3ABN Today

Holidays and Special Occasions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark & Ernestine Finley


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY013094A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:05 Spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Welcome to "Natural Lifestyle Cooking."
01:13 You're in for a real treat today.
01:15 My wife, Teenie is gonna share with you
01:16 some absolutely delicious,
01:19 healthful, delightful, holiday recipes.
01:24 During this program you'll learn
01:26 how your holidays can be healthy.
01:29 Teenie, what do you have for us today?
01:31 Well, the holidays are special time.
01:34 It's a wonderful time of the year
01:36 but often time's people think,
01:38 well, I'll go on a diet after the holidays
01:41 because they haven't eaten good healthy food.
01:44 And so we're going to show today
01:47 how you can have wonderful food for the holidays.
01:51 We're gonna to talk about food for Thanksgiving and Christmas
01:54 and we're even going to have
01:55 a special holiday of Valentine's Day.
01:59 And so let's look at the abundance of good things
02:03 that we have as a plant base vegetarian.
02:07 Some people wonder,
02:09 do you have very much that you can eat?
02:12 Well, let's take a look at our table.
02:14 Well, first of all we have on our bread plate
02:18 some wonderful pecan rolls.
02:21 And we have a recipe in the new workbook
02:24 that I just finished for those pecan rolls
02:27 and they are delicious
02:29 and nutritious with all those pecans.
02:32 And then let's take a look at the sweet potatoes.
02:37 These are wonderful sweet potatoes with some pecans
02:41 and we're going to share a little more about that.
02:44 And then we also have some relish trays.
02:49 We always want to eat of course some good
02:52 fresh things everyday.
02:54 So we have all these good things
02:56 and we've even made some
02:58 radish roses for our relish tray.
03:01 So always getting something fresh is very important.
03:04 And then we have some green beans and almonds.
03:08 And you can do a number of things with your vegetables.
03:12 And then we also have some vege-turkey and dressing.
03:17 We always want of course some dressing,
03:21 some kind of bread dressing for the holidays.
03:23 So we have vege-turkey and dressing.
03:26 And then we have a delicious cashew holiday roast
03:32 made mainly from some nuts
03:35 and it is delicious and nutritious.
03:38 And of course we have some wonderful butternut squash
03:42 which is high in your vitamins and vitamin A.
03:45 So we have a number of things.
03:47 And of course we have homemade bread
03:50 and then also the best dessert that you can get
03:53 is always something fresh.
03:55 And so we have some fresh fruits
03:57 and you may even want to top off that Thanksgiving dinner
04:01 with some wonderful nuts, some fresh nuts in the shell.
04:06 Those nuts are so nutritious
04:08 and high in protein and wonderful for us.
04:11 And then of course we may want
04:13 some desserts at the Valentine's Day too.
04:16 So we might want to have some carob cup cakes
04:20 and maybe even some little fruit balls
04:23 made from dried fruit.
04:25 So this is a wonderful array
04:28 of holiday foods that we can have
04:31 and we might want to even add some jam on our bread
04:35 or our pecan rolls or even add some color
04:38 with some fresh cranberry sauce.
04:41 We have an abundance of good things
04:43 that we can get at the holiday time.
04:45 And you are gonna share some recipes
04:47 of just how we can do this
04:48 and with the audience and share exactly
04:53 the ingredients to have these healthy holidays.
04:55 Yes, let's start with the holiday roast,
04:59 the Cashew holiday roast.
05:39 So, let's start this recipe right now.
05:42 We're going to start with our cashews.
05:45 Cashews are wonderful nut.
05:47 We have many wonderful nuts, our almond nuts,
05:49 our cashew nuts, our walnuts
05:52 but all of these natural nuts are good and high in protein.
05:56 And then we have some vegan vegetarian burger
06:01 and we are going to mix that together here.
06:04 And then we'll add actually some egg replacer to the water.
06:10 And I like to just beat that a little bit
06:12 so it actually becomes almost like an egg white
06:15 and you just beat that and mix that all in.
06:19 And so we are just gonna mix that in here.
06:22 And then we have some onions
06:26 and this is a large onion.
06:29 And onion here and some celery.
06:33 And of course again onions and celery
06:36 are very nutritious and good for us.
06:38 And so, and then bread crumbs.
06:40 And what I did was I just took some bread,
06:44 some 100% whole wheat bread
06:46 and ground it up
06:48 so that we had some natural good bread crumbs here.
06:52 Then you can add your table spoons of oil,
06:55 just a little bit of olive oil.
06:57 We'll just use some light olive oil there
07:02 and then a little bit of salt to just season this a bit
07:06 and some McKay's chicken seasoning.
07:11 And then we have a little bit of Braggs.
07:17 And then we mix this all together
07:20 and then we're going to add our soy milk
07:22 once we get this all mixed up.
07:25 And this is a wonderful roast to serve at the holiday time.
07:30 In fact its even god
07:31 when it's not the holiday time as well
07:34 but it's a wonderful roast.
07:36 It will hold together nicely for you as well.
07:39 So we're going to add our milk
07:42 and then put it into
07:45 probably an 8 X 8 pan like this it will fit nicely.
