonna add that
17:54 but fresh lemon juice, get fresh lemon juice.
17:58 And I like when we use it as fresh
18:00 I really do like the fresh from a lemon that you squeeze.
18:03 The lemon juice in the bottles do not taste the same to me.
18:06 Exactly. I'll be honest.
18:08 The flavor is different.
18:09 I do keep one in my refrigerator
18:10 just in case in emergency if I'm out of lemons
18:13 but I really prefer a fresh lemon.
18:15 Oh, me too.
18:17 Okay, time for your jalapenos
18:18 but now if you don't like it spicy, that's okay.
18:23 You can leave that out.
18:26 But try it at least once with it.
18:28 I always say it's a good real fun
18:29 when you are trying a recipe try it the way the recipe is
18:33 and then if you want to tweak you say,
18:34 I like this but I would rather have,
18:37 you know, this, not this so the other thing.
18:39 It's good to try the recipe.
18:40 The way it is the first time
18:42 you'll never really know if you liked it.
18:44 Okay, just that you saw just a little bit of olive oil
18:48 and then the sesame tahini.
18:51 I like the flavor this gives you.
18:54 Mixed in with certain amounts,
18:55 I don't care for it just to eat it by itself.
18:57 Yeah, just a little bitter,
18:59 it has a little bit of pungent bitter taste I think.
19:02 But it's wonderful with hummus I don't know.
19:05 Right now.
19:07 Okay, and, sis, if you put those--
19:09 put the big franks in
19:11 and then now we have to say something here.
19:15 We have a viewer that has watched us
19:20 struggle for years with our garlic press
19:24 that we had here in our prep kitchen.
19:26 Can we just say we're gonna call her out
19:28 Beverly Rose, we love you.
19:29 We do.
19:31 She helped us with other things.
19:32 Beverly Rose is the one responsible
19:34 for getting us the great big bowl, mixing bowl now
19:36 so now we don't have to throw our all ingredients
19:38 on the counter when we are mixing.
19:39 Yes.
19:40 So thank you, Beverly. Thank you.
19:42 Now, she is has taken pity on us. Yes.
19:44 She is trying to help us find the perfect garlic press.
19:47 So we've not tried these yet. I haven't tried them yet.
19:50 We have this one and we have this one.
19:52 What can you do with press off?
19:54 Yes, Beverly, you asked us to try them
19:56 and see if they work.
19:58 She said if they don't work she is gonna keep on trying.
20:00 But we are gonna do a press up because our--
20:02 the one that we have here for the set
20:05 I mean, they always make me do it.
20:07 Well, she has a lot of muscles.
20:09 I'm not athletic one of the sisters
20:11 and even I struggle with it a little bit.
20:14 It's just like you are just pressing.
20:16 Hey, if she can go bungee jumping she can do the press--
20:22 We are definitely not that type.
20:24 You have an adventure, I'm in.
20:27 Hey, I run fast everywhere I go,
20:28 so that's my exercise.
20:31 But you know, we travel when we travel to the south
20:33 we can't bring a lot of supplies with us
20:36 so you know, we have things here at the prep kitchen.
20:39 So anyways Beverly, we are gonna here's--
20:41 Okay, you're gonna think what this looks like,
20:44 if you see, if you get a picture of this
20:46 maybe I'll show like it see, so that's--
20:49 kind of strange looking thing, isn't it?
20:51 And you need to move on this.
20:52 We'll see, how this works.
20:53 Can you guys get a good camera shot of this?
20:55 Okay, we've got-- okay, you ready?
20:59 Let's try it.
21:03 Well, actually look at that. It took the whole clove.
21:08 I like it.
21:10 That's funny, look at that. That's so good.
21:13 Let's see-- let's see how fine of mincing it went.
21:17 Oh, I don't know, Beverly.
21:19 See its kind of see that how fine--
21:21 But the good news is its going in the blender.
21:24 So there you go.
21:26 It's good if you want big chunks this is the one.
21:29 All right.
21:30 But it does get stuck in here too.
21:32 Oh, no it came out. Its just big chunks.
21:35 Big chunks, okay, so now that's isn't for minced fine
21:38 but chunky is good.
21:40 Okay, now we have this gadget.
21:41 See it's very interesting. Looks very intriguing.
