Thinking About Home

Genesis - Keys To A Happy Home Pt. 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, Leroy Moore, Richard O'Ffill


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000179

00:31 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:32 I'm Kathy Matthews your host
00:34 and today we are going to have two guests
00:36 and they are Pastor Leroy Moore
00:39 and he is from Alberta, Canada.
00:41 He has been a teacher, he is also an author
00:43 of two wonderful books that have always
00:45 blessed me. And our Pastor Richard O'Ffill
00:49 of whom I call Dick most of the time
00:52 and his smiling face has been with us for many
00:55 programs and we are always glad
00:56 that you have joined us again.
00:58 Thank you I'm glad to be here. Glad you
00:59 here today. And Pastor Moore we are going to be
01:01 using this chart today. Aren't we? Yes.
01:03 We're gonna be talking more about
01:04 how this can help us in our families
01:07 and with our parenting, with our children,
01:09 with relationships, is that right? It's right.
01:12 I think that one of the things that I have
01:13 appreciated about in getting acquainted
01:16 with Pastor Moore is that he is a person
01:20 that believes in getting back to the beginning
01:22 of things. Yes and that's right.
01:23 You know, you know our lives are pretty well
01:24 scrambled and sometimes you know your life
01:28 can get so scrambled, you know,
01:30 it's like a ball of strain. You can just
01:31 get it so tangle that you can't untangle it.
01:33 Right. And I think one of the things
01:34 that have appreciated as we have talked to him,
01:37 you know, is untangling that.
01:39 Well really untangling, we are starting again
01:42 and I think one of the emphases that
01:46 he has is let's go back to the beginning.
01:48 Let's see how it was supposed to be done.
01:49 Right. It's pretty hard to take up where
01:52 you have left off if it just a mass. Right.
01:54 So let's go back and God gives us a new
01:56 beginning. I think that's what the Gospel
01:58 is about. Isn't that Elder? That's right.
01:59 The Gospel is our new beginning.
02:00 It's a new beginning. Right, right so.
02:02 And so actually what we are doing
02:04 is going back to the ancient time
02:07 which is today really because God wants us
02:10 to begin today. Yes. And when we look
02:14 at this little model here it's designed
02:19 to help us to understand how God made us.
02:21 Yes. And when God made man,
02:24 he made man with the faculties that
02:27 all animals have. But also with faculties
02:31 that animals don't have. Right.
02:33 And it's the faculties that animals don't have
02:36 that makes him in the image of God.
02:39 Which are the reason, judgment,
02:42 ability to discern right from wrong.
02:44 Right okay. Good from evil. Right.
02:47 And the will which is the command centre
02:51 for the whole body. That's good.
02:53 But interestingly enough there is a
02:56 second centre and that has to do with the
03:01 autonomic nervous system and it is the
03:05 centre that controls the impulses.
03:09 The various emotions, here, right here.
03:14 Emotions, instincts and affections. Yes,
03:16 and the God designed man in such a way
03:21 that he would be free. He could make
03:25 his own choice and decision God would
03:27 never interfere, but he was also dependent.
03:30 Dependent upon the Holy Spirit
03:32 and God's word. Yes. It didn't need to be
03:35 written in those days, but nevertheless
03:37 it was God's word. God explained,
03:40 God told man, he gave him instructions
03:43 and one of the instructions that
03:45 he gave him was to choose to eat
03:49 of the tree of life. There were two trees.
03:51 Yes. And the tree of life was the symbol of
03:54 dependents upon Christ. Yes.
03:57 Who is the life giver. Right.
03:59 The other tree was the symbol of independence.
04:02 A symbol that he was choosing to just learn
04:09 independently of God. It was a tree of
04:11 knowledge good and evil. The tree of life
04:14 was actually the tree of knowledge,
04:16 but it was the knowledge that the creator
04:20 would give. He want us to have, yes.
04:22 That's right, but as soon as man choose
04:25 to eat of the tree of knowledge of good
04:28 and evil. It was a choice to cut off
04:32 the dependence. Communication, oh okay.
04:35 And thus the communication.
04:36 So, and God honors man. He honors his choice.
04:40 The Holy Spirit will never compel.
04:43 Never force. He will never force
04:45 and so when man made that choice
04:48 it was a decision not to be free as he thought,
04:54 but to become independent from God.
