Thinking About Home

Teaching Our Children To Talk

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, Richard O'Ffill, Karen Tsigonoff


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000173

00:31 Welcome to Thinking About Home
00:32 I'm Kathy Matthews, thank you for coming
00:34 back and being with us again.
00:36 Rick we are back again, here we are we are
00:40 doing a series on the Christian family living
00:44 in the last days and of course there's been
00:47 Christian families all the way back those who
00:50 are committed to God but surely the families
00:54 that live in the last days are in the greatest
00:57 jeopardy, because Jesus himself said, Karen he
01:01 said, look out for the last days because there
01:05 would be deceptions and these deceptions
01:07 would be done by the devil himself.
01:09 In fact before it would over, the devil would be
01:12 appearing as an angel of light and so I think its
01:15 important that we understand that the
01:17 average person is not going to call it a
01:19 deception, a deception or it wouldn't be a
01:21 deception, right, in other words,
01:23 the deceptions of the last days are going to be
01:25 very, very, like subtle, subtle, they're gonna be
01:28 credible, the devil is going to be telling us
01:32 what we want to hear, itching ears.
01:35 This is the way that the scripture refers to,
01:37 right and so there comes a generation that
01:41 likes to be deceived. I think somewhere in
01:44 Revelation it says that those who are lost are
01:47 the people who tell lies habitually obviously,
01:50 and then it says also the people we lost
01:52 will be those who loved to hear lies.
01:55 And so we live in a kind of a time in which
01:58 the deception is going on and the Christian
02:00 family in the last days must be alert,
02:02 they're really up again, we're really up against
02:04 more than ever before obviously, it's the last
02:07 days, the devil is as a roaring lion,
02:09 seeking who he might devour, he is going
02:11 around angry. How can we think it's anything
02:14 else expect that he has got more that he will try
02:17 to get us with then ever before.
02:19 And of course Jesus said when you talk
02:21 about Him as a roaring lion he doesn't go about
02:23 as, although he is really like a roaring lion,
02:27 he is dressed in sheep's clothes.
02:30 And so he is liable to be going baa.
02:32 Its sounding, he doesn't gonna go roar,
02:34 that's right, he is misrepresenting the truth.
02:38 Anyway in this program we want to talk about,
02:41 we want to talk about talk, we want to talk
02:43 about talking. You always had some
02:44 goodie last night, yes anyway before,
02:47 before I came to the program you brought
02:49 this baby toys this time, this is Elmo they say
02:51 I wouldn't have known this was Elmo
02:53 if somebody had to tell me Karen that this was
02:55 Elmo but anyway I have 8 grandchildren,
03:01 and so I called up my daughter-in-law and
03:06 I said does Megan have any of her dolls that talk
03:10 and you got this one. Elmo talks, you want
03:12 hear him talk, yeah, let's hear him talk.
03:14 "You're Elmo's sweetheart."
03:17 You are. It says, you're Elmo's sweetheart.
03:20 "Elmo loves you." See, isn't that incredible,
03:24 everything you believe him, or is he deceiving you.
03:27 See this is an interesting point that you're
03:29 making Kathy because these days everything talks.
03:33 I was getting on a plane not long ago and the
03:36 pilot was testing the systems, happen to be
03:38 sitting up towards the front and he must have
03:40 been hitting buttons because I heard a voice
03:42 inside say, your right engine is on fire and he
03:44 hit another button says your left engine is on fire.
03:46 Obviously it wasn't, we weren't off the ground,
03:48 but I guess what we're saying is everything is
03:49 talking these days. You lift up a telephone
03:52 a voice will you know start talking to you,
03:54 its nobody, it's a computer chip, right,
03:57 or its, its Elmo and so we want to talk about
04:05 talking and so I looked at some stats Karen and
04:10 can I share these stats, okay, and here they are.
04:13 The Oxford English dictionary and obvious
04:16 the people who are listening to us speak
04:18 English but surely the program is coming
04:21 down with other languages but we're
04:23 gonna speak about the English language and
04:25 this says the Oxford English dictionary
04:28 contains some 290,000 entries with 616,000
04:36 word forms. And it says, how many of
04:39 them do you know, now listen to this and you
04:41 will find out how many you know.
04:44 It says there are about 200,000 words in
04:46 everyday use, now here where we separate the
04:50 men from the boys, the girls from the women.
