Appearing, The

The Appearing

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr Shawn Boonstra


Series Code: TAP

Program Code: TAP000003

00:32 Born of a mighty God
00:39 Sent from His heavenly throne
00:45 Given to rule all the kings and priests
00:51 The sins of men to atone
00:58 The Messiah will return
01:03 The hour unknown to men
01:10 A fanfare of grace will inhabit the Earth
01:16 As creation rejoices in Him.
01:25 In majesty He will come
01:32 With the sound of the trumpet to claim the redeemed
01:38 In majesty He will come
01:45 Jesus the Savior
01:49 Eternal King every knee in Heaven and Earth
01:56 Will bow to this most Holy One.
02:04 In majesty He will come.
02:23 Clothed in His regal robes
02:29 Crowned with His sovereignty
02:35 The scepter of righteousness in His hand
02:42 Our Lord for eternity
02:48 And His kingdom will have no end
02:54 For those who had known God's grace
03:00 The saints of all ages will gather as one
03:07 To joyfully look on His face
03:15 In majesty He will come
03:23 With the sound of the trumpet to claim the redeemed
03:29 In majesty He will come
03:36 Jesus the Savior, eternal King,
03:41 every knee in Heaven and Earth will bow
03:48 To this, most Holy One.
03:53 In majesty He will come
04:05 He'll come in majesty,
04:13 Majesty...
04:20 In majesty He will come Jesus the Savior
04:30 Eternal King, everything in Heaven and Earth
04:38 will bow
04:40 To this most Holy One
04:46 In majesty
04:52 In majesty
04:58 Oh, He will come.
05:12 He will come.
05:32 Recent world events have led many to believe
05:36 that something big is about to happen.
05:39 The signs are all around us, the Appearing is imminent.
05:43 But how will it happen?
05:46 What do the ancient prophecies say?
05:49 What will the Appearing be like?
05:59 Good evening, everyone.
06:00 I especially want to welcome our audience
06:03 from wherever you may be around the world tonight
06:05 as you join us to the Appearing with pastor Shawn Boonstra.
06:09 You know... pastor Boonstra as we've been talking
06:11 from night to night
06:13 he is a scholar. He reads books.
06:15 You heard him tell about how he loves his library.
06:18 He's passionate, but the one he's most passionate about
06:20 are the 66 books between these covers,
06:25 and it's really a privilege for me tonight
06:28 to introduce to you Pastor Shawn Boonstra.
06:38 Good evening.
06:40 Welcome back to The Appearing.
06:42 And welcome back to our satellite audience all around
06:45 the world and across North America in particular.
06:48 I'm just really pleased that you are able to be with us again
06:51 this evening
06:52 and that we have an opportunity to look at what the ancients
06:55 said about the day and age they we're living in.
06:57 But before we get into tonight's subject which is
07:00 The Appearing,
07:02 we're going to look at what will happen when Jesus
07:05 actually appears in the Eastern sky.
07:07 What is it going to be like that day?
07:09 As a kid, my parents bought me a Bible.
07:11 I mentioned that the other night.
07:13 It was the finest gift my parents ever gave me.
07:16 I learned to read from reading the Bible.
07:18 I loved that book, and I would read the book of Revelation
07:21 and I would look at the passages that talked
07:23 about a second coming
07:24 Jesus appearing in the sky and I remember as a little boy
07:27 I would take my Bible, after reading it,
07:29 I would run out in the backyard, I would look up in the sky
07:32 to see if it would happen that very minute.
07:34 And I would wait a few minutes and I've decided
07:36 to study a little more,
07:38 so I run inside to read a little bit more.
07:40 And the next day again, I'd run outside and look up in the sky.
07:43 You know that there are 2,500 references in the Bible
07:46 to the second coming of the Jesus Christ?
07:48 It is one of the biggest subjects anywhere in the Bible.
07:51 And I've had the privilege since those years
07:53 my parents bought me that first Bible to read
07:56 all 2,500 references to the second coming
07:58 and it paints a picture that is so beautiful.
08:00 It will be our subject tonight.
08:02 I'm not going to give you 2,500 verses tonight
08:05 but we'll get a good start at it.
08:06 As a matter of fact, in five short nights,
08:09 we can't cover absolutely everything
08:11 so I want to tell you a little bit about
08:13 a book that goes with this series.
08:14 I know that in five nights we can't cover everything
08:17 there is to say about the second coming and
08:19 I sincerely doubt that the book
08:21 covers absolutely everything as well.
08:23 But this book, The Appearing,
08:25 talks a little bit more about the second coming, it answers
08:28 some often asked questions
08:29 it gets into depth with some Bible prophecies.
08:32 There were prophecies in the Bible
08:34 that lay out the entire history of the world
08:36 from the day Jesus walked this Earth
08:38 to the moment He comes back, in graphic detail.
08:41 It's unbelievable. That's in the book "The Appearing".
08:44 Now just before I get started...
08:46 I'm so excited. There's so much I should read today.
08:49 This is the magazine I made references to
08:51 the other night. I think it was on the first night.
08:54 And this is January 2005,
08:56 this is "Discover" magazine, the science magazine.
08:59 In the back... Where is that camera?
09:01 Let me show this. Look at this map.
09:03 Everybody out there in satellite land, look.
09:06 They probably can't read it. Can you see it?
09:08 What does it say, then?
09:12 Do you know what it is? This map in "Discover" magazine
09:15 is called "2004, the year of calamity"
09:19 and it lists every natural disaster
09:21 that happened last year on the face of this planet.
09:23 For example, did you know that 300,000 homes were wiped out
09:26 in China due to mud slides last year?
09:28 300,000!
09:30 There was a monsoon in Bangladesh that
09:32 left the Capital 40% under water.
09:34 Of course it mentions the hurricanes,
09:36 this went to press before the tsunami hit,
09:38 so they didn't get it in here.
