3ABN Today

Highlanders Christmas Special

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), The Highlanders


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY012121A

01:00 Hello, friends, and welcome to 3ABN.
01:03 My name is John Lomacang and if you've tuned in before,
01:05 well, you know, I'm no longer a guest here.
01:08 I've been here for quite a few years.
01:10 But if you're tuning in for the first time,
01:12 thank you for tuning in particularly,
01:14 this time of year where the world is beginning
01:16 to pause and remember the name of somebody
01:20 who seems to be obscure most of the time of the year
01:23 after December and really before December.
01:27 And that is the person of Jesus.
01:29 But here at 3ABN we know him as our Lord and our Savior
01:33 and we thank you for standing with us proclaiming
01:36 the good news of Christ all year long.
01:38 We have a wonderful program for you tonight.
01:40 Some wonderful music by a group called the Highlanders
01:43 and they are going to thrill our hearts
01:44 with some of the songs that we know
01:46 are connected to this season of the year.
01:48 Really those songs bring a message all year long
01:51 that really remind us of the blessedness
01:54 of having Christ in our lives.
01:55 And so stay tuned for them in just a few moments.
01:58 But before we get to that I want to share a few thoughts
02:00 with you because the world is in chaos in reality.
02:04 But it's good to know that in the midst of all the confusion,
02:07 the heartache, the sadness, the loneliness,
02:11 it's good to know that there's still a peace
02:14 that can be found in the midst of all of this confusion.
02:18 You know, the message of Christ
02:20 is one that is brought to us in colorful language in the Bible.
02:24 There are many places you find the language.
02:25 In the Old Testament you find the prophets
02:27 telling of the coming of Christ and the birth of Christ.
02:31 As Isaiah 9:6 says, "For unto us a child is born,
02:36 unto us a Son is given and the government
02:39 shall be upon His shoulder and His name
02:41 shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God,
02:45 the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace."
02:49 In this confusing world today, in the hustle and bustle
02:52 of the holiday season shopping it's good to pause
02:55 and listen to the voice that so many pay no attention
02:59 to during the rest of the year.
03:02 As a matter of fact, when I read the Bible
03:03 and I think about the story of the season,
03:05 one of my most favorite stories is found
03:07 in the book of Luke Chapter 2, speaking about shepherds
03:12 who were keeping watch over
03:13 their flocks by night in the field.
03:16 And today if we would translate that word shepherd today,
03:19 I would somewhat be a shepherd.
03:21 That is an under shepherd.
03:22 Jesus is the chief shepherd.
03:24 And He calls on those who have been given
03:26 the responsibility to watch over their flock,
03:29 to even watch over them by night.
03:31 And our world is at the darkest point that it's ever been.
03:35 But walk with me through a couple of these verses
03:37 because I think it's so interesting to find out
03:39 how the Lord chose to reveal Himself to these lowly shepherds
03:43 that simply did what came naturally.
03:46 And we know that Jesus wasn't really born on December.
03:49 We know that the 25th of December
03:51 has a lot of different connotations to it.
03:53 Some are Christian and some are pagan
03:55 but the good news is that Jesus was born.
03:58 We find in Luke 2:8 these words,
04:03 "Now there were in the same country
04:05 shepherds living out in the fields,
04:07 keeping watch over their flock by night."
04:10 Now this had to be before the rainy season
04:12 and before the cold seasons of the winter.
04:15 And the reason why shepherds watched over
04:17 their flocks by night is because, well,
04:19 it was not uncommon for a sheep to be stolen.
04:23 As you know, that was very much
04:24 a part of the ceremonial system.
04:26 And unfortunately, because of sin in the earth
04:29 they had some things to contend
04:31 with then that we contend with now.
04:33 But there they were never knowing that the Lord
04:36 was going to raise the curtains and begin a celebration
04:40 that will last for centuries to come.
04:43 Giving them the good news
04:44 that while they are watching over their flock,
04:46 there's a little Lamb somewhere else being born
04:49 that will bring to the world a news,
04:52 a good news that will never, never end.
04:54 It continues in verse 9,
04:57 "And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them,
05:00 and the glory of the Lord shone around them,
05:03 and they were greatly afraid."
05:05 Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold,
05:10 I bring you good tidings of great joy
05:13 which will be to all people.
05:16 For there is born to you this day
05:18 in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
05:23 And we think about it today,
05:24 you know, when you're in Wal-mart or in J.C.Penney's
05:27 or maybe in Macy's or whatever store you're shopping in,
05:30 often times in the background that soft music
05:33 "Silent Night, Holy Night" reminds us of this glorious
05:36 evening when the shepherds were visited
05:39 with the most wonderful news.
