Ten Commandments Day Marathon

Commandment Overview -

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: T. Marshall Kelly


Series Code: TCDM

Program Code: TCDM000006

00:01 Jesus said: "If you love Me, keep my commandments. "
00:05 Now people all over the world are turning back to God's
00:08 eternal moral law, claiming His promise to write them
00:12 in our hearts and our minds. Live from the DC Armory
00:15 in our nations capital, 3ABN presents
00:19 The Commandments Weekend.
00:26 Hello, I'm Shelly Quinn and welcome back to 3ABN's
00:29 10 Commandment weekend.
00:31 We're here in Washington DC with a live audience
00:33 and this sermon will be the 7th hour of our 17 hour
00:38 live broadcast, and we're going to have brother
00:42 T. Marshall Kelly, who is known for being an ambassador of God's
00:47 love and his message today is "It's all about love. "
00:51 But first we have a very special person with us,
00:55 who is going to sing a beautiful song for us, and this pastor is
01:00 really connected to T. Marshall Kelly because it was
01:03 T. Marshall who encouraged him to stir up the gift that God
01:08 had given him for singing. Brother Kelly was his teacher
01:12 in high school and that's where he got his inspiration.
01:16 So it's my joy to introduce to you our brother
01:19 Adrian Pressley, who is an associate pastor
01:22 for nurturing and counseling at the Kansas Avenue SDA Church
01:28 in Riverside, California. He's going to be singing
01:31 one of my favorites "Holy, Holy, Holy"
01:57 Holy, holy, holy!
02:03 Lord God Almighty!
02:09 Early in the morning
02:14 our song shall rise to Thee;
02:21 Holy, holy, holy,
02:27 merciful and mighty!
02:33 God in three Persons,
02:39 blessed Trinity!
02:49 Holy, holy, holy!
02:54 Angels adore Thee,
03:00 Casting down their bright crowns
03:05 before the glassy sea;
03:12 Thousands and ten thousands
03:18 worship Lord before Thee,
03:24 which wert, and art,
03:29 and evermore shall be.
03:39 Holy, holy, holy!
03:45 Though darkness hide thee,
03:51 though the eye of man
03:56 thy great glory may not see,
04:03 only thou art holy;
04:09 there is none beside thee,
04:15 perfect in power,
04:20 in love and purity.
04:37 Holy, holy, holy!
04:44 Lord God Almighty!
04:50 All thy works shall praise thy name,
04:56 in earth and sky and sea.
05:04 Holy, holy, holy!
05:11 Merciful and mighty,
05:18 God in three persons,
05:25 blessed Trinity.
05:30 God in three person,
05:40 blessed Trinity.
05:53 Holy, Holy!
06:06 [Clapping Shouts of "Amen"]
06:09 Amen. Thank you.
06:11 Beautiful.
06:13 Beautiful.
06:14 Wow.
06:15 Well it's a great privilege for me, and an honor,
06:18 to introduce a man of God.
06:21 I've heard T. Marshall sing
06:24 for many many years. I've only had the privilege
06:26 of hearing him preach on a few occasions.
06:30 A few months ago we were able to hear him preach about the
06:34 commandments of God and an overview.
06:36 And I said, we need him at the 10 commandments weekend.
06:39 T. Marshall Kelly is somebody who has been in ministry
06:41 for over 45 years, taught at Oakwood College
06:45 for many years, he's a pastor, he's a singer
06:49 and he's literally traveled the world,
06:52 given his life for Jesus.
06:53 People that I meet around the world, students,
06:56 former students, and I told my family
06:58 this morning the thing that they always say
07:00 about T. Marshall Kelly, even when we were in college,
07:03 and maybe we weren't serious about the Lord,
07:07 all Brother Kelly ever did was love us back to Jesus.
07:13 Oh to have a legacy like that behind you that people would say
07:17 "He always loved us and pointed us to Jesus, no matter what. "
07:22 So it's a privilege and an honor once again to have
07:25 Brother T. Marshall Kelly as a feature speaker today
07:28 and thank you Brother Kelly, you know that we love you
07:30 and appreciate you.
07:31 I'm going to hug you, ok? There you go.
07:34 [Clapping]
07:43 First of all, I'd like to say I'm grateful
07:49 I'm so grateful that
07:52 elder Pressley sang, since I can't sing right now.
07:58 But I'm thankful
08:02 and my father told me when I was a boy, he said:
08:06 "Son, never allow your head to get big"
08:10 "because your replacement is already walking around. "
08:16 Each of us has a significant role to play.
08:21 I want to thank brother Danny Shelton
08:23 and the 3ABN family
08:26 for their invitation here today
08:30 and my wife and I are glad to be with you.
08:34 I want to thank those of you who have prayed for me
08:38 through the years.
