Participants: Pr Shawn Boonstra
Series Code: TAP
Program Code: TAP000005
00:24 There's a city called Heaven,
00:31 across a beautiful sea, 00:39 there's a city called Heaven, 00:48 and it's waiting just for me. 01:00 I'm a sinner walking somewhere 01:06 on a road that's going some place 01:14 and I'm hoping that that somewhere 01:22 leads a close to Jesus' face. 01:36 There's a city called Heaven 01:43 across a beautiful sea, 01:52 there's a city called Heaven, 02:02 and it's waiting just for me. 02:12 Oh my burdens, mighty heavy, 02:19 and my heart it's like a hollow 02:25 but my Jesus gives me comfort, 02:31 when my spirit sink so low... 02:46 There's a city called Heaven 02:53 across a beautiful sea, 03:01 there's a city called Heaven, 03:15 and is waiting just for you. 03:47 It happened yesterday, the eastern sky lit up, 03:52 the earth was shaken and every eye gazed up at the appearing. 03:57 Jesus has come to take us home, 03:59 and now we are at the place He prepared for us. 04:02 What will it be like the day after the appearing? 04:15 Good evening again, I want to especially welcome those of you, 04:18 who are tuning in from the satellite locations 04:20 around North America. 04:22 Can you believe that we are finally down 04:24 to the last night of The Appearing? 04:26 Have you all here in the studio audience enjoyed yourself, 04:29 as you've heard pastor Shawn bring these messages? 04:36 I can tell you, it's pastor Shawn's desire 04:39 and the entire "It Is Written" team's desire, 04:41 that every single one of you that have participated in this, 04:44 have drawn a little closer to Jesus Christ. 04:47 And that you have had an opportunity to expect 04:50 with great anticipation the appearing. 04:53 Tonight, the title of this program 04:57 for this evening is: The Day After. 05:00 I know you're going to enjoy this, 05:02 please welcome pastor Shawn Boonstra. 05:11 Good evening. 05:15 Welcome back to our fifth and final night 05:19 in this five part series. 05:21 And I know some people are still thinking it was only five nights 05:24 I would like to study this just a little bit more, 05:27 and I would too. 05:28 Often, when I present Bible prophecy, 05:30 I go 20-25-30 nights and I still haven't hit the end of it. 05:34 And there's so much to study. 05:36 I know a lot of people saying: OK we went five nights, 05:38 but I have questions, 05:40 and there's so much more, that I would love to study, 05:42 what's next? 05:43 Well, there are a lot of things that you can do. 05:46 We talked a little bit about the book: The Appearing, 05:48 it covers a lot of stuff, I just haven't had time to cover 05:51 in the last few nights, as we've been together. 05:55 So the book has a lot of good information in it, 05:57 plus, wherever you are tonight, 05:59 talk to your host, your moderator 06:01 right there where you are, 06:03 because wherever you are, you will have an opportunity, 06:06 to continue studying Bible Prophecy. 06:08 There will be a group 06:10 there in your area, home groups in some places, 06:12 or groups that meet in a church, 06:14 that will continue to study the prophecies of the Bible 06:17 so, you don't have to stop, 06:18 you can keep on going. 06:20 Now, there's another opportunity, 06:22 that I would love to tell you about, 06:24 if I could just slip it in for a moment. 06:26 I am going to do what I call 06:27 the graduate course in Bible prophecy. 06:30 Come March, it is going to be twenty-some sessions, 06:34 not all in a row, we'll take a few breaks along the way, but 06:37 we're going to do it 06:38 live by satellite, again to audiences across North America, 06:42 and all around the world beginning in the spring, 06:45 it's called "Revelation Speaks Peace" 06:48 it is from Phoenix, Arizona going to the whole world 06:51 all at once, I can't wait. 06:53 I wish we could begin the graduate course right now, 06:55 but you didn't come for the graduate course, 06:57 you came for night number 5 06:59 and our subject tonight is: The Day After. 07:03 Where will you be one day after the appearing? 07:07 It is my belief again tonight 07:09 that the Bible is not an ordinary book, 07:12 that God has inspired people to write it, 07:15 that He is it's genuine author, 07:17 and that we need to ask His blessing. 07:19 So I ask that you would bow your heads with me, 07:22 as we look at our final subject in this series. 07:26 Our gracious Father in heaven, 07:28 how our hearts long to see Jesus come! 07:32 We wait for the day when we will look up 07:34 in the eastern sky and see Him coming. 07:37 We long for The Appearing. 07:39 We long for that day when we can put this world behind 07:43 and step into the next. 07:45 We would like to hear the voice of Jesus for real, 07:49 we would like to see Him for real, 07:51 but tonight you've given us an avenue, by which 07:54 we can see and hear Him, it is the Word of God. 07:56 We believe there is power in this book to change lives, 07:59 and to draw us to Jesus Christ. 08:01 I ask tonight in a very special way, 08:04 that you would bless my words, 08:06 Father, that tonight would not be a night 08:08 when we study human opinion, 08:10 but that tonight would be a night when we hear Your voice, 08:13 the voice of the Almighty Creator 08:16 speaking to us, reminding us how much You love us. 08:19 For I ask it in Jesus' precious name. 08:22 Amen. 08:25 When I was a kid, which wasn't very long ago at all, 08:28 there was a hole in my bedroom floor. 08:30 Now, that's because I lived up on the second story, 08:33 you say: would you mean, you lived in your bedroom? 08:36 Yeah, just about. 08:37 I spent a lot of time in there, reading book 08:39 after book, after book. 08:40 And there was a hole in my bedroom's floor. 08:42 The reason there was a hole in my bedroom's floor, 08:45 it was a vent that they had cut in the floor, 08:47 to let the heat from the wood stove 08:49 come upstairs at night. 08:51 And I got this idea one time, as I was laying in bed, 08:54 I was thinking to myself: You know, my mother and father 08:57 are downstairs sitting by that wood stove, talking. 09:00 And I'll bet as they talk, they going to talk about me. 09:04 So I crawled out of bed, 09:06 all the way across the floor, and I put my ear to that vent, 09:10 because I had this hunch, that when people 09:12 don't know you're listening, 09:14 they're likely to tell the truth about how they feel about you, 09:18 and I was just a little worried on the odd occasion 09:20 of how mom and dad still felt after the day 09:23 that I had blessed them with all day long. 09:25 So I got out of bed at night and I would put my ear to that vent, 09:28 and I would listen. And you know something? 09:30 Most of the time it wasn't too bad. 09:34 People tell the truth about you 09:37 when they don't think, you're listening. 09:40 Now, let me ask you a question tonight: 09:43 What do you think God thinks about you? 09:48 What would He say about you if nobody were listening? 09:51 I have good news tonight, 09:52 I know exactly what He would say, because I heard it. 09:55 What do you mean, preacher? Are you hearing voices? 09:57 No, not at all. 09:58 I actually eavesdropped on a sacred conversation 10:01 between God, the Son and God, the Father. 