Books of the Book: Thessalonians

Promise To The Persecuted

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jon Paulien & Jon Ciccarelli


Series Code: TBOTB

Program Code: TBOTB000011B

00:01 Welcome back to Books of the Book,
00:02 where we begin our study of 2 Thessalonians.
00:05 We are in Chapter 1 and I'm going to pick it up
00:08 now John from versus 5 and 6.
00:12 "In all your persecutions
00:13 and in the afflictions you are enduring.
00:16 The evidence of the righteous judgment of God,
00:18 so that you might be counted worthy
00:20 of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering,
00:23 since it is indeed just God's mind
00:26 to repay with affliction those who are afflicting you."
00:29 One thing I should mention right after
00:32 that here is that verses 5 to 10 have
00:35 a strong Old Testament feel about them.
00:38 So a lot of language that echoes
00:41 all kinds of places back, it's like you are in a cave
00:43 and there are echoes everywhere.
00:46 And what striking about this is 1 Thessalonians
00:51 is notable as the book of the New Testament
00:54 that almost seems to say nothing about the Old Testament.
00:57 Very, very little.
00:58 The strongest ones probably the one
01:00 you mentioned a few programs ago
01:02 where about coming with His saints
01:04 seems to echoes Zechariah 14 but very, very little
01:08 Old Testament in 1 Thessalonians.
01:09 In 2 Thessalonians Old Testament is everywhere
01:12 and particularly in the passage that we have here.
01:16 Probably viewers will have noticed
01:19 that Pastor Jon added a piece of verse 4
01:23 into the reading of verses 5 and 6.
01:25 'Cause we mentioned earlier it's all one sentence
01:28 and so verses 5 and 6 by themselves
01:30 don't flow as a sentence unless
01:33 you see them in the larger context.
01:35 So basically verse 5 starts out
01:38 "the evidence of the righteous judgment of God."
01:41 What does that mean?
01:42 Just sort of out on an island by itself.
01:45 It's pointing back. Okay.
01:47 What is the evidence of God's righteous judgment?
01:50 It's the persecutions and the afflictions
01:53 the Thessalonians are enduring.
01:56 Now that's troubling. Yeah.
01:58 What does that mean?
01:59 Evidence of the righteous judgment of God.
02:03 How is it-- how is their persecution
02:06 evidence of God's judgment?
02:07 I mean he is not saying that God is judging them.
02:10 No, it is this.
02:13 The fact that they are being persecuted
02:15 and that they're joyful in that persecution
02:18 anticipates the final judgment.
02:21 Because you see in the immediate situation
02:23 the persecutors are thinking we are right,
02:25 they are wrong, that's why we're persecuting them.
02:28 So everything that you see in that immediate situation
02:32 suggests the opposite of reality.
02:34 The reality will only be seen
02:36 in the righteous judgment of God at the end.
02:39 There it will be proven the Thessalonians were right.
02:42 Their persecutors were wrong.
02:44 So the fact that they're not being persecuted
02:47 as bad people but they are people who are joyful
02:50 and peaceful and they are being persecuted anyway,
02:53 the very character in the middle of the persecution
02:56 is evidence that God is righteous
02:59 when He judges their persecutors.
03:01 They have--the persecutors have upset
03:05 the order of the universe and while judgment
03:07 doesn't come now it will come eventually.
03:11 God's people will be vindicated
03:14 injustice will not last forever.
03:17 The future judgment will demonstrate
03:21 that God is approving them in the present
03:25 and it validates God has chosen them.
03:27 As we saw so all these things are happening.
03:29 It's a, it's a tough passage
03:31 but Paul is trying to bring out the idea
03:34 that your present experience should draw in
03:38 from the future judgment encouragement.
03:40 And in fact that's what they're joyful in suffering
03:43 and that's why Paul is so impressed with them.
03:45 Somehow more than any other church
03:48 either their persecution was worst than anybody else
03:51 or the way they responded to it was so much better
03:55 and Paul just says these guys are special.
03:59 You know it really can give us some comfort.
04:01 You know God will set things right
04:04 and that can really-- should really inform
04:07 and motivate us in our behavior today on trusting God.
04:11 Just resting and having patience with Him in that.
04:13 I think of the verse, you know, where God says
04:15 "vengeance is mine saith the Lord."
04:17 It's not for me to take vengeance on my situation
04:20 or whatever might be happening to me
04:21 but to trust that God is going to set things right.
04:25 You know that's why I love about what Jesus said too