21:47 And here I assume you put the garlic in here
21:50 and then there's another loader that opens down here
21:53 and then there's a blade that lets out.
21:55 So now I'm not even really sure where the garlic comes out.
21:59 If it comes out down here, you're gonna get to see.
22:02 Well, what happens with this thing
22:04 but we are gonna find out.
22:05 So Cinda, put the garlic in there.
22:07 Her hands already smell like garlic.
22:09 Yeah, I knew you would do it right now.
22:13 Hey, she always smells like garlic
22:16 so she can sacrifice that move.
22:18 Okay, let's see.
22:19 All right, so now we're gonna close the lid
22:21 and I'm assuming--
22:26 so let's see what happens here.
22:29 Well--
22:31 Oh, it makes a door noise.
22:33 I guess I'm going back and forth
22:36 and I don't see anything coming out
22:38 so maybe I just go back and froth I'm not sure.
22:40 All right, I want to see what you got.
22:41 Oh, look at that,
22:44 its getting a little finer in there, can you see that?
22:47 But I don't think it's gonna do anymore.
22:48 You don't?
22:49 No, you need to open it, pick it up.
22:51 Well, let's give her a chance here.
22:52 Let's go, all right, here we go.
22:59 Hey, we gave it a really good try.
23:01 Let's see how we're doing this one.
23:04 And, sis, why don't you do the honors.
23:05 Yeah, she doesn't want to get it on her hands.
23:08 I know her.
23:09 She uses gloves but actually that does a little finer.
23:12 That minced it finer.
23:14 All right, still not as good as the one--
23:16 the one that we have to use.
23:18 Because this is hard to get out.
23:20 Well, there's got to be a better way.
23:23 Well, I don't know, that's kind of hard to get out.
23:28 I'll just try this way.
23:32 Now this slips out.
23:35 Yeah, but still that's kind of hard to get out.
23:38 Yep, okay, so Beverly, here is the situation
23:42 we are liken this one for the big chunks,
23:48 score still out on this one
23:50 so keep looking for that perfect garlic press, okay.
23:53 And we'll try the next for now.
23:54 Thank you, Beverly.
23:56 Yeah, this one, I can't get stuff out.
23:59 It's you know--
24:00 Okay, so this work not so much, this is good for big chunks.
24:03 You can clean it.
24:04 Oh, that's fun to do.
24:07 There you go.
24:08 We'll just shut that little lid right there.
24:11 All right.
24:12 Okay, we've everything in here, sis.
24:15 What's this for?
24:16 That's the liquid. Liquid if they need.
24:19 Yeah, I'm gonna actually put in--
24:21 this is the garbanzos.
24:24 We're gonna put that in.
24:26 Well, we might not-- Houston,
24:30 we might have a problem.
24:32 Well, I think we do it turn wrong way.
24:35 Oh, that could be the problem.
24:37 Oh, well, there you go.
24:42 We are not too mechanical.
24:46 You're gonna need some liquid I think.
24:48 All right, so we just pour in a little bit more.
24:59 Now they are through.
25:00 Here we go.
25:04 So now you can actually see why we leave the liquid.
25:11 I know you got your big franks right there.
25:13 So you got to make sure that you get those big franks.
25:17 It's working on it.
25:23 All right, so now after--
25:24 And so now what you do is you get it all mixed up.
25:29 You take the lid off, you put it in your bowl
25:32 and add your sweet pickle relish.
25:34 That's it.
25:35 And so you can use it as a dip, you can use it--
25:38 With crackers or chips.
25:40 Sandwich, you can use it in anyway you would use hummus.
25:42 And here's what I had done ahead of time
25:45 just to give you an idea and there you go.
25:48 So this is all made it.
25:49 Try it and I think you'll like it.
25:51 And that's some whole grain bread.
25:52 Something else you'll like is my Garden Stuffed Mushrooms.
25:56 Let me read the recipe for you.
25:58 For this you'll need--
26:23 And if you like stuffing like
26:26 you think of thanks giving time in your--
26:28 I like it. I love it.
26:29 I love stuffing.
26:30 And I actually love mushrooms and stuffed mushrooms
26:34 is a really pretty common appetizer
26:36 you will go to-- in event
26:39 and there might be stuffed mushrooms right there.
26:41 Because people like it.
26:43 Exactly.