04:52 An educated person, well, he has a
04:56 vocabulary of about 20,000 words and uses
05:00 about 2000 words in a week's conversation
05:06 and then I written down here each word has a
05:08 meaning on which we would understand
05:11 though the meaning may vary by usage,
05:14 and anyway the point that we want to discuss
05:18 because it has a bearing is that although we
05:21 speak in body language you know and we write
05:24 each other letters, mostly we communicate in
05:27 words and how important it is then that
05:30 as Christians we in the last days you learn how,
05:35 make our words be more meaningful and be
05:38 very understandable, appropriate,
05:41 and appropriate and for Christians to speak
05:44 with Kings English is that lost, you ever hear that
05:48 anymore, you ever heard anybody saying
05:49 the Kings English, what King are we talking about.
05:53 That's a good question Karen this is too old for
05:57 you, thank you and she feel so complimented,
06:03 but I can't remember in my lifetime I think we
06:08 always had a Queen. We might had a King in
06:10 England but anyway they talked about
06:13 English Karen as the Kings English and so
06:16 I heard a good one, one time where a fellow in
06:18 Brooklyn, because you mentioned the Kings English.
06:21 A fellow in Brooklyn was listening to the
06:22 radio and the King of England, England had a
06:24 King in those days was giving a radio
06:26 broadcast, it was being broadcast
06:28 internationally and of course you the English
06:31 people have their accent so this person from
06:33 Brooklyn is listening to this what is this and so
06:36 the Brooklyn person said I don't know who
06:39 that guy is but he surely does murdered the
06:40 Kings English, he was the King, he was the
06:43 King himself, I don't know who that guy is
06:45 but he surely murdered the Kings English.
06:48 Anyway, anyway, I'm not sure what to say
06:51 about that, I don't think there is anyway,
06:54 I guess it's a point of prospective.
06:58 I've a little granddaughter named
07:02 Megan and she is gonna be four, that you get it
07:06 right, you know the little boy Evan Michael
07:08 he is a year and half, is he starting to talk yet
07:12 any, yeah he actually started talking,
07:16 saying words sooner than most boys,
07:19 usually girls are the one's that speak sooner,
07:21 is that so, yes they do, but he's his mother's
07:24 son, so what's that suppose to me,
07:28 what he says, and so he is saying little words
07:34 even at his age. Yeah, well I can
07:37 remember one thing that was very important
07:39 to me was as he was growing and hearing us,
07:43 my husband and I speak to him that we would be
07:46 using language that was very clear,
07:49 I grew up in an age where bad meant good
07:53 and sick meant cruel and so, yeah it can be
07:57 very confusing and I wanted to just be very
08:00 clear enunciate words very clearly,
08:04 we can be very sloppy in the way.
08:06 What were some of the words that you thought
08:08 I'm just well I think you learned, clothing
08:10 like the word clothing, when we say in the
08:13 short term its cloths, sounds like close the
08:15 door, I'm putting on my cloths, its not proper,
08:19 its and I don't know if the phonetical but it just
08:22 seems proper to me when I want to speak
08:24 clear and proper English well,
08:26 it would be it came from desires,
08:28 to just not necessarily because the word close
08:31 is anything particularly important but, no,
08:33 that's one that you remember is because
08:36 you wanted to speak clearly to your son.
08:37 Because I came from a background where
08:39 everything was just like I mean my son as a
08:44 child would not understand what I was
08:46 saying if I spoke to him the way I did while
08:47 I was in high school. Just kind of slang, slang
08:50 oh that was bad and my mother said what you
08:53 mean by that, well that means good,
08:55 so I just wanted something different,
08:58 I wanted something more proper and
09:00 I wanted to allow myself to feel more
09:05 educated coming from the background I did,
09:07 it helped, it enabled me to feel more proper and
09:11 to change your language, to change my language.
09:13 Well she is saying is something that's
09:15 interesting Kathy because though she had
09:18 a son she was just talking anyway that
09:21 you know what would occur and so suddenly
09:24 she realized it now she is teaching her own son
09:27 to speak and suddenly she says I don't think
09:29 I want him to sound like me.
09:31 It's amazing what will motivate us,
09:32 and so he is learning to talk, he says little
09:36 words, does he says daddy and mama, yeah,
09:39 yes, he says daddy and mommy his first words
09:42 were hot, does he say no, is he into no or,
09:47 well yes he has, yes he has but we are trying to,
09:51 we're trying to keep his, okay come out with it,
09:56 we are trying to make sure that he says it for
09:58 in an appropriate time, that's interesting,
10:00 then he start being rebellious and that's right.
10:02 But of course I think that this is one of the
10:04 easier words because I remember Megan she
10:07 didn't learn yes for a long, long time.
