Thinking About Home

Christian Family And The Culture

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Richard O'Ffill, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000170

00:30 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:31 I'm Kathy Matthews, thank you for coming back
00:34 and being with us again.
00:35 We're continuing on with Pastor Richard O'Fill
00:38 from the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventist.
00:40 And I just want to welcome you back, again.
00:42 I'm glad to be back. Actually,
00:43 we're just doing a little co-hosting here, right here.
00:46 You like to took my seat away from me here recently.
00:50 Well, you know somebody said, that when you and I
00:52 are together, we're just kind of click.
00:54 Well, and we enjoy talking together.
00:56 Yeah, I appreciate so much doing this programs.
00:58 There's a lot of energy going on sometimes,
01:00 sometimes it's little, not as much, but.
01:03 Well, we have to be able to read each other minds
01:04 which is kind of hard sometime.
01:06 It is, sometimes I don't where are you going?
01:07 Well, you know please, when that happens.
01:10 Just stop me and say. I don't know where you going?
01:13 Say, what is it, I have to do with that.
01:15 Lot of work aha. Yeah. It won't hurt your feelings?
01:17 Not at all. Will be offended it.
01:19 Well, what we're gonna talk about?
01:21 Well, you know, our series is, as we've said about
01:24 the Christian family living in the last days.
01:26 And this is one in particular is the Christian family.
01:29 And how it relates to the culture, the culture, yeah.
01:32 Well, I think there is an argument really that goes on.
01:35 I hear, I know that you and Sarah spoke on program
01:40 about culture, and got in a little bit of the young view,
01:45 the younger view, are we young?
01:48 Now the younger view as opposed to some of us
01:52 in our age group is to how we have to relate to culture.
01:56 And so there's this little argument going on amongst
01:58 the christen and in Christendom amongst
02:01 the Christian families as to how we are to relate?
02:03 And I think that's what we want to talk about
02:04 in the program today and that is the Christian family.
02:08 How well it relate to the culture that surrounds them.
02:12 Yes. So now, do you want to ask me some question like,
02:14 like what is culture?
02:17 Are you prompting me? Well, I was wondering,
02:18 when you're gonna get out to it.
02:19 I want you to define it. Okay, thank you very much,
02:21 I thought you'd never ask. Okay.
02:24 All right, so here I think I looked it up in the dictionary
02:27 and you know, if somebody has their computer
02:30 they can look in Saurus.
02:31 And I think...Or if you have these old things called books,
02:36 you can look in there too, it's called the web dictionary,
02:38 in most of the time.
02:39 Anyway, what I have written here in my notes, it's culture,
02:45 "The sum total of ways of living built up by a group
02:48 of human beings which is transmitted from
02:50 one generation to another."
02:52 Do you need to read to that the second time?
02:54 Okay, I better do that, in other words, in other words,
02:56 this time I walk through it, I won't run through it,
02:59 I'll run through. All right, all right.
03:01 Culture, "The sum total of ways of living built up by a group
03:07 of human beings which is transmitted from
03:10 one generation to another."
03:11 Okay, ways of living. Ways of living.
03:14 Okay. See I really feel that our culture is the way we live.
03:20 You know, you can use bigger words or smaller words.
03:25 But I think the culture is the way we.
03:26 Maybe dress, the way we think, the way we relate
03:30 to one and's different another cultures maybe
03:33 then the way we relate to one and other or dress or think.
03:36 Obviously, there are different cultures.
03:37 But I've written down here, I said, in a way
03:40 it could be said that there is family culture,
03:43 community culture; regional culture,
03:45 national culture and world culture,
03:48 would you go along with that? Yes, I would, yes,
03:50 I'd say that they all of those have their little realm
03:54 of doing things.
03:55 Because see even in our families,
03:57 a family is the smallest social unit.
04:01 And a family has its own.... Special way of doing things.
04:04 It's one way of living.
04:05 And so, and so, we could say that, that my family culture
04:09 is different than your family culture.
04:12 Yes. And then we have a community culture that,
04:14 and because...because I live in a Florida
04:16 and you live out in the Midwest someplace,
04:18 where the deer and the antelope play.
04:21 Anyway, and I've also written down here Kathy.
04:25 I say, culture affects every aspect
04:29 and you've already said it, every aspect of our lives,
04:32 the way we think, dress, interrelate, eat and all of it.
04:35 You know, we were just talking to someone
04:37 the other day, and his name is Ariel.
04:40 And he told us about how young people stay
04:44 with their parents.
04:46 And he was from Argentina, and stay with their parents,
04:49 until they're married.
04:50 And even if that's 30, they don't, they don't,
04:52 move out of the home.
04:53 And that's their culture. That's right.