26:44 So I wanted to just a little spice it up,
26:46 just a little bit change it out
26:48 and I'm using that very simple stuffed mushroom appetizer
26:52 and just giving a little twist
26:54 and that's with our Gardenburger veggie medley.
26:58 Boy, is that a time to use the Gardenburger veggie medley.
27:01 But they are a vegan burger.
27:02 Makes you want to sing.
27:03 Gardenburger makes several different types of burgers
27:06 and two of them are vegan.
27:08 We have the-- this one right here
27:10 and also the black bean chipotle burger.
27:12 That's vegan.
27:13 Vegan and you'll see both of those products
27:15 in our cookbook as well.
27:17 So we've already started out onions here
27:20 and Cinda, I wanted you to just show them
27:23 how briefly because we can start
27:25 doing that over here and you can add.
27:28 When you have mushrooms, I don't like to put mushrooms
27:30 under water to wash them
27:31 because they soak up like a sponge
27:33 all that water and it makes them just--
27:35 so what I do is I just,
27:38 I wipe them out, wipe them clean.
27:41 I actually have a little mushroom brush and--
27:44 And I have it at home as well.
27:45 But if you don't have one
27:47 you can also just take like this
27:49 and some of the skin might come off
27:50 like there a little bit that's okay.
27:53 And you are just going to clean them in that manner
27:56 and once they are done--
27:58 and you finish with this one, sis,
28:01 the rest of these and add to the tray.
28:03 Once you are done getting all that out,
28:06 for this its already come out,
28:07 you are gonna take your stem out
28:09 and I'm just gonna throw out the bottom part of it
28:12 and put pieces right here with our onions right in here
28:16 and hollow out this mushroom cap
28:20 and its just-- this is what we call the cap
28:22 so that it looks like a little ball.
28:25 Just a little ball right in here,
28:27 so we'll just take a look at that
28:28 and that gives you like a cup
28:30 to put your stuffing right in there.
28:32 So that's what we are gonna do here.
28:34 And if it doesn't pop out
28:37 you can just kind of gently twist and it will come.
28:41 And out it comes. Yep.
28:44 So-- And then I'm gonna
28:46 just the very last stem I pinch off
28:48 I don't like to use that one and that goes in here.
28:50 And these I already have, few that this seeds
28:52 are already some stems I've already added.
28:55 Okay, they are already done
28:56 and then our next job as you'll witness before
29:02 we do have our garlic press queen right here.
29:05 And since I need this minced fine
29:09 and we're gonna have to go back to our old garlic press
29:12 which I have here is which is really gonna
29:14 cost some-- using some of our stuff.
29:18 So Beverly, keep looking for us, will you?
29:20 So Cinda, you are going to just--
29:22 I'm back up, Beverly.
29:23 Taste your garlic right over here you put that in there
29:26 and we'll just pinch that up.
29:27 And so right over here sis, well, just help yourself.
29:31 Isn't it awesome to have sisters?
29:34 Okay, let me--
29:36 You get that off there for you.
29:39 Okay, press it little harder
29:40 to see if anything else is in there.
29:42 No, I got it. You got it?
29:44 Yes, yep I got it. She have muscles.
29:45 All right--
29:46 I can smell it so I'll tell you--
29:48 I'm the sister that works out and that is the apparatus.
29:53 Oh, I'm smelling it too.
29:54 Okay, so now I'm just gonna add some seasonings to that.
29:57 Well, actually first maybe I'm gonna do that.
30:00 We're just gonna add-- it doesn't matter
30:02 but well, we'll just make the seasoning
30:04 little more fragrant that way and--
30:07 I actually like that because it does--
30:09 it just kind of like opens up your spices.
30:11 I'm smelling it.
30:13 Now I'm gonna put my kitchen gloves on.
30:16 I think all of you I want you buy a box of kitchen gloves
30:18 you are gonna be believers.
30:21 So I gonna put them on and then I've taken the patties.
30:25 I'm just taking two of these
30:28 which my sister Mellisa already kindly opened for me
30:31 and we are going to just crumble that in there
30:34 and brown that right up in there with those mushrooms.
30:37 And you can see it, I can see pieces of corn
30:40 and celery and carrots and--
30:44 so you are getting lots of vegetables in there.
30:48 So now I'm gonna put that in there together and--
30:55 The other one.
30:56 Oh, there are two more right here. Oops.
