3ABN Today

Holiday Eats

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Holmes Sisters


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY013124A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:05 Welcome. Welcome.
01:07 Welcome. Welcome.
01:11 Hello friends and welcome to another
01:13 3ABN today cooking program.
01:15 I'm Jill Morikone and with me
01:18 are some wonderful sisters, the Holmes Sisters.
01:20 Hi, and I'm Jane. And--
01:23 Kimberly. I'm Taisha.
01:25 And we had them here before.
01:27 We had such fun in the kitchen,
01:29 the food was fabulous, the presentation was wonderful
01:32 that we said we have to have them back again
01:34 just so we can have fun and enjoy good fun in the Lord.
01:37 And we thank you. So good to be back.
01:39 So good to be back.
01:41 May be our friends at home never caught the program.
01:43 You all were on before so tell us just a little bit,
01:45 we will start with Kim, you are the oldest.
01:48 Not that you wanted everybody to know it.
01:52 Well, I'm Kimberly Holmes-James
01:56 and I currently live in Connecticut with my family,
01:58 my husband Terrance James and my wonderful son John John
02:02 and my new born Joshua.
02:04 He is five months old today and I'm very excited.
02:07 Such a boy, and he is so cute.
02:10 Now, I have met John John and he is wonderful
02:11 but I haven't met Joshua so I'm looking forward to that.
02:15 I will get to meet Joshua, oh, that's wonderful.
02:17 And then Tai, tell us about you.
02:19 I'm Taisha Holmes-Bulgin
02:20 and I currently reside in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
02:24 And I reside with my husband Orville
02:27 and I have wonderful children Sara who is nine
02:30 and Samuel who just turned four yesterday.
02:36 Okay. Lot of celebrations here.
02:38 Absolutely, that's wonderful.
02:41 And Jane, what about you?
02:42 Well, my name is Janeth Holmes-Alfred
02:45 and I'm married to Jude Alfred.
02:46 I live in West Town, New York.
02:48 We have two children Justin and Juliana
02:51 and they keep me very busy in the kitchen.
02:55 We have a great time at home. And we're happy to be here.
02:58 Amen, that's wonderful. Yes, yes.
03:00 And they are good cooks
03:02 and on top of being wonderful women
03:04 who love Jesus and want to share Jesus and you all singers.
03:07 We know this from the open.
03:08 And they were so kind to let Jill sing a little bit.
03:10 Oh, Jill, we love you. Oh, sister.
03:16 So tell me how long have you all been singing together.
03:19 Oh, about eight. Forever ever.
03:22 Like six. Yeah, from very, very, young.
03:24 Oh, wow.
03:26 We started it--we started in worship at parent's niece.
03:30 My parents would say okay, it's worship time
03:33 and it's time to sing. Grab your mikes.
03:34 We got our mike. Mike is a spoon.
03:36 Yes, with a spoon and yes, Jesus loves me.
03:40 We started with that and-- Amen.
03:42 It grew from there really.
03:43 Amen, that's wonderful
03:45 and you all have been cooking since.
03:46 Oh, yeah, we have been in the kitchen
03:47 also as well as singing.
03:49 My mom would give us a week to prepare recipes
03:51 and we would have a list of things for her to go
03:54 and buy and we would each take an entree of breakfast
03:58 and we would prepare the recipes
03:59 and we learned from a very young age.
04:01 Wow, see you had a whole week.
04:03 And to cook from scratch.
04:04 Right, we had to prepare a menu and it was very exciting
04:07 but we were children and we were able to create
04:11 our own menu and then down to kitchen and--
04:14 And our favorite time were the holidays, you know,
04:16 we just get very creative and make a table
04:20 and set the table and just fellowship together.
04:21 Oh, that's wonderful and we are doing
04:23 holiday food here today, so we are excited.
04:25 We are very excited.
04:27 We're gonna do holiday food and holiday eats.
04:29 Holiday eats.
04:31 Are you ready for holiday eats? I am, my tummy is ready.
04:34 Let's look at what we are making here today.
04:39 For the Delicious Stuffed Red Peppers.
04:40 Look at that.
04:42 Oh, looks great with the melted cheese on top.
04:44 Wow, that looks really delicious.
04:45 It does. I'm ready to eat.
04:49 And then Taisha, we're having?
04:51 Easy holiday, Easy Vege Chickette Salad,
04:54 it is delicious and it is nutritious.
04:56 I love the presentation with the tomatoes out there,
04:58 it's really pretty, very nice.
05:01 Kimmy's Holiday Pinwheels.
05:04 Kid friendly and a great appetizer.
05:07 Oh, yeah, yummy.
05:09 And the fruit and toasted almond holiday stuffing.
05:12 Oh, perfect for the time. That's right.
05:14 Oh, yeah, I love that.
05:16 And meatballs. Yes.
05:18 Who doesn't love meatballs?
05:20 Vegan meatballs with delicious cream creamy basil pesto sauce.
05:25 I love pesto.
05:27 And we just love kale, kale everything
05:30 and we have a rich kale pesto sauce
05:32 and we will talk more about that later.
05:34 Ooh, yummy. It sounds good.
05:37 I'm ready, I'm ready. I'm ready.
05:39 Jane is gonna show us how to do the first recipe
05:41 the stuffed peppers, but first we need to read the recipe.
05:44 So let's read that recipe
05:46 for the stuffed delicious stuffed peppers.
05:48 Would you like to read that, Tai? Sure.
06:26 That sounds good. That sounds delicious.
06:28 Now let's get busy. That sounds really good.
06:29 Let's all get started. Okay.
06:32 So we are going to now-- we have raw potatoes here
06:35 that are boiling and we are gonna take our potatoes
06:38 and just put them if you can for me, Tai.
06:40 Sure. Just watch the steam.
06:41 We are going to strain them a little bit.
06:43 So you already peeled and chopped them?
06:44 They are ready peeled, they are chopped
06:47 and we bought the potatoes and then we are just going through--
06:50 while the potatoes are straining.
06:52 We will cut up some-- some peppers here
06:55 and we will wait for them to-- Yeah, very nice.
06:57 So we have some peppers over here
06:59 and we are going to use these peppers.
07:02 I love peppers. To stuff the potato.
07:04 We can just slice them in half.
07:05 Slice them in half.
