Thinking About Home

We Changed The Rules

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, Richard O'Ffill, Karen Tsigonoff


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000174

00:30 Hi, I'm Kathy Matthews and thank you for
00:32 joining us on "Thinking about Home."
00:34 And today we have with us Karen
00:37 Tsigonoff and Pastor Richard O'Ffill from the
00:39 Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventist.
00:41 And we've been doing a lot of discussing about
00:45 home life, isn't it? Isn't that true?
00:47 In the last days. Yes, in the last days,
00:49 we've been doing a lot of thinking
00:51 about home, haven't we? We sure have.
00:54 We've been doing a series that's the,
00:58 Christian family living in the last days and
01:00 that's exactly where we're at.
01:02 We're in the last days. And, and Jesus has
01:05 warned us in advance that living in the last
01:08 days would be dangerous and more than one way.
01:10 Yes. That there would be deceptions in the last
01:14 days, yes, and, and a deception, if it's gonna
01:16 be credible, a credible deception right. Yes.
01:19 It, it gonna be, people are gonna be, actually
01:21 gonna fall for. Yes. It's gonna be something
01:24 that you don't expect. And, and so the culture
01:28 you know, we've talked about the culture,
01:30 we've talked about, our language, the language
01:33 the, the devil is infiltrating our language.
01:35 He wants to get into our minds.
01:37 And when we think of the, of the very last
01:40 prophecies you know, that we know that the
01:42 devil's last move against the people of God will
01:45 be to destroy them physically.
01:46 We talk about the death degree. Yes.
01:48 But if, but if, if he can get your brain,
01:51 before that, before that. Yes. Then, then he's got
01:54 your body too. Right. Yeah, and so really,
01:57 I've said in this way that the devil's death degree
01:59 is for those whose, whose brains he didn't get.
02:04 You understand what I'm saying? Well, yes.
02:06 And, and, and so what we've got to do as
02:08 families is to be on the guard that the devil
02:11 doesn't get in amongst us, get into our minds,
02:14 get into our, get into our way of thinking.
02:16 Right and our worship 'cause whom
02:19 we serve we worship. Exactly. Or worship we
02:23 serve whichever way you want to think of it.
02:26 In this program I would like for us to,
02:29 I think a little bit and I'm glad that I have you,
02:32 you ladies here with me and you know what
02:35 we're gonna go, don't go there till I, until I say
02:37 go, until I open the gate. No, these ladies are just
02:41 so anxious to get into this subject.
02:42 Oh! No, I don't know about that.
02:44 It's just a, it's a subject they'll that has;
02:47 we've had an experience in.
02:48 Absolutely, but I want to tell our, our viewing
02:51 audience that we're gonna talk about some
02:54 things in this program that please
02:57 be kind to us, right? Because we don't
03:02 purpose to say all that could be set,
03:05 we don't even suggest that that every thought
03:08 that we might express you know is necessarily
03:11 the, you know the, the bottom line,
03:12 the bottom line. Well, or even that
03:14 sometimes that give us the break that we have
03:17 expressed it and maybe we would, if we had an
03:21 opportunity face-to-face we would express it
03:23 even better or more clearer or something like that.
03:26 Yeah, in a different way, but what we hope
03:28 is that these programs will stir up thinking.
03:31 Yes. Now, I remember I had a teacher,
03:33 Karen, years ago, and he would tease the
03:36 class, he would say, don't be afraid to think,
03:38 a thinking is not painful or fatal, but for some
03:41 people you would think it was more,
03:42 it is painful. It's painful, and it maybe you know,
03:44 first of all, but the Christian, isn't there a
03:48 quotation that says that we're to be thinkers and
03:51 not mere reflectors of other people's thoughts.
03:54 And so, even as we go to the word of God we
03:56 go to the word of God to get the information,
03:59 but just like when we eat food we have to
04:00 digest it to make it part of ourselves.