08:40 You've written me letters and told me:
08:43 "I'm praying for you. " And I want to say thank you
08:48 because we are a family
08:52 and I ask you today
08:54 to pray that God will speak to your heart.
09:00 Let us pray.
09:03 Eternal Father in Heaven
09:07 I can't reach all of the varied mind that are here today.
09:13 Something that I might say or do might turn them off, but Lord
09:17 don't let them be turned off.
09:20 I pray that the Holy Spirit
09:22 will convict them of their sins,
09:26 point them to Christ, who is an all sufficient Savior
09:32 and trouble their hearts that they will not play with sin
09:36 because the judgment is in progress.
09:41 May Jesus Christ be exalted
09:45 May Thy name be glorified
09:49 and Lord, make all of us here today who are willing
09:53 a channel of your love.
09:56 This is our prayer
09:59 in the worthy name of Jesus.
10:07 I looked into the book of God
10:11 and I ask you to turn in your Bible to Jeremiah 31:3.
10:19 I would appreciate it if you wouldn't mind,
10:22 those of you here
10:23 in the Armory, if you would read with me Jeremiah 31:3.
10:32 And it reads, when you find it join me please:
10:37 "The Lord hath appeared of old unto me,"
10:42 "saying, Yea,"
10:45 "I have loved thee with an everlasting love:"
10:50 "therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee. "
10:57 "I have loved thee with an everlasting love. "
11:02 "Therefore with loving kindness"
11:06 "have I drawn thee. "
11:08 When we use the word "God" there are terms that we use like
11:13 "God","Omnipotent", "Omniscient" "Omnipresent", "Ever lasting"
11:18 we don't understand what we are saying.
11:22 How can a finite being explain
11:26 even in his best vocabulary
11:29 what it means to be infinite.
11:33 So, when we talk about God's characteristic we are only
11:37 taking like a teacup of sand on the grain of knowledge.
11:43 I thought that I would check in the World Book Encyclopedia
11:48 and I came across this, the Spirit had led me to look
11:51 up the word "galaxies". "Galaxies".
11:55 When you talk about God's greatness and God's goodness,
11:59 we really are just playing with words.
12:04 How can I, who am finite who could not lift 1000 pounds
12:10 talk about someone who is all powerful?
12:14 The galaxies.
12:16 "The galaxies," I wrote down, "are a system of stars and dust"
12:24 "held together by gravity. "
12:29 I wanted to know how many galaxies there were.
12:35 And the World Book says this, the World Book says that there
12:40 are at least 100 billion galaxies.
12:47 Now I can't even understand 1 billion, much 100 billion.
12:54 When it says that there are some galaxies that are
12:58 200 million miles across, I can't understand that.
13:03 I've traveled to a lot of places in the world,
13:05 but none of them are that far apart.
13:09 So, I looked at the dictionary and it said there that
13:13 the smaller galaxies
13:17 have a little over a billion stars.
13:23 It said larger galaxies have approximately a trillion stars.
13:32 So when you think about God please do not try
13:36 to put Him in a box.
13:38 Please do not try
13:41 to circumscribe Him with Bible texts.
13:44 You're talking about someone who is so infinite and so great
13:49 and yet He's a God of love.
13:54 The message today is "It's all about Love".
13:58 When you think about all of the galaxies that there are
14:03 then you can read John 3:16, and let's say it together:
14:07 "For God so loved this little tiny world"
14:12 "in the Milky Way"
14:15 "that He gave His only begotten Son"
14:20 "that who so ever believeth in Him,"
14:23 "should not perish, but have everlasting life. "
14:28 God loves the world, God has always loved the world,
14:32 God has never loved one country more than another,
14:36 God has never loved one ethnic group more than another,
14:40 God has never just loved your group and nobody else,
14:44 He loves the world and everyone in it.
14:49 He loves the agnostic, He loves the skeptic,
14:52 He loves the atheist, He loves the person that doesn't
14:55 even believe He exists
14:59 because His love is so broad He is not afraid.
15:03 I remember meeting with some of my students
15:05 who one time said they were atheist.
15:08 So I told them, I said: "Don't worry,"
15:10 "the Lord is not in heaven biting His fingernails"
15:13 "because you think He doesn't exist. "
15:19 I pray this day that we will recognize
15:22 that the 10 commandments were spoken by God.
15:26 As sister Shelly Quinn told us last night,
15:29 they were written by God not one time, but they were
15:33 written by God twice.
15:37 Anything that God speaks once and writes twice
15:42 has to be important.
15:45 And yet, when God wants us to Love Him, He knows that
15:49 without Him we can't even love Him.
15:53 The love that we give to God must come from God.
15:58 We can't manufacture it.
16:00 People can't scare us into loving God
16:04 by talking about hell.