07:08 We need to take off the seeds,
07:09 clean it up a little bit and then our potatoes are back.
07:16 Okay, so we clean up the seed and set them to the side.
07:20 Okay, so we have our potatoes here
07:22 they are ready boiled for us waiting.
07:24 And we will just add our seasonings for mashed potatoes,
07:26 so we have some fresh garlic.
07:28 Oh, yes. Fresh garlic.
07:30 Nice, we get that in here.
07:32 Keep that all the way.
07:33 That's right.
07:35 And we will add some thyme.
07:38 I like thyme.
07:40 And some chicken style seasoning
07:42 and we have some vege parmesan cheese.
07:46 That will make it nice.
07:48 That sounds good and now we have some milk.
07:50 Now, you took buttermilk, how did you make buttermilk?
07:52 We made a buttermilk.
07:53 Well, this is just soy and sweetened soymilk
07:55 and we add may be two teaspoons of lemon juice
07:59 and you let it sit for little bit
08:02 and it just curdles right up.
08:03 Just trying to make some buttermilk, yeah.
08:04 Okay, nice.
08:06 So we will put that to the side.
08:07 So I got it here.
08:09 And the salt is just a season
08:10 so you can just sprinkle a little for your taste lightly.
08:13 Salt is needed and then we will add some sour cream.
08:18 Makes it nice and creamy.
08:19 Nice and creamy.
08:21 Brings all the flavors together.
08:22 Absolutely.
08:23 Did you, did you cook your potatoes in salt, Jane?
08:26 No, I did not. Okay.
08:27 I did not, I just add the salt after in the mixture.
08:30 I try to not put as much salt and then we just start to mash.
08:35 We mash the potatoes, mash everything together.
08:39 Very good.
08:40 What kind of texture are we aiming for?
08:42 Well, it depends.
08:44 I like the potatoes to be a little stiff not too runny.
08:49 So you can control that just by the amount of liquid
08:52 that you add in there.
08:54 Okay. Absolutely.
08:55 Yeah, so we just mash in--
08:56 I love putting the buttermilk in.
08:58 Get a nice creamy texture.
08:59 Yeah.
09:00 Gives it a nice creamy texture.
09:03 And it's such an easy recipe.
09:04 Very easy.
09:05 Potatoes and it's so different
09:07 because we use the stuffing peppers with like veggie burgers
09:10 and rice and it just brings you--
09:12 I was just gonna say rice.
09:13 It brings different twists to it
09:14 to stuff it with potatoes and it's delicious.
09:17 And you know peppers are high in vitamin A, C
09:19 and very good for the skin.
09:21 I heard is this true?
09:23 I heard that peppers have more vitamin C than in an orange.
09:25 Yes, and the different colors,
09:28 when you eat with your eyes
09:30 and you see food that have best colors.
09:31 Right, it just burst and you just have beta-carotene
09:35 and all the different things, it's good for the body so.
09:37 And we all love mashed potatoes with the holidays.
09:40 Oh, yeah. That's right.
09:41 So we've comforting food.
09:42 If we can just pop them into some nicely colored peppers
09:46 and it will just look really pretty on the table.
09:48 So I invite everyone to help me stuff.
09:50 Let's just-- You mean we have to work?
09:52 That's right, that's right.
09:53 Get our spoons and let's get to work
09:55 and just stuff some peppers.
09:56 Just moving here so you guys can reach too.
09:58 How is that? Okay, we will put it here.
09:59 I will take the red one.
10:00 Okay, so we just sliced them in half.
10:02 Who need spoons?
10:04 Thank you. Thank you.
10:06 So we just--do we stuff them and mound them inside or just--
10:10 Yeah, we just put them in and we mound them high
10:13 and then we are gonna garish them with the,
10:16 we have some Mozzarella Daiya cheese
10:18 which is a vegan cheese and it melts, which is really nice.
10:21 Nice.
10:22 But are we limited to Daiya?
10:25 Oh, no you can get creative.
10:26 You can make your own cheese if you like.
10:29 You can use your favorite,
10:30 whatever your favorite cheese is
10:32 and you just top it
10:33 and you actually just kind of sprinkle it on top.
10:37 Nice. And let it melt very nicely.
10:39 And look at the colors. Beautiful.
10:40 That's so pretty. Then you can add paprika.
10:43 Paprika on it and just give a nice pop to contrast with the--
10:47 by the potato and so we have it.
10:49 You put the cheese on top.
10:51 Sprinkle some cheese. I love that.
10:53 That is very nice.
10:56 Now, what's a memory
10:58 that you all have of a holiday traditionally,
11:00 you always did during the holidays?
11:01 Oh, wow, well, we all play instruments.
11:04 I play the violin, Jane plays her flute,
11:07 and Kim plays the piano
11:09 and I remember when we were young around the holidays
11:12 our mom would take us downtown with our instruments
11:15 and we would play as people were coming in and out
11:18 of the department stores in New York.
11:20 We grew up in New York and so we would go by,
11:22 we go may season, we would play holiday songs.
11:26 Carols.
11:28 Holiday Christmas carols and we just--
11:29 That was a lot of fun. It really was fun.
11:32 And then we go shopping after.
11:34 That's the best. There you go.
11:36 Girl power, that's right.
11:39 But that's wonderful, because that's the way to witness.
11:41 Oh, right and it was.
11:43 You know, they are reaching out to people,
11:44 you are witnessing to them
11:46 and holiday time is a good time people are thinking of Jesus.
11:48 That's right, that's right.
11:50 That's a perfect time to reach out.
11:51 And they are very open
11:52 and to receive you know the music and the joy.
11:54 So it's a really good time. Amen.
11:56 What do we bake this at?
11:57 Well, we just bake it at 350
11:59 and you just allow the cheese to melt.
12:01 You know, you keep an eye in for about 30 minutes
12:03 until the cheese melts.
12:04 Some people like to let it the pepper get really soft
12:09 but I like mines to be a little crisp.
12:11 So you just keep an eye on it after 30 minutes
12:13 and make sure the cheese is melted and there you go.
12:16 Oh, it's wonderful. Voila.
12:17 There you have it. It's all done over here.
12:19 It looks beautiful, I love that.
12:21 Very delicious.
12:22 And it makes a great centerpiece as well with all the colors.
12:24 Oh, yeah.