04:03 I think in the same way as we go to the word of
04:05 God and we read His will and His instruction,
04:08 which is profitable for us and necessary for us
04:11 to survive in the last days. We've got a process this
04:14 out; we have to really think about Him.
04:17 Anyway here we go, I'm gonna set the
04:20 introduction for this. Okay. In the church
04:25 from early on, ever since I could remember
04:28 we had only culture standards,
04:30 church standards and it wasn't just the
04:32 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
04:33 No, I would just been say that, it was hardly
04:34 this alone. I think that we got maybe lots of
04:38 our, our church standards from the
04:41 Methodists because that you know, our early
04:43 church fathers and mothers were Methodists.
04:46 I can remember as a child when the,
04:50 Nazarenes. Yes. I maybe wrong, but
04:54 I think there was even a time in which you
04:56 know, the Baptist that you know; they
04:57 wouldn't drink, smoke or dance or go to theater
04:59 and so forth. So, we had these, these things that
05:02 were called you know, the Christian standards
05:04 including the way we would dress. Yes.
05:06 We could dress in certain ways and other
05:07 way we couldn't dress. And, and, and I think
05:10 that the concept of the, the Christian
05:13 lifestyle was based on, on couple of text of
05:16 scripture you know, of course the whole
05:18 scripture, but the text that we would use
05:21 would be maybe the one in James chapter 4
05:24 verse, verse 4, it says, whosoever in the last part.
05:29 Well, let me, let me read the whole thing
05:30 "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye
05:33 not that the friendship of the world
05:35 is enmity with God? Yeah. Whosoever
05:38 therefore will be a friend of the world is
05:41 the enemy of God." And so, right off we
05:44 understood that the Christian man was not
05:48 to love the world. And, and there was another
05:50 one over in, in First John, it was First John
05:55 chapter 2 verse 15, and it says, love not,
05:59 you could see it here Karen.
06:01 Love not the world, go ahead and read it.
06:04 "Love not the world, neither the things that
06:06 are in the world. If any man love the world,
06:08 the love of the Father is not in him."
06:10 And so I think these, these were probably a
06:13 fundamental texts that that instructed us that
06:18 Christians were not like the world.
06:21 They were different; they were
06:22 suppose to be different.
06:24 Well you know, as time would go in the years
06:26 we passed and you know what the years
06:28 you know, sometimes the years make it,
06:30 will mellow you out and make you sweeter,
06:32 other times they can change things
06:34 fundamentally. Yes, that's true like you
06:35 relaxed and forget what's necessary.
06:37 Exactly and so, what happened I think maybe
06:40 amongst us in, in our particular fellowship
06:43 we began to understand that we're not saved by
06:46 works, we're saved by faith. And you know.
06:49 And that's true. And, and of course it's true,
06:51 but then as we, as this began to down on us,
06:55 we're not saved by works, we're saved by faith.
06:58 Then suddenly these lifestyle issues began to
07:00 be perceive, very good, well they have been,
07:03 they were perceived that has been works.
07:05 Yes, which would be a wrong perception?
07:08 A wrong perception for what salvation is.
07:09 And so, just as soon as a person gets
07:12 oh! I'm not, I'm not saved by grace through
07:14 faith and then they would say,
07:16 well this means I can do anything I want,
07:18 I can live any way I want to live. Yes, okay.
07:20 I can go where I want to go, I can eat what
07:22 I want to eat, I can dress the way I want to dress.
07:24 So, in some ways as the wonderful truth of
07:27 justification by faith, right, began to be
07:29 understood to put it one way we, we began to
07:33 throw the baby out of the bath water. Yes.
07:34 He began to say well, then that's
07:36 was a waste of time. Within we have to
07:38 question I do, I would have to question then
07:41 what's in my heart, then what
07:43 was in my heart before? Do I, do I, do I serve
07:48 the Lord out of the love for Him?
07:50 Or was I only obeying rules to begin with.
