Ten Commandments Day Marathon

Commandment #5 -

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Wintley Phipps


Series Code: TCDM

Program Code: TCDM000008

00:01 Jesus said: "If you love Me, keep my commandments."
00:05 Now people all over the world are turning back to God's
00:08 eternal moral law, claiming His promise to write them
00:12 in our hearts and our minds. Live from the Palm Bay, Florida,
00:16 3ABN presents
00:19 The 10 Commandments Weekend.
00:41 Good Morning, praise the Lord.
00:46 My name is Pastor Wintley Phipps
00:49 and I'm the Pastor of the Palm Bay, SDA church
00:52 in Palm Bay, Florida. It's a beautiful day
00:56 in Florida, and we welcome you to our worship service.
01:00 We are excited that today is 10 commandments Sabbath,
01:05 praise the Lord.
01:07 We are going to lift up the name of God today.
01:11 Palm Bay is a special church that God has anointed
01:13 and blessed, and we are so glad that you are
01:16 joining us today. As a member of the board
01:19 of 3ABN, we praise God for all that He has been doing
01:25 in 3ABN, and now, join us as we worship together,
01:30 "God is our refuge and our strength",
01:33 as you listen to the mass choir from the Palm Bay church.
05:19 [Audience Claps and says amen]
05:33 God is our refuge and our strength, amen?
05:38 Praise His name.
05:46 There's a song, a beautiful hymn, everywhere I go
05:51 across this country, people tell me: "You know, this is my"
05:55 "favorite hymn." And I want to share it with you,
05:59 praise the Lord.
06:42 When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
06:56 When sorrow like sea billows roll;
07:11 What ever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
07:25 It is well, it is well with my soul.
07:40 It is well with my soul;
07:54 It is well, it is well, it is well with my soul.
08:21 And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
08:33 The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
08:42 The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend;
08:54 "Even so" it is well with my soul.
09:08 It is well with my soul;
09:21 It is well, It is well, it is well with my soul
09:53 It is well with my soul;
10:10 It is well, it is well, it is well with my soul.
10:43 Praise God.
10:48 Praise the Lord. Because of Jesus it is well.
10:53 - [Audience] Amen. - And we've come to give Him
10:54 glory today, will you sing that hymn,
10:57 remain seated, and just sing that hymn with me,
10:59 "To God be the Glory great things He hath done."
11:06 Praise His Holy name for He has done awesome and might things.
11:12 "To God be the Glory".
11:20 All lift your voices and sing it today, to God be all the glory.
11:26 To God be the glory great things He hath done,
11:34 So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,
11:42 who yielded His life an atonement for sin,
11:50 and open the life gate that all may go in.
11:58 Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
12:02 Let the earth hear His voice;
12:06 Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
12:10 Let the people rejoice;
12:14 O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
12:22 and give Him the glory, great things He hath done.
12:33 Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done,
12:41 and great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son;
12:49 But purer, and higher, and greater will be
12:57 our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see.
13:06 Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
13:10 Let the earth hear His voice;
13:15 Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
13:19 Let the people rejoice;
13:23 O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
13:32 and give Him the glory, great things He hath done.
13:49 Let us pray together.
13:52 Our Father in Heaven, we come before You this beautiful
13:55 Sabbath Day, we've come to praise Your holy name.
14:00 We bless Your name Father, for You are an awesome
14:03 and mighty God. As we open Your holy word,
14:07 cleanse me of all unrighteousness,
14:11 fill my life with Your Holy Spirit's presence and power.
14:15 Speak to me, through me, and for me, Lord,
14:19 and I'll promise You I'll always be careful to give You
14:23 the honor, the glory and the praise, in the name of Jesus
14:28 we pray, amen.
14:35 My message this morning comes from the 5th commandment.
14:42 Say it with me: "Honor thy father and thy mother"
14:49 "that thy days may be long upon the land the Lord thy God"
14:55 "giveth thee." Praise His holy name.
15:01 Come with me to the morning of the third day
15:05 of their encampment, when all Israel turned its eyes
15:11 towards Mount Sinai. Together they watched
15:18 and marveled as God unleashed in their presence
15:25 a magnificent and awesome display of His power.
15:31 They watched as God took an ordinary mountain,
15:37 draped it in sound and fury,
15:42 He took an ordinary mountain,
15:45 dressed it in drama and darkness.