12:26 You can garnish it with parsley and paprika whatever--
12:30 It's beautiful.
12:31 And we have forks here we are not gonna dig into that
12:34 because we need it for the final product
12:35 but we all got to try at least
12:37 what this taste like here apparently.
12:38 Okay. Okay. Dig in.
12:40 Dig in. Okay.
12:45 There you go.
12:46 Mmm.
12:49 Good.
12:51 Mmm, this is delicious, and that I taste the garlic, very good.
12:56 That's fabulous. Oh, yeah.
12:57 Now, you can join us. That's right.
13:00 And you can have some too.
13:01 Try at home. It's very simple.
13:04 And let us know how you liked it.
13:05 Please do on our Facebook page.
13:07 Yeah, what is your Facebook page?
13:08 And then we will go to the next recipe.
13:09 What's your Facebook?
13:11 Our Facebook page is theholmessisters@facebook.com
13:15 Our email is also theholmessisters@gmail.com
13:20 Okay, perfect theholmessisters@gmail.com
13:24 theholmessisters @facebook.com
13:26 and they want to hear from you.
13:27 Yes we do.
13:28 What do you think of the recipes
13:30 and feedback and all kind of stuff.
13:31 So that's great.
13:32 Let's go and read our next recipe.
13:34 Yeah, sounds very good.
13:35 Would you like to read that here, Kim?
13:38 T's Holiday Easy Vege Chickette salad.
14:28 That sounds yummy. Yummy, it is.
14:31 Who doesn't love chicken salad?
14:33 Yes.
14:34 And we are just so privileged
14:35 to be able to introduce this to every one
14:37 because this is actually a product that we are part of,
14:40 this product is a soy product,
14:42 it's called So soya veggie chicken.
14:45 Okay. Okay.
14:47 And we are gonna use it for our chicken salad today so--
14:48 So tell me what So soya, what's it's made of, what's it?
14:51 It's made from organic soybeans
14:54 and just soybeans, just soybeans.
14:57 So there's no gluten, there is no--
14:58 No gluten, its gluten free.
15:00 It's GMO free, trans-fat free.
15:04 It's an excellent source of protein and it is delicious.
15:08 Now on the program we have used soy curls before
15:11 and I know some of our viewers at home
15:12 that they enjoy using soy curls.
15:13 What would be the difference between So Soya and soy curls?
15:16 So Soya and soy curls,
15:18 the soy curls have a longer texture
15:20 and this one is if you could just show them
15:22 the texture of this one, it's just round.
15:23 Yeah pull some out and just hold it there.
15:25 I mean they'll get the shot.
15:27 Oh yeah, I see that. And we also have--
15:29 The other one is longer. Yeah, it's longer.
15:31 So with this one you can dice it
15:32 as we have with the chicken salad
15:34 or you can take this one
15:35 and you can stir fry it or you can put it in wraps,
15:39 however you want to do it just do.
15:40 And we also have another one that is a veggie burger.
15:44 But it's the same thing, it's soybeans.
15:48 Oh, I love that.
15:49 And it takes the flavor of whatever.
15:50 Anything you give it. Like tofu or the soy curls.
15:53 Yes, very good. Right, okay.
15:54 So you season it as you wish.
15:56 I love that very nice.
15:57 So we are using these today.
15:59 So we are using soy curls today.
16:00 Now, where can we, where can we find So Soya?
16:03 You can find So Soya in-- Online.
16:05 You can find it online on our website.
16:06 Yes.
16:08 You can also find it in ABC book stores
16:11 and you can also find it in some supermarkets
16:13 but if you are looking for it,
16:15 you can get in contact with us
16:16 and we definitely let you know where you can go.
16:18 That's wonderful. Good, okay.
16:19 I'm anxious to try it.
16:20 All right, so, Jane, can you just pop in.
16:22 Okay. This is soy recipe.
16:24 Pour them in some boiling water.
16:26 Yeah, so basically you have the water going
16:27 and it's boiling and you just pop it into the water
16:29 and it takes 15 minutes until it's nice and tender and--
16:32 So you don't re-hydrate it with any seasoning.
16:35 It's just with water and then you add seasoning later.
16:37 Well, you can, it's just an option.
16:38 What we are gonna do is
16:40 we are gonna put two tablespoons of chicken style seasoning
16:41 and then the rolling, boiling water.
16:43 Thank you, Jane.
16:44 And that is going to boil here for 15 minutes.
16:48 Okay.
16:49 And then once you are done,
16:51 you just put it in a food processor
16:52 and what I have done is I pulsate to a nice texture and--
16:55 I see that's very nice.
16:56 Yeah, what we will do is we will place it in our bowl.
16:58 So this is a very simple recipe that we like to make
17:01 because you know for the holidays
17:03 sometimes you might have people over unexpected or expected
17:07 and it's just something that's wonderful, it's fun,
17:09 it's colorful and it's delicious.
17:12 Oh, yeah, it's wonderful.
17:14 Okay, so, you want to get it.
17:15 You want to try it, it's good.
17:17 All right so, we have pulsate up already
17:19 and what we are gonna do
17:21 is you can add this in any--any arrangement.
17:22 You throw in your apples, you can throw in your gala apples.
17:26 Some fresh chopped apples. Fresh chopped apples.
17:28 What I'm gonna do while Kim is putting our fresh dill.
17:31 I love dill, I love fresh dill.
17:33 And we always have to have cilantro.
17:36 Cilantro, that's the Spanish texture.
17:38 Now because you're mom, right? That's right.
17:40 Mother from Guatemala.
17:43 Guatemala.
17:46 Yes, so we love to add,
17:48 you know, cilantro in almost every thing that we make
17:51 so we're just gonna coarsely just chop our--
17:53 Okay, I see that.
17:54 Yeah, so we're going to just throw this in.
17:56 Cashews. Cashews.
17:58 And these are salted.
17:59 They were roasted and salted. These are roasted and salted.
18:00 But if you don't like, you can use the--
18:03 you can use the unsalted as well.
18:04 And then we have our celery coming.
18:06 Celery, scallions, red peppers, green peppers.
18:09 Look at the colors. Red onions.
18:12 Merging together. It's beautiful.
18:13 And then red grapes.
18:15 Just throw them here-- So you cut them in half?
18:18 Cut them in half, yup, red grapes.