07:50 And it will hold together as you can see
07:52 our finished product here.
07:54 And it will hold together nicely.
07:58 And so just mix this all together
08:01 and then you can serve with this
08:03 some wonderful mash potatoes
08:07 or you can serve some good holiday sweet potatoes.
08:11 And then some kind of a salad is always good.
08:15 Something fresh is always wonderful.
08:17 And then in addition to that you can have
08:19 some fresh green beans or carrots
08:23 or whatever cooked vegetables you want
08:25 and you will have a complete meal.
08:29 So we're going to just pour this into here
08:32 and then we're going to bake this for about an hour,
08:38 little more than an hour
08:40 sometimes if-- at about 350 degrees
08:44 and it will be golden brown, nice and brown.
08:50 And so here we have this you can see how easy it is
08:54 to mix everything up.
08:56 And just have it so that it is nice and even
09:00 across the top of your pan.
09:02 And then you have a wonderful holiday roast.
09:07 And here is your finished product here.
09:10 So you just take this and bake it.
09:13 You bake this at 350 degrees
09:17 and then you have a wonderful roast.
09:21 So its wonder-- it's easy to have
09:26 a plant base diet even on the holidays.
09:30 And then with that you can serve
09:32 some wonderful sweet potatoes.
09:36 Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A,
09:39 wonderful and then you can add a little bit of protein
09:42 by having some pecans or even some walnuts.
09:45 And serve that roast with some sweet potatoes
09:49 and maybe even some delicious butternut squash.
09:52 All I did with the butternut squash
09:54 is just cook the butternut squash
09:57 and a little bit of water enough so that it's all cooked up.
10:01 Whenever you cook your vegetables,
10:03 it's good to cook them so that they are--
10:06 that all the water is cooked up in them
10:09 so that you get the god nutrients there.
10:11 And then I just add it for the holidays
10:14 a little pinch of brown sugar
10:16 and a little bit of salt and that is it.
10:19 And you have some wonderful food for the holidays.
10:24 And now Mark is going to share with us
10:26 seven principals of how to keep you family healthy
10:30 during the holidays.
10:32 Teenie has been keeping me healthy for the last 45 years
10:35 and so I've enjoyed so many wonderful holidays.
10:39 We've enjoyed these holidays
10:40 and special occasions with our family.
10:43 As many of you know for the last 45 years
10:46 Teenie has been teaching Natural Lifestyle Cooking.
10:49 We calculated the other day that about
10:51 250, 000 food samples were made during that period of time
10:56 and over 20,000 people have attended
10:58 her Natural Lifestyle Cooking classes.
11:00 Many of you have gotten her
11:02 Natural Lifestyle Cooking cookbook
11:05 and that has been a blessing to your family.
11:07 She has now added a companion book to that
11:10 and I am gonna be working on that today,
11:11 called Natural Lifestyle Cooking Workbook.
11:15 And this is for particularly for people who are teaching
11:18 Natural Lifestyle Cooking classes
11:19 and others who want more
11:21 scientific information regarding it.
11:24 We're gonna look at seven principals
11:27 of having healthy holidays.
11:30 Here's the first, if you want to have healthy holiday,
11:33 live a very balanced lifestyle.
11:36 In fact, plan your holidays to be balanced.
11:40 In our home on our holidays
11:42 we look at the Finley's F's of holidays.
11:46 First, absolutely delicious food.
11:49 Teenie looks at these holiday meals
11:52 and she plans then ahead of time.
11:55 It requires careful planning but it's really worth it
11:57 because our holidays become a great memory.
11:59 So the first aspect of this balance is to have
12:05 really good tasting food
12:08 but good tasting food that's healthy.
12:10 Have you ever had some good tasting food
12:12 that wasn't healthy?
12:15 Have you ever had some healthy food,
12:17 might I say it that did not taste the best
12:21 and you thought, oh, man, this is healthy
12:23 and I am gonna eat it if it kills me, you know?
12:27 You want to have on holiday's
12:29 first absolutely delicious, attractive food
12:34 and that really take some planning.
12:36 The second thing that we strive for on holidays
12:38 in Finley family is fellowship.
12:41 We want our healthy holidays to be filled with fellowship.
12:45 We want to balance eating with fellowship.
12:49 You know, some people eat and sleep
12:51 or eat and watch TV.
12:53 They've this huge Thanksgiving meal
12:54 that they just stuff themselves with
12:57 and then they sit back groggily,
12:59 have thing to watch television rest of the day.
13:02 In our home we have some great food
13:04 but them we want the fellowship,
13:06 the interaction that makes
13:07 such an incredible difference in a family.
13:12 The third thing that we look for in these Fs, food,
13:16 that is fantastically tasting.
13:19 Fellowship that is rich and meaningful
13:22 as we sit and share our experiences,
13:24 maybe families come in, kids have been off to school.
13:27 We haven't seen one another for a period of time.
13:30 Our children are grown now-- so they have been working.
13:32 We get together when we want,
13:34 it's about chatter around the table and chatter after.
13:37 And then we always plan fun.
13:39 So we have food, fellowship and fun.