10:04 It is found in the Bible, you know, 10:06 they talk about this passage in the Sermon on the Mount 10:09 being the Lord's prayer, give us this day our daily bread. 10:12 But that's a pattern that Jesus gave people to pray by. 10:15 He didn't actually pray it in that instance, 10:17 but there is a prayer that he prayed, found in the gospel 10:21 according to John, chapter 17 10:23 and almost down to the end of that prayer 10:25 listen to what Jesus says, He says something 10:29 about how He feels about you. 10:31 He's speaking to His Father. 10:33 John 17, in verse 24. 10:35 We get to do a little bit of sacred eavesdropping. 10:38 "Father", He said... 10:40 "I will that they also, whom You have given me, 10:44 be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, 10:49 which You have given me: for You loved me before the foundation 10:53 of the world. " 10:54 Jesus is saying: "Father, the thing that I want most 10:58 is to have these people with me, 11:00 where I am. " 11:01 Now, somebody might say: oh, but he's talking about 11:04 all of His disciples, 11:05 He's talking about the twelve. 11:06 Well, I've read the whole chapter and in there Jesus says, 11:09 I also mean those that will believe on me 11:11 through their word. 11:12 That's you and I, 11:14 because we have the disciple's word in the Bible. 11:17 Jesus said: "Father the greatest desire of my heart 11:21 is to have those people with me, 11:23 where I am. " 11:24 And as a matter of fact, the Bible says, 11:27 that at this very moment Jesus is not on some sort of vacation, 11:31 out in the Universe somewhere until the second coming, 11:34 He's busy doing something. 11:36 He's busy, preparing a place for you. 11:39 The Bible tells me so, in John 14, beginning in verse 2. 11:43 The Bible says: "In my Father's house are many mansions... " 11:48 How many mansions? 11:49 There are many of them. 11:51 "... if it were not so, I would have told you. " 11:53 Jesus said, there are a lot of places in heaven, 11:56 many, many mansions, 11:59 and yet so many of us, as we talked about the other night, 12:02 believe that somehow God is trying to keep everybody 12:05 out of heaven. 12:06 He's doing His best to keep everybody out, 12:08 but if somebody manages to get enough brownie points 12:11 on their card, He just has to let him in, because 12:14 that's what the rules say. 12:15 But God doesn't really want them there. 12:17 I hear so many people talk about God like that, 12:20 but Jesus reveals how God really feels. 12:22 Jesus says: "In my Fathers' house are many mansions... " 12:26 Why? It is because God is making big plans, 12:30 Jesus' desire is that many people be there. 12:33 "If it were not so - said Jesus - I would have told you. 12:37 I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place 12:42 for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; 12:47 that where I am, there ye may be also. " 12:51 Where do we get this idea, that God's trying 12:53 to keep everybody out of heaven? 12:55 God would not give His Only Son if His desire was 12:58 to keep you out of heaven. 12:59 He gave the thing that was the most precious to Him, 13:02 because His desire is to have you there, 13:04 and to have as many of us there, as possible. 13:06 Why? 13:08 The Bible reveals that Jesus wants you 13:12 to enjoy what He has! 13:14 He remembers still what it was like to be with us. 13:18 Before we sinned, the Bible indicates in the book of Genesis 13:22 that God Himself would come in the cool of the evening, 13:25 and walk with Adam and Eve. 13:27 Jesus remembers what that was like. 13:31 The book of Revelation tells us that we were created for 13:34 God's pleasure. 13:36 He took delight in communing with us 13:39 in being a part of our lives, 13:41 in being with us there day by day. 13:43 He remembers those walks in the cool of the evening. 13:46 He remembers strolling past the tree of life in the garden. 13:50 He remembers walking by the rivers, 13:52 that watered those trees and He misses it. 13:55 Sin stole God's family. 13:59 And the thing He wants more than anything in the Universe 14:02 is to have His family back. 14:05 You know, some years ago 14:06 I met a young lady, she was 15 years old, 14:09 she was coming to a Prophecy Seminar, 14:11 and as she was sitting there day after day, 14:13 evening after evening, 14:15 studying the prophecies of God's Word, 14:17 she suddenly decided: 14:18 "I believe in this Jesus, who is coming again, 14:22 I want to give my life to Him. " 14:23 So I sat down and I visited this young lady, 14:26 I said: This is the most wonderful decision, 14:28 you've ever made. She said: I know. 14:30 And a tear showed up in the corner of her eye. 14:33 She said: Preacher I've got to tell you something. 14:35 My mother kicked me out of the house, 14:38 when I was 10 years old. 14:39 I have been living on the streets for five years, 14:43 I don't have a family, until now. 14:48 She said: I see it now in the Bible, 14:50 I know why Jesus is coming back, 14:52 He misses me, 14:53 He misses us, family 14:55 and I miss my family, too. 14:57 I'm so excited, when Jesus comes, I have a family, 14:59 I'm going to see my older Brother, the Bible 15:02 calls him, I'm going to see Him face to face, He's preparing 15:06 something wonderful for me. 15:08 Oh, it's true. The Bible says that 15:10 eye has not seen, ear has not heard the glories of the place 15:14 that Jesus is preparing. 15:16 You and I have been steeped, and soaked in sin 15:19 and suffering, and pain and sorrow so long now, 15:23 that we can't even begin to imagine, what it will be like 15:26 the day after Jesus comes, and sin, and suffering, and pain 15:30 will be a thing of the past. Let me ask you a question tonight: 15:34 What do you think, Jesus is preparing for you, the day after 15:40 the appearing, what is He getting ready? 15:44 What is Christ preparing for you? 15:46 The Bible gives us a little peek. 15:49 Now, when I was a kid... Let me back up a little more than that. 15:54 I have this problem with presents, I really do. 15:57 When I buy my wife a present, 15:59 I can't bear to wait for her birthday. 16:01 I can't stand it. Once I have bought that present, 16:03 I want to give it to her. 16:04 And traditionally I give it to her three, four, five days 16:07 or two weeks before her birthday - I'm bursting with excitement. 16:10 I have to believe that as Jesus prepares a place for you, 16:13 for the day after the appearing, He's bursting with excitement. 16:16 I know so, because He gives a little glimpse, 16:19 of what He's going to give you, in the Bible. 16:21 Now, the other problem that I have with presents is this: 16:23 When my parents would buy us a present, they did it every 16:26 Christmas they would put out some presents for us as little 16:29 boys, and I couldn't stand it, 16:31 my brother and I would get out of bed 16:32 in the middle of the night, and this is terrible to admit, 16:35 I know my mother is listening by satellite, and she doesn't 16:38 know this. We would take a razor blade and we would cut the 16:41 tape and we would opened the pack, we couldn't stand it. 16:44 And we would look it, what was in there, then we'd wrap it up 16:46 and then we would practice our surprised face, 16:49 for Christmas morning. 