Books of the Book: Thessalonians

Keeping The Church Faithful

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jon Paulien & Jon Ciccarelli


Series Code: TBOTB

Program Code: TBOTB000013A

00:22 Welcome to Books of the Book.
00:24 We've been working our way through the letters of Paul
00:27 to the Thessalonians and we're coming now
00:29 to our concluding program.
00:31 We'll be looking at the end of Chapter 2
00:33 and Chapter 3 of Second Thessalonians.
00:37 I'm Jon Paulien, and with me is my Pastor Jon Ciccarelli.
00:42 Jon, it's good to be with you again.
00:44 We've been through quite a journey
00:45 and now we've reached our final episode
00:47 here in Second Thessalonians.
00:49 And its been rich and I look forward to the study today
00:52 and we're going to pick it up today
00:54 in Second Thessalonians, Chapter 2
00:56 verses 13 through Chapter 3, verses 18
00:59 and Paul is writing and he's writing them
01:03 about preserving their past, but yet having to deal
01:06 with the present and looking to the future as well.
01:10 And there might be some things that required change
01:13 and how do you, how do you stay true to the past,
01:16 but yet be relevant to the present.
01:17 We need to look at all those things today,
01:19 I think you'll guide us in that.
01:21 I think the major theme that we're looking at from
01:24 Chapter 2:13 through the end of Second Thessalonians
01:28 is the theme of tradition, the theme
01:31 of staying connected to the past.
01:33 Now churches have to grow, they're like plants,
01:36 if you don't grow, you're gonna die,
01:38 that means churches need to change.
01:40 Yeah. Change can be scary
01:42 but they need to change, but not all change is good.
01:45 Yeah. And I think Paul,
01:46 wants to make very clear here that as you considering change
01:51 as the necessary change that the church is going through
01:54 is happening, but you need to stay connected to the past.
01:57 You need to stay close to the best of the tradition
02:01 and the best concept to that term.
02:03 Yeah. I like that, Jon, its--you know,
02:07 growth always means change,
02:10 but change doesn't always mean growth.
02:12 Oh. You know, when something
02:14 is growing, when it's alive, its going to change.
02:17 You know, again I think of my,
02:19 my kids just using kids as an example.
02:21 My son you know, now 12 going to be 13
02:24 he's not the little boy he was, he now wears a size 10
02:27 you know, he's a big boy, thinking of plants they grow,
02:31 they change because they are growing
02:33 they weren't the seed, they once were.
02:35 And so I think if we're growing in God and we're bearing fruit,
02:39 we're going to see change.
02:41 But I think its also essential that,
02:44 that we be sensitive to the past,
02:47 because we can learn a lot from the past.
02:48 We don't want to forget what God has done.
02:51 You know, God is doing a new thing,
02:52 but we always-- He calls us to remember
02:54 as well what He has done you know,
02:56 I'm God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob you know,
02:59 but He is also Jesus.
03:01 And so I think that's important and so again just kind of
03:04 little plea for the multigenerational churches.
03:08 You know, because we need to remember.
03:10 So often times in my ministry when I've been with someone
03:13 who is, who is older than I and walk down the road.
03:16 I can be stressing out about something and they're all relax,
03:19 they go, I remember when that happened you know,
03:21 and then they talk about what happened.
03:23 And we need to keep those relationships,
03:26 the church needs to be, to be whole like that as well.
03:29 The tradition isn't always a good word.
03:31 I mean, tradition can simply be,
03:33 we've always done at that way before.
03:35 It means staying in the rut.
03:37 It's not what, Paul, is talking about here.
03:39 For him tradition is positive and the tradition here
03:43 is first of all the word of God that was brought
03:46 to them through the scriptures.
03:48 But before that was written down they were oral.
03:52 So he saw tradition is the word of God that came to them
03:55 in Jesus and the things that Paul was saying.
03:58 Second of all it's a spirit guided consensus
04:01 from the people of God led by the spirit come
04:03 to a consensus on what the word of God is.
04:06 That also is a positive tradition that we need
04:09 to stay connected to even though we may change,
04:12 even though we may worded differently,
04:14 never the less we need to stay connected
04:17 to that early tradition.
04:19 Why don't we get started with Chapter 2, verse 13