09:39 Four hurricanes in six weeks leave 2,000 death.
09:42 A locust plague cleared millions of crop land acres in Africa,
09:46 another locust plague in Australia,
09:47 record high temperatures in Sidney, Australia,
09:50 one thing after another and Jesus said:
09:52 "Those are contractions
09:54 and when you see that happening,
09:55 don't worry, lift up your heads,
09:57 it's just about time for Jesus to come".
10:00 All right.
10:01 Tonight our subject will be "The Appearing".
10:04 What will it be like
10:06 when Jesus actually comes?
10:09 Let's bow our heads for prayer!
10:11 Father in Heaven,
10:13 Tonight it is with a sense of excitement that we
10:15 come to the words of the Bible.
10:18 There have been a lot of people
10:19 who have prognosticated the future.
10:21 There have been a lot of people who have made predictions.
10:24 But only the word of God was 100% right
10:27 every single time.
10:29 So tonight we believe it as a book that we can put faith in.
10:32 Tonight I know that this book changes lives, it changed mine,
10:36 and I ask tonight as we open it, that You would speak
10:38 to our hearts.
10:40 That what we say and what we read,
10:42 would not be man's opinion,
10:44 but that it would be Yours.
10:45 Bless my words, I ask in Jesus' name.
10:49 Amen.
10:50 You know... I was teaching this Bible prophecy
10:52 seminar, I've done in a lot of places all over the world.
10:56 And I was teaching a Bible prophecy seminar
10:59 and a fellow came to me
11:00 after I've done speaking and he pointed his finger in my face
11:03 and he said: "Preacher, you've got it all wrong".
11:07 The Bible never says that Jesus is coming back.
11:11 Doesn't say it at all the church made that up
11:13 it's a bit of folklore,
11:14 and they're getting everybody worked up all the time,
11:17 you guys like to go out in public
11:18 and scare people to death
11:20 with Bible prophecy and it doesn't even say anywhere
11:24 in the Bible that Jesus is coming back.
11:26 So, my first question tonight is:
11:28 Is the Bible accurate?
11:30 Does it say that Jesus is coming back? Did Jesus ever say
11:34 that He is coming back?
11:35 Well, the answer is: "Yes".
11:37 Or I wouldn't put on this seminar.
11:39 We find the answer in John 14:1.
11:43 I love the way Jesus phrases this.
11:45 "Let not your heart be troubled".
11:48 Do you know what Jesus' saying? He's saying: "Don't worry".
11:53 Human beings are good at worrying.
11:55 And Jesus, as He looked down through the corridors of time,
11:58 knew there would come a time when we looked around us and saw
12:01 the contractions
12:02 on planet Earth and we would get a little bit worried.
12:05 Earth quakes, famine, pestilence.
12:07 Jesus said: "Let not your heart be troubled".
12:09 He says that in more than one place in the Bible.
12:12 He said: "Don't worry about that stuff".
12:14 "I'm coming back, I'm going to set everything right.
12:17 Let not your heart be troubled
12:19 you believe in God, believe also in me.
12:22 In my Father's house are many mansions". How many?
12:25 Many mansions.
12:27 Do you know there's this idea floating around in Christianity
12:30 that God just might let two or three people in Heaven.
12:33 He'd try to keep everybody out, but 2 or 3 might just sneak in.
12:37 That's not what Jesus says.
12:38 He says there are many mansions in Heaven,
12:41 God is thinking big. He's trying to get
12:43 as many people in as possible.
12:45 "In my Father's house are many mansions.
12:47 If it were not so, I would have told you.
12:50 I go - said Jesus - to prepare a place for you...
13:05 Jesus said: "Count on it".
13:06 "I wouldn't tell you if it wasn't true".
13:09 "You can count on the fact that I will come back again".
13:13 If Jesus says it, I believe it.
13:15 Because everything else He said came to pass.
13:18 He's been 100% accurate.
13:20 So when He says "I'm coming back",
13:22 There will be an Appearing, I'm placing all my faith in it
13:26 and I know I won't be disappointed.
13:28 Now, think about this. Jesus says:
13:30 "I'm preparing a place for you".
13:32 Now, this world, the Bible says
13:34 was created in six days.
13:36 And then God rested the seventh day.
13:38 But in six days God made this planet.
13:40 It is stunningly beautiful.
13:42 In six days of work it is stunning...
13:45 I am astounded when I go out for a hike in nature,
13:48 at what God has made.
13:49 And even though the human race through sin
13:52 has scarred the surface of this planet,
13:54 it's still a beautiful place.
13:55 And God made it in six days.
13:58 Now, try to think about what Jesus could make
14:01 in 2,000 years.
14:03 Six days versus 2,000 years!
14:05 He says: I go to prepare a place for you.
14:08 I can't wait to get there.
14:10 Jesus said: I'm coming back. You can count on it absolutely.
14:15 Now, a lot of people are starting to sense
14:17 that Jesus just might be coming back.
14:20 Or at least, they sense that we are on the verge
14:23 of some very dramatic changes
14:25 here on the face of planet Earth.
14:27 I know so.
14:28 I've been following what the news magazines have been saying.
14:32 One of my favorites came out in July, I think...
14:36 In July 1, 2002. Here is my battered up three year old copy
14:39 of this Time magazine.
14:41 The cover July 1, 2002 said
14:45 The Bible and the Apocalypse.
14:48 Why more people are reading and talking about
14:51 the end of the world.
14:52 Now, there's a study in this Time magazine that says
14:55 that right now in North America
14:57 roughly one out of three people, exactly 35% of people
15:01 watching the news believe that what they see happening
15:04 around them is a sign that Jesus is about to come.
15:08 That the appearing is about to happen. That's one out of three.
15:11 That wasn't true a generation ago.
15:13 It said also, as they surveyed people,
15:15 that 59 % of people believe, that the Book of Revelation
15:19 is for real, that it's being fulfilled right now in our day,
15:22 but they don't know what to think of it.
