The Creation Case


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Rich Aguilera


Series Code: TCC

Program Code: TCC000002A

00:10 Where did we come from?
00:14 The Bible says,
00:15 "In the beginning, God created."
00:20 Evolution teaches the opposite.
00:22 No one created, it all happened by itself.
00:26 Which one is the truth?
00:30 This is Headquarters.
00:34 Doc M,
00:38 Jacqui, and Rich.
00:44 Their job, investigate
00:46 and discover the truth.
00:52 This is The Creation Case.
01:18 Hi, Jacqui.
01:19 I have Rich's next assignment.
01:21 You do?
01:23 Mm-hm. Awesome.
01:24 What's he investigating?
01:25 You'll never guess.
01:27 Ooh!
01:28 Mystery!
01:29 Yeah.
01:32 Hey!
01:33 You got a new T-shirt.
01:34 Pretty cool!
01:37 Wait, dinos!
01:39 He's going to be researching dinosaurs, right?
01:42 That's right.
01:44 Dinosaurs used to be my favorite animals as a kid.
01:50 I'm not quite sure
01:51 why they were always painted scary.
01:55 That's true.
01:56 But it would be really cool to see one in real life.
01:59 You're right. Yeah.
02:01 That reminds me.
02:02 I just got this email,
02:04 a question today.
02:05 And it's from Victor in Medicine Hat,
02:09 that's in Alberta, Canada.
02:10 Cool!
02:12 He says to us, "Dear, HQ people," that's us.
02:15 Okay.
02:17 "Dinosaurs are my favorite animals.
02:18 I like to read about them."
02:20 Ah, they're mine too.
02:21 "I've always read that
02:22 the last ones died 65 million years ago.
02:27 The thing is that in the church last week,
02:29 the pastor talked about creation
02:30 and how God created the world
02:31 a few thousand years ago.
02:33 So when did the dinosaurs really live?
02:37 Please help me.
02:39 Victor."
02:40 You know, he has point.
02:42 You see, my little brother,
02:44 he's in love with dinosaurs too,
02:45 and he watches this TV show.
02:47 And in the TV show,
02:48 every time they bring up dinosaurs or the past,
02:51 they use like millions of years ago.
02:55 We need to get this assignment off to Rich.
02:57 Maybe he can shed some
02:59 Dino-light on it.
03:01 Okay.
03:03 Where is Rich today?
03:08 You know...
03:09 Okay, so he sends me this message,
03:13 and I quote,
03:15 "Hanging around in California today."
03:19 "Hanging around in California today."
03:23 Yep.
03:24 Maybe he's taking the day off at the beach.
03:28 It's okay! I can fix it.
03:32 All right, I'm just going to send this to Rich.
03:36 Do you have a creation question for Headquarters?
03:39 Send your questions to Doc, Jacqui, and Rich
03:42 by visiting our website at
04:15 Oh,
04:16 I think I got a message from HQ.
04:18 It must be our next assignment.
04:20 I better climb up to a safe place
04:22 and check it from there.
04:41 All right, let's see what we have here.
04:51 Hi, Rich. Jacqui here at HQ.
04:54 Doc M just gave me your new assignment for today.
04:56 I wanted to give it to you.
04:58 It's...
05:00 Well, a little unusual today.
05:03 Unusual.
05:04 I'll say, it's a great choice of words,
05:07 Jacqui, it's unusual.
05:09 Unusual?
05:10 Hmm, I wonder what they have planned today.
05:14 Rich, your assignment today is about investigating,
05:18 well... Dinosaurs.
05:20 Dinosaurs!
05:22 You heard correctly, dinosaurs.
05:26 You're hearing just fine, Rich, dinosaurs!
05:29 Grrr!
05:32 Everywhere we turn,
05:34 it says dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.
05:37 But the Bible says God had created the earth
05:39 only a few thousand years ago.
05:41 So when did they live?
05:42 They both can't be right.
05:44 Your assignment today,
05:46 look for evidence about dinosaurs.
05:48 Did they live millions of years ago
05:50 or did they live recently?
05:52 We really look forward to getting your report.
05:55 Grrr!
05:58 Wow! Cool!
05:59 Dinosaurs.
06:00 I better let them know I got the message.
06:03 "Got message, dinos."
06:09 Well, that's an interesting assignment, dinosaurs.
06:12 I wonder...
