Participants: Richard O'Ffill, Kathy Matthews
Series Code: TAH
Program Code: TAH000171
00:30 Welcome to Thinking about Home.
00:32 I am Kathy Matthews and welcome back again. 00:35 We're going to be continuing aren't we Dick? 00:38 We're going to have some more of a series, 00:41 of a series...of a series entitled the Christian home 00:43 in the last days or something like that. 00:45 Right, yes, maybe I should introduce you again. 00:47 This is Pastor Richard O'Ffill. 00:48 And I'll sort of sit here and look like a strange. 00:51 Yes, as if you are stranger to this program. 00:54 Pastor Richard O'Ffill 00:55 from the Florida Conference Seventh day Adventist 00:57 and we've fun going over a lot of things 00:59 that the Christian family could be learning 01:02 in these last days. 01:03 It's not all fun, sometimes it's really 01:05 serious thinking and we're going 01:09 to be discussing today buy now pay never, 01:12 do you want to explain that? 01:14 Well, that's you know, you got to have a program 01:16 entitled say and so buy now pay never 01:19 that's, you know, that's some person says. 01:21 Buy now pay never, I think I like that idea 01:24 but I won't you know, we don't want to go 01:27 right into it too far but we're gonna talk 01:29 a little bit about, about the Tenth Commandment and, 01:34 you know, sometimes we talk about all the commandments 01:36 and we never get down to the tenth one. 01:39 Oh, Paul did. 01:41 And thou shalt not covet and probably 01:44 a lot of the grief that we're having 01:47 in our homes is because we're not paying attention 01:51 to the commandment but anyway let's don't 01:53 get ahead of ourselves Definitely high on the list 01:54 isn't it for debt. 01:57 It's about debt, this thou shalt not covet. 01:59 When we get into coveting, we get into debt, 02:01 but let's don't ahead of that. Okay, all right. 02:03 Because I'm gonna start of by saying something 02:05 so dramatic, are you ready for it? 02:07 You do that regularly. 02:10 Anyway you know that, you know advertising 02:13 makes Jesus out a liar. How? 02:16 Because Jesus said that a man and or a women 02:20 life doesn't consists in the abundance 02:24 of what they possess. Right. 02:26 What this advertising say. 02:27 Well, says just exactly the opposite. 02:29 Just exactly the opposite, the more you have 02:31 the happy you are. Right. 02:33 Jesus said that's not what life's about. 02:36 So, in a way we've in our homes, 02:39 we've to know that advertising. 02:42 Now advertising can inform us but it can also put us, 02:46 it can create covetousness. 02:51 Yes, okay, all right, that's where you're going with that. 02:53 I was going to say it's a deception 02:56 but I wasn't certain exactly what you were going to say. 02:58 Because it's telling us if you really 02:59 want to be happy you got to have 03:01 all these things, you can't be like you are, 03:03 you got be like everybody else. Yes, right. 03:05 And you see there was a time in which we couldn't do 03:07 anything about that but now with the credit card. 03:10 You don't have to sit still 03:12 and let the neighbor come in with a new book. 03:14 No, yeah to be like the Johannes's so to speak. 03:18 Yeah, turn green with envy, you don't have to turn 03:19 green with envy anymore. 03:20 You go flash your own credit card. 03:22 And you got it too or you can. 03:25 You know this. Which can hurt us? 03:27 It's destroying you know, It's destroying us. 03:29 75% of the divorces they say have to do with finance. 03:35 Well, I don't know where it is on the list 03:36 but it is pretty high. 03:38 Pretty close to number one. 03:39 That's what I've heard. 03:41 You know, going back to what Jesus said 03:43 about a persons life doesn't consists 03:45 in the abundance of that which they possess. 03:47 You mind if I tell you a story? Go ahead. 03:51 Anyway you know, we spend some years overseas 03:56 and you know, as we said in the last program 04:00 you don't know how much culture 04:02 your life style gets into, you're thinking out of it. 04:04 Right, right. 04:05 You don't know how you miss momma's cooking 04:07 until your wife birthday is there anymore. 04:10 And so in my case I like fritos 04:14 and we call corn chips. 04:16 Right. We call them fritos or any body's corn ships. 04:20 And so I can remember. Where were you? 04:22 In fact I brought some here just to keep me comfort. 