13:42 And so we'll be playing games,
13:44 recently we were together for somebody's birthday
13:47 and one of the things we did is watch a little YouTube video
13:50 on how to draw an eye.
13:51 And all of us, six of us were sitting around there
13:54 from the youngest children to the oldest grandpa.
13:57 And we were drawing this eye
13:58 and then we had people guess who drew what eye.
14:01 And it was a lot of fun
14:03 and a lot of family activity involved there.
14:07 So the first thing you want is balance.
14:09 We balance food, fellowship and fun.
14:13 The second thing that I've listed here
14:16 in the workbook is on holidays make wise choices.
14:23 Choices are incredibly important on holidays.
14:26 Some people chose to tank up on all their protein.
14:32 Other people will say,
14:33 oh, I am gonna eat a little bit moderately
14:35 but then I am going to have two pieces of pumpkin pie
14:40 with ice cream and they load up on the desserts.
14:43 When you look at your holiday plate,
14:46 look for a variety of color.
14:49 The salads, the beautiful squash,
14:55 the holiday roast.
14:56 Try to look at a variety on the holidays
15:00 and make it wise choices in what you eat.
15:04 Wise choices not only in what you eat
15:06 but in the quantity that you eat.
15:08 The joy of eating comes not simply
15:12 when we are stuffed
15:15 but the joy of eating comes from the satisfaction
15:17 we have of the food in our mouth.
15:19 So chew food thoroughly, eat moderate amounts
15:23 and you will have a delightful holiday.
15:26 So here are three things so far.
15:28 One, balance.
15:31 Try to achieve a balance between food fellowship and fun.
15:35 Two, make wise choices.
15:38 Three, eat in moderation.
15:41 Don't stuff yourself and try to be full
15:46 when you finish but eat in moderation.
15:49 And fourthly, get some exercise.
15:53 In our home on our holidays
15:55 we love after eating
15:58 for everybody to get some exercise by doing three things.
16:02 The first exercise that I want to teach you is push away.
16:06 You simply push away from the table
16:10 before you are completely stuffed.
16:12 The second exercise is you exercise your hands
16:16 by participating in doing the dishes together.
16:20 Men, women, children,
16:21 everybody participate in a family activity.
16:22 The third exercise is get out in the fresh air.
16:25 Head erect, shoulders back, deep breath,
16:27 take some good walks.
16:29 And you will have healthy holidays
16:32 if you do these four particular things.
16:35 One, balance.
16:37 Two, make wise choices.
16:39 Three, eat in moderation
16:40 and four, plan your holiday so you get some exercise.
16:43 Whether, it's throwing ball in the backyard,
16:45 playing badminton, playing croquet,
16:47 whether it's taking a walk.
16:48 Help with the dishes, you like that too
16:50 and your spouse will like it as well.
16:54 Teenie, there is another recipe on the holidays
16:59 that I really love.
17:00 What do you have for us now?
17:02 Well, we're going to do some vegetarian turkey and dressing.
17:07 I know that you'll like that because every holiday
17:10 usually has some kind of bread dressing.
17:34 So let's start with our bread crumbs and saute
17:39 and I've sauted some onions and celery together.
17:43 So you just add that to the bread crumbs
17:47 and then you add a little bit of your
17:50 McKay's chicken seasoning in with your boiling water.
17:54 So this water is been boiling--
17:57 its important to make sure its hot and boiling
18:00 because it will make the--
18:04 it will not make the dressing soggy.
18:07 And so then you just pour it over there
18:10 and mix it all together
18:13 and then you'll have a wonderful dressing
18:17 that you can put in between your veggie turkey.
18:21 And so you can serve this just plain as well
18:25 and then we just put this--
18:27 add this inside a piece of vegetarian turkey.
18:33 And put some dressing inside, just like this.
18:38 And put it into a baking dish because you want to bake this.
18:44 And if you want them to look nice
18:45 you just push them all together
18:48 so that you have a nice,
18:52 a lot of turkey vegetarian dressing in there.
18:56 And then you just keep piling one in back of the other.
19:01 And then with this of course
19:03 you're just going to serve you potatoes again.
19:06 Wonderful different kinds of potatoes.
19:08 We have lots of different kinds of potatoes
19:10 in the Natural Lifestyle Cooking book.
19:13 Then you can put some of the dressings
19:15 on to the side here--if you want to have little more.
19:20 And put some on the other side
19:24 and bake this off just for about half an hour.
19:27 Really, what you're wanting to do
19:29 is get your vegetarian turkey just warmed up
19:33 and then you have a wonderful entree dish.
19:37 Again, this is high in protein
19:40 and this is a wonderful holiday dish.
19:45 Now in addition to that
19:46 you can serve some wonderful pecan rolls.
19:49 Pecan rolls are high in protein.
19:52 Ten grams of protein in just one cup on pecans.
19:58 In addition to that you have lots of fiber in pecans.
20:02 So it is also nutritious
20:04 because it's high in nutrients as well
20:09 and all our vitamins and even some minerals.
20:12 And so you have some good pecan rolls to go with that
20:17 vegetarian turkey and dressing.