15:24 Let me read you what this article says.
15:27 It points to something, that happened shortly after
15:30 the World Trade Center came down in New York City.
15:33 Here is what the article said.
16:33 Here's what we know: Right now, at this moment
16:36 people are sensing, that we are on
16:38 the verge of some very big changes.
16:41 We all sense it.
16:42 Even some non-Christian religions sense it.
16:46 Even the New Age senses it.
16:48 They speak in the New Age today
16:50 of something they call "The quickening".
16:52 They say, the planet is on the verge of some
16:55 huge changes, we don't know what it is,
16:58 maybe there are space aliens coming,
17:00 maybe something is about to happen, we call it
17:03 The Quickening, we don't know exactly what it is.
17:06 "It Is Written" television has this website.
17:10 It's called, www. bible info. com
17:12 There in 16 languages, you can study 360 different
17:17 Bible subjects, right online.
17:20 Now, here is what's interesting. We have millions of people visit
17:23 this website all the time.
17:24 And in 2003, the most often visited subjects at that website
17:29 were things like: marriage, dating
17:31 and family, and things like that.
17:33 Then all of a sudden, in 2004 there was a
17:36 complete turn about face.
17:37 The number one subjects, that people come to that website
17:40 by the millions, to study now are the second coming of Jesus
17:45 and signs of His soon appearing, His soon return.
17:49 Why? It's because people are developing this sense,
17:52 that is not "business, as usual".
17:54 You know what else is very interesting,
17:56 is that the number one language, that people visit
17:58 at that website, is English.
18:01 What would you guess, would be the number two
18:03 language at that website. Anybody want to hazard to guess?
18:07 Spanish it's a good guess, it's not it. It's Arabic.
18:12 It is the Muslim world coming in droves to study
18:15 the second coming of Jesus, they believe that He was a
18:18 sinless prophet, Who is coming again, and they are developing
18:22 this sense, that we are on the verge of some
18:25 absolutely huge changes. Everybody is sensing it.
18:29 So let me ask you a question tonight:
18:32 What is actually going to be like?
18:36 You know, I'm new to America, and I had to go
18:39 and apply for a Social Security Number.
18:42 I found out, that you don't get a paycheck
18:44 in this country, unless you get a SSN,
18:46 so I applied for one, and so did my wife.
18:49 It took weeks and weeks, I don't know
18:51 if that's normal for this country, but it took weeks and
18:54 weeks, to get any response out of that Government department.
18:57 And eventually we got frustrated we phoned in and said: Listen,
19:00 we applied for social security numbers, where are they?
19:02 They said, they are right here in the computer, but we can't
19:05 give them to you on the phone. Why don't you come down?
19:08 So we went down the next morning, and we stood in line,
19:11 and all of a sudden the computer didn't work anymore, and they
19:14 couldn't find my wife's social security number.
19:16 They found mine, so I was happy. But they couldn't find Jean's.
19:20 So I said: Listen, I know how long this can take if I walk
19:23 out of this office, please work on it right now.
19:26 I sit here and wait, and so we sat and we waited and waited,
19:30 and waited, and waited and than waited.
19:32 And then my two little kids, at that time 4, and 2 years old
19:35 started to bother the security guard.
19:38 Now, he had a gun.
19:40 And I'm a Canadian, I'm not used to that,
19:42 and I thought, he'd probably shoot me, if my kids
19:44 bother him too much. So I went to go, and get my kids
19:48 off of him. But as I got there, I noticed, hey,
19:51 he's actually enjoying his time with them.
19:53 And I thought, you know, he sits on a stool, 8 h/day
19:56 staring at people, doing absolutely nothing,
19:58 he's happy for the diversion.
19:59 So we started to talk a little bit, and he said to me:
20:02 Hey, you must be new to this country.
20:04 I said: Yes, how did you know that?
20:05 He said: Because you're applying for a Social Security Number.
20:08 That's how I know that.
20:09 He said: Either you haven't worked in 20 years or
20:12 you're new to this country. I said: No, I'm new.
20:14 He said: What is it you do? I said: I'm a minister.
20:17 He said: A minister, you don't say.
20:19 You know, I've been in this argument,
20:21 my son and I have been debating the appearing.
20:25 The second coming of Jesus Christ.
20:27 He says it's going to be like this, and I say it's going to be
20:30 like that, and we can't come to any resolution, whatsoever
20:34 and I'm wondering, as a minister do you know anybody
20:37 that can teach me something about Bible Prophecy?
20:40 I said, well as a matter of fact I love to teach Bible Prophecy.
20:43 He said, great, and he pulled a Bible out of his pocket
20:45 right there, in the social security administration office.
20:49 I said: Listen,
20:50 You can go into any Christian bookstore, I told him,
20:53 you can buy a thousand books on the second coming, and they are
20:56 all going to disagree with each other.
20:58 Absolutely, and as a matter of fact, any human theory,
21:01 any human scenario is going to have some holes in it.
21:03 Would you agree with that?
21:05 Any time we go to the Bible, we don't have a mind as big as
21:08 God's, we're going to make some mistakes, and I think
21:10 we really only going to come to the truth, when we actually
21:13 see Jesus coming.
21:14 But I said, there are five things, the Bible says,
21:18 that we can know, beyond the shadow of a doubt,
21:21 about the day, that Jesus appears.
21:23 It is so crystal clear, 2.500 references
21:27 that there is no mistaking it. I said to him:
21:29 Would you like to see it? He said: Would I like to see it?
21:32 Let start! My question for you tonight,
21:35 is would you like to see it?
21:37 Yes.
21:38 All right.
21:39 Buckle your seat belts. What will the appearing be like?
21:43 The first thing we know, beyond the shadow of the doubt,
21:46 is that Jesus will literally come back.