30:59 You thought you were done.
31:00 I thought I was done, sorry.
31:03 Sorry I thought we had two in there.
31:04 I was watching it for you.
31:06 but right, see that sisters do they have your back.
31:09 So we're just kind of add those in there
31:12 and all those-- there's a big chunk
31:15 that fell in that one I can see it. Okay.
31:18 And normally in stuffing you would have celery
31:21 well with these veggie medley burgers.
31:24 The celery is already in there
31:25 so you don't have to worry about it.
31:27 I'm gonna take my gloves off, put them over there
31:31 and momma we do have a trash can back here
31:33 so I'm not throwing anything on the floor I promise.
31:36 All right, she's got that to -- now while she is doing that
31:38 I'm gonna just now put those Pepperidge breadcrumbs in there
31:42 you are gonna stir those up.
31:44 I'm gonna mix my McKay's
31:46 chicken style seasoning right here in this water
31:50 and as soon as you mix that up, sis,
31:54 we're just gonna.
31:55 Ah, you know, what I did wrong?
31:57 I was gonna say what about this spinach over here?
31:59 I was just gonna say that.
32:03 I actually put the spinach in when I put those onions in
32:06 and the mushrooms in.
32:07 But you know what, this is okay,
32:09 you just what this might happen in your kitchen
32:11 and you're gonna hey, I thought you know,
32:14 Brenda do that and it turned it out fine
32:16 because it will, I promise you.
32:18 It probably just a little bit easier
32:21 because I'm going to put the liquid in here
32:24 and it we're just gonna cook it a little bit more.
32:26 So--
32:28 Well, that will help to welt it.
32:30 And that will help to welt it.
32:31 And that really will be just fine.
32:35 With just all that gonna welt fast so let's see the--
32:37 And it looks like a lot of spinach
32:39 but it just cooks right down.
32:42 Yeah.
32:45 And fast too.
32:47 Yeah, it does. You'll see it well, right down.
32:50 And of course, I actually should have done
32:52 this before hand and sorry about that.
32:55 Oh, well.
32:58 Yeah, I'm--
32:59 So you can see folks,
33:00 how things happen in the real kitchen.
33:03 Yes, in fact I've done this so frequently that
33:05 I went to speak at a church not long ago
33:07 and this little boy came up to me
33:09 and he said, oh, he said, I just love your program.
33:13 And I said, oh, you watch Kids Time
33:15 and he goes yeah, I like that too.
33:16 He said, well, I like your cooking shows
33:20 and he said-- I said, really?
33:22 And he said, yes.
33:23 He said, I love Ms. Cinda and Auntie Linda
33:26 but he said, I really like it when you mess up.
33:32 Thanks.
33:33 So this is for him.
33:36 So this is just for you.
33:37 But you know, what mom always taught us as children
33:41 and because we would see her make a mistake not too often
33:44 but she would say you know what,
33:47 it's not a mistake, create something new.
33:50 And so--
33:51 Right, you know, mom really was so,
33:54 so wonderful about with each one of us girls.
33:56 If we made a mistake in the kitchen,
33:58 if she would see us do something
34:00 she was that same spirit.
34:01 It's okay, honey. It's okay.
34:03 You can do this, don't worry about it.
34:06 Yeah, even when I, you know--
34:09 Left all the salt out of the cookies--
34:10 Yep, she says let's just pull those back off
34:13 the oven real quick we'll put the salt in there.
34:16 The only thing is, is when brother Ken puts salt
34:20 in the cookies instead of the sugar.
34:22 Now that way she couldn't fix.
34:23 Yeah, and that was really bad
34:25 and even though horses were needed.
34:26 But he never does it anymore he is a good cook.
34:30 Yeah, he is. Okay, can you see--
34:32 He tried to feed them to the horses.
34:34 Can I just show you guys
34:35 how well this just welted down in
34:38 and even though I made a mistake
34:40 I didn't put it in with my onions
34:41 there you go look at that.
34:43 Now all you're gonna do is take a spoon full of this.
34:46 You ready for it to be off?
34:47 You can turn it off.
34:48 You're gonna just put it right into the center
34:50 of your mushrooms like that
34:53 and I kind of like that have a cap over the top a little bit.
