Appearing, The

Planet Earth's Final Battle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr Shawn Boonstra


Series Code: TAP

Program Code: TAP000002

00:36 Mamma, she often told me
00:41 That soon you would take us home
00:45 But the years flew past and now at last
00:50 I have children of my own.
00:54 Now I can't help, but wonder
00:58 When I look at my daughter's eyes
01:02 How can I keep her hoping
01:06 How can I keep the dream alive
01:10 Of Your appearing
01:14 How I long for You to come
01:18 Just to know the battle's won
01:22 And my journey will be done at Your appearing.
01:28 Lord, can You speed that blessed day?
01:34 In my heart and soul I pray to keep the faith
01:40 'Till Your appearing.
01:59 Sometimes I sit in silence
02:03 And gaze at the Eastern sky
02:06 Then I dream of when You'll come again
02:11 And I hear that midnight cry.
02:15 But then Your tender mercy
02:19 you tarry just one more day
02:24 Knowing there's one who has not heard
02:28 but longs to know the way that You're appearing
02:34 Will all share an eternal life
02:39 It will in the warning strife.
02:43 There're won't be no more sad goodbyes at Your appearing
02:50 Lord can you speed that bless a day
02:55 In our hearts we all must pray to keep the faith
03:02 Till Your appearing
03:10 How long, dear Lord
03:13 Till You come to earth to claim us for Your own
03:18 We long to hear the trumpet sounding
03:22 That will call us to our home
03:32 At Your appearing
03:38 You will bring us to Your side
03:42 It was for this You bled and died
03:46 Cause long to claim Your bride at Your appearing,
03:52 in a chariot of fire.
03:58 Let it be our souls desire to see Your faith
04:05 At Your appearing
04:10 At Your appearing
04:16 Your appearing from Heaven oh Lord, At Your appearing
04:22 At Your appearing from Heaven dear Lord
04:31 Your blessed appearing.
04:38 Your blessed appearing...
05:02 The battle of Armageddon, is this a great military battle?
05:07 A nuclear disaster, is it caused by famine or disease?
05:13 Or even an asteroid slamming into the planet?
05:16 And what does a dragon, a beast and a false prophet
05:19 have to do with it?
05:21 Right now, get ready for Planet Earth's Final Battle.
05:32 Again I want to welcome all of you to the special
05:35 meeting called "The Appearing".
05:37 To all of you who are joining us from locations around
05:39 the country and around the World welcome to you as well!
05:43 This time is my privilege to introduce to you Shawn Boonstra.
05:46 Pastor Shawn Boonstra is the speaker director
05:48 for the "It is Written" television program.
05:51 He is leading this special presentation on the
05:54 appearing of Jesus Christ.
05:55 Please welcome Shawn Boonstra!
06:07 Good evening!
06:09 Good evening and welcome back to "The Appearing"
06:12 We are now on night number two.
06:13 Last night we looked at a planet in upheaval.
06:16 Our subject tonight is Planet Earth's Final Battle.
06:19 But before we get into it
06:20 let me explain a little bit what is coming.
06:23 We're on night #2 of five presentations.
06:25 If somebody is joining us for the first time
06:28 out there across America and around the World,
06:30 we'd invite you to keep coming each night.
06:33 Each night's presentation is going to build on the
06:35 information presented the night before, so you don't want to
06:38 miss any of it.
06:39 It's just five short nights, but they may prove
06:41 to be some of the most important nights
06:44 you've ever spent.
06:45 Because we're going to open up the Bible.
06:47 We're going to look at ancient prophecies
06:49 and we're going to see what it is that God said
06:52 is going to happen just around the corner.
06:54 Tonight's subject is...
06:56 I've already forgotten tonight's subject.
06:58 What is it?
07:00 Oh, I'm so proud of you.
07:02 Planet Earth's Final Battle.
07:03 Tomorrow night will be "The Appearing".
07:06 When the appearing happens,
07:08 what will it be like?
07:10 Then, on the next night, the forth night,
07:13 we'll be talking about a medieval cover up.
07:16 Something happened in history. The subject is
07:18 "When History Repeats Itself".
07:20 Something happened in history
07:22 that might be tampering
07:23 with how you've been viewing the world
07:25 and how you've even been viewing the Bible.
07:28 That's on the forth night.
07:29 And then on the fifth night, "The Day After",
07:32 what happens one day, one minute, one hour,
07:36 one heart-beat after the appearing?
07:38 Sure Planet Earth comes to a halt,
07:41 a lot of catastrophic things happen,
07:43 earth changes, but what happens one minute after that?
07:46 That's on the fifth night.
07:48 Tonight's subject Earth's Final Battle,
07:50 The Battle of Armageddon.
07:52 Now again tonight, our text book is going to be the Bible.
07:55 The Word of God.
07:56 And it is my firmly held conviction
07:59 that this is not like other books.
08:01 This book changed my life. If you would have met me
08:03 twenty years ago, you wouldn't have believed it was me.
08:06 This book changed my life because
08:08 it introduced me to a loving God.
08:10 This book changed my life because it taught me
08:13 that God loved me,
08:14 that He has a plan for planet Earth,
08:16 and He has a plan for my life.
08:17 This book has a power that God has breathed into it
08:20 and because it's His book, I'd like to ask His blessings.
08:23 So why don't we bow our heads together and just pray?
08:26 Father in Heaven,
08:28 tonight we are delighted again
08:31 to have an opportunity to open the Word of God.
08:34 We are delighted to be able to hear
08:36 the voice of our Creator.
08:38 It is our prayer tonight,
08:40 as we study the Scriptures,
08:42 that You would help us to hear Your voice clearly.
08:45 That we'd be able to put aside the distractions
08:47 of the world for just a moment.
08:49 That we can step into Your presence
08:51 sit at Your feet and learn from You.
08:54 Gracious Lord, most of all, we would like
08:57 to see the face of Jesus.
08:58 We know when He appears, we will see it.
