Thinking About Home

Some Things Never Change

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, Karen Tsigonoff, Richard O'Ffill


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000175

00:31 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:32 I'm Kathy Matthews and thank you again
00:34 for joining us. Truly we've been discussing
00:38 a series of subjects with Pastor Richard O'Ffill
00:43 and Karen Tsigonoff has been visiting us for a
00:46 few programs and she's with us again today.
00:48 And so Pastor we've been discussing the Christian
00:52 family in the last days. I'm glad that Karen's
00:55 been with us because you know sometimes
00:57 you know when we talk about the theory
01:00 or how it ought to be what it used to be, right.
01:03 But having this young person, and she's been
01:05 really relevant, hasn't she? She keeps
01:07 this relevant you know, yeah she has.
01:08 And give us the state of real life.
01:10 Yeah. And the Christian, the Christian life
01:12 has to be real. Now the Christian life is
01:15 a theory but it needs to incarnated into
01:18 our own lives, yes, and especially
01:20 into our families. Jesus said in His last days
01:25 that really He did use the word family
01:28 but He might as well have.
01:29 Well the whole family of God.
01:31 Because that's what we are.
01:32 But the individual families. Because the
01:34 family is the base unit of human society. Yes.
01:38 We all come from a family.
01:39 And if the church is the sum of its families
01:43 and so there would be things that would
01:45 happening in the church in the last days,
01:47 there would probably be the result of what
01:49 would be happening in the families
01:50 and I believe Karen that if there's gonna be
01:53 a revival and a reformation in the church,
01:57 there's got to be a revival and reformation
01:59 of the families. And so Jesus has warned us
02:03 that there would be deceptions in the last days
02:05 and these deceptions would take many forms
02:07 and of course a deception to
02:09 be a deception, is a deception you don't know
02:11 it's there. Right. A good deception you don't
02:14 know it's there. You don't realize it.
02:15 The devil doesn't come in and knock on the door
02:17 saying I'm the devil and I've got a deception.
02:20 Right. Would you like to, he comes dressed
02:23 you know, and someone said that the deceptions
02:27 of the last days are covered with the
02:28 thin skin of truth, you like that,
02:30 thin skin of truth. So, or that error can only
02:34 survive if it's bring back to on truth.
02:37 And I've thought this if I can say this that
02:41 in a way now this sound you've got to cut
02:43 and fall of this a little bit closely.
02:45 In a way truth is weaker than error.
02:50 You know I'm gonna explain what I mean,
02:52 because when you mix truth with error
02:55 it makes error credible but you when mix error
02:59 with truth it pollutes it. Yeah. So error only
03:04 becomes stronger error when it's mixed
03:06 with truth. And when truth is mixed
03:08 with error again it's contaminated.
03:11 And so this is why, as we said in the last
03:15 program that the call to holiness is a call
03:18 to separate it, to separate truth
03:20 from error. And the devil is doing everything
03:24 he can to get into our families to get
03:26 into our homes. By the way,
03:30 you know I live in Florida, don't you?
03:31 Yes. What you are gonna say.
03:32 Well I was just thinking where you were going next.
03:34 Well anyway you know I'm bringing my documentation,
03:37 you've got to do this. I got my documentation.
03:39 You know I've said Karen that I'm gonna have
03:41 a visual in all these programs so we had
03:43 Elmo in one of the programs, yes,
03:44 and I've had funny money in another program.
03:46 And a mouse made out of it.
03:50 Anyway this is my receipt before I came to 3ABN.
03:55 The fellow from the exterminating company
03:58 came and inspected our house for termites,
04:00 this was just last week. Which is not uncommon
04:02 in your area. Well listen you know termites
04:05 were a problem down there and,
04:07 they get into the home. And they eat the house.
04:11 So we got termites in our house a couple of years
04:14 ago and so the company comes every month
04:17 and then once a year they come inside
04:19 and I noticed he's written down nothing found
04:21 at inspection, attic okay.