10:09 I don't know whether yes is harder to
10:12 pronounce, well there might be something
10:13 behind that, and so they experiment with that
10:15 no, its kind of an expression of their,
10:18 after all no is an expression of the will
10:20 while yes is an ascent, yes, yes, so when I say
10:23 no I'm expressing myself when I say yes
10:26 I'm letting you express yourself.
10:28 I never thought of that, I never either,
10:30 that's another profound thing you come out with.
10:33 Now what about your own children Sarah and
10:36 Rachel you remember when they began to talk.
10:37 Well yes I do and Sarah was much like
10:40 that, Rachel was a little more like Evans, Evans
10:43 right now is not really clear for him, no,
10:46 but he has quite a vocabulary, if you
10:49 know what he is saying there are many words
10:51 and he is only 18 months old but he
10:53 started at 14 months or so, 10 months is it hot,
10:57 and then I taught them to do sign language but
11:00 I remember that Rachel we had to have Sarah
11:03 interpret for her for all of us to really
11:05 understand but Sarah started saying sentences
11:08 when she started talking. Is that so, yes it is and
11:11 she was quite young and her words were
11:15 very clear. She was all, she enunciated very
11:17 well I don't understand how she did it but she
11:20 did it. Coming from the old Southern woman
11:22 here I don't understand how she did it but,
11:25 I gotta tell you this Karen this is crazy and
11:27 a little off the subject because we're talking
11:28 about and I thought about my grandchildren
11:31 at the stage she is talking about her girls
11:33 when they were little of course my youngest is
11:37 four months old, my youngest, he is a grand
11:39 you know a little boy and of course Megan is
11:42 his sister and so I heard this joke, its so crazy
11:45 and so I called you know I called my
11:47 daughter in law I say and she will say hello,
11:50 and I'll say this is dad may I speak to Ryan
11:52 please and so this is our liberality but dad Ryan
11:56 is only four months that's okay I'll wait,
12:00 but anyway Ryan gonna, Ryan is going
12:02 to, Ryan's going to say grandpa one day,
12:05 some day because its been so much fun for
12:08 me as a grandpa and I of course I can't say
12:10 enough about being a grandpa and I should
12:12 put a little commercial her for us grandmas and
12:14 grandpas, anyway you know somewhere along
12:17 the line my grandchildren began to call me
12:20 grandpa honey, grandpa honey, you like that,
12:23 yeah, grandpa honey, now sometimes they'll
12:27 say pop or you know these different words
12:29 papa or something but I'm grandpa but I'm
12:32 grandpa honey and I've a grandson and he's
12:36 some 16 or something 17 and of course he is
12:39 on the computer and so you know when we're
12:41 doing this what they call it this really,
12:43 you know I don't I'm not old that, I forget
12:45 you know when somebody is on the air
12:47 it will tell you that somebody is on the air
12:49 and suddenly I'll be on the computer, oh!
12:50 Instant messaging, instant messaging and
12:52 so I typing along and suddenly there is a pop
12:54 on and Bucky is on the air and a little window
12:57 come on, hi honey, so I'm grandpa honey,
13:01 and for a 17 year old that's kind of nice,
13:03 I like that very much and I think.
13:09 And I think our little girl in those days,
13:11 Cindy, I think she talked pretty soon too,
13:14 I kind of wonder if the first child doesn't start
13:17 talking because you're talking to them more
13:19 and very possible if and then the others just sort
13:22 of acted out and the older one's interrupt,
13:25 well they have a lot more interaction with
13:26 the other children in the family and probably
13:31 less interaction with the parents.
13:33 And no anyway its you know the memories and
13:36 of course we all learned to talk I remember
13:38 Karen speaking and learning to talk,
13:41 you think you know how to talk,
13:43 go to another country where they speak
13:44 another language and you find out you don't, why?
13:49 Why do you think so, you speak Spanish?
13:51 No, oh! That's what I talking about,
13:54 you know I was 32 when we went to South America
13:59 and I has studied Spanish in high school
14:01 but you know how that is when you study in the
14:03 high school you neve really catch on unless
14:06 you're a good A student which I must not have
14:08 been, and then they call, well you need to be
14:11 immersed in the culture, that's it see and
14:13 I remember landing down there in South
14:15 America and suddenly you know due respects
14:19 I'm fully fluent in Spanish now but when
14:22 you hit the foreign countries you know
14:23 foreign to us but these languages sounds like,
14:26 I know its such speed and all its going so fast
14:30 you can't tell one word from the next,
14:33 I know, you think you can talk suddenly your
14:35 gift of speech is wiped out.