09:01 I ask tonight though that we can catch a glimpse of Him.
09:05 That You would bless the words that I speak.
09:08 So that tonight I could represent the courts of Heaven.
09:11 Lord, I am a sinner and I need You to forgive me.
09:14 I ask that You would bless me in a way
09:17 that I don't deserve
09:18 so that we could see truth from the Word of God.
09:21 I ask in Jesus' name.
09:23 Amen.
09:24 Earth's Final Battle, the Battle of Armageddon.
09:29 Let me ask you a question tonight.
09:31 What is the Battle of Armageddon?
09:34 I could walk into any bookstore
09:36 in your city here, in Southern California,
09:38 in your city out there, in the satellite audience,
09:41 I could walk into any bookstore
09:43 and there will be ten, twenty, a hundred books
09:46 on the subject of Bible prophecy
09:47 and probably the biggest section
09:49 out of all those books
09:50 will be the books that deal with the Battle of Armageddon.
09:53 And I've noticed something interesting.
09:56 I have this disease, I can't help it.
09:58 I must buy books.
09:59 I buy two or three books a week.
10:01 Sometimes I go into a store
10:02 and I will clean them out. I can't help it.
10:05 I go on a trip. My wife the first question
10:07 she asks when I come home is:
10:08 How many did you buy?
10:10 I buy thousands of books
10:12 they are stacked high in my garage four feet deep.
10:15 I have bought every book in existence
10:17 on the Battle of Armageddon.
10:19 Unless one has been printed in the last 24 hours,
10:21 and I don't know about, I have got them all.
10:24 And I've noticed something.
10:25 When you open those books and you begin to read them,
10:28 no two of them agree at all.
10:30 Nobody seems to know exactly
10:32 what the Battle of Armageddon is.
10:34 I've actually gone out into the streets
10:37 both in North and South America
10:39 and I've asked people: What do you think
10:41 the Battle of Armageddon is all about?
10:44 I have gotten the most remarkable answers
10:46 you can imagine. Some people would say:
10:48 Hey, I know what the Battle of Armageddon is.
10:51 The Battle of Armageddon is going to be this great
10:53 military conflict.
10:55 Somehow, probably, in the Middle East
10:57 probably in the nation of Israel,
10:59 an army will come from the North maybe the Russians,.
11:02 although some people are changing their minds on that
11:04 since 1989,
11:05 but maybe the Russians,
11:07 will come and there will be this great
11:09 military conflict
11:11 and that will be the Battle of Armageddon.
11:14 Other people say: No, that's not it at all.
11:16 It's not a military conflict.
11:18 It's when we have a nuclear disaster that wipes us out.
11:21 That's what the Battle of Armageddon will be.
11:23 And back before 1989, people said:
11:26 Hey, it's going to be Russia,
11:27 and The United States of America
11:29 but since then, they kind of changed their minds
11:32 and said maybe it's going to be some rogue nation out there
11:35 that finally has the audacity to push the button
11:37 send up a missile and wipe us all out.
11:40 We saw last night that we have the ability to wipe us all out
11:43 fifty times over in one hour today with
11:45 all the nuclear war heads on the face of the planet.
11:48 So, some people say:
11:49 Okay, it's going to be a nuclear disaster.
11:51 That's what the Armageddon is.
11:53 Other people say: No, no, that's not it at all.
11:55 It's going to be a famine.
11:56 When I was born and I am not all that old,
11:58 but when I was born there were about 4 billion people
12:01 on the face of the planet.
12:02 At the turn of the last century I don't know how many it was?
12:05 Two, three billion at the beginning of the 1900's.
12:07 Today it's 6.5 billions
12:09 and they're saying that in a short space of time,
12:11 we're going to have ten billion, fifteen billion,
12:14 twenty billion, probably in our life time.
12:16 And it's crowding gets worse, and worse.
12:18 We're going to run out of food faster that we've ever dreamed.
12:21 And, so Armageddon is going to happen
12:23 when we run out of food,
12:24 people raise up against each other,
12:26 it is going to be a famine.
12:27 No way, somebody else says. It's not going to be a famine.
12:30 It is going to be pestilence.
12:32 It's going to be all those funny diseases that
12:34 are breaking out in hospitals all over the place
12:36 those big, killer super bugs,
12:38 one of them will get out of the hospital doors into the streets
12:41 and people will going to die in droves
12:42 and that's going to be the Armageddon.
12:44 On, no, said somebody else.
12:46 That's not Armageddon.
12:47 Armageddon is when an asteroid or a comet
12:50 slams into the face of the Earth
12:52 and wipes us all out.
12:53 Kind of the way that some people believe
12:55 it wiped out all the dinosaurs.
12:57 Now, Hollywood believes this scenario
12:59 they came out with a movie a few years ago
13:01 starring Bruce Willis and was called
13:03 Armageddon.
13:04 And the whole premise of the movie was that they
13:06 had to get out in outer space
13:07 and they had to blow the comet up before it hit the Earth.
13:10 Some people say: That's it, it's going to be
13:12 this body, this object from outer space
13:14 that smashes into the Earth. We're going to have a...
13:17 I guess it won't be a nuclear winter, we would have
13:19 an asteroid winter here on planet Earth.
13:20 And everything is going to change:
13:22 the climate is going to change, and there is going to be
13:25 survival of the fittest after that.
13:27 I have heard every answer you can imagine.
13:30 In the streets of Sao Paolo, Brazil,
13:32 I asked a bunch of people what do you think Armageddon is?
13:35 And I got every one of those answers
13:37 I just gave to you, plus one more.
13:40 One guy said: Oh, Armageddon
13:42 I know what that is... Just a minute...
13:44 Yeah, it's that cream that you put on your feet
13:47 for athlete's foot. That's what Armageddon is.
13:50 I have had every answer under the Sun.
13:54 And some people said to me: You know why you're getting
13:57 all those answers?