04:58 Which captive, made him captive actually.
05:01 But actually made him captive,
05:02 interestingly captive to his own emotions.
05:05 Yes okay. It actually changed a poll.
05:10 In God's plan, the Holy Spirit would threw
05:16 just a silent word or through God's
05:19 direct word with direct man's reason.
05:23 And that would give him the basis for proper
05:26 judgment and the exercise of will
05:29 according to God's plan, but as soon as
05:33 man chose to become independent
05:36 that was his choice and God honored it.
05:38 But what happened is he become a slave
05:41 immediately to his own emotions
05:43 which have no reason, which have no judgment,
05:47 but just have impulse and feeling
05:50 and what happened then is that Satan
05:54 was able and he is the one who got Adam
05:59 and Eve to change their religions. Yes.
06:02 He was able to take men captive through
06:04 that means. And that's why Paul
06:08 in the New Testament speaks about the battle
06:14 between the flesh and the spirit.
06:16 Flesh and spirit, yes. The flesh is not evil
06:20 per say God created it. The lower nature
06:24 or lower faculties are not evil faculties.
06:28 They are simply mindless faculties designed
06:33 to keep the body functioning without
06:35 man's having to pay any attention to it.
06:38 If used in the proper sense.
06:41 It can't be called the evil.
06:43 It's when it's perverted. Well, well
06:45 you know it occurred to me as you were saying
06:47 that, that they have no balance
06:52 in another words appetites have
06:53 no balance. Lust has no balance. And this keeps
06:55 it within bonds. And so its,
06:57 it's the Governor, the will is the Governor
06:59 I think of these, of these other
07:02 fleshly elements that we have.
07:04 Yeah the will was designed to have power
07:06 to keep the whole body under control
07:09 and that of course would be on the basis of
07:14 judgment and reasons directed by God
07:17 onto his word. Yes. And so long as man
07:21 was depending upon God then everyone of these
07:26 faculties would operate in perfect harmony.
07:30 Yes. And they would fulfill the purpose of
07:33 God, because all of man's faculties
07:35 are important. Even the sexual faculties
07:38 by the way. They are beautiful.
07:39 It's God's plan but God never intended
07:43 that those impulses should control
07:45 the reason and judgment and cause people to make
07:49 decisions regarding relationships that
07:52 are destructive. Well, I think it's very
07:54 important because when I learned
07:56 this it helped me to know so much more
07:58 about myself and how I could make choices
08:02 and not only that, but help my children
08:04 to learn and if I don't know these things
08:07 I can't teach them. So for families,
08:10 for parenting, for children, for
08:13 relationships this helps me in relationships.
08:16 Yeah it has been a great help to me as well.
08:19 Now let's move forward a little bit
08:21 and see what happened when Adam and Eve
08:24 made the choice to eat of the wrong tree.
08:27 Yes. Now there wasn't anything wrong
08:29 with that tree. The tree was good.
08:31 The Bible says that when God finished creation
08:34 he said. Everything. Everything was
08:37 very good. But that tree was a symbol.
08:39 It wasn't that it had some kind of a vitamin
08:41 in it or a poison in it. That's right.
08:43 It was a symbol of choice.
08:45 It was the symbol of choice to separate
08:47 and to become independent from God
08:50 and God honored that choice,
08:52 but had a sad result for man because
08:55 man immediately came under the control
08:59 of his own emotions and I would like to have
09:00 you notice that it was emotion that caused
09:03 him to make that choice. Eve was flattered
09:06 by the serpent, Eve saw the tree that
09:11 it was good for food excited her appetite
09:14 which has to do with the lower nature
09:18 and she also saw that it was beautiful
09:24 which also relates to the emotional
09:29 response and to the desire to make one wise
09:34 which was an ego factor that relates
09:39 to the lower nature. So, man shows to worship
09:44 himself. I see. That is he put himself
09:47 above God. By choosing. Eve of course to begin
09:50 with. Now when Adam found that his wife
09:53 had eaten of the tree. He was not deceived
09:56 according to the Apostle Paul. Yes.
09:58 But he did feel that he could not live
10:03 without Eve. And he felt that a dependence
10:09 upon Eve and his relationship to Eve
10:11 which really should have related to God.