20:19 And then in addition to that
20:22 you just serve that with your potatoes,
20:24 maybe mash potatoes and some gravy
20:27 and your vegetarian turkey, and you pecan roll
20:31 and some wonderful cooked vegetables.
20:34 Maybe some cooked carrots.
20:36 And remember, when you are cooking those vegetables
20:39 just cook them in enough water
20:41 so it's all cooked up when the vegetables are done.
20:45 It will be much more nutritious.
20:47 So yes, we can have healthy holidays.
20:51 So, Mark, share with us some more principals
20:55 of having good healthy meals on the holidays.
20:59 Well, we've been looking at some very significant
21:02 principals of how to have these healthy holidays.
21:06 How to have your holidays, not simply holidays,
21:09 in which you say, my, once this is over
21:13 then I am going to get on a health program.
21:15 Your holidays actually can be a catalyst for health.
21:18 In the Natural Lifestyle Cooking Workbook
21:21 designed especially for people
21:23 who want to conduct cooking schools,
21:25 Natural Lifestyle Cooking schools
21:26 or for people that want to probe more
21:29 of these scientific aspects of health.
21:31 We've listed seven principles
21:33 that will help your family have healthy holidays.
21:35 We've already talked about having a balance in your life.
21:39 Blending food, family, fellowship and fun.
21:44 We've talked about making wise choices on the holidays.
21:47 Looking--and the wise choice looking really two ways.
21:51 One, the food on your plate
21:54 being sure that the color is varied,
21:56 that you're varying protein and starch
21:59 and carbohydrates and vegetables
22:01 and salads et cetera.
22:03 We talked a little bit about eating moderately.
22:06 Eating so that you are satisfied
22:09 but not eating so you're stuffed.
22:12 We've talked about exercise.
22:13 Remember, we've talked about the push away,
22:16 that famous exercise when you sit at the table.
22:18 And when you are just about full
22:20 you use your hands to push away.
22:22 We've talked also about the participating together
22:27 in family activities and getting out
22:29 and taking great walk.
22:31 Now there are some other principles
22:32 I'd like to discuss with you about healthy holidays.
22:35 Enjoy relationships, you know, wouldn't it be a tragedy
22:38 if you had a birthday party
22:40 or Thanksgiving or Christmas time.
22:43 The kids were home,
22:44 the brother that you haven't seen for a while is there,
22:47 your family is all together
22:50 and you are so busy preparing food
22:53 or you are so tired from the preparation
22:57 that you don't have time for fellowship.
22:58 Concentrate on fellowship on the holidays.
23:02 There is something about positive relationships
23:06 that is health giving and life giving.
23:10 Next, surprise somebody with kindness.
23:13 You know, Jesus said, it is more blessed for us,
23:17 to do what? To give than it is to receive.
23:20 Often in our home we like to look for people
23:24 who may not have a place to go in Thanksgiving
23:27 and invite them.
23:28 We like to look for people on Christmas
23:30 that we can prepare a special gift for.
23:33 Very regularly my wife on the holiday's
23:37 makes homemade bread, wraps it in tinfoil,
23:40 puts a bow on it and we go out
23:42 and give it to the neighbors or others.
23:44 There was a time, couple of years ago
23:45 when we adopted a family
23:48 in a particular city of America in the intercity
23:51 that my wife, I and our children brought Christmas gifts to.
23:55 When you think about the holidays
23:58 think about that person that may not have some place to go.
24:02 Think about that individual who maybe single and alone.
24:05 Think about the widow.
24:06 Think if you are in academic environment,
24:09 a college environment when you come to the holidays
24:12 think about that student that's gonna be in the dormitory
24:14 and invite them over.
24:16 What can you do to reveal kindness to others?
24:20 As you do that
24:23 you will find that your own health
24:25 will dramatically increase well
24:27 because there's something about giving
24:30 that is life giving.
24:31 There's something about sharing that is health building.
24:35 And lastly, on the holidays
24:38 think about what you can be grateful for.
24:40 Thanks giving is really health giving
24:43 and we will talk a little bit about that later.
24:46 But now, Teenie, you have anther recipe for us.
24:48 We're gonna do some chicken salad sandwiches.
24:52 I love them.
24:53 Okay, well, they are good
24:55 and they are delicious and nutritious.
25:45 So, let's start with our garbanzo beans.
25:49 Garbanzos are wonderful source of protein.
25:53 You see, you get proteins
25:55 from basically high protein from three sources.
25:58 From your beans, your legumes
26:01 and then of course your gluten flours
26:05 and then your nut products.
26:07 And so the last time we did a demonstration with nuts
26:11 and now we are going to do with beans.
26:14 And so we have garbanzo beans.
26:17 These are the dry garbanzos. So these are dry.
26:21 Now you can also use them in the can
26:24 and so, but we are using the dry ones.
26:27 And this is-- these are the garbanzos
26:29 after they have been soaked.
26:31 So these are the garbanzos after they've been soaked
26:34 and we're going to put those.
26:36 And you just soak them in water,
26:38 cover them completely with water
26:40 and then let them soak overnight.
26:43 And then put them into your blender
26:47 and add your water and then just blend that up
26:51 until it's blended nicely.