13:58 It's because you can't understand Bible prophecy anyway
14:02 You read the book of Revelation
14:04 and everybody has their own opinion
14:06 they just make up whatever fits.
14:08 I remember as a kid I opened the book of Revelation.
14:10 My parents gave me a Bible
14:12 the finest gift they ever gave me.
14:14 I opened the Bible and I started to read the book of Revelation.
14:18 And had vials and trumpets and beasts and plagues
14:21 and a whole bunch of stuff that I just didn't understand.
14:25 And some people say:
14:26 Hey, nobody understands that stuff.
14:28 Nobody can understand it, that's why you have so many opinions.
14:31 I remember one family member who I love dearly
14:34 came to me once and said: Why do you study all that
14:37 End-of-the-world stuff from the Bible anyway?
14:39 It doesn't matter. Nobody understands it.
14:42 It doesn't make any sense.
14:44 Just one question that I have.
14:46 If it's in the Bible and it doesn't make any sense,
14:49 why did God put it in there?
14:50 Is He playing a game with the human race? Is He just saying:
14:54 Hey, I'm going to put a bunch of stuff in there
14:56 that nobody is going to understand and I'm going to sit
14:58 back and watch
15:00 as everybody debates it?
15:01 People have been saying for generations:
15:04 you can't understand prophecy, you can't understand
15:07 the Book of Revelation. Billy Graham tells the story,
15:10 in his autobiography, 'Just as I am'.
15:14 About the day, that his mother picked up her Bible,
15:16 and decided, that she is going to read the Book of Revelation.
15:19 And he describes how she finds joy in that Book,
15:22 because it spoke about the appearing, about how
15:26 Jesus was coming again. And that gave her great hope.
15:29 But then her pastor found out, that she was reading the Book
15:32 of Revelation, and he got a little worried.
15:34 And he paid a visit to Mrs. Graham, and he said:
15:37 Mrs. Graham I understand, that you have been reading
15:39 the Book of Revelation, is that true?
15:41 Oh, yes it is, she said.
15:42 I find such hope in that book, it gives me joy.
15:46 He said: You can't read that book.
15:48 She said: Why not?
15:49 He said: Well if you read that book, you'll go crazy.
15:54 Now, I can understand why he might have said that.
15:59 I can understand, because if you
16:01 look at the history of this world,
16:03 in the last generation or two, you can find a whole bunch
16:05 of people, who started to read Bible
16:07 prophecy and went a little bit crazy.
16:09 David Koresh in Waco, Texas
16:12 believed himself to be Jesus Christ.
16:14 He issued a manifesto on the Book of Revelation.
16:17 He said, we will come out, if you read our manifesto
16:19 on the radio waves. It was all based in Bible prophecy.
16:23 He took a little bit of Bible prophecy and he went
16:26 completely off the deep end.
16:27 Charlie Manson, the same thing. A story that a lot of people
16:30 don't know, is that Charles Manson was a member of a cult,
16:34 in his youth, known as The Process.
16:36 And in the Process, he learned a lot of strange
16:38 things about Bible Prophecy. The reason that Charlie Manson,
16:42 ordered the killings in 1969 of Sharon Tate...
16:46 The reason he ordered the killings in 1969,
16:48 was that in he mind he thought, that one race will blame
16:52 another race for those murders. And it will start a great
16:55 race war, which would develop into the battle of Armageddon.
16:59 and that he would rise to the top, as the world's savior.
17:03 A lot of people have taken a little prophecy and they've
17:05 gone off the deep end, so in a way I don't blame
17:09 Mrs. Graham's preacher for being just a little bit concerned.
17:13 But the question again tonight is this:
17:16 Is Bible prophecy really unintelligible?
17:20 Is that like a violin, that you can
17:22 play any old tune you want on?
17:24 And invent whatever meaning you want,
17:26 'cause nobody can understand it anyway? I don't believe it.
17:29 I don't believe God toys with us, I don't believe God trifles
17:32 with us, I believe He wants us to know,
17:35 what the future holds, because He wants us to have a security,
17:38 that He is in control, and this planet is headed somewhere.
17:42 The very title of the Book of Revelation tells you,
17:45 that it's not unintelligible.
17:47 It's called the revelation, in Greek the Apocalypse,
17:50 what is it mean? It means the unveiling,
17:52 it means the revealing. God's not trying to confuse you,
17:55 He's trying to reveal something to you, and He says so
17:58 in the first few verses of the Book of Revelation, in
18:01 Revelation 1:3, an angel appears to John the apostle and says:
18:18 Now, let me ask you a question tonight,
18:20 it's not a difficult question. The question is this:
18:24 If this Book is unintelligible, is it possible that God could
18:29 still bless us for reading it? The question is this:
18:32 Does it sound to you, from the words of revelation itself,
18:36 as if God meant for this Book to be a big confusion? Yes or no?
18:41 No, that wasn't very fast, I put everybody to sleep
18:43 in six minutes flat tonight.
18:46 Does it sound to you, like God didn't intend for us to
18:49 understand this Book? No, He said, listen:
18:52 You read that book and I bless you.
18:54 You keep the words of that Book, and I bless you.
18:57 God said, you were suppose to understand this,
18:59 and He says it again, at the end of the Book.
19:01 The angel comes back to John in chapter 22, and says:
19:13 This was not a closed Book. This is not meant to be something
19:17 that was sealed up and shut away forever.
19:20 So let me ask you a question tonight:
19:22 what does the Bible say about the battle of Armageddon?
19:27 If God meant for us to understand it, and to read it,
19:30 what does it actually say about this epic last day battle.
19:34 Does everybody's opinion matter?
19:36 Does everybody's opinion on equal
19:38 footing, equal bases, does it matter what we believe about it?
19:42 What does the Bible actually say about this last day battle?
19:46 Would you like to see it?
19:48 Yes.
19:49 Only half of you would like to see it this evening.
19:51 Would you like to see it?
19:53 Yes!
19:54 All right, I'm going to show you.