18:20 And then we add a little chicken style seasoning on top.
18:22 Oh, okay.
18:23 You know, just to give it a burst.
18:25 Yeah. It's nice.
18:27 And then what we do is we tap it off with vegenaise
18:31 and we marry all the flavors and you have a wonderful salad.
18:37 It's very simple, very easy.
18:40 That's wonderful. No fuss.
18:42 I love that. That's perfect.
18:43 Now do you ladies because Tai just shared with us
18:45 a memory that she has at Thanksgiving
18:47 or a holiday tradition.
18:49 You ladies have any memories of a holiday tradition.
18:52 Well, I have my favorite holiday is New Year's
18:56 and my memory of New Year's
18:58 is just we would gather around in pajamas
19:01 and we never really celebrated Christmas
19:04 with opening of gifts
19:06 we waited until New Year's, New Year's Eve.
19:08 So we would just-- we just gather around in our PJ's
19:12 and we would just sing songs and play our instruments
19:16 and then we were all excited and anxious
19:19 because we had our gifts wrapped
19:20 and we are like oh, we can't wait until midnight.
19:22 And we would stay up all night until it was time
19:24 and my mom had a traditional meal that she would make--
19:27 she would always make tamales.
19:29 Oh, yeah, tamales. We love tamales.
19:30 And we would have tamales with some bun and some hot carob.
19:35 Oh, what a memory. Absolutely.
19:37 And we would stay up all night making.
19:39 That was a one time
19:40 we were allowed to stay up till midnight.
19:42 All night.
19:43 That was the only time around New Year's.
19:45 And then we would jump and scream Happy New Year.
19:48 Yeah, it was, it was a great time.
19:51 So that was a fun.
19:52 We look forward to that. Amen.
19:54 Yeah, we try to carry it on with our kids.
19:57 Oh, I love that, that's beautiful.
20:00 So, now we are all mixed and we are ready to go
20:02 and look it how beautiful and graceful that is.
20:05 Flavors and colors coming together.
20:06 So then you would marinate it how long?
20:08 You can eat it right away, or you can just place it
20:10 in your fridge and just marinate it for about 20 minutes.
20:13 Okay. And the flavors that--
20:14 You know, it's just like anything
20:16 the longer it sits, the better it is.
20:18 That's right. Yeah.
20:20 We have some here, I'm gonna grab.
20:22 Yeah. Okay.
20:24 You all know we always have to taste it.
20:26 Always have to see if this is okay.
20:28 Yes, we can. All right, it's time.
20:31 Amen. Okay.
20:33 There you go, we each have our own dish.
20:34 Okay. Thank you.
20:36 I love that. Yummy.
20:39 Try to get every piece in there so you don't miss anything.
20:42 And then we gonna have all the different flavors.
20:43 All right, here we go. Ready.
20:44 Cashews. Mmm.
20:47 Mmm. Mmm.
20:49 Good. Mmm.
20:51 Mmm. Mmm.
20:52 Mmm. Mmm.
20:54 What do you think? Good.
20:56 This is delicious. I love it.
20:57 I love it. It's creamy
20:59 You must try this. It's flavorful.
21:01 Just the right amount of seasoning, I love the dill.
21:03 I like dill anyway.
21:04 I mean dill is one of my favorite things.
21:06 So I love this. This is fabulous.
21:08 I can have this another time other than holiday time.
21:11 Don't you think so? Oh, absolutely.
21:12 Oh, yeah, certainly. Anytime.
21:14 And it's so simple and quick and easy to make
21:17 and you can also place it on bread.
21:20 You can toast a bread and you can just place it.
21:22 You could just eat it right off the bowl.
21:24 Sometimes it might not make it to the table
21:26 but it's absolutely. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
21:29 But here we have it.
21:31 That's right, we have this one all finished.
21:32 It's beautiful.
21:34 I love it all tomatoes, the presentation.
21:36 Yeah, the colors. Nice centerpiece for the table.
21:39 Delicious and everyone can kind of dip in and just.
21:41 Yummy. Yummy.
21:42 Have a wonderful treat. Let's go to our next recipe.
21:46 We are going to make Kimmy's Holiday Pinwheels.
21:50 Jane, would you read the recipe for us?
22:27 Yummy. That sounds delicious.
22:29 Indeed it is. So, ladies, let's get started.
22:34 So we have our cream cheese here and we will put this in a bowl.
22:41 What I love about this recipe is it's a great crowd-pleaser.
22:46 It is. Children love it.
22:48 You can send it you know for lunch.
22:50 Make it for lunch for them. Oh, yeah.
22:52 You can use it as a great appetizer at your party.
22:54 Fresh dill. We are putting some dill.
22:56 Oh, I love fresh dill.
22:57 We are creating our ranch dressing
23:00 and our on ranch dressing.
23:03 Now you can buy your ranch dressing
23:04 if it's easier for you, that's fine.
23:06 The local version, salad version of the packet
23:09 but we are creating.
23:11 Here we have onion powder, garlic powder,
23:15 my favorite herbal seasoning, we have some basil here,
23:19 chicken style seasoning that we are putting
23:22 and we're just going to mix this up
23:23 a little bit, soften it up.
23:27 What is your favorite herbal seasoning?
23:28 Do you remember?
23:30 You just put it in, is it Chickette.
23:31 Spike. She loves spikes.
23:33 That's the flavoring. Everything is with spike.
23:36 With spike no salt.
23:38 I mean, they have the option of salt or no salt but--
23:41 That's nice. Everything spike for comfort.
23:43 Now we are mixing this up and you can use a hand mixer
23:45 I'm sure that will be easier but right now
23:47 we're just using the power of our hand.
23:50 Righty and lefty. Okay.
23:52 Yeah. Okay.
23:56 That's coming together, softening up.
23:57 Oh, it is absolutely. That looks delicious.
23:59 This is becoming a smooth paste.
24:01 So, Tai, if you'd just add the red pepper
24:04 and it just gives it a nice pop of color.
24:06 Wow, beautiful. Throw it in.
24:09 I'm sure you can see that the camera is picking that up.
24:11 It's beautiful. And throw in the scallion.
24:15 Nice.
24:17 And it's a very easy recipe to make.
24:22 A quick go to-- I Like that. That is easy.