16:50 We couldn't handle it. Now, God knows what that's like. 16:53 Jesus wants to give us the gift, He can wait to give it. 16:55 And we want to get the gift. 16:57 I can't wait to peek at what's inside. 16:58 God has the answer. In the Bible He gives us a little peek. 17:02 Revelation 22, verse 1. Listen to this: 17:06 "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, 17:09 clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God 17:13 and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either 17:14 side of the river, there was the tree of life, 17:20 which bore twelve fruits... " 17:22 Oh, I can't wait. I love fruit. 17:23 And if there are twelve fruits on one tree, 17:26 I've got my stake on three of them. 17:27 There's going to be cherries and mangoes, and there are 17:30 going to be grapes on that tree. I know, the grapes 17:32 don't grow on trees, but listen, this is heaven. 17:34 Jesus can do anything for me. 17:36 And if I could have a fourth one it would be pumpkins, 17:38 I know pumpkins don't grow on trees 17:40 either, and it's technically not a fruit, 17:42 but listen, I know there's pumpkin pie in heaven. Amen? 17:44 It's going to be there. All right. 17:46 The Tree of Life which bore 12 fruits, each tree yielding its 17:49 fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing 17:54 of the nations. And there shall be no more curse, but the throne 17:59 of God and the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall 18:03 serve Him. They shall see His face, and His name shall be 18:07 on their foreheads. " 18:09 Let me ask you again: 18:10 What is Jesus preparing for us? He can't wait to show us. 18:15 He can't wait to reveal what it is. 18:17 I'll tell you what Jesus is doing right now, at this moment. 18:20 He's getting ready to reverse every mistake we have ever made. 18:26 Jesus is getting ready to reverse everything, that we 18:29 have done to this planet. You know something? 18:32 There's an amazing pattern in the Book of Revelation. 18:34 A matter of fact, there's an 18:36 amazing pattern in the entire Bible. 18:38 When you and I write an essay, You remember writing essays? 18:40 Yeah, it's been a while since I had to write one, 18:43 but do you remember writing essays? 18:45 Only three of you ever wrote an essay. 18:47 Do you remember writing essays? Yeah, I do. 18:49 Right, and I use to think that a hundred words was 18:52 a terribly long essay. Now, I have 18:53 to write 30,000 word essays. 18:56 When we write an essay, we make three points in the conclusion. 18:59 One, two, three conclusion. 19:00 We put the most important stuff at the end. 19:03 Well, the Bible was written just a little bit differently. 19:06 The Eastern mind didn't think like that. 19:07 Here's how they thought: They made point one, two, three, 19:10 and then they turned around and made those same points in 19:13 reverse order. Then they went three, two, one. 19:15 That's exactly what they did. They didn't put the most 19:18 important stuff at the end, they put it in the middle. 19:21 They build up to it, and then went down. 19:23 Some scholars call it Chiastic structure. 19:25 Because it looks like the Greek letter "chi". 19:28 And "chi" looks like an X. 19:29 They said, look: they went down the X like this, to the middle, 19:32 and they came back out. One, two, three, than three, two one. 19:35 Put the most important point in the middle. 19:37 Now, this is true of the whole Bible. 19:39 If you notice an interesting pattern in the Bible, it's this: 19:42 In the Book of Genesis, we have the beginning of sin, 19:44 in the Book of Revelation we have the end of sin. 19:47 The first three chapters, sin problem erupts on Earth, 19:50 the last three chapters of the Bible, 19:52 God reverses it completely. 19:53 It's a complete opposite, and right between those two 19:57 is the cross of Jesus, 19:58 the most important point in the whole Bible. 20:01 Listen, the Bible begins in a garden, and it ends in a garden. 20:04 The Bible begins with men choosing sin, and having a 20:08 curse fall on the earth. 20:09 The Bible ends, we've just read, by God reversing that curse. 20:12 The Bible begins with death, and it ends with everlasting life. 20:16 It begins with a river and a tree, 20:20 and it ends with a river and a tree. 20:23 The Book of Revelation, is Jesus undoing every mistake 20:27 we have ever made. The last three chapters of the Bible, 20:31 are the reverse order of the first 20:33 three chapters of the Bible. Why? 20:35 Because Jesus remembers, what it was like. 20:40 And more than anything in the world, He wants 20:42 what we had together, back before we sinned. 20:44 He wants the Garden of Eden back. 20:46 He wants those walks in the cool of the evening, 20:49 He wants to be with us, He remembers what it's like. 20:52 Now in your imagination, back up with me just 20:55 a little bit in history, 6,000 years or so. 20:59 And stand with me, outside the Garden of Eden, 21:02 one or two months, after Adam has sinned. 21:06 The Bible says this, in the Book of Genesis. 21:08 Genesis 3:8. 21:10 "And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden 21:14 in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves 21:18 from the presence of the LORD God 21:20 amongst the trees of the garden. 21:21 And the LORD God called unto Adam and said unto him, 21:24 Where art thou? 21:26 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, 21:28 and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. " 21:33 Think about this. 21:35 Adam heard Jesus coming, he knew he had done wrong. 21:38 He knew, that he had sinned, and so his heart began to thump 21:42 wildly in his chest. It was the first time, any human being 21:45 had ever felt fear ever. 21:48 He was afraid, if you can believe it, of his Maker. 21:50 He was afraid of the One, who created him, 21:53 for a relationship with God. 21:55 He was afraid and God, the Bible says, came into that garden 21:58 with tears in His voice, crying: Adam, where are you? 22:02 What have you done? God just lost His family. 22:07 Have you ever suffered from a broken family? 22:09 A divorce, a child that's turned it's back on you. 22:13 God knows exactly, what it feels like, 22:15 He went through the whole process, and the desire of 22:18 Christ's heart, is to turn that all around. 22:21 Adam spoiled the garden. 22:24 Now, my father had a garden. 22:26 I thought that my father had the biggest garden in the world. 22:29 I thought, it was about 85 acres of potatoes. 22:32 He had the world's largest garden and in the summers, 22:35 when I was suppose to have a vacation, my father would wake 22:37 me up, very very early, and put on a pancake breakfast. 22:40 And I knew what he was trying to do, 22:42 he was trying to get my strength up for the day. 22:44 The pancake breakfast was always a bad, bad thing. 22:46 After I was done eating, Dad would pull out a list, and say: 22:49 Listen, I'm on my way to work right now, 22:51 and I've got a few things, that I need you to do, and 22:54 after you've done these things, the rest of the day is yours. 