19:55 But buckle your seat belts, we going to turn
19:57 to the Book of Revelation, chapter 16:12.
20:00 The Bible says in Revelation 16:12
20:25 Let me pause there, and point something out.
20:27 Here we have, the Bible says, in the last days
20:30 kind of a counterfeit trinity.
20:32 There are three of them, there is the dragon, the beast
20:35 and a false prophet. This last day deception that goes
20:39 out across the whole world, a global spiritual deception.
21:01 That expression only happens a few time in the Bible, and every
21:04 single time it's in reference to the second coming of Jesus.
21:23 In which language?
21:24 In the Hebrew, Armageddon.
21:29 What in the world, does it mean, all that stuff?
21:34 The beast, the dragon, the false prophet,
21:37 gathering everybody together, in the place called in the
21:40 Hebrew tongue, Armageddon, Jesus comes as a thief.
21:43 What in the world does it mean?
21:45 I'm going to give you a key tonight, that unlocks
21:47 the Book of Revelation in a way you may've never seen before.
21:50 Approximately two-thirds of the language
21:53 of the Book of Revelation is borrowed or quoted directly
21:56 from the rest of the Bible. If you open the Book of Revelation,
22:00 I wish somebody had explained to me this sooner in life.
22:03 If you open the Book of Revelation, and you see
22:05 something you don't understand, chances are you can look it up
22:08 in the rest of your Bible, and it will spell it out
22:11 as plain as day. Now, this is a specially true
22:15 of the Book of Daniel.
22:17 If there is something in Revelation, you don't understand
22:20 go to the Book of Daniel, it will probably explain it.
22:22 And incidentally the reverse is true.
22:24 If you see something in Daniel, you don't understand,
22:27 chances are, the Book of Revelation will explain it.
22:29 Two-thirds of the Book of Revelation is language borrowed
22:33 from the rest of the Bible. And God says, here is how
22:36 He want you to study. He actually lays it out in detail
22:38 in the Book of Isaiah, as He talks about how He communicates
22:42 with His people. He says:
22:51 Now what's God saying?
22:53 I have a friend, who recently had a surgery and they had to
22:56 remove mussels from this part of his body, to the other part.
22:59 And he said: I feel like, I came right out of Isaiah 28.
23:02 Here a little, there a little, line upon line, they took...
23:05 What's God trying to say? God's trying to say, that you
23:08 need to study your Bible, the way you do a jigsaw puzzle.
23:11 What do you mean by that pastor? I mean, go through the whole
23:14 Bible, gather all the texts on
23:15 any given subject, that you try to study.
23:17 Get them all.
23:18 Pastor that sounds like work. Well, yes, it is work
23:21 and God wants you to do that work. That is the only way,
23:24 you get any benefit out of reading the Bible.
23:26 Go get all the texts, put them together, and then you'll get a
23:29 a picture, that is unmistakable and can only be interpreted,
23:32 one way. It's like doing a jigsaw puzzle.
23:35 I don't do jigsaw puzzles,
23:36 so I don't know what a big one looks like.
23:38 But let's say that you have a 50,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.
23:41 I don't know, if that's a big one?
23:43 Is that a big one? All right.
23:45 50.000 pieces, you pick up a little piece, and you say,
23:48 hey look at this. This is a picture of a dog.
23:51 I know what the whole picture is, it's a picture of dogs.
23:55 So you put it on the table. You pick another piece, and say
23:57 oh, no this one is a pig, it doesn't fit.
24:00 You think, OK now I've got it, it's pigs and dogs.
24:04 I got to work this in, it has nothing
24:06 to do with the sermon tonight at all.
24:08 My daughter said the other day: Mommy, Daddy,
24:11 when they sheer sheep, do they turn into pigs?
24:15 I said, what in the world made you think that?
24:17 Because I heard, she said, that when you shave a sheep, it likes
24:20 to roll around in the mud - it must become a pig.
24:23 So you've got your dog, and you got your pig.
24:25 Then you say, this is it, it's dogs and pigs.
24:28 But soon you have a barn, and the next
24:30 thing you know, you have some cows,
24:31 and you have a house, and you have a sunset,
24:33 and you think, ah, the whole picture
24:36 is a country side.
24:38 You got to go through the Bible, and
24:40 get all the pieces line upon line,
24:41 precept upon precept. Let's do that.
24:43 with the battle of Armageddon, and
24:45 see how clearly God can speak.
24:47 Here is what we already know, about this battle.
24:50 It is a global, spiritual deception.
24:52 We heard about the beast, the dragon, the false prophet
24:55 going to all the world, they perform sings and wonders.
24:58 Which incidentally is important to note,
25:00 if something is miraculous, it is not necessarily of God,
25:05 particularly in the last days, God says, watch out,
25:07 even demons perform signs.
25:09 There is a global spiritual deception.
25:11 It told us about Kings from the East,
25:13 it talked about the Euphrates being dried up.
25:16 It talked about "I come as a thief", which we already know.
25:19 and you'll see in your lesson. This is a reference.
25:22 to Jesus appearing. The appearing.
25:25 And then it talks about this place, called in the
25:27 in the Hebrew tongue: Armageddon.
25:29 Now, this word is a very important clue.
25:33 Because the entire Book of Revelation was written,
25:35 in the Greek language. But John changes languages
25:39 for one word, and He says:
25:40 God gathers everybody, into this place called
25:43 in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
25:46 What does that word mean in Hebrew? It's actually two words.
25:49 Har Megiddon. What does that mean?
25:53 It means: "The mountain of Megiddo".
25:57 That is an important clue. OK preacher?
26:00 What is the mountain of Megiddo, have to do with anything?
26:04 I'll show you. I'm glad you asked.
26:07 Megiddo is a little valley, out in the Middle East,
26:10 in the nation of Palestine.
26:13 The origin of Palestine nation is Israel.
26:15 This is a little valley, Megiddo, it is only 20 miles
26:18 A little tiny place,
26:20 and yet somehow the whole world will be gathered there.