04:26 when He gave that famous sermon on the mount.
04:29 You know the beatitudes.
04:30 God is here and He is beginning to set things right.
04:33 So if you are this or you are that
04:35 or this is what's happening don't worry God has come
04:37 and He is setting things right.
04:39 Things are in motion and they're moving forward
04:42 and despite your situation you can rejoice because
04:45 that--because that is coming.
04:46 Injustice will not last forever.
04:49 So be patient on your own.
04:51 And it's so tempting to retaliate sometimes
04:54 and I've been encouraged by a text that I wanna share.
04:58 It's in James Chapter 2 and verse 13
05:02 and I've chosen the English Standard Version for this.
05:06 It says, "for judgment is without mercy
05:09 to one who has shown no mercy.
05:13 Mercy triumphs over judgment."
05:17 What this text is saying is that in a sense
05:21 the standard of judgment at the end
05:24 will be the kind of standard that I held up to other people.
05:27 If I'm merciful to others, I'm saying
05:30 that's the way to judge people who are struggling,
05:33 that's the way to judge people who have done wrong.
05:36 You see when I'm critical and faultfinding
05:38 and overbearing then God said, oh,
05:41 that's the standard you think you wanna be judged by.
05:43 You see that.
05:44 I almost see God smiling in the statement.
05:47 But it has really encouraged me to say,
05:50 hey, if I to some degree set the pattern of my own judgment,
05:54 how should I treat other people?
05:56 They'll say, I wanna be merciful.
05:58 I wanna be kind. I wanna be gentle.
06:00 Forgiving even in the worst of situation.
06:04 As Paul said in previous letter,
06:07 don't repay evil for evil.
06:09 Yeah, yeah. So.
06:11 Well, shall we move on? Yes.
06:13 Let's move on to verses 7 through 9
06:15 here in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1.
06:19 And Paul says this, "Repay with affliction
06:21 those who are afflicting you and rest to you
06:24 who are afflicted along with us,
06:26 at the revelation of the Lord Jesus
06:27 from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire,
06:31 directing vengeance toward those who don't know God,
06:33 and who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,
06:36 who pay the penalty of eternal destruction,
06:39 away from the face of the Lord
06:41 and from the glory of His power."
06:43 Wow, Jon. Yeah.
06:45 This is a passage some people get nervous on.
06:48 This is idea of God who pays back.
06:51 You know say how does that fit in
06:53 with the God of love and so forth.
06:55 And I think basically this, any good government
06:59 has as a major task restraining evil.
07:03 It has to be, I mean if wasn't for police cars
07:06 who would obey the speed limit, right?
07:07 I mean even among godly people
07:10 there's a temptation to just hit that thing
07:12 just a little bit harder and there is a restrain--
07:15 the greater the evil the greater the restraint necessary.
07:19 Sometimes smart bombs.
07:21 Sometimes predator drones, you see.
07:24 Government's role is to restrain evil
07:27 in the universe and God is like that.
07:29 I remember one time I was driving in state of New York
07:34 and I had a lady in the back that was
07:37 telling me her husband just left her
07:40 and I was just so-- I'm listening to--
07:42 this was 35 mile zone I headed over 50.
07:44 I was just listening-- Oh, no.
07:47 Little red light, you see. Right.
07:49 And I was pulled into the judge.
07:50 It was a really small New York state town.
07:53 This little judge, you know, he hands me the seat
07:56 and says the state of New York against Jon Paulien.
07:59 And I'm thinking 20 million people and they all hate me.
08:03 This is terrible, you see, but that was kind of
08:05 what the wrath of God is about its restraining,
08:09 you know, I didn't intend to do it but, boy,
08:11 I was sure restrained on my future actions in that town.
08:14 You know that judge who was a young guy.
08:16 This is your pastor, he says, I don't expect that
08:19 I'm gonna be seeing you again.
08:20 I'm just gonna let you go.
08:21 And his mercy was also a powerful restraint
08:25 on my behavior in that situation.
08:28 So I think we have to see, yes, God will bring
08:32 an end to violence and oppression
08:34 and that will be a good thing.
08:36 God of mercy isn't gonna let injustice go on forever.
08:41 Ultimately when He shows His presence those who
08:45 have chosen evil will not be able to stand it.
08:48 Yeah, yeah, well, I think we take great courage
08:52 that we don't need to take justice into our own hands.
08:55 You know that Gods not on trial
08:57 with these words on the Bible.
08:59 And you know I love how you brought out that,