22:57 I said: Dad, okay, let's see the list. 22:58 He pulled it out, he says: I want you to cut firewood, 23:01 then I want you to wash the car, then I want you to mow the lawn, 23:04 and I'll be waiting, I'll be waiting like 23:06 a condemned man on death row. I knew what was coming. 23:09 Then I want you to go into the garden, he said, 23:12 and pull weeds. My heart sunk, I hated that garden. 23:17 I hated with a passion. Dad would walk me outside, 23:19 point at that garden, and say: 23:21 See all those weeds, they all need to be gone, 23:23 and when they are all gone, the rest of the day is yours. 23:25 I tried to argue theology with Dad, I said: 23:28 You know Dad, the Bible says, 23:29 let the wheat and the tares grow together 'till the harvest. 23:32 But that didn't work at all. I spent every summer morning 23:35 on my knees, shackled to a garden trowel, digging up weeds. 23:39 I hated gardening. 23:41 Now, I have a theory, I have a theory. 23:43 I believe that over time, Adam came to hate gardening too. 23:48 Let me explain why I say that. 23:50 Why did Adam hate gardening? 23:53 Adam hated gardening, because he knew what the garden had been 23:56 like in Paradise. 23:59 Imagine Adam, two months after he had sinned, 24:01 pulling the first thorn out of the palm of his hand. 24:04 Maybe watching that wound become infected. 24:07 What was it like for Adam to turn the soil, and understand 24:11 that now, instead of living forever in Paradise with Jesus, 24:14 somebody was going to turn that soil 24:16 one day, as they dug his grave. 24:18 What was it like for him to pick up a handful of dirt, 24:21 to squeeze it and let it run through his fingers, 24:25 and know that he was going back to soil. 24:27 "For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. " 24:30 Has Adam heard the first animal being killed? 24:33 He knew, it was his fault, the 24:35 whole order of things had changed. 24:36 And it all most have come into great focus, 24:39 when he had to bury his son. 24:42 The first funeral on Planet Earth was an abnormal funeral. 24:46 It wasn't a child burying their parent, it was a parent burying 24:49 their child. Now, every funeral is abnormal, but those 24:52 are the hardest ones. And Adam didn't have a 24:55 funeral home to go to, Adam didn't have 24:57 a group of friends to come to that funeral. 24:59 Adam didn't have a silk lined casket, 25:01 or flowers, or cards or anything. 25:03 All he had was the body of his son, 25:05 and an open hole in the ground. 25:07 And Jesus from heaven looked down, and looked at that, 25:10 and with tears in His eyes decided: 25:11 I don't like that either. 25:13 I'm going to do everything I can, to turn it all around 25:16 and Jesus pledged to us in the Word of God, He says: 25:18 I'm going to give you everything back, if you can imagine it. 25:22 We don't even deserve it. Jesus says: 25:25 I'm going to turn it all around, I don't want to see those 25:27 kinds of funerals, I want to be back in the garden, with my 25:30 family, I'm giving everything back. 25:34 What's He going to give back? What's He going to give back? 25:37 Eye has not seen, the Bible says, ears has not heard 25:41 but there are some things, we know about heaven, 25:45 beyond a shadow of a doubt. 25:47 There are certainties, that we know for sure, 25:50 would you like to see them? 25:52 Are you sure you would like to see them? 25:54 You knew, I was going to tell you anyway, didn't you? 25:58 The first thing we know for sure is that there's going to be 26:02 a new Earth. Look at this, Isaiah 65:17. 26:06 The Bible says: 26:07 "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth... " 26:10 He creates new heavens and a new what? 26:12 Earth! 26:13 And the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. 26:17 Jesus says, it's going to be so wonderful, you won't even 26:19 remember, what this place is like. 26:21 You might remember, a few nights ago, we saw that verse 26:23 where Jesus said, the final contractions on Planet Earth, 26:26 are just like a woman having a baby, it's very painful but 26:29 when the child comes, it's so 26:31 joyful you don't remember the pain. 26:33 Jesus said, this world is going to be so wonderful, 26:35 you will not remember, how painful this one was. 26:38 And the other thing He says, is: 26:40 look, there's going to be a new earth. Now, in the Bible there's 26:43 no question, we're going to heaven. Jesus said, He made a 26:46 place for us up there, mansions. I've never lived in a mansion. 26:49 I mean most of my life, I've lived in a 1.100 square foot 26:51 house, with two kids. No, I haven't had kids most of my life 26:54 Let me take that back. 26:56 I've lived in tiny places. I want to live in a mansion. 26:59 I want to see what Jesus got ready for me, we are 27:01 going to Heaven. 27:03 But the Bible also says in Revelation 21, that the city 27:06 comes down out of Heaven, and lands on this Earth 27:08 and God makes a new Earth. Think about this. 27:11 Heaven is not going to be sitting on a fluffy cloud, 27:15 strumming a harp through up the ceaseless ages of eternity. 27:18 I've got nothing against harp music. It's nice. 27:20 I could only strum a harp though for about two hours, 27:23 and I'd be fed up. I'd strum my harp for two hours and 27:25 and I say, now what's next, they say: keep strumming your harp! 27:28 it goes on, throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. 27:31 Well, can I go somewhere else? No, you got to sit on a fluffy 27:34 cloud and do it. That's not Heaven. 27:35 The good news of the Bible is, Heaven is real. 27:39 It's as solid as the Planet you stand on now. 27:42 It's a real life, right here on Earth. 27:46 And the Bible says, on that new Earth, things are going to be 27:49 a little bit different. As a matter of fact, 27:51 the Bible points out some things about that 27:53 new Earth, in three general categories. 27:55 I wonder, if you could guess what they are? 27:57 I'll show you what they are. 27:59 First of all, there will be changes in the Natural World. 28:02 Secondly, there will be changes in the Political World. 28:05 And thirdly there will be some changes in the Religious World. 28:10 Now, does that ring a bell at all? 28:12 It should, if you've been with me for the last few nights. 28:15 It does ring a bell, because those are the same areas, 28:18 Jesus told us to watch, as we wait for Him to come. 28:21 Jesus said, in the world you live in now, these areas are 28:24 all going to fall apart on you. 28:26 There will be famine, pestilent plagues, earthquakes, wars, 28:31 bad religion, false Messiahs, all these problems. 28:34 It's almost is, if Jesus is saying, Hey, I want to show you 28:37 once and for all, where sin goes. 28:40 At the end of your program, it all falls apart. 28:43 And then I'm going to replace it with God's government, 28:46 where nothing goes wrong. Look at what Jesus said. 28:49 What is Jesus say, about heaven, 28:51 and how the New Earth is going to be different from ours, 28:55 in the realm of natural things? 