04:25 What's that supposed to be? What's that supposed be,
04:27 well I wanna tell you what it really means,
04:29 it means that we care about our homes,
04:32 about our houses, what about our homes,
04:35 what about the family. You know I've got a
04:37 contract to keep my house safe from termites.
04:41 Do I have that same sensitivity to keep
04:44 my brain from the termite of the devil?
04:47 And not only that you're willing to have
04:49 someone come in and inspect to let
04:50 you know about it. This is true, but sometimes
04:54 we're not willing, I know, to hear what
04:56 we might be talking about today.
04:57 But for our houses we were willing for them
04:59 to come in and we would spend money on it
05:00 to take care of it we would do what we needed
05:02 to do to care of it but to come in
05:04 and have somebody tell me, my house is about
05:07 to be not by termites, it's got bugs,
05:09 it's got bugs. I'm willing to here that.
05:11 I'm willing to here, if I need to. And what,
05:13 you know the scripture, it says that the scripture
05:16 is profitable for doctrine for reprove for
05:18 correction and for instruction
05:21 and righteousness. And so we are,
05:23 I hear what you're saying; we ought to have
05:24 the same open line, right, for the word of God
05:27 to come into our hearts and into our families
05:29 to tell us if we got termites in our thinking.
05:32 And have a willing heart to be able to hear that.
05:36 There was a time in which there were lots of rules
05:39 and dos and don'ts in our church. Yes.
05:42 I think we talked about that in the last program,
05:45 and we've been kind of playing that now
05:48 it seems to me, in recent years,
05:51 one thing we said well we are not saved by works
05:54 we're saved by faith, which makes some people
05:56 think well it makes no difference how we live,
06:00 where before we're kind of do and don't
06:04 orientated you know right and wrong,
06:06 now we seem to be shifting toward
06:07 relationships you know and of course that
06:10 relationships of what life is about.
06:13 Can you overdo a good thing?
06:14 Well some people for some reason feel that
06:19 if you have a relationship with Jesus then how
06:21 you live may not be important.
06:23 It would seem to me Karen that the closer
06:26 relationship we had with Jesus the more it would
06:28 impact the way we live. Yes.
06:30 Isn't this what happened in your life.
06:31 Well yeah I mean the Bible says literally
06:34 by beholding we become change so that the more
06:36 that I beheld the goodness of Christ
06:38 and the goodness of His life and the things
06:41 that he would have us do and proverbs
06:43 and psalms and that teaches us how to live.
06:46 You change, you start seeing the filth
06:54 of the world and the things that go on.
06:56 Well thing's has been in line.
06:57 You've had an awakened conscious something
07:01 has clicked in there and so now you see what
07:04 you didn't see before. But some people will argue
07:07 well you know we don't have to worry about
07:09 the things that we used to worry about after
07:11 all we live in changing times, having said that
07:14 I will announce the title of this program,
07:17 some things never change. Well you know when
07:20 we were talking about that a moment ago
07:22 and I think you need to explain exactly
07:24 what you mean by some things never change.
07:27 Well for example there's a lots of different
07:31 architectural designs when one's gonna
07:34 build a house. Yes. and you can make it really
07:38 you know as pretty as you want.
07:40 But unless you follow certain principles
07:43 it's gonna fall down, it's gonna leak,
07:45 it's gonna fall down, it's not gonna be square,
07:47 but the principles have to stay the same,
07:49 so the principles are the same,
07:50 so they never change. So I think in the Christian
07:52 life especially in the last days,
07:53 things are changing so fast and furious that
07:57 we can be deceived into thinking,
08:00 I was gonna say in the thinking that the
08:02 principles have changed, it would be better to say
08:04 we can be deceived in the thinking that
08:06 there are no principles that it's all very
08:08 subjective. Right. And, or gray.
08:12 That would be another subject. What it's like.
08:15 By the way I'm doing the sermon entitled
08:16 shades of grave. Oh okay. But it'll not before
08:18 this program. But anyway I think that
08:21 it's really important then when we built houses
08:24 that you have to have one of these.
