Books of the Book: Thessalonians

Final Events

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jon Paulien & Jon Ciccarelli


Series Code: TBOTB

Program Code: TBOTB000009B

00:01 Hi, and welcome back to the Books of the book.
00:03 And Jon we were just kind of talking about
00:06 dates setting a little bit.
00:08 And, you know, how really spiritually counterproductive
00:11 that is versus focusing on just being ready
00:13 for when Christ come. But let's
00:15 let's continue our journey together.
00:16 Yeah. I want to, I want to take you some another place
00:19 that relates to this whole idea of
00:21 readiness for the second coming.
00:23 That's Luke 21 and verse 34.
00:27 And in the new international version it says,
00:31 "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down
00:34 with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life
00:39 and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap."
00:43 Now it's the way that will be surprise.
00:46 It's the outsiders who'll be surprised. Why?
00:48 Dissipation, that's a Greek word for partying.
00:52 Drunkenness, I think it's pretty obvious what that is.
00:55 Anxieties of life,
00:56 I think everybody has that as a distraction.
01:00 And Jesus says the whole issue before my coming
01:04 is people were gonna be distracted by many things.
01:07 Wow, didn't even mention the internet,
01:10 and cell phones, and everything else.
01:11 We have so many distractions today.
01:14 Jesus of course speaking at that time
01:16 nevertheless sets a table for exactly
01:18 the kind of world we live in today.
01:21 So there is a lot of people seeking to escape
01:24 through entertainment, through alcohol,
01:26 through distractions and so on.
01:29 So, what about the believers, Jon,
01:31 what's gonna happen with them--with verses 4 and 5,
01:34 will bring us there.
01:35 Yeah. Lets look at that.
01:37 Paul says, "But you, brothers,
01:39 are not in darkness so that the Day
01:41 overtakes you like a thief.
01:43 For you are all sons of light and sons of day.
01:47 You are not of night or of darkness."
01:50 So here he says, believers will not be surprised.
01:53 All this suddenness, all this unexpectedness,
01:57 all that's about those who are not believing,
02:01 you see, they will be surprised.
02:03 They will be horrified.
02:04 They will be shocked.
02:05 But the believers will not, why?
02:08 Because they live in the light.
02:10 They live in the day What's that all about?
02:13 It's about the word of God.
02:15 If you stay close to the word of God,
02:17 if you have your confidence grounded in Bible prophecy,
02:21 you're not gonna be surprised.
02:23 You're not gonna be overtaken.
02:25 You're gonna be safer and that readiness
02:27 involves knowing the word of God,
02:30 and being prepared for the things that are coming.
02:33 Yeah, I am glad you brought that out, Jon.
02:36 God's word is just so vital, you know to us,
02:39 as believers and for the world and there so many temptations
02:44 in this life to be busy.
02:46 You know, that old saying,
02:48 if the devil can't you bad he'll make you busy.
02:50 And it's so true that there are so many things,
02:53 just like, oh, I don't have time to read the Bible.
02:55 Yes we do. There's time.
02:57 And there is a, there is a, you've heard the term WMD,
03:03 weapons of mass distraction, destruction.
03:06 I just said that, I just said that.
03:07 But I'd like to call Weapons of mass distraction.
03:10 Yes, yeah. Because we look at everything.
03:12 You mention the internet. You know,
03:13 you just spoke way out of this time,
03:14 the internet, the anxieties of life.
03:17 I have a friend, who just couple of years back
03:20 published his doctoral thesis
03:22 and this sounds kind of deep, but it's very simple.
03:25 And he was on the collapse of space
03:27 and time in people's lives due the technology.
03:31 And that collapse of space and time
03:34 from the misuse of technology,
03:37 that is strangling our relationship with God.
03:40 You know, I think technology makes a wonderful servant,
03:43 but a horrible master. Right.
03:45 And, and we continue, I must confess as well,
03:49 to let technology be my master too much
03:51 and invade every nook and cranny and crisis of my life,
03:55 and before you know it, you know,
03:57 your time with God is shrinking and shrinking.
03:59 And it's so important for us to give the word of God
04:02 the attention that it needs.
04:05 And so we will be ready as Paul is talking about here.
04:08 Well, I tend to be a fairly early adopter of technology.
04:12 But in this area I resist sometimes.
04:15 There are some aspects of technology
04:17 I have not chosen to engage in,
04:19 you know, such as Facebook and so.
04:20 I'm sure it's a wonderful too.
04:22 And I hear some great things.