15:50 Starting from the top of the mountain a thick, dense shadow
15:56 moved slowly downward, I hope you can see that this morning.
16:02 Soon, the whole mountain was wrapped in a curtain
16:07 of impenetrable darkness. High above the mountain
16:14 the people heard the sound of a celestial trumpet
16:19 summoning them to draw closer.
16:23 Moses turned his face to the base of that mountain
16:27 and he prepared his heart for the highest privilege
16:32 known to man, the most sacred privilege
16:36 known to man, the privilege of face to face,
16:41 heart to heart communion with the Creator of the universe.
16:49 As he drew closer, white flashes of lightning
16:54 shot out from the darkness, and sharp peels of thunder
16:58 echoed all about.
17:01 As God's presence descended upon that mountain,
17:06 the mountain began to shake like a tree shaking
17:12 in the wind, and if you don't believe that God can make
17:17 a mountain shake, there's a text in the book of Jeremiah 4:24,
17:25 where God says: "I beheld the mountains and lo,"
17:31 "how they tremble." What an awesome God you serve.
17:37 He looks at a mountain and the mountain trembles.
17:42 You know the way your mamma used to look at you in church
17:48 made you tremble.
17:50 He looks at mountains and they tremble, and if mountains
17:55 tremble when God looks at them, can you imagine
17:59 what it's going to be like in the judgment day
18:03 when sinful men behold the full face of the undimmed glory
18:09 of God. You talk about weeping
18:12 and gnashing of teeth.
18:15 The people fell upon their faces, then suddenly
18:21 all was hushed; the thunder ceased, the lightning stopped,
18:28 and there was silence as though all nature were at rest,
18:34 as though a great storm had been stilled,
18:37 and then out of the darkness and mystery,
18:41 out of the shadows of the dimmer known,
18:45 the voice of God was heard speaking, saying:
18:51 "I am the Lord thy God who have brought you"
18:56 "out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage."
19:01 "Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me"
19:07 "for I am the Lord, and there is no other."
19:13 "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last,"
19:19 "the beginning and the end." In Isaiah 44 God said:
19:24 "Is there a God besides Me? Ye, there is no God besides Me."
19:30 Here God is saying: "If there is another God, I don't him."
19:36 God is saying: "If there is another God,"
19:39 "I've never met him. I've visited every planet,"
19:43 "every star, I've visited the constellations of Centaurus"
19:47 "and Phoenix, and Cassiopeia, and Andromeda,"
19:51 "and if there is another God, I've never met him,"
19:55 "he has not shown himself to Me."
19:58 "I've traversed the Milky Way, I've vacationed"
20:02 "in the [Pyrenees], and as long as I am the potter"
20:06 "and you are the clay, as long as you are drawing life"
20:12 "from my inexhaustible supply, you shall have no other gods"
20:18 "before Me." Praise His name.
20:21 My glory will I not give to another, my praise,
20:26 neither will I give my praise to graven images.
20:29 Friends, out there on that mountain God spoke
20:32 the 10 commandments, not only to Israel, but to all humanity.
20:39 Out there on that mountain, God, with His own finger
20:43 of fire, engraved upon the tablets of stone
20:48 a transcript of His character. God laid before mankind
20:54 what would become the foundation of many generations.
20:59 On Mount Sinai God did not put before the world
21:02 10 suggestions, He did not give to the world
21:06 10 helpful perspectives, or 10 good ideas to order you life by.
21:13 This was no late night talk show top 10 count down.
21:18 Oh no, the 10 commandments are much more than that,
21:22 they are the moral laws of the universe.
21:26 They are the laws that govern and regulate our happiness,
21:30 they are the laws that ensure our freedom,
21:33 and condemn our behavior.
21:36 These 10 commandments are what, in modern parlance,
21:41 legal parlance can be referred to as
21:44 "settled law."
21:47 There's a legal concept called "settled law".
21:52 One day an old janitor who worked at a seminary
21:56 was reading the book of Revelation
21:58 and some of the young seminarians who had just taken
22:01 a course in the book of Revelation asked him
22:04 "Do you know what you're reading?"
22:06 And he said: "Yes." They said: "Do you understand"
22:09 "what you're reading?" He said: "Yes."