05:41 But I like the way it continues.
05:43 Then they said to the shepherds
05:44 in verse 12, "And this will be a sign to you:
05:47 You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes,
05:51 laying in a manger."
05:53 And I read the story in the background.
05:54 It began first with an angel speaking to the shepherds.
05:58 And when I read what @Desire of Ages@
06:00 that wonderful book about the life of Christ had to say,
06:02 I don't know why it says that the angel--His glory
06:06 was so bright that he gave the shepherds time
06:08 for their eyes to adjust to the light.
06:12 Those of us who carry the news of Jesus
06:13 have to give those who don't know Jesus
06:15 time for their eyes and their lives to adjust to the light.
06:20 But look at how it ends.
06:22 "And suddenly there was with the angel
06:25 a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
06:30 "Glory to God in the highest,
06:32 and on earth peace, goodwill toward men."
06:37 Well, it's that time of the year,
06:38 many people are in solitude.
06:41 Many people are struggling with difficulties.
06:44 Many people don't know about that good news
06:46 and that goodwill that Christ came to bring towards all men.
06:51 But as you listen to these songs by the Highlanders
06:54 we pray these things for you this season.
06:56 That the Lord will open up your eyes to see the glory
06:59 that was shared with the shepherds that night,
07:02 that glory is still available today.
07:05 The Christ that was born then is the Christ
07:07 that wants to be born in our hearts today.
07:10 And the loneliness and the sadness and the darkness
07:13 of your life can be replaced
07:16 as the curtains are raised
07:17 on the greatest celebration of all the ages.
07:19 Sit back and enjoy these wonderful songs of the season.
07:23 And I pray that God will bless you as he desires so much.
07:26 Listen as the Highlanders bless our hearts
07:30 and present to us this wonderful Christ child
07:33 and His name is still Jesus.
07:36 Hello, everyone,
07:38 and welcome to the Highlanders Christmas special.
07:41 My name is David Hartman, your host for this program.
07:45 For the next hour I invite you to sit back and listen again
07:49 to the wonderful story of the birth of Jesus
07:53 performed through the singing and sharing of God's word.
07:57 Go back with me to when the Lord
08:00 appeared to Joseph in a dream saying,
08:03 "Son of David, don't be afraid to take Mary as your wife.
08:08 That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
08:13 She will bring forth a child
08:15 and you will call His name Jesus.
08:19 For He will save His people from their sins.
08:45 God rest you merry, gentlemen
08:48 Let nothing you dismay
08:51 Remember, Christ, our Savior
08:54 Was born on Christmas day
08:58 To save us all from Satan's power
09:01 When we were gone astray
09:04 O, tidings of comfort and joy
09:08 Comfort and joy
09:10 O, tidings of comfort and joy
09:20 From God our Heavenly Father
09:23 A blessed angel came
09:26 And unto certain shepherds
09:29 Brought tidings of the same
09:32 How that in Bethlehem was born
09:35 The Son of God by name
09:38 O, tidings of comfort and joy
09:42 Comfort and joy
09:44 O, tidings of comfort and joy
10:02 Fear not then, said the angel
10:04 Let nothing you affright
10:07 This day is born a Savior
10:09 A blessed holy sight
10:12 To free all those who trust in Him
10:14 From Satan's power and might
10:16 O, tidings of comfort and joy
10:25 Now to the Lord sing praises
10:30 All you within this place
10:33 And with true love and brotherhood
10:37 Each other now embrace
10:39 This holy child of Christmas
10:42 Shall fill our hearts with grace
10:45 O, tidings of comfort and joy
10:49 Comfort and joy
10:51 O, tidings of comfort and joy
10:57 Comfort and joy
11:00 Comfort and joy
11:05 Comfort and joy
11:11 Likewise also the angel of the Lord visited Mary saying,
11:16 "Do not be afraid for you are greatly blessed of God.
11:21 You will conceive and bear a son
11:24 and you shall call His name Jesus.
11:28 He will be called the Son of the Most High
11:31 and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David
11:37 and His kingdom shall be forever and ever.
11:42 When the angel left, Mary wondered about all
11:59 I have traveled many moonless nights
12:07 Cold and weary
12:11 with a babe inside
12:16 And I wonder what I've done
12:23 Holy Father, You have come
12:29 And chosen me now
12:33 to carry Your Son
12:43 I am waiting
12:47 in a silent prayer
12:51 I am frightened
12:55 by the load I bear
12:59 In a world as cold as stone
13:07 Must I walk this path alone?