08:26 Not all the, every house is gonna look the
08:27 same but it's got to be square,
08:29 it's got to be on a foundation,
08:30 you know it's got to have certain things,
08:32 so some things never change in principles,
08:35 this could be seen then as a principle.
08:37 And so in the Christian life what do we have,
08:40 we have God's word, this is God's word
08:43 which never changes until times
08:45 do truly change. I believe that as Christians
08:49 living in this day and age we must change.
08:52 You see, some people think well you know
08:55 you people just never wanna change you always
08:57 be that wanna be the same, no, no.
08:59 the message to Laodicea says you better change.
09:01 Well, we better change to be more Christ like.
09:03 Well the status quo is unacceptable, you got to
09:09 change but the question is how are we gonna
09:11 change and on what basis we're gonna change.
09:14 Right, right, okay. At least, at least that's
09:16 the way I say, there was a time.
09:18 Well thank you for explain all of that to me.
09:20 well thank you for asking. And for everybody
09:21 who wanted to know themselves.
09:23 Well we got this title. Anyway there was a time
09:26 in which the Christian life was about a lot
09:29 of dos and don'ts. We didn't know why,
09:33 we just knew we should do that,
09:35 now that list seems to have disappeared.
09:38 We knew for example that we shouldn't dance,
09:41 that we shouldn't drink alcohol,
09:43 we shouldn't smoke, we shouldn't go to movies
09:46 and you know speaking of going to movies
09:49 I can remember, believe it or not Karen
09:51 that there was a day in which,
09:54 that gray hair could, like you think that
09:57 he can't remember but I'm sorry go ahead.
10:01 In which when you signed up to go to an
10:03 Adventist College or academy, you had to sign
10:07 that you didn't go to shows,
10:08 you didn't go to movies, is that right.
10:09 And if you put yes and it would say have been
10:13 removing into last year, you put yes,
10:15 you might not get in. And if while you were
10:18 there you went to show, guess where you ended up,
10:21 out the door. It was prohibited. But you know,
10:27 the television pretty well put an end to this
10:30 little clause in our do don't list about don't
10:33 go to shows. Because people said what do
10:35 you mean to go to shows, hey we got it in
10:37 our own home. Right. This brings up ladies the
10:41 subject of television. Right.
10:43 And may I introduce the subject with a personal
10:47 conviction and I like for us to discuss if
10:49 you don't mind. Okay. Alright.
10:50 I believe and how can I say it more unkindly,
10:54 more kindly I hope this kind. I really believe
10:57 that television is watched by the average
11:01 Christian is incompatible with the spiritual life.
11:05 Now listen to the words. As watched by the
11:07 average Christian, and what kind of television,
11:10 well I'm saying, regular, I'm saying as watched
11:12 yes okay, in other words, make it really clear,
11:15 the television watching habits of the average
11:18 Christian are not consistent with what
11:21 we're asking Jesus to do in our lives.
11:24 Now I'll throw that all on tape,
11:25 you agree or disagree? I agree with it I know
11:27 that it effected my life and has, you have some
11:30 things to share maybe that's more recent.
11:33 Well yes it's effected my life I can remember
11:35 as a child watching horrible things
11:38 on television, horror movies that you know
11:39 images that have stayed with me and I prayed
11:41 daily that the Lord would cleanse my brain
11:43 of those but as a Christian coming into the
11:46 Adventist truth that we have, moved from
11:52 Black Hills Health And Education Center
11:53 where we're taking classes there to Billings,
11:55 Montana. I'm a stay at home mother so getting
12:00 very edging for something and got a television.
12:05 Well that was the biggest mistake of my life
12:06 because I realized the hard way that I'm a little
12:09 weaker and where I wanted to be strong
12:11 and only watch certain programming that would be
12:14 be safe for me to watch I strayed and even,
12:19 you know that changed me and I'm not going to
12:21 blame television because I'm a sinner
12:23 and I made my own choices. But when I go the
12:25 television that is the turning point and I fell
12:30 away from the Lord for a period of three months
12:32 and I started doing things that were contracted
12:34 the truth that I know. And I had to get it out.