22:11 They said: "We went to school to understand this,"
22:15 "what do you understand about the book of Revelation?"
22:18 That old janitor said: "I understand that in the end"
22:22 "He's going to win." [Audience laughs]
22:29 "God said it, I believe it, settles it for me."
22:37 This is settled law, hallelujah.
22:41 The 10 commandments, there is no opportunity for debate,
22:47 discussion, or compromise. David said in Psalm 119:
22:53 "Forever, O Lord, They word is settled in heaven."
22:58 The 10 commandments are settled law, they're not open
23:01 for discussion or revision, even Jesus said:
23:03 "Verily, I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away"
23:08 "not one jot or tittle shall pass from the law."
23:12 If it is settled in heaven, it aught to be settled law
23:15 in our hearts as well. [Audience] Amen.
23:18 The first 4 commandments require a man respect
23:23 for divine authority, Oh hallelujah.
23:28 Respect for divine sovereignty. We honor the obligations
23:33 of the first 4 commandments because of our respect
23:38 for divine authority. We keep the Sabbath holy
23:43 because of our respect for divine authority.
23:49 When people tell me that men have changed the Sabbath
23:52 in honor of the resurrection, I tell them:
23:57 "Suppose I lived next door to you and you went on vacation,"
24:00 "and while you were gone I decided that your house"
24:03 "would look better pained purple and brown."
24:08 "So I went down to Home Depot and while you were gone"
24:11 "I painted your house purple in your honor..."
24:18 "...pink trim."
24:21 The truth is if I really wanted to honor you,
24:25 I would show my respect over your authority over your house
24:30 by leaving it just the way you painted it.
24:35 We show respect for divine authority when we leave
24:39 the commandments just the way God made them.
24:46 Obedience to God's commandments shows respect
24:50 for divine authority. Just as the first commandment
24:54 lays the foundation for the first 4 commandments,
24:57 and they together, those 4 commandments, lay the foundation
25:01 for our respect for divine authority,
25:04 likewise, the 5th commandment, the focus of my message today,
25:09 lays the foundation for our respect for parents
25:17 and our respect for all whom God has placed in authority
25:23 over us.
25:26 The 5th commandments says: "Honor thy father"
25:31 "and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land"
25:36 "which the Lord thy God giveth thee."
25:39 The 5th commandment lays the foundation for the remaining
25:44 6 commandments.
25:46 Those 6 commandments together lay the foundation
25:51 for our respect for others.
25:55 Somehow God knew that children who do not respect their parents
26:01 will not respect the rights, lives, and property of others.
26:08 If you disrespect your mother, you will disrespect other people
26:14 Disrespect of the 5th commandment lays the foundation
26:20 for the disrespect for all the other commandments.
26:25 People kill because they don't respect the lives of others.
26:30 People commit adultery because they don't respect
26:33 the sacred relationships of others.
26:37 People steal because they don't respect the property of others.
26:42 People lie because they don't respect the reputation
26:45 of others. People covet because they don't
26:48 respect the blessings God gives to other people.
26:54 Those are the people who pray: "Oh Lord, help my neighbors"
26:56 "to stop buying things I can't afford." [Audience laughs]
27:03 God gave us the 5th commandment because God knew
27:09 that a child who does not honor and respect his parents
27:13 will not honor or respect his teachers, his pastors,
27:19 his elders, not even the police.
27:25 There are many young people in jail today
27:28 all because they started with disrespect for the police.
27:34 Today, you have to have a special time of instruction
27:38 to teach your children how you talk to police.
27:42 There are many smart mouthed kids sitting in jail right now.
27:46 Parental authority forms the foundation for Godly character.
27:53 So the 5th commandments plays a pivotal role
27:58 in the advancement of God's kingdom.
28:01 You see, if the 5th commandment is disregarded,
28:04 or minimized, it makes it almost impossible
28:08 for all the other commandments to be respected.
28:13 The 5th commandment is the pipeline, the channel,
28:18 the conduit through which moral values flow to this generation
28:25 and to the next generation. The 5th commandment
28:28 is the foundation of the transmission of all other
28:33 values that you seek to impart to your children.
28:37 If we can't train children to respect parental authority,
28:41 we destroy the very foundation of the society,
28:46 the very foundation of the community,
28:49 and of the nation.