26:23 Now, in this valley are three mountains.
26:25 There is Mount Carmel, now that's the place
26:28 where Elijah met the prophets of Baal.
26:30 Elijah stood up, because God's people turned away from God,
26:34 and he challenged them to return.
26:36 That's significant. That's in the valley of Megiddo.
26:39 On another edge is Mount Tabor.
26:41 Some scholars believe, Mountain Tabor is where
26:43 the transfiguration on the mount took place.
26:46 What's the transfiguration on the mount?
26:48 Well, the transfiguration on the mount is when Jesus
26:50 appeared in all His glory, to three of His disciples.
26:53 He was transfigured, He became glorious,
26:55 and next to Him appeared Elijah and Moses.
26:58 One person who had died, and one person who had been
27:01 caught straight up to heaven.
27:02 If you read that story, it says a little bit before,
27:05 Jesus told his disciples, some of you here will not die,
27:08 until you will see Me coming in My glory.
27:10 The transfiguration on the Mount,
27:11 if you will, is like a little tiny picture,
27:14 of the appearing of Jesus Christ.
27:16 And, so that mountain is also in this valley.
27:19 There's a third mountain, Gilboa, I don't know yet,
27:22 why Gilboa, I don't know if there
27:23 is a connection, or anything
27:25 interesting there, but three mountains
27:27 a little valley, 20 miles across,
27:29 this is one of the most active pieces of real estate,
27:32 on the face of the planet, historically speaking.
27:34 This is the cross roads of the ancient world.
27:37 From here you can take a road North, to Europe,
27:40 you can take a road East, to Persia,
27:41 and you can take a road South, to Africa,
27:44 All the roads of the ancient world met in this valley.
27:47 And because they did, all the armies
27:50 of the ancient world met in this little 20 mile valley.
27:54 And when they met, what do you think they did?
27:59 What do armies do when they meet?
28:01 Fight. I knew you are an intelligent audience.
28:04 When they got together in this little valley,
28:06 they fought. More battles have been fought here,
28:09 then just about any other piece of real estate
28:11 on the face of the planet. It was in this valley,
28:14 in the Old Testament, that Deborah and Barak
28:16 defeated the armies of Sisera. It was in this valley
28:19 that Joshua leading the nation of Israel
28:22 defeated the Kings of Canaan. This a valley, where a lot
28:25 of literal military conflicts took place.
28:29 But it's also a place, where a
28:31 lot of spiritual conflicts took place.
28:33 It was in this valley, over on the eastern edge
28:36 in a little place called Endor, that King Saul went
28:39 to a spiritualist medium for advice,
28:42 against the will of God. And the next day, the Bible says
28:45 with that advice he went out to the battle field,
28:48 and lost his life.
28:50 There was a military conflict going on, but the bigger issue
28:53 was the spiritual conflict. And of course it was in this
28:57 valley where Elijah confronted the priests of Baal
29:00 at Mount Carmel.
29:02 In Megiddo a lot of battles have been fought,
29:04 both literal battles and spiritual battles.
29:08 So the question is, why does God refer to that valley
29:12 in the prophecy of Armageddon?
29:14 What's the point that He's trying to get to?
29:17 Why does he talk about Megiddo?
29:20 Well, for the answer...
29:22 I want to invite you in your imagination at least,
29:25 to travel back in time with me 2,500 years
29:29 to the city of Babylon.
29:31 This is one of the most important cities
29:33 in Earth's history.
29:34 And it was the center of the world 2,500 years ago.
29:38 And as you and I are standing outside this marvelous city,
29:41 coming from inside the city,
29:44 we can hear the voices of partying,
29:46 and carousing and carrying on. There is a party going on
29:51 in the city of Babylon.
29:53 The weird thing about it is, is while they were partying inside,
29:57 there is an army gathered around the outside of that city,
30:00 and everybody knew it.
30:02 They all knew that army was there
30:05 and yet they were throwing a party.
30:07 The Bible describes that party in Daniel, chapter 5
30:10 which proves to be one of the important keys
30:12 to understanding the Battle of Armageddon.
30:14 Here is the party.
30:36 Inside the city they knew the Persian army had gathered.
30:40 They knew there was an attempt to take down the city of Babylon
30:43 But the king said: Conquer Babylon?
30:45 That's not even possible!
30:47 Our walls are so high, no army will ever go over.
30:51 Our walls are so thick, you can drive two chariots
30:55 side by side of top of the wall,
30:57 no army will ever dig through that wall.
30:59 We have enough food for twenty years,
31:01 and we have the river, the river Euphrates,
31:04 they goes right through the middle of that city,
31:06 we have all the water, we will ever, ever need.
31:10 Bringing it on. History tells us,
31:11 they were so confident at points,
31:13 they were throwing food off the walls,
31:15 to the Persians, taunting them,
31:17 saying: "You will never ever take Babylon!"
31:21 Secure in themselves, even though the armies
31:24 from the East were outside that city.
31:28 And as they were partying, the Bible says, that suddenly
31:32 a severed bloodless hand appeared in mid air,
31:35 and in flaming letters, wrote four words on the wall:
31:39 "Mene, Mene, Tekel Upharsin. "
31:44 All of a sudden the party ground to a halt.
31:47 The king's knees began to knock together,
31:50 he called the wise men
31:51 of the kingdom and said: What in the world does that mean?
31:54 On the wall, I want to know what that means.
31:56 Nobody could interpret it.
31:57 One old queen said: "You know, we used to have somebody here,
32:00 who could interpret stuff like that.
32:02 His name is Daniel. "
32:04 "Go, get him" said the king.
32:06 Daniel came in and interpreted it for him.
32:09 King, he said, it says:
32:20 Belshazzar was so confident that night that nothing could happen,
32:24 nothing could change that he had taken the sacred vessels
32:27 out of God's temple in Jerusalem,
32:28 the vessels which his grandfather had ceased,
32:31 as he conquered Israel
32:32 and they were throwing a blasphemous party
32:35 with the temple vessels.