12:38 We, I got it out I mean we were paying payments
12:41 on it and I told the people so you've got to come
12:43 and get this thing it was like, so did you know,
12:46 you know it's like a predator calling
12:47 the police and 911, somebody's in here,
12:49 you've got to come and get him, termites,
12:51 termites in my house, it was really like that,
12:52 right. And that, did you continue,
12:56 so did you continue to pay on it, yes I paid,
12:59 you had to lose a little money right,
13:00 I lost money, yeah, but I was willing I didn't care
13:03 about the money, okay, I realized I was losing
13:05 my own soul because of the decisions I was making,
13:07 because of the programming
13:09 I was beholding. Now ladies, lets just,
13:12 just for the record. This happens to be
13:16 3ABN Television, yes. And so I don't think that
13:20 we can sit on this program, right,
13:22 and say don't watch television, 'cause guess
13:25 what you and I just disappear,
13:27 that's when I say make it clear. Make it clear what
13:29 you are talking about. Well the problem that
13:31 I had it's just my individual weakness
13:35 that I have to realize I can abuse a good thing.
13:38 So where I'm you know, I just I'm the type of
13:41 person that cannot have a television
13:42 in my home, because it does me harm.
13:45 The goal for me is to reach a point where
13:47 I can have a television so I can view 3ABN,
13:50 so I can view certain seminars,
13:51 I love a real scrubbing you know so I can watch
13:54 these things. But that's my weakness now but.
13:57 Yeah you have to avoid even a good thing to be
14:01 able to keep you away from those things
14:03 that you know in which you are too weak at this
14:05 point to do anything about it.
14:07 I heard a story Kathy about a,
14:10 and this was kind of a third person story the
14:12 person saying that a family had bought a
14:15 television and apparently they didn't have
14:18 the 3ABN, you know dish or whatever which is,
14:21 but they had said we're going to control
14:23 the television. This person said when
14:26 them in their home they just got the television
14:29 and they wouldn't even watch the commercials
14:31 I mean you're talking about a born
14:34 again television. Yes. And it was just really,
14:36 it was really structured. He said Pastor O'Ffill
14:42 I've visited that family a year later,
14:44 you know what I'm gonna say,
14:46 they were watching everything that came
14:48 down the pike yeah and the worse part
14:50 and this goes to this whole theme that they
14:52 were doing they didn't know anything
14:54 had changed, they were deceived. Right.
14:57 In other words someway like termites,
14:59 this come in, and it come in and with their
15:01 best intentions. And so I think, I don't think
15:04 we are being at all disloyal,
15:07 we believed in the propagation of the Gospel
15:10 through the media of television.
15:11 But yet at the same time we realized that
15:14 television in the hands of so many families
15:18 is letting worse than termites I mean you could
15:21 fix what the damage of termite could do. Right.
15:23 You almost can't fix the other.
15:25 But what do you do and this gets in the heads
15:27 of your kids, it takes time, yes. you know when
15:31 you're talking about that a moment ago
15:33 do you remember when Rachel sang her song
15:35 that you wrote as a result it was Karen and John,
15:38 this is our Karen, yes, yes. And that she was
15:42 listening to us talk on the phone,
15:45 remember the song started out.
15:48 She is crying on the phone.
15:50 Well, there was something that Karen said to me
15:52 that day and I don't know if you remember
15:54 this maybe you can recall Karen that at the
15:57 time that it was not out of the home for her
16:01 that what she was doing and her choices.
16:07 She said right now I'm desensitized,
16:11 because right now I don't care, do you see
16:14 the difference in her now, oh yes, yes,
16:16 because I remember after that and you have made
16:19 a decision to get rid of that and you said
16:21 it's going and they both made the decision that
16:24 this what we are gonna do it's going because
16:26 we are not able to handle it,
16:28 we can't control it, we can't control it.
16:29 and I think there's a lot to be said because
16:32 you know there's nothing wrong with saying
16:35 I'm weak in that area I stay away from that,
16:37 right, when you speak about being desensitized
16:39 can I tell you kind of a little girl story,
16:42 I wanna tell you one more thing,
16:43 you can tell a story, yes madam, go ahead.