16:06 Fear is a weak motivation for any kind of lifestyle.
16:10 In fact, fear doesn't last too long.
16:14 You can't get but so afraid.
16:16 And yet, love is so broad
16:19 that the more you give away,
16:22 the more you have to give away.
16:26 One day, Jesus was confronted by a Jewish scribe, or lawyer
16:32 as they called him, and I would appreciate it
16:34 if you wouldn't mind looking with me in the
16:36 book of Mark 12:28-34,
16:43 and I invite you, please, to read along with me,
16:46 I get lonesome when I'm just hearing my voice,
16:49 so would you just read with me please,
16:52 Mark 12:28-34.
16:57 Let's read it together.
17:00 "And one of the scribes came,"
17:03 "and having heard them reasoning together,"
17:05 "and perceiving that he had answered them well,"
17:09 "asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?"
17:13 "And Jesus answered him," let's read it together,
17:16 "The first of all the commandments is,"
17:19 "Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:"
17:25 "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,"
17:31 "and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,"
17:35 "and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. "
17:40 "And the second is like, namely this,"
17:42 "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. "
17:46 "There is none other commandment greater than these. "
17:51 And then later on, the scribe says:
17:53 "You answered right. " and the Lord said
17:56 "Well, you're not far from the kingdom. "
17:59 "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,"
18:03 "mind, soul and strength. "
18:07 I can't exhaust the beautiful life of Jesus Christ.
18:13 I just enjoy reading about Jesus everyday.
18:18 In the gospels, throughout scripture,
18:22 He is the central figure of scripture.
18:25 Not Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Paul, name the others,
18:29 they're marvelous servants of the most high God,
18:32 but there's one central figure that stands above all others
18:36 and His name is Jesus.
18:38 And I want to encourage you to spend at least
18:41 that thoughtful hour each day on the life of Jesus Christ.
18:45 You can't exhaust His life, the more you study Him,
18:50 the more you will want to be like Him, and notice this,
18:54 the more you want to be like Jesus,
18:57 the more you will hate sin.
19:02 Unless you focus on Jesus,
19:05 you'll find yourself trying to manipulate God.
19:09 Picking out the commandments that you want to keep
19:12 and ignoring the others. But when you look at Jesus,
19:16 God hates all sin. Many of us hate certain sins,
19:20 but only God hates all sin.
19:25 As a result of that I want you to consider Jesus' life,
19:29 consider the fact that He existed with the Father
19:33 before He came to this world.
19:37 In John 17:5 He makes this observation:
19:41 "And Thou, Father, glorify Thou Me with the"
19:44 "glory which I had with Thee before the world was. "
19:50 And then He comes down here and allows Himself,
19:53 according to Philippians 2:5-8,
19:56 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,"
20:01 "who being in the form of God"
20:03 "thought it not robbery to be equal with God,"
20:06 "but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him"
20:10 "the form of a servant and was made in the likeness"
20:13 "of man. And being found in fashion as a man,"
20:17 "He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death,"
20:21 "even the death of the cross. " Think about the incarnation,
20:26 how He came down and walked the Earth,
20:29 He didn't ride,
20:31 He walked;
20:33 He got tired,
20:35 He got hungry,
20:37 He wanted human companionship and when He needed
20:41 His disciples the most, they were asleep.
20:45 On the way to the cross, He said: "All of you"
20:48 "are going to forsake Me and leave Me alone. "
20:51 At the time when He needed them most, they ran away.
20:56 The more you read His life, you can't exhaust His life.
21:03 And that's why, when you look at Jesus,
21:05 and especially the closing scenes of His life,
21:09 how He let human beings that He had created,
21:14 slap Him in the face, spit on Him,
21:18 put a crown of thorns on His head,
21:21 hit His head with a stick.
21:23 On those crown of thorns that drove the headthing
21:28 down into His brown and the blood came down,
21:32 and then He allowed them to make Him naked,
21:36 and crucify Him on a cross. Why?
21:39 So that brother Kelly
21:42 and all of you who are sitting here today, and those of you
21:46 around the world, I don't care how remote
21:48 your village, I don't care how far away you are
21:51 from modern civilization.
21:55 God has a place you in His heart that nobody else can take!
22:03 Stop putting yourself down, or comparing yourself
22:07 with somebody else. If God had wanted you
22:10 to be somebody else, He would have made you somebody else.
22:15 If God made any two people alike, one of them
22:18 would be unnecessary.
22:21 And no matter how old you are, or how young you are,
22:25 and no matter how badly people may treat you,
22:29 you have a place in God's heart that God wants to fill,
22:33 and you have unique talents and gifts and abilities
22:37 and skills and potential, that you will never
22:41 fully realize until you have everlasting life.
22:46 Don't think that you were an accident.