21:48 It's for real. Now, I hear a lot of people saying,
21:51 Oh, that second coming business, that's just symbolic.
21:55 It's allegorical, it's a picture of a golden age that will come,
21:59 when the human race solves all it's problems,
22:01 and we live in Utopia. That's not what the Bible teaches!
22:05 Other people say, well, it's symbolic of a religious
22:08 spiritual experience, when you have this great awakening
22:11 in your heart. That's the second coming.
22:13 That's not what the Bible teaches.
22:15 Some people say, well the second coming happens, when you die.
22:19 Well, in a small way, that's kind of true,
22:21 because now you are out of time, and the next thing you know
22:24 it will be the second coming.
22:26 But, that is not what Jesus talked about.
22:29 When Jesus said, He would come back, He literally
22:32 meant it. He said: I'm coming... How do I know that?
22:35 Well, the Bible tells me so, there's this story in
22:37 the book of Acts, right at the very beginning, where Jesus
22:40 is about to go back to heaven.
22:42 And He has some parting words for His disciples, He says:
22:44 Go, tell the world, what I have done,
22:48 and then I'll come back for you.
22:50 And then He goes up in the heaven.
22:51 Many of you might remember this story.
22:53 And the Bible says, they watched Him go up.
22:56 Now, pay attention carefully.
23:06 These angels appeared.
23:13 Which Jesus? Same.
23:21 What manner? Like manner.
23:27 They said: Listen, said the angels, don't worry about
23:29 this for now, go do what Jesus said to do,
23:32 that very same Jesus, you saw go up, is going to come back
23:35 the same way you saw Him go. So my question tonight is this:
23:40 well, how exactly did Jesus go to heaven?
23:42 If His going to be the same Jesus coming back,
23:45 how did He go, and who was He, when He went?
23:49 Very interesting. There's a story in the New Testament.
23:52 It's in the book of Luke,
23:53 after Jesus had been risen form the dead,
23:56 He appears to the disciples. And in spite of the fact
23:59 that Jesus told the disciples, He will rise from the dead
24:02 they looked at Him, and they were scared.
24:05 And the Bible says in verse 38, of Luke 24,
24:08 Jesus speaking to His disciples:
24:10 And He said to them: "Why are you troubled?"
24:13 You hear it? There it is again.
24:15 Don't worry, said Jesus.
24:17 "And why do doubts arise in your hearts?
24:20 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself.
24:24 Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones
24:30 as you see I have. "
24:32 I have met religious groups, that say, well, Jesus
24:35 came out of the grave, but He was kind of a spook,
24:37 and He went to heaven spiritually, and He returned
24:39 back to Earth spiritually.
24:41 Sometime maybe, a generation ago or back in the beginning of
24:44 the nineteen hundreds, or some other time,
24:46 different groups said different things.
24:48 But Jesus, the Bible says, when He came out of the grave
24:51 had a real physical human body.
24:55 A glorified one, I'll grant it, but it was physical.
24:58 He said: Look, why don't you come and touch me, I'm real.
25:01 And then the Bible says, He asked for something to eat.
25:04 They gave Him a piece of fish, and a honeycomb and He ate it.
25:07 And my Bible says at least,
25:09 that that didn't fall through Him to the floor.
25:11 He ate it, and it was really Him.
25:14 Now, think about what this means.
25:15 That's the Jesus, who went up into heaven.
25:18 He had a real physical body. Do you realize what this means?
25:22 It means, that Jesus has taken on human form for good.
25:27 He went to heaven as a human being, and the angels say:
25:30 That same Jesus is coming back.
25:34 That same Jesus. A literal, physical Jesus.
25:38 The Bible says, He was caught up into the clouds as a
25:41 literal, physical being and He's going to come back the same way.
25:46 Now, the next thing that we now, for absolute certain
25:50 about the second coming of Jesus, is this.
25:53 The disciples, the Bible says, watched Jesus go up.
25:57 They looked and they looked steadfastly, the Bible says.
26:01 The next thing we know about Christ coming, is that it will
26:05 be visible. Your going to see it happen.
26:09 That's what that means. How do I know that, pastor?
26:12 You're just making that up?
26:13 No, that's exactly what the Bible says.
26:15 Revelation chapter 1, verse 7. The Bible says:
26:20 Remember, the clouds received Him, in the
26:23 Book of Acts, when He went out.
26:27 How many eyes? Every.
26:31 Now, think about this. It says, every eye.
26:33 I've been thinking about this for a moment.
26:36 You know, there's a passage in
26:37 the Book of I Corinthians, chapter 15.
26:39 That says it when Jesus comes,
26:41 He's going to change us in a heartbeat.
26:43 We're going to get rid of these tired, old, diseased,
26:46 crippled bodies that we have.
26:47 We're going to get brand new ones, when He comes.
26:49 I can't wait.
26:51 Mine is a mess. I'm young, but I've already messed it all up.
26:53 I want a new one. I'm ready to trade in.
26:56 Now, I thought about this. If this says: every eye is
26:58 going to see Jesus when He comes, is it possible
27:02 that every blind eye is going to see Him, when He comes, too?
27:05 And the very first thing, that the blind of this earth will see
27:10 is Jesus coming again. It's an exciting thought.
27:13 Now, some people have looked at this, and they said: look,
27:16 I know it says every eye's going to see Jesus, but really
27:19 it's only the Christians, who see Jesus coming.
27:23 Well, first of all, that's not quite what it says. It says:
27:26 "every eye will see Him... "
27:28 And it also says, in Matthew 24, verse 30:
27:44 The Bible says they all see Him,
27:46 all the tribes of the Earth will see Him.
27:49 The Bible says in Matthew 24, verse 27:
27:57 I don't know, if I got East and West right,
27:59 but you're with me, right?
28:01 Yes? Good, that's not East.
28:11 I grew up in British Columbia. I still speak the Canadian
28:14 language, and I noticed that many of you do to.