04:22 and I should probably remind our viewing audience
04:25 that the translations of Thessalonians
04:27 in these programs are my own design to catch
04:30 some of the new answers of Greek grammar and Greek words
04:34 that may help us understand what Paul,
04:36 was trying to get across.
04:38 Paul says in verse 13 of Chapter 2.
04:41 But we are obligated to give thanks to God always for you,
04:44 brethren loved by God, because God chose you
04:48 from the beginning as first fruits to salvation
04:51 in sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.
04:55 The language here reminds us of the prayer
04:58 all the way back in First Thessalonians 1.
05:00 Its almost as if Paul knew that these two would be a package
05:04 and he brings the theme back
05:06 to all the way to the beginning here.
05:09 But I want to point out something
05:11 in the text as I translated it.
05:14 It says God is chosen you from the beginning
05:16 as first fruits to salvation.
05:19 Now here is interesting point, the Greek word here is aparkay
05:24 or as modern Greek might say it aparkee.
05:27 And if you take it as a single word aparkee means first fruits.
05:33 But if you separate it up- arkay, up means from,
05:39 so it's from arkay, ancient times archaeology.
05:43 Okay. From the beginning,
05:45 so we don't know if Paul, wrote from the beginning
05:49 or first fruits, because the original writing
05:54 didn't have spaces between the words.
05:56 So sometimes Bible translation difficulties,
06:00 manuscript difficulties come, because there were no spaces
06:03 between words and you're not sure if its one word or two.
06:06 So just a little piece of history there.
06:11 So if he's saying you are there from the beginning
06:16 he's saying God chose you, right from the beginning.
06:18 You know, He had a plan for you,
06:19 His foot prints were in your life before Paul got there.
06:22 If he's saying first fruits, he says we're offering you to God.
06:26 The first fruits were-- the early crops that
06:29 people brought to the temple.
06:30 And the Old Testament said, here God thank you
06:32 for the whole crop, but our thank you
06:34 is to bring you the first and the best.
06:37 That's good, that's good.
06:39 Lets move on to verse 15 here and Paul continues and he says.
06:44 So then, brothers, stand and hold fast
06:46 the traditions which you were taught,
06:49 whether by word of mouth or through our letter.
06:51 Yeah, we got to do that 'cause truth tends
06:54 to slip overtime if we're not careful.
06:59 That's, that's so true you know, its kind of like
07:02 unattended garden if you will, you know, a garden--
07:06 I would love to have a garden,
07:08 but I am not very good attending that.
07:11 And so we actually have quite a bit of space at our house
07:14 with a vision for big garden and when I always try to start
07:18 a garden it always goes bad,
07:19 because I don't attend to it very well.
07:21 And so the weeds come up and everything else
07:23 and so fourth and it's just like the garden,
07:25 if we don't tend to the things of the past and the truths
07:29 that are important and essential,
07:31 then it does slip you know, weeds grow things happen
07:34 we have to give it that attention and intention.
07:37 Well, verse 15 the traditions that Paul's talking about
07:41 came to them by word of mouth and by letter.
07:44 So its two types of traditions here there's oral traditions
07:48 word of mouth, and there is written tradition
07:51 and both of those are important safeguards.
07:54 Oral traditions is less subject to intentional distortion
08:01 that's why preaching is still a good thing,
08:03 because when you're preaching you've got gestures,
08:07 you've got tone of voice, its hard to mistake
08:10 what a person is saying when they are preaching.
08:12 The same words written down can be less clear,
08:15 so oral tradition preserves us from intentional distortion
08:20 where people are trying to mess with it.
08:23 But written tradition is less subject
08:26 to unintentional distortion.
08:29 You know, overtime oral traditions tend to fade
08:32 and people start getting them confused you see,
08:36 having something written down make sure that it stays steady
08:41 as the years go by, so both types
08:43 of tradition are important. Yeah.
08:45 So, tradition was not a dirty word in the New Testament.
08:49 Yeah, it was essential to, to God's revelation
08:52 of His love to people, the remembering the saying
08:55 and actions of Jesus, you know, and the writing of the apostles.
09:01 You know, but yet we have to be careful