22:51 No matter how you were born, you had to come here
22:55 at the permission of God
22:58 and there's somebody on this planet,
23:00 that will be influenced by you to accept Christ,
23:03 that would not be influenced by me.
23:06 Each of us has a sphere of influence over which
23:11 God wants to use you and use me,
23:14 and use everyone else. That's why there's never a time
23:21 to be rude to people.
23:23 Never a time to mistreat them,
23:27 to be unkind to them,
23:29 they don't even have to like you
23:34 when you say that you are a Christian,
23:37 and you keep the commandments of God,
23:40 the commandments, the first 4, deal with our love to God,
23:43 the last 6, our love to our fellow man.
23:46 It's love all the way around.
23:48 How does God treat you
23:51 when you last broke his commandments?
23:55 Did God just cut you off like that?
23:58 Absolutely not!
24:01 And that's how He wants you to treat people.
24:04 I read a quotation by one of God's servants,
24:07 and it was this quotation:
24:10 "The love of Christ is diffusive and aggressive. "
24:18 It's so important to remember another quotation that I read,
24:25 and it said this: "The most degraded person"
24:31 think in you mind now who the most degraded person
24:35 might be, "The most degraded person"
24:40 "should be treated"
24:43 "with respect"
24:46 "and tenderness. "
24:49 Not the nicest person you've ever met, the most degraded.
24:56 And that's how Jesus treated us.
25:00 I brought this rope out here
25:04 sometimes when you work
25:08 with young people,
25:10 you try your best to keep their attention.
25:16 I didn't always succeed
25:21 but I have this rope,
25:24 and I'm trying to untangle it
25:29 and I was talking to a group of children.
25:35 So I said to the young people,
25:39 and I took out some money,
25:42 and I said: "Anyone here"
25:46 "that can come up here and stand on this rope"
25:50 "and pull themselves up off the floor,"
25:56 "I will give this $20 bill. "
26:00 Well I knew that no one would even think
26:03 that was sensible.
26:06 But a little boy ran out of the crowd
26:08 and said: "I can do it pastor Kelly. "
26:10 I said: "Son, you can't do it. I didn't mean to deceive you,"
26:13 "but you can't do that. "
26:16 "Oh," he said, "yes I can, let me have it. "
26:17 So he got the rope,
26:19 and he put his foot on the rope and he tried to pull,
26:22 and you could see the veins coming out on his neck,
26:25 and his face turned red and he was pulling,
26:28 and I said: "Son, I didn't mean to deceive you,"
26:30 "you can't do this. "
26:34 And people laughed, but let me ask you:
26:40 Can the Ethiopian change his skin?
26:44 Can a leopard change his spots?
26:47 Then you can't keep the 10 commandments of God
26:52 unless you allow Jesus Christ to live out His law in you.
26:56 Paul said: "I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless,"
27:00 "I live yet not I, but Christ liveth in you. "
27:04 When you tell a drug addict "Just quit taking drugs. "
27:07 When you tell somebody "Just quit stealing!"
27:09 tell somebody else "Quit committing adultery. "
27:12 They can't quit in their own strength, they have to have
27:14 a power outside of themselves. If they are willing,
27:17 God is able to give them power, but they can't
27:21 do it on their own. Fussing at them,
27:23 trying to scare them won't do any good.
27:25 People are not scared into serving God.
27:28 People fall in love with Jesus because of His great sacrifice
27:32 on the cross. That's what makes them want to be His child.
27:37 Paul tried to scare me, I was brought up into church,
27:40 tried to scare me with hellfire, and 7 last plagues and all that,
27:44 I said: "Well look, the way they lived, they'll be"
27:47 "right there along with me. "
27:52 But when my pastor told me,
27:56 he told me his only love.
28:00 He said: "What would you do if somebody"
28:03 "had saved your life?
28:07 Would you be willing to obey them, or help them?"
28:11 I said: "Yes. "
28:14 Well, it happened.
28:17 I wanted to learn how to swim
28:23 and I jumped into water
28:27 that was too deep for me.
28:34 I went down the first time.
28:37 I came up, I started grabbing for paper on the water.
28:44 I started swallowing water,
28:47 I couldn't touch the bottom.
28:50 And I heard two men sitting on the rocks said:
28:55 "That boy can't swim. "
28:59 One was an African American and the other was a Caucasian man,
29:04 and they jumped in the water in Lake Erie,
29:06 outside of Cleveland, Ohio,
29:09 and they pulled me out of the water.
29:13 They said: "Young man, what going on?"
29:15 I told them what I was trying to do.
29:17 They said: "Don't jump into water 16 feet deep"
29:20 "next time. "
29:23 I didn't ask those men what church they went to.
29:27 I didn't ask them were they agnostics or atheists.
29:31 I wanted my life, and that's what Jesus did for us.