13:13 Be with me now,
13:17 be with me now
13:23 Breath of Heaven, hold me together
13:31 Be forever near me, breath of Heaven
13:39 Breath of Heaven, lighten my darkness
13:45 Pour over me Your holiness
13:50 for You are holy
13:55 Breath of Heaven
14:04 Do you wonder as you watch my face
14:12 If a wiser one
14:16 should have had my place
14:20 But I offer
14:23 all I am
14:28 For the mercy of Your plan
14:34 Help me be strong,
14:39 help me be,
14:43 help me
14:49 Breath of Heaven, hold me together
14:55 Be forever near me, breath of Heaven
15:03 Breath of Heaven,
15:08 lighten my darkness
15:11 Pour over me Your holiness
15:14 for You are holy
15:22 Breath of Heaven, hold me together
15:29 Be forever near me,
15:32 breath of Heaven
15:37 Breath of Heaven, lighten my darkness
15:44 Pour over me Your holiness
15:48 for You are holy
15:57 Breath of Heaven,
16:03 breath of Heaven
16:09 Breath of Heaven
16:21 And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out
16:25 from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.
16:30 Now Joseph and Mary, who was with child,
16:33 traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem because the law
16:36 required each to return to the city of their ancestor.
16:41 Since Joseph was of the lineage of David,
16:45 he returned to Bethlehem, the city of David.
16:48 After an exhausting trip the couple
16:51 could find no accommodations.
16:54 So they resorted to a stable full of animals.
16:58 That night the promised Deliverer was born.
17:03 He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger.
17:25 Still, still, still,
17:31 to sleep is now His will
17:37 On Mary's breast He rest in slumber
17:43 While we pray in endless number
17:50 Still, still, still,
17:55 to sleep is now His will
18:07 Once in royal David's city
18:13 Stood a lowly cattle stall
18:18 Where a mother laid her baby
18:24 In a manger for His bed
18:30 Mary was that mother mild
18:36 Jesus Christ, her little child
18:43 And at last our eyes shall see Him
18:49 Through His own redeeming love
18:55 For that child so dear and gentle
19:01 Is our Lord in heaven above
19:08 And He leads His children on
19:14 To the place
19:17 where He has gone
19:28 Sleep, sleep, sleep,
19:34 while we Thy vigil keep
19:41 And the angels come from Heaven singing
19:47 Songs of jubilation bringing
19:53 Sleep, sleep, sleep,
19:59 while we Thy vigil keep
20:36 Away in a manger
20:41 No crib for a bed
20:47 The little Lord Jesus
20:52 Lay down His sweet head
20:58 The stars in the bright sky
21:04 Looked down where He lay
21:09 The little Lord Jesus
21:15 Asleep on the hay
21:35 The cattle are lowing
21:39 The poor Baby wakes
21:45 But little Lord Jesus
21:51 No crying He makes
21:57 I love Thee, Lord Jesus
22:03 Look down from the sky
22:08 And stay by my cradle
22:14 Till morning is nigh.
22:22 Be near me, Lord Jesus
22:28 I ask Thee to stay
22:34 Close by me forever
22:39 And love me I pray
22:44 Love me I pray, Lord
22:49 Bless all the dear children
22:53 In Thy tender care
23:01 And fit us for Heaven
23:07 To live with Thee there
23:15 To live with Thee there Amen
23:40 It must have been quite a spectacle,
23:43 not only to the curious cattle and proud parents
23:46 in the stable but also to the myriads of angels
23:50 and the millions of silent witnesses
23:52 throughout the vast realms of God's universe.
23:57 This Creator of all living things
24:00 is now a baby in Bethlehem.
24:05 This incarnate child was born to die
24:08 for a world now enslaved in sin.
24:12 Ever since the promise was first made to Adam and Eve
24:15 in the garden, the universe
24:17 was waiting and watching for the Anointed One.
24:23 And now He was born.
24:26 Welcome to our world.