14:39 I can remember Karen when I was down there
14:42 I used to pray oh! God you are the one that
14:44 confused the languages. Yeah, yeah, can't you
14:47 do me a favor and help me out this and he gave
14:50 me the gift, the gift, really you learned
14:52 quickly, it took me a year to unwrap it.
14:56 I think you have to see what you have,
14:58 I left the gift and unwrap it,
14:59 it took a while for you to learn, oh yeah,
15:01 yeah it really did and but, but I look back on
15:04 it and I feel so shall I say ashamed,
15:07 Karen I took my kids and put them in Spanish
15:09 school and we're talking about a girl 12 years old
15:14 and you know how sensitive you would be
15:15 and your landed in, you couldn't speak it all,
15:19 well but they learned, they learned to speak
15:22 Spanish fluently and the thing I think that this
15:25 is the thing that is amazing with Evan,
15:28 Karen is that he is learning to speak a
15:31 language and he is never asking what the
15:32 word means. See when I went down to learn
15:35 Spanish, interesting, I had to do every word,
15:37 every word, what does that mean, what does
15:39 this mean and, for you to relate, when you
15:42 learn a foreign language as an adult you have to
15:45 trade word for word, yes okay, but here when
15:47 we're little people and we're learning a
15:49 language by listening, we never ask what
15:52 anything means we just hear it duplicate it,
15:55 pretty soon we build a concept
15:57 its an amazing thing. Well this is, this has
16:00 meaning doesn't it what you're doing here?
16:02 This is a warmup, it's the warmup, you better
16:05 get rid of this, before the program is over,
16:08 yes exactly, well I think, I think what we
16:10 are saying is simply that words are what life's
16:14 about and that we all learned to speak one of
16:18 the great probabilities, one of the great
16:20 miracles of development is learning to speak.
16:22 Well you know a moment ago you talking
16:24 about that your children being immersed in that
16:26 when we were in Russia, Sarah and
16:28 Rachel learned it of course much quicker
16:30 they were 14 and 9 but they were immersed
16:33 with the young people and Rachel,
16:36 no Sarah was working in the kitchen and they
16:40 would help here pronounce everything
16:42 correctly, the throat, the mouth, the tongue,
16:46 everything and it was important to her to
16:47 speak their language very accurately, so,
16:51 and with the accent just pronounce it as close to
16:55 what they pronounced it as possible and I think
16:59 that in our language here that we ought to
17:02 think about that and well the way I would
17:05 relate that is how should we talk as
17:09 Christians, shouldn't it be as
17:12 accurate and clear as possible.
17:15 You know, Amen, someone said that if
17:18 you want to make it impossible for your
17:20 enemy to convey his ideology takeover his
17:23 language and I guess because see, we got to
17:28 make some spiritual obligation
17:29 of this obviously. I think the devil is
17:33 trying to scramble our language, yes, yes,
17:36 he is trying to scramble our language, and
17:38 reduce it, and reduce it because I mean what do
17:41 we have, we have 20,000 words we are
17:43 supposed to know we speak 2000 but
17:46 especially the young people that you know
17:47 they don't need 2000 words, you were telling
17:50 us some of these, no, no when I was in high
17:52 school I knew about 10 and I can get by what
17:54 everything I needed and that's not a joke,
17:56 really it's a honest truth. You know when I was
17:58 just sitting here thinking and had a real
17:59 revelation I can remember a situation
18:02 where I was living and I met a gentleman there
18:06 he was older than me but he was a Spanish
18:08 gentleman he was Hispanic so he was
18:10 from Mexico so the Spanish that he learned
18:12 was a different dialect then it is in Spain.
18:16 Spanish is one language however and when its
18:19 proper Spanish all that speaks Spanish no
18:21 matter if you are from Mexico, from Spain
18:23 should be able to understand South
18:24 America you know, he could not there is
18:27 a channel on, excuse me on local television
18:30 a Spanish channel and its lots of Spaniards,
18:33 proper Spanish he couldn't understand a
18:36 lot of it, he couldn't understand that
18:37 because, he could not understand a lot of it
18:39 and I thought with the language that's going on
18:42 with young people today are we going to
18:43 be able to understand for Lord when he returns.
18:46 It's the language that you speak is Christians,
18:47 yeah because its so different
18:50 I mean if I go up to someone and say
18:52 oh! I feel sick, they gonna think right on,
18:54 I mean but I'm no get me to hospital you
18:57 cannot understand what I'm saying, that's good.
