Books of the Book: Thessalonians

The Gospel Comes To Thessalonica

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jon Paulien & Jon Ciccarelli


Series Code: TBOTB

Program Code: TBOTB000001B

00:00 Welcome back to Books of the Book.
00:02 Well Jon, pick us up again now, we are getting to the
00:06 Thessalonica here. - okay so now Paul and Silas arrive
00:10 in Thessalonica and their missionary strategy is pretty
00:13 common is when they get to a new city they have never
00:16 been to before, they look up the Jewish synagogue.
00:19 Jewish synagogues at that time loved to have visitors
00:22 from abroad, especially from Jerusalem because
00:25 they would often bring news of what was going on with
00:27 Jews around the Empire, so visitors come in and
00:30 they almost always invite them to come up and at
00:32 least give a travel log if not preach.
00:34 Paul was invariably invited to preach and he would
00:40 go to the Old Testament, what we call the Old Testament.
00:43 That was the New Testament Bible, so at this time there
00:46 was no New Testament, in fact 1 Thessalonians is the
00:49 first book of the New Testament written,
00:51 and Paul has written it yet.
00:52 So he comes in and there's no New Testament, his Bible
00:55 is what we call the Old Testament.
00:57 He will preach the Bible, he'll preach about the Messiah.
01:01 The Old Testament predicts the Messiah is coming and then
01:04 when he is done with that he tells the story of Jesus,
01:08 I found the Messiah, and that was an electric message in
01:11 those days because they were all hungry for the Messiah,
01:15 and he gives a convincing biblical presentation and then
01:18 tells the story of Jesus.
01:20 Many, many Jews said that makes sense,
01:22 that puts everything together.
01:24 Now the principle here, is God is meeting them where
01:27 they are, he goes into the synagogue, he uses their
01:30 Bible, he uses a theme that they are all thinking about
01:33 and talking about, he meets them there to present
01:36 the story of Jesus.
01:37 You know I think that's so important Jon,
01:39 as you mentioned it, it is so easy sometimes I think,
01:42 as followers of Christ, to think that we always have to
01:45 go somewhere else then where we are at.
01:47 Paul would certainly going somewhere else.
01:49 He was going to his people and he was speaking that
01:52 language, I think it's so important for us to remember
01:55 that God calls us to work within our natural environment
01:59 as well, in the medium we see.
02:01 Don't you think you should be missionaries and go to
02:03 Africa? - no I think there are so many opportunities
02:06 for us here in our local area, a local town, and our jobs.
02:09 And in our neighborhoods, there are people need
02:12 to hear the gospel.
02:13 One of the things I love to do, when I was doing youth ministry,
02:16 is that I really put an emphasis on local missions here in
02:19 North America because I want kids to have an international
02:22 experience, but I also wanted them to get the taste
02:25 of what it is like to do something at home.
02:26 Remember that God is calling you to be a missionary here
02:29 at home, so we would go often times into the inner city
02:32 of Los Angeles because I wanted it to be close to where
02:35 their home was and we would spend several days in there.
02:38 They would begin to realize, wow, this is so close to
02:42 home. So when they got home with in an hour and a half after the
02:44 trip, when they went to bed at night they were always
02:46 thinking man there is so much be done just around me
02:49 that I really need to be attentive to what God wants
02:51 me to do in my own area and my own neighborhood.
02:53 That's pretty neat, so you don't have to go overseas to
02:56 be a missionary, but wherever you are you ought to
02:59 understand the context and speak to the people there.
03:02 This is what Paul seems to have done.
03:04 Acts 17 actually tells the story, and in Acts 17:1-3
03:11 it says:
03:20 If you are thinking ancient Greece, you have Philippi
03:23 over here, and then they are traveling down a road that
03:26 is called the Agnation highway that went from Northeast
03:29 Greece all the way to the northwest.
03:31 And along that highway is the city of Thessalonica.
03:35 So here they arrived there:
03:40 so he has a pattern here:
03:55 Christ here is not a name, they would sometimes say Jesus
03:58 Christ and it's become a name to us but it was 'the Christ'.
04:01 Christ is the translation of the Greek word for messiah.
04:06 So he says, the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the
04:10 dead, and the Jesus I'm pro- claiming to you is the Christ,
04:14 is the Messiah.
04:16 So he takes the Old Testament and shows them what?
04:21 He shows them that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the
04:26 dead. In Luke 24:26, Jesus Himself does the same thing
04:32 Paul is doing here in Acts 17.
04:33 In Luke 24:26 he says,
04:46 So Jesus and Paul understood that the Old Testament
04:51 teaches a Messiah who suffers and is glorified,
04:55 but the suffering comes first.
04:58 The Jews of that day knew about the glorious Messiah,
05:02 they didn't know as much about the suffering Messiah.
05:06 When Jesus came they doubted that He was the Messiah
05:09 because He was suffering, because He was ordinary,
05:12 because He was human.
05:15 So the question arises then, what text would