24:43 Tears are falling, hearts are breaking
24:48 How we need to hear from God
24:52 You've been promised, we've been waiting
24:57 Welcome, Holy Child
25:02 Welcome, Holy Child
25:09 Hope that You don't mind our manger
25:14 How I wish we would have known
25:18 Long awaited Holy Stranger
25:23 Make Yourself at home
25:27 Make Yourself at home
25:39 Bring Your peace into our violence
25:43 Bid our hungry souls be filled
25:48 Word now breaking Heaven's silence
25:53 Welcome to our world
25:57 Welcome to our world
26:08 Fragile finger sent to heal us Tender brow prepared for thorn
26:17 Tiny heart whose blood will save us
26:22 Unto us is born. Unto us is born
26:37 So wrap our injured flesh around You
26:42 Breathe our air and walk our sod
26:47 Take our sin and make us holy
26:51 Perfect Son of God Perfect Son of God
27:01 Welcome to our world
27:42 What child is this
27:47 Who laid to rest on Mary's lap
27:57 He is sleeping
28:02 Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
28:11 While shepherd's watch are keeping
28:22 This, this is Christ the King
28:30 When shepherds watch and angels sing
28:41 Haste, haste to bring him laud
28:50 The babe, the Son of Mary
29:19 So bring Him incense, gold, and myrrh
29:28 Come peasant, king to own Him
29:38 The Kings of Kings salvation brings
29:46 Let loving hearts enthrone Him
29:56 Raise, raise the songs on high
30:05 The Virgin sings her lullaby
30:14 Joy, joy for Christ is King
30:23 The babe, the Son of Mary
30:44 That night in nearby fields,
30:47 shepherds were faithfully watching their flocks.
30:50 Suddenly, an angel of the Lord shone around them.
30:55 They were terribly afraid.
30:58 The angel said, "Don't be afraid.
31:01 I bring you glad tidings of great joy
31:05 which is for all people.
31:07 For unto you is born this day, in the city of David,
31:13 a Savior which is Christ the Lord.
31:17 And this is how you'll recognize Him.
31:20 You will find a baby lying in a manger,
31:24 wrapped in swaddling clothes."
31:28 And suddenly, there appeared in the heavens
31:31 multitudes of angels singing, "Glory to God in the highest
31:37 and on earth peace and goodwill toward men."
31:42 It was as if the whole night sky was ablazen with glory.
31:47 With angelic choir singing, orchestras playing
31:51 and bells ringing, all praising God for the gift of His Son.
31:58 The shepherds hurried to thank the Christ child
32:02 and to announce His birth.
32:26 Can you hear the Christmas bells ringing in the night?
32:33 Can you see the Christmas light
32:37 shining through the darkest night?
32:41 Can you feel the Christmas joy?
32:44 Have you heard about the tiny boy?
32:47 Can you hear the Christmas bells?
32:58 Can you hear the angels' song echoing the night?
33:05 Can you see the Christmas star pouring out its golden light?
33:13 Can you feel the peace on earth?
33:15 Have you heard about that holy birth?
33:19 Can you hear the Christmas bells?
33:26 Ring, ring, ring out the good news
33:30 Joy to the world
33:33 Sing, sing, fill up the night with songs of gladness
33:50 Glorious now behold Him in your eyes
33:57 King and God and Sacrifice.
34:05 Alleluia, alleluia,
34:11 sounds through the earth and skies.
34:18 Ring, ring, ring out the good news
34:22 Joy to the world
34:25 Sing, sing, fill up the night with songs
34:31 Can you hear the Christmas bells ringing in the night?
34:39 Can you see the Christmas light
34:43 shining through the darkest night?
34:46 Can you feel the Christmas joy?
34:49 Have you heard about the tiny boy?
34:53 Can you hear the Christmas bells?
35:02 Can you hear the Christmas bells?
35:14 Okay, we're gonna stop just a minute.
35:16 And ask the rest of this Highlanders
35:19 family to come and join us.
35:21 I'd like to just, kind of, introduce everyone
35:23 and let you know who we are and what we do.
35:26 I'm John Watkins.
35:28 I'm one of the pastors at the Highland Academy
35:30 church in Portland, Tennessee.
35:33 And next to me is my wife Anita.
35:35 She works at Highland Academy
35:37 and she is the food service director.
35:39 And then Judy Hartman.
35:41 Judy Hartman is a grade school teacher specializing in reading.
35:45 And her husband David who's been our narrator.
35:47 He's also a pastor.
35:48 Works in the conference office at the Kentucky-Tennessee
35:51 conference there in Nashville.
35:53 Jason Watkins, my son from Chattanooga, Tennessee.
35:57 He's joining us this special time.
36:00 And then we have Lisa, Lisa Parrish.
36:02 Lisa's a nurse and works with young children.
36:05 That's her specialty. Todd, her husband.
36:08 Todd works for Amazing Facts.
36:10 And we're glad that he could be a part of us.
36:12 And then Albert Dittes,
36:13 our resident historian, our pianist.
36:16 He's an author and a freelance journalist.