06:14 Something else.
06:17 "Roar."
06:19 That was probably Doc M.
06:22 Oh, another one.
06:25 "That was Doc M." I figured.
06:29 Well, we have our assignment.
06:30 I'm going to write it down in my journal.
06:42 Dinosaurs.
06:47 Hmm.
06:48 Since dinosaurs are extinct,
06:49 it's not like we can go visit one in the zoo.
06:52 How do we even know they existed?
06:54 I know.
06:55 We need to look for some evidence
06:57 that dinosaurs did exist once upon a time.
07:00 We need to visit a dinosaur tracksite.
07:02 Let's get going.
07:03 We need to get back to our jeep.
07:04 First things first, we need to get off this mountain.
07:10 Wow, what an amazing view.
07:12 God can sure make some awesome scenery.
07:14 All right, let's get going on assignment.
07:21 Help us investigate today.
07:25 Download and print your own free journal study guide
07:28 at
07:53 We're almost to the spot here in Wyoming
07:55 where we can see a dinosaur tracksite.
07:59 The evidence that dinosaurs existed
08:01 has been found on every continent.
08:04 There are thousands of clues such as tracksites, eggs,
08:08 skin impressions, droppings, and lots of fossil bones.
08:13 Now, of course, dinosaurs are extinct.
08:21 Well, we're here.
08:23 But you know what, first of all,
08:24 I want to show you some replicas
08:26 of some dinosaur claws I have with me.
08:29 Check this out. This isn't real.
08:32 It's a copy of a velociraptor claw.
08:35 I also have one of a megaraptor.
08:38 You want to guess why they call it a megaraptor?
08:41 Check this out.
08:45 This was a big animal.
08:52 The big question is when did dinosaurs live.
08:58 Evolution teaches that
09:00 the last dinosaurs died off around 65 million years ago.
09:06 On the other hand, the Bible says
09:08 that God made all the creatures of the earth,
09:11 and when He was done,
09:12 He said that it was good.
09:17 All right, we are at the tracksite.
09:19 But sometimes, they're a little hard to spot.
09:22 We need to really look around.
09:24 You know, the Bible doesn't say
09:26 that God created some of the creatures,
09:28 it says, He created all of them.
09:31 Only God can create life.
09:34 The enemy can't create life.
09:36 He may have the power to corrupt life.
09:38 But only God can create life.
09:41 So it would seem that in the beginning,
09:44 God created these creatures.
09:47 Hey, I found one.
09:48 Check this out.
09:51 Dinosaurs walked here many, many years ago.
09:57 Check out the distance between their steps.
10:02 That's a really neat track.
10:04 You know, I think I'm going to try to sketch it
10:06 in my journal.
10:07 A lot of people assume
10:09 God couldn't have created dinosaurs,
10:11 they're so scary.
10:12 But if you think about it,
10:13 there's a bunch of scary things out there,
10:15 like crocodiles, and tigers, or wolves,
10:18 or other scary creatures, like scorpions and wasps,
10:21 and there's even scary plants that are poisonous
10:24 or filled with thorns.
10:26 Still, not all dinosaurs were scary,
10:28 some were probably friendly.
10:31 Dinosaurs seem scary,
10:32 but they're not the only scary creatures out there.
10:34 The world is filled with scary animals.
10:39 Did God create them this way?
10:41 Probably not.
10:42 Something changed.
10:43 Something happened.
10:45 No one knows exactly how it happened,
10:47 but the Bible gives us some clues.
10:50 Genesis 3 says that as a result of sin,
10:54 a curse or punishment resulted.
10:58 Since the enemy had been disguised as a serpent,
11:00 it appears he had some control over the animal kingdom.
11:05 No one knows for sure,
11:07 but it would appear that from that day forward,
11:10 sin caused many sad changes
11:13 to come over the animal kingdom.
11:17 The most severe result of sin was death.
11:21 Every living thing would eventually have to die.
11:26 It sounds like all living things
11:28 were physically changed,
11:29 including dinosaurs.
11:31 I'm going to write that down in my journal.
11:38 Only God can create life.
11:45 Many sad changes in the animal kingdom
11:48 were the results of sin.
11:53 We should keep in mind that the enemy also has powers,
11:56 not to create life but maybe to corrupt life.
12:02 Dinosaur tracks are pretty neat,
12:04 but is it possible to actually see a dinosaur?