28:20 When I lived in the Okanogan, in British Columbia,
28:23 we had the most spectacular lightning storms every summer.
28:26 As a matter of fact they would light up the whole house,
28:28 it was no point trying to sleep, because the windows would shake
28:31 and it would light up the whole house.
28:33 And so, we would run outside
28:35 on the sun deck, 2:00 in the morning to watch it and
28:37 it would dance from cloud to cloud,
28:39 and from hilltop to hilltop,
28:40 and we get very excited, everybody would come
28:42 out to see it. Now, what if I told you
28:45 I'm of Dutch descend,
28:46 my parents are Dutch immigrants to Canada.
28:49 What if I told you, that as we stood out there,
28:52 in that lightning storm, that only the Dutch could
28:54 see that lightning storm, would you believe me?
28:57 No. I'm glad of it.
28:59 No, Jesus says, Revelation 1, verse 7
29:02 that when Jesus comes again, every eye
29:06 is going to see that coming. We know that Christ's coming
29:11 will be visible. Everybody is going to see it.
29:15 The next thing we know, beyond the shadow of a doubt
29:18 is that Christ's coming will be audible. What is that mean?
29:24 It means, everybody is going to hear it.
29:29 How do I know that? Well, the Bible tells me so.
29:32 Matthew, chapter 24, verse 31. Do you see how this works?
29:37 Remember the other night we studied Isaiah chapter 28,
29:40 in verse 10, the Bible said:
29:41 Line upon line, precept upon precept,
29:43 here a little, there a little, you start gathering all the text
29:46 all 2.500 of them, you start getting
29:49 a very clear picture of what's going on.
29:51 You avoid all the confusion, and all those
29:53 books in those bookstores.
29:54 God doesn't make it complicated, this is easy.
29:57 Mathew 24: 31.
30:02 What kind of a sound?
30:03 Great. This is not a kazoo, this is a trumpet.
30:14 Another text:
30:16 1 Thessalonians 4, one of my favorites.
30:18 Many of you know this passage, and if you don't,
30:20 you're going to know it in a minute,
30:22 and you're going to love it.
30:24 1 Thessalonians 4: 16
30:30 With a what? A shout...
30:49 There's a trumpet blast, there's a voice,
30:53 there's a shout so loud,
30:55 that the graves open and people come out of them,
30:57 You've heard that expression:
30:59 "loud enough to wake the dead".
31:00 Where did that come from? Right out from the word of God.
31:03 When Jesus come with a shout so loud, the graves rip open
31:07 and people come out of them.
31:09 This is one of the noisiest events from the history of Earth
31:12 When I was a kid and that wasn't all that long ago,
31:17 when I was a kid, we used to play hooky,
31:21 Now, I am stepping out on a limb here,
31:23 because this is being broadcast by satellite
31:25 all over North America.
31:27 And I'm just praying that my teachers aren't watching,
31:31 because they will finally know what is true and I am praying,
31:34 my mother's not watching,
31:35 because she will come back to me and say:
31:38 that explains all those report cards, but we used to...
31:40 play hooky.
31:42 There is no fun to play hooky by yourself.
31:46 It's just not any fun, it's boring to walk around town,
31:48 you've got to have a friend to play hooky with.
31:50 And I am just hoping that across the continent,
31:53 all the young people are putting their fingers in their ears
31:56 for the next two minutes. You don't need to know this.
31:58 Stay in school!
32:00 No, really, stay in school. You'll be glad that you did.
32:03 And we played hooky. If you want someone to play hooky with,
32:06 how do you do it?
32:07 You sneak up to another classroom
32:09 while class is in progress, and you go to the back door, because
32:12 everybody who plays hooky, is sitting in the back anyway.
32:15 We open the door and I'd look for my buddies in the back
32:17 and I'd say: there's Mike,
32:19 I want to play hooky with Mike today.
32:21 So I would try and get Mike's attention,
32:23 without getting the whole room's attention.
32:25 How do you do it? Hey, Mike,
32:28 You whisper his name, you don't shout it,
32:31 if you're trying to keep something quiet,
32:33 you don't scream and shout and yell.
32:35 I want tot get Mike's attention
32:36 without getting the teacher's attention.
32:38 That's exactly what I wanted to do.
32:40 But the Bible says everybody's attention is going to be
32:42 arrested when Jesus comes.
32:44 There is a shout, there's a trumpet blast,
32:47 it is so loud that it wakes the dead.
32:49 Christ's coming will be audible.
32:53 Everybody is going to hear it.
32:55 The next thing we know is that it will be stunningly glorious.
33:01 How do I know that?
33:02 Take a guess. The Bible tells me so.
33:05 Psalm 50:3. This tells again everybody is going to hear it.
33:13 You know, I believe, God's not going to be silent,
33:16 because He's just as excited
33:17 about the second coming as you are!
33:19 I believe that with all my heart.
33:21 I can't see Jesus hanging on Calvary's cross,
33:23 and not think that He wants to be with us
33:25 more than anything in the Universe!
33:27 He's excited, He can't keep Himself from shouting.
33:30 I'm going to shout, when I'll see Jesus,
33:32 He'll be shouting too, because He wants to see us.
33:43 This is a big, big event.
33:46 Revelations 6: 14
33:48 Now, look at this.
33:57 I can't wait for this!
33:59 I can't wait. I want to see the sky roll up, like a scroll
34:02 and I want to see some mountains moved out of their place.
34:05 Right now mountains are moving in Southern California.
34:08 I don't want to see it now,
34:10 but when Jesus comes, I'm stepping outside and
34:13 I want to see those mountains moving.
34:14 I want to see that sky roll,
34:16 I have seen some magnificent stuff.
34:18 I've seen some great lightning storms.
34:20 I went out in the wilderness
34:22 last summer, I saw a lightening storm,
34:24 that circled the entire sky,
34:25 and a hole in the middle with the Northern lights
34:28 all at the same time.