34:56 You're gonna fill each one, you're gonna bake it
34:58 at 375 degrees for probably 25 minutes
35:03 but in our prep kitchen here our oven runs a little bit
35:07 low I believe because it took 35 minutes.
35:09 So just it's nice and golden got some right there
35:12 for you plated and ready to go.
35:14 It does look like delicious.
35:17 And something else you're gonna want to see
35:19 coming up next--
35:20 Is my Black Bean Chipotle Dip.
35:23 Chipotle Dip, yeah, that's right.
35:25 Going with the recipe?
35:27 All right. For that you'll need--
35:58 And that is a really awesome product.
36:01 This chipotle burgers I've used in so many recipes.
36:04 I love the flavors so that's here
36:05 the picture right here we can see that.
36:08 The box it's made by Gardenburger,
36:10 it's the other vegan product that
36:12 we've said Gardenburger makes.
36:14 And there are so many uses for this
36:16 because it has so many different--
36:18 it's got a great blend of flavors.
36:20 It does and it makes a great dip.
36:22 You can eat it just like it is or you can have a dip.
36:25 No.
36:27 Before you get started I do have to say something.
36:30 Linda created this recipe the week that our Aunt Myrtle
36:33 was at my mom's and I was there as well.
36:36 Aunt Myrtle is our mother's sister.
36:39 Yes, and so Aunt Myrtle
36:41 I'm sure you're gonna be watching right now.
36:43 I know Linda is gonna dedicate this recipe to you.
36:48 She is the one that I even sent it all home with her
36:52 because she liked it so well.
36:53 She tasted all kinds of recipe, she declared
36:55 this is the best recipe in the whole book.
36:59 I didn't-- I was surprised.
37:01 And she didn't just say she liked it little bit
37:03 she kept saying oh, that's so good.
37:05 Oh, that's so good.
37:06 And she made that black bean dip last a very long time
37:09 and when I told her we are taping
37:11 the cooking programs and we are using recipes
37:13 from our new cookbook she goes,
37:14 is Linda making that black bean dip?
37:16 And I said, you bet she is just for you Aunt Myrtle.
37:19 Exactly and she is right.
37:20 This is dedicated to you Aunt Myrtle.
37:22 I said, Linda, you got to make that for her.
37:27 Yeah, she--
37:28 And she'll bring you some if she could.
37:30 That's right. Yes.
37:31 Well, I'm going to add my red pepper flakes
37:35 and then sis, if you could squeeze the garlic in there.
37:37 Oh, you know what,
37:38 Cinda is really good at squeezing this garlic.
37:40 I knew she would gonna pass it on.
37:42 I mean, I can't steal that chopper and break her heart.
37:46 I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do that.
37:48 I was giving-- I love her too much.
37:50 You know, I'll just get right over here
37:52 and just watch, action, one more please,
37:55 look at that, look at that,
37:56 there it is garlic coming out of that garlic press.
37:59 It is fabulous.
38:00 I had never seen that any better have you?
38:06 Now wasn't that a good-- let's give her a big hand.
38:09 What we're gonna do with her?
38:10 Did you get the feeling she doesn't want to do garlic?
38:12 Sis, here.
38:14 All right, next to raw onions I really hate raw garlic.
38:19 I mean, I--
38:20 But she knows it good for her.
38:22 I know it certainly and I do cook with it
38:24 and I like the flavor when it's cooked
38:26 but I really don't like raw garlic.
38:28 I will just beg anyone to press that garlic for me if had to.
38:31 Okay, and I'll put some of our seasoning so it will start.
38:35 Okay, now I will switch.
38:37 Okay, now you are gonna do it.
38:38 Yeah, now I can really help, yeah.
38:40 Well, I wanted the best for your recipe.
38:42 Oh, wow.
38:43 That was it. Yeah.
38:44 It was nice to--
38:46 I'll tell you I got your back.
38:48 Okay, now I'm gonna put the black bean in there.
38:51 Okay.
38:53 The bean burgers, the purple burgers.
38:55 Okay.
38:56 And again I'm gonna use my gloves.
38:58 Use those kitchen gloves.
38:59 They sure coming here.
39:01 They do.
39:02 Here we go. Here we go.
39:05 Just mash it right up in there.
39:07 Don't worry I'll take,
39:08 I'll take care of the crash duty.
39:09 All right.
39:11 All right. Thank you very much.