12:08 You know, there's a dinosaur excavation
12:10 going on right now
12:11 right here in Wyoming.
12:13 It would be great to go see where they're pulling out
12:15 the fossilized bones out of the ground.
12:17 Let's get back to the jeep.
12:29 Hi, everyone, Doc M here at HQ.
12:33 We sent Rich out to investigate dinosaurs today.
12:36 But here at Headquarters, we can help too.
12:39 I started digging around
12:40 and found some interesting things.
12:42 I want to tell you about it.
12:43 I love playing with my Dino toys.
12:45 But you know what,
12:46 some people think dinosaurs never even existed.
12:50 Someone might be wrong.
12:52 Okay, so let's look at some pictures.
12:56 This will be fun.
13:01 Dinosaurs are cool.
13:02 And there's actually a lot of evidence
13:04 that dinosaurs really did exist.
13:07 For example,
13:08 we find lots of fossilized dinosaur bones
13:11 buried and preserved in the ground.
13:13 This makes sense since according to the Bible,
13:16 tons of them would have been buried during the flood.
13:20 Oh, look at this big old bone.
13:24 We also find dinosaur eggs, a bunch of shapes and sizes.
13:28 Wow!
13:29 Sometimes, the embryo inside is even fossilized
13:33 like this one.
13:34 Here's another dinosaur fossil.
13:36 This is called coprolite.
13:39 That's actually the scientific word
13:41 for fossilized droppings.
13:43 I know. That's kind of gross,
13:45 but dinosaurs had to go to the bathroom too.
13:48 Another evidence is dinosaur footprints.
13:51 There are many dinosaur tracksites all over the world
13:54 showing where dinosaurs walked,
13:56 and they're in all shapes and sizes.
14:00 Even impressions of their skin have been fossilized.
14:03 Wow!
14:04 There's a ton of evidence
14:06 that dinosaurs really did exist.
14:09 And still, some people choose to believe they never existed.
14:13 Don't you find that kind of strange?
14:16 There's even lots of ancient drawings
14:19 and carvings of strange creatures
14:21 that resemble dinosaurs.
14:23 No one knows what they really are for sure.
14:26 But just by looking at fossils alone,
14:29 we can know for sure
14:31 that dinosaurs definitely existed.
14:33 And you know what,
14:35 only God can create living things.
14:39 Yet again,
14:40 I am convinced
14:43 that God is my Creator.
14:49 Hey, everyone, it's me Rich Aguilera.
14:51 I'd love to see you at one of our live events.
14:54 To see where I'll be speaking,
14:55 visit our website,
15:18 We are in Eastern Wyoming, not too far from South Dakota.
15:22 The place that we're going to be digging
15:23 is about a mile from here, and we have to go on foot.
15:25 Come on.
15:31 In the past, scientists working here
15:34 say they've uncovered three basic types of dinosaurs,
15:37 triceratops, tyrannosaurus Rex, and edmontosaurus.
15:49 Wyoming is a great place
15:51 to hunt around for dinosaur fossils.
15:57 Hey, look,
15:58 there's dinosaur fossils just laying around on the ground.
16:03 Many scientists report
16:04 that they find these dinosaur bones
16:06 and that they're 60, 100, even 200 million years old.
16:10 Did they really live that long ago?
16:13 Did you know that a few years ago,
16:15 a scientist in Montana found some fossils of T-rexes
16:19 that is causing a stir in the scientific community?
16:21 In one of its leg bones,
16:23 they discovered soft unfossilized blood vessels,
16:27 blood cells, and soft tissues.
16:30 Scientists are coming forward now
16:31 and saying that it's impossible
16:33 that a dinosaur could remain unfossilized
16:35 for 70 million years.
16:37 They say it shouldn't even last a couple of thousand years
16:40 without becoming fossilized.
16:41 Actually, I have a picture of that here on my phone.
16:44 Check this out.
16:49 Soft tissues from a T-Rex. That's incredible.
16:52 Scientists are examining it,
16:53 even talking about the awful stench of decay.
16:58 Sadly,
17:00 many scientists are still hanging on to the belief
17:02 that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago
17:06 instead of studying the possibilities that,
17:08 "Hey, maybe they did live more recently."
17:11 Scientists are now working harder
17:13 to try to figure out how to explain
17:15 how soft tissue
17:16 could have survived for 70 million years
17:19 without being fossilized.
