Thinking About Home

Genesis - Keys To A Happy Home Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Leroy Moore, Kathy Matthews, Richard O'Ffill


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000176

00:34 Welcome, welcome to "Thinking About Home"
00:36 I am always so glad that you've joined us.
00:38 I'm Kathy Matthews, I am your host for this program
00:41 and today we're going to have
00:43 I think something that you will really enjoy,
00:46 we're going to have with us two people.
00:49 We've been having a good time here
00:50 sitting and talking together.
00:52 This is Pastor Leroy Moore here to my right
00:56 immediately and Pastor Moore,
00:58 I'll get back to you in just a second and
01:00 we also have Pastor Richard O'Ffill
01:03 and I don't think anybody knows you Dick.
01:05 Do you think so? I don't think they recognize
01:07 your hair or anything like that, you're a new face,
01:09 no, not really. Pastor Moore,
01:12 I'd like to just tell the viewers
01:15 a little bit about how you and I met.
01:16 Is that alright with you? That's perfectly right.
01:19 Oh, and. By the way what's this about over here?
01:21 Oh, Dick. You didn't introduce
01:22 our invisible guest. I am sorry
01:23 I didn't introduce that, our invisible guest
01:25 here is your brain, isn't that right.
01:27 I pose for that. No it's not Dick's brain,
01:31 however, we got this is a chart we're going to be
01:33 using in the program and I think it'll be
01:34 very interesting to our viewers.
01:36 Don't you think? And we will get back to
01:37 that in just a second.
01:38 But I just like to share a little bit about
01:40 how you and I met, and that's some
01:42 12 years ago I think it was.
01:45 We met in the State of Washington and
01:48 he was our Pastor at a church there Tom and I.
01:50 And it was such a blessing in our lives there were
01:52 so many times when I needed his advice or help
01:55 and he became like a father in the faith to me.
01:58 And it was so easy to talk to, and things
02:00 that were meaningful in my life at that time
02:02 I just always appreciated that.
02:04 And a few months ago, we had the opportunity
02:07 to get back together again over a discussion
02:09 and I just invited him to come to the program
02:12 and I'm very thankful that you came.
02:14 I'm glad to be here. He is from Alberta,
02:17 Canada, Dick and by the way you're from Florida,
02:19 right? I am Florida. We both came a long way.
02:21 Long ways, and you're very faithful people.
02:25 Dick, what do you think?
02:28 Well, you know obviously Leroy has come to be our
02:32 expert today in talking about things so important
02:35 to the family, and of course,
02:37 Thinking About Home is about the family.
02:40 Here we are in the 21st century and if the devil
02:43 wants to do anything at all
02:45 it's to destroy our families. Right.
02:46 And that's our burden here on this program.
02:48 Is to try to fortify it, you know, to hold it up.
02:52 We talk about the church, the need of the church
02:55 for revival, and renewal, and reformation
02:58 and our Pastor Moore, I'm convinced that
03:01 in as much as the, the church is the sum of all
03:04 of its families that we really can't
03:06 have the church renewed and revived
03:09 until the families are renewed and revived.
03:11 You're right. And of course here we are
03:14 in this particular ambiance in this culture.
03:16 It kind of reminds me of.
03:18 You are not going to do it.
03:19 Yeah, I am gonna tell that story, you know,
03:21 I must tell our viewers that while we were
03:24 talking before the program begin,
03:26 I told this little story that I am about to
03:28 tell now and she said, don't tell it again
03:29 I won't laugh, but anyway you'll laugh
03:31 and if we don't care whether you laugh or not
03:33 but anyway it's a story about a little camel
03:37 talking to his mother, and so the little camel
03:41 says mummy why do have these big humps
03:43 on our backs, and mummy says it's so that
03:46 we can go for many days
03:47 without having any water,
03:49 and then the little camel says well,
03:50 mummy why do we have our feet this way
03:52 kind of all spread out, and she said,
03:54 honey it's so we won't sink in the sand
03:56 of the desert and then the little camel says,
03:58 mummy why do we have these long eyelashes
04:01 and she said, well, it's sometimes there is
04:04 sands storm out there in the desert and so
04:06 we close our eyes and we don't get sand in our eyes
04:09 and then the little camel thinks and says,
04:11 well if we were for that then
04:13 what are we doing here in the zoo.