09:02 'cause Jesus said some pretty strong words in Mathew.
09:07 When He said to the religious leaders,
09:09 He said to them you nullify, or you invalidate
09:12 the word of God because of your traditions.
09:15 So we have to be really careful that we don't worship
09:18 the tradition themselves that we don't make them higher
09:20 than what God did through them
09:23 and what He is doing out for us in the present
09:25 and growing us to bring about that positive change
09:27 and transformation in our life as well.
09:29 One author said the seven last word of the church are,
09:34 we never did it that way before.
09:36 You see, that's a negative side of tradition.
09:38 That's the way we do things around here.
09:40 It fixes you in a place and plants can't be fixed,
09:46 they have to grow, they have to be changing
09:50 in order to stay healthy and because that is the case
09:54 church that just sticks with what they have done before
09:57 is not a church that's growing, its not in a healthy place.
10:00 Let's go on to Chapter 3 and verses 1 through 5,
10:04 I think I'll read that for us.
10:06 Finally, brothers, pray for us in order
10:10 that the word of the Lord might progress and be glorified,
10:14 just as it is with you.
10:16 Isn't that kind a humble he says,
10:18 you do you're progressing so much I hope
10:20 to keep up with you pray for me.
10:23 In order that we might be delivered from
10:26 out of place and evil men, for not all have faith.
10:30 I think I've met those guys anyway.
10:32 But faithful is the Lord, who will strengthen you
10:35 and guard you against evil.
10:38 Now here in the Greek it says the evil,
10:41 and it's not clear if its evil in general
10:44 or if its Satan in particular,
10:45 so that's why I put in both options there.
10:47 Guards you against evil or the evil one.
10:50 And we have confidence in the Lord concerning you
10:53 that what we command you are doing and will continue to do.
10:58 Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God
11:03 and into the patient endurance of Christ.
11:08 Finally bothers, he says at the beginning.
11:11 That's how Paul loves to end a letter.
11:14 Finally brothers, its family, he reminds us
11:17 this is all about family and family has to be aware
11:21 that there is evil in the world.
11:23 There are threats to the family,
11:25 there is an evil one who is working everything
11:29 with the goal of undermining what God
11:31 is doing and sometimes even shows himself.
11:36 Yeah. Its could be a scary thing you know,
11:40 you brought this out in a, in a previous episode
11:43 and I thought it was so powerful that when the Gospel
11:46 is powerful Satan is forced to be reveal himself you know,
11:50 that, that when he's trying as hard as-he's throwing
11:53 everything he can to stop people from knowing
11:56 the love of God and that's, that could be a scary thing.
12:01 But yet if we trust in Christ you know,
12:03 we have that strength you know, the greater is He
12:04 who is in us than he who is in the world.
12:06 But you think of stuff in the world like maybe I know
12:09 we're talking just a week about Africa You know,
12:11 I mean, what are some things you see in Africa.
12:14 In Africa the Christian are seeing
12:17 satanic manifestations all the time.
12:20 You know, maybe we shouldn't if everything is going smoothly
12:23 we shouldn't be too comfortable about that 'cause maybe
12:25 Satan's not disturbed about what we are doing.
12:28 I have had a couple of encounters
12:30 with the demonic and its not fun.
12:32 But I will tell you this that Satan's got somebody greater
12:38 than him, its not me, if I'm close to Jesus Christ,
12:42 if the name, the power, and the blood of Jesus Christ
12:45 is in my heart, Satan cannot hurt me
12:48 and his power can be dealt with.
12:52 There's a greater power in the world than Satan.
12:55 And so Paul is asking for two blessings
12:58 one that his work will prosper and grow
13:01 and the others that he'll be delivered from
13:03 these out of place and evil men.
13:06 And then he says that the Lord will direct your hearts
13:11 into the love of God, the patient endurance of Christ.
13:15 And isn't that the goal of the spiritual life you know,
13:18 to be directed into the love of God
13:22 and to be like Christ patient and endurance.
13:26 Through our love we want to be more like God.
13:29 Absolutely. And our patients will be
13:31 more like Jesus Christ. Yeah.
13:33 That's beautiful. Well, its time for a break,
13:36 and when we return
13:37 we will continue with Second Thessalonians 3.


Revised 2023-01-25