24:25 You could get your kids in the kitchen,
24:27 just, you know mix seasonings, mix it up together.
24:29 That's right. That's right.
24:30 John John loves to cook in the kitchen.
24:32 Actually all of our children
24:33 they love to cook in the kitchen.
24:34 They do. They do.
24:36 This is one recipe that is simple to do with our kids.
24:39 That's wonderful.
24:40 Okay, so now, it's all mixed up and we can see the color
24:43 and then it's a wonderful flavor here.
24:45 That's good. And we are going to take.
24:49 Now you have two different types of tortillas,
24:51 you got going on here.
24:52 Yes, we have, this is tomato based basil, tomato basil.
24:58 Sun-dried. Sun-dried tomatoes.
24:59 And then we have our spinach sun-dried tortilla.
25:03 And they get with the nice color.
25:05 Yes, so for the holidays we are all about color
25:09 and different flavors and things coming together.
25:12 So we are going to put the paste right here.
25:17 Oh, nice, okay. On the tortilla.
25:19 Spread it around. We'll spread it around.
25:21 So this is the base of our wrap.
25:22 We just spread it out kind in the centre of our wrap
25:26 and this is just gonna hold all of our fillings together.
25:29 Nice, yep.
25:31 Okay, so sometimes we make it
25:33 and you know you can make an assembly line
25:34 like one person puts the paste and the next person puts--
25:37 That's right. See much.
25:39 There we go. You know, it's a lot of fun.
25:42 You can make it a lot of fun. That's great.
25:43 I love that. We, we--
25:45 Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead.
25:46 Now we just love to cook and just part of our family
25:48 tradition especially for the holidays.
25:49 It's cooking who doesn't love cooking around on the holidays.
25:52 Just come together.
25:53 So you come together in the kitchen.
25:55 It's the time to have the family in the kitchen.
25:56 Exactly. To work together.
25:57 And make it fun, enjoyable as well as delicious.
26:00 We are cooking thing together.
26:03 Okay, so now we will add some carrots.
26:06 Now, you shredded these?
26:07 We shredded our carrot
26:09 and we are just spreading it around.
26:12 All right. And we'll add some celery.
26:19 And I just melt it. There you go.
26:21 I would like to get into kitchen
26:22 and you know help a little, viola.
26:25 Here you go. Hey Jill, will you?
26:28 Sprinkle the olives, yes. Yay.
26:34 More, is that good? That's good. That's fine.
26:36 And then we will add some meat
26:38 and the last thing we'll add is the cheese.
26:39 Now, is this the So Soya?
26:41 Yes, this is the other one that we were telling you about
26:44 this is the veggie the vegetarian beef so Soya
26:47 and it comes with a seasoning packet that you can use.
26:50 It has turmeric and cumin but go ahead probably
26:52 you can also put your own seasoning.
26:55 So it's very versatile. Yeah.
26:58 Now, you know I like cheese, soy cheese, you can see.
27:01 I see. I see, Jill.
27:05 So, look at this. It's beautiful.
27:08 Yes, it is. And now we are just going to roll.
27:10 Make a tight roll. Nice.
27:14 Oh, it's really tight.
27:16 That's my problem I'll be rolling and--
27:21 It wouldn't make it to the end of the roll.
27:23 And make sure it's nice and tight.
27:24 So we make sure it's nice and tight
27:26 and then we set it in the fridge
27:27 for about two hours wrapped in a plastic,
27:29 preferably plastic it's inside down.
27:32 And it's inside down here.
27:34 And this is what it will look like.
27:36 This is the product before its cut and we will cut this one.
27:42 We will cut this one, so we are gonna just all this transferred.
27:44 You want to cut here. Here you go.
27:46 Thank you, and we will take our knife
27:48 actually this is a easier side.
27:51 So we will cut the ends off.
27:56 Remember this is a pinwheel
27:58 and I guess you will see why in a few minutes.
28:01 Okay and we will just slice it.
28:06 Now you can slice it as thick as you want.
28:08 You can slice it as thin.
28:09 Usually about one inch holds up nice.
28:12 I can see that. It's beautiful.
28:13 And then you see all the colors right in the center.
28:17 I mean whatever you like to put in your wraps
28:19 and it's very simple and very easy.
28:21 You see the rolls and-- I do.
28:22 And you would impress your guests.
28:24 They think you had worked so hard.
28:27 Many hours in the kitchen. That's right.
28:29 And it took less than five minutes.
28:30 Now if you make this, does it ever
28:32 like fall apart like it won't hold.
28:34 Is the key in how tight you wrap it?
28:36 In how tight you wrap it. And also the base.
28:39 The base. Okay, we need that to hold.
28:40 Helps to hold it. It needs to be a thick paste.
28:43 Not yeah, creamy thick paste. Yeah.
28:45 In order to hold like a wrap. Right.
28:47 Now Jane, you have some--are you holding that on something there?
28:50 I'm holding on, I don't want to share.
28:52 Come on, Jane, share the goods. Look how good these look.
28:54 Let's go, Jill.
28:56 These look delicious, so it's a great finger food
28:59 and we can just take one.
29:00 So we can take one. We got to try.
29:03 Okay, here we go.
29:04 We have to try all the food to make sure it's okay.
29:07 Mmm. Mmm.
29:09 Mmm. Mmm.
29:10 Good. Delicious.
29:15 And it's crunchy. Nice and crunchy.
29:18 I love the cream cheese.
29:19 I love the flavor you put in your ranch seasoning.
29:23 That's fabulous. It really makes it.
29:25 And what's wonderful is you can create
29:28 your ranch seasoning right in your kitchen.
29:31 The seasons are right in the cupboard.
29:32 I love that. That's beautiful.
29:34 Okay, let's go to our next recipe.
29:37 Fruit and Toasted Almond Holiday stuffing
29:40 for that you need.
30:26 I love the stuffing ladies,
30:27 because it's got the fruit in it.
30:29 Yes. Oh, yeah.
30:30 Kim and I were just talking about that,
30:31 that's amazing. Yes.
30:33 Fruits and nuts,
30:34 it's almost like a sandwich mixed with veggies.
30:37 It's got but all the flavors just come together
30:40 and it's a nice savory delicious dish.
30:44 So we are gonna get started now.
30:45 And Jane, you are gonna put our red onions in
30:51 with our celery and you just dice it.