04:24 They were trying to take it away from you while ago. 04:26 Yeah, anyway I can remember Kathy when, 04:29 I come back on farewell I can have corn ships 04:33 and just almost tears run down my face. 04:35 Oh, come on. 04:36 No, I know, you don't know what it's... 04:38 It is most important to you? 04:39 All right, the taste. 04:40 Well, because I missed it so much. 04:41 See and I can remember as I go around 04:44 I tell people that you know, 04:45 what a wonderful think it was to be home. 04:46 You know, you think be home with mom 04:48 and my in the family, be home with my mom 04:50 the family and fritos. I'll go. 04:53 But anyway, I told people 04:55 this and they started giving me fritos for gifts. 04:57 And then did you feel 05:00 the same way after you got so many? 05:02 Well, and I guess this is the point 05:04 that as long as fritos were scarce in my life, 05:09 they were really special. 05:11 So, do I still like fritos? Yes. 05:14 Do I like them as much as I did 05:16 when I didn't have them? 05:18 No, in other words, the joy of fritos 05:23 was not in having all the fritos you want, 05:26 but in just have a once in a while. Sparingly. 05:29 When you were a child, 05:33 you used to be a child you did? 05:35 Yes, me of course. 05:36 And I think you said before 05:37 they were twelve of you kids? Yes. 05:39 So it must not have been, unless you, you know, 05:41 your parents name was you know, 05:43 Rockefeller or some thing. 05:45 You must have spend some hard time? Oh, yes. 05:47 But you know I remember as a child Kathy, 05:51 I looked forward to summer. Oh, I did too. 05:54 Because of the food that would come. 05:55 Oh, really. 05:56 You remember that? Yes, yes. 05:58 To me, that to me summer was tomatoes, 06:01 yes they were, sliced tomatoes 06:03 the rest of the year tomatoes but... 06:05 And watermelon. 06:06 But can't watermelon was a, 06:07 you just didn't get watermelon. Right. 06:09 You had in the summer we had sliced tomatoes 06:12 the rest of the year can tomatoes. Yes. 06:14 We didn't have watermelon except 06:15 in the summer a corn on the cob. 06:18 Oh, yes. That was the summer deal. 06:19 Absolutely wonderful, you used to go out 06:21 in the garden and pick a worm tomato 06:24 and eat that and when my mother picked 06:27 I know my mother and my family picked tubs 06:29 we call them number two wash tubs. 06:32 Wash tubs full and they would do canning, 06:34 I would sit in the window we didn't have any screens, 06:37 we had a farm house it was kind of a, 06:39 not really a, it was a poor situation. 06:41 And I would sit in the window 06:42 on the seal eating tomatoes till 06:44 I couldn't eat tomatoes anymore. 06:45 Because it was a summer event. 06:47 In other words I guess what we're saying 06:49 is that because nowadays it's not that way, 06:51 you can have a sliced tomatoes. 06:52 Anywhere. You can have it in July. 06:54 Anytime all most. You can have it in December. 06:55 At least in the United States. 06:56 Yeah, because we're importing that stuff 06:58 and so I can say that not that I don't like tomatoes, 07:03 but tomatoes aren't as good as they used 07:06 to be because you know, speaking 07:08 of a watermelon Yes. 07:12 I heard a story that they are having 07:13 a big watermelon feed and the kids 07:15 were all sitting around there, 07:16 you know, the seven kids down. 07:18 And what's coming. 07:19 And they are eating and so that you know, 07:22 the scout director or the camp director stood 07:23 and he said now boys and girls 07:25 when you get all finished throw your reins over 07:27 here in the garbage can and when those little kids 07:29 said they aren't going to be nowhere. 07:32 It was desperate, I liked it very much isn't it. 07:35 And that was the joy, you know, do you think back 07:38 in those days there was real poverty, 07:40 but I think we compare with today's standards 07:42 we were all poor and didn't know it. 07:45 And I think there was a quality life 07:49 back in those days, 07:50 it wasn't a quantity of life. 07:51 Because we didn't have everything 07:53 at our finger tips. 07:54 You know, I had a first cousin Kathy, 07:58 his dad was a car dealer and to us that was rich. 08:02 I don't know how much money 08:03 they had but he was an only child. 08:06 He would send me his hand me downs. 08:08 You being the twelfth did you ever had hand me downs? 08:10 Oh, what, that's all I had, what do you mean. 08:13 Anyway he will send me this box of hand me downs. 