10:15 Related to God, yes. He should have said
10:16 that he couldn't live without God
10:18 or exists without him. You know let me
10:20 just put in something here now,
10:21 hold your thought because this is a
10:22 little bit off. You know sometimes we have
10:24 asked ourselves a question. What if Eve
10:26 would have been the only one that would have
10:29 sinned and Adam would have held.
10:30 Oh! And then I can remember as a young
10:32 person people will say well God would have
10:34 created another Eve, another Eve.
10:36 You know the answer that is he would have
10:37 died for Eve. Yes. Oh! He would have died.
10:40 That's a good answer. You know I have heard
10:42 that before. And by the way that's good,
10:45 because he would have died for Eve.
10:46 It was when he fought. I'm glad you have
10:49 mentioned that. Profoundly. Adam
10:52 thought he loved Eve too much to live
10:54 without her, so he committed suicide.
10:57 That was not dying for Eve.
10:59 It was dying for Adam. Wow! What I'm saying
11:02 is that with a choice to die
11:05 rather than to live without Eve.
11:06 What he was doing in this case
11:08 and I think that this is very important that
11:10 you say this, you know, I will die for you,
11:13 I don't wanna live if it wasn't for you.
11:14 The only person that we should really die
11:16 for would be for Jesus, for Jesus.
11:18 Because I think what I hear you saying is that
11:22 our life's relationships are not meaningful
11:25 in enough themselves. Only when they are
11:28 connected with God our lives
11:30 relationships. And dependent upon the Lord.
11:31 And in fact moving back to the story
11:35 of the Bible. Yes. What happened immediately
11:38 as soon as Adam and Eve did sin suddenly
11:45 their whole emotions changed.
11:48 Guilt came in and with guilt a sense of shame.
11:53 This is an emotional experience. Yes.
11:55 And with the sense of shame came fear
12:00 and they became afraid of the very best friend.
12:04 Oh! Yes. That was God. And they ran to hide
12:08 well first of all they tried to hide
12:10 by making clothes you know. Yes.
12:12 But then when God came they hide, they ran
12:15 away, because they were afraid. Yeah.
12:17 These emotions began with sin,
12:21 because you see sin cuts us off from the one
12:24 who loves us and causes us to be afraid of him.
12:30 Because of the sense of guilt, now notice what
12:34 happened then, is that when God began
12:36 questioning Adam. Adam says I was afraid
12:40 because I was naked. Well God said
12:43 who told you are naked? Yes. Who told you,
12:45 how do you know you are naked? Actually,
12:48 he wasn't naked before he sinned,
12:50 because God had clothed him with garments
12:55 of life. We don't understand exactly
12:57 what that means. Garments of life.
12:58 But the fact is that only when he sinned
13:02 in the essence of guilt. Yeah.
13:04 Did he have a sense of nakedness
13:06 and shame and fear. And that fear notice
13:10 what happened. As soon as Adam and Eve
13:12 sinned immediately they began to defend
13:16 themselves. Adam thought he was dying for Eve.
13:20 He wasn't dying for Eve, he was dying for,
13:22 yeah selfishness. It was a selfish act. Because
13:23 he would rather put himself out of existence
13:26 then to have live without her. Then to
13:27 live without Eve. But as soon as God confronted
13:31 him immediately turned and says that woman
13:34 that you gave me. The woman and she. In light.
13:37 This one I was gonna die for and now
13:38 it is the blame of the problem. Yeah
13:40 that's right. If you have point somebody
13:43 she is there. Automatically changed.
13:44 Yeah you know let me put something else here.
13:47 This is off the subject, so don't
13:49 forget what you are about to say.
13:50 You know, you know the first thing,
13:52 now this is little bit X-rated.
13:54 The first consequence of the sin was that man
13:57 lost his clothes. The first act of redemption.
14:01 Was that he was clothed. Was that God
14:04 put clothes back on him. Oh! Yes.
14:05 And can you relate that to where we live
14:07 these days. People are running to take
14:09 their clothes off. Yes, yeah. And so,
14:11 that would be another program. That's great.
14:14 It's worthy of a program. That's right.
14:17 In fact we are going to be dealing with that,
14:19 but we won't be able to deal with it in depth,
14:21 but in fact that moves us right
14:24 to the next step, because when God
14:27 confronted them and they defended
14:31 themselves in a way to actually accuse
14:35 the other and leave Adam left Eve to be.