28:57 Listen to, what the Bible says. Isaiah 35:1 29:00 The Bible says: 29:02 "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; 29:05 and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. " 29:10 Now I live here in Southern California, 29:12 I have to water my grass eight times a day, 29:15 to keep it from turning brown. 29:16 In heaven I'm not going to have a water bill, the Bible says: 29:19 All the deserts starts to blossom. 29:21 And you know what Jesus is saying? 29:22 If the deserts start to blossom, 29:24 there will never be a shortage again. 29:26 How can anybody in the world go hungry, if everything is 29:29 abundant and blooming. 29:31 Blossom as a rose. Blossom how? 29:34 Abundantly. We will need nothing ever again. 29:37 ...and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon 29:40 shall be given unto it, the Excellency of Carmel and Sharon, 29:44 they shall see the glory of the LORD, 29:46 and the excellency of our God. 29:48 Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. 29:52 Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, 29:55 fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, 30:00 even God with a recompense... 30:02 Wait a minute, said somebody. 30:03 Why is there vengeance and recompense? 30:05 I thought this would going to be nice. 30:07 It is. 30:08 We need to start to understand what God is angry about. 30:10 He is not angry about you. 30:12 He is angry about what has happened to you. 30:14 He is angry about the kind of suffering you've had to live 30:17 with the kind of pain you had to live with. 30:19 That's why when Jesus comes He wipes out every trace of sin. 30:22 It is because of what it has done to you. 30:24 What is Jesus taking vengeance on? 30:25 He's taking vengeance on the pain you've had to go through. 30:28 He's taking vengeance on the suffering you've been through. 30:31 He's taking vengeance on every funeral 30:33 and he gives a recompense. 30:35 God is going to give everything back. He will come and save you. 30:38 The Bible says. 30:39 "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened". 30:42 Many for the first time, the first thing they see is Jesus. 30:45 "The ears of the deaf shall be unstopped". 30:47 Many for the first time, the first thing they hear 30:49 is the trumpet blast 30:50 "Then shall the lame man leap as a hart". That's a deer. 30:53 Oh, I can't wait for that. 30:55 When I get to heaven and I have my big mansion, 30:57 and I have a place on the New Earth all of my own, 30:59 I'm going to build a fence around it. Do you know why? 31:02 I don't need a fence in heaven. 31:03 There won't be criminals and there won't be animals 31:06 that will come in and steal my stuff or rip me up. 31:08 That's not going to happen in heaven but I still want a fence. 31:11 Do you know why? 31:12 Because I'm the clumsiest kid on the face of the planet. 31:15 I can't jump over a fence now 31:17 but when I get to heaven I'm building a fence 31:18 and you're all going to come over you're going to 31:19 watch me jump right over. 31:22 I'm going to leap like a heart. 31:23 The lame man is going to leap and the tongue of the dumb 31:25 will sing, I can't sing a note now. 31:28 But you come, as soon as I jump my fence 31:30 I'm going to sing you a song and I'm going to be in heaven. 31:32 "For in the wilderness water shall break out," 31:35 "and streams in the desert". 31:36 God says: "You can't even begin to imagine" 31:38 "what I'm about to hand you". 31:41 "Oh", said God, "I know there are blind people" 31:43 "I know there are deaf people, I know there are lame", 31:46 "I know that you've been suffering". 31:48 Some people think that God doesn't notice our tears. 31:50 He says: "I notice I'm going to give you so much" 31:52 "that you will never remember how much that hurt". 31:55 The Bible says in Psalm 56 31:56 that God has been collecting our tears in a bottle. 32:00 He saw every single one and His promises 32:03 "I'm going to make up every one of those tears 32:05 you ever shed". 32:07 "Because Jesus has bought a new world for you 32:09 and that new world is completely different". 32:12 Isaiah 65:21 32:13 "The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion will 32:17 eat straw like the bull and dust shall be the serpent's meat. 32:21 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, 32:24 saith the LORD." 32:26 It's going to be different. 32:27 Jesus is giving us more that we could ever, ever imagine. 32:30 But not only will there be changes in the natural world. 32:33 The Bible says there will be changes 32:35 in the political world, too. Now... 32:37 In college, I studied political science. 32:40 Before I became a Christian, the only thing I wanted out of life 32:43 it was to run for public office. That's all I wanted out of life. 32:46 God corrected me and He can save the least of us. Amen? 32:49 I gave that up. I felt I got to follow you. 32:52 No offense to all of our people who I do 32:54 treasure those who volunteered to run for public office. 32:56 But I got to say this to those who are watching out there. 32:59 But do you know what I've discovered as I've studied 33:02 there for four years at the university? 33:04 Politics boils down to one thing: 33:06 Politics boils down to a decision. 33:08 Who gets what, when and where. 33:10 That's all politics is about. 33:11 Who gets what, when and where. 33:13 And that's what's fueled movements 33:15 like the communist revolutions. 33:16 "Who gets what, when and where", people said. 33:18 They have lots, we have none, 33:20 we're going to force them to spread it around. 33:22 It's who gets what, where and when. 33:24 God says: we don't have to worry about that in Heaven, 33:26 because He owns it all and gives it abundantly. 33:29 And have as much as you need. Listen to God's promise 33:32 The Bible says in Isaiah 65:21. Listen to this. 33:34 "And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; 33:37 and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. 33:39 They shall not build, and another inhabit; 33:42 they shall not plant, and another eat: 33:44 for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, 33:46 and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. 33:50 Now, wait a minute, preacher. 33:52 The Bible says we're going to work in heaven? 33:54 We're going to work in heaven? I thought I got some time off 33:57 when I got there. You're going to work in heaven, all right? 33:59 But it's going to be completely different. 34:01 Listen to the difference. You're going to enjoy your work. 34:04 I refuse to believe when Mozart composed a symphony 34:06 that he really thought of it as work. It was sheer joy. 34:09 God says: "You're going to create stuff". 34:11 You're going to get to do stuff that has meaning, 34:14 your life's going to mean something you're not going 34:15 to punch a clock. 34:17 I'm going to turn you loose in that new Earth, 34:19 to go out and do what means most to you. 34:21 The Bible says in the garden of Eden that Adam and Eve 34:24 we're tending and keeping that garden, doing things that 34:26 brought them great joy and in the new Earth 34:28 we're going to do that again, things that bring us joy. 34:31 They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; 34:35 for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, 34:37 and their offspring with them. " 34:40 In the kingdom of heaven no one will ever cheat you 34:42 out of your paycheck. 