34:29 That was glorious, but I can't wait to see this one.
34:32 The heaven rolls up as a scroll, when it's rolled together.
34:35 The islands, the mountains roll out of their places.
34:39 Mathew 16: 27
34:45 He comes in the glory of His Father, the Bible says.
34:48 You know, the Bible teaches that Moses was permitted to see
34:51 just a little of God's glory.
34:53 Just a little of it, it says.
34:54 And when he came back down off the mountain,
34:56 his face was so bright, that the Israelites had to say:
34:59 Hey Moses, cover up, we can't stand to look at you,
35:02 and all he saw was a little tiny glimpse of it.
35:05 When Jesus comes,
35:12 Now tuck that verse behind one ear,
35:15 it's going to prove important in just a moment.
35:17 And He will reward each according to his works.
35:20 Mathew 25: 31, look at this:
35:27 How many of the angels?
35:28 All the holy angels.
35:32 Let me ask you a question.
35:33 Its says, Jesus comes with all the holy angels.
35:37 How many is that?
35:38 I don't have to guess and I don't have to speculate,
35:41 I know how many it is, because the Bible tells me so.
35:44 It tells me in Revelations 5: 11
35:46 John is looking at Heaven and it says:
36:01 Now, ten thousand times ten thousand
36:03 that's a million, I think.
36:05 I don't know if I'm wrong, somebody
36:07 will surely send me a letter.
36:08 Ten thousand times ten thousand
36:10 and thousands of thousands.
36:11 This is one the biggest units that they divided
36:13 numbers into.
36:14 It's ten thousand times ten thousand,
36:16 and thousands of thousands,
36:18 this is billions of angels,
36:21 and the Bible says that they are all coming with Jesus,
36:24 when He comes, all of them.
36:25 Now, the Bible also says, one angel,
36:28 knocked an entire Roman legion flat on it's back.
36:31 What do you think of billion or ten billions of them,
36:35 is going to look like?
36:36 I can't wait, bring it on!
36:38 This is going to be the biggest, grandest event in the history
36:41 of this Universe.
36:43 We know, Christ will literally come.
36:45 We know, it will be visible,
36:47 we know that people are going to hear Him coming,
36:50 and we know that it will be stunningly glorious.
36:53 And the 5th thing we know, beyond the shadow of doubt
36:56 beyond any question whatsoever,
36:59 is that when Jesus comes, it marks the end of Earth's history
37:03 How do I know? Jesus says so.
37:05 Revelations 22: 11, 12
37:25 What is with Jesus?
37:26 His reward. We read that
37:28 a moment ago in another passage.
37:30 To give everyone according to his work.
37:34 The Bible says, when Jesus comes
37:37 that is it. That is your last opportunity,
37:41 He said: Those who were unjust,
37:43 those who have rejected God's love,
37:45 and I can't imagine why anybody would,
37:48 but sadly some do,
37:50 and those who've rejected God's love, the Bible says,
37:53 stay that way, when Jesus comes.
37:55 But those who've accepted Christ,
37:57 are secure in Him forever and ever,
38:00 and ever and ever.
38:01 Jesus says: when I come
38:03 I bring my rewards with me. You know folks,
38:05 there are only two groups when Jesus comes.
38:08 Right now we divide humanity in all kinds of groups,
38:11 we divide humanity by their nationality,
38:13 by their ethnicity, by their language,
38:16 by their political believes,
38:17 but in the end there will only be two groups
38:20 and that's all that's going to matter when Jesus comes.
38:23 One group sees Jesus coming and they don't like it.
38:26 Revelations 6:14-17
39:00 That is one of the most tragic passages
39:05 in all of Bible prophecy.
39:08 There are people who heard all their lives: Jesus would come.
39:12 There are people that heard all their lives:
39:14 there would be an appearing
39:16 and they chose to put it off,
39:18 or they chose to ignore it.
39:20 And one day they hear a sound,
39:23 and they look up
39:25 and they see Jesus coming and they will know,
39:28 they squandered it all.
39:30 They had every opportunity, Christ plead with them,
39:34 He begged them: Please, why choose destruction
39:38 when you can have life?
39:39 Why? It's one of the most tragic verses in all the Scripture.
39:44 It's my prayer, that not one person
39:46 hearing the sound of my voice tonight would be in that group,
39:49 because there is another group.
39:52 Isaiah 25:9. They look up, they hear the trumpet,
39:56 they hear the voice, they see the graves opening,
39:58 they look up, they see the heavens unrolling like a scroll,
40:02 and they see Jesus coming and they get excited
40:05 and the Bible says "they shout".
40:07 Isaiah 25:9
40:22 My question for you is this:
40:24 He's coming, there will be an appearing.
40:27 There is no question about it.
40:29 Verse after verse, 2500 of them,
40:32 prophecy after prophecy has been fulfilled,
40:34 to a T and God says there will be an appearing.
40:38 Which group are you going to be in?
40:40 You've ever wondered, what it would be like
40:44 to hear Jesus saying,
40:46 Hey pastor, what are you getting at?
40:48 I have all kinds of singers and I love to listen to.
40:51 I do. "It Is Written" has got all these great singers,
40:54 I wish I could sing, I have to wait to Heaven until I can.
40:58 I love to listen good singing,
40:59 My favorite singer, I've never even heard sing yet,
41:02 his name is Jesus.
41:04 How do I know He sings?
41:06 The Bible tells me so.
41:08 Zephaniah 3:17
41:23 I'm going to stand in Heaven
41:25 Jesus is going to come for me, He's going to come for you
41:29 and one day, throughout the ages of eternity
41:32 I'm going to walk up to Him.
41:34 And I'm going to say: Jesus, do you think you could
41:37 sing it for me?
41:38 Sing me that song, you sang the day I decided,
41:43 I wanted to be ready for the appearing.
41:46 Would You sing it for me?