08:15 I felt like it was Christmas. 08:17 Oh, yes. I loved it. 08:19 Oh, yes. I remember one time. 08:20 It was new to you. 08:21 Well, it was new to me. Yes. 08:22 And I remember one time that. 08:23 Is that you got started, 08:25 I was going to say, shall I say that. 08:27 No, no let's not, because 08:28 we want to save this later on you see. Okay. 08:31 Anyway youand I get going and we just wanna 08:33 tell all at once this, but anyway 08:35 I got 30 pairs of socks, about 30 pairs of socks. 08:37 Oh! What did you do with 30 pairs of socks, 08:39 I thought your feet grew 08:40 before you can wear those out. 08:42 I felt like a king, because we were poorish 08:45 and they were four of us kids. 08:46 But I never thought poor, summer was fun because 08:49 it was sliced tomatoes, and corn on the cob. 08:51 And time to take my shoes off. 08:52 But, is it as muchas fun as it used to be. 08:58 We have more than we've ever had. 08:59 Right, I can have. 09:01 Well, we didn't go to town unless it was occasional 09:06 or just maybe when I needed to buy shoes, 09:08 I had to ask my older sisters 09:10 if this was true when I was really young 09:14 my dad had to go into town, I thought town 09:16 was so far away and it was only ten miles 09:19 and I wondered why we can never go 09:22 and then occasionally we would go and I find out 09:24 it was twice a year and it was only 09:26 so that I could buy shoes. 09:28 This was up until I was probably 09:30 in the first grade. Oh, sure right. 09:32 Something like that and it was a treat 09:35 to be able to do that, children go now everywhere 09:39 parents go and nothing is special. Another thing... 09:42 And they are little special, let's put it that way. 09:44 Do you remember when we had school shoes 09:47 and church shoes that was it. Yes. 09:48 And now look in our clothes. 09:49 Now I had farm shoes and school shoes, 09:52 I did even have church shoes. 09:53 Okay, you did that's right because you did you had come 09:55 to that place in your life yet. Right. 09:57 But then now I, as I began to, you know, 10:00 to plug into my, into my memory. 10:03 You remember what layaway, you remember that expression 10:05 when we used to buy things on layaway 10:06 All right, yes yeah. 10:07 And so you will give about a dollar down 10:10 and then you kind of pay it off just a little bit. 10:12 I think the first time I remember... 10:14 Is that delayed satisfaction? 10:15 And you didn't get it either. 10:17 It had to stay there till it was paid for. 10:20 And I think that as a child I can remember 10:24 the department stores, you know, 10:26 the town will have its local department store, 10:28 I think it had a credit but this credit card 10:31 thing you know, I don't remember 10:33 in what year it popped out but then pretty soon credit, 10:37 you know, these plastic cards 10:38 were everywhere and layaway was I know, 10:42 I suppose they may have it some places. 10:43 They do, they still has. 10:45 But, it's out the window basically 10:46 because you just flip that card down 10:48 and you take it away and know that you know. 10:53 Makes it easy. It makes it easy. 10:54 Makes it easy. 10:55 I was in the Sabbath school class one time 10:57 and they were talking about the curse of slavery 11:00 and you know, when you think of awfulness 11:02 this slavery is around the planet. 11:05 And you thought you were talking about 11:06 something from the past right. 11:08 It must see and sold and so and that's 11:10 what the teacher said aren't we glad 11:13 we don't have slavery anymore. 11:14 And you said. 11:15 I raised my hand, I said, 11:17 right now you go ahead and read the text. 11:19 Oh! Do you want me to read it out of here, okay? 11:20 Now who is in one little scene. 11:21 I think its proverbs that we talked about. 11:23 Proverbs 22 verse 7. Okay. 11:25 And because I raised my hand and the text 11:27 I would be referring 11:29 to in verse 7 what is this say? 11:30 It says, the rich ruleth over the poor 11:34 And the borrower is servant to the lender. 11:37 See and so you know, what I said to the teacher, 11:39 I said you want to know what the slavery is like? 11:41 It's like debt, that's why it's like. 11:43 And what did he say? 11:44 Well, I don't know whether they thought about 11:46 it before because you know, some things when you say 11:48 things like that they'll say woo... you know, 11:49 we don't want to talk about 11:50 that just don't talk about real things. 