Welcome back to Books of the Book and Doctor Pauline 00:00:01.03\00:00:04.90 let's get right back into our study again. 00:00:04.90\00:00:06.50 Well I just want to mention to those who are viewing, 00:00:06.50\00:00:09.97 Paul is opening up some issues of sexuality and we are 00:00:09.97\00:00:13.38 going to be very practical and follow-through on some 00:00:13.38\00:00:16.91 adult type of issues here in the next 10 to 12 minutes. 00:00:16.91\00:00:20.08 So if there are small children with you, you may wish to 00:00:20.08\00:00:23.25 act accordingly as a parent. 00:00:23.25\00:00:26.02 But we will speak about some things that were close to the 00:00:26.02\00:00:29.66 heart of Paul and I think issues that Christians 00:00:29.66\00:00:32.19 need to consider today. 00:00:32.19\00:00:33.80 You may ask question why would any Christian get involved 00:00:33.80\00:00:39.50 in illicit sexuality, and I think part of it goes back 00:00:39.50\00:00:45.21 to our own creation. 00:00:45.21\00:00:46.78 God has created us with a sense of attraction to the 00:00:46.78\00:00:50.28 opposite sex, now that it's not the same for everyone. 00:00:50.28\00:00:53.21 There are people that have relatively little attraction 00:00:53.21\00:00:56.25 on the one hand, there are others for whom the attraction 00:00:56.25\00:00:59.25 goes very, very deep and they can almost sense when 00:00:59.25\00:01:01.69 somebody walks into the room behind their back. 00:01:01.69\00:01:04.06 There is a spectrum of attraction, but attraction is 00:01:04.06\00:01:09.20 God given, attraction is normal, and attraction in and 00:01:09.20\00:01:14.37 of itself is not sin. 00:01:14.37\00:01:15.87 To notice that God has created beauty or notice 00:01:15.87\00:01:20.18 that someone is attractive in various ways, 00:01:20.18\00:01:24.48 that in itself is not a sin. 00:01:24.48\00:01:26.35 But every so often you come in contact with someone 00:01:26.35\00:01:29.78 where there is a heightened sense of attraction. 00:01:29.78\00:01:33.12 For the chemicals are right, some people call it love at 00:01:33.12\00:01:36.22 first sight, that can happen to someone who is married 00:01:36.22\00:01:39.29 with someone else. 00:01:39.29\00:01:41.16 It is at times like that, that is the crucial issue, that 00:01:41.16\00:01:44.87 is where the Christian faces what we call temptation. 00:01:44.87\00:01:48.40 At that point there is a fork in the road and the world 00:01:48.40\00:01:51.67 will tell you, Hollywood would tell you, go for it. 00:01:51.67\00:01:56.01 The Bible is telling you no, this is the place to close 00:01:56.01\00:02:00.35 the door, this is a place to make a fence. 00:02:00.35\00:02:02.58 But there are some risk takers among us as Christians. 00:02:02.58\00:02:06.45 And there is some who that go down that path. 00:02:06.45\00:02:08.99 It goes something like this. 00:02:08.99\00:02:11.43 It moves from attraction, from temptation, to fantasy 00:02:11.43\00:02:16.73 where a person begins to play in their mind fantasies 00:02:16.73\00:02:22.04 with that other person. 00:02:22.04\00:02:23.47 Over time it can be totally private, yet what it is 00:02:23.47\00:02:27.48 doing is stealing a piece of yourself that should 00:02:27.48\00:02:31.41 be given to your spouse. 00:02:31.41\00:02:33.01 Fantasy is never helpful and it is where sin begins, 00:02:33.01\00:02:37.42 often then it goes into what we might call, flirtation. 00:02:37.42\00:02:41.79 That is where you say some things that have double 00:02:41.79\00:02:44.69 meanings, the kind of thing where, hey that was 00:02:44.69\00:02:47.50 a naughty statement, no, no I didn't mean it that way. 00:02:47.50\00:02:49.06 You are testing to see whether that person is as 00:02:49.06\00:02:52.57 interested as you are. 00:02:52.57\00:02:53.94 In a ministry context people may look for excuses to 00:02:53.94\00:02:57.71 work together, they may walk down the hall to see if 00:02:57.71\00:03:01.44 the other person is in and how they look today. 00:03:01.44\00:03:03.48 So it all seems so innocent, yet it is going down a path 00:03:03.48\00:03:07.98 and at some point you are working together and things 00:03:07.98\00:03:12.19 reach a point where it becomes physical, where you begin 00:03:12.19\00:03:16.49 to act out on the feelings and the reality is when that 00:03:16.49\00:03:20.76 happens, two people and more are deeply wounded. 00:03:20.76\00:03:26.27 There is a Pastor that wrote a note to self, that he would 00:03:26.27\00:03:29.97 read to himself when ever he was at that fork, when ever 00:03:29.97\00:03:33.68 he discovered this heightened sense of attraction. 