28:50 If you can't train children to respect parental authority,
28:55 there is no hope, are you with me today?
28:59 There is no hope for the family, there is no hope for the nation.
29:05 Violence against parents is on the rise.
29:10 You didn't hear me today, there was a time
29:13 when this was unheard of. God considered violence
29:17 and disrespect against parents so serious that in Bible times
29:22 it was considered a capital offence.
29:26 Disrespect for parental authority was something
29:30 you could lose your life over.
29:34 It is the foundation of a healthy community.
29:39 Years ago in New York city, true story,
29:43 they noticed a disturbing crack appear on the 42nd floor
29:48 of a high rise apartment building.
29:51 So the company that owned the building
29:53 send for the architect to investigate,
29:55 and the architect arrived and the manager heard
29:58 that he was in the building, and took the elevator
30:00 up to the 42nd floor, looked around and couldn't find him.
30:04 Someone told him, oh no, he's in the 6th basement,
30:08 6 floors down.
30:11 The man went down, took the elevator, and he found
30:14 the architect, he said: "What are you doing down here?"
30:17 "Our crack is on the 42nd floor."
30:20 The architect said: "Your crack may be on the 42 floor,"
30:24 "but your problem is here at the foundation."
30:29 True story, as it turned out a security guard
30:33 who worked in the building wanted to build a garage
30:36 unto his house, and didn't have the money,
30:39 so every evening before leaving work, he would take the elevator
30:44 to the 6th basement, and chisel out a brick, put it in his bag,
30:52 and take it home, and after 5 years of doing that,
30:57 a crack appeared on the 42nd floor.
31:01 The foundation, brothers and sister, of a respectful,
31:04 moral society, is the 5th commandment.
31:09 Every time you do not restrain a child, you chisel out
31:15 a brick from the foundation of a safe and just society.
31:22 Every time you neglect to discipline a child,
31:26 you chisel out a brick from the foundation of a strong
31:29 and healthy nation. Every time you allow a child
31:33 to say: "I hate you!" without the appropriate response,
31:45 you chisel out a brick. Any time you let a child
31:50 put his finger in your face, you chisel out a brick
31:58 from the foundation of a moral society.
32:02 You know, when we were growing up you didn't think
32:04 of saying things children say to their parents today.
32:08 You know what's really funny is I used to hear old people
32:10 saying that, and now I find myself saying it.
32:15 I guess I'm getting old too.
32:18 But one of the signs that we are living in the last days
32:23 is that the Bible says children will be disobedient to parents,
32:27 unthankful, unholy.
32:31 Now, to be honest, I too, was a very creative kid.
32:38 [Audience laughs]
32:43 That's a nice way of saying I was a handful,
32:47 but I didn't say some of the things children say
32:50 to their parents today...
32:52 ...you know, the Bart Simpson generation?
32:56 Bart Simpson wouldn't have lasted long in my generation
33:00 growing up, calling your parents names and stuff.
33:05 I was one blessed child growing up because my mother
33:10 was time enough for me. Whenever I was not
33:17 where I was supposed to be my mother had an uncanny way
33:21 of showing up, like she could read my mind,
33:27 or she had an uncanny way of hearing about it.
33:30 My mother didn't need sophisticated eavesdropping
33:34 equipment, she had the Holy Ghost.
33:40 She didn't need fancy electronic surveillance,
33:44 she had the Lord on her side.
33:47 The Holy Ghost would tell her where I was,
33:50 she would even hear about stuff I did before I even got home,
33:55 and we didn't have a telephone. [Audience laughs]
34:03 Kind of reminds me of that mother who encountered her son
34:07 on the street one day when he should have been in school,
34:11 and she listened to his stammering, creative explanation
34:16 about why he was not in school when he was supposed to be
34:20 in school. When he stopped talking he saw
34:22 this puzzled look on his mother's face and he knew
34:26 she wasn't buying that cockamamie story of his,
34:30 and he said: "Mommy, don't you believe me?"
34:34 She said: "Now baby, I don't want to accuse you of lying,"
34:37 "I'm just saying that in all of my life I have never heard"
34:42 "of school giving time off for good behavior."
34:46 [Audience laughs] "I've just never heard of it."