04:54 And the children expected and the parents expected,
04:58 there's no war going on.
05:00 You mean, when you get to be 18 year you are out of here.
05:02 Right, and in this hour, in our culture, it's been drilled
05:05 into the heads of children that are youths or now adults
05:09 because you're now 18 supposedly you're adult now.
05:13 That you got to go.
05:14 And I remember him telling this story about how
05:17 that made his parents fear is, is they're going
05:20 to do that to us.
05:21 And he was thinking, are they gonna kick me out
05:24 when they come to America so?
05:25 You know, their culture was totally different than ours.
05:28 Oh, why don't we talk about cultures a little bit
05:29 because you and Tom have lived outside the United States?
05:32 We have. You know, by they way, let me just say something
05:34 for us Americans, we are so as in case we are so weird.
05:36 You know, we in United States people think that everybody
05:39 in the world is for and accept us, I remember
05:42 when we first landed in Chili.
05:44 And we were with another mission family,
05:46 and the other missionary, he said,
05:50 Chili is such a wonderful place
05:51 but there are so many foreigners.
05:53 He still thought it was even though he was there.
05:55 Yeah, in another words, we're never the foreigners,
05:57 we're never the foreigners, they're always the foreigners.
05:59 That's just in our mind. But the point is that
06:01 when I get out off my culture, guess who's the foreigner?
06:03 Somebody else.
06:04 I'm the foreigner... I'm the foreigner.
06:06 I was thinking that you were thinking that it was
06:08 somebody else.
06:10 But it's truly me. And so you and Tom have lived,
06:11 have been in... Well Tom, yes we have,
06:13 we've lived in Germany before, we lived three years in Germany.
06:17 And Tom, of course, has been in Vietnam.
06:19 And we've traveled to a few other areas,
06:23 and but we lived also in Russia.
06:24 But and there was an interesting thing,
06:26 I think that happens in Russia.
06:28 What was that story you were telling me,
06:29 I thought that was so interesting.
06:30 Well, we lived, we lived in Russia
06:31 and a very well meaning Russian man was working
06:35 in the complex there at the 3ABN branch.
06:38 And I was whistling in my apartment, and I've had heard
06:42 that it was not the thing to do, especially for women to do.
06:47 And I whistled or I'll try to whistle, I kind of,
06:51 around like that it's not really a whistle.
06:53 And I go around doing that when I'm working
06:57 or busy and I do it when I feel good, when I'm happy
07:00 and Tom's mother did that too and lots of people
07:03 in my family did that.
07:04 Absolutely. And I said, he came in and said Kathy,
07:10 and he couldn't speak a lot of English,
07:12 and I spoke very little Russian.
07:14 He said Kathy, no... And I had heard about this,
07:20 so I said, well, I do that when I'm happy,
07:23 what do women in Russia do when they're happy?
07:27 And he said la, la, la, la, la, la and I got the point
07:32 and I respected what he wanted.
07:34 So, you are suppose to be doing
07:35 la, la, la, la, la, la and not.
07:37 And not.......and that was a very much a part
07:38 of their culture I think.
07:40 But what was behind that, did you ever find out?
07:42 Well yes, I did, I found out that there was
07:44 some superstitions that if we whistled in the building
07:48 or in the home that we were whistling the possessions
07:51 away at least that's the way I understood it.
07:53 And I didn't want to be a problem for them
07:56 so immediately stopped for his sake and I respected
07:59 what he wanted me to do, but it had
08:01 no moral principles behind it.
08:02 No, no but it was very much a part of the culture.
08:04 It was yes. You know, look what I got.
08:06 You got something too. Look what I've got.
08:07 Not another mouse. Like in our other program.
08:10 This is a big rat, I think. This looks like
08:12 what's left over rat, do you know this is a,
08:15 I think they called it a Jennet cap,
08:17 our first stub, overseas experience, was in Pakistan.
08:22 By the way, this little chip out of the side,
08:24 our dog rub, you know, thought it was it was sit.
08:26 You know. Your dog got hold of it.
08:27 So, let me hold it this way. Okay.
08:29 Anyway but this is a Jennet cap.
08:30 And if you got to Pakistan, and even parts of India,
08:34 you know, you'll see these kinds of caps.
08:36 And of course, we don't wear this kind of cap.
08:39 Not in America.
08:40 It is curious that in different parts of the world,
08:43 we have our different costumes part of the culture.
08:45 Yes. However, you know to some extent
08:48 this sort of a American suit type thing is getting
08:51 to be pretty wide world.
08:53 But if you go to Pakistan, you know,
08:55 then you'll see people with these hats.
08:57 Common. Yeah. And of course,
08:59 who hasn't? I thought you had
09:01 knitting needles when you first brought that.