27:23 Okay, then once they are blended,
27:26 very good so that it's all nice and more of a batter,
27:31 looking like a batter then you pour it into a bowl
27:36 and simply add your seasonings.
27:39 Then you add the gluten flour.
27:42 So we have our garbanzo beans blended
27:45 and now we are simply going to add all of our seasonings.
27:49 So put all the seasoning together here,
27:51 the garlic and garlic salt and your onion powder
27:57 and your parsley flakes and just mix that all together.
28:01 And then you're going to add your gluten flour.
28:06 And then you have two sources of good protein.
28:11 You have both your garbanzo beans
28:13 and you have your gluten flour.
28:16 So mix this up and it will come all together.
28:20 It will be almost like kneading in a little bowl.
28:24 And so it's like, almost like bread making here.
28:27 Going to just get everything in there
28:30 and make it like one round ball
28:33 and we need to put that on to a baking dish
28:38 because you're going to bake this as well.
28:41 Now, I had a cooking school
28:45 and there was a lady that came to my cooking school
28:48 and she had never tasted vegetarian food.
28:51 And once she tasted this chicken salad
28:53 she couldn't believe it.
28:54 And she came to me and she said,
28:56 "Oh, Mrs. Finley, this is wonderful.
29:00 Absolutely wonderful.
29:02 In fact it even beats my pork roast."
29:06 And I thought well, I am glad
29:09 I have something that beats pork roast
29:12 because of course, pork is the highest source
29:15 of cholesterol and fat.
29:18 So we want to make sure
29:19 that we are eating something really good.
29:21 And this chicken vegetarian-- chicken salad is really good.
29:25 So you see you have a nice, almost like,
29:28 it's just about like what you'd do
29:31 when you're kneading bread.
29:33 And so you knead this all and to think that you can
29:36 actually make your own vegetarian chicken salad.
29:41 You don't have to buy it out of a can.
29:43 You don't even have to buy it frozen,
29:45 you can make it yourself
29:47 out of gluten flour seasoning and garbanzo beans.
29:51 And then you put his ball now--
29:52 I made two balls here for the recipe.
29:59 You can make one, flatten it out
30:01 and then put it into the oven and bake it
30:04 or you can take two balls like this,
30:08 split it up and make two out of there
30:12 and put it into the oven
30:14 and what you want to do is bake it off.
30:17 So you press it down and put it on a baking sheet
30:21 and you have two balls like this
30:25 and you going to bake that off
30:28 and then you have your chicken here.
30:32 Then you have your chicken here
30:34 that you're going to make your chicken salad with.
30:36 So we're gonna make some chicken salad
30:39 after Mark comes back and tells us some good reasons
30:42 why we should eat healthy during the holidays.
30:47 I really enjoy that chicken salad.
30:51 You know, I often take it in sandwiches
30:53 and often take it in my lunches.
30:56 And Tinnie makes it not only at the holidays
30:58 but she makes in other times especially for me
31:00 and its absolutely delicious.
31:02 We've been talking about seven principles
31:03 of how to have healthy holidays.
31:05 Health is not merely a matter of diet or eating,
31:08 it's a matter of every aspect of our lives.
31:11 To be in health means that we are physically well,
31:15 that we are mentally alert, that we are emotionally stable
31:19 and that we have a spiritual life
31:22 in our connection with God.
31:24 And so when we talk about the holidays in our family
31:26 we try to include all of the aspect of health.
31:30 And here in our Natural Lifestyle Cooking Workbook
31:35 I've been talking about seven principles
31:37 of how to make your holidays the most healthy.
31:41 And we've been looking at one principle
31:43 called Thanksgiving of gratitude.
31:45 When Hans Selye, the founder of stress research
31:50 and the great stress researcher from Canada talked about stress.
31:56 He said, "The key attitude
31:58 in reducing the stress in your life
32:01 is the attitude of gratitude."
32:03 So when we celebrate holidays in our home,
32:06 often at Thanksgiving we sit around the table
32:08 and I ask each of the children, grandchildren
32:12 share something that you are thankful for.
32:16 If we go to Christians
32:17 we're talking about on Christmas day,
32:20 the fact that not only do we give gifts to one another
32:24 but that Jesus is the greatest gift
32:27 and we talk about Thanksgiving for Him.
32:29 Birthdays, we try to look for experiences of things
32:32 that we're thankful for.
32:33 There are two physicians, physiologists,
32:36 Dr. Robert Emmons of the University California,
32:39 Davis and Dr. Michael McCullough,
32:40 at the University of Miami
32:42 and they did and amazing study on gratitude.
32:45 They took two groups of people.
32:47 The first group of people, they said "Write about
32:49 something you are thankful for."
32:51 The second group of people they said,
32:52 "Write about something that irritates you."
32:55 And over a 10 day period each day the first group
32:58 would write about something they were thankful for
32:59 and second group would write about
33:01 something that irritated them.
33:02 At the end of the 10 days this is what they discovered,
33:05 let me read to you.
33:07 It was actually 10 weeks.