34:49 I think the reason I like that story is because it reminds me
34:52 of somebody I knew when... praise the Lord I'm not
34:56 what I used to be.
34:58 But I am comforted by the fact that none of us
35:02 were perfect kids, none of us.
35:09 A father of 5 children one day brought a toy home
35:14 and he called his kids together to ask which one
35:16 should have the toy, the gift, the present.
35:20 "Alright," said the father, "who is the most obedient?"
35:23 "Come on," he asked, "who never talks back to mother?"
35:28 "Come on, who does everything mother says?"
35:31 One little voice answered: "Daddy, we think you aught"
35:35 "to play with the toy because daddy," [Audience laughs]
35:39 "you're the only one who is always obedient to mom,"
35:43 "and never talks back, and does everything she says."
35:49 You know, times are rough when the only perfect kid
35:51 in the house is dad.
35:56 To be a creative kid is one problem,
36:00 but a disrespectful kid...
36:04 If you allow disrespect from a child,
36:08 you are disrespecting God. This past week
36:16 Danny Shelton and his wife and I had a chance
36:19 to meet President Bush at the White House.
36:23 While at the event, I sat next to a well dressed,
36:28 successful, articulate woman, and she said to me
36:33 in a moment of personal candor, she said:
36:37 "My biggest failure in life has been the raising of my boys."
36:44 She said: "Just before coming here to the White House"
36:46 "I spoke to one of my boys who's an alcoholic,"
36:51 "and I kept telling him, you have to give it to God,"
36:55 "He's the only one who can change you."
36:57 Brothers and sisters, in trying to raise respectful children,
37:01 sometimes, I've got to be honest with you,
37:03 I tell the Lord: "It's not a fair fight" because as fast
37:08 as you make the deposits in the hearts and minds of children,
37:12 of common sense, and virtue, and character,
37:15 there is a degenerate culture making withdrawals,
37:19 faster than we're making deposits,
37:22 and kids from good homes, where you've got prayer
37:26 and Bible study, are becoming bankrupt all because
37:31 the Devil has been chiseling out a brick.
37:34 When my wife and I were building our first home,
37:37 we would stop by the building site every day,
37:40 just to check on how things were progressing.
37:43 I was particularly interested in watching them pour
37:46 the concrete. Pouring concrete is very hard
37:51 work, but very important work, because a solid foundation
37:59 has to be poured before you build anything else on it.
38:04 When the concrete is poured you've got to shape it
38:09 before it sets, are you with me today?
38:13 Because once it sets, you can only change it by
38:18 breaking it up, you've got to get a jackhammer
38:22 to break it up. And it's the same way
38:24 with children, teaching respect is like pouring a foundation.
38:32 Teaching respect if like pouring concrete, and you better
38:37 shape it when the child is young because once it sets
38:42 it's hard to break it up. God has to get a jack hammer
38:48 before He can change some of our children.
38:53 Oh, but when it's poured right, hallelujah,
38:58 and it sets a good foundation, will last a child a lifetime,
39:05 but if it's not done right you'll start to see structural
39:09 cracks and the walls will start to shift, and the floors
39:13 will start to buckle and sometimes the whole building
39:17 starts to lean with a little compromise here,
39:21 and a little compromise there. I'll never forget years ago
39:25 my family and I, my darling wife and I,
39:28 visited the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
39:32 We were able to climb to the top of it, that was before
39:36 they closed it. They closed it around 1998
39:41 for 12 years because it was leaning so much,
39:44 and had become dangerous. The tower wasn't leaning
39:48 because of a bad design or poor workmanship,
39:51 the tower was leaning because it was built on a poor foundation.
39:59 Listen to what the servant of God says, she says:
40:01 "A virtuous character is the foundation upon which to build"
40:08 "a happy home, but if the foundation is gone,"
40:14 "the building is worthless. A daughter who does not respect"
40:20 "her father, will not respect her husband."
40:27 "A young boy who does not respect his mother"
40:30 "will not respect his wife." Children who honor their parents
40:36 are building on a sure foundation, hallelujah,
40:41 the kind of foundation that will not only last,
40:45 but give them the basis for success in life.
40:49 My mother passed away about 21 years ago.
40:54 There are days when I wish she could have been around
40:58 to see the fruit of some of what she has instilled into me.