17:23 In the meantime,
17:25 more and more examples of soft tissues
17:27 are being found in dinosaur fossils.
17:34 We're going to do a little digging today.
17:36 I hope we find some fossils.
17:43 As always, safety is very important.
17:46 Using the right tools also helps us
17:49 to be careful around the fossils.
17:53 Hey, check out this fossil I'm working on.
17:56 This is from an edmontosaurus, this is the hip bone.
17:59 We need to excavate really carefully around it
18:02 so we don't damage it.
18:04 It's fun to learn about dinosaurs,
18:06 but we'll never know everything.
18:08 We don't even know what they look like,
18:10 if they had fur or what color they were.
18:15 One neat piece of evidence about this site here in Wyoming
18:19 is the graded beds.
18:21 One of evolutions theories
18:22 is that dinosaurs died in small local floods
18:25 or that they got swept away by a river,
18:28 but that they just died one at a time.
18:31 But the evidence here proves
18:32 that a large catastrophic event killed the animals first
18:36 and then deposited them to this location.
18:39 Scientists know that
18:41 because the fossils that we find here
18:42 have been sorted.
18:44 That's why we find large fossils on the bottom,
18:47 the medium ones higher up, and on the top,
18:49 we find the smallest ones.
18:50 That's called a graded bed.
18:52 The only way that they could be sorted this way
18:55 is by being all brought here by one huge flood.
19:02 Genesis vividly describes the account
19:05 of a giant global flood.
19:10 Does the Bible talk about dinosaurs?
19:12 Well, it doesn't use the word dinosaurs
19:14 'cause it's a pretty new word.
19:15 But it does talk about dragons
19:17 and it mentions them over 30 times,
19:19 and it describes them as these big mean animals
19:21 that lived at that time.
19:23 Were these real animals?
19:26 No one knows what those animals really were.
19:30 Verses in the Bible talk about the place
19:33 where dragons live
19:35 or about slaying the dragons in the sea
19:37 or about being swallowed up by a dragon.
19:40 Were these dragons in the Bible dinosaurs?
19:44 I don't know.
19:46 Many scholars think those verses
19:48 were more poetic and metaphorical.
19:50 But again, no one knows for sure.
19:55 The book of Isaiah writes about fiery flying serpents in Egypt
19:59 just like the ones Herodotus wrote about.
20:01 The book of Job describes an animal called the behemoth,
20:04 a huge animal with a humongous tail.
20:07 The book of Job also describes an animal called the leviathan,
20:11 a huge, scaly sea monster,
20:13 and everybody was terrified of that.
20:15 And that's not all, the creature leviathan
20:18 is also mentioned in the books of Psalms and Isaiah.
20:24 Again, no one knows for sure what these animals are
20:27 that are being described in the Bible.
20:29 Some think they may be jackals or hippos or crocodiles,
20:33 but some of the descriptions don't fit any animals
20:36 that are alive today.
20:38 It's a bit of a mystery.
20:41 Come on.
20:42 Let's go check out other parts of the quarry.
20:56 So what happened to all the dinosaurs?
20:59 We know, from all the dinosaur fossils
21:00 that we find,
21:02 that many were buried
21:03 in some sort of water-related catastrophe.
21:06 They all got buried rapidly and preserved
21:08 underground.
21:10 Otherwise, if they're left on the surface,
21:11 they're not going to last very long,
21:12 they're going to decay,
21:14 or scavengers are going to get them.
21:15 All over the planet, on every continent,
21:17 there are billions and billions of creatures
21:19 that have been buried by some water-related catastrophe,
21:23 mammals, birds, reptiles, fish,
21:25 insects, and yes, even dinosaurs.
21:29 With evidence of billions and billions of creatures
21:32 buried by water and mud all over our planet,
21:35 you would think it would be just easy enough to say,
21:37 "Everything got buried
21:39 by water and mud on our planet."
21:42 But evolution cannot agree to that
21:45 because that would mean there was a global flood.
21:49 A global flood means the Bible is true.
21:53 And if the Bible is true,
21:55 that means God created the world.
21:59 It's really sad to think that some people are missing out
22:03 on the Bible truths
22:05 that tell us where we came from.
22:13 The Bible says that God destroyed the world
22:16 with a huge global flood.
22:18 A handful of animals were saved,
22:20 but the rest of the animals on the planet were destroyed.