00:03:33.68\00:03:36.68 He read this statement to himself, a very wise man. 00:03:36.68\00:03:39.61 A pretty smart man Jon I think because it is just too 00:05:09.10\00:05:12.71 dangerous a road, in verse six I think Paul uses 00:05:12.71\00:05:16.64 an interesting Greek word that I think is relevant to this. 00:05:16.64\00:05:20.78 Yes let me read 1 Thessalonians 4:6-8: 00:05:20.78\00:05:24.39 It is an interesting word Paul uses, let's not defraud 00:05:49.41\00:05:54.28 our brother, because what happens is when we exercise 00:05:54.28\00:05:58.69 sexuality outside of the bonds of God's design, both 00:05:58.69\00:06:03.46 parties are deeply wounded as that statement indicated. 00:06:03.46\00:06:08.13 You are not only hurting another Christian, you are also 00:06:08.13\00:06:12.07 hurting your future spouse or current spouse, if they 00:06:12.07\00:06:15.97 happen to be married, so there is multiple damage that happens. 00:06:15.97\00:06:18.77 Children can be affected by the actions of their parents. 00:06:18.77\00:06:22.48 And I want to say, if you are listening to this and 00:06:22.48\00:06:25.95 realize that you have gone over that line, 00:06:25.95\00:06:29.18 perhaps several times, you have gone all the way and 00:06:29.18\00:06:32.22 reaped all these consequences that we read about, 00:06:32.22\00:06:35.22 I want you to know that it is not too late, 00:06:35.22\00:06:37.03 God is calling you right now. 00:06:37.03\00:06:38.99 You can make it right, you can do restitution where 00:06:38.99\00:06:42.40 restitution is needed. 00:06:42.40\00:06:44.03 It is going to be a long road, you will probably 00:06:44.03\00:06:46.74 need counseling, pastoral support, community 00:06:46.74\00:06:49.37 and all kinds of things. 00:06:49.37\00:06:50.84 The damage cannot be totally undone. 00:06:50.84\00:06:53.71 To those of you who haven't walked down that road, 00:06:53.71\00:06:56.28 let this message today be a warning right 00:06:56.28\00:07:00.98 from the apostle Paul. 00:07:00.98\00:07:02.48 Don't defraud one another, and you know what else Jon? 00:07:02.48\00:07:06.12 You are not only defrauding other people when you do that, 00:07:06.12\00:07:09.72 you are also hurting Jesus Christ. 00:07:09.72\00:07:12.13 Because these are all souls for whom He died and any 00:07:12.13\00:07:16.03 thing done to wound a brother or sister, 00:07:16.03\00:07:18.97 also wounds the heart of Christ. 00:07:18.97\00:07:21.80 Not to mention the wounds to your own heart as God's beloved. 00:07:21.80\00:07:26.21 I remember a handy man who was working at my house one day, 00:07:26.21\00:07:31.05 and he said to me as I told him, I was just writing about 00:07:31.05\00:07:35.85 this at the time. 00:07:35.85\00:07:36.82 So you are not only damaging somebody now, but your future 00:08:03.55\00:08:07.08 spouse, future relationships are affected by the baggage 00:08:07.08\00:08:10.62 that you bring from these kinds of relationships. 00:08:10.62\00:08:14.62 Now sexuality, according to God's design, 00:08:14.62\00:08:16.66 is a beautiful thing. - yeah, yeah! 00:08:16.66\00:08:19.79 But when outside of the bounds, it can cause 00:08:19.79\00:08:23.77 a great deal of damage. 00:08:23.77\00:08:25.53 Yeah, I always tell people that I have been in therapy for 00:08:25.53\00:08:29.44 25 years because my wife is an Marriage Family Therapist 00:08:29.44\00:08:33.31 and we have been married now for almost 25 years. 00:08:33.31\00:08:36.75 We do several marriage retreats a year for couples. 00:08:36.75\00:08:40.48 We are always in process with couples and when it comes 00:08:40.48\00:08:44.25 to love and sex, unfortunately, I really like the 00:08:44.25\00:08:47.76 process you brought out earlier showing that if 00:08:47.76\00:08:51.23 you are not careful where it can go. 00:08:51.23\00:08:52.53 But when we go that way, the way that Paul is warning us 00:08:52.53\00:08:56.06 about, it is so focused on ourselves, it is so focused on 00:08:56.06\00:08:59.57 self and me getting, what am I getting out of it? 00:08:59.57\00:09:02.97 The pleasure or whatever it can be for me, and yet true 00:09:02.97\00:09:05.94 love, as we have seen in Paul's life, and ultimately in 00:09:05.94\00:09:08.91 Christ's life, is about serving someone. 00:09:08.91\00:09:11.38 So when I look at someone and I think about how am I 00:09:11.38\00:09:14.98 serving this person in Christ's name, how am I serving? 00:09:14.98\00:09:17.92 Jesus said I am the One among you as the One who serves. 00:09:17.92\00:09:21.96 And so in a marriage that holy love is being set apart 00:09:21.96\00:09:25.56 to love one another and we do that by serving one another. 00:09:25.56\00:09:29.10 So as I look at loving my wife, how do I serve her? 00:09:29.10\00:09:33.70 When you talk about sexuality, and sexual relationships, 00:09:33.70\00:09:37.54 it is not about me, it is about loving that person. 