41:48 One day you will see Jesus,
41:50 you will see His face, it will be really Him,
41:53 in the flesh, you will hear His voice,
41:57 you will hear Him sing, and you will be with Him,
42:00 for all eternity.
42:03 This is the moment tonight, that it's time
42:06 to take out lesson number 3
42:08 and tonight we're going to go through the Bible
42:10 and we're going to look at what it is we just saw
42:12 five certainties about the second coming of Jesus.
42:16 What it will be like when the appearing happens?
42:40 And for those of us here in Southern California,
42:42 and with us, around world staying with us,
42:45 it's time now to get out lesson number 3,
42:47 my good friend Dan Houghton is going to come up
42:50 and lead us through that Bible study
42:51 as we think a little more about Jesus and His appearing.
42:55 Thank you pastor Shawn.
43:04 This is your lesson, Lesson number 3.
43:06 Has that beautiful graphic on front that says 'The appearing'.
43:10 You know, just looking at that...
43:12 I'd never heard...
43:14 It's said, just the way pastor Shawn said a few moments ago,
43:17 that Jesus is going to be singing
43:20 or praising and having joy over us and singing.
43:23 As someone who loves music, that is really
43:26 a fascinating thing, to think of Jesus
43:28 singing in His joy
43:30 over those of us, who are ready to see Him at His appearing.
43:36 Obviously, from listening to 'The Appearing' presentation
43:40 tonight, we know, that it is an extremely important topic.
43:43 Would you agree with me? Yes
43:45 And even though there's lots of confusion
43:48 out there, I think pastor Shawn talked about over a
43:50 thousand books that you can buy, talking about this subject
43:53 that are representative of a mixture
43:56 of human ideas with what might be in Scripture.
44:00 We want to go to the Scripture alone.
44:02 There are some things that we can
44:04 be absolutely certain about. Can you say amen to that?
44:06 We can be absolutely certain.
44:08 We want to review those points tonight.
44:10 I want to take you to item number 1.
44:28 Is it just so that we can satisfy our curiosity?
44:31 Or is there a specific reason why God has
44:33 given prophecy to us as a gift?
44:36 John 14:29
44:47 What is the answer to that question?
44:50 Jesus reveals an interesting principle.
44:52 Okay? What is the reason why we have
44:55 prophecy that predicts the future?
44:57 It is for the purpose of building our
44:59 faith in God's word
45:02 as we see it being fulfilled.
45:05 It is more for us to understand it
45:07 as it is happening, so we can say:
45:09 "Yes, God, You told us it would happen",
45:11 rather than to be the best
45:13 student of prophecy, to know every event
45:15 it's going to happen,
45:16 so that we can build our faith
45:19 and know that it is right at the door. Okay?
45:23 Here is Acts 1:11.
45:26 I want you to write this down in your lesson.
45:40 Here we begin the list of all the irrefutable facts
45:43 that pastor Shawn was sharing. Okay?
45:57 It is something real, not spiritual.
46:00 It's something you can count on, you will be able to see
46:03 and experience. Okay? Next. 2nd point.
46:10 Now we're going to go to the Scripture.
46:12 There we go.
46:18 He's talking about hands and feet.
46:19 Those are real parts of the body. Is that not correct?
46:25 ...handle Me and see...
46:30 He was trying to tell us through His experience with
46:33 the apostles, the disciples at that time
46:36 that He had come back in a full bodily form.
46:39 So the answer: Jesus had a body made of
46:42 flesh and bones.
46:51 When He comes, He will really be there,
46:53 it will not be a virtual appearance.
46:56 He will be coming physically and real.
46:59 Okay, 3rd point.
47:08 I want to go to the Bible text.
47:10 Revelation 1:7
47:23 So when Christ returns, every eye...
47:27 So what does that say about someone who says:
47:30 Well, it might have been a secret when He comes.
47:33 So He might have come 100 years ago
47:35 and we just didn't know about it.
47:37 If you don't see it with your eye,
47:40 according to Scripture,
47:41 then it hasn't happened yet.
47:43 That means that His coming will be
47:45 visible.
47:46 You won't be able to miss it.
47:47 Even if you want to.
47:48 In fact, you know, pastor Shawn was talking about
47:51 lightning storms. How many of you've
47:53 actually experienced a major lightning storm?
47:55 Okay? Many of you have.
47:57 All right.
47:58 Have you ever stood out
48:00 in the night, in a lightning storm,
48:03 and closed your eyes?
48:06 What happens?
48:08 You know, even with your eyes closed,
48:10 you can still see lightning.
48:14 Even those who will not want to see Christ's coming
48:18 will see it.
48:19 Okay? His coming will be visible.
48:21 Okay?
48:24 I Thessalonians 4:16
48:29 Okay? There's going to be a shout.
48:31 I'm going to go to the Bible text.
48:32 For your lesson:
48:34 I Thessalonians 4:16
48:46 Okay?
48:50 You know, when I think about a shout...
48:55 Do you get comfortable when you see people are shouting?
48:59 Not usually. You can't help, but hear it.
49:01 Jesus wants to make sure that
49:03 everybody hears. There's going to be a shout.
49:05 But you know what? I believe it's going to be a shout
49:07 of joy and glory.
49:09 With the voice of the archangel...
49:13 Now the archangel is a very special person
49:16 in God's plan.
49:18 The archangel here is coming and blowing a trumpet and is
49:23 giving that shout because
49:25 that sound will have the sound of a trumpet,
49:28 but it also has
49:29 a very special purpose. What's the sound for?
49:33 It's there to wake the death.
49:36 So it doesn't matter if you are alive
49:38 or if you have died.
49:40 You're going to still be able to participate
49:43 in the appearing.
49:45 Isn't that good news?
49:47 It's very good news.
49:48 Okay...
49:52 We're going to look at the Scripture
49:54 in John 5:28
50:05 Okay?