32:37 They were so confident.
32:38 Daniel said: "This is it.
32:41 There really is a God, He's been watching you,
32:44 you've been found wanting and tonight Babylon will fall.
32:48 That's exactly what happened.
32:50 Cyrus, the general, the Persian general was outside the city,
32:53 and he looked and he thought: "We can never get over
32:55 those walls, they are too high.
32:57 We can't dig through those walls, they are too wide.
33:00 But maybe...
33:03 we can go under the walls.
33:05 And they went upstream on the Euphrates river,
33:08 he dug 180 channels
33:10 on both sides of that river,
33:11 he diverted the flow, and as the water went lower and lower,
33:15 he created a virtual highway under the wall into the city.
33:18 The only obstacle left was a set of walls
33:21 that ran the whole length of that river,
33:23 and they had locked gates in them.
33:25 But that night
33:27 they were so busy drinking, they forgot to lock the gates
33:32 and Cyrus took the city.
33:34 Now here's what's stunning.
33:36 In the book of Isaiah, more than a hundred years
33:38 before Cyrus was born, the Bible told us
33:41 it was going to happen.
33:46 He names him,
33:48 God named Cyrus a hundred years before he was born.
34:15 Prophesied in detail, a hundred years before Cyrus was born.
34:20 Now, let's think about this story,
34:22 because it is the key to the battle of Armageddon.
34:25 In this story the Euphrates river is dried up,
34:29 so Cyrus can go under the wall.
34:30 Kings from the East, yes plural,
34:33 because the Persian government was a dual government,
34:36 the Medes and the Persians.
34:38 The Kings from the East marched to the city of Babylon.
34:41 In the Bible, Cyrus is called "God's anointed one. "
34:45 In the Hebrew is Meshach.
34:48 It's Messiah, the word that' actually used.
34:50 Cyrus, it says, it's the picture of the Messiah
34:53 Than after Babylon falls, the Persians let Israel go back
34:57 to the promised land,
34:58 God's people go home.
35:00 Now, this is important to understanding both
35:03 the battle of Armageddon and the appearing,
35:06 the second coming of Christ.
35:08 Let's look at the Prophecy one more time.
35:10 Revelation 16: 12
35:25 When John writes this prophecy, he's thinking back
35:29 well, he's thinking back 500 years at this point,
35:33 to the fall of the city of Babylon, he's saying,
35:36 if you want to understand something about the appearing,
35:38 go back in time, look at Babylon, that's the key
35:42 to understand the appearing, the second coming of Christ.
35:45 John is telling the story of God defeating
35:49 a last day spiritual Babylon, so that he can take His people
35:54 to their promised land.
35:56 When Jesus appears. Mathew 24 says that Jesus
36:01 is the King from the East.
36:11 And when Jesus comes, the Bible says,
36:13 He conquers the city of Babylon.
36:15 Revelation 16, the very same prophecy,
36:18 a few verses later.
36:32 This is a prophecy about spiritual Babylon
36:35 in the last days.
36:36 The battle of Armageddon is primarily a spiritual conflict.
36:43 John is saying: look back in history,
36:45 there was a literal nation of Israel,
36:47 and a literal city of Babylon,
36:49 God had Babylon fall, so that Israel could go home
36:51 to their Promised land.
36:53 Then he says, in the last days, there'll be a spiritual Babylon,
36:57 and it's mentioned 6 times in the book of Revelation.
37:00 6 times Babylon is mentioned, and it's always a symbol of
37:03 worldwide religious confusion.
37:06 God said that it will be a Babylon in the last days.
37:08 And the Bible says in the Galatians chapter 3,
37:11 that everyone who is Christ's, is Abraham's seed.
37:15 There will be a spiritual Israel in the last days,
37:19 a people that God will bring home,
37:21 as he defeats Babylon. The Bible describes it in detail.
37:26 Why the valley of Megiddo?
37:28 It's because the primary mountain in Megiddo
37:31 is mount Carmel,
37:33 where Elijah called the prophet of Baal to task.
37:37 he stood on the mountain and he called Israel,
37:39 who had once served God,
37:41 who had once worshiped God, but had gone away
37:43 he called them back to God, he said: "Come back,
37:46 before it's too late. "
37:48 The Bible records his message.
38:02 The issue in Armageddon is a spiritual issue,
38:05 we have gotten so wrapped up in that little piece of real estate
38:08 I'm not going to say, there will never be a military conflict
38:11 in the Middle East. It's actually pretty likely
38:14 something like that is going to happen.
38:16 But it's not the primary issue.
38:18 The issue in Armageddon is not a military issue,
38:21 It's a spiritual issue.
38:23 The Bible says, God calls the entire human race
38:26 up to mount of Megiddo and the message on the mount of Megiddo:
38:30 How long are you going to halt between two opinions?
38:32 If the Lord is God, then worship Him.
38:36 It's a spiritual issue.
38:38 And the Bible says, that the battle of Armageddon ends
38:41 as the appearance take place and Jesus comes.
38:45 Revelation 19:
39:06 Who is he talking about? That's Jesus.
39:11 ..."And the armies...
39:18 That in the Bible, by the way, you'd seen it in your lesson,
39:21 represents the Word of God.
39:31 The issue is spiritual.
39:33 There may be tanks and planes and guns in the Middle-East
39:36 very soon, I don't know.
39:39 But the issue primarily is spiritual.
39:41 God gathers the whole world unto that mountain
39:43 and He says: 'How long are you going to halt?'
39:46 You're just about out of time, Jesus is coming.
39:50 Why would you choose anything but the Kingdom of Heaven?
39:54 Why would you choose anything,
39:56 but a God who loved you enough to give His life for you?
40:00 Jesus' vesture's dipped in blood.
40:02 You know who's blood I believe that is?