30:54 Yeah you dice it very thin and then you sauteed together.
30:58 I love the color of the onions I can see that,
31:00 that's very nice.
31:01 Yeah and then while simmering I just put this here
31:04 because I just want to show people that,
31:06 you know, a lot of times you can plan ahead
31:08 when you are making your meals you know.
31:10 And a great way that you can keep your bread nice and fresh,
31:13 nice tip for the kitchen, is to put in a Ziploc bag.
31:16 If you prepare the day before you can just put it in.
31:19 So what we are gonna do is, we are gonna put our bread.
31:21 Oh, yeah, it is nice and soft.
31:23 Nice and soft, you feel that right.
31:24 We are just gonna put in our bowl while this is sauteing.
31:27 You want to pull the bowl totally here?
31:29 Yeah, we pull the bowl closer.
31:31 And basically what we do is we take this bread
31:36 and we put a little pam on it
31:39 and then what we do is we put it
31:40 on our baking dish that's over here
31:43 and then we put it in the oven.
31:44 And we put it on low for 200-- just making your breadcrumbs.
31:47 Okay, this is a stuffing from scratch.
31:49 You know, we like Pepperidge Farm's
31:51 and all the other stuffing,
31:52 but we are just showing how you can make it from scratch
31:55 and what we have here is we have oatmeal bread
31:56 and we have a nice mix of wheat and oatmeal.
31:59 Okay, so you can do whichever you would like it.
32:01 So you would spray it stick in the oven.
32:03 You spray it, stick in the oven.
32:04 What temperature? 225.
32:05 For how long?
32:07 For like 30 to 40 minutes until it dries out
32:08 and in between you kind of give a little stir
32:10 and then it will come out nice and dry
32:11 and this is your product.
32:13 Wow, let me see. Oh, wow that is dry.
32:16 You know, when you get the stuffing
32:17 and it's nice and dry and then you mix it.
32:19 I see that. Let me move the bowl.
32:21 So can you just pour it in the bowl, Kim, please?
32:22 All right. Smells great.
32:26 Anabolic sauteing you can--
32:28 you add your-- you have the fire up, Jill.
32:31 Apples. Yeah, get apples.
32:32 The gala apples.
32:33 Yeah, I love gala so I can use gala in lot of things.
32:36 But you can--you can use Granny Smith any apple,
32:39 anything that you're choosing.
32:41 Your favorite apple you can just throw it in there
32:43 and this is my favorite part.
32:44 The savvy herbs, fresh sage.
32:48 Doesn't like fresh sage just smell that aroma.
32:51 Oh, yeah.
32:52 And fresh chopped thyme.
32:54 And here we go again, I know, Jill,
32:56 you must know what this is.
32:57 Cilantro. Cilantro.
32:59 The secret seasoning. And fresh parsley.
33:03 And you do that in honor of your mom?
33:04 In honor of my mom, always.
33:06 Your mom is precious.
33:07 She came last time with them and this time--
33:10 and her mom is just a delightful woman, she is a woman of God.
33:13 She is wonderful just to spend time with.
33:15 Oh, yes.
33:17 And she has adopted Jill.
33:18 One of the daughters.
33:21 And then this time as well they brought their dad
33:23 and that was my first time to meet their dad
33:25 and he is a wonderful man too.
33:26 Yes, he is. Where is he from?
33:28 He is from Savannah, Georgia.
33:29 Okay, Georgia. He is from Savannah, Georgia.
33:31 So you have the southern boy meet Samarians.
33:33 Oh, yeah.
33:36 That's a story for another time.
33:38 That's right. There you go.
33:41 Yeah and then we will add some crushed red pepper
33:45 and it give it a nice little bite
33:47 and then some cinnamon
33:48 and for those who don't use cinnamon,
33:50 you want to use cardamom
33:52 and it's a cardamom and coriander mixture.
33:55 And then what we do is we add our roasted almonds.
34:00 From here it does look nice. Yeah, right into our bread.
34:03 And cherries, dry cherries and then you can use currants,
34:06 raisins, whatever you like
34:07 but we are going to use cherries today.
34:09 We will stuck together now.
34:10 No, so Jane is mixing that up and you can put a lid on that.
34:14 Okay. Oh, smelling good.
34:16 And then you let that saute down and for about five minutes
34:19 until the onions and everything is nice and translucent
34:22 and then towards the end you add your maple syrup
34:25 and you add your lemon juice,
34:27 your fresh lemon juice to that.
34:28 And then it just marinates in,
34:30 then you add it to your mixture.
34:31 Okay. Very simple.
34:32 Very simple, very simple.
34:34 Now what about this, where it's going in.
34:35 And what we do is once we add this mixture together
34:37 we will pour it in our Pyrexes.
34:39 You know what we will do is
34:40 we will just spray with a little pam,
34:41 pour in the dish
34:43 and then we will pour our veggie broth right over.
34:46 Nice and we have some of it done, we are gonna try, right.
34:49 Yes, we are. Yes, that's the best part.
34:51 Let's try. And I always say we try.
34:55 Oh, yeah.
34:56 Because we know you guys love.
34:58 Serve everybody. It looks pretty--
35:01 Right I will just break them down,
35:03 now we'll just break them in fours.
35:04 Yeah, we have to share.
35:07 Sharing is caring. That's what sisters do.
35:08 That's right, sharing is caring.
35:11 Can you get it there, Jane?
35:12 Yeah, I have some already.
35:15 Okay. We got it in time.
35:19 Greedy. Okay.
35:21 I didn't say that.
35:26 Mmm. Mmm.
35:28 Mmm. Good.
35:31 This is different. Wow.
35:34 It's like the sweet with the savory.
35:36 And you taste all the herb.
35:37 And you taste a nutty flavor.
35:39 Oh, yeah, Of the almond.
35:40 But you've the cherries, you got the sweetness.
35:42 Gives it a nice assent. A nice assent.
35:46 Well, folks, you can try this at home.
35:48 That's right.
35:49 Let's go to our next recipe.
35:51 Would you like to read that for us, Kim?
35:53 Jam Jam's vegan meatballs
35:55 with delicious green creamy basil sauce.
36:58 Yummy. That looks good, Jane.
37:01 Sounds good. Sounds delicious.
37:02 I love this. Let's get it started.
37:04 And you already started some.