19:01 You know have you wondered about this
19:02 that the words about of our Lord when he said
19:06 lets your yay be yay and your nay be nay. Yes.
19:08 What does that really mean?
19:09 What does it mean, does it mean in our
19:12 conversation and should we care, in our
19:13 conversation, yes, yes, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes,
19:19 I think it means what Karen is bringing out
19:22 that we should as Christians in the last
19:24 days we should be able to express what we
19:27 need and we should be able to do rather
19:30 accurately, clearly, so that it can't be confused,
19:33 speaking of languages not obviously in
19:36 English there is lots of accent and Spanish
19:39 I gonna put in a little you know plug for
19:40 Spanish, it's 23 countries that speaks
19:43 Spanish and they obviously have their
19:46 accents and even their regional variations just
19:48 like we do in English but I think you know
19:50 the point that she is making is that there
19:53 must be, I know an illustration of it
19:56 the Voice of America, the Voice of America
19:59 I remember when I used to listen to that speaks
20:01 in many languages but it speaks what you are
20:03 trying to express a clear down the middle of the
20:06 road language, that everyone should be able
20:08 to understand, everyone understands, its and
20:09 English doesn't sound like Texas, it doesn't
20:11 sound like New England but the people
20:14 in Texas and New England can understand
20:16 it and do the same way with Spanish.
20:17 Well another word, well you said only text back
20:21 ten words, well and I was telling you when
20:24 we were discussing this that the pads in our
20:26 brain for three different words are to be three
20:29 deep pads in our brain because those are the
20:30 only words we use, yeah, and one of the
20:34 words that seems to be so used today and I've
20:38 purposely chosen not to use it unless I'm truly
20:42 expressing what it means, who said, and
20:44 that's awesome. I don't want to do that because
20:48 to me if its awe-filled, awesome, full of awe
20:55 then it out to be describing something
20:56 the truly is like that and not just like dinner
21:01 tonight necessarily, I don't, I just don't think
21:05 that it should be used with just anything and
21:08 you were talking about one if God is, you know
21:10 I was in a Bible book store one time and
21:14 of course we talk about God being awesome,
21:15 he is an awesome God there's even a song
21:16 awesome about that, and that is that,
21:17 well but God is awesome, God is awesome
21:19 well here at the checkout counter they
21:21 were selling ballpoint pens and they said they
21:24 were awesome and then right away I had click in
21:25 my head I may have to choose, how can I be
21:29 calling ballpoint pens describing them as
21:31 I describe God something got to go,
21:33 God can't be compared with a ballpoint pen
21:36 and I think that's what I hear you saying, what,
21:38 that we're shrinking, Karen is saying we're
21:40 shrinking our vocabulary to the point
21:43 where, remember we were in another
21:46 program we were talking about a blurring
21:48 the difference between the sacred and the profane.
21:49 Yes. I don't know how you ladies feel but
21:53 I think we ought to have words that are so set
21:56 aside as you're saying. I don't think we are to
21:59 use just every word in a vocabulary to talk about
22:01 God, that's what you are saying.
22:03 Well we're not trying to just be picky here
22:06 either, we're not just picking apart a few
22:08 words that youth use but it's important for us
22:12 isn't it to be careful about the words we use
22:16 because we're reducing our thoughts of God
22:20 when we describe the merest thing that echo
22:24 with God. I think this is the point and also there
22:27 is I don't even know if I can say on this program
22:29 and I hope that those who are watching
22:31 wouldn't be offended but I remember my
22:33 mother wouldn't let me say that because she
22:38 said that's connected with another word, yes,
22:41 and she wouldn't let me say G because she
22:43 thought was a short form, well I remember
22:45 learning that in a dictionary
22:46 that's an expletive. And so, now these days
22:50 I don't say if they particularly worry about
22:52 it because I'll hear people say you know
22:54 even little children in church say oh! God this
22:57 or that, and I don't think they mean anything by
23:00 it, it's just that is all become, just this it's all
23:04 the same and the name of God is no longer
23:05 reinvent. Its no longer, and we have all these
23:07 slang expressions, while growing up I mean my
23:10 mother didn't really ever have a problem
23:14 with certain words that I would say but
23:16 I always knew and I'm not sure how I knew but
23:19 I always knew somehow that Gosh
23:21 meant God, yes, yes, it was just a part we're
23:23 saying it, yes, and when I was in high school if
23:25 I didn't want to curse on to a teacher I would say
23:27 things like shoot, that's it, there you are,
23:30 you know and to me as a 16 year old just a
23:32 substitute, it was just a substitute.