04:23 My kids are involved in it.
04:26 But I just don't need one more thing to distract me
04:30 even if it's good things.
04:32 You see, I think when it comes to being ready,
04:34 that's everyone needs to make their own decision
04:36 with the technology.
04:37 When it comes to being ready for Jesus coming,
04:40 we need to be prepared to ignore distractions
04:42 whatever they maybe for us.
04:44 You see, ignore the distractions
04:46 and set us aside significant time
04:49 for the word of God because those who are
04:51 watching this program are doing exactly that.
04:54 Right. And I think I shared with you a picture,
04:57 the other day, where Jesus is sitting on the bench
05:00 with a young man, and He says,
05:01 no, I don't mean twitter literally follow me.
05:04 You know, follow me, but to give Jesus that space
05:08 and time you give more attention through the word.
05:11 It's life changing and it will give us
05:13 direction as we prepare for Christ coming.
05:17 Well, why don't we go ahead to verses
05:18 six through eight of chapter five.
05:20 Let's look at that.
05:23 Paul goes on and he says.
05:24 "So, therefore, do not sleep, like the rest,
05:27 but be watchful and sober,
05:29 for those who sleep, sleep at night,
05:32 and those who get drunk get drunk at night.
05:34 But being of day, let us be sober,
05:37 having put on a breastplate of faith and love,
05:39 and a helmet, the hope of salvation."
05:43 Three more analogies.
05:45 Paul is really piling on the analogies.
05:47 Yes, absolutely, because the reality is
05:51 we don't see here a touch of God as a rule.
05:54 Occasionally maybe people have such an experience,
05:56 but most of us can honestly say we haven't seen,
05:59 heard or touched God.
06:00 And so when we speak of God,
06:02 we speak of him and analogies the things we do understand.
06:06 And so many of the salvation words are really analogies,
06:09 righteousness is from the law court.
06:11 Forgiveness is from accounting and banking.
06:16 You know, and many ways,
06:19 you know, debt forgiveness banking kind of.
06:22 You see, use these metaphors to try to explain things,
06:25 that God is doing it His realm
06:27 and make sense for own time and place.
06:30 So he uses the metaphors of awake and asleep.
06:34 That he's saying one thing we need to do
06:36 is avoid laziness when it comes to spiritual things,
06:40 avoid lack of interest.
06:43 The language here is, don't even start sleeping.
06:47 Okay, we need to be alert,
06:49 for we're going to be the children of the day.
06:50 People are awake in the day
06:52 and they sleep at night, he says.
06:53 Then there is the drunk, sober comparison.
06:57 And this word "Sober" in the Greek
07:01 has a lot to do with reason
07:05 and sort of a philosophical mindset.
07:08 We're trying to use logic and work your way through things
07:12 and Paul saying you let's be reasonable.
07:14 Let's think things through.
07:15 Let's not be spinning our wheels
07:18 or in some kind of an entertainment fog.
07:22 Then he uses the language of a military guard.
07:25 Military guard is armed and dangerous,
07:28 you know, and the average person is awaked during the day,
07:31 but what about the military guard.
07:34 He's got to exceed that norm, right.
07:36 Right, right, and I think, you know,
07:37 Paul is really asking us to exceed the norm.
07:41 He's challenging us to go above and beyond.
07:44 And I think that is so crucial for us
07:47 as Christians as disciples of Jesus.
07:49 I mean Jesus calls us to follow Him,
07:51 that's a serious thing.
07:53 And to really follow Him and to take His word
07:56 as the basis of our life,
07:59 and understanding making sense of life around us,
08:01 for being true reality for us.
08:03 So he really is, is inviting them
08:06 into a life of intentionality
08:08 of really taking the word of God to heart and being,
08:13 and being ready. You know,
08:14 I mentioned before in a previous episode
08:16 that were discipline, that often has negative connotations.
08:20 But, you know, at the root of that word
08:21 discipline is the word disciple.
08:23 There is the intentionality.
08:24 There are disciplines that we are intentional
08:27 about on a daily basis and one of those
08:28 is really again studying the word of God
08:31 and having that knowledge help make us ready
08:34 for when our master returns again.
08:37 Isn't there room for some spontaneity
08:39 in the Christian walk?
08:40 You know, I think there is whenever the spirit leads in,
08:43 you know, spontaneous things but I like refer it to
08:46 sometimes as the colt of spontaneity.
08:48 You know, sometimes we say if it isn't
08:50 always just spontaneous then it wasn't from the heart
08:53 or it wasn't real, you know,
08:55 but again using the analogy of a professional athlete.
