Books of the Book: Thessalonians

The Antichrist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jon Paulien & Jon Ciccarelli


Series Code: TBOTB

Program Code: TBOTB000012A

00:22 Welcome to "Books of the Book."
00:24 We're studying Second Thessalonians,
00:26 A letter of Paul to the church at Thessalonica.
00:29 I'm Jon Paulien and with me today
00:32 is my Pastor Jon Ciccarelli.
00:34 John, good to be with you again
00:35 as we continue our study in Second Thessalonians,
00:38 we'll be in Chapter 2 verses 1 through 12.
00:40 And here Paul, puts his Pastoral head on
00:44 and he's talking to the Thessalonians
00:45 about some end-time events
00:48 and they have some misunderstandings
00:49 and he's gonna do some correcting a bit of their views.
00:51 So I'm looking forward to our study together today.
00:54 All right. Well, like he did in First Thessalonians.
00:57 He's moving from affirmation and encouragement in Chapter 1,
01:01 now he's moving to exhortation to correction.
01:05 Now, there are some problems here
01:07 and I have to tell you,
01:08 one of my beloved teachers said to me a long time ago.
01:13 Second Thessalonians Chapter 2
01:15 is the most difficult passage
01:17 in the entire New Testament to understand.
01:20 Now, I've got a few rivals for that
01:21 like the seven trumpets of Revelation
01:23 and maybe the middle part of Revelation 17.
01:27 Those are pretty challenging passages too.
01:29 But this is really a challenging passage,
01:32 because in a real sense we don't have all the evidence.
01:37 Would you read maybe verse 5
01:38 and I think Paul explains our problem
01:41 even though he didn't realize it at the time. Sure.
01:45 He says, "Don't you remember
01:47 that when I was with you I told you these things?"
01:50 All right, so that's the background of this passage.
01:54 He starts telling them, so this--
01:55 oh, I don't know and I don't need to tell you this,
01:57 you already know this and you know that
01:59 and you know the other thing.
02:01 Second Thessalonians 2 is something like listening
02:05 to one side of a phone conversation
02:07 and you're hearing what the one person is saying,
02:10 you don't know what the other side knows,
02:12 you don't know what they're saying,
02:14 you don't know what they're asking.
02:16 And so there's a lot of mystery in this text.
02:19 Paul had a specific purpose at that time in place.
02:22 God would like us to mind this passage for some things
02:27 that will encourage us today, Bible prophecy.
02:31 But I have to admit, at the end of the day
02:35 we're not certain about everything
02:36 that's going on in this passage.
02:39 Many challenging features, but there was a goal,
02:42 the reason why He gave this and what was that?
02:46 So, Jon, the goal here is pastoral.
02:49 That he is really wanting to care for,
02:51 He is not laying everything out
02:52 specifically like we might like.
02:54 He's speaking specifically to their situation
02:57 which, of course, we probably like to know more about, but--
03:01 So this is not like Daniel 2
03:03 or something where the whole prophecy is right there,
03:06 where we can see it and get a handle on.
03:08 He's speaking to them.
03:10 Some of things we'd like to know aren't here. Yeah, yeah.
03:14 Well, let's, let's move on to verses 1 to 3,
03:17 where he continues to write to them.
03:19 He says, "Now with the reference to the coming
03:21 of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering to Him,
03:24 we implore you, brothers,
03:26 that you might not be quickly shaken from your mind,
03:28 or disturbed, either by a spirit,
03:30 or a word, or a letter, as it were from us,
03:33 implying that the Day of the Lord has already come.
03:36 Do not let anyone deceive you in any way."
03:40 I think it's one thing I want to say right from the start.
03:43 I mentioned in the previous program
03:45 how there are certain Greek words
03:47 that Paul uses whenever he's answering a question
03:50 from the church. That's not here.
03:53 In another words the church
03:54 isn't asking for help on the subject.
03:56 Paul is introducing help on the subject
03:59 'cause he's concerned about it.
04:00 Now, there are asking they're fine. All right.
04:02 They think they've got it all together.
04:04 So Paul is stepping and say
04:05 wait now, wait a minute we got some problems here
04:08 and I'm aware that we've some problems.
04:10 So Paul is addressing,
04:11 he is being the disruptive prophet.
04:13 We mentioned in earlier programs
04:15 and sometimes we read the Bible simply to comfort us
04:18 in what we already believe.
04:20 Simply to support what we already think. Right.
04:23 And truly prophets were almost always disruptive
04:28 when they're living prophets.
04:29 God sends him into the situation to break people