04:16 And the reason I tell that is because
04:19 in a way the present culture, the sin,
04:22 sin has put the family in a zoo.
04:25 Right. Captivity. It's in captivity
04:28 and what will we do, what will we do to be what
04:32 God meant for us to be? And I think that
04:35 there is this tendency because we're like,
04:37 we're in this dilemma is to strike
04:39 of a normal of the abnormal.
04:41 Sort of to find an acceptable of the
04:43 unacceptable but I refuse that, and so, and so,
04:47 I'm hoping that in this program Leroy that
04:50 she'll lead us back, lead us back, can we go back,
04:54 we must go back because we can't take up from
04:56 where we're at, right, because
04:58 this is an unacceptable, yeah.
04:59 And so that's why you know this program is Genesis,
05:04 Genesis keys to a happy home, so if
05:08 we're gonna understand what it's like to,
05:09 for the home to be what it's meant to be
05:11 we've got go back to. You are right,
05:13 to Genesis, to Genesis.
05:14 Let's go back to Genesis. And I'd like to encourage
05:16 our audience to think close or listen close
05:20 because this is not your superficial stuff at all,
05:22 is it? I don't think it is.
05:24 To me it's very important, it's key, isn't it?
05:26 Yeah, yeah. Well, you know in the first
05:29 three chapter of Genesis, the whole gospel is
05:35 contented in embryo form. Right.
05:38 And it's amazing how much we can if we
05:41 really probe those few verses.
05:45 How much we can understand about
05:47 God's purpose for our lives and what happened
05:50 to put us in the zoo. And we will first begin
05:55 by thinking about God's plan
05:58 and this question about happy family.
06:02 You know I grew up in a home where there were
06:04 eight of us children. And there are some problems
06:09 with each children you know siblings and so forth
06:12 when you especially have no money and hard times
06:16 and so forth but there is also some great blessings.
06:19 Right, I know what that's like.
06:20 My folks used to say well, children, we're not poor.
06:23 We're rich. In the Lord. And we were, because
06:27 we had some things that make for a happy home.
06:32 I wanted to think with this morning a little bit
06:35 about the happy home atmosphere
06:38 and the question of what are the
06:41 ingredients of a happy home.
06:43 Well, the first thing that's needed for anyone
06:46 to have any real meaning
06:50 in life is to have a purpose. Yes. Right.
06:53 There has to be some goal,
06:54 there has to be some object,
06:56 there has to be something that
06:58 greater than oneself to move toward.
07:02 Life can not be meaningless. Yeah.
07:05 And there needs to be a sense of worth. Yes.
07:09 And that requires family because it's in the family
07:14 that God designed that we establish a sense of worth.
07:17 Yes. And the basis for a sense of worth
07:21 is that we cherish one and another,
07:24 that each member of the family sense
07:28 the value of the other and frequently
07:31 in various ways remind them of it. Yeah.
07:35 I had the privilege of being in a home where
07:37 both parents were loving and kind and where
07:41 they frequently share their feelings
07:46 about the worth of their children,
07:49 they also encouraged us to share with each other,
07:54 a sense of worth, yes, and you know what
07:56 it doesn't make Canadians how poor you are.
07:59 There are many times we had nothing to eat.
08:03 There were days when we had nothing to eat
08:07 but maybe some of the milk the cows gave,
08:12 some eggs the chicken lay, that's about to eat,
08:15 and sometimes we get one of these big
08:18 50 pound sacks of stale bread from the bakery
08:23 that was given to us for a few cents
08:27 and that would be about to it, but you know what.
08:31 We thrived. Because you had. We had.
08:35 Something more than food. Some, we had a purpose
08:37 in life, we had a sense of worth
08:41 and we had relationship
08:43 that helped us through every kind of problem.
08:46 Do you know that, you know this reminds
08:47 me what he's talking about
08:49 where the family shares appreciation? Yes.
08:51 I remember once I spent a week with a family.
08:54 I was doing some meetings and you know what they
08:56 would do for as a part of their family worship.
08:59 Each one was said what he appreciated of one another.
09:01 Appreciate one another, yes I've heard that.