40:05 It's not violence on the planet, it's His own blood.
40:08 It's dipped in His own blood because He would do anything,
40:11 to make sure you made it,
40:13 that you made it on the day of the Appearing.
40:16 A reporter was in the city of Chicago.
40:19 He was staying up on the 18th floor of a hotel.
40:21 As he was working in his room one afternoon when he heard
40:24 a terrible ruckus in the hallway.
40:26 And he stuck his head out on the hallway and heard people yelling
40:29 'Fire, fire!'
40:30 So he closed the door,
40:32 he got a towel, he made it wet and put it under the door.
40:34 And then he called his editor: 'You're not going to believe
40:36 this! I'm up on the 18th floor of this hotel
40:40 and it's on fire!
40:41 This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.
40:44 I'm going to sit here in the hotel,
40:46 I'm going to report what it's like to be in a burning hotel,
40:48 you can print it in the newspaper!'
40:51 The editor said:
40:52 'You are a fool. Get out of that hotel!'
40:54 'No, there's no convincing me. I'm going to stay.
40:56 I have an exit plan!
40:58 I will make my decision to get out of here
41:00 a little bit later. I'll get out, don't worry!'
41:02 So he sat there, he reported, what it was like
41:04 to hear the noise in the hallway.
41:06 These people panicked to get out.
41:07 He reported what it was like to feel the
41:09 door of his hotel get warm.
41:12 He reported what it was like to smell smoke.
41:15 And than the time came to get out.
41:17 So he hung up the phone,
41:19 he pulled the towel away,
41:20 opened the door, gone on his hands and knees,
41:22 crawled down the hallway to the fire exit
41:25 and it was completely blocked off. Couldn't get out.
41:28 So he crawled very quickly back to his hotel room,
41:30 closed the door, put the towel back,
41:32 got out to the window, opened it up, looked down,
41:35 and there were some firemen down below.
41:37 'Help!'- he said.
41:39 Firemen looked up, they couldn't believe there's still
41:41 somebody in there,
41:42 when there was time enough
41:44 for everybody to get out.
41:47 They looked up, they said:
41:48 'We don't have a ladder that goes that high.
41:50 You're going to have to jump!'
41:52 He got up on the ledge,
41:55 braced himself between the two sills,
41:58 closed his eyes,
42:00 took a deep breath,
42:02 thought about where the net was,
42:05 and jumped.
42:09 ...And the newspaper said he missed the net.
42:13 ...And what a shame,
42:16 when everybody has time to get out.
42:19 God says,
42:21 the issue in the last days is spiritual.
42:24 There's all the time in the world to get out now.
42:27 'I gave my life for you.
42:29 Why not come home with me?'
42:31 It's a spiritual issue.
42:32 And it's a decision the whole world is faced with
42:35 just before Jesus comes!
42:38 Now it's time
42:39 to get out lesson number 2.
42:41 We're going to look at what we've just covered.
42:43 Open the Bible,
42:44 go into it in just a little more depth.
42:46 Your local moderator wherever you are in the world tonight
42:49 it's going to lead you through this Bible study
42:52 and we're going to go through it right here
42:54 in Southern-California too.
43:48 OK. If you're staying with us tonight,
43:50 here in Southern-California, joining our discussion,
43:52 it is time to get out lesson number 2.
43:54 And again tonight, my friend, Dan Houghton is going to come up
43:57 and lead us through the lesson. Dan, come on up.
44:04 Thank you, pastor Shawn.
44:06 You know, isn't it exciting to think about
44:09 the fact, that there is a final battle and
44:11 you have a little glimpse into what that might be?
44:15 I want to invite you to take your lesson.
44:20 You should have it. Looks just like this,
44:22 for those of you who are joining us
44:24 from wherever you are
44:26 in this country or in this world.
44:27 You should have a little lesson like this.
44:29 It's called 'The Appearing'.
44:31 Lesson number 2.
44:32 We're going to open that up and we're going to fill out
44:34 each one of these blanks.
44:37 You're a great class.
44:39 It's time for the quiz, as they say.
44:41 But it's an opened-book quiz, that's the good news.
44:44 Okay!
44:46 Revelation is a book that some people
44:50 have said is sealed.
44:52 You heard pastor Shawn talking about that.
44:54 You can't understand it!
44:55 It doesn't make any sense. All those things are confused
44:59 to our modern-day mind.
45:02 Question number 1.
45:03 "Throughout history many have suggested that the book
45:06 of Revelation is a mysterious sealed book,
45:09 that it's virtually impossible to understand. "
45:12 What does the Bible say about this?
45:16 I want you to look
45:17 at Revelation chapter 1, verse 3:
45:22 Does that sound like God doesn't want us to understand
45:24 what's in the book of Revelation?
45:26 A blessing is pronounced,
45:37 1. There's a blessing. A special blessing.
45:42 carries this on to the next level:
45:50 Right there the angel says: 'Don't seal this book. '
45:55 When someone tells you,
45:57 that the book of Revelation can't be understood,
45:59 you shouldn't read it
46:01 or that it is sealed in for some other time,
46:03 what are you going to say?
46:05 It's wrong. That's not the case.
46:07 So, the answer to this question,
46:09 what does the Bible say about Revelation
46:11 being impossible to understand?
46:13 1. God offers a blessing.
46:16 There's a special blessing
46:18 to those who read Revelation
46:20 and do what it says.
46:22 2. And the angel declares that the book is NOT sealed.
46:29 It's not sealed.
46:30 The book of Revelation is for you and for me and for our time
46:34 specifically.
46:36 Question number 2.
46:43 You heard pastor Shawn talking about that.
46:46 There's one book of the Bible that
46:49 is borrowed from very heavily. Do you know what that book is?
46:52 The book of Daniel, that's right.
46:54 Especially the book of Daniel.
46:57 You also may want to put a little note
46:59 in your lesson, there you heard pastor Shawn say,
47:02 that 2/3 of the book of Revelation is
47:04 drawn from other parts of Holy Scripture,
47:07 but particularly from the book of Daniel.
