Books of the Book: Thessalonians

Joyous & Thankful

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jon Paulien & Jon Ciccarelli


Series Code: TBOTB

Program Code: TBOTB000004A

00:21 Welcome to Books of the Book, and in this particular
00:25 series we are studying the letters to the
00:28 Thessalonians by Paul.
00:30 I'm Jon Paulien and with me as my Pastor, Jon Ciccarelli.
00:34 Jon it is good to be with you again, as we now really start
00:38 getting into this study, we have looked at the
00:40 context so forth and the journeys that Paul has been on.
00:43 Now we are going to look at the letters that he actually
00:46 wrote the Thessalonians.
00:47 So today we are going to look specifically at verses
00:51 1 to 10 in Chapter 1 where Paul is writing to them and
00:54 telling them how joyful he is and thankful he is for them.
00:57 And the fruit of what God has been doing in their life
01:00 through God's Word in them.
01:02 Very good, so there is about 10 verses long and I should
01:07 mention that the translations of Thessalonians are my own.
01:12 The reason that I'm using this personal translation is
01:16 because I want to bring out some things that you can't
01:20 bring out in a normal Bible translation, the grammar of
01:24 the Greek, the meanings of words that might be missing
01:28 in a smoother type of English.
01:30 So sometimes the translation may be even a little bit
01:33 awkward, but we are giving that so that you can get
01:36 a little bit of the flavor of the Greek.
01:38 For example, verses 2 through 10 of 1 Thessalonians 1
01:42 is a single sentence in the Greek,
01:45 with only one main verb.
01:47 Now most translations don't show you that because it would
01:50 be too hard to read, but Paul seems to be able to string
01:54 a sentence together with all kinds of subordinate clauses
01:57 and we will try to break it down for you today.
01:59 Alright, great! - so Jon, why don't you, if you notice
02:06 here this text that Paul is very, very thankful, but how
02:12 does he expressed his thankfulness?
02:13 Will he expresses thankfulness to them in his prayers.
02:17 But he especially thankful because they have remained
02:20 faithful to God in spite of the things they have gone
02:24 through, they are remaining faithful.
02:26 They continue to trust God and they have had massive life
02:30 change due to the Gospel.
02:32 He sees the fruit in their life of what God is doing
02:34 through the Gospel in their life.
02:36 It's out all over about their faith, they are sharing
02:40 their faith and Paul is hearing about it in other places.
02:43 So it is exciting for him to hear that the word he spoke
02:46 is now being told through them.
02:49 Isn't it a strange thing to pray through your letter to
02:54 somebody? - it's a little strange, yeah!
02:56 It feels that way, you know.
02:59 But it is a neat thing for them also because they are
03:03 living with such great hope of the second coming.
03:07 Well one thing we discovered in a previous program,
03:11 is that Paul is way more emotional than you might
03:15 realize in reading Romans or Galatians.
03:17 He takes things very, very deeply and we see that Paul
03:22 brings all those emotions into his prayers.
03:25 It is in his prayers where he reviews his life and his
03:28 experiences with other people, it is pretty neat.
03:30 You have a way of praying that is a bit unusual.
03:33 Unusual huh? - Tell us about it.
03:36 It's one of the things I like to do from time to time.
03:39 I call it praying with a notepad.
03:42 You know often times we are with hands together and eyes
03:46 closed, but I think God also wants us to interact with
03:49 Him and so sometimes when I'm praying, I just start
03:53 writing down my prayers to God, and in that also when
03:56 we pray we feel impressions from God about maybe caring
04:00 for somebody, don't forget to check on so-and-so.
04:03 Maybe even just write a note, a phone call, send an
04:06 e- mail, things about my children maybe that I could
04:09 become more sensitive to, so I pray with a notepad
04:11 and write down things that I sense that God is inviting
04:15 me into with Him in someone's life and to go and share
04:18 His love with them in some particular way
04:20 that day or that week.
04:21 Alright! Well why don't we get into Paul's prayer?
04:24 - Alright! - Verse by verse and see what we can learn.
04:26 Let's look at 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3