37:06 We already started simmering the vegetables.
37:08 So we have our mushrooms, carrots, celery, onions.
37:14 Let's throw some seasonings in.
37:16 All right. Absolutely.
37:17 And let's get it so it get simmer.
37:18 Some thyme, fresh garlic, oregano, basil.
37:25 Oh, boy.
37:27 That's some veggie beef style seasoning
37:30 Oh nice.
37:31 And you have some sea salt.
37:32 That's a nice touch.
37:34 And I hear the sizzle. Yes.
37:35 Let's get in the simmer,
37:36 and while this is simmer we can start on our pesto.
37:40 And you already have some--
37:41 some warming over there, do we put that in first--
37:43 We have the cream-- we don't put it in by the way.
37:46 We are gonna first put in our basil and our pine nuts.
37:50 That's fresh basil. Oh, I love fresh basil.
37:53 Oh, so delicious. Nothing like it.
37:55 It tastes so good. Just left pesto.
37:57 We put in some pine nuts and some olive oil
37:59 and some fresh garlic.
38:00 We like to use fresh garlic. Little olive oil.
38:03 And around the holidays you need a lot of garlic
38:06 because you get sick, it's cold or--
38:10 A great immune booster.
38:12 Yes, boost our immune system.
38:14 And we just season that with some salt.
38:16 You want the parmesan?
38:17 Now, we put the parmesan and just give it a little whiz.
38:19 Oh, that will give the good flavor.
38:20 Yeah, I love it. There you got it.
38:22 Okay.
38:26 I love pine nuts. Yummy.
38:28 Get the top of that thing.
38:29 You give that a little whiz. Okay.
38:32 Okay, leave the blendering, now that's great.
38:35 Okay, here you go.
38:48 Okay, and then we will have some of our cream that we heated.
38:51 So you don't have to--
38:52 you don't have to mix it all the way
38:54 you blended all the way before.
38:55 No, you don't, you don't blend it all the way.
38:56 Just to give it a little chop. Work together.
38:58 One, two and three, there you go.
39:00 And Tai, is glued to that thing.
39:02 All right.
39:03 We heated the cream just to kind of loosen it up.
39:06 Okay.
39:07 And just put it half of that in.
39:08 You don't put the whole thing and we get the cream in.
39:11 And what cream is this?
39:12 Now, this is the sour cream, soy sour cream.
39:15 Okay. And we--
39:17 We'll make the noise again.
39:19 There you go.
39:35 Okay. That should be good.
39:37 Now, we are just gonna mix that in.
39:38 That looks good.
39:40 Does every thing look pretty?
39:41 Yeah, that's a pretty green creamy color.
39:43 A little.
39:44 Yep, I think we're pretty good,
39:46 close enough for what we need.
39:47 Yeah. Okay.
39:49 You can chop it finely, you can leave it a little coerce
39:53 if you like to taste the basil.
39:55 So it's up to you, you know, how fine
39:56 and then we are just gonna pour it back in the pot.
39:59 Okay.
40:00 And we will heat it up because this is gonna be our sauce
40:02 and we want a hot sauce.
40:03 Oh nice, okay. So pouring-- little sauce.
40:06 Yeah. Looks so pretty.
40:09 So we're just gonna mix it back in.
40:11 I will just stir this. I love the green color.
40:13 I know. I love fresh basil. Yes.
40:18 Pay the smaller thing to get out of the basil.
40:21 That's right. Oh, well, we get the idea.
40:23 Now, we get it all mixed and we get the idea.
40:25 Our veggies are nice and sauteed, Jane.
40:27 Yes, and now-- Oh, nice.
40:28 While this is heating up we can take our veggies
40:32 and we will just put it in the food processor
40:34 and we will just kind of--
40:36 you don't want to puree them
40:37 just kind of give them a little texture.
40:40 Okay. So we'll take that--
40:43 Got it. That's a nice catch.
40:44 Good catch, Jane. Good catch.
40:47 All right, so just put some of this in.
40:49 Yeah, you could put it all in and it just kind of mince it up.
40:55 And our pesto here will keep on low.
40:58 Just to stay warm.
41:01 We try to just put it in and we will just pause it a little bit,
41:04 we don't want it to puree it.
41:08 Now looks good. Wow.
41:09 Isn't that nice. It's beautiful.
41:12 Then we will add our-- we gonna pour into the bowl.
41:15 Oh, okay. Pesto?
41:16 Yeah, right into the bowl. All right, here we go.
41:20 Nice and hot. Okay.
41:23 Let me set this under here and inside of the way.
41:25 We got so much stuff going on here.
41:28 And now we will add our tomato paste.
41:30 Oh, nice.
41:31 This gives it a nice color, some added flavor.
41:35 I'm not leaving, we're getting everything.
41:37 Mix it all in. We don't want to waste anything.
41:39 So this is Jam Jam's lentil meatballs.
41:43 Meatballs. Yeah.
41:44 Our mommy used to make meatloaf lentils.
41:47 Meatloaf, so Jane has taken it now, she is--
41:50 Just playing around with her lyrics just a little bit.
41:53 Added a beautiful pesto sauce. Oh, yeah.
41:55 That sounds so yummy because usually people would eat meat,
41:59 meatballs or meatloaf with tomato.
42:02 Absolutely. Marinara sauce.
42:03 Tomato based sauce. Or tomato paste.
42:07 And we would normally let this cool a little bit
42:09 but we are going to add that to the lentils
42:11 and we are just gonna mix up
42:13 the remaining ingredients with our lentils.
42:15 We have breadcrumbs and start to stir a little bit
42:18 because we have our breadcrumbs and our parmesan cheese.
42:23 Looks good, doesn't it? Yes, it does.
42:25 We have fresh parsley, we have nutritional yeast.
42:29 Oh, that's good.
42:31 And we have some chopped walnuts over here.
42:33 Now Tai has the job today. That's right.
42:35 And I'm working up like Tai hands--
42:38 But we are all gonna have some fun
42:40 because forming the meatballs that's the best part.
42:44 And so we need to all just dig it and grab a spoon so we will--
42:51 Oh, place it in there. Place them right in this dish.
42:54 So is there any oil in the dish Jane, or is it just?
42:59 Yes, you put a little oil just so that it doesn't stick.
43:01 Sprinkle little olive oil in the pan.