50:12 Okay. Now, have you heard of anyone who's
50:15 dead being able to hear anything?
50:18 That does not happen.
50:19 But the voice of Jesus
50:21 will be able to penetrate even the world of the dead.
50:24 That's good news to me. I don't know about you.
50:30 This tells us that Jesus' appearing will be audible.
50:32 Okay?
50:34 Matthew 25:31
50:39 Revelation 5:11
50:45 Do you remember what pastor Shawn said?
50:48 All of His angels.
50:49 Let's go and look at that text again.
50:56 Now I just want to ask you this question.
50:58 Have you ever thought about what would be like
51:01 if you were an angel
51:02 in heaven?
51:03 Sometimes I like to put myself in another set of shoes.
51:07 Now I know, that I'm a human being
51:09 and I will never have the privilege of being an angel.
51:12 I am who I am and you are who you are with God.
51:15 But if I were an angel, you know,
51:17 in God's vast Universe,
51:19 this is one event I would not want to miss.
51:23 I think God knows that!
51:24 Se He's going to pull all the angels from
51:26 every place throughout His Universe
51:28 and let each one of them,
51:30 everyone of them be a part of the rescue mission with
51:34 the appearing. Isn't that good news?
51:36 If I were an angel, I'd be pretty thrilled about that.
51:38 I'm going to be pretty thrilled to see those angels, aren't you?
51:56 Do we have any mathematicians here?
51:59 Can we safely say that's billions and maybe
52:02 tens of billions of angels?
52:04 Just an enumerable amount of
52:08 heavenly beings.
52:09 They're coming...
52:11 When He comes back, how many?...
52:13 All of them.
52:14 Can you imagine the joy
52:16 that there's going to be in this Universe?
52:19 When this appearing is actually in process,
52:23 and all of these angels...
52:24 I wonder what it's going to sound like to hear
52:26 all of the angels of Heaven coming to this Earth?
52:29 It's going to be something!
52:32 How many angels are there?
52:34 Millions, perhaps billions, maybe even tens of billions.
52:36 Lots of angels coming.
52:38 There's no way there's not going to be some noise
52:40 associated with that. Would you agree?
52:42 It's going to be some noise.
52:44 When Jesus comes back,
52:47 He will come...
52:49 We're going to go to the Bible text.
53:04 You know, as human beings on planet Earth,
53:08 we know and we love Jesus. Do we not?
53:11 But Jesus wants us to recognize His Father.
53:16 And we know about the Father because of the Son.
53:20 When He comes, He's coming in the glory of His Father.
53:25 He wants to reveal, the whole Godhead wants
53:28 to reveal themselves to us.
53:31 That's an awesome little nugget
53:33 about our Creator, isn't it?
53:35 I believe in your lesson you'll see that. He'll come with the...
53:40 Have you written that in your lesson? The glory of His Father.
53:44 This demonstrates that Christ's return will be glorious.
53:48 Talk about a party. Talk about an event
53:51 that is going to have more enthusiasm and joy
53:53 unrestrained than you can even possibly imagine.
53:56 This one is going to be glorious.
54:00 What's He going to bring with Him when He comes?
54:03 Remember what pastor Shawn said, something about rewards?
54:06 Rewards... okay!
54:08 Revelation 22: 11-12
54:28 There's two points about this to remember as you write down
54:31 in your lesson.
54:32 Number 1.
54:33 There are some theories out there that suggest,
54:37 that maybe we will have a second chance
54:40 after Christ's return.
54:42 To get it all together.
54:43 Is that what this Scripture says?
54:45 No, it says:
54:46 "He that is filthy, let him be filthy still:
54:49 and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still. "
54:51 And He comes to bring His reward.
54:53 Please write that in: He's coming with His reward.
54:57 This tells us a couple of things.
55:14 When pastor Shawn talked about bringing
55:17 Earth's history to a conclusion.
55:19 Right here we see it.
55:20 This is the final act in the drama
55:26 and this is what the appearing is all about.
55:28 He comes and it is final. Now it's over.
55:31 There's not going to be anymore sorrow
55:33 and hurting. I don't know about you,
55:35 but sorrow and hurting is no fun.
55:38 You may have experienced that and some that you care about
55:40 may have experienced that as well.
55:42 Aren't you looking forward to the time when
55:44 that won't be any more?
55:46 I sure am.
55:47 There's going to be two groups of people,
55:49 so vividly described tonight in our presentation
55:52 by pastor Shawn. Two groups.
55:58 I must quickly move through this.
56:02 What is the difference?
56:03 Remember?
56:06 One's very unhappy and one is just so excited that
56:10 they can hardly contain themselves.
56:11 In which group do you want to be in?
56:13 Let's go ahead and look at the Scriptures.
56:24 But yet, on the other side, here's the other group.
56:30 The day of the appearing.
56:44 The real question is this:
56:49 Last night and the night before I told you as we closed:
56:53 Where are you going to be at the appearing?
56:57 Tonight we've learned that every one of us will be there.
57:01 We can't avoid the appearing. We're going to be there.
57:04 Who would want to?
57:06 If you were in the first group talked about in Scripture here,
57:09 you're not going to want the rocks
57:10 and the mountains to fall on you.
57:12 But every single one of us, me included, each one of you,
57:16 everyone of you that are tuning in by satellite around the
57:20 world, you have the opportunity
57:23 to make a decision
57:24 to be in the group of people that are
57:27 gloriously expecting with anticipation
57:30 the soon return of Jesus Christ. Let's pray.
57:32 Lord, help every one of us
57:34 to be in the group that chooses to see You
57:38 with eager anticipation, waiting for You, saying,
57:42 Lo, this is our God, we have waited for Him.
57:46 Thank you for the privilege of knowing this and help
57:48 each one of us to make that choice right now.
57:51 In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
57:56 Subtitled by Christian Media Services
58:00 www. chms. ro


Revised 2014-12-17