33:08 And they said, "After 10 weeks,
33:10 those who wrote about gratitude were more optimistic
33:13 and felt better about their lives.
33:15 Surprisingly, they had fewer visits to the physicians.
33:20 They exercised more
33:21 than those who focused on sources of aggravation."
33:25 This remarkable research indicates
33:28 that if you develop a thankful sprit
33:31 and a grateful heart that the brain releases
33:35 positive chemical endorphins into the body
33:39 that help to reduce stress and promote health.
33:42 So on the holidays look for things to be thankful for
33:46 not things that you wish were better.
33:48 On the holidays, enjoy your family relationships.
33:51 On the holidays eat some of these great healthy foods
33:56 from Mrs. Finley's cookbook.
33:58 And you have another recipe for us.
33:59 Well, we are going to finish the chicken salad sandwiches.
34:02 Exactly.
34:04 So we're going to bake this off.
34:07 You remember, we just blended up
34:10 all those garbanzo beans
34:11 and mixed it with gluten flour and the seasoning.
34:14 So we're gonna bake this off
34:15 for about an hour at 350 degrees in the oven.
34:19 If you're ever in doubt about a temperature,
34:21 350 is a moderate oven so that's great.
34:25 And now, this one is already been baked.
34:27 This is one of those round balls that we just made
34:30 and we're going to just break this up
34:33 and put it into this grinder.
34:36 And we're gonna make our own chicken salad.
34:40 So we're going to put this into the grinder
34:43 and just--you could just tear them off
34:45 like that in pieces.
34:47 And this is just garbanzo beans,
34:50 gluten flour and seasonings.
34:52 Amazing how nutritious this can be and inexpensive.
34:56 If you want something
34:57 economical for the holidays as well
35:00 then you can have this good recipe.
35:03 So we're gonna blend this all up here
35:06 and break it up
35:09 and then we're going to put the cover on
35:11 and just click that in
35:15 and we're going to turn it on
35:18 and you'll have some ground up vegetarian chicken salad.
35:34 Let's do it just a little bit more.
35:44 Okay, see what you have.
35:46 You have some ground chicken here
35:50 just like we have here
35:52 and we have this chicken all ground up.
35:56 So I am gonna now take-- and you have another ball.
35:58 So this is nice because you can grind it
36:01 and you can put it in your freezer.
36:03 And actually have it whenever you want to have
36:08 special occasions maybe for evening meal,
36:12 just a sandwich or something.
36:14 And then I am going to add some chopped up celery
36:20 and then some vegenaise.
36:22 This is vegetarian plant based vegetarian mayonnaise.
36:27 And we're going to mix that together.
36:29 And you know what, you can make the holidays fun
36:32 because you can even make
36:33 special sandwiches for your guests.
36:36 You can take a piece of bread and make a Christmas tree.
36:41 Here's a wonderful little Christmas tree.
36:42 Just take a cookie cuter, like this, put your bread down
36:47 and cut your Christmas tree right out of your bread
36:51 just like we have here.
36:53 You cut that out and you have a nice Christmas tree.
36:57 So you just take Christmas tree bread
36:59 or bell or whatever you want
37:01 and then mix this with your soy mayonnaise and you celery.
37:07 We'll put a little more of that mayonnaise in here.
37:11 You can put--use as much or as little as you like.
37:14 You can use it to taste.
37:16 And we'll put that and then you just spread it on your bread
37:19 and you have a nice appetizer or you can use it
37:26 when you actually have a supper meal
37:29 or you want something substantial
37:33 but a little lighter than a full roast or something.
37:36 So this is a nice dish to have on hand.
37:42 In fact, you can just freeze this even.
37:45 You can put it into--
37:46 once its ground up you can freeze it.
37:48 You can put it in your refrigerator
37:50 and keep it for quite sometime.
37:52 And so of course nothing will keep that we make forever
37:57 because you don' have any preservatives,
38:00 you only have of course natural ingredients in here.
38:04 So then you just spread this across your Christmas tree bread
38:09 and make yourself a sandwich.
38:12 And then here you go.
38:16 You have some good sandwiches, Mr. Finley.
38:19 Looks great. Yes.
38:20 So I hope that you'll try some of these delicious,
38:24 nutritious and economical recipes during the holidays.
38:29 These look and smell delicious.
38:31 What's our next recipe?
38:33 Next we are going to do some,
38:34 something for Valentine's Day, maybe some fruit balls.
38:55 So let's take our apricots,
38:58 wonderful and vitamin A, iron, all kinds of good nutrients.
39:03 Some good dates and some resins
39:06 which are also high in your nutrients.
39:09 And so we're going to take
39:10 some of these and I've already ground these.
39:14 You can use one of those old fashion meat grinders
39:17 to do your dried fruit candy with
39:20 or you can actually on your--
39:24 with your kitchen aid, they have a piece
39:26 that you can do that with as well.
39:27 So I've already ground this
39:29 and I'm going to mix it all together.
39:31 And now you just mix it with your hands.
39:34 And you'll have some wonderful candy
39:37 and you can use this
39:38 not only for your Christmas holiday
39:41 or Thanksgiving or parties or whatever
39:45 but also you can use this for Valentine's Day.