05:00 - There is a number of things that jump out
05:02 to me in this text.
05:03 First of all while Paul is writing the letter you notice
05:07 he shares the credit. - Huh hmmm!
05:09 He says, Paul and Silvanus and Timothy. Now it is clear
05:12 that later all Paul's writing because he talks about
05:17 Timothy and sending Timothy and Silas, so Paul is
05:21 including his colleagues in the letter and it strikes me
05:25 there is no celebrities at the foot of the cross.
05:29 When you realize how God has saved us and what He has
05:33 brought us out of, there is no reason for any of us to
05:36 feel higher than somebody else, smarter than somebody
05:39 else, better than somebody else.
05:40 And Paul, as great of a man as he was, was eager to
05:45 share credit with others, and that is a model I have been
05:48 struggling to follow in my life.
05:50 Spread the credit wherever you can, take the blame when
05:54 necessary. Ha! Ha! Ha! - That is a struggle.
05:57 Because we are so tempted to take the credit, you know!
06:00 People may wonder about who is this Silvanus - Yeah!
06:02 Well he actually appears in the book of Acts.
06:04 But in the book of Acts Silas, you see now Silas is the
06:09 Jewish form of his name. Silvanus is the Latin, you see.
06:14 So what the Jews often did when they would move away from
06:18 Jerusalem, or move away from Israel and go out into other
06:23 parts, they would adopt names that would fit with the
06:27 society, for example my name is Pauline from the German.
06:31 But I have changed that a little bit to make it more
06:35 comfortable for people in the United States it is Paulien,
06:38 and my brothers even says, PaulĂșein.
06:40 So you see you're trying to make the name to fit in with
06:43 the society in which you are, and we see that happening
06:47 in the New Testament quite a bit.
06:49 Silas or Silvanus was actually a leader in the Jerusalem
06:53 church, so Paul was keeping the church close.
06:56 Paul was a bit of a maverick and he would do some
06:59 different things that troubled some of the brother.
07:03 But he kept some of the leaders of the church with him
07:07 when ever he went so they could assure that what he was
07:12 teaching was really solid.
07:14 Of course these folks would remember the sayings of Jesus,
07:17 Silas was probably one of the 70, Jesus had 12 disciples,
07:21 and 70, so he knew Jesus and could talk with authority
07:25 about what Jesus believed, etc.
07:28 Grace and peace, Grace is a typical Greek greeting, peace
07:33 or shalom is a typical Hebrew greeting, so Paul brings the
07:39 two together here, which is a nice little touch.
07:41 Finally of course we are familiar with faith, hope and
07:45 love, and in verse three he says remembering your work
07:49 of faith and your labor of love, your patience of hope.
07:53 Whenever Paul uses these three together, the last one
07:57 is the most important. - Hmmm!
07:59 You may remember 1 Corinthians 13. - Right!
08:01 Where faith, hope and charity, faith, hope and love.
08:05 Love is the most important thing in Corinthians.
08:09 But in Thessalonians it's hope.
08:11 He has a focus on second coming of Jesus and he wants
08:15 to keep them looking at that. - Yeah!
08:18 So he's thankful, in this passage, for a lot of things.
08:21 Yeah, definitely that is his theme here, that is the
08:24 great theme and I think it is a great example to us too
08:28 in this world.
08:30 We can get bogged down with so many things.
08:32 Just in a day, I like what Jesus said, don't worry about
08:36 tomorrow, just worry about what happens today.
08:38 But today with the economy we live in, with relationships,
08:42 so many crisis, it is so important to give thanks.
08:45 When we give thanks, things begin to fall in line in the
08:51 way things really ought to be.
08:52 I love, one of the things we do in our prayer meeting in
08:56 our church, is often times I'll pray and then we say Amen,
08:59 and then we all go home.
09:01 One of the things I like to do is ask the church members to
09:03 spend some time, let's reflect on our time of prayer.
09:06 What do we hear in our prayers today?
09:08 I remember one prayer meeting in particular where the
09:11 theme of gratitude was clearly heard, and I thought it was
09:15 like this chorus of Thanksgiving from God's people to God.
09:19 People walked away more at peace, a little more light and