14:41 High and dry as we will say. Yes.
14:43 High and dry. And then Eve turned
14:46 to the serpent. Now we know that
14:49 it was Satan who spoke through that serpent.
14:52 But you know what that serpent had to pay.
14:54 He had to pay for it. Because of his becoming
14:57 a channel. Yes. For evil and but you know
15:02 what as soon as God assigned them
15:08 responsibilities, on the earth,
15:10 immediately he took the responsibility
15:12 and that's why we come to the text Genesis 3:15
15:16 which is really the text for this
15:19 discussion. For this program. Yes.
15:21 Richard could you read that for us.
15:23 You know I think that when we were in school
15:26 and we had memory verses even when we
15:27 were in Sabbath school. I think you know we
15:29 have got this in our mind. Oh! Yeah.
15:31 It's in Genesis 3:15. I will put enmity between
15:34 thee and the woman, between thy seed
15:38 and her seed; it shall, I said there I go
15:45 Kathy it makes me so embarrassing.
15:46 You know one time I was teaching at Sabbath
15:47 school classes and I was giving a lecture
15:49 to the people about how important it was to
15:50 memorize and I had to read it myself,
15:53 so here I'm saying I have known it all
15:55 my life and here I'm having to read it.
15:56 I get so nervous when we do these
15:58 programs anyway. Anyway here goes
16:01 I'm gonna do it slow just real slow.
16:03 I will put enmity between thee
16:05 and the woman, and between thy seed
16:06 and her seed; it shall bruise thy,
16:11 how may I see that word it shows bruise
16:13 thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel.
16:18 And that's interesting it begins,
16:21 begins by saying I will put enmity between you
16:24 and he is really talking to Satan.
16:26 Oh! That's it, you know for a minute
16:28 there I lost. I have always understood this,
16:31 but when it says it shall bruise thy head.
16:33 He is talking to the serpent. Yes.
16:35 That's right. He is talking to oh.
16:36 That's alright, I got confused.
16:39 I was watching you. But you know what
16:40 that's alright. Let's do that again
16:42 I'll have to start telling you again.
16:45 Anyway it says thy shall. That is the seed,
16:52 yes, now that's in a neuter form.
16:55 It shall bruise your head. Talking to the
16:58 serpent. Yes. Talking to the serpent,
17:00 but what is it? It is a seed and seed is neither
17:06 masculine nor feminine. Yes. It's in it.
17:09 Okay it is the seed that will bruise his head,
17:13 but then it says you will bruise
17:15 his which indicates that it is really a him.
17:20 Yes that's okay. You will bruise his heel
17:24 and said because you use the symbol of the seed
17:27 and keep that for a moment in the neuter
17:30 and then suddenly you will find that
17:31 it was not a neutral seed that
17:35 we are talking about. Right.
17:36 We are talking about the seed of man,
17:37 but do you understand what that means?
17:39 We are talking about Christ. That means that
17:41 God is telling the enemy Satan. Yes.
17:45 He is declaring war upon him.
17:47 And he is defeated. And he is telling him
17:49 that he is going to die. Right.
17:52 That he will be destroyed and that
17:56 the woman will live. Yes. And the woman
18:00 then become the symbol of all of those
18:02 who accept the seed. Jesus Christ,
18:06 so that the clothing that
18:09 we are talking about. Well now I have got to
18:10 ask. The woman will live, now we could about
18:12 that as the church but we could about
18:14 that as Eve as well right the woman
18:16 will live. Well Eve was the, she was the mother
18:17 of the church you see. Yes, yes.
18:19 That was what the church wasn't that time.
18:21 Yes. And so and everyone from that time
18:26 on who chooses to trust in the seed rather than
18:31 in the figs, you know fig leaves is to
18:34 symbolize this and to help them to understand
18:38 the dynamics God took the first animal
18:43 and sacrifice them and those animals skins
18:49 were used to make them clothing. Right.
18:52 But notice it was the death of Christ
18:55 that was portrait that. Right, right
18:57 because we are to take his clothing of
19:00 righteousness upon us. Very nice, very nice.
19:03 You know I look at the clock thing
19:07 and it says that our time is moving quickly
19:10 and we have so much to share.
19:12 To share, yes and what I would like to say
19:16 is that the first part of that is important.