36:38 Oh, holy night The stars are brightly shining
36:47 It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
37:01 Long lay the world in sin and error pining
37:10 Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth
37:20 A thrill of hope The weary world rejoices
37:28 For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn
37:37 Fall on your knees
37:45 Oh, hear the angel voices
37:53 Oh, night divine
38:02 Oh, night when Christ was born
38:10 Oh, night divine
38:19 Oh, night when Christ was born
38:31 Oh, hear the angel voices Oh, holy night
38:44 Oh, holy night when Christ was born
38:53 Fall on your knees
39:01 Oh, hear the angel voices
39:09 Oh, night divine
39:18 Oh, night when Christ was born
39:26 Oh, night divine
39:37 Oh, night Oh, night
39:46 Oh, night when Christ was born
40:03 Oh, holy night
40:17 What a night that was when heaven
40:20 touched the earth with great rejoicing.
40:24 Wise men from the east also came in search of the new born King
40:29 after following a most magnificent star.
40:33 That night the humble dwelling of the stable
40:37 became the center stage of the universe.
40:42 Imagine, the creator of the cosmos being born
40:46 as a baby to rescue lost humanity.
40:51 What magnificent love. Wonder, oh, heavens.
40:56 Be astonished, oh, earth.
42:49 It must be noted in this wonderful story
42:53 that the path of this young Child would eventually
42:55 lead to a cruel cross but even the tragedy of the cross
43:01 stands as a triumph over all evil.
43:05 The grave could not hold our sinless Lord for long.
43:09 Our human history has been forever
43:13 rewritten in this Christmas story.
43:46 Oh, come, Oh, come, Emmanuel
43:53 And ransom captive Israel
44:01 That mourns in lonely exile here
44:09 Until the Son of God appear
44:16 Rejoice, rejoice
44:22 Emmanuel shall come to thee,
44:30 oh, Israel
44:41 From God our heavenly Father
44:43 A blessed angel came
44:46 And unto certain shepherds
44:48 Brought tidings of the same
44:51 How that in Bethlehem was born
44:54 The Son of God by name
44:55 Oh, tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy
45:00 Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
45:09 Oh, come all ye faithful
45:15 Joyful and triumphant
45:21 Oh, come ye
45:22 Oh, come ye to Bethlehem
45:29 Come and behold Him
45:35 Born the King of angels
45:39 Oh, come let us adore Him
45:44 Oh, come let us adore Him
45:49 Oh, come let us adore Him
45:57 Christ the Lord
46:14 I love the Christmas story
46:17 because it reveals heaven's indescribable gift.
46:21 2 Corinthians 8:9 and 9:15 declare,
46:27 "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
46:31 that though He was rich, yet for your sakes
46:35 He became poor that you through His poverty might become rich."
46:42 Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.
46:48 It's a staggering thought that Jesus was born for us.
46:55 He lived for us. He died for us. He rose for us.
47:02 He ascended to the right hand of the Father for us.
47:06 Today He ever lives to make intercession for us.
47:12 And soon He will appear in the clouds of glory
47:15 as our triumphant King to take us home
47:18 to live with Him forever.
47:23 What a gift. What a God.
47:28 That leaves one unanswered question.
47:32 What will you, what will I do with this indescribable gift?
47:39 You see, He can't come here
47:43 until He's first come here.
47:45 He can't come in the clouds of glory
47:47 until He first comes into our hearts.
47:53 This Christmas season, will you allow Christ
47:57 to be born in your heart? Will you receive Him
48:03 as your personal Savior and Lord?
48:30 Silent night,
48:35 holy night
48:40 All is calm,
48:46 all is bright
48:52 Round yon Virgin
48:57 mother and child
49:02 Holy infant
49:08 so tender and mild
49:13 Sleep in
49:16 heavenly peace
49:24 Sleep in
49:27 heavenly peace
49:41 Silent night,
49:46 holy night
49:51 Shepherds quake
49:57 at the sight
50:03 Glories stream
50:07 from heaven afar
50:15 Heavenly hosts
50:18 sing Alleluia
50:24 Christ,
50:26 the Savior is born
50:35 Christ,
50:37 the Savior is born
50:57 Silent night,
51:02 holy night
51:08 Son of God,
51:15 love's pure light
51:20 Radiant beams
51:24 from Thy holy face
51:29 With the dawn
51:34 of redeeming grace
51:41 Jesus Lord
51:45 at Thy birth
51:50 At Thy birth
51:59 Jesus Lord
52:04 at Thy birth
52:17 Sleep
52:19 in heavenly peace


Revised 2016-12-08