16:45 The other thing that she said though the day
16:48 that was gone, do you remember what you said
16:51 about how you felt? I felt free.
16:54 I felt, I can't remember exactly but I do remember
16:57 the house was barren I mean we hardly had
16:59 any furniture, we're so new to town, we're,
17:01 but anyway we're, I felt that the burden was gone,
17:06 I did I felt lighter I just felt because it really.
17:10 I mean I've done some studies on what television
17:13 can actually do to our physiologically depending
17:17 on the program we're watching but,
17:18 what I was beholding was really,
17:22 I was getting colder, yes, that's what
17:24 I'm talking about, that's what she was
17:26 telling about, you know that actually does a lot
17:27 of damage to your frontal lobe and even
17:30 if you're watching a good program,
17:31 even if I would watch discovery where these
17:35 good programs American History Channel
17:36 there's commercials that come on, if like you said
17:40 these folks when at home and they were muting
17:42 these if you don't continually do that,
17:45 there's music. Television and the people behind
17:50 it they do all they can in their research
17:53 psychologically everything they can do to trap you,
17:56 but you're gonna trance. And that's exactly what
17:59 was happening to me. Now somebody think
18:00 we're being pretty picky here, but when you're
18:02 taking the majority of the nation it seems
18:05 or the world who has been raised on television
18:08 and then we want to move into the
18:10 Christian lifestyle. If we would like to say that
18:12 is not affecting us I think we're sadly wrong.
18:14 Well that's where I started out, can I tell my
18:17 little story now. Oh yes, I gave you permission.
18:20 I just had to just, I'm sorry, no but I think
18:23 it was, and it is just important to me to the
18:24 difference go ahead. I think it's so important
18:26 what she said because its real life and the story
18:28 that I'm gonna tell is a little bit goofy.
18:32 I used to have real allergies as I've got an
18:34 older through the years, it's not getting worse,
18:38 it gotten better I've grown lots of allergy.
18:39 But Karen you know when I a number of years
18:42 ago when our youngest son was still
18:44 at home Dan, we would eat, be just three
18:46 of us at the table and it wasn't just hot food
18:50 I don't know, I think with my allergy,
18:51 but sometimes when I start eating, excuse me
18:53 for saying this, my nose would started running.
18:56 And I don't know how else to say it,
18:58 my nose would started running.
18:59 And so I would reach out my pocket you know
19:01 and I would pick out my handkerchief and I would
19:02 you know, it's my, I think it's supposed to do but.
19:05 And so Dan, and it's better than having
19:07 a running nose, and so Dan he is sitting
19:09 at the table there and when I would there
19:11 with my handkerchief he would say oh yuck.
19:14 You know, yuck is one of these words for
19:16 young people, he would say oh yuck that
19:18 grosses me out and he would take his plate
19:21 from the table. And I would say come back,
19:23 he say I can't and goes down. Okay.
19:25 And that didn't happen once,
19:27 that was happening all, I couldn't help it,
19:29 I couldn't help it, it was just did I'm had
19:31 these allergies. Okay. And so, you know this
19:34 was going on for a period of time
19:36 and so one day I thought what I gonna do
19:37 about this. So one day I thought I'm gonna
19:40 teach them a lesson I think. So there we're
19:43 sitting at the table he was still there you know
19:45 I guess my I hadn't grossed him out yet,
19:47 I started making up a story about
19:51 something lured. Now I didn't get pornography
19:54 but I started making up a story about
19:56 somebody having an affair. It wasn't so long,
20:00 I just barely got into it. Okay.
20:01 This is where we're going now.
20:02 That the minute I start this story,
20:05 my wife she stops, she starts listening.
20:08 And Dan he kind of you know he starts really
20:12 getting into, how's that, you know, how's that,
20:14 really interested. And so I let that story last
20:16 who knows 30 seconds and then I stopped,
20:20 and I said tell me which is worse,
20:24 blowing your nose at the table or adultery.