39:13 You want a little more spraying here or not?
39:15 No, I'm going to also put some tomatoes in there.
39:20 Okay. That will be--
39:21 You can pour the tomatoes in.
39:22 All of them?
39:28 And you can put the black bean
39:29 and I'm going to just squeeze them up just a little bit.
39:32 All right, here. Wonderful.
39:38 You might have wanted to squeeze those
39:39 ahead of time before you pour them.
39:40 Okay, I get time on clean up duty too.
39:42 Probably good idea.
39:46 And she is not only our garlic queen.
39:49 She is cleaning up.
39:52 I'll do clean up.
39:54 Hey, I wish to tell the tiny tots
39:56 don't worry if you make a mess,
39:58 we'll have fun cleaning it up.
39:59 That's right.
40:01 Why am I feeling like a tiny tot today?
40:07 Oh, well, it's a good thing to be.
40:08 Okay, the rest isn't gonna matter
40:11 and then we're gonna put the black beans in.
40:15 I think we should, we should go.
40:18 Okay, here you go.
40:19 I think we should let the viewers a little secret.
40:21 We taped our cooking program once
40:25 and the blender didn't work,
40:26 if did you happen to see that program
40:28 and so I not knowing the blender was turned on
40:32 and the lid was off--
40:33 Somebody left the lid off, I'm not gonna say any who.
40:37 I won't let that intentional.
40:40 It was not intentional
40:43 and so the poor thing is she sitting there
40:48 and she had-- can I tell them?
40:50 She had fallen and broken her foot at the time.
40:53 So we were hiding her.
40:54 She was sitting on a stool back here
40:56 and we didn't want to say it on the air
40:58 because everyone was always gonna think
40:59 she had a broken foot, so Cinda sat on a stool
41:02 and then we just said she didn't have to move
41:04 and Linda and I we kicked up our shoes
41:07 so that way we would all be the same height than nobody--
41:10 So now you know all our little secrets.
41:14 And so we were having, we went to plug that--
41:17 I mean, went to start the blender,
41:18 Cinda was gonna be in charge of that
41:20 and it didn't work.
41:21 So we are like, oh, its not plugged in.
41:24 Funny thing, you have to plug them in.
41:26 What I forgot was the lid was off
41:28 and I didn't know it was turned on--
41:29 And I couldn't go anywhere
41:31 as I have a broken foot sitting on a stool.
41:33 And I was making a cheese sauce.
41:35 And--
41:37 Not pretty let me tell you.
41:38 And so all those ingredients are in the blender
41:40 I go oh, not a problem I'll plug it in.
41:42 So I reach over as soon as I plug that in
41:44 we had this volcano of cheese sauce
41:47 that came out all over Cinda.
41:49 Linda and I are running
41:50 and guess what, it was all over her.
41:53 I had cheese sauce on my cast, from head to foot.
41:58 From my head all the way down to my cast.
42:00 Yes, hence didn't some of it go into your cast
42:03 because you were trying to get it out--
42:05 It was awful. It was awful.
42:09 But you know what, when things happen
42:11 like you do in life God says laughter is a good medicine.
42:15 And Kim, we just with you.
42:17 We are not trying to act like we are all that perfect
42:19 and we have things to happen.
42:20 So our director was in there ready
42:22 to push the button go are they are gonna quit
42:24 or they quit and we just kept rolling.
42:25 We like-- you can see it.
42:26 And we just-- well, there was
42:28 we didn't fix it or clean it up or anything we just--
42:31 they kept saying in the control room,
42:32 oh, they are gonna go,
42:33 they are gonna go, stay with us.
42:36 So we did and you guys got to see it
42:38 but now you know the rest of the story.
42:41 I can turn it off.
42:42 We really do have fun in the kitchen.
42:46 Yes, she can say that because she is not the one
42:49 that was covered in cheese sauce.
42:53 Okay, what I'm doing now
42:55 is I'm taking out about a half a cup of this.
42:57 Okay.
42:59 And I'm gonna that's about out a half a cup.
43:02 Few pieces and then the rest
43:06 we are going to blend.
43:07 Oh, goody.
43:08 You want me to just get--
43:09 I'm in charge of the lid, folks.
43:12 Let's put over here.
43:13 You know what, what if I did this--
43:15 You can't move it. Over here.