41:06 Even today, I'm still trying to honor my mother and my father
41:12 through my life, through my ministry.
41:16 Even if your parents are deceased, did you know
41:19 the best way you can honor them is by living in such a way
41:23 that you don't bring shame to their name,
41:26 shame to their memory. You can still honor them,
41:29 you can still show honor to your parents if you live
41:32 by the principles they taught you in the word of God.
41:36 One of my dear friends, Dr. Benjamin Carson,
41:39 I'm so inspired by the way Dr. Carson takes care
41:42 of his mother.
41:46 It is not unusual when Ben Carson would travel
41:49 that he takes his wife, children, and his mother.
41:55 You know, that mother who pushed him, and believed
41:57 in him when he didn't believe in himself.
42:01 That mother who made him hand in book reports to her
42:05 when he didn't know that she couldn't read,
42:10 I believe the it was Ben Carson's respect
42:13 for his mother that saved him.
42:18 Are you listening to me today?
42:21 President Garfield, after taking the oath of office
42:23 at his inauguration, turned around and kissed his parents.
42:28 You know, you're blessed when you honor your parents
42:30 while they're still alive.
42:33 It was Oliver Wendell Holmes who once asked
42:35 what the most important factor in a man's success was,
42:38 and he answered: "choosing the right parents."
42:42 You are blessed when you've got the right parents,
42:46 parents are pivotal to a child's success or failure in this world
42:52 Did you know that much of what you become in life
42:55 depends on how you respond to your parents' authority.
43:00 Maybe you've paused to consider today
43:03 how much you really owe your parents.
43:06 You didn't come here by yourself, amen?
43:11 You are a candidate for eternity because of your parents.
43:19 You have a chance to live forever with God
43:24 because of your parents. The clothes on your back,
43:28 the house you lived in, the shelter you had,
43:30 the food you ate, I want to say thank God for my parents today.
43:37 There is no wealth, no technology, no internal assets
43:44 that can save us from evil if we don't raise up
43:47 a generation of children who understand the importance
43:51 of honoring their parents. Now remember, lastly,
43:56 this commandment is the only commandment to which
44:02 God has attached a promise: "Honor thy father"
44:09 "and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land"
44:17 "that the Lord thy God giveth thee."
44:20 I'm going to share with you some research that was just
44:22 absolutely astounding to me. In 1952 at Harvard University,
44:30 a professor by the name of Dr. Stanley King
44:32 began a study of 126 healthy men.
44:39 They asked these men how close were they to their parents.
44:46 They asked these men if they had a good relationship
44:50 with their parents. 35 years later they came back
44:56 and did a detailed medical, psychological history
45:01 on these patients, and here's what they found:
45:05 91% of the men who did not have close relationships
45:11 with their mothers developed serious diseases.
45:18 Only 45% who had good relationships with their mothers
45:24 develop serious diseases.
45:29 82% who did not have good relationships with their fathers
45:35 developed serious diseases, but the most incredible thing
45:41 they found out was that 100% of the men who did not have
45:46 close relationships with both, father and mother,
45:50 developed diseases.
45:53 So even science bears out that obeying your parents
46:02 will boost your immune system.
46:08 Obeying your parents will give you the benefit of the promise
46:13 of long life, not only in this life, but in the life to come.
46:21 I was asking myself how would I close and share
46:23 with young people the importance of the 10 commandments?
46:28 They are a hedge, a protection, but I want to say it
46:32 in a way that this generation can understand.
46:36 We live in a generation that speaks another language.
46:42 So some years ago I took my computer that was infected
46:47 with a virus to be check out. The first thing the technician
46:53 said to me was: "who turned off your firewall?"
47:01 I said: "What's a firewall?" [Audience laughs]
47:07 I didn't know what a firewall was.
47:10 Young people the 10 commandments are a moral firewall
47:19 and you can't live in a world of evil without a firewall.
47:27 The 10 commandments are a firewall for God's people.
47:32 If you dismiss them as being irrelevant,
47:35 there is no protection against the evil that is in the world.
47:39 Whether your parents are living or dead,
47:42 whether they were good parents or not,
47:44 today I want you to make a commitment to honor
47:48 your mother and your father.