29:37 He came into this ugly, sinful, selfish world and went
29:42 through all kinds of trouble just to redeem us from our sins.
29:48 And I want you to know this morning, that God
29:51 knows every sin in your life and in mine,
29:54 and He hates sin,
29:56 and last night we heard one of the pastors saying
30:00 how God wants to separate us from our sins.
30:04 He loves the sinner, but He hates the sin.
30:08 He can't take the sin to heaven, but he can take
30:11 the sinner who will allow Him to separate him from sin
30:15 on his way.
30:17 He gave us these commandments which point out what sin
30:21 really is.
30:23 Now some people think, and I must tell you this
30:26 in all honesty, Satan is a liar.
30:31 John 8:44.
30:35 Satan will lead you into sin,
30:39 and then let you get away with it for a long time.
30:46 And then he'll come to you and say to you:
30:49 "You know one thing,"
30:51 "you are one of the smoothest, cleverest sinners"
30:56 "that ever lived. "
30:59 "You've been going at that man's wife"
31:01 "for 10 years, and you're still an elder in the church. "
31:07 "You been watching pornography for 15 years and you're still"
31:12 "one of the head deacons. "
31:14 "You've been taking God's tithe for at least 20 years,"
31:19 "putting on the tithe line money that wasn't tithe. "
31:23 And by the way, anything less than one tenth
31:27 is not tithe, it's a tip.
31:33 But you can take an envelope and put it on the tithe line
31:38 and the church doesn't know anything,
31:42 but God knows.
31:45 I beg of you today, I hope none of you
31:48 tried to impress God that you are something that you're not.
31:54 If you are a sinner and you come to Him and say: "Oh Lord,
31:57 I need You, these are the things in my life. " He already knows
32:01 what's in your life. He sees you in the darkness,
32:05 He sees you in the light. When you read Psalm 139,
32:09 and we need to look at that Psalm today.
32:12 Psalm 139:1-5.
32:16 I would appreciate it if you find it to join me.
32:20 "O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. "
32:23 "Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising,"
32:26 "thou understandest my thought afar off. "
32:29 "Thou compassest my path and my lying down,"
32:32 "and art acquainted with all my ways. "
32:35 "For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord,"
32:39 "thou knowest it altogether. Thou hast beset me"
32:43 "behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. "
32:46 "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. "
32:51 The Lord sees Brother Kelly, He sees me 24 hours a day
32:54 7 days a week.
32:56 He has never been impressed with anything that I
33:00 have ever done because He reads my heart
33:05 and the motives that prompt my deeds and my words.
33:15 He knows me.
33:18 I remember when Jeroboam, his son was sick.
33:25 And Jeroboam hadn't lived a good life.
33:30 So Jeroboam wouldn't dare go to God's prophet by himself,
33:34 so he told his wife, he told his wife: "Now wife,"
33:40 "don't dress up like a queen. "
33:43 Their little baby was sick.
33:46 "Dress up like an ordinary woman"
33:50 "and go to the prophet,"
33:53 "the prophet has failing eye sight anyway,"
33:57 "so he won't known. "
34:00 "And ask the prophet, as an ordinary woman,"
34:04 "will our son live?"
34:08 Well here is a prophet
34:10 who has failing eye sight,
34:13 a woman disguised,
34:16 but don't you know God knows?
34:21 And the Lord told the prophet
34:24 "Jeroboam's wife is coming to see you. "
34:29 "When her foot hits the threshold of the door"
34:34 "I'll let you know. "
34:36 When her foot hit the threshold of the door,
34:39 the prophet who had failing eye sight said:
34:42 "Come in, wife of Jeroboam. "
34:46 "You want to know whether your child will live. "
34:50 Brothers and sisters, don't waste your time trying
34:53 to hide your sins from God, it just won't work.
34:58 David thought he had covered his sins for almost a year,
35:03 until the prophet came to him. That's why the word of God says:
35:07 "If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just"
35:11 "to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all"
35:15 "unrighteousness. "
35:16 The commandments of God, "who so becomes in sin"
35:19 "transgrethes also the law, for sin is the transgression"
35:23 "of the law. "
35:24 And the law has two parts, there's sins of omission
35:28 and sins of commission.
35:33 Every negative commandment
35:36 implies a positive, every what?
35:41 "Though shalt worship the Lord thy God. "
35:44 "Thou shall have no other gods. "
35:46 How's that summed up? "Worship the Lord thy God with"
35:49 "all thy heart, soul and mind. "
35:52 I beg of you today, please,
35:55 we are so good at leading double lives.
36:00 We're so good in looking good and people
36:02 saying that we're good, yet God reads our heart.
36:06 My mind's having a little flashback.
36:08 My mind's flashing back to Samuel.