34:43 In the kingdom of heaven nobody's ever going to default 34:46 on a contract. 34:47 Because the only contract up there is God says 34:49 "I will be your God and you will be My people". 34:52 And He never breaks that contract. 34:54 No one is going to break into your house and steal your stuff. 34:56 God said: "I'm giving you another world". 34:58 What you create, you can enjoy. 35:00 You're not going to punch the clock, you're not going to work 35:03 for anybody else. 35:04 Everything we do up here is for the honor and glory of God. 35:06 That's what we do up here. 35:08 Wait a minute, if it's all for God's honor and glory, 35:10 am I going to enjoy it? Absolutely. 35:12 The Bible says that God created you for His pleasure. 35:15 And what brings Him pleasure is when you have joy. 35:17 That's the best scenario you can imagine. 35:19 In heaven, the whole political realm changes. 35:21 And not only does the political realm change, the Bible teaches 35:25 us the whole religious world changes, too. 35:27 And I can't wait for this one. 35:28 In the new Earth, you won't ever have to worry about your kids 35:31 burning in a compound in Waco. 35:33 In the kingdom of heaven, there will be no cults. 35:36 In the kingdom of heaven, there will be no strange religions, 35:39 there will be no books that lead you astray, 35:41 there will be no movies with bad religious ideas, 35:44 there will be nobody lying about who God is, 35:46 or whether or not He loves you, 35:48 because you will be with God and if you have a question, 35:51 you can walk right up to Jesus Himself and ask it 35:53 and get the answer from God Himself. 35:56 There will never be another mistake in religion, 35:58 you will be with God. 36:01 Jesus gives it all back. Everything we threw away, 36:04 He hands back to you. 36:05 We will be with God. 36:07 And then comes my favorite passage in all of the Bible. 36:11 Revelation 21:1 it says: 36:14 "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: 36:18 for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; 36:21 and there was no more sea. 36:23 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, 36:26 coming down from God out of heaven, 36:28 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 36:30 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, 36:33 Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, 36:36 and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, 36:40 and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. " 36:43 Can you see it? It's all what Jesus wanted. 36:46 He wanted that relationship back. 36:49 He wanted the garden of Eden back 36:51 and the day after the Appearing we step back into Eden. 36:56 We get it all back. We will be with God. 36:59 And the Bible says: 37:00 "... God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; 37:02 and there shall be no more death neither sorrow, nor crying, 37:06 neither shall there be any more pain: 37:08 for the former things are passed away. 37:10 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, 37:12 I make all things new. And he said unto me, 37:15 Write: for these words are true and faithful. " 37:18 God says you can "take these words to the bank", 37:20 you can write this down in this world a contract 37:23 might not be worth the paper it's written on, 37:26 but what I say is the truth. 37:28 It's always been about God's Word. 37:30 In the garden of Eden, the devil came and said: 37:32 "Has God really said not to eat of that tree"? 37:35 "Has God really said you will die if you sin"? 37:38 God said: "I have always told you the truth". 37:40 Write down these words: "Everything I say is the truth 37:43 and if I say I'm coming again, I'm coming again. 37:46 And if I say I'm going to wipe away all tears, 37:48 I'm going to wipe away all tears". 37:53 What have you shed tears over? 37:56 What have you shed tears over? 37:58 Some people listening tonight have broken families, 38:02 ruined marriages. 38:04 Some people have children that have turned their back on them. 38:08 Some people have suffered with disease, heart ache, 38:12 a lot of pain. 38:13 Some people have been desperately lonely. 38:16 God says: "In a heartbeat, just a moment from now 38:19 I'm going to hand you a miracle. 38:21 I'm going to give you everything your heart has ever desired 38:24 and you will live in My presence. 38:26 The tree of life will heal you. 38:28 You will be in My company 38:30 and My family will never be broken again". 38:33 God says: "I'm about to hand you a miracle". 38:36 Let me ask you a question. 38:38 Do you need a miracle? 38:40 Do you need a miracle in your life? 38:43 Her name was Tessie. 38:45 She was just a little girl and one day as she was walking past 38:49 the kitchen she overheard a conversation 38:51 her mother and father were having together. 38:53 Mommy said: "Daddy, I don't know where we going to get the money. 38:58 We don't have money for that kind of thing". 39:00 "Well, we need to get the money" he said, "because if we don't" 39:03 Andrew is not going to get the operation. 39:05 He won't make it". 39:06 "We will get it, but that is not an option. 39:08 We just don't have the money". 39:10 Tessie heard that and she thought about it for a moment 39:13 she ran to her bedroom into her closet, 39:15 pulled out a jelly jar, that had some change in it. 39:17 She said: "I got to help my brother". 39:19 She poured the change out in her hand counting it out 39:22 methodically it was one dollar and eleven cents. 39:25 She thought: "I wonder if that will do it. 39:27 I wonder if it will do it". 39:29 She bunched it up in her hand, she ran out the back door 39:32 when mommy and daddy weren't looking, 39:34 she ran down the street six blocks to the Rexall drugstore. 39:36 She walked inside, the pharmacist was standing 39:38 behind the counter talking to a well dressed gentleman. 39:41 And the conversation went on, and on, and on. 39:44 And Tessie got impatient, she tapped her little foot, 39:47 she counted her change, 39:48 she cleared her throat a few times 39:50 to try and get his attention, but couldn't. 39:52 So finally, in desperation, she took one quarter 39:55 and she plunked it down on the glass counter top, very loudly. 39:58 And the pharmacist turned around and said: 40:00 "What do you think you're doing, little lady? 40:02 My brother came all the way from Chicago to visit with me, 40:05 I haven't seen him in a long time and you're interrupting us" 40:08 "Oh", said Tessie, "I didn't mean to do that. 40:11 But this is an emergency. 40:13 My mommy says there is something growing 40:15 inside my brother's head. 40:17 And that we need a miracle. 40:19 And I'm wondering: How much is a miracle? 40:23 Can I buy one"? 40:25 He softened up a little bit. 40:28 He said: "Young lady, we don't sell miracles here. 40:31 We can't do that". 40:33 "But I have all this money. 40:34 If it's not enough, I'll find some more". 40:37 "We don't sell miracles here". 