20:28 Makes a good point. You clear the point.
20:30 In other words, in other words when I'm blowing
20:31 my nose he's grossed out he walks out of the room.
20:34 But some of these other things wouldn't
20:36 gross out at all. Yeah but when we're talking
20:37 about adultery and fornication whatever,
20:39 then we get, yeah tell me about this.
20:42 And you know it goes back to what
20:45 we're talking about; we're not talking against
20:47 television how can we? But we're just saying
20:50 that television is watched by the average
20:52 Christian is desensitizing, when we're watching
20:56 assimilated adultery or suggested adultery
20:59 we're watching people lie, we're watching
21:01 people sink, nudity, and kill and everything
21:06 you mind if I tell you another little story,
21:08 no, go ahead, I like your stories, the,
21:12 I was traveling one time and I think I heard
21:14 Karen say that you know we used television
21:16 to keep us company, we use it to keep us company.
21:18 Yes. And so it might be fun to travel for some
21:21 people but it's kind of lonely especially after
21:23 the work is done what I'm gonna do,
21:25 I think I'm like television,
21:27 so I hadn't watched anything bad.
21:30 Well I can't say that either I just watched
21:32 whatever came on but I wasn't buying dirty
21:34 movies or whatever it was, it was just coming
21:37 of the regular channel and so pretty soon
21:39 it comes time to go to bed. And I took my shower
21:43 and I had my little devotional and I got on
21:46 my knees I started to pray.
21:47 What's in your mind? What was in your mind,
21:50 when I watch this I started to pray I get
21:52 halfway through my prayer and I stopped.
21:55 Because.. I can't pray anymore.
21:57 I said just prayer doesn't make any sense
22:00 because Karen I'm praying, Oh Jesus help me
22:03 to be pure and kind and you know honest
22:07 you know the whole, the fruit of the spirit
22:10 and it dawns on me that I've been spending
22:13 the last two hours watching just the opposite.
22:17 And I'm thinking to myself this doesn't make
22:18 any sense to me. Yeah. I stopped my prayer right
22:20 there and I thought I think before I pray anymore
22:23 I'm gonna have to decide which is gonna be, right.
22:26 Yeah. When I choose and I've had those
22:28 experiences and when I choose to do something
22:31 like that I have trouble even hearing my
22:34 own prayers. I don't even want to pray.
22:36 I don't speak them out loud.
22:37 Well, expect that I come back to;
22:40 forgive me Lord I see what it's doing to me
22:43 you know praying in that sense.
22:45 But I, it runs through my mind
22:47 or now if I choose to do that if I'm
22:52 in a situation where somebody is impressing
22:54 something or whether pressing something
22:55 upon me it might be different, I don't choose
22:59 myself to get into that sort of thing,
23:01 that's right. But when I've done the choosing
23:02 then I've harmed myself. And you know we have
23:05 to realize too I just think of my son and just a,
23:09 I'm trying to teach him some adequate
23:12 I mean he's saying little words but he understands
23:14 what's in his diaper when it needs to be changed.
23:16 I'm trying to have him say dirty so
23:18 if we're in public he doesn't offend
23:19 anybody by saying certain things, yes.
23:22 But you know I've told him that's a dirty diaper,
23:25 ten million times more than I've,
23:28 actually I blurred out that's doodoo
23:29 or something of that nature.
23:31 And you know he'll remember that,
23:32 he'll remember the doodoo over the dirty.
23:34 Yes. and so you know, no okay so you are an adult
23:37 and I know you're talking about beholding
23:40 these things and then trying to pray
23:41 well if I'll be beholding these things and
23:43 I'm trying to pray as I'm praying
23:45 and then all of a sudden I'm realizing okay,
23:47 I'm supposed to be praying but I just,
23:49 I catch myself day dreaming. Yes.
23:51 All of those filthy images and the violence
23:54 and the fornication or what have you or images
23:57 that are ten times harder to get out
23:59 of my mind and keep coming back and back
24:02 and back and back and because that's the way
24:04 every night. And I've thought and this is
24:09 ridiculous that we may forget the name of our
24:11 first grade teacher but you can remember
24:14 the first dirty joke we ever heard.