39:50 Serve your family, the ones that you love
39:54 some good nutritious candy.
39:57 And you can see that that's all going in there.
40:00 We have more apricots-- double the amount of apricots
40:04 than the resins and dates.
40:09 Now also there are lots of other dried fruits too
40:12 that you can use.
40:13 There's dried mangoes, there's a lot of different dried fruits.
40:17 So whatever you chose you can use there.
40:21 So you want to get that all in.
40:23 So it's all mixed in nicely,
40:26 and once you have that all mixed in
40:29 then you gonna roll this in some crushed nuts.
40:34 So here we have a mice ball and then we're going to take
40:37 some of this and roll it in some nuts.
40:42 And you just roll them as big or small as you want.
40:47 And these are delicious
40:50 and of course there's no sugar in here,
40:54 just the sweetening from the dates
40:58 and the dried fruit itself.
41:01 And so then we're going to-- let's have our bowl here.
41:06 You can put those in
41:08 and then you just keep making all these fruit balls.
41:12 And you have a wonderful natural dessert.
41:16 Also something good for the children
41:19 so they're not always eating that sugar candy.
41:22 Have you ever noticed when children eat a lot of sugar
41:26 then they maybe hyper, hyperactive?
41:30 And so it's good to have some good natural fruit.
41:33 And then of course your natural fruits,
41:37 just your grapes and your peaches
41:41 and plums and pears and apples.
41:44 In fact there's a lot of good nutrition in an apple.
41:47 They say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."
41:51 And they are good for your bones as well
41:53 because you have lots of boron.
41:55 So beside the dried fruits be sure to give your family
41:58 lots of good fruit.
42:00 We can eat it in abundance really and with--
42:04 and have a lot of good nutrition.
42:06 So we're gonna make these fruit balls
42:08 and Mark is going to share with you some more things
42:11 from our Natural Lifestyle Cooking Workbook.
42:17 We have been talking about the fact that our attitudes
42:21 play a dramatic role in our health.
42:24 We've pointed out that a positive mental attitude
42:28 makes a difference.
42:30 The University of Kansas recently has done
42:33 some pioneer land breaking research.
42:37 And let me share with you some of that research
42:40 from the University of Kansas.
42:42 They were looking at the role of attitude
42:45 and physical health.
42:47 The University of Kansas found that
42:49 positive emotions are critical
42:53 for maintaining health of people worldwide.
42:55 And here I am quoting the study.
42:58 "There is a science that's emerging
42:59 that says a positive attitude isn't just a state of mind.
43:02 It also has linkages
43:04 to what's going on in the brain and in the body."
43:07 So attitudes have linkages to what's going on in our brain
43:12 and what's going on in our body.
43:15 A positive mental attitude brings health and joy in life.
43:20 Health is very, very broad based.
43:24 If you go back to creation in the Book of Genesis
43:28 you discover that god put Adam and Eve in a garden.
43:30 Why?
43:32 He wanted them to have fresh air and sunshine.
43:35 Those are elements of health.
43:38 He gave them a plant based diet in Eden,
43:42 the diet that would give them the fuel to sustain their life
43:46 and to sustain their health.
43:48 And in that garden, Adam and Eve
43:50 had a positive loving relationship together.
43:55 That made all the difference.
43:56 We know today that attitudes
43:57 and relationships do make a difference.
43:59 And in that garden, Adam and Eve were to give--
44:02 were to dress and keep the garden.
44:04 They got adequate exercise but most of all before sin,
44:10 Adam and Eve had a relationship with God.
44:12 And it was that relationship with god
44:14 that gave them an anchor in their lives
44:17 because love heals
44:20 and selfishness and hate destroys.
44:24 Teenie, you've just about got those
44:27 nut balls done, don't you? Yes.
44:30 These are wonderful fruit,
44:33 natural fruit dessert for the holidays.
44:36 So I hope that they will enjoy
44:38 making those and also eating them.
44:40 You know, the walnuts are really good as well. Yes.
44:43 Studies indicate Howard,
44:44 I was looking at a study from Howard recently
44:46 and it indicated that the walnuts provide
44:49 a reduced cardiovascular risk
44:52 if you eat walnuts three times a week or more.
44:55 And I know every time we sit down for breakfast
44:57 you always give me a handful of walnuts. Yes.
45:00 And I do want to feed you those walnuts
45:02 because I want you to live longer.
45:05 And you know one way that we can actually
45:07 even improve our health is by gratitude.
45:10 And so we're going to talk a little bit next about
45:13 another day that's important and that is Valentine's Day.
45:19 Valentine's Day is a very special day to express our love
45:23 and flowers make a difference.
45:25 Red Cross University joined with the American Floral Society
45:29 to study the impact of flowers on attitude.
45:33 They looked at 147 women that received flowers.
45:37 Now men, listen to this one.
45:40 These women had two predominant emotions,
45:44 excitement and happiness.
45:47 And as they got their flowers
45:49 their mental attitude improved.
45:52 And anytime you improve somebody's mental attitude
45:54 you improve their health as well.
45:57 So giving flowers,
45:58 expressing love on Valentine's Day
46:02 benefits both the giver and the receiver.