47:11 Number 3.
47:22 Okay?
47:25 Line upon line,
47:27 precept upon precept,
47:29 you know what does that really saying?
47:31 Okay. Isaiah 28:10
47:35 'precept upon precept' says it twice.
47:42 The Bible gives it's own best
47:43 approach to interpreting it's prophecies.
47:45 What is that?
47:47 It is comparing Scripture with Scripture,
47:51 allowing the Bible to interpret itself.
47:55 Not taking the word of some human scholar,
47:59 but letting the Bible itself explain
48:01 what it means.
48:03 And it allows you that way to get the big picture.
48:06 When you take here a little, there a little,
48:08 you get a complete picture of what Scripture is saying.
48:13 The word Armageddon.
48:15 How many of you've noticed every time there is a
48:18 conflict of any kind of significance in our world.
48:22 The news anchors will use the word Armageddon,
48:28 as if they say 'This may be'. It is like
48:30 our whole society is wondering: is this the big one?
48:47 Mountains of Megiddo.
48:48 You heard pastor Shawn talk about the importance
48:51 of that little 20 mile wide valley
48:54 in the Nation of Israel, where a cross roads of
48:58 our world met many battles were fought.
49:01 But what is the significance in Scripture
49:04 of that particular piece of real estate?
49:10 Remember? They were three mountains.
49:13 You're right. The mountain of Carmel.
49:16 Mount Carmel as I remember pronouncing it
49:19 from my early study of Scripture.
49:21 Mount Carmel. What happened on that mountain?
49:25 Elijah challenged
49:27 the prophets of Baal. And there was a spiritual
49:30 show-down. Is that right?
49:31 What happened there?
49:34 That was the site of Elijah's spiritual challenge to those
49:38 involved in false religion.
49:40 And that is an incredibly important point
49:43 with this lesson and this presentation.
49:47 When we talk about the appearing,
49:49 what happens just before the appearing.
49:53 There is a call, a spiritual call
49:56 to all peoples of the world
49:59 who are all gathered
50:01 for the great battle of Armageddon.
50:03 And what that says from a spiritual
50:07 way is a challenge to
50:08 false religion, so that everybody has a choice
50:12 that they can make for truth.
50:15 Okay?
50:16 as we move along.
50:31 The fall of Babylon, okay?
50:45 All right. And that was number six.
50:48 The fall of Babylon, Cyrus diverted the Euphrates river
50:52 and it was dried up so that they could walk in. Now!
51:06 Now we're going to read two passages of Scripture,
51:26 This ancient city is still symbolic of this desire
51:30 on the part of humanity gone astray
51:33 to rebel against God.
51:35 And it comes down the symbolism right before the appearing.
51:45 What's the significance of the white horse? Anyone remember?
51:48 White horse is how the king comes.
51:50 Okay? Jesus is riding on that...
51:58 This is a spiritual judgment and a spiritual
52:01 world where's this taking place.
52:13 Okay?
52:15 Jeremiah 29:10
52:29 This is talking about literal Babylon.
52:32 Cyrus comes in and
52:34 makes the judgment allowing the children of Israel
52:37 to go back to their home country, their home land.
52:41 So what was the main reason why this happened?
52:46 He was causing you to return to this place.
52:48 Okay?
52:50 Number 7 in your lesson.
52:51 Be sure that you write that down. What was the reason why?
53:04 We need to say a loud Amen for that.
53:07 Can you say Amen about that? Amen! Thank you!
53:14 You know, that's something that when you talk about deception,
53:18 and if you look back at the issue
53:20 that Elijah was dealing with
53:22 on Mount Carmel.
53:24 There was an issue between what was true and what was false
53:27 in worship. Prophets of Baal, prophet of God.
53:32 Just because there are miracles,
53:34 if they go against what's in God's word,
53:36 even the demonic powers can work miracles.
53:39 Read Revelation 13:13-14.
53:53 Now, if that kind of deceptions going to be going on,
53:55 how important is it for you to know
53:58 what the word of God says?
54:01 Very, very important.
54:12 Very, very important
54:14 for you to know the difference, and that is based
54:17 upon the revealed word of God in Scripture.
54:26 I want you to visualize that for a minute.
54:29 What is it mean for Jesus to have a sword
54:32 coming out of His mouth?
54:33 What is that sword represent?
54:36 It's symbolic. Would you agree with me? It's symbolic.
54:38 Okay?
54:40 The sword represents what?
54:42 Let's look at Hebrews 4:12 first.
54:54 Now we'll look at Ephesians 6:17.
55:03 When He comes, He is coming with His own words
55:07 in His mouth. So how important is it,
55:09 that we know what his words say,
55:12 if He's coming at the appearing
55:14 with His word in His mouth,
55:15 we better know what His Word says.
55:18 Let's look at the lesson, at the conclusion of the battle.
55:21 Jesus has a sword coming out of His mouth.
55:23 What does that represent? Please write this down in your lesson.
55:43 The Bible, the Holy Scriptures are where the answers are.
55:47 And I thank God that pastor Shawn was able to open up
55:50 from Scripture tonight,
55:51 to give us another little insight
55:54 into the things that are building up to the Appearing.
55:59 Now, I believe that the battle of Armageddon is complete.
56:03 You have finished your lesson.
56:04 I guess the big question that I have again tonight
56:09 is where are you going to be,
56:11 when the appearing occurs?
56:13 I'd like to invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray.
56:17 Heavenly Father,
56:19 I just want to thank You for the privilege that we have,
56:22 of exploring deep into Your Word.
56:26 I want to thank You that You are appearing again on this planet
56:29 to take us all home.
56:31 Continue to open our minds and bless us as You are revealed
56:34 during these meetings.
56:36 In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
56:38 Amen.
56:43 Closed Captioning by Christian Media Services
56:48 www. chms. ro


Revised 2014-12-17