07:53 Our list of rules. Yes. Because Karen, I don't
07:55 even think that that you would remember
07:57 because, because you're a new Christian
08:00 that there was kind of a checklist being, being
08:02 even a Seventh-day Adventist and, and even
08:05 members of other faiths was a checklist.
08:08 You didn't do this; you didn't do that, in fact.
08:09 Well, yeah we don't want to just lay that on
08:12 Seventh-day Adventism because it's been that
08:14 way throughout history in a sense because,
08:19 if anybody is serving the Lord only by a
08:22 checklist didn't matter what era of time it was.
08:25 Then and then, if they understood the
08:29 justification by faith and they threw out the
08:31 standards then the problem existed,
08:34 has existed throughout history.
08:36 This is a problem with the heart, of course it is,
08:38 this is not a problem with now, I mean with
08:41 the church now. But it's become extenuated
08:43 we're living in the last days.
08:44 Right, and it's more obvious and it's,
08:46 its more blatant. In our generation because
08:49 we're seeing it happen before,
08:50 before our very eyes. We had the checklist,
08:53 now we're throwing out the checklist and,
08:54 and of course I think we'll talk about this,
08:56 maybe it's not in this program, in other
08:57 programs is that when you through the
08:59 checklist out, did the principles disappear,
09:02 but you know I was surprised, I was reading.
09:05 Did they ever get into the heart in the first book?
09:07 Well, this is what we've got ask ourselves.
09:10 Okay. If we were living by a checklist then the
09:13 as Paul would say, then the law of God was on
09:15 your back. Okay, right. The law of God's in
09:17 your heart, do you still live a holy life,
09:20 scripture would say, yes. Some people
09:21 would say, well, you know the law you know
09:24 I live by grace to whatever. Right.
09:26 But anyway listen to this because in the,
09:29 Old Testament is full of the word "Holy."
09:32 Yes, we know that God is Holy, we sing, holy,
09:35 holy, holy, but listen to this.
09:38 In Hebrews the 12th chapter verse 14 it says,
09:45 "Follow peace with all men, and holiness,
09:49 without which no man shall see the Lord."
09:52 Now, this is pretty heavy. In other words,
09:54 this is. We need to better understand
09:56 holiness. We've got to understand what that is
09:58 because whatever holiness is, if you don't
10:01 have it, you don't see God, and then you don't
10:04 see God. So, I went into this Hebrew stuff you
10:07 know, you wanna hear I'm speak Hebrew,
10:09 I can't. Anyway so, so I went into the
10:12 concordance to find out you know, what this
10:14 meant originally. And do you know that
10:18 one of them big meanings of this word
10:21 holy is separate. Now, I know that doesn't
10:24 you know, you can think of, we know we
10:26 sing holy, holy, holy, you need to think
10:27 between separate, separate, separate.
10:29 But of course see that's a concept of God
10:32 because God's separate then us. From the text,
10:34 it says, don't make me like you. Yes.
10:37 And then and so, and so God is not only, not like
10:40 us, but He is saying to us don't be like them.
10:45 Right. Are we ready? Are you ready ladies?
10:51 No, I'm going to join in. No, I'm not going to
10:56 join, I'm gonna be the referee, remember,
10:58 we would saying before the program.
10:59 Well, we're not doing to be arguing it's just.
11:00 Now, but what we want to, to invite our,
11:03 our viewers to do is to join us, I think it's
11:07 rather clear that historically we were
11:11 called upon that He separate from the world.
11:13 I think it's rather obvious that there is a
11:15 trend now to, to try to get back and to try to
11:18 ignore that for, for whatever reason to be
11:20 like the world, if you're gonna win the world,
11:22 you got to be like them. This text just said
11:26 that when you do that if you love the world you
11:29 begin to lose your touch with God, you can
11:31 become an enemy with God, it's saying here
11:33 unless you're separate, you won't see God.