22:23 They were buried by the floodwaters.
22:27 If we compare the things that the Bible says
22:30 to the things that we see on this planet,
22:33 they go together quite neatly.
22:42 So were dinosaurs on the ark?
22:46 I don't know.
22:47 That's a really good question.
22:49 But what I do know
22:50 is the Bible says that two of every animal
22:53 was on the ark.
22:54 If there were dinosaurs on the ark,
22:57 I've got to assume that God would have sent the young ones,
23:00 not the big old giant ones.
23:03 That's the other thing.
23:05 The Bible says that before the flood,
23:07 men used to live hundreds of years.
23:09 Methuselah lived 969 years.
23:12 But after the flood, something changed
23:14 and they started living shorter lives.
23:18 So is it possible that animals before the flood
23:21 could also live longer lives?
23:24 Could a turtle live to 1,000 years?
23:26 Could an insect live for 50 years?
23:29 Could a reptile live for 500 years?
23:32 We do find fossils of giant animals
23:34 that lived in the past.
23:36 For example, giant turtles,
23:38 I got a picture here on my phone.
23:44 Or giant dragonflies,
23:47 huge ones with a two-foot wingspan.
23:54 What about large reptiles?
23:57 Did you know that reptiles never stop growing?
24:00 What would happen if a reptile lived for 500 years
24:04 and never stopped growing?
24:06 It would become pretty large like a dinosaur.
24:11 After all, many dinosaurs were reptiles.
24:17 There sure are a lot of unanswered questions out there.
24:20 I just hope that someday soon, I can ask God those questions.
24:25 You know,
24:27 I think I'm going to write all this down in my journal.
24:38 Dinosaurs are extinct creatures that used to grow very large.
24:49 The world is filled with dinosaur fossils
24:53 which were buried by water.
24:55 It sure seems like the dinosaur clues
24:57 we've seen today show us that dinosaurs lived recently,
25:02 not millions of years ago.
25:04 Clues such as soft tissues
25:06 and old memories and legends are evidences
25:09 that some extinct creatures died in enormous quantities
25:12 during the flood.
25:19 Wow! What an amazing day.
25:22 It's amazing that we were pulling
25:24 fossilized dinosaur bones out of the ground today.
25:27 It's cool to think, I was the first person
25:30 to uncover a part of an animal
25:32 that was probably buried at the time of the flood.
25:35 There's a lot about dinosaurs we don't know,
25:38 but it sure is fun
25:39 trying to learn about them.
25:40 One thing I know for sure, only God can create life.
25:45 Well, I need to finish up my report
25:47 and send it off to HQ.
25:49 Remember, if you want to read it,
25:51 just go to our website.
25:58 We sure learned some amazing things today.
26:02 We were reminded that only God can create life
26:05 and how sin affected all of nature.
26:10 We also learned how dinosaurs are just extinct reptiles
26:14 that grew to be very, very big.
26:18 The time we spent at the dig
26:20 showed us how so many of these animals
26:23 died at the time of the flood.
26:29 Many people out there don't want to believe
26:32 that God is our creator.
26:34 Instead, they choose to believe in evolution
26:38 and that all the millions of complex creatures out there
26:40 evolved from random chemical mixing.
26:44 No, it was God who created everything,
26:48 and His most prized possession, people, you.
26:54 The Bible says you are God's workmanship.
26:57 Can you imagine
26:59 the God who has the power
27:00 to speak something into existence
27:03 created you?
27:05 Who you are on the inside is what's most important,
27:09 but still He knows everything about you,
27:13 including the amount of hairs on your head.
27:16 You were created unique,
27:18 special, by a powerful loving God.
27:22 I hope that you will never forget that.
27:25 Well, I hope you'll join me again
27:27 for our next assignment.
27:29 And remember, God the Creator
27:31 loves what He's created, especially you.
27:35 Good night.
27:46 Don't go yet, we've got bloopers.
27:49 Dragon flags.
27:51 Honestly, dragon flags? That there were at least...
27:54 Man!
27:55 So close.
27:59 Wow! Off this rock.
28:03 Here, but you know what...
28:10 Sorry. I can fix it.
28:12 Because the word was...
28:15 We find tripping manure stuff here
28:17 and most of these are cow patties.
28:18 I better write this down in my...
28:24 I wasn't even close.


Revised 2019-02-18