09:03 you know, God has to deal with the evil in the world
09:07 and that He will take the situation into His hands
09:12 and we can know and trust our loving Father,
09:15 our loving God to deal with the evil
09:17 and He is making things right.
09:20 Well, we probably should move on to
09:22 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 versus 10 through 12.
09:26 And Paul continues and he says,
09:27 "On that day when He comes
09:28 to be glorified in all His saints,
09:31 and to be marveled at in all who believe
09:33 because our witness was believed by you.
09:36 With this end in view we pray always for you,
09:39 in order that our God might account you
09:40 worthy of His calling, and He might fill up
09:43 your every intention of goodness
09:45 and work of faith with power,
09:47 so that the name of our Lord Jesus
09:49 might be glorified in you all,
09:51 and you in Him, according to the grace of our God
09:54 and the Lord Jesus Christ."
09:56 I love that part in verse 11
09:58 "that He might fill up your every intention of goodness
10:01 and work of faith with power."
10:04 Our good intentions He will fill it up.
10:06 He will work with this.
10:08 In verses 3-10, we have important details
10:11 about the Second Coming.
10:12 There's angels, there's fire, there's destruction
10:16 and He is setting the table for Chapter 2.
10:18 'Cause in Chapter 2 there apparently
10:20 people are saying He's already come.
10:22 He's already come. Quit your job.
10:24 You know, chill out so this is--
10:27 eternity is here and Paul is saying look
10:30 if Jesus had come where is the fire,
10:33 where is the angels, where is the destruction, you see.
10:36 He is piling up evidence that their theology is mistaken
10:40 and it's causing them to behaviors
10:43 that are not worthy of the people of God.
10:45 So he's setting the stage here for where is about to go.
10:49 Yeah, you know, I love-- we talked about
10:51 this before in Chapter 4 but just that great picture
10:55 when Christ comes back again you know.
10:57 And I wanna encourage you as viewers I mentioned before
11:00 that you can take 1 Corinthians Chapter 15,
11:02 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4, and Revelation Chapter 20
11:05 and you can see the whole picture.
11:07 You know that wonderful picture
11:09 when Christ comes back again and the dead in Christ rise
11:12 and those who are alive in Christ rise with Him
11:14 and then Satan and his demons are bound for a 1,000 years
11:19 and Christ and His people reign for a 1,000 years
11:22 and they see that all of God's judgments
11:23 of making things right were actually just and good.
11:27 And then when Christ and His people come back
11:30 and that wily devil the serpent is let loose
11:33 again then God and His people come down
11:36 and cleanse the earth for that new earth
11:38 that we're gonna have and God will ultimately
11:40 make everything right.
11:42 And verses 10 to 12 I think He makes
11:44 clear that character is critical moving forward.
11:48 It is our character that to some degree is a window on to
11:52 God's character in the eyes of people.
11:54 We glorify God at the Second Coming
11:57 by exhibiting His character that's what Paul says here.
12:02 Yeah, definitely.
12:05 Well, God, Paul uses God and Jesus interchangeably here
12:09 and if Jesus is truly God then the Father is just like Him.
12:14 So in looking at Jesus we can really know
12:15 what our Father is like.
12:18 Let me sum up what we've been
12:20 doing in this program with a quick story.
12:22 There was a Seventh-day Adventist farmer.
12:24 There are a bunch of locust coming
12:26 and all his neighbors said the locust are coming.
12:29 They're gonna eat up the crops.
12:31 Let's get them all in.
12:32 The problem is the locust was supposed arrive on Sabbath.
12:35 This Adventist farmer says, no.
12:37 He says I'm not gonna work on the Sabbath
12:39 and let God take care of things.
12:41 The other farmers all work throughout that day
12:44 and throughout the night and so on.
12:46 Sunday morning came the Adventist farmer
12:49 looked out of the window, the field was totally barren.
12:52 When the neighbors say they were sorry for this.
12:54 Man, what you're gonna do now.
12:55 He says God doesn't always make
12:57 a final settlement in October.
13:01 Patience I think is a major message of this chapter.
13:04 Yeah, he really had a vision of God what wanted.
13:07 We just wanna encourage you to know that
13:09 no matter what you might be going through,
13:11 to know that God is about making things right.
13:14 It's in process and ultimately
13:15 when He comes back again evil will finally be done away with
13:19 and we'll reign with Him forever.
13:21 God bless. We'll see you next time.


Revised 2023-01-25