11:37 And so, let's get on and say, listen we, the issue
11:42 of a, of Christian lifestyle was valid,
11:44 it was valid. Now, we might not know why
11:46 we're doing it? But, but, but, but we were right
11:50 to do it. Yes. Now, of the things and I think
11:53 this is something we want to try to, to survey
11:56 in this program as we want to try to talk about
11:59 this issue of Christian dress. Yes. I mean we
12:02 could pick out the, the health side of it,
12:05 we could pick out whether not we should
12:07 you know, what kind of the pleasures we should
12:10 have, see those because there were many
12:11 components of Christian lifestyle,
12:14 but for the purpose of this program why don't
12:16 we just talk about this issue of what
12:20 should be some of the, the, the principles that
12:23 motivate the Christian in this area of dress.
12:27 And, let me start off by just sort of
12:30 throwing out of the question.
12:34 Is God right or would it be right?
12:37 For God to expect that those who love Him
12:41 would dress different things you know.
12:42 I think that would be appropriate that the,
12:45 the Lord certainly would expect that.
12:48 I was raised in an environment where the
12:51 Lord was professed and there was
12:52 a Bible in our home. However, the lifestyle
12:55 of my home was just like everyone else was
12:58 living in, that wasn't professing the Lord,
13:01 same here, you know dress and music and
13:04 just all these things were, everything was
13:06 the same I, I mean there was no difference.
13:10 So, growing up I just, I didn't, I didn't see God
13:16 in our home. I only heard His name,
13:18 but I didn't see that there was any different
13:21 that He was just like the every one else. Right.
13:25 So, so just like that you
13:27 couldn't tell the difference.
13:28 I couldn't tell the difference and when
13:30 I saw others who were different than I was
13:32 they were strange. And I, thought they were
13:35 odd, they didn't something but then
13:37 coming to Christ and just reading the Bible
13:39 for myself and seeing the way that I had lived
13:42 I knew I had to be different if I wanted to,
13:46 to know Christ, just the way that I was
13:48 introduced to Him I knew I had to there,
13:52 there was something different to Him that
13:56 you, you can't just say serve the Lord,
13:59 follow the Lord, pray and read your Bible and
14:02 do everything that, the same as you used to.
14:05 Yeah you, there has to be changes.
14:07 Well, I think I have to you know it's, it's easier
14:09 for me to tell stories of what happened to me
14:12 when I first became a Christian.
14:15 And I understood that there were things that
14:18 needed to be different, but I was just in the
14:21 world I was brought up, I was raised in the 60s
14:24 there were, it, it seemed to be the thing to,
14:27 have less and less and less clothing on and so
14:33 by the time that I was becoming a Christian
14:36 there was an incident that happened to me
14:38 and I was sitting in my bikini and I was,
14:44 weighed a lot less at that time and was a lot
14:47 younger and it was important
14:51 to me to try to attract. And I was just had
14:56 become a Christian and I was sitting over at a
15:00 Christian's home. And we were sitting around
15:03 the pool and one of the husband's came home
15:06 and it was a very hot hard day at work and he
15:12 jumped out of the vehicle and said,
15:14 look out here I come and stripped off his
15:16 clothing into small amounts and it was
15:21 shocking and at the same time I thought
15:25 well, you know I can just pass over this
15:28 obviously this is just the way it is, maybe this is
15:30 just the way it is and there is nothing to be
15:32 embarrassed about. Later on as I began to
15:35 more, study more for myself, I, I needed to,
15:40 to see the example and when I saw it, I realized
15:44 that it's, that's, that's what I need to be doing
15:47 as a Christian woman this is what the Lord
15:49 wants me to do. And there was a Christian
15:52 sister who took the risk of the, 'cause this can be
15:57 a hot touchy subject. She took the risk to take
16:01 me aside and get to know me and, and have
16:04 a trust and a rapport and I developed a love for her.