09:03 Can you eat with chopsticks? I cannot do it.
09:06 Now look, look at this, see that.
09:08 I can pick up, I can pick up one grain,
09:10 I think I can once in awhile.
09:12 But you see how I'm stabilizing that?
09:14 Yes, I've been shown. It still doesn't do any work.
09:17 I just don't practice.
09:18 But you know, see this is part of a culture
09:20 because I can remember when I was in Japan
09:23 for the first time.
09:24 And we were sitting around the table
09:26 and this is what we were using.
09:27 I thought they put these out in my honor, you know,
09:29 like a Chinese restaurant.
09:30 Are you serious? No, I really didn't and I said,
09:33 you don't know what these were two.
09:36 Scoop it up, that's the easy story.
09:38 They don't want it but they do, that I mean in other words,
09:40 it gets through my, look at that, when you're
09:41 in that part of, this is it.
09:43 This is the way you do it. This is what they're doing.
09:45 Right. when we lived in Pakistan,
09:47 they had a thing like a chapatti which is.
09:50 Yes, bread. Yeah, you know it's
09:52 like a tortillas.
09:53 And so they would make, you know, whatever the vegetable
09:57 or whatever they were gonna eat.
09:58 They break of a piece of that. Yes.
10:00 And they use that to pick up, the food, and so you eat,
10:05 you eat the bread and it's wonderful.
10:07 A chapatti, made out of all whole wheat,
10:10 it is...delicious. Oh, it's one of my favorite.
10:14 And then in South India, now this one, and I could
10:17 because I traveled Bangladesh, excuse my,
10:21 to say this, this is not to be disrespectful,
10:24 eat with their fingers.
10:25 In fact, in fact, it so tactile, can you imagine?
10:29 Want to be to liked to eat with your fingers?
10:30 I heard them say digestion begins in the hand.
10:33 Sticking to the mouth.
10:35 In other words oh, I just feel as its makes me drool,
10:36 Well, I'm just feeling... In fact, it does,
10:38 it does always have logical thing.
10:40 It does, but you know, I've never understood,
10:43 always the left hand was down,
10:45 and they never bring another hand up.
10:47 And they would do it all like this.
10:49 And they would get that food, and believe me, Kathy,
10:52 they'd bring it up, when it got here,
10:54 the hand was quicker than the eye.
10:56 If I tried that, slab. It would drop all over me.
10:58 Right down the front. I have difficult times
11:00 sometimes with the food.
11:01 But I want to tell you, not even around the mouth,
11:02 just, just booop, it's gone.
11:05 And it just so neat and just.... very practice,
11:09 a part of a culture. Yes. Part of culture.
11:11 And I guess, I've never seen it, where they might even use
11:13 a leaf to put the food on, and so...and so here you
11:17 and I are with forks and spoons,
11:18 and the people in other parts, and you know,
11:21 they're working with this, parts of the culture.
11:24 Kind of fun to adopt. But isn't it interesting,
11:27 when we go to another culture, we identify it, we can identify,
11:34 it's good and it's bad, clearly.
11:37 Can we? Because it's so different,
11:38 you know what I'm saying in other words,
11:40 if you go to a part of the world,
11:41 let's say, were it's a Hindu.
11:42 You can say, well, that's real Hindu, you know,
11:46 In other words, I think we become more analytical
11:50 when we get out of our own environment.
11:52 And I guess what I'm leading up to.
11:54 Then...then we can really discern when we're in our own.
11:58 Now, there you go, now we're on the same way of link,
12:02 that's....that's the point.
12:04 When you're out of your culture, you can see culture.
12:07 When you're in your culture, it's up to here on you,
12:10 and you can't tell.
12:11 Can I tell another little story?
12:13 Please do. Sarah and I were,
12:14 well, actually we had gone, to a funeral.
12:18 And she did not want to go.
12:21 And she learned a lesson when she went
12:24 and this was the thing.
12:27 Because this was a family member,
12:29 and she knew what the atmosphere would be like around it.
12:33 She knew she was going to face, some things
12:39 that she didn't want to face.
12:40 Right. And she said, I realized something
12:43 when I went out that trip, I realized, I'm more tolerant
12:45 with other cultures than I am my own.
12:49 Now, she wants to be a missionary at heart.
12:51 And so that totally something, that means that you are really
12:54 more absorbed in your own and you really
12:58 more unwilling to change, if you going to another one,
13:01 but not in your own.
13:02 You're not tolerant in your own or do you discerned as well,
13:06 when you're in your own.
13:08 And we kind to get set it in our ways,
13:09 I remember when I was in Bangladesh one time.
13:11 And with all due respects, you know,
13:14 I've told you how my wife likes rice and I like potatoes.
13:16 I think I've done that with you.