09:02 And it was wonderful and I think that maybe
09:05 in your home you didn't do that in a formal way,
09:08 but it was implied. It was in the very
09:10 air you breathe, it was everything you did.
09:12 But it's nice even to have a little ceremony
09:14 of doing that too because makes a person think
09:17 why I value you. That true, it's good.
09:19 You know I like that verse in John 15:11,
09:25 we're gonna be talking about Genesis. Yes.
09:28 But Jesus was the creator, according to the
09:32 New Testament, God created all things through
09:35 Jesus Christ, yes, right. And as the creator
09:38 he became a creature and that's what we're gonna
09:41 be dealing with, the creator and his creatures.
09:45 But he became what he made and when he came,
09:49 he talked with him of course about many things
09:52 and he told them one time, he says these things
09:55 I have spoken into you that my joy
09:59 might remain in you, right, and that your joy
10:02 might be full, yes, actually Christ
10:05 did not come to put us in a straitjacket. No.
10:08 Right. He came to set us free. Amen.
10:10 And he came to give us a sense of joy,
10:13 but I want to go back to Genesis, good,
10:16 the first chapter of Genesis is really rather
10:20 interesting and you can summarize it quite easily
10:24 with these words, God said, and it was.
10:28 That's pretty good. God said, and it was.
10:32 You know the firmament and that the.
10:35 He spoken and it was done. Yes, and it was done and
10:39 when He came to the fish of the sea and animals
10:43 and so forth but there was a change
10:45 that took place in verse 26 of chapter 1.
10:48 No longer does God speak and it's done, he acts,
10:53 the Bible says and God formed man,
10:58 of the dust of the ground and I want you to
11:03 notice that, God formed man of what?
11:06 Dust. The dust. Dust of the ground.
11:07 Man belongs to the earth. He was formed of the
11:11 dust of the ground and by the way
11:14 when death takes place we returned to the dust.
11:17 Right. You know, I think we all heard that story
11:20 about the mother that explains us to the
11:22 little boy that we are made from dust and you know,
11:25 boy is saying his prayer at night and screams
11:27 and says mummy there is somebody under my bed
11:28 I can't tell whether they're coming or going.
11:30 Yes, I heard that before. But you know, I was
11:33 thinking about that the other day of Pastor Moore,
11:36 and in terms of, you know, the food we get
11:39 comes from the ground. Yes.
11:40 We're from the ground we were sustained from the
11:42 ground and we go back to the ground.
11:44 Yes. That's right. But you know there is rest
11:47 of that story after he formed man
11:49 from the dust of ground. Now that's earth
11:51 and that puts man in connection
11:53 with the lowest form of life.
11:58 Every, you know the grass. So there is a part
12:00 of him is lowering form. That's right.
12:02 And man by the way was made in such a way that he
12:06 has instincts as same as all of the animal world.
12:09 We have instincts that are so wonderful because
12:13 they permit us to live without constantly,
12:18 trying to put the hydrochloric acid in our
12:21 stomach and we don't worry about those things.
12:24 The instincts guide us and in many ways
12:30 we function without having to be
12:33 conscious of what we're doing, right.
12:35 When we're sleeping, the autonomic nervous system
12:40 keeps us in breathing and so far.
12:43 You would equate that nervous system
12:45 or that involuntary system with instinct.
12:48 Well, now I was thinking of the same thing Kathy.
12:50 That's right. No, but I don't think they're in
12:52 the strict sense of the word, I don't think
12:54 we would want to call that instinct,
12:56 now you know, I don't want to get into it
12:58 a debate over that but instinct I think has to do
13:02 more with actions with, then with the kind of
13:05 saying like my pituitary gland, yes,
13:07 sending out hormones, right,
13:09 you don't mean that that's an instinct.
13:11 Well we have two, we have two centers of the brain,
13:14 the lower center and the higher center. Alright.
13:18 And the lower center controls all of that
13:21 and when I speak of instincts I speak of it
13:24 to include the whole of the body because.
13:27 It controls all of what? It controls
13:30 It controls, all of the body, blood flow, oh,
13:31 you mean all the autonomy,
13:32 it's an autonomic nervous system
13:35 and it is through the autonomic nervous system
13:38 that permits you to drive along the road
13:40 and put your brakes on before you actually
13:43 are conscious of seeing the car ahead of you.