43:16 Yeah, what if I did that-- You can go like.
43:17 We don't have our measuring thing
43:19 so what if I do this and we'll do that.
43:22 Well, you know, you are gonna make sure--
43:24 That's what I love, innovation.
43:27 This is a group effort.
43:29 And when you forget your measuring cup
43:32 hey, you got a substitute.
43:35 Now you can partly just dump this in.
43:36 Yes, and if you pour kind of on the--
43:39 if you pour it over and want to hit
43:40 the spatula that works too.
43:42 I want to make sure the big planks right in there
43:44 so we didn't have to.
43:45 Okay, here we go.
43:47 There we go.
43:49 All right. All right.
43:51 Okay, good down.
43:54 Okay.
43:56 Little paper towel in here, sis.
43:57 Okay.
43:58 The only problem is this came out.
44:02 Oh, the blade has already came out.
44:04 Oh, no.
44:07 You got it?
44:08 Well, when that happens--
44:09 Okay. Let's just do that.
44:11 I don't know what--
44:12 The lid is on, folks.
44:16 I'm even covering the top.
44:20 And you just blend it till it's really, really smooth.
44:24 And when it's all blended really, really smooth--
44:27 What you say?
44:29 When it's blended really, really smooth
44:31 you add the other part.
44:32 Now I usually cook this up a little bit more
44:36 but its fine like this.
44:38 You just add those few pieces in and--
44:41 So it gives a little bit of texture.
44:42 Texture and thee we have some already done over there.
44:45 All right.
44:46 And it serves with some-- I just some tostada chips.
44:50 Tostada chips, yeah-- Corn chips
44:53 and you got the black bean corn chips and regular.
44:56 Don't they look delicious?
44:58 And that really you didn't even know it was that easy.
44:59 Didn't you?
45:01 You thought she was working really, really hard.
45:02 Sorry, aunt Myrtle.
45:04 I think aunt Myrtle would still prefer
45:06 that you make it instead of her.
45:09 Okay, aunt Myrtle, I'll do that for you.
45:10 Yes, right. In fact, I'm gonna--
45:12 And you know what, aunt Myrtle,
45:13 I think you were able to try my Mediterranean Sliders
45:17 so watch this next recipe I think you'll like these.
45:21 Let me read the recipe.
45:22 You will need--
46:39 Now I love falafels
46:41 and so I thought you know,
46:43 I'm gonna do a little twist on that
46:45 and I found-- I loved the little mini pocket breads
46:49 and look-- I mean, they are so cute
46:51 and so if you can find them use the little mini ones,
46:56 they are just, they are just--
46:58 If you can't you can take the regular ones
47:00 and cut them into, you know, small triangles
47:04 and then open them up and put your patties in.
47:07 So we're gonna start with the patties
47:10 and you're gonna put everything into a--
47:15 well, this looks kind of big,
47:17 I think everything will fit in here.
47:19 So what I did first to save time
47:22 was I took my onions
47:24 and so I wasn't using any oil I put the water
47:28 and the McKay's chicken style seasoning in the skillet
47:32 and I sauteed the onions and that's why the onions
47:35 will have this yellow flavor, I mean color.
47:37 It's because of the seasoning.
47:40 Yellow flavor?
47:42 McKay's, McKay's chicken style seasoning.
47:45 So that's why it has that.
47:48 And that's a nice way to cook your onions
47:53 so you don't have the oil and the fats.
47:57 Okay, the garbanzo beans have been drained and rinsed.
48:00 That's a really healthy food.
48:02 That's really healthy. And then put the seasonings in.
48:06 Now VegeSal is my favorite all purpose seasoner
48:10 but you can use any of your favorite,
48:12 all purpose season salt.
48:15 You know, I recently tried some just to make a new snack
48:19 and this might be a good appetizer as well
48:21 that's not in the cookbook but I took garbanzos
48:23 and just seasoned them with a little bit of sprinkle salt
48:26 and cayenne pepper and baked them in oven
48:28 and make them crunchy and it was so good.
48:30 It's like popcorn. It is delicious.
48:32 Can I put our quick oats for a binder?
48:36 Now kalamata olives which are from the Mediterranean
48:43 and the peperoncini's and then the red pepper
48:50 and the breadcrumbs
48:55 and then sis, while I'm putting the spinach in
48:59 since you have gloves in your pocket at all times--
49:02 She is taking revenge with me.