19:19 It says I will put enmity between you
19:21 Satan and the woman. Well I think we need to
19:25 define enmity just for the sake of those
19:27 who may not understand that work.
19:28 Alright. Can you tell us what enmity means?
19:30 Because you know it's interesting you say
19:31 that because I was thinking of the text,
19:33 it says that loving the world is enmity
19:36 against God. It's enmity against God.
19:40 You know the text in the New Testament. Yes, yes.
19:41 And that if you persist in loving the world
19:43 you become God's enemy. Yes.
19:46 So I think that we are talking about a
19:47 relationship of enemies. We know what
19:49 an enemy is? Yes. And so in another words
19:52 you said that the relationship is not
19:54 co-existing. It's not live and let live.
19:56 It's a life and death struggle in which
19:59 in the end the enemies of God will be
20:01 over thrown. Isn't this what we are saying.
20:02 Yes, but enmity itself could be hatred toward,
20:05 hatred toward, yes, so that for the person
20:08 who just needs a quick definition that's hatred
20:10 toward. I will put a hatred toward.
20:13 In fact Kathy you see this is the probably
20:16 the challenge that we all face with this
20:19 lower nature and with sin, with sin.
20:21 We got to hate sin. Yes. This idea that,
20:25 that sin is an enemy that we don't co-exist
20:29 that you know we can't, you know just have a
20:30 little sin now and then. But sin is our enemy.
20:34 It's God's enemy and we need to hated
20:36 and I believe Elder that when we begin
20:38 to hate it then we begin to wanna get rid of it,
20:41 to do something about it. Yes, and that
20:43 suggests the problem. The problem is
20:45 we can't hate sin because we love it.
20:46 Now we really do, we love, we love giving
20:52 feeling to our emotions. Yes.
20:54 In other words, that's what we like to do,
20:58 we like to satisfy our appetite,
20:59 we like to you know let go if we feel like
21:03 and so this is our instinct. Yes.
21:06 I think they have this thing,
21:08 if it feels good do it. That's right.
21:10 Now the question is how can we have enmity
21:13 against that instead of against the
21:17 word of God and the plan that
21:19 he has for our lives, because you see his plan
21:22 is a plan of temperance of constantly
21:27 keeping the lower nature and subjection
21:30 as he originally planned are the answer is
21:35 I will put enmity. Yes, he is the God who puts
21:38 the enmity in us. Alright.
21:39 And it is by restoring the Holy Spirit
21:43 and he is channeling to our minds,
21:47 but we choose that he has seed
21:51 and the enemy has seed and every child
21:54 that's born into this world is born
21:57 with an inclination and with the pattern
22:01 of giving into his feelings
22:03 and doing what he feels like.
22:05 That he is teaching someone to choose
22:07 their way, we can't learn ourselves.
22:09 I mean it's not that we can't,
22:11 but if we are not learning and we are not
22:13 developing that good choice ourselves.
22:15 How can we past it on or how can
22:17 we help each other in relationships.
22:18 And that's, that's a good point,
22:20 because parents who are not themselves
22:23 in subjection to the word of God
22:25 into the Holy Spirit. Do not have the basis
22:29 they need for connecting their children,
22:33 to the Lord, so that the Holy Spirit
22:35 can help the child to love righteousness
22:39 and hate evil, yes, rather than to love
22:43 indulgence and hate resistance. Yes.
22:46 But I think that it goes without saying
22:49 that the culture that we live in is about
22:52 indulging the flesh. Yes. It's about
22:54 that in fact, in fact this is,
22:57 I think there is pressure on parents
22:59 to actually to enable these fleshly desires
23:03 of their children rather than to restrain
23:06 them. Right not just parents,
23:07 but any relationship any, whether you are
23:10 parent or not matters not just
23:12 dealing with each other. And notice this
23:14 when the parents are under God's word
23:17 and being directed by the Holy Spirit
23:21 they are able to function as God intended
23:24 because the little thought is brought
23:26 into this world without the capacity for
23:29 reasoning a judgment for the period of time.
23:32 Yes. The parent is in the place of thought
23:35 of their child. Isn't that right?
23:37 The parent is needing to play some moral
23:39 warehouse there. Things that
23:40 they can relate to? That's right,
23:41 that's right and the parents responsibility
23:44 is to be reason a judgment and will
23:47 for the child who the little child
23:50 can only function to begin with on
23:52 this level. As the parent guides him
23:56 and restrains him where it's needed. Yes.