36:12 Samuel was told to go to the house of Jesse
36:14 to find the next kind of Israel, and so, Samuel goes to the house
36:19 of Jesse and when he sees this tall, good looking son
36:23 called Eliab, the first born of the people of God,
36:27 the first born. Samuel said: "Surely, this is the man. "
36:33 And the Lord spoke to Samuel these words found in
36:36 1 Samuel 16:7, you know what it says there?
36:39 he says: "Samuel, wait a minute, don't anoint him. "
36:46 "Don't look at his stature,"
36:48 "how good looking he is. "
36:50 "I have refused him. "
36:53 And then this little [?Jim?] is there, it says what?
36:57 "Man looketh on the outward appearance, but God"
37:03 "looketh on the heart. "
37:06 May I share with you that God read me and God reads you 24/7,
37:13 and that's why I need Jesus every day of my life.
37:17 God is still working on me
37:19 and He's still working on you. The Holy Spirit not only
37:23 convicts us of sin, but He points us always to Jesus
37:27 and He doesn't let the judgment slip up on us.
37:31 There's some people who look good, talk good,
37:35 smell good, sound good,
37:39 but inside... inside...
37:44 One of my classmates
37:47 was always in the hall
37:50 getting after the theology majors.
37:55 Trying to discredit the Bible in some way,
37:59 and I wondered what was the reason behind it.
38:05 So I said to him one day: "You weren't born that way. "
38:10 "What happened?"
38:11 "I'm just a thinker. " "I know, I know"
38:14 "you're a thinker but there's something in you"
38:17 "that is rankling you. I don't know what it is. "
38:20 So I just kept trying to get it out of him.
38:23 I kept trying, and finally, it came out.
38:27 We were in the bathroom late one night
38:31 and he told me the truth.
38:37 "my father is a deacon in the church. "
38:42 "And my daddy is loved"
38:46 "by everybody in the church,"
38:49 "they think he's ready for translation. "
38:54 He said: "But he's not ready for translation"
38:58 "because he is so mean to my mother. "
39:02 "There are times he gets upset with my mother and he will not"
39:06 "speak to her for two weeks. "
39:09 "When he wants to communicate something he will say:"
39:13 "Tell your mother to do this. Ask your mother about that. "
39:17 "But he won't speak to her directly. "
39:21 Are you a Christian at home?
39:26 Or just at church?
39:30 God reads the heart.
39:33 If for some reason you don't see Brother Kelly
39:37 in the kingdom of heaven,
39:38 God will have my whole life history on a microchip.
39:46 In the event you want to know what went on, it'll be there,
39:50 and there won't be any scenes missing. You're talking about
39:54 a DVD. A DVD is nothing in comparison to what God has
39:58 in His audio recording studio.
40:02 Pictures, sound and the motives.
40:07 No man can clip around on his wife, be unfaithful
40:10 to his wife by accident.
40:13 No. 1: He has to get in the car.
40:18 Come out of his house, get in the car, turn on the key.
40:24 Drive to the end of the driveway, backup.
40:27 Notice all the decisive things that he's doing.
40:32 Satan didn't make him do anything.
40:35 He made a deliberate decision and God knows when you have
40:40 decided in your mind what you're going to do.
40:46 The church doesn't know it, and you can fool everybody
40:50 but God!
40:53 And you can't even fool all the people
40:55 because some people know where you go.
41:00 Brothers and sisters, the commandments of God
41:03 are going to stand forever.
41:06 In fact, when last have you said all of the 10 commandments?
41:11 It would be a wonderful thing for us to practice that
41:13 right now.
41:15 Let's see how many you can say out of all the of the
41:17 10 commandments. Now remember this,
41:21 there's no commandment greater than any other commandment.
41:26 Can you say Amen to that? [Audience replies] Amen
41:30 Let's say it together. "And God"... don't start
41:33 with "Thou shalt not"
41:36 "And God spake all these words,"
41:39 "saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee"
41:44 "out of the land of Egypt,"
41:46 "out of the house of bondage. "
41:49 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me. "
41:54 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any"
41:58 "likeness of any thing that is in heaven above,"
42:03 "or that is in the earth beneath,"
42:05 "or that is in the waters under the earth. "
42:08 "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:"
42:13 "for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,"
42:16 "visiting the iniquities of the fathers"
42:19 "upon the children unto the third and fourth"
42:21 "generation of them that hate me;"
42:24 "And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me,"
42:29 "and keep my commandments. "
42:31 "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain;"
42:36 "for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh"
42:40 "his name in vain. Remember the Sabbath day,"
42:44 "to keep it holy. "
42:45 "Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:"
42:49 "But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD"
42:52 "thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son,"
42:58 "nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant,"
43:01 "nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle,"
43:04 "nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:"
43:07 "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea,"
43:12 "and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day:"
43:16 "wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day,"
43:19 "and hallowed it. "
43:21 "Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days"
43:24 "may be long upon the land"
43:26 "which the LORD thy God giveth thee. "
43:29 "Thou shalt not kill. "
43:31 "Thou shalt not commit adultery. "
43:33 "Thou shalt not steal. "
43:35 "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. "
43:39 "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house,"
43:42 "thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife,"
43:45 "nor his manservant, nor his maidservant,"
43:47 "nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is"
43:52 "thy neighbor's. "
43:54 Without Christ, it's like trying to lift yourself up
43:59 by your boot straps.