08:58 You know, when you see them on the field
08:59 or the basketball court or wherever,
09:01 how much is that spontaneous.
09:03 They were intentional about learning those things
09:05 and performing those ways.
09:07 So when the situation arose they were able to do it.
09:09 And so I think there is a lot of intentionality
09:12 behind spontaneity, if you will, and I think that's where,
09:15 what happens around with the word of God as well.
09:17 Well, Paul here is using military analogies and,
09:20 you know, my wife would probably say at this point what,
09:22 is this some sort a guy thing?
09:24 You know, you guys are all into this military stuff,
09:27 how does that had apply to me and I once asked her about it.
09:30 We're talking about army guns,
09:31 what is that have to do with woman.
09:33 You know, I said well, I said, do you ever feel like
09:35 there's a war going on inside your head.
09:37 And she said yes.
09:40 I know exactly what you're talking about.
09:41 I get it now.
09:42 Paul actually goes into this in Second Corinthians chapter 10
09:47 and verses 3:5, and we have that
09:50 in the New King James version today.
09:53 Listen to what Paul says here,
09:55 "For though we walk in the flesh,
09:58 we do not war according to the flesh."
10:02 There you go.
10:03 For the weapons of our warfare are not Carnal
10:06 that word Carnal is the some word here flesh, fleshly.
10:10 A fleshly weapon is like an AK47,
10:13 kind of tear you to pieces that's a fleshly weapon,
10:16 he says no. He says our warfare is not fleshly.
10:18 It's not Carnal, but it's mighty in God
10:21 for pulling down strongholds.
10:23 What kind of strongholds?
10:24 "Casting down arguments and every high thing
10:29 that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,
10:31 bringing every thought into captivity
10:35 to the obedience of Christ."
10:37 I think this just clear as Paul
10:40 gets of what this readiness is all about.
10:43 That as you said that discipline of harnessing our minds
10:47 so that they're focused on the things that really matter,
10:50 focused on the word of God, focused on his ways.
10:54 I think that is absolutely critical.
10:58 Yeah, you know--I had a professor in college.
11:01 I was doing my undergraduate in theology,
11:04 Dr. Lander, phenomenal Church Historian and a Servant,
11:08 history of the church, and he would always say,
11:10 you know, we talk about accepting Jesus into our heart.
11:13 You know which ventricle, the left or the right he says
11:16 but really let's be real about this
11:18 is we need to accept him into our mind.
11:19 He meant to let them have total control over mind.
11:23 That's right. Never forgotten that.
11:25 That's right what Paul is saying here.
11:27 Well, our time is almost up.
11:28 Why don't you read verses 9:11
11:30 and we'll draw his to conclusion?
11:33 Paul says, "Because God did not appoint us to wrath,
11:37 but to the possession of salvation
11:40 through our Lord Jesus Christ, the one who died for us,
11:43 in order that, whether we are awake or asleep,
11:46 we might live with Him.
11:47 Wherefore, encourage one another and build each other up,
11:50 just as you are, in fact, doing."
11:53 You know, people worry about the wrath of God,
11:56 and here Paul is very clear.
11:58 God has not appointed us to wrath.
12:02 Like we said about the flood story,
12:03 God didn't want to destroy people on this earth.
12:06 He made provision for everybody to escape
12:09 and those who chose not to, but did not.
12:12 So we see in God this kind of a picture
12:16 that he wants salvation for us.
12:20 His purposes aren't wrath
12:21 but its salvation and encouragement.
12:24 He wants to encourage us.
12:26 And in the Book of Revelation,
12:28 we won't take time to read the text,
12:30 but in the book of revelation it says that the Lamb
12:35 is the one that oversees the wrath at the end of time.
12:38 Whose the Lamb? That's Jesus Christ.
12:40 And if there's anybody that we trust to deal with that,
12:44 it would be him.
12:46 Jon, it's so good to know that we can trust him
12:48 that Jesus is provided away for us, for salvation.
12:51 And it's so comforting to know that the judgment
12:53 is in his hands and he is taking care of things.
12:56 We know how much he loves us we can trust him with that.
12:59 And I just want to encourage you today,
13:01 if you haven't accepted Jesus Christ
13:02 as your Lord and savior I encourage you to do that.
13:05 You can trust him with your life.
13:06 And Paul has told us through this study today
13:09 that we can be ready because Jesus is coming again
13:12 and we can trust him with the judgment.
13:15 Until next time, join us again for a study
13:17 and for Thessalonians, God bless, bye, bye.


Revised 2023-01-25