23:58 And loves him by showing the love that God has.
24:04 It will cause that child to open his mind
24:09 and heart for the Holy Spirit, so gradually
24:11 as the reason develops, as the judgment is
24:14 formed the will, will be naturally inclined
24:18 to follow the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit
24:21 amen. As it is, it will be compelled without
24:26 that to follow it in choices. You can say
24:27 it's naturally inclined, should I get into this.
24:31 I mean we only have a few minutes,
24:32 maybe we shouldn't know there. Yeah,
24:33 well when I say naturally inclined maybe
24:37 I should say spiritually
24:38 inclined. Spiritually inclined.
24:40 Because the Holy Spirit is mediating constantly
24:42 and drawing and giving the child a high.
24:46 Maybe they are no longer resisting it.
24:48 Well I'm also thinking the text wherewithal
24:50 shall a young man cleanse his ways.
24:51 By taking heed according to the word.
24:53 I think that in this whole process
24:55 that the role of the word is the transformer
24:59 of the will as the molder of the will.
25:01 As the thing that gives the steering
25:03 currents to the will, because see
25:06 it's possible for what you were saying earlier
25:08 that the, that something purely of the spirits
25:12 he can be so subjective. Yeah.
25:14 That it can be kind of a curtain by which
25:18 the flesh is running through some
25:19 Holy Spirit. Oh! Yeah. That's not the
25:20 Holy Spirit. Oh! Yeah. And so I think whenever
25:23 we talk about the Holy Spirit we wanna put
25:26 the word of God side by side with it. Exactly.
25:28 Otherwise, we can pickup on a spirit
25:30 which could deceive us. Is not the Holy Spirit.
25:32 Which is not the Holy Spirit at all.
25:33 Yeah you know there is one thing
25:34 I need to share before, please do
25:37 we are coming, and that has to do
25:38 with Incarnation of Christ.
25:40 You see that's what the seed meant.
25:41 The Incarnation of Christ, Gabriel told
25:46 Mary that the Holy Ghost will come upon
25:50 you and you will conceive, now what is
25:52 important to understand is it Christ became.
25:55 See man was created as a medium between
25:58 God and the animal world. And man lost it
26:03 and became an enemy of God. Christ
26:06 came into this world to take the same
26:08 human body that had all the same chemical
26:13 deficiencies, all of the same problems
26:16 that any other person would have.
26:19 And so by soul surrendering that body
26:23 to the Holy Spirit. You take Hebrews 10
26:26 which tells that this happened before Christ
26:28 came, he says Lord I come in the volume
26:30 of book it is written of me.
26:32 He says you don't want sacrifice
26:34 and offering, but you give me your body,
26:36 a body you have prepared me.
26:37 And I'm going to establish the kingdom
26:42 of God. The direction of Holy Spirit
26:45 in that body, so that he has given us
26:48 an example of more than that.
26:50 He has constantly given to us his blood,
26:54 his sacrifice, so that when we fail
26:57 we can immediately re-clothed. Amen.
27:00 One of the things that thrills me,
27:01 it's beautiful thing, is Jesus Christ.
27:02 We are now related to God.
27:04 We are related DNA. Yeah that's right.
27:07 We are related to God. And throughout
27:08 all the eternity that's a wonderful thing.
27:10 Closer, closer it is a wonderful thing.
27:11 This is exciting to me, isn't it to you Dick?
27:13 I just loved it. It's profound.
27:15 There you go again. Yes. You know
27:18 I appreciate you being here with us.
27:19 It's been a wonderful time together,
27:21 I pray that it has benefited all of our
27:23 viewers and you know we gonna have
27:26 some programs coming up with Hell Gates
27:29 and it's going to be expanding on
27:31 some things like that this life can take us
27:34 into on addictions. We want you to join us
27:36 again for Thinking About Homes
27:38 when those programs come up
27:40 and Pastor Moore would you take us
27:42 out with prayer. Alright. Heavenly
27:44 Father thank you so much for Jesus.
27:46 Thank you for the seed of the woman,
27:49 thank you for being willing to come into
27:52 this world and become the creature
27:54 which you made in order that
27:57 we might be restored to the creation.


Revised 2014-12-17