44:03 Only when Christ dwells within, when I'm crucified with Christ,
44:07 "Nevertheless, I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me. "
44:12 "So that the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by"
44:16 "the faith of the son of God who loved me"
44:19 "and gave Himself for me. "
44:23 When you take the commandments of God and they point out sin,
44:27 they let us know what God does not want.
44:31 And friends of mine, there are people out there today
44:34 who need you to show them Calvary's cross because
44:38 when they see Calvary's cross they are going to want to turn
44:41 away from their sins which put Jesus on the cross
44:46 in the first place.
44:49 Point up, exalt Jesus Christ, exalt His life,
44:53 His sinless life, His perfect life.
44:57 Exalt the fact that Jesus suffered, Jesus died, Jesus
45:02 was resurrected, Jesus ascended, Jesus is now our mediator
45:07 in the heavenly sanctuary.
45:09 And the more you look at Jesus, the more you will hate sin.
45:15 It won't be because you're scared, it won't be
45:18 because hellfire, it won't be because of the 7 last plagues.
45:23 You'll turn from sin
45:25 because when you see what my sins and your sins
45:28 did to Jesus, it'll make us hate that sin, and we'll want
45:33 to help others, and we'll not feel superior to each other.
45:38 There's no Christian
45:40 who should go anywhere
45:42 putting other people down
45:44 because "to whom much is given,"
45:47 "much is required. If you know more than I know,"
45:51 "you should do more than I do. "
45:55 And there's a whole world out there, and by the way,
45:58 believe it or not, Jesus said
46:01 the only way people really know that you belong to Me,
46:05 take your Bible now and turn to John 13 if you will.
46:10 John 13:35
46:19 And we're going to read together.
46:22 And I can tell you brothers and sisters that every time
46:26 I think about it, it amazes me.
46:31 Many of you believe in washing feet.
46:36 Celebrating the ordnance of humility, as they call it,
46:41 but how many of us
46:43 wash the feet of people we don't know?
46:49 You can wash your friend's feet for 35 and 40 years,
46:55 that won't prove very much.
46:57 How many of you have washed a teenager's feet?
47:01 How many of you have washed a little child that
47:03 had been baptized, he's 10 years old.
47:06 How many of you have washed a little child's feet 10 years
47:09 of age?
47:12 The purpose of that service is not just to go through
47:15 a ritual.
47:16 It's supposed to let everybody know that you're somebody,
47:20 because the same Jesus that died for you, died for me,
47:25 and I'm honored to wash your feet.
47:28 I praise the Lord, and I ask you today,
47:32 let's read John 13:35, this is what Jesus said,
47:36 I didn't say it, Jesus said it.
47:38 Let's read together:
47:41 "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples,"
47:46 "if ye have love one for another. "
47:55 She missed him.
47:57 She was his Sabbath school teacher,
48:01 and she missed him.
48:04 And so, she went to see him.
48:09 When she got to the house
48:12 the young man saw her coming.
48:16 He did not want to be bothered,
48:21 so he goes out of the backdoor
48:25 and she doesn't see him again...
48:28 that time,
48:30 but she comes back again.
48:35 He sees her, and they have a game going on.
48:40 As she would come, he would leave.
48:44 She would come again, he would leave.
48:46 Oh, by the way,
48:48 that's the way the Holy Spirit does you.
48:53 He's not going to ever let you alone.
48:58 As long as there is hope for your salvation,
49:02 He will come again, and again and again, and I want to ask you
49:08 don't put people down who don't respond
49:12 the first time. Stay with them, love them, go back to see them,
49:18 care about them.
49:23 She went 19 times.
49:30 The last time she went, the boy's father, who wasn't
49:34 a Christian, said these words to her: "Lady, you sure must"
49:38 "love my son. "
49:41 He said: "I'm his daddy,"
49:44 "and I want you to know that next week"
49:47 "he's going to be in church. I'll see to it. "
49:54 What about the teenagers in your church?
49:59 What about the people who were dropped from the role
50:03 because of their discipline and their behavior.
50:07 Do you still love them?
50:11 Will you go out of your way to save them?