13:18 Yes, you have. And, and anyway,
13:20 they're definitely into rice and I mean rice,
13:22 it really rice. Lots of rice, lots of rice.
13:23 I'm a potato guy, you see.
13:25 And I never realized Kathy, how the way we eat
13:31 gets in our heads?
13:32 In other words, I like rice, but not, you know,
13:37 three meals a day, you know,
13:38 seven days a week for rest of my life.
13:40 But there are people who are so much into rice,
13:42 that if they miss one day a rice,
13:45 you starting to get.....
13:46 I don't say that disrespectfully. Right.
13:49 I mean, we don't know, how much our diets,
13:52 our cultural diet is a part of who we are.
13:55 You just get out to where you can't find Mamma's cooking ones.
13:58 Oh, yes. And you could say,
13:59 in other words its fun to go to
14:00 a Chinese restaurant once in awhile.
14:02 But don't want it everyday.
14:03 Because we tend to gravitate towards the food
14:07 the Mamma cooked. That's right. Isn't that truth?
14:09 Yes. And so, I think the point we're trying
14:11 to make is that, is that, that we recognize
14:15 that Christians are not the same culture.
14:19 That if we're Christian in India,
14:21 you're Christian in Europe, you're Christian in America,
14:24 you're Christian in South America.
14:25 Then there is something about Christians everywhere,
14:27 that it should be the same.
14:28 Well, that's where, I think we want to go.
14:31 Not just doctrine. Well, see.
14:33 Because culture is not just doctrine,
14:35 we're not talking about....
14:36 Culture is about the way we live. Right,okay.
14:39 You see there are those who say.
14:41 And again I don't want to get, you know,
14:44 into something that I can't get out of.
14:45 There are those who say that, that when the America sent out
14:50 missionaries to other cultures. Right.
14:52 That really, we should have taken the gospel out there,
14:56 and not our culture.
15:00 Yeah. Now, you know, and they say.
15:02 But you see, I guess the question that I have is that,
15:07 is it always possible, to separate the gospel
15:11 from the culture.
15:12 In other words, in this country with the culture
15:15 that's up to here on us.
15:16 Can we just say well.
15:18 Well, we live in a Christian culture these days,
15:20 I don't think we live in a Christian culture anymore.
15:23 Now it's got more Christian components.
15:25 But our culture, I think had a more Christian
15:27 components than it does now, it's being infiltrated,
15:30 and we're saying, well, nothing is changed,
15:32 everything is cool. Yes, yes and
15:35 we're really not talking about other cultures.
15:38 We're talking about being able to live in our own,
15:41 and see what, deceptions there maybe in our own culture.
15:45 Well, ultimately...ultimately we want to go there,
15:46 but I think the question that I want to ask, is that, is that,
15:50 those who say, go to another country, preach the gospel
15:54 but don't take your culture.
15:56 In other words, if the culture is the way I live,
16:01 then how can I preach the gospel
16:03 without impacting the culture?
16:06 You see, when the early church began to preach
16:08 in Roman culture. The culture should change
16:10 something about the way I live.
16:12 It changes the way you live, the Christian message
16:16 when it was preached in the early church, sooner or later,
16:20 it overthrew the Roman culture.
16:22 Now it's true. So whether we go
16:24 somewhere else and preach the gospel or not,
16:26 the gospel here should also change the way we live.
16:30 Well, I feel that it should, see because...because...because
16:34 I think that...that the Christian message in our homes.
16:37 You see, in our homes, I think we're confronting with this,
16:40 what impact will we as parents and grandparents
16:44 allow the culture that surrounds us to have?
16:47 What would be the criteria where we could say,
16:50 this is about chopsticks, or what would be
16:52 the criteria that says, really we can't do that?
16:54 Okay, think if you're a Christian discernment.
17:01 What you've got a have Christian discernment
17:02 to be able to break it out. But you see,
17:05 what do you do, when some people say well.
17:08 Well, really the culture is not the gospel.
17:10 I guess that's where I'm coming from,
17:12 is it valid to say that, that...that the gospel,
17:16 is separate from the culture?
17:18 Is it valid to say that?
17:20 Yeah, I say it's not. I say, I don't know how,
17:24 I can be implementing the gospel or allowing the Holy Spirit
17:27 to implement the gospel in my life without
17:30 it affecting the way I live.
17:31 And the way I live is, is a culture.
17:34 Therefore, the question we have to ask ourselves
17:37 in whatever country, people are watching this program,
17:40 at what point do I allow for culture
17:44 that surrounds me?
17:45 And what point do I reject it?
17:47 Right. Do you have any feeling about that?
17:52 Well. See we're confronted with this,
17:57 see I think, that the culture, if we allow the culture as is,