11:52 Or revelation hits. 11:53 Well and then see, because you know, 11:55 really slavery is a 100% dead. 11:58 Now a slave owes a 100% to whoever 12:01 and so I heard someone say to the extend 12:04 that were in debt you know, to that extend. 12:07 We are also in slavery. 12:08 We are to oblige to somebody. 12:11 In other words my paycheck that I get is only mine 12:15 to the extend that I don't have already 12:17 obligated that paycheck to somebody else. 12:20 And you know, you know they... 12:23 I think the reason that we've done this 12:25 we call this program buy now pay never. 12:27 And I don't have the statistic 12:29 for it but they say that if you pay 12:31 the minimum on the credit card. 12:33 Right, we might never pay it off. 12:35 Okay I was gonna say it's years, 12:37 it's like you know, as much as paying 12:39 off the house, just pay the minimum 12:41 and you never pay out. 12:43 Right, and that's good for the company isn't it? 12:47 We're not good for the family. 12:49 when I knew we're gonna do this program I, 12:53 sometimes when I go out to get the mail 12:55 the garbage cans out there, so I'm able to... 12:58 You mean, you just have a handy 12:59 by the mailbox that's what. 13:00 Well, no, if the mail comes, the garbage comes 13:02 twice a week see, so I'll go and get the mail 13:05 to take the garbage 13:06 can in and so you can do the fish sorting. 13:07 I thought may be you had the... 13:09 you were expecting the junk mail 13:10 and you just had a dumb near the mailbox. 13:12 Well, that's the way it works, 13:14 and so you know, before this program 13:18 I thought well I wonder if I'll get in the air, 13:20 advertisements for credit cards. 13:22 And you did. I did all the time. 13:26 And where you in debt. 13:27 I don't, I read that in a recent year 13:30 the credit card companies send out two billion, 13:36 solicitations for offer credit cards. 13:40 And they are coming all the time 13:43 and some people just have stacks of this thing. 13:47 Yes, I get them too. 13:48 I saw, what they do, you know, 13:51 they'll go ahead and fill it out, 13:52 until they get. 13:53 Just to make it really convenient. 13:55 Well so you know, you can just, 13:56 it's kind of like... What? 13:59 You know, and you just have so much 14:00 that in the air see and then, 14:02 and then some people will say well, you know, 14:04 I will just keep trading credit card 14:05 so I'll put money on this card 14:08 and then I'll switch it to this card 14:09 and they're really you know, it's like juggling. 14:13 Juggling it all. You know, some one says you got 14:15 to keep these balls in the air but some of these 14:16 are glass balls when they fall.. It's gone. 14:18 That they break, and so there's homes 14:20 been broken because there, they're juggling debt. Yeah. 14:24 I got this National News Magazine 14:28 a few weeks ago and it says here, 14:31 it says are you maxed out American consumers 14:34 are drowning in debt, and it's got this couple here 14:39 you know, with up to their necks. 14:40 Right, you might turn that around, 14:41 to may be show to your camera. 14:43 Yeah, camera is good, isn't that awful 14:44 Yes or turn it down I'm not sure 14:45 which is the best but I saw that. 14:47 Did you see that? I did see that, yes. 14:49 And so this is a huge problem 14:51 we have in this country. Yes. 14:53 And I might say that when you travel ... 14:57 I don't want to say around the world in every place. 14:59 A credit card is a money everywhere 15:00 and so this, these credit cards 15:02 just go everyplace. Just killing us. 15:04 And it's impacting in our homes 15:10 and so you know, 0what I perceive is, 15:13 is it advertising comes in and makes us 15:16 dissatisfied with this status score. 15:19 Discontent in our heart. 15:20 Yeah, when you seen your card 15:21 they say amen I got to get rid of this card, 15:23 my house is so crummy, I need to knew this, 15:25 or I need to knew that and so discontent comes 15:29 and then and with discontent we begin to look 15:31 at others, we compare our self. 15:33 Right, have we thought 15:34 that this might be the devil's plan? 15:37 Well, this is I think it's part of the dynamic 15:39 of the last days debt to the extent 15:42 they were into debt has to be the part 15:45 of the dynamic of the last days. 15:46 Because if it's, what it's doing 15:48 it's taking away our freedom. 