13:45 Okay, alright, so it controls that.
13:48 So all of these things are really involved in
13:50 instincts and of course instincts involve sexual
13:53 and the desire for food, all of these things
13:57 are part of the lower brain stem and God
14:02 designed this in such a way that it would
14:04 work beautifully, wonderfully,
14:06 everything God created was very good.
14:09 So you know we were mentioning before
14:12 when we before we've started here today that,
14:18 okay, I am sorry, I lost my thought completely.
14:20 Well, I know where you are going.
14:21 You know where I am going.
14:22 In another words, we have a part of us that's
14:25 a little bit like every other animal I think. Yes.
14:27 That's right. That's what I was gonna say, yes.
14:29 This is what I thought you were going to say,
14:30 in another words when you're talking about
14:32 a lower but not necessarily talking about
14:34 We are not talking about lower instincts
14:35 as being sinful. Yes, okay.
14:39 Because we do have as he is pointing
14:41 out a fleshly side of us. We have our lungs,
14:44 we have the hormones, we have the
14:46 need for nutrition, yes, yes, and so on
14:49 so forth, and I think that, I think that
14:51 you're referring to that as a lower nature
14:53 without being a deprive nature. That's right.
14:55 Okay. It was divinely designed and it was
15:00 designed in a marvelous way to put man in
15:05 touch with the creatures. Now let's go back to
15:07 Genesis again and move a little further and see
15:10 how this time sake. Okay, we are ready.
15:12 And in Genesis 1:26, it says, Let us make man in
15:15 our image, now I first of all I mentioned the fact
15:19 that we are made in such a way that we are animals.
15:23 Man is an animal, but we are not just an animal
15:28 we are the animal that is created
15:30 in the image of God, and in his likeness
15:34 and we are designed for fellowship and now we
15:37 go back to the chapter 2, verse 7 which I quoted a
15:41 while ago, God for man they are the same now
15:44 notice the rest of that verse, and God breathed
15:46 into man's nostrils the breath of life. Yes.
15:50 Now notice that everything in scripture is designed
15:54 to teach us something those words are there
15:57 for a purpose and those words are designed to
16:02 bring to us the image of a loving God
16:05 embracing his created being. Amen. Adam.
16:10 Now God's purpose then was to create a man
16:13 for his own fellowship, and man was created
16:18 in such a way that he could fellowship with
16:21 God because he's made in the divine image with
16:25 the higher center of the brain which puts him
16:29 completely in a different category than all
16:31 the rest of the animals, yet man
16:33 is able to relate to the animal world.
16:35 Alright, that is where he's going. Yes.
16:37 Because he is also an animal and the affections
16:42 interesting enough have to do with the emotions,
16:44 okay, and that has to do with this.
16:47 Now love and affection are two different things.
16:50 You know when you first talked to me about that
16:52 I thought that was a good thing for us to share
16:55 to separate that out.
16:56 I am glad you bringing that up.
16:58 Well, we have to discuss that lower later but
17:00 just a moment of saying love is centered here.
17:05 Yes. And we'll have to define that later, okay,
17:08 but love comes from God, and it is a gift of God
17:12 and without the presence of God we cannot love.
17:18 It is a gift of God that he administers
17:21 by his own presence, presence.
17:23 I know, it's beautiful. No, I don't mean to
17:24 confuse myself. Not yourself.
17:27 But now does this word affections I'm thinking
17:30 of a poodle. So you really couldn't say
17:32 that my poodle loves me
17:34 but my poodle has an affection for me.
17:36 That's right, yes. Now of course you're talking
17:38 like see he loves me but love requires,
17:42 and love is, love is not a feeling.
17:45 Do we go into that too soon you may
17:47 think of that later. Yeah, I think I light that
17:48 a little bit too soon. But we'll come back to it
17:51 later, okay, not in this session but later on
17:54 but now what I want to show is that man
17:58 is an animal but he is the highest animal
18:02 and he is not just an animal because
18:07 he's created with the capacity for fellowship
18:10 with God to hear him, to understand him
18:16 and to enter in by choice into relationship
18:20 and this brings us to another part of man,
18:26 you see, man was created with the power of choice,
18:29 yes, and it is the power of will that gives
18:35 meaning to reason, judgment, will,
18:38 conscience, all of these things are the higher
18:43 part of man's brain but it is the will
18:46 which is the command center for the whole body.