46:05 Right, Teenie? That's right, Mark.
46:08 Flowers are an important part but just giving a gift
46:12 is also very important.
46:14 In fact, on the holidays people can give
46:17 a wonderful loaf of bread.
46:19 Just wrap it in some homemade bread
46:21 in some foil with a nice bow
46:24 and that's a wonderful nutritious gift.
46:27 But in addition to that we might give flowers
46:31 but we can give other gifts as well.
46:32 I'd like to tell you and share with you
46:35 the first Valentine's gift that I got from Mark
46:39 who is then my boyfriend, not my husband.
46:43 And he gave me the first valentine's gift.
46:45 He gave me a lovely card. It was wonderful.
46:49 But in addition to that do you know what he gave me?
46:51 It wasn't flowers and it wasn't even a box of candy.
46:59 Of course, it would have been health candy
47:01 maybe like fruit ball candy or something
47:03 but it wasn't that.
47:05 Do you know what he gave me?
47:07 He actually gave me many years ago
47:11 a bread cooking book.
47:13 Can you believe that,
47:15 a bread book for Valentine's Day?
47:19 I thought what do I do with that bread book?
47:21 I wasn't quite sure but I thought,
47:24 after I was married to him
47:26 maybe I should learn how to fix bread, make bread.
47:30 But also maybe I better try some pecan rolls.
47:35 I ought to try some of these recipes.
47:38 And do you know that, that bread book was so good,
47:43 it was lasting.
47:45 Yes, candy is leading,
47:47 even flowers although they're wonderful
47:50 at the time for health is leading
47:53 but my bread book still last today.
47:56 So I have that bread book.
47:58 So gentlemen, maybe of you're thinking about
48:01 something nice for the one that you love
48:04 you might want to have a special present as well.
48:08 And maybe it is a Natural Lifestyle Cooking cookbook
48:14 because you know what,
48:16 it's going to be lasting that's for sure.
48:19 So maybe, Mark, since you gave me a cookbook
48:23 on Valentine's Day over 46 year ago,
48:27 maybe they could give a cookbook as well.
48:30 That's a great suggestion.
48:31 You know, having joy on the holidays,
48:36 giving on the holidays
48:38 isn't that what the holidays are all about?
48:40 Having a heart filled with Thanksgiving.
48:43 Now there maybe somebody is thinking,
48:45 well, you know what, I am not sure
48:46 I have a great deal to be thankful for.
48:50 Let me share this story of Matthew Henry.
48:52 Matthew Henry was a circuit riding preacher in England.
48:58 And he rode from place to place preaching.
49:00 One day as he was riding between two villages,
49:03 a band of robbers robbed him.
49:06 He was knocked off his horse,
49:08 they took his purse
49:10 and they left him there bruised and bleeding.
49:12 That night Matthew Henry wrote these words in his diary.
49:17 He said, "Today I was robbed and I am so thankful.
49:22 I am thankful first that it was I who was robbed
49:26 and not I who did the robbing."
49:29 I mean that is something to be thankful for, isn't it?
49:32 He said, "Secondly, I am thankful
49:33 that although they took my purse,
49:36 they didn't take my life.
49:38 Thirdly, I am thankful
49:40 that although they took my purse and not my life
49:43 that when they took my purse
49:45 they didn't get much money."
49:48 And then he made this remarkable statement.
49:51 He said, "I am thankful
49:52 that I have something to look forward to,
49:56 that's far beyond this life.
49:58 And even if they take everything from me,
50:01 I still have Jesus on the holidays."
50:06 Let your heart be filled with Thanksgiving
50:09 for the graciousness and the goodness of God.
50:14 On the holidays
50:16 let your heart be filled with Thanksgiving
50:19 for the people that are around you.
50:22 People that share with you life,
50:25 family, friends, working associates.
50:29 And on the holidays
50:31 let your heart soar with the joy
50:36 that Jesus gives
50:37 and the eternal gift of salvation.
50:40 The reason Teenie and I
50:41 do these Natural Lifestyle Cooking Schools
50:44 is because we have a great desire
50:45 that every one of you live life to the fullest.
50:52 Yes, may your holidays be special
50:55 and as you fix some of these foods
50:57 I know that you'll be healthier,
51:00 happier and even live longer.
51:02 So my wish for you is that you have better health
51:07 and live longer, happier and healthier.
51:10 And if you desire to get the Natural Lifestyle Cookbook
51:14 or our new workbook
51:18 these materials will be a great blessing to your home,
51:22 a great gift for others.
51:25 Here's the information
51:26 that you need on the screen right now.
51:33 If you like to order
51:34 the Natural Lifestyle Cooking Cookbook or Workbook
51:38 you can do so by calling the Adventist Book Center
51:40 at 800-765-6955.
51:44 Again, 800-765-6955.
51:49 You can also visit their website
51:51 at adventistbookcenter.com.
51:54 Again, adventistbookcenter.com.
51:58 You can also call the 3ABN call center at 618-627-4651.
52:04 Again, for the 3ABN call center at its 618-627-4651.


Revised 2019-11-15