47:52 I want you to make a commitment to teach children
47:57 how to honor their parents, and yes, to honor you,
48:03 even Jesus kept this commandment. When He was dying,
48:07 Jesus stopped dying on the cross long enough
48:11 to provide for His mother, He looked at His mother
48:13 and said: "Mother, I've gone with you as far as I can go,"
48:18 "but now I place you in the care of one I love."
48:22 "I trust and I respect my disciple John."
48:27 We are living in an age when too many of our young people
48:30 are bold in sin. What do we do?
48:35 We've got to fight for our children.
48:40 You didn't hear what I said! We've got to fight
48:44 for our children. God has told us:
48:46 "train up a child in the way he should go,"
48:50 "do the best you can, leave the rest to Jesus."
48:55 There is something that we must do, we've got to fight
48:59 for our children, why? Because, did you know,
49:02 that a child who is rebellious will not be in the New Earth.
49:08 A child who does not obey their parents will not be
49:14 in the New Earth, why? Because God is saying:
49:17 "If you can't respect and obey your parents on this earth,"
49:22 "I can't bring you to my eternal kingdom, where you"
49:25 "will disrespect Me forever."
49:29 So God calls upon us to hold a destiny of our children sacred
49:34 and I'm here to tell you today: fight for your children!
49:39 Fight for their salvation! Fight for your children!
49:46 You mothers who set aside your vocations and your careers
49:50 to raise your children, don't give up now.
49:55 Fight for your children. By the world's standards,
49:59 your contribution may seem ordinary, don't give up,
50:04 fight for your children, you never got a paycheck
50:08 for raising your child, but you did it because of love.
50:13 Don't give up now, fight for you child.
50:17 Yes, you never got a promotion, you never got a citation,
50:20 but don't give up, God, through you,
50:25 praise His name, and through your prayers,
50:29 God will bring salvation to your children.
50:35 Anybody here today say praise God?
50:38 [Audience replies] Praise God.
50:39 Thank Him for this commandment because without it
50:46 we would not have obedience to any of the other commandments.
50:52 How many of you say: "I'm not going to give up on my child?"
51:01 "I'm going to fight for my child."
51:08 I want to put it all in the hands of Jesus today
51:11 because He's the one that gives us the strength, amen?
51:15 There's a song that I want to share with you before
51:17 we leave today. It says:
51:19 "I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus."
51:25 "How I found in Him a friend so strong and true."
51:31 "I would tell you how He changed my life completely."
51:35 "He did something no one else could do."
51:59 I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus,
52:07 since I found in Him a friend so strong and true.
52:14 I would tell you how He changed my life completely,
52:22 He did something that no other friend could do.
52:30 No one ever cared for me like Jesus.
52:38 There's no other friend so kind as He.
52:45 No one ever else could take the sin and darkness from me.
52:54 O how much He cared for me.
53:05 All my life was full of sin when Jesus found me,
53:13 all my life was full of misery and woe,
53:20 Jesus placed His strong and loving arms around me
53:27 and He led me in the way I aught to go.
53:35 No one ever cared for me like Jesus,
53:42 there's no other friend so kind as He.
53:48 No one else could take the sin and darkness from me,
54:00 O how much He cared for me.
54:31 Everyday He comes to me with new assurance,
54:37 more and more I understand His words of love,
54:44 but I'll never know just why He came to save me,
54:52 till one day I see His blessed face of love.
54:59 No one ever cared for me like Jesus,
55:07 there's no other friend so kind as He.
55:14 No one else can take the sin and darkness from me,
55:25 O how much He cared for me.
55:36 O how much He cared for me.
56:12 How many of you know God cares for your children?
56:19 So now matter how hard it is,
56:23 no matter how difficult it has been,
56:27 don't give up on them because God has prepared a crown
56:33 for your child. We praise the Lord
56:37 for joining us through His Holy Spirit's presence
56:41 in our worship today. Have you been blessed?
56:46 You've been blessed of God.
56:49 We want to thank those from all around the world
56:52 who have been listening to this service today.
56:56 Anytime you're in the Orlando area, we welcome you
57:00 to our church, praise His name,
57:04 the Palm Bay SDA church.
57:08 We leave you with this song from our mass choir,
57:12 and we're asking you, keep praying for your children
57:18 that they will learn to honor God, Praise the Lord.


Revised 2014-12-17