00:09:37.54\00:09:39.94 - and so it is always giving. 00:09:39.94\00:09:43.01 You may call this holy sex, if you will but being set apart to 00:09:43.01\00:09:46.48 love my wife like Christ loves the church. That is huge! 00:09:46.48\00:09:49.72 It's used as an analogy. - Exactly. - For spirituality. 00:09:49.72\00:09:52.89 And Christ is the One, we look at how He served and He loved 00:09:52.89\00:09:55.96 the church so much, He loves people so much that He came 00:09:55.96\00:09:58.96 and He died, He came to serve and not be served. 00:09:58.96\00:10:01.40 So I think this holiness, in the context of sexuality too, 00:10:01.40\00:10:05.67 is how can I love this person like Christ loves the church 00:10:05.67\00:10:10.47 and serve, always seeking to edify, to be a vessel in their 00:10:10.47\00:10:15.24 life that God would develop them to be everything 00:10:15.24\00:10:18.15 He dreams for them to be. 00:10:18.15\00:10:19.55 Not what can I get out of this? How does this work with me? 00:10:19.55\00:10:23.89 - Beautiful! But helping them in that way. 00:10:23.89\00:10:27.19 Sexuality according to God's design is a lifelong 00:10:27.19\00:10:30.46 relationship with somebody in which you build in 00:10:30.46\00:10:33.70 some in some of those values. 00:10:33.70\00:10:34.93 But what would you say to a teenager who is saying look 00:10:34.93\00:10:37.90 I'm going to marry this girl, so why don't we just try it 00:10:37.90\00:10:40.54 out and see how it's going? What would you say to them? 00:10:40.54\00:10:43.17 No! - Why not? - Just don't do it, you know. 00:10:43.17\00:10:46.41 There are several reasons, first of all the obvious is 00:10:46.41\00:10:49.34 just the danger of disease. 00:10:49.34\00:10:51.25 I mean it is so rampant out there, and unfortunately 00:10:51.25\00:10:54.85 there are married couples out there, because of 00:10:54.85\00:10:57.49 unfaithfulness that are having to deal with disease 00:10:57.49\00:10:59.59 that was never in the relationship to begin with. 00:10:59.59\00:11:01.66 So that is one reason for sure I would say. 00:11:01.66\00:11:03.83 Another thing I would mention, is a relationship that 00:11:03.83\00:11:08.36 lasts a lifetime can't be based on sex. 00:11:08.36\00:11:10.87 People get bored with sex, that is why pornography exists. 00:11:10.87\00:11:13.74 It's because people are bored with it and they want to 00:11:13.74\00:11:16.57 do something radical, something different. 00:11:16.57\00:11:17.77 The reality is the relationship that will last an eternity 00:11:17.77\00:11:20.88 is grounded on mental, emotional, spiritual bonds. 00:11:20.88\00:11:25.05 When a young couple gets into the physical, they stop 00:11:25.05\00:11:29.22 building the infrastructure of the relationship. 00:11:29.22\00:11:31.89 They stop building, they stop talking about their likes 00:11:31.89\00:11:34.72 and dislikes, about their emotions, about their spiritual 00:11:34.72\00:11:37.59 life, all they start doing is go find some hiding place 00:11:37.59\00:11:40.43 where they can do the physical stuff. 00:11:40.43\00:11:42.03 The physical side-tracks, the building of relationship 00:11:42.03\00:11:45.97 in young people that even before marriage, sexuality 00:11:45.97\00:11:49.87 I think is best left aside. 00:11:49.87\00:11:52.31 Even if you marry that person, they may never be able 00:11:52.31\00:11:56.61 to trust that you won't do it with somebody else, 00:11:56.61\00:12:00.05 because you did it with me. - yeah a lack of trust. 00:12:00.05\00:12:03.05 I wish we could say more but we have a couple more 00:12:03.05\00:12:06.02 verses Jon, would you read verses 9 to 12, 00:12:06.02\00:12:08.12 and we need to draw this to a close. 00:12:08.12\00:12:09.82 Sure would be happy to do that. 00:12:09.82\00:12:12.19 Paul goes on and he says: 00:12:12.19\00:12:17.57 One of the best witnesses a church can have is people 00:12:44.33\00:12:47.83 who are hard working, industrious, who take care of 00:12:47.83\00:12:51.27 their own business and even have a little 00:12:51.27\00:12:53.27 left over to help. 00:12:53.27\00:12:54.57 You know this is has been rich and I love how Paul is 00:12:54.57\00:12:59.04 always so, so practical. 00:12:59.04\00:13:01.18 I just want to encourage our viewers, especially in the 00:13:01.18\00:13:04.81 area of sexuality, we don't want to look at the problem, 00:13:04.81\00:13:08.38 we want to look at Christ, keep looking at Christ. 00:13:08.38\00:13:11.29 Turn your eyes on Him, focus on Him and He will lead you 00:13:11.29\00:13:15.59 and guide you and grow you in holiness in 00:13:15.59\00:13:18.49 His love relationship with you. 00:13:18.49\00:13:19.59 Take care, and God bless! 00:13:19.59\00:13:21.36