18:50 Right. God designed man to be a temple
18:54 of the Holy Spirit and he designed that man
18:58 of whether he is speaking to him directly
19:00 or through dreams or whatever the case is.
19:03 God's word would direct a man's reason
19:10 through the Holy Spirit and the word, of course
19:13 there was no written word to begin with it,
19:14 there was no need for it but God was in consent
19:18 communion with man, guiding his reason,
19:21 his judgment and so long as man chose
19:25 that a arrangement, yes, and was subject to
19:28 the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
19:30 The widow as the central command system for
19:34 the whole body controlled the lower center as well.
19:40 And therefore the hormones were perfectly
19:42 balanced and all of the organs of man work
19:47 in a perfect symmetrical manner.
19:51 Now the flesh of man is not evil,
19:54 it was the creation of God. Yes, per say.
19:57 That's right, per say, but we will find out later
19:59 and we can't discuss it now but when sin
20:03 entered in the world this whole process
20:04 was reversed so that instead of reason and
20:08 judgment being executed by the will to control
20:12 the whole body we find that the emotions.
20:17 Have now become. And the perverted instincts,
20:20 notice perverted instincts.
20:23 So instincts have been perverted, yes, so now
20:26 we perverted instincts. As they were created
20:28 the instincts of man were perfect.
20:30 Yes. And but you know I'd like to just
20:34 go a little bit further and share with you
20:38 something more about God's purpose in Eden
20:42 and we go back to verse 26, where it says,
20:47 in my, in our own image after our own likeness
20:51 and let here us give him dominion.
20:54 Now this is the wonderful thing.
20:57 God made man in such a way that he would
21:00 have dominion over the whole world, okay,
21:05 and over all the animals
21:06 even over the birds and so forth. Now I wish
21:10 we had time to explore that a little bit, yes.
21:13 Do you know even now it's fantastic when people
21:17 learned to tune in to the animal
21:20 world how much control there can be over.
21:23 Over an animal. An animal, yes, yes,
21:25 but we can't take time for that now,
21:28 right, but I would like to say that man was
21:31 designed in such a way that
21:33 had he always been true to God.
21:36 He would always have had
21:38 the control over the animal, but what
21:42 would be the purpose of that control.
21:45 God is love. God's very nature is love,
21:49 and God chose to love his creatures through man.
21:54 Amen, but you know, a thought that pops up
21:56 into my mind. A question, and you might not
21:58 want to deal with it right now,
21:59 that's fine if you don't.
22:00 If it's another program that we do
22:01 together that's fine too. But I'm thinking
22:05 how can I get a hold of this so that I can
22:07 understand my children better or how can I a
22:09 hold of this so that I can understand my wife or
22:10 husband better, how can I,
22:12 how does this work in every day life?
22:14 It's probable that we should deal with it
22:17 later on but just let me say this we do need
22:20 to understand that our children have
22:24 when they're born into this world,
22:26 they do not yet have the ability to function
22:30 on this level, they do begin functioning
22:33 on this level, right, and if we understand that,
22:36 it helps us, we can talk about it's implications
22:38 later, okay, good, it's extremely important
22:40 but many times we fail to understand the nature
22:44 of the child and therefore,
22:45 we're not able to relate properly, right,
22:47 and educate them properly. Yes, absolutely.
22:50 Do you know, what I'm hearing, what I'm hearing
22:52 of Pastor Moore say, then is that God made us
22:57 if we can divide the indivisible that we have a
23:01 component that communicates with him
23:04 of which is the higher side of us,
23:06 which is the part that was made in his image
23:08 and then we have a part of us that's very much
23:12 like the rest of the animal kingdom. Yeah.
23:15 And of course, you know, the spirit of prophecy
23:18 talks about the animal nature,
23:20 yes, yes, and so forth. Well, now what you're
23:22 really saying is the animal nature as in man
23:26 as God instituted it was under the control
23:29 of the higher, of the higher parts of man
23:34 but that in sin probably that's been reversed
23:37 that the spiritual part of the man is diminished,
23:41 in fact sin probably badly damaged it,
23:44 and now even in our present societies these
23:47 parts you call instinct it's the fleshly part,
23:50 it's the hormones, it's the emotions.