23:35 And so you know I understood that without
23:38 really being told I knew that as a young person
23:42 that's what I was meaning but it was
23:45 sugar coated, yes, right. And so we as Christians,
23:49 raise Christian families need to be helping our
23:52 little ones, helping each other and keeping God
23:55 on ourselves as to how we use our language so
23:58 that we don't reduce God to nothing and that
24:01 we keep a level of reverence because we're
24:05 portraying someone. We're portraying the
24:07 highest to the world that is what we need to think
24:10 of ourselves as ambassadors for the
24:12 Lord and as ambassadors
24:14 we need to have Kings English.
24:16 I do remember going back to learning a
24:18 foreign language obviously there is that
24:22 international Spanish like there is an
24:24 international English but there are these
24:27 regional words and I didn't know it because
24:30 I learned to speak Spanish in Chile and
24:33 you know there were words, I think we call
24:35 them slang words, I think we are talking
24:37 about slang, yes, there were slang words that
24:39 in Chile were perfectly acceptable, everybody
24:43 knew what it was that same slang word in
24:47 Puerto Rico or in Cuba was a dirty word,
24:50 a dirty word. So what happened, and so
24:53 I think this goes back to what we're talking
24:55 about that we can't speak our languages,
24:58 down the middle, we can speak them purely,
25:01 I don't think we need to know all that and this
25:03 what I hear you saying Karen, we don't need to
25:06 know all the latest you know buzz language or
25:09 whatever it is to say all the slang, to say,
25:11 see how few words we can say.
25:13 As Christians in the last days we need to
25:15 elevate our conversation. Now don't let me
25:20 interrupt you, no you're not, I just thought
25:22 Karen was going to get jump in here but not.
25:27 It was important to me especially to come
25:29 away from the background that I had
25:30 to change now just my friends you know there
25:32 is society even tells you and programs that help
25:36 you come out of the drug addictions or
25:38 alcoholism or certain you know crime or
25:41 thievery or trying to read we,
25:47 trying to re-pat on a person's brain, they say
25:49 well don't hang around with your old friends
25:51 and don't go to these old places that get you
25:54 to wanna do this, well. And if they learned
25:56 that's the best thing to do.
25:58 Well, I think you know I learned about
26:01 reciprocal influence from Dr. Jay Sloop,
26:02 where I'm from in Yakima, and I started
26:05 thinking to myself if I want to change the way
26:06 I think I should really start think about the
26:09 way I speak, yes, very good, because I'm
26:11 hearing everything I say, yes.
26:14 And so in the last days the Christian is
26:17 sensitive to the way he speaks because the
26:20 devil knows that if he can take over our
26:23 language or he can make it impossible for
26:26 us to convey the message and when we
26:28 get to the place where we have to use,
26:31 you know sometimes they even thought of the
26:32 word love, we talk about we love this,
26:36 you know I don't want to give all the
26:37 illustrations, but one of these days it could get
26:39 so bad that we say God is love and he could say
26:42 not if that's what you mean.
26:43 Yeah, right, right, the word love could
26:46 become so corrupted, so we have to have
26:49 words that we use for the that which is holy
26:53 and that gives us again the hierarchy.
26:55 There is the common in the, common and the
26:59 scared, the scared and the profane, the scared
27:01 and the profane I think is what I'm looking for
27:03 yes, yes, and so in the last days well anyway
27:05 Elmo we didn't know that Elmo would take us
27:08 there, technology develops, in next
27:09 program we'll talk about that more.
27:11 No not at all, but may be we can put a text
27:13 whether we eat or drink or what ever we do
27:14 including the way we talk, right, we would do
27:16 it then to the glory of God, to the glory of
27:18 God, yes and that we need to that.
27:21 Well I want to thank you for being back
27:23 again and Karen thanks for being on to,
27:25 thank you for having me, I like your ideas and the
27:27 things that you come up with and I hope that the
27:30 people that are viewing will appreciate it as well.
27:34 Maybe we can give a little thought to all that's
27:37 happening here and think about our language.
27:40 Join us again on Thinking About Home
27:42 and pray for us we're gonna pray for you.
27:45 Heavenly Father, Lord, we pray that you
27:47 sensitize us to our words, that whether
27:51 we eat or drink or whatever we doing in
27:54 the words that we use that these would be to
27:57 your honor Lord. We wanna glorify you.


Revised 2014-12-17