43:05 Oh, just kind of give it a roll. And our sauce is nice and ready.
43:07 Oh look. Nice.
43:08 Nice round ball. That's right.
43:10 And you form the balls, get your hands a little messy.
43:13 That's right. So this is another fun, Jill.
43:15 Yeah, another fun holiday recipe
43:18 where everyone can get in the kitchen
43:19 and just kind of talk and reminisce
43:21 and really enjoy one another's company and--
43:25 And still be healthy. That's the important point.
43:28 That's right, absolutely.
43:30 Because lentils are very nutritionist.
43:32 So we are gonna bake this off
43:34 and then we serve it with the creamy basil pesto.
43:36 That's right. What do--what do we bake at?
43:39 We are gonna bake it at 350. Okay.
43:41 And you bake it for good 45 minutes
43:44 and you just keep an eye on it
43:46 depending on your oven temperature and then you enjoy.
43:49 You can take it out
43:50 and you just spread the basil pesto sauce over it.
43:55 And we will sprinkle some sauce right now.
43:57 Oh, good. We get to try it.
43:59 All right, there you go.
44:00 Basil. Basil. Basil.
44:02 Wow, look at that on the screen.
44:05 That just looks delicious.
44:06 I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming.
44:08 Get your fork so you can take it.
44:09 Okay, sisters.
44:14 Oh, boy.
44:16 I can't wait to try that thing that has the basil.
44:19 Mmm. Mmm.
44:21 Mmm. Mmm. Good.
44:25 That's delicious.
44:27 I tell you Jane, I thought it was going to be good
44:30 but it's way better than I even thought it was gonna be.
44:33 Fabulous. You try it at home.
44:34 It's really great. Well, it's wonderful.
44:36 I love the basil.
44:37 We have one recipe left, let's read the last recipe there
44:40 and Tia you want to read that for us.
44:41 Sure. Rich Kale Pesto Sauce.
45:13 Hi, we are here
45:15 and we are going to make a delicious kale pesto sauce
45:18 and this is the basic green kale leaf
45:21 which is excellent for the body and vital nutrients
45:24 and all that great stuff.
45:26 And we use every part of the kale.
45:27 So we started already
45:29 and we are steaming slightly blanching our kale.
45:32 And we can bring that over and put it in the food processor
45:36 and you can easily just take the kale off the leaf
45:39 with your finger to slide it off with your hands
45:42 and chop it in the pot.
45:45 Yet we still can use-- The stem.
45:48 The stem that's right.
45:49 We can make smoothies with the stem or just eat it.
45:51 Right. Whatever you decide.
45:53 Green juices.
45:56 So we got some kale going on.
45:58 This is already steamed.
45:59 With kale and we have our blanched
46:02 or rather toasted walnuts.
46:04 Let's just throw that in.
46:05 It's yummy. Okay.
46:07 And instead of using cream cheese or sour cream,
46:10 we are going to use tofu.
46:12 Okay, that's our replacer right there.
46:15 Now let's bring the olive oil, Taisha.
46:18 And let's mince that a bit.
46:22 Do we need our garlic? You need to garlic.
46:24 Well, we need the garlic and we will put that in.
46:27 But first we do this.
46:29 Okay, all right there we go.
46:35 So, we'll add our garlic.
46:40 Okay stop, that's great.
46:42 Garlic. Yeah.
46:44 Let's add some seasoning, some salt.
46:47 You want garlic?
46:48 Yes, we're gonna add our parmesan cheese.
46:50 I don't know if I'm gonna make it.
46:53 Come on Jill, you can aim right down the shoot.
46:56 It's very, very simple.
46:59 A very, very simple way of getting the greens in our diet.
47:05 A very, very simple way
47:06 of getting the greens in our diet.
47:07 So, now, we are going to--
47:10 we have our final product over here and Jill is going to paint.
47:14 Paint. Yeah.
47:15 Now, I was never very good in art.
47:19 This is very easy.
47:21 Now, you have sauted onions and peppers in here, right?
47:23 Yes, we do and you can also saute--
47:24 well, this is your platform spread,
47:27 we have sauteed onions red onions and yellow peppers.
47:30 Nice. Like a piece of topping.
47:32 So, yeah, it's a nice way of having your treat
47:34 and eating your veggies as dinner too.
47:37 Absolutely and it's healthy and it's the Genesis diet.
47:39 You know we are using the fruits, grains,
47:42 nuts and vegetables as God gave them to us from the beginning.
47:45 Yes, this is the whole grain pizza dough.
47:46 Okay.
47:48 And we just put the pesto right on top
47:50 and then you just bake it
47:51 from eight to ten minutes and it's done.
47:52 At what temperature?
47:54 At 350 350.
47:56 And we can add tomatoes as our garnishing or--
48:00 Right here as a topping. That's right.
48:03 You can add mushrooms or you can anything that you would like.
48:07 And viola we have our-- It looks beautiful.
48:11 Kale pesto pizza. Oh, yes.
48:14 That's good. It smells good.
48:18 It smells good and it tastes good.
48:20 So let's cut. Right, we'll cut.
48:23 And if you don't eat now we are gonna eat
48:24 on the other side here
48:25 because right now, we want to put up the address
48:27 roll for if you are at home
48:29 would like to contact our sisters,
48:31 the Holmes Sisters, you want a Facebook friend,
48:34 you want to call them, you want to email them whatever.
48:37 Here is the information that you will need to do just that.
48:40 You can contact them, you can have them come to your area
48:43 and do cooking schools.
48:44 They have a new cook book that's coming out.
48:46 It will be e-cookbook. Yes.
48:48 So whatever you are interested in
48:49 here is the information you need to contact them for yourself.
48:56 If you would like to contact them
48:57 and you can write to the Holmes Sisters,
48:59 83 Grusz Road, Westtown, NY 10998.
49:04 That's the Holmes Sisters, 83 Grusz Road.
49:08 You spell G-r-u-s-z.
49:12 Again 83 Grusz Road, Westtown, NY 10998.
49:17 You can call 631-682-3333.
49:21 That's 631-682-3333.
49:25 You can visit them on Facebook at facebook.com/HolmesSisters
49:31 or visit them online at theholmessisters.com.
49:35 Contact them today, they would love to hear from you.


Revised 2019-12-09