15:53 because we're becoming bonded 15:55 and bondage to whom we served. 15:59 To whom we served. Yes. 16:00 And so here everything we have belongs 16:02 to someone else and yet there are, 16:05 it's not unusual that people are have it 16:09 but appears to be a huge standard of living. 16:12 Yes. And they can't enjoy it. 16:14 Right, because all of this will haze 16:16 on your mind and I've often wondered 16:19 how does that person get that. 16:20 What kind of job do they have to have 16:23 to get that and then it keeps 16:24 coming back to me, probably not the job 16:27 it's probably the credit card. 16:28 Oh, definitely. 16:29 I've talked through the years 16:33 with realtors you know, for one reason 16:35 or another just in passing. 16:37 And more than once excuse me, 16:39 they have said that there will be some 16:43 beautiful house, and then you know, 16:45 pass it on the street no furniture inside. Right. 16:49 Or the air-condition is not on, 16:50 they are in such debt. 16:52 That they can't. 16:53 That they can't furnish the place. 16:54 Yes, right, yeah. 16:58 It's a scary thing. 16:59 Do you know, there is a dynamic 17:02 that we maybe we ought to mention here, 17:04 have you heard of this we usually 17:06 use this expression when we talk about children, 17:08 peer independency. 17:13 Wait a minute I am saying 17:14 that peer pressure using there. 17:15 Oh, well that's about, okay with this... 17:16 Peer pressure but I guess 17:18 I put the card before the horse. 17:20 Peer pressure is natural as barometric, 17:24 what is the word.. Barometric. 17:25 Barometric pressure, it's barometric, 17:26 it's all around you anyway Yes. 17:28 But many of us have developed 17:30 what we might called peer dependence. 17:32 Okay, all right. 17:34 In other words it's all right 17:35 that we're surrounded by our culture 17:36 but when I began to think that the clothes I wear, 17:41 the car I drive, the house I live in 17:43 that if it is it meeting the expectations 17:46 of the society. Right. 17:49 Then I've become peer dependant 17:52 and so pretty soon I've lost control of my life 17:55 and I've to go into debt to meet with you know, 17:58 what to say your expectations 18:00 and so I'm watching all of these commercials 18:02 and I'm watching all these people around. 18:03 Being fed all of this. 18:05 That's it, if I'm not like that. 18:07 Then I'm not expectable. 18:09 Then I'm not... Then I'm not expected. 18:10 I'm not, I'm some kind of failure. 18:12 And so when we get a home this going on there 18:15 and then the children get into that see now, 18:17 I don't know what you would say 18:19 because you know, you have some wonderful 18:21 things to say about parenting, 18:22 but how do you resist this sort of cry 18:26 of the children oh, we got to have this, 18:29 do you have any feeling about that? 18:30 Well, yes I've, we have to help children 18:32 or help our children understand 18:34 just what it cost to live and you know, 18:36 one other things that I picked up this before 18:39 as we were talking about doing this program 18:41 was I was in a hospital and this had to be there 18:45 and it's a magazine called Stages. 18:48 I've never seen it before but it happened to be there 18:51 and there was an article 18:53 in it called want read it Fiscal... 18:57 Fiscal, you see when I look at it. 19:00 You read it wrong first time. 19:01 I wanted to say Physical. No. 19:02 it's fiscal fitnes for teens 19:05 it's almost a tongue twister. 19:06 Yes, it is and so I've started reading 19:08 and I thought this would do well on this program 19:10 and some of the things that the secular world 19:14 is suggesting to implement with our children 19:17 is something that Christians definitely 19:19 need to be implementing because I think it's biblical 19:21 to do so and that is to teach them 19:23 to manage money. 19:25 And so, what are some of those suggestions. 19:26 Well, some of the suggestions 19:28 I can't exactly agree with but I won't go into those. 19:31 No, right. And then, there are some 19:34 that I think are excellent, encourage income tracking 19:38 and planned spending. 19:40 Okay, when teens track exactly 19:43 how much they spend they become more conscious 19:46 of how much things cost. 19:47 Well, that seems to be a no brainer almost. 19:52 We do need to help children to know 19:56 just the value of money and labor 19:59 is a good way to do that. 20:01 Another one is share family finances. 