16:09 And then she took the risk of helping me to
16:11 understand that a Christian woman
16:13 needed to make new and different decisions
16:16 and I would like to go back just a little further
16:18 than that as to what my attitude was before
16:21 I ever became a Christian and that was,
16:24 my husband and I were living in Germany,
16:25 we had lived there for three years and I was
16:27 working in a department there on the post and
16:32 there was a staff sergeant that used to
16:33 come in, and at that time it was very
16:37 common for me to read cosmopolitan and,
16:39 and my husband read the mail magazines that
16:43 and they were magazines that they
16:46 affected your thinking, those articles affected
16:48 your thinking and you kind of set your
16:50 lifestyle like that. And I began to be rather
16:56 forward with my ideas about how women
17:00 ought to be and he was talking to me about
17:06 nudity and I promptly told him I'll never
17:09 forget this, I promptly told him that if I
17:12 stand here in front of you with nothing on
17:16 and you dare to touch me, if I haven't told
17:18 you, you could do so then you are totally in
17:22 the wrong because you should not be even
17:25 tempted, you should not have a problem with me
17:27 doing that, that's my decision and you should
17:29 not be affected by it. And he looked at me in
17:31 the face and said, woman, you don't know
17:36 what you're talking about. And just turned on his
17:38 heel and walked out, that was the end of the
17:40 conversation. Well, it took a few years later
17:43 and reading the word of the Lord that I found
17:44 out that I was responsible to a large
17:47 degree as to what I caused other people to
17:50 think about me and I needed to make new
17:54 and different decisions for myself.
17:55 And Karen you might have had some similar.
17:58 Well, yeah I grew up in the 80s which was just
18:01 as bad, if not worse I mean all the things,
18:05 all the individual, you need to be an individual
18:07 and they all looked the same. I don't know
18:09 what whether he was just,
18:13 but one of things I didn't receive in my
18:18 home life I obviously you know acted out as a
18:22 teenager and I always needed attention from
18:24 everyone. And one of the ways I did that was
18:26 because I was blessed with a very good
18:28 metabolism. I always stayed very fit and trim,
18:30 and I didn't have to do anything.
18:32 And sometimes that could be cursed because
18:33 you get very complacent, but I
18:36 wore, I was very scantly clad and that's how
18:40 I got everyone's attention. And especially men's
18:44 attention, I was always searching for that.
18:47 And the only way that I could do that because
18:50 I had no value at all, was to wear tiny skirts
18:54 and little tops and just do whatever I could to
18:56 get somebody to look at me.
18:57 Then when I became a Christian I really started
18:59 I won't do that anymore and the only way that
19:01 I could change, amen, is to stop showing that
19:04 that there was something in my heart
19:05 that meant more, and my body wasn't important.
19:08 And then I also had to be very careful because
19:11 the Bible says, if you do something and I'm
19:14 paraphrasing and please forgive me, if you're
19:16 doing something to cause a man's fault,
19:18 it's better that a weight be tied around your
19:19 neck and you're thrown in the river.
19:21 Now, that's not a bad application.
19:22 Okay, so I, I had to realize if I don't want
19:26 and I praised the Lord when I got married,
19:27 I felt so good and I was a married woman and
19:31 I can remember wanting to change the length of
19:35 my skirts and the height of my shoes and the
19:39 amount of eyeliner, just these are, these are.
19:43 Because now you belong to he and he
19:44 belong to you. And I wanted to be sacred,
19:46 I wanted to be hidden, I wanted to my own and
19:49 my husband's own and nobody else', yes,
19:51 I wanted some mystery. There's a beauty in that.
19:54 Yeah. And you've got something.
19:56 Listen, but you know, and again I want to say
19:58 to our viewers that this is, this is a very, very
20:02 important subject and we wouldn't for the
20:05 world you know 'cause anyone to stumble or,
20:09 to offend anyone. And, and what we're saying
20:11 now or what we're about to say.