50:14 What about your relatives? When you take out
50:18 your check book, how much money have you spent on your
50:23 relatives? Your uncles, aunts, cousins and others
50:26 who don't know Christ, How much have you spent on them
50:29 to give them the 3 angle's messages
50:32 and tell them about God's love.
50:34 How much money have you spent?
50:36 How much time have you spent?
50:41 We buy shoes, dresses, cars, boats, planes, travel wherever
50:45 we want to go, how much money have you spent?
50:48 One sent his brother the "Message" magazine
50:50 for 30 years.
50:53 As the Message magazine came to the house
50:56 the brother would say: "My brother is trying to make me"
50:59 "a Christian, I don't want to hear it. " and he wouldn't
51:01 throw it away, he would just go and put it over in the garage.
51:05 One day the Message magazine came and it caught his eye
51:10 and guess what he did, he started reading it.
51:18 He was changed.
51:20 He gave his life to the Lord
51:22 to walk in the 3 angle's message of light.
51:26 Don't stop loving people because they turn you down,
51:29 because you don't want to be bothered. Just ask God for
51:32 another way to go back to them.
51:37 And your children, some of your children
51:39 are no longer Christians.
51:41 You brought them up, learnt about Jesus Christ,
51:45 sent them to Christian schools.
51:47 Don't put them down because they don't dress
51:50 like you want them to dress,
51:52 or look the way you want them to look,
51:55 and don't tell them that they embarrass you.
51:58 Look how we embarrass God with the things He knows
52:01 about us.
52:05 Love you children.
52:07 They are free moral agents.
52:10 And stop saying they embarrass you.
52:12 I embarrass Christ by being overweight,
52:17 but He's working on me,
52:21 so don't let anything turn you away from loving people.
52:26 That's what it's all about, it's all about love.
52:28 The commandments are all about love to God,
52:31 love to our fellow man.
52:35 I thank you today, I just want to encourage you
52:39 to let God make you a channel of His love to a lost and dying
52:42 world.
52:44 Be kind to people who don't like you
52:49 because people are going to bother you all of your life.
52:52 I hate to disturb your peace,
52:57 but Satan's going to see to it that people bother you
53:00 until you die.
53:02 When you read Luke 6:27,28 do you know what it says there?
53:08 It says "Love your enemies. " You do have enemies,
53:13 even if you think you are the sweetest person in the world
53:17 some folk can't stand you.
53:22 He says also: "Do good to those that hate you. "
53:27 There's folk that hate you they just haven't told you.
53:31 He said "Bless those who curse you. "
53:35 And there are people who always try to make you look small
53:39 with their words.
53:42 Then he said, the last thing: "Pray for those who"
53:45 "despitefully use you and persecute you. "
53:48 Notice, Christ never told you
53:51 to respond to people who do wrong to you
53:54 the same way they respond to you.
53:56 He says you have got one up-manship
54:01 He said "overcome evil with good. "
54:07 Jesus Christ loves every one of us here today.
54:12 I want to say thank you
54:15 for your being here and supporting this
54:18 10 commandment weekend.
54:21 But my greatest concern is that you won't look
54:24 at Jesus Christ as your example.
54:27 There's no other example that you have. He is your
54:31 example and He loves you, He died for you, He's coming
54:34 back again for you, and if you don't make it,
54:38 it'll be nobody else's fault but yours.
54:42 My daddy, he's now sleeping in Jesus,
54:48 but I want you to know that my daddy saw me going
54:52 up fools hill one time
54:55 and my daddy said to me: "Son,"
54:58 "your mother and I want to be saved, but, now son,"
55:02 "in the event that you don't want to be saved,"
55:05 "I still want to be saved. " Then he said these powerful
55:10 words, he said: "Remember this, I am not going to miss you"
55:14 "forever. "
55:17 "I will not be in heaven miserable and crying"
55:21 "because you are not there. I will enjoy all the fruit"
55:25 "on the tree of life"
55:29 "because God is going to"
55:31 "wipe away all tears from our eyes and the former things"
55:36 "will not come to mind. " and he said, "Son, if you're"
55:39 "not there, you're one of the former things. "
55:48 It's your decision
55:51 to live for Christ.
55:53 Don't follow the crowd.
55:56 I want the privilege on day, of casting my crown
56:00 at Jesus' feet
56:02 and thanking Him for so great salvation.
56:06 Do you want to be there to thank Him personally
56:09 for so great salvation. Would you raise your hand
56:11 if you mean it.
56:13 Let us pray. Father in Heaven, I thank you
56:16 so much for your matchless love for each one of us
56:20 here today.
56:22 Lead us in obedience to all of your commandments.
56:26 Not because we're scared
56:29 but because of what you did for us when you gave Christ
56:34 to us for eternity.
56:36 In His name we pray,
56:39 let all the people say Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17