04:32 out of this comfortable complacency that they're in.
04:36 This is what Paul is doing.
04:37 They think they've got it right,
04:38 he says no you don't, here's your problem. Right.
04:41 So, he's moving in on this one.
04:44 A lot of the language here in Second Thessalonians 2
04:47 especially these first verses echoes, the language of Jesus
04:52 and it's also echoes the language
04:54 of First Thessalonians 4 and 5
04:56 where he is addressing the same subject.
04:58 So Paul has the first letter in mind.
05:01 He also has some other sayings of Jesus in mind
05:05 as His writings Second Thessalonians 2.
05:08 Now there is confusion in the church
05:11 and there seems to be three possible sources says
05:15 they've been shaken or disturbed by a spirit
05:19 or a word or a letter as it were from us,
05:24 implying that the day of the Lord has already come.
05:27 So Paul doesn't seem to be exactly clear
05:31 why did they get off on this track?
05:33 Was it a spirit, some prophetic teaching,
05:36 did somebody step up and say hey,
05:38 the Lord has shown me this is where we need to go
05:41 or was it a word, a rumor
05:43 or something that came on the grapevine,
05:46 do you know, or was it a letter,
05:49 was it First Thessalonians that triggered this
05:53 or was it some other letter
05:54 that claimed to be from Paul and wasn't.
05:57 Paul isn't clear exactly, how they got off track?
06:00 But he knows that they're off track
06:03 and that's what he's gonna deal with Him.
06:05 What exactly the problem is the language isn't clear
06:09 if they were teaching that the Second coming
06:11 is almost there or that it's already there.
06:15 And I think most scholars would go with the already there
06:18 because the whole point of Chapter one is saying,
06:21 that the coming of Jesus gonna be so visible,
06:24 so noisy, so disruptive, you're not gonna miss it.
06:29 If Jesus has already come,
06:31 somebody is living in fantasy land.
06:33 So he's translating, no he hasn't come.
06:35 These things should have to happen first.
06:37 Yeah, and it's almost like they kind of the failed
06:39 to heed Jesus' warnings. Yeah.
06:42 You know, about sign chasing
06:43 you know in Matthew Chapter 24,
06:45 Jesus says see that you are not troubled about these things.
06:49 Although it's so easy to get troubled about those things
06:52 and we can live in that kind of fear factor.
06:56 You know, they see the things
06:57 and they can stresssed out
06:59 they can worry us and it's not hard to do
07:02 specially again in this day and age with the economy
07:05 and things going on internationally
07:06 all kinds of things.
07:08 And we see the earthquakes and so forth
07:10 and we can get stressed out.
07:12 We can get worried, but we need to remember
07:13 what Jesus said, see that you're not troubled.
07:16 And this can happen.
07:17 You know, for Christians that have been mature
07:20 and growing and walking with Jesus in longtime.
07:21 We can slip into this temptation.
07:23 It's so easy, it's so easy to get our eyes off Jesus
07:26 and look at the signs or all those things
07:28 that are happening around us.
07:29 And yet Jesus keeps saying no, no, no you know, focus on me.
07:31 Well, studying the Bible is hard work.
07:33 Studying texts like this is hard work
07:35 and it's easier just to chase robots
07:39 and signs and things like that.
07:41 Yeah, it is. It's so easy to move into that
07:44 and that seems to be what they were doing
07:46 here in Thessalonians.
07:47 They are doing little sign chasing.
07:48 They were happy about it.
07:49 They didn't need Paul to disturb their little disruption.
07:52 They didn't know they need Paul to come in.
07:54 But thank God the spirit was working
07:56 through Paul to say, hey, we need to work with this.
07:59 Yeah. Let's move on to verses 3 through 4
08:02 in our study and Paul continues and he says this,
08:07 "Do not let anyone deceive you in any way,
08:10 because that Day will not come,
08:12 except the apostasy come first,
08:15 even the revelation of the man of lawlessness,
08:17 the son of destruction, who opposes or exalts himself
08:21 over everything that is called God
08:23 or is an object of worship,
08:25 so as to sit in the temple of God as God,
08:28 proclaiming himself to be God.
08:31 Wow! So Paul is just saying look,
08:34 what you guys think has happened.
08:36 Can't possibly have happened
08:37 because there are so many other things
08:39 that have to happen before Jesus comes.
08:41 So you've jumped the gun in a sense here.
08:45 You know, hold off, relax just a little bit there.
08:47 There are things that have to happen
08:50 and it's interesting as we look at these two letters,
08:52 Paul is struggling to bring them to a balance.
08:56 Christians need to have a balance on the one hand,
08:59 anticipating the soon coming of Jesus.