09:23 not as heavy just say there is so much to be
09:26 thankful for of God.
09:28 And there is a verse that I really enjoy from
09:30 2 Corinthians 4:15 and this is
09:32 an unusual the NTW (translation),
09:35 It may puzzle people but it is a book that just came out a few
09:37 weeks ago. - A new translation of the New Testament.
09:40 And it says this. "As Grace abounds through the
09:44 "Thanksgiving of more and more people, it will overflow
09:48 "to God's glory." I love that picture of this overflowing
09:52 to God's glory through thanks giving, instigated by His grace.
09:56 The author of that translation is NT Wright, a well-known
10:00 New Testament scholar. - Right!
10:01 - People may be interested, I think it is called the New
10:04 Kingdom Translation and you might want to look at that.
10:07 It's contemporary but it is also solidly grounded in
10:10 scholarship as well. - Right!
10:13 Alright, what about verse four?
10:15 In verse four Paul goes on and he says,
10:25 Hmmm, that's a big word. - That's interesting.
10:27 You're the scholar is going going to have
10:28 to help us with this one.
10:29 Well first of all I want to point now that he says,
10:33 brethren, okay? That means he is calling them brothers.
10:37 The early church did this a lot.
10:40 It was a family of choice kind of thing, you remember
10:43 in a previous program we talked about how the typical
10:47 house church might have as few as 15 or 20 members.
10:50 It was like an extended family, the typical church
10:53 in New Testament times, so they thought of it as
10:56 a family and they would be some relatives there,
10:59 but there would be a lot of strangers and others.
11:02 And being together in church is like a like a family.
11:06 How is that help us when we look at church
11:08 to think in those terms?
11:09 I wish we would do that more, I can remember growing up,
11:13 as a kid, I grew up in a church where everybody was
11:17 brother Jon, or Sister Ruth and would always remind you
11:21 that you are part of the family of God.
11:23 Today you don't hear that it's much, but it is so
11:27 important to remember.
11:28 I guess we have our biological families, but the most
11:31 important thing is to remember that we are part of the
11:33 family of God. -Uh Hmmm! - He is our true Father.
11:35 Well you are wondering about the selection thing?
11:38 - Yeah! - They were chosen and so on and that bothers
11:41 people, predestination and stuff like that.
11:44 But I think what Paul is saying here, he says,
11:47 God had a plan for you before I ever came here.
11:51 We talked last time about the footprints of God.
11:54 The God is there before the missionaries gets there.
11:58 God is there before the preacher gets there and
12:00 I think if we went out with that in mind, that would
12:03 encourage us as we realize that God is touching people
12:07 hearts even before we get there.
12:09 - Right, right, I love how Grace initiates.
12:11 - Um hmmm, now you can go to extremes with this, you
12:15 know if a person is chosen then they have no choices.
12:18 I like to look at that whole idea this way,
12:22 I think when we look at the past we can tell that
12:26 God has been working in our lives.
12:28 We would not be where we are if it were not for God
12:31 choosing us, opening the way, providing information just
12:36 when we need it, when we look to the future.
12:38 I think it is pretty clear there are choices yet to be
12:42 made, we can choose the wrong, or we can choose the right
12:46 and God is encouraging us always to do the best,
12:49 not just the right but the best. - Right!
12:51 - That we can possibly do.
12:53 So there is a bit of tension there between God's chosen us
12:59 on the one hand and our ability to choose.
13:02 But above all else I think that Paul is encouraging us
13:05 with the idea that where ever you are now,
13:08 if you are walking with God, He was there.
13:11 He's brought you on that path.
13:15 It is encouraging to us to know that for all the troubles
13:18 we are going through right now, we are on the path that
13:21 God has chosen for us and He can make even our messes
13:24 something beautiful down the line. - Right!
13:28 He is that kind of God. - Yeah, yeah!
13:30 Well anyway it's time for a break and we are thankful that
13:33 you have been sharing with us thus far and when we get
13:36 back we will finish this long sentence of
13:40 1 Thessalonians Chapter 1.


Revised 2023-01-25