20:14 I remember I would sitting around the table
20:16 one time and, and a young lady she said,
20:18 I want to appear to be appealing to men and
20:23 I said to her, she was a married woman, wanted
20:26 to be appealing to men plural. And you said,
20:28 you and, and, and I, and I, and I said to her,
20:30 do you what means to us men?
20:32 Do you know what that means to us men?
20:35 Do you really want that, is that what you want to
20:37 appear, is that what the thought you want to
20:39 have in our minds? Now, let me just say
20:41 here that that we would never want to,
20:44 when we talk about dress and so forth,
20:46 make it seem like this is a woman's problem
20:48 because obviously we all have our problems
20:51 and I don't think that what you just said
20:53 Kathy, you know if a man does something
20:56 that's wrong, when he does something that's
20:58 wrong, he is accountable for it. Yes.
21:00 But I think I'm hearing you say that that as a
21:02 Christian woman you feel you have an
21:05 accountability to God for who you are and
21:07 how you betray it, or how you not betray,
21:09 but how you portrait yourself,
21:11 are you portrait yourself? And this is the most
21:15 the worst thing I could say and please I say to
21:18 those the sisters in Christ and who are
21:22 watching the program. I've been mentioning in,
21:25 in some of my sermons likely I said, ladies,
21:28 we men haven't changed. Now, here goes Karen,
21:31 we're the same dirty old men we've always been,
21:34 no, no, I'm serious I mean there was, men
21:36 are, men are like that. And, and, and, and no
21:39 excuse for that, it's awful. We're going to
21:41 have the answer. Find nature. We're gonna
21:42 have to answer to God for being dirty old men,
21:46 but yet something has changing, something is
21:48 changing in society it's not us, forgive me for
21:52 saying it's the women. The women I hate to
21:55 say this or getting to be kind of dirty old men
21:57 like dirty old woman are like we were dirty
22:00 old men. And, and, and I've been asking the
22:02 question into some of the congregations
22:05 where I preach. And, and I don't know what
22:07 you ladies will say about this or our viewers.
22:11 Who sets the moral climate for the nation?
22:14 I don't think it's us men. Oh! We discussed that
22:17 the other day with young man that we
22:19 were talking to and we wondered well how it
22:21 came about, who was behind it, and of course
22:23 we have an enemy behind it, but.
22:25 In other words, we could say,
22:26 we could say, well, it's the men that are the
22:28 drivers behind in modesty, but, but yet
22:31 I think that to some extend, now this is from
22:35 a man's point of view. I think to some extend
22:38 the women set the moral climate in the nation.
22:41 Can I tell another little story that came to my
22:43 mind while we are on here?
22:44 I didn't' think of it before end.
22:46 There was a class reunion that I was going
22:48 back to, our 10th year class reunion and I was
22:50 just oh! Just had become Seventh-day
22:54 Adventist Christian and I wanted to look
22:57 different and I ran a business and the
23:00 business had to do with weight loss and so
23:03 I looked to the part at the time, I lived the
23:06 part, I looked the part, I had just become a
23:08 Christian I had not changed a great deal.
23:10 And I, I took some pictures for this class
23:14 reunion and those pictures were meant to
23:18 be sensual. I wanted to look the part, so I took
23:22 them to the dear lady that I had been studying
23:25 with, and she just looked at them with this
23:27 with, and she just looked at them with this
23:28 kind of blank look on her face, not wanting to
23:30 hurt me I know and she said, well Kathy,
23:35 it depends on what you want to betray?
23:37 What do you want them to think about you?
23:40 And walked away from me and said, goodnight
23:42 'cause our prayer meeting was over and
23:44 she didn't say anything about what I had on,
23:46 she didn't say anything just depends on what
23:48 you want them to think. And it hit me,
23:53 I have you know I don't need to think about
23:56 what I want them to think and I went home
23:59 and I tore them up and I didn't send them off
24:02 and tried to portray something now of the
24:04 new me that I wanted them to see. Go ahead.
24:08 And I think Karen that you know over here.