05:20 Paul have used in the Old Testament?
05:23 - It doesn't say in the book of Acts.
05:26 Nowhere does Paul described the sermon he actually gave
05:29 in the book of Acts, you have it summarized there.
05:33 So as we study the Old Testament, you discover that in
05:36 the Old Testament the text that point to a Messiah
05:40 are of two flavors.
05:42 There is a royal Messiah, a kingly Messiah, and then
05:47 there is a suffering Messiah, both of those are there.
05:53 Let's take a look at a couple of those texts.
05:55 One of them is Jeremiah 23:1-6, and we will show you
06:00 1- 6 but a want to emphasize just the few points of
06:05 that text, verse five in particular.
06:32 So here you see in Jeremiah 23, particularly verses
06:36 5 and 6 he says the Messiah when He comes will be a
06:39 king like David and He will save Israel. - right!
06:42 So you can understand why the Jews of that day were expecting
06:45 a Messiah to come and be a King, deliver them from the
06:49 Romans and everything was going to be the way it was
06:53 before, but that is not the only theme
06:55 in the Messiahship.
06:57 When You go to Isaiah 53, you see a different kind of Messiah,
07:02 a suffering servant kind of Messiah.
07:05 Particularly verses 1-6 and 7 of Isaiah focuses on this,
07:10 but I want to read particularly 3-5.
07:47 Wow. - so you see, in Isaiah 53 there is the picture
07:51 of someone who suffers in behalf of others.
07:54 Now, people might have gotten the impression there was
07:57 going to be two Messiahs, the suffering Messiah,
08:00 and the royal Messiah, but there are texts where the
08:03 two are blended together so tightly that you can't take
08:07 them apart, it is one person who is both King and
08:10 sufferer. Isaiah 52:13-15 says,
08:41 There you can clearly see the suffering and the kingship
08:45 are blended together, but here's the tough question.
08:49 The question that the New Testament writers had to face.
08:53 Which one comes first? Is it the suffering or the glory?
08:56 Jesus and Paul believed that the Messiah suffered first
09:00 and then would enter into His glory.
09:02 How do you think they came to that Jon?
09:04 You know it is so tough just pastorally speaking,
09:10 I kind of empathize with the Jews in the sense of having
09:15 to expect your Messiah to suffer,
09:21 because you are expecting Him to come and conquer.
09:25 I am constantly just amazed by the passage in Hebrew 5
09:28 where talks about Jesus, it says though He was a Son,
09:32 He learned obedience through suffering.
09:35 That just amazes me that Christ suffered.
09:38 But you know there is this a pattern Jon, in the Old
09:41 Testament, and this is how I think they could understand
09:43 this, in the Old Testament you see it over and over and over
09:46 this pattern of suffering and then glory.
09:49 You see it in the life of Joseph, someone who's may be
09:53 imprisoned for about 13 years and then goes on to be
09:56 Prime Minister there in Egypt.
09:59 Then there is of course Moses, Moses is out in the
10:02 wilderness for 40 years chasing sheep, and he becomes
10:06 the great deliver of the Exodus.
10:08 Then of course King David too, you think of how often
10:11 he went through so many things as a fugitive and he becomes
10:15 this great king.
10:16 And then again think of Daniel, here is a prisoner of war
10:20 whose life is even being threatened, and yet he becomes
10:23 prime minister of Babylon.
10:25 So we see that pattern over and over and that's how
10:27 I think the New Testament writers saw that as well.
10:30 The great characters of the Old Testament set a pattern
10:32 that the Messiah would follow when He comes.
10:35 But you know there is one text above all others
10:38 I think that New Testament writers focused on.
10:41 That is Isaiah 53:7-12 and I encourage our viewers to
10:45 read the entire text, but I want to emphasize the
10:49 process here, Isaiah 53:7 and on.
11:05 There is a suffering.
11:16 Now, suffering, suffering, suffering,
11:17 now catch this in verse 11.
11:49 Isaiah 53 blends the two, but the suffering comes first
11:52 and it is because of the suffering that He is glorified.
11:56 So Paul I am certain, along with these other characters
12:00 made Isaiah 53 the central text of his preaching.
12:05 So in Acts 17:4 here is the result of that preaching.
12:22 So in Acts Chapter 17 a church is formed, it's a church
12:26 made up largely of Jews, but some Gentiles.
12:30 But here's the anomaly, you read Thessalonians
12:34 you get the impression the church is mostly Gentiles.
12:37 So what do you do with that?
12:38 Scholars are not too sure. Were there two different
12:42 congregations, one Jewish and one gentile?
12:45 This is possible. Or in the time that Paul was gone
12:49 had those few Gentiles gone to all their family and friends
12:53 you see, and both of those are possibilities.
12:57 Well Jon how would you sum up what we have talked about
13:00 today? Well Jon, I think we can really rely on Scripture.
13:04 God's Word is so, so reliable, and if we would just place
13:07 our life and our faith and our trust in God, we can experience
13:11 God and I think we are going to continue to learn this
13:13 as we go through first and second Thessalonians.
13:15 So we want to thank you so much for joining us on Books of
13:18 the Book and we will look forward to seeing you next time.
13:20 God bless!


Revised 2023-01-25