09:02 You don't want to come to the place
09:03 where you're put in far, far off.
09:05 You wanna constantly have fresh,
09:07 Jesus is coming soon, at the same time,
09:11 you need to occupy till He comes.
09:13 You need to prepare your plan
09:15 for your children and your grandchildren.
09:17 You're to worry about retirement, life insurance.
09:20 Keeping those two intentions doesn't always,
09:24 it's not easy to do and Paul is wrestling to do that
09:27 on the one hand, excited about Jesus soon coming,
09:30 yet planning as if He might not come just right away.
09:35 Now here's another one of these
09:37 incomplete sentences of Paul
09:39 and in my translation the term
09:42 that day will not come, isn't there?
09:45 It's not there at all but your have to say it
09:48 because there's no verb, no noun, no nothing
09:50 I mean, he just starts off in the middle of the sentence
09:53 and says, except the apostasy comes first,
09:55 even the revelation of the man of lawlessness,
09:57 the son of destruction,
09:59 or who opposes or in the Greek it's not a sentence.
10:02 So you have to supply a sentence
10:06 in order to make sense of it, which is why translations
10:09 and translators had struggled with this forever. Yeah.
10:12 So he is saying okay, the day of the Lord has not come
10:16 because before it comes first there's gonna be
10:19 the apostasy is the language of the Greek.
10:22 In other words, a falling away in the church,
10:26 the apostasy will come,
10:28 the man of sin or some translations have it,
10:31 man of lawlessness and the reason for that is in the Greek
10:34 the two words are almost the same.
10:37 A sin is hamartia and lawlessness is anomia.
10:42 You see, the two sound about the same.
10:44 So when scribes were copying the Bible
10:46 that may have heard the one written the other,
10:48 is what seems to have happened.
10:50 So the man of sin and man of lawlessness is the same person.
10:53 It's not, not something different.
10:56 I wanna make that very clear.
10:59 What he's basically saying is the big challenge ahead
11:04 is that the biggest opposition to the gospel
11:07 is not going to be the Roman Empire.
11:09 It's gonna have a Christian face
11:11 and that is tragic, that is shocking.
11:15 He's saying, look until the apostasy comes,
11:18 until the greatest opposition to true faith
11:21 comes from inside the house.
11:24 Jesus hasn't come yet. Okay.
11:26 It's a point that he's making.
11:27 Who is this man of sin, who is this opposer?
11:31 The language in verse four offers two options.
11:36 When you go back to the Old Testament
11:37 and other parts of the Bible the language in verse four
11:41 can be applied to two different things
11:42 one can be applied to Satan.
11:45 He is a sense, the one who opposes,
11:48 and by the way, it's all present tenses is here.
11:50 So whatever this says, it's already present in Paul's day.
11:53 Yes, it's Paul day.
11:55 You see, he is one who opposes
11:57 and that would be Satan.
11:58 Temple of God would be the church.
12:01 You see, so the one who opposes calls
12:04 or an objective worship that seems to point to Satan,
12:07 but it also points to the little horn of Daniel 7 and Daniel 8
12:12 and that is not Satan but is an agent of Satan,
12:15 an earthly agent, a power on this Earth,
12:19 that serves Satan's goals.
12:21 So there's a tension here between Satan
12:25 and an agent of Satan as to who this man of sin,
12:28 man of lawlessness really is. Yeah.
12:30 Well, I should appreciate what Paul has written
12:33 but I wish we knew Paul was leaving out,
12:36 that would just make everything a lot more easier.
12:39 It has to be the John it gets worse.
12:40 Read verses five to seven.
12:42 All right. Here we go. Here we go.
12:45 "Do you remember that when I was with you
12:48 I told you these things.
12:49 And now you know what is restraining him,
12:52 in order that he might be revealed in his own time,
12:55 for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work,
12:58 only he who now restrains will continue
13:02 until he is out of the way."
13:04 Wow, it seems like Paul is kind of outlining
13:06 three stages of history if you will,
13:09 the time of mystery and restraint that he mentions,
13:12 a revelation of a man of sin and then the second coming.
13:17 That's right, so there are several things
13:19 that have to happen before Jesus can return and folks,
13:24 I want you to put your thinking caps on.
13:26 Get your Bible in front of you.
13:28 In 14 minutes, we're gonna talk some other difficult,
13:32 most difficult passage in all the Bible
13:35 and we're gonna bring in a lot of informations.
13:37 We're gonna by quick you may want to run this program
13:41 by at a future time. See it again.
13:43 But for now, let's take a quick break.


Revised 2023-01-25