24:10 Well, I guess you just wouldn't want anyone
24:12 to think that there is a fine line between
24:16 everything I had, I mean I, I don't want to
24:19 live every moment of life worrying about
24:23 what someone else is going to think about,
24:24 right, I want to be confident in the
24:26 decisions I make, but I need to also aware on
24:29 the other side that, I'm an ambassador
24:32 for Jesus Christ. Amen, amen.
24:34 And if I want someone to see Jesus Christ
24:38 as humble and pure, pure, I mean and we
24:44 also have to deal whether we want to
24:46 accept it or not. We have to deal with
24:47 the fact that our society is very sick,
24:49 very desensitized. That's right, and
24:52 regardless if it's right because it's not.
24:56 We wish we live in a society where we have
24:58 to be, we're walking on egg shells, you know
25:01 but we have to realize we're among, we are,
25:04 we're lambs among wolves. That's true.
25:07 And we've got to be every moment thinking
25:11 okay, how am I portraying myself?
25:14 Am I going to give and God forbid.
25:16 God forbid anyone, God forbid anyone what
25:18 think that that anyone that's a victim of this
25:24 world is at fault, but I had to realize that if,
25:31 I didn't want someone looking at me to lust
25:34 after me and a man is gonna lust regardless,
25:36 you could be having a paper sack over your
25:38 head and he's gonna lust of you, but.
25:41 But we, we want, we're in a society.
25:43 We want to defend those who are good
25:44 men who, who endeavor to represent
25:45 Christ too and don't want it.
25:47 Right, but we're sinful. I go into the mall the
25:49 other day and I see Victoria Secret,
25:52 it's a very fancy women's lingerie and a
25:58 picture the size of a building as a women in
26:01 her underwear. And so this is what men are,
26:04 they are desensitized, they don't think of that
26:07 like, oh! No one walks by and looks at that
26:09 like, like that anymore, so we just.
26:12 We need to become sensitive to what Christ
26:13 seem to have us to be. Well, I hope that our,
26:16 that our viewers have not mind to this
26:17 program because what we are saying is that
26:19 that it's seem to us that is son's sons.
26:23 Now, we haven't talked about our men's
26:24 problems and, and I apologize 'cause we've
26:26 got many in, in the areas of modesty.
26:28 There is no doubt about that.
26:30 Do you know, one of the first casualties
26:33 or one of the first things that happened when,
26:36 our forefather, grandma and grandpa Adam and
26:38 Eve sinned, was they lose their cloth? Yeah.
26:40 Their clothes disappeared. That is a point tonight.
26:42 And one of the first things that that,
26:43 Jesus did in redemption was to
26:46 put the clothes back on. And isn't it incredible
26:49 that in these last days this,
26:52 generation has an obsession with taking
26:53 it's clothes off again. It's like we're going back,
26:56 yes, in another word this is in God's face
26:58 we're gonna take our clothes off and so,
27:01 I think that as Christian families with our
27:03 children and as husbands and wives
27:05 how important it is that we be on guard so that
27:08 we don't get drawn and deceived.
27:10 Well, I think this is a subject that our homes
27:12 needed to been, that needed to be discussed
27:15 in our homes, talk our children, talk to each
27:17 other and kneel down and pray with each
27:20 other to see, am I really representing my Lord
27:24 the way I need to, I need too, we need to
27:26 continue to all the time. You know, we're gonna
27:28 go out with prayer, we're gonna be praying
27:30 about this subject and I want to invite you back
27:34 with us again. We're going to be covering
27:35 more things on Thinking about Home.
27:38 Pray for us. We're gonna praying for you
27:39 and Karen I wish you would
27:41 pray for us as we go out now.
27:44 Heavenly Father, Lord, we come before your
27:46 gracious and loving throne and we just pray
27:49 for ourselves and all out there that Lord you
27:52 would just please. Be with our minds and our
27:55 hearts. Help us to understand what you
27:57 would have us do, the things.


Revised 2014-12-17