40:39 Just as Tessie collected her change, the well dressed man 40:42 stopped her and said: 40:44 "What exactly is wrong"? "My mommy said something's 40:47 growing in his head". He said: "I just might have your miracle" 40:51 He was dr. Carlton Armstrong, one of the prominent 40:55 neuro-surgeons in the country. 40:57 He said: "You send you mommy and daddy to talk to me". 41:01 And they took Andrew to Chicago 41:03 they performed surgery, they saved the little boy's life. 41:06 The bill was one dollar and eleven cents. 41:13 Tessie's mommy and daddy gathered in the kitchen 41:15 one night and they said: 41:17 "Wow, I wonder what that would have cost. 41:19 What's a miracle worth"? 41:20 Let me ask you a question tonight. 41:23 What does your miracle cost? 41:25 Jesus said He's going to hand it all back to you. 41:28 He's going to give you your miracle. 41:30 What did it cost? 41:33 It cost Him everything He had. 41:36 Because between that garden in Genesis 41:38 and that garden in Revelation, 41:40 is the Son of God hanging on a cross. 41:43 And He said: "I want you to have it all 41:46 because I miss you desperately". 41:51 Let me ask you a question. 41:52 God leaves you with a choice. 41:56 He says: "I'm gathering the whole world 41:58 on the mountain of Megiddo. 42:01 I'm calling you to make a decision just before I come. 42:04 I bought you Paradise. 42:08 It cost me everything. 42:10 I knew all you had was a dollar and 11 cents to your name 42:13 so I paid it all. 42:15 What decision are you going to make before Jesus comes? 42:20 Tonight it's time to get out Lesson number 5 42:23 as we think about the day after the Appearing, 42:25 and now we're going to study 42:27 what the Word of God says about 42:29 what God has in store for us. 43:24 Well, if you're still with us by satellite and right here in 43:27 Southern-California, we're handing out lesson number 5 and 43:29 my good friend, Dan Houghton is going to come and lead us 43:31 through this final study in this five-part series. 43:35 But it's not the last study! 43:36 You can keep studying wherever you are. 43:38 Dan, take us through this lesson. 43:39 Thank you, pastor Shawn! 43:45 It's time to take out lesson number 5. 43:48 The last one in this series, 43:49 although just like pastor Shawn said, 43:52 this is just the beginning, not the end. 43:54 You're going to have opportunity to continue studying 43:57 and I hope you make it a life-long journey as you study. 44:00 But The Day After... 44:01 did your heart thrill tonight 44:04 as you heard pastor Shawn describe from the Scripture 44:07 what the day after the appearing is going to be like? 44:11 Can you say 'yes' to me about that? 44:12 Isn't that going to be wonderful? Amen. 44:15 I love the idea of a conversation between 44:20 Jesus and His Father. 44:23 Have you ever thought about what it would be like to actually 44:26 listen in on that conversation, 44:29 as He's talking about how much He loves you and wants you 44:33 and me to be with Him? 44:35 I love the way that our study started tonight, but 44:37 we want to ask that question: 44:42 And we're going to look at John 17:24, 44:45 where we get a chance to look at that or actually 44:48 peek in on that conversation and listen 44:50 overhear it if you will. 44:51 "Father", Jesus says, "I will that they also, 44:55 whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; 45:00 that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: 45:04 for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. 45:09 So, what do we discover about why Christ is coming back? 45:13 He wants us with Him where He is. 45:18 Does it feel good to be wanted tonight? 45:20 He wants each and every one of us. 45:24 Now... Many times people have portrayed the end of the world 45:27 and other apocalyptic themes in very frightening terms. 45:33 Have you ever been afraid when you hear about 45:36 some other signs that we've talked about during this 45:38 seminar? 45:40 Like earthquakes 45:41 or potential nuclear disaster or other things? 45:44 Have you ever been afraid of that? 45:45 What is Jesus' advice to us as we watch the world move 45:48 towards its conclusion? 45:50 We're going to look at John 14:1. 45:53 "Let not your heart be troubled: 45:56 ye believe in God, believe also in me. " 46:00 What is He saying? 46:02 What advice does Jesus give to us as we watch 46:05 the world move towards its conclusion? 46:09 "Let not your heart be troubled" 46:11 One of the reasons why we have 46:12 'The appearing' seminar for you 46:15 is to give you a little insight into what God's 46:17 plan is so that your heart will not need to be troubled as 46:20 we move down towards that grand finale called the appearing. 46:25 Now... What is Christ accomplishing for us right now 46:30 as we wait for Him to come? 46:33 Two passages of Scripture. 46:34 The first one is in Hebrews 4:15, 16. 46:38 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with 46:43 the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points 46:47 tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 46:50 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that 46:53 we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. " 46:58 He is there as our high priest, 47:01 representing us in the heavenly courts. 47:04 And He's doing that from the basis of experience, 47:07 because He knows what it's like to be like us. 47:10 So number 1, we'll get to it in just a moment, 47:12 as He is our high priest. But lets look at John 14:2, 3. 47:17 "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, 47:22 I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 47:25 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, 47:29 and receive you unto myself; that where I am, 47:32 there ye may be also. " 47:34 He's preparing a special place for us, 47:36 so we want to put that... 47:38 What's He accomplishing for us right now? 47:40 He is both preparing a place for us, and representing us as 47:45 as High Priests in Heaven - as Someone who understands 47:50 what life is like here on Earth. 47:52 So make sure you write down in your lesson, 47:54 that He is preparing a place for us 47:56 and He is our High Priest 47:59 in the courts of Heaven above. 48:02 Tell you what! 48:03 I think about Him preparing a place for me and for my family. 48:07 I think about Him preparing a place for you and your family. 48:10 That's very personal! 48:12 Our God is interested in us at a very-very personal level. 48:17 He's interested in you in a personal level tonight. 48:20 What are some of the things we know for sure about what Jesus 48:22 is preparing for us? 48:24 Pastor Shawn took us through this list. 48:26 I want you to go to the list again and we're going to 48:28 put it down in your lesson. 48:30 Okay? 48:31 The blind receive their... what? Their sight. 48:35 Have you ever been around someone who is blind? 48:37 Have you ever had someone that you know that 48:39 does not have their sight? 48:41 You know, 48:42 I have had to be the eyes for a friend of mine 48:45 at one or another time, 48:47 when we were looking at something 48:49 and I would describe it for him. 48:52 I just know that he is going to be so ecstatic, 48:55 whenever the time comes, 48:56 that he is able to see what he's only heard about. 