24:17 Now I don't say that literally but why is it
24:19 and Karen is saying that this filth,
24:22 this evil and we're actually letting
24:25 it in the house, this is the incredible thing,
24:28 this is the things that we're letting into our
24:30 heads are contrary to everything that
24:33 heaven's gonna be, yes, contrary to everything
24:35 that we even want to be here, right,
24:38 why are we vicariously watching these people
24:41 do things for which Christ died, could I say.
24:45 Right, exactly. What are we gonna do about this?
24:49 We've got to do something about it.
24:52 I think it's you know we hate to use the word
24:54 hypocritical but I think it is hypocritical, yes.
24:56 Unless we can bring our lives into conformity
25:01 with our prayers, could I say that, yes,
25:04 if I'm gonna pray one thing and live another.
25:07 Yes. What can Jesus do for me?
25:11 No, I know this is complicated,
25:13 because you know there's even in some homes
25:17 one of the spouses who likes the stuff
25:20 and other spouse doesn't. And the other
25:22 spouse could say you know this is messing
25:24 up my life. Really it makes it difficult.
25:25 And you know what I've appealed Kathy
25:29 I've said if your spouse appeals to you to do
25:32 something to control the television,
25:34 listen to them, because what they're really
25:36 saying is, this is messing up my
25:38 spiritual life. Right help me.
25:40 It may not be messing up yours but it's
25:42 messing up mine, yes. And if you really love
25:44 your spouse would you want to be,
25:46 or your family members your children,
25:47 you know would you wanna be in heaven
25:48 without them and they would say oh look
25:50 what I did, why didn't I listen to their call
25:51 for help, right. they were saying this is,
25:55 you know I've found it very true that
25:57 when I allow myself to be exposed to this crazy
26:02 stuff you may think this is for us, it takes away
26:07 my desire to pray. Right. I get down on my knees;
26:10 I don't know what to say. Yeah.
26:11 it doesn't make any sense.
26:12 It would help for people too to realize you know
26:14 if you go out and drink alcoholic beverage
26:17 it's inevitably you're going to feel intoxicated
26:20 that's with the alcoholic beverages for.
26:21 Well lots of Christians wouldn't just go and do
26:23 that but they'll sit in front of a television
26:25 that marketing strategies have made they're gonna
26:28 make a hamburger commercial,
26:29 there's subliminal messages, you're gonna
26:30 feel hungry, I noticed when I watch television
26:33 I eat a lot more, I snack and I eat a lot more
26:36 and I you know that's what television
26:38 is meant for. So you're getting a message.
26:39 So but we're more readily willing to do that.
26:43 If people get educated to the effects of these
26:46 kinds of programming and might make them
26:49 better able to make a decision, absolutely.
26:51 Well I think in this program that our message
26:54 has not been anti television. No, it's not.
26:58 But anti-impurity, anti-impurity,
27:00 anti-dishonesty, absolutely, anti-violence
27:03 and that we do have televisions in our homes,
27:06 the majority have televisions in their
27:07 homes do something about that.
27:09 We're doing something about the termites,
27:11 absolutely; we've got to do something about this.
27:14 Oh thank you, you know these are the kind
27:16 of programs that I feel like are so important
27:18 for us in the last days. And I want to just
27:23 thank you Karen for being, thank you so much
27:25 for having me, I know that it's just been very
27:26 real to you and Rick, for going over
27:28 these subjects. It's not been our intention
27:31 to offend anyone, just think, is there something
27:36 happening to you, do you want Christ closer
27:38 in your life? We're going to be praying for you,
27:40 please pray for us and join us
27:42 again on Thinking About Home.
27:46 Heavenly Father, oh Lord, make us real
27:48 sensitive in these last days as the devil tries
27:51 to deceive us and to try to get into our
27:54 hearts and minds, into our homes
27:56 and into the lives of our children.
27:59 Lord, we've taken measures to protect our.


Revised 2014-12-17