23:52 That you hear so much about.
23:54 In another words this part of reason and judgment
23:58 and so forth now is being played down. yes.
24:01 Do whatever you wanted to do what you know
24:02 whatever feels good.
24:03 If it's right, if it's right to you.
24:05 Which is catering to this? Let it all hang on,
24:07 which is Catering to the animal side.
24:12 The animal side which has no intellectual function,
24:17 right, none at all, the instincts simply operate.
24:22 They don't think, they have no conscience,
24:26 there is nothing at all except
24:28 feeling and stimulation response.
24:31 Let's put this into some real practical stuff.
24:34 So, yeah, that reminds me a couple of dogs.
24:36 In other words when you smell that pizza
24:38 you don't have to say, suddenly something takes
24:40 over and says I'm gonna peg out on pizza,
24:43 or when you hear certain kinds of music.
24:44 You don't have to, in other words there's
24:45 something inside that just responds,
24:47 that just responds to that.
24:48 The animal, the animal responds.
24:50 And it's the animal and it's built in
24:51 you're saying, you don't have to do anything,
24:53 you don't have to know anything, you know
24:55 when we speak about music even a child speak
24:57 this big you turn on certain kinds of music.
24:59 Yes. You don't even have to talk about
25:00 music just watch the child.
25:01 If they're big enough to stand they will.
25:03 They will do whatever goes with the music.
25:05 Yes, it's possible. You know, it's incredible.
25:09 Our time is passing by so fast, I want you to,
25:12 I know that you did a little recapping.
25:13 Have we done all that we want to do
25:15 before our time is up.
25:16 What you want us to remember
25:17 from this program Elder?
25:19 Well, I think what I like to do is to mention
25:22 that Genesis is the basis for family
25:26 and when God said, I want you to have
25:30 dominion over everything. He also says
25:32 I want you to multiply.
25:34 I want you to replenish the earth.
25:36 I want you to fill it full because I want
25:38 families in my earth and I want my families
25:43 to represent to the animal world and to all
25:46 other beings, yes, what I'm like.
25:49 In a way, I know it just sound an incredible,
25:52 we represent God to our little dog.
25:55 That's right. Only you can come up with that.
26:00 And not only that, but the dog worships
26:03 God by worshiping us.
26:04 Well, that makes me think of the birds
26:06 they sing the Lords praises they just do it.
26:08 Yes, they do. And when we have loving
26:11 relationships to animal by the way one of the great
26:14 tests of Christianity is how do we
26:15 treat our animals. Oh! Yes. That's true,
26:18 but you know when I said that about the birds,
26:20 do we praise we just,
26:22 we don't just praise from this.
26:24 See that's what their. I mean they do it.
26:26 That's their instinct, they do it but we don't.
26:27 We do it, if we doing it. True worship involves
26:32 the highest part of man's mind.
26:35 So then true worship would be trained into us then?
26:38 That's right. What do you think Dick?
26:40 I've heard in this program something that
26:42 I hadn't thought about before, Pastor Moore,
26:45 he's kind of told us that God created us
26:48 with an animal nature, in another words we
26:50 have that part that's link with
26:52 the rest of the animal kingdom.
26:53 It's not necessarily bad now sin has spun it out
26:57 our relationship with the higher capacity of man
27:02 and therefore we need to do then is to put it
27:05 back in prospective where we are now relating
27:08 from the higher sources of reason and that
27:11 this animal side of us is in subjection. Amen.
27:14 This is what I am going to say.
27:15 And the more that know that in our homes
27:17 the more prepared we can be for heaven.
27:19 Is that not so? That's right.
27:20 Alright, you know we usually go out with prayer
27:22 Pastor Moore, I would appreciate it then if you
27:24 would take us out with prayer. Alright. Okay.
27:27 Father in heaven, thank you so much
27:29 for your wonderful goodness, thank you for
27:33 creating us in such a marvelous way
27:36 and thank you for your love which despite
27:39 our desegregations are caused by sin that you
27:43 still love us and you still have a plan for us,
27:47 and that you do want to show us
27:50 how we can live this zoo of sin and captivity
27:55 to our own emotions and so that
27:58 we can live in function under the direction.


Revised 2014-12-17