20:03 In other words let your children know 20:06 how much you are making and how, 20:07 where it goes so here is the suggestion. 20:10 Make bill paying a family affair, 20:13 by occasionally letting your kids write out 20:15 the checks for the mortgage, 20:17 And I would add to that anything 20:19 that they have done extra they get pay for. Yes, okay. 20:22 You know, and if they can't do 20:24 that then maybe they need to realize 20:28 how much mother Natty has to put 20:29 into it to give that to them. 20:31 here, show you kids your pay stubs 20:35 point out gross pay and net pay 20:36 and I am now add to that help them to realize 20:39 what it takes for tithes and offerings 20:40 when it comes out of that. 20:43 Introduce saving and investing concepts, 20:45 those kinds of things. 20:48 Here's one, that I thought was an interesting comment 20:51 and even if you are teen funds 20:53 the account that the, even if you are teen funds 20:56 the account with money this is if they have a, 20:58 a checking account perhaps with money 21:01 from a regular or summer job, 21:03 oh! get this you can still set rules 21:06 about how it spent and this to me 21:09 would help families come out of this 21:11 if youth were taught this, so that when they have 21:14 their own homes they wouldn't have 21:15 to get into this conflict. 21:16 Yes, that's true, that's true. You know. 21:18 Well you know, sometimes I think 21:19 our children they take it for granted 21:21 that the money they might earn 21:25 it's for play, isn't this true? 21:28 Well. In other words I'm gonna pay. 21:30 I don't think so. 21:31 I'm gonna pay your clothes, your boarding room. 21:34 That's not the way I grew up. 21:35 And whatever money you may. 21:36 Well I remember, now of course you know, 21:37 And I know that. 21:38 if it's you and I start saying. 21:39 When I was a child. 21:41 I knew, you're going to say that. 21:43 But it's true, you know, 21:44 there must have been principles because... 21:46 That we should continue with? 21:48 Well, I think so. 21:50 now, may be my dad went too far, 21:52 but I can remember working in the summer 21:54 and Kathy believe it or not when I would get 21:56 my paycheck at the end of the week 21:58 I worked on a plastering crew. Yes. 21:59 I handed it to my father and because I was going 22:03 to the academy and to college 22:05 but you know, there are, I suppose you know, 22:08 maybe people who have more money you know, 22:10 they have more latitude but I think 22:13 for the average person, I think I hear this saying 22:17 that the child must see himself 22:18 as a partner in the family finance. 22:22 I agree with you. 22:24 Tom had to lift railroad tires. 22:28 Do you know, what it takes to lift railroad tires 22:30 and that was a job that he would do 22:32 after school and he lifted railroad tires 22:34 then it wasn't just for fun and I, 22:36 the money was used for his activities, 22:39 his recreation as well. 22:40 But it also paid the gas, paid the car payment 22:43 and different things, mom and dad just didn't do 22:45 that for him and my family was just not 22:47 in a position where non of us had cars, 22:50 no not one had a vehicle. 22:53 And that's part of the culture that demands 22:58 or the discontent everybody who turns to certain age, 23:01 they think they have to have a vehicle 23:02 and that puts the family in a horrible debt. 23:05 Do you know... 23:06 To have extras like that, now may be not everybody 23:09 can agree with me on that kind of thing 23:11 you know, that's up to you, if you don't feel like 23:13 you can agree with me but if you're in debt 23:16 you might consider, what things you can remove. 23:19 Well, I think we're saying that, 23:22 see we love our children, our grand children. Yes. 23:26 One of my grand sons came to me 23:28 the other day he need a $5. 23:30 He said grandpa I need $5 I'll work for you 23:33 and so you know, what I've just said 23:36 I've been in favor of that so I said 23:38 well I need the weeds pulled in this flower garden 23:41 and I know I made a mistake you know, 23:43 what I did I gave him the $5 23:44 before he pulled the weeds. Oh. 23:46 Guess, what the weeds never got pulled. Oh, really. 23:50 I mean I couldn't you know, what can you say 23:52 but later he came and said grandpa 23:54 I want to wash the car. 23:55 You know, what I said then after you pull the weeds. 