49:00 And there are literary thousands of those kinds of people, 49:03 that are going to have their sight restored. 49:06 What else did pastor Shawn tell us about? 49:08 He read from Scripture. 49:09 The deaf receive their hearing. 49:12 Have you ever thought what it would be like to be 49:15 in a world where you cannot hear a single thing? 49:18 Totally quiet, 49:20 without having any of the noises or the 49:22 joyful sounds of children playing 49:25 going on around you? 49:26 There are going to be many that receive their 49:29 hearing at that time. 49:30 And the lame are going to be able to walk. 49:33 That's another thing that's going to happen 49:35 when Jesus comes and what He's preparing for us. 49:38 Those who cannot speak... The mute will speak! 49:41 Here's another thing. 49:43 You heard about the work that pastor Shawn was talking 49:45 about in the garden. How many of you have a garden? 49:48 You know, I can remember the same things. 49:50 Shawn, I think our dads must have known each other, 49:52 because I can remember 49:54 whenever I was a little boy, I also, 49:56 with my brother, were given the assignment to 49:58 go out and work in the garden. It was not my favorite thing! 50:02 Some people love their gardens. 50:05 But all of our work will be fulfilling and productive. 50:09 Shawn, pastor Shawn, you and I will even enjoy 50:12 working in a garden up there. 50:13 Isn't that good? 50:15 Nature will be at peace. 50:17 We don't have to be afraid of 50:18 wild animals 50:19 or even the neighbor's dog, 50:21 or anything else. We don't have to be afraid 50:23 because in heaven nature is going 50:25 to be at peace. 50:28 This is Isaiah 35:5, 6. 50:31 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, 50:33 and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. 50:35 Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue 50:38 of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness 50:40 shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. 50:45 Sounds like a beautiful, beautiful place. 50:47 "And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; 50:50 and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. 50:52 They shall not build, and another inhabit; 50:54 they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days 50:57 of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect 51:00 shall long enjoy the work of their hands. 51:02 They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; 51:06 for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, 51:09 and their offspring with them. 51:11 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion 51:14 shall eat straw like the bullock and dust shall be 51:17 the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy 51:20 in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD." 51:23 Now, what is going to be missing 51:26 after Jesus returns? What is it? 51:29 Look at number 5 in your lesson. Number 5. 51:32 What is going to be missing? 51:34 Turn to Revelation 21:4, 5. 51:37 Death, sorrow, crying and pain. 51:40 All of those things will no longer exist. 51:43 So whenever you've cried from a broken heart 51:46 or you have experienced deep-deep sorrow and pain. 51:50 All that's going to be gone. That's not going to exist. 51:53 Can you imagine a world without pain? 51:56 It's going to be wonderful. Now! 51:59 What will be restored after Christ appears? 52:03 We're going to look at Revelation 22:2, 3 52:06 and than also Genesis 3:17. 52:09 Okay? 52:10 The Paradise we enjoyed in the garden of Eden will be restored, 52:15 complete with the River of Life. 52:17 Paradise and river. 52:18 I put down this to summarize, because that's a long answer on 52:21 that spot. 52:22 The garden of Eden paradise is going to be restored, 52:27 and there's going to be a River of Life and also a Tree of Life, 52:34 according to Revelation 21: 3. 52:39 What is the whole purpose of Christ's return? 52:43 What does He want to come back for anyway? 52:46 You know, sometimes whenever I see 52:48 the condition of our world, 52:50 I wonder why He would want to come back. 52:53 But He does! Aren't you glad that He wants to come back? 52:58 The whole purpose of Christ's return is that so God can 53:00 dwell with His people and enjoy a relationship with them. 53:06 He wants to have a relationship with you. 53:09 He wants to invite you over for dinner. 53:12 There's something special 53:13 about having an opportunity to go out to dinner or 53:17 being invited over to someone's home 53:18 for dinner. He wants to 53:20 come over to your house for dinner. 53:22 He wants to talk about your deepest, 53:24 darkest secrets, 53:25 the things that are the most difficult in your life. 53:28 He's longing to have a special relationship with His people. 53:33 Today Jesus is knocking at your heart's door and He invites you 53:40 to be a part of His eternity. 53:44 You know, it's popular in some... 53:47 You've heard the kids saying, when they like something, 53:50 they say: 'Oh, this is really good. ' 53:52 What do the kids say? 53:54 You hear them say: 'Oh, this is really good. " 53:56 What do they say? 53:57 Yesss! Have you all heard that? 53:59 I want to know, 54:01 what is your answer going to be? 54:04 Can you say it with me? Yes, we want to be with Jesus, 54:08 we want Him to be a part of our lives. 54:13 Little while ago pastor Shawn, as he ended 54:16 number 5, 54:18 the title 'The Day After'. 54:21 He was inviting each and every one to make a commitment 54:25 to follow Jesus Christ. 54:27 And I want to end this study- session with that same thing. 54:31 His hands of invitation are open 54:33 to each and every one of us tonight. 54:36 That means you and that means me! 54:39 And Ma'am and Sir, wherever you are, 54:42 in whatever city you are with this satellite 54:44 broadcast, 54:46 is coming to you. 54:47 He's making that same appeal 54:49 to you. He's making that special invitation. 54:51 He's asking you to be His. He's telling you tonight 54:55 that He wants to come back especially for you. In fact, 54:59 if you were the only person that would make the decision, 55:03 He would come back especially for you. 55:07 I don't know about you, but I want to be there 55:10 for His appearing. 55:12 I want to say: 'Thank you Jesus, 55:14 for thinking about me, 55:16 for thinking about my family, for thinking about all of your 55:19 family and rescuing us 55:21 from this planet that has gone crazy. 55:24 I want to invite you right now, while we pray, 55:27 to just in your heart, 55:29 say: 'Yes, Lord, I want to be there at that appearing and I 55:32 accept your invitation. ' Please pray with me. 55:35 Heavenly Father, 55:37 tonight your invitation is ringing in our hearts. 55:41 We hear it so clearly, 55:42 that voice, that melodious voice of love that says: 55:45 Come unto me 55:47 and I will give you rest. 55:49 I pray that each one of us tonight will 55:52 choose again 55:53 and decide right now that we're going to be there 55:56 for Your appearing, 55:57 with a smile on our face, 55:59 and ready to say: 'Thank you Jesus, for coming to take 56:02 us home with You. ' 56:03 I pray this in Your precious name, 56:06 Amen. 56:09 Captioning by Christian Media Services |
Revised 2014-12-17