49:04 You can crumble the Chik'n patties
49:07 and we'll show you--
49:09 you can crumble the Chik'n patties in here.
49:12 All right, but you know I'd rather crumble
49:14 the Chik'n patties any day than do the garlic.
49:17 So I just so you know. I have a glove right here.
49:21 I let her smell my hands.
49:23 Do you want me to do anything with this?
49:26 Yes, but forget that just one second.
49:29 Well, I have-- and we using
49:31 the MorningStar giller chik'n patties
49:35 and I'm not cooking them before hand
49:37 so you can see they are soft
49:41 and you don't need to put them in a skillet
49:45 and firm them up or roast,
49:46 you know, cook them before hand.
49:48 I just put them in my fist.
49:50 If you don't fry these at better time
49:52 the texture of these are is very, almost mushy.
49:55 Yes.
49:56 Texture but if you want it firmer
49:58 you do need to put it in a skillet.
50:01 But for this recipe you don't need it to do that, okay.
50:03 So thanks, sis. You are welcome.
50:06 Okay, I'm reaching my limit here on--
50:11 You know, I was really--
50:13 I maybe should have done
50:14 and I put this in the recipe book
50:16 that if you do have a small food processor
50:19 that you really can-- you put this in a mixing bowl,
50:22 mix it all up and then do it a couple batches at a time.
50:27 So we're gonna see how this works.
50:29 I'm not sure.
50:34 That might do okay, we might have to stir it up.
50:39 All right, let's stir it up at first.
50:41 Yeah, let's stir it up little bit.
50:44 Oh, that looks good.
50:46 And give it a one more quick little spin.
50:52 Don't take long isn't?
50:53 No. There, that's good.
50:55 And if yours gets a little thick
50:56 you can add a little bit of water, don't--
50:59 you don't want to add too much.
51:00 Okay, now what you are gonna do,
51:02 well, now what Brenda's gonna do for us--
51:06 I got this nice little scoop.
51:08 I use little tiny scoop
51:10 because these are appetizers remember.
51:13 And let's scoop them out.
51:15 I have put already some nonstick backing spray
51:18 and you want to put them on there
51:19 and they pat them down just a little bit
51:21 because you're gonna flat them out, sis.
51:22 Yeah, okay.
51:24 And then you will put this in a 375 degree oven for 15 minutes
51:29 and then turn them over and do another ten minutes
51:33 and this is what they look like
51:34 when you are-- when they are baked.
51:36 Aren't they cute?
51:37 And then to serve them
51:41 we'll get-- Linda's already started
51:42 on our cucumber sauce, we got our better than
51:46 sour cream in here and the fresh lemon juice
51:48 and the cayenne and season salt.
51:51 Now add the chopped cucumbers.
51:54 I like to use the baby English cucumbers.
51:57 I like their flavor.
51:58 And what about the tomatoes?
51:59 And then diced tomatoes and stir that up
52:05 and then you'll take your little pocket bread
52:10 and then you're gonna just cut a slit in it like this
52:15 and open it up, put some of your sauce in it.
52:18 All right.
52:19 Put your patty in it and put some lettuce and tomato
52:23 and you have an awesome appetizer.
52:25 And we have some already prepared for you to look at.
52:28 And so we had plated it up.
52:30 Isn't that beautiful?
52:32 Well, right now my sisters and I have six cookbooks
52:36 including our new cookbooks by Kellogg's
52:39 and they are all vegan vegetarian cookbooks.
52:41 This one is our newest
52:42 the Micheff Sisters cooking with Kellogg's.
52:45 Right now we would like to show you
52:46 how you can get yours.
52:51 If you've enjoyed the recipes you seen today
52:53 and would like to purchase your own copy
52:55 of one of their cookbooks
52:56 including their new cookbook Cooking with Kellogg's,
53:00 you can write to 3ABN, P.O. Box 220,
53:03 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.
53:06 That's 3ABN, P.O. Box 220,
53:10 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.
53:13 You can call 618-627-4651,
53:17 that's 618-627-4651
53:21 or if you would like to contact the Micheff Sisters
53:23 for speaking appointments or concerts
53:25 you can do so at their website at micheffsisters.com
53:29 that micheffsisters.com.


Revised 2015-02-12