24:00 What was that? 24:01 I have to because and he laughed 24:02 because he knew and I, we owe it if we owe it, 24:09 we love our children and I think that we owe it 24:13 to them to teach them financial responsibilities. 24:16 And but you know, the credit card companies 24:18 and I know they are honest people 24:19 make their living you know, selling credit. 24:22 But you know, they are giving credit cards 24:25 to very young, and I know 24:28 they're giving it to college students. 24:29 I know but listen to me here it says here's the another 24:31 thing be cautious about credit cards. 24:35 This person who is writing opposed 24:37 the students having, he was opposed 24:40 to students having credit card 24:41 even when they go to college. 24:44 Now, if this can be suggested here 24:46 what should the Christian family do 24:48 to avoid the heart break that comes from that? 24:52 What do you think? 24:53 You know, going back to the first part 24:54 of this program thou shalt not covet. 24:58 We need to learn to live within our means. Yeah. 25:03 The whole business of credit is exacerbating 25:07 our discontent, it's putting us into debt 25:11 which removes our freedom. 25:12 You know, here in this magazine 25:16 there are some more tips now, 25:17 this is not address to children 25:19 but I'll share couple of these. Right. 25:23 The first max when it comes to debt 25:25 is you don't save money by borrowing more. 25:27 And the person start out by saying 25:29 face the real problem credit cards don't sneak out 25:32 at night and go shopping by themselves. 25:35 Okay. That's a good point. 25:36 In my hand right. 25:37 Another one I thought is very good, 25:39 lower you spending and then he says 25:42 here the subversive thought aim to live 25:44 on less than you earn. 25:46 You know, Betty and I've done that. 25:47 I could have had virtually Kathy 25:49 higher standard of living. 25:51 But I kind of set my standard of living 25:52 all though Betty works too, so that if one of us 25:55 went out of work we don't sink. And then. 25:59 And so that means that we don't have 26:01 as many things as we might have had 26:03 but we're not worried, we don't have 26:05 the financial worries if we had been in debt. 26:08 And here is the another suggestion 26:09 add to the retirement savings 26:11 people forget that they gonna retire 26:12 one day and social security is not enough 26:15 to live on after retirement. 26:17 And here's the good one 26:18 pay off high interest credit cards. Yes. 26:22 If we don't get our way out of these. 26:23 Get them out of the way. 26:24 It's going to be forever. 26:26 Anyway I'm sure there's lot of suggestions 26:27 but I think the challenge that we want to leave it 26:29 in the program is that as Christian families 26:34 if we're not sensitive to this matter of debt, 26:37 it's gonna scramble our some of our discernment, 26:40 it's gonna put a weight on our back 26:41 so because we're gonna 26:42 need to be lean and mean in the last days. 26:46 And you can't be lean and mean 26:47 you know, that's an expression. Yes. 26:49 If you just up to here in debt 26:51 and you're looking you know. 26:53 Able to do what we need to do. Yeah. 26:56 You're talking about the lean and mean, 26:57 we need to be able to do 26:58 what we need to do when the time comes. 27:00 And that's the point. Yeah. 27:01 And we need to be able to say, 27:03 you know, I'm living within my means. 27:06 Now, for some this is gonna means 27:08 some we're gonna bite the board as they says. Yes. 27:10 We're gonna have to change our lifestyle. 27:12 But we got to come in grips with this covetous attitude 27:16 of this age which says life consists 27:20 in having more and more and I they just love it. 27:21 Yeah it doesn't, you know, it's already 27:24 over again and we need to say good bye right? Yes. 27:27 you're gonna come back? I'll be back. 27:29 You'll be back, the principles 27:32 that we've give to you think about them, 27:36 I hope you can corporate some of them in your home, 27:39 may be get yourself out of debt if you're in it. 27:42 And join us again on Thinking About Home. 27:46 We're going to pray for you. 27:48 Heavenly father make us sensitive Lord 27:50 to what Jesus said that our life does not 27:52 consists in the things that we have. 27:55 Teach us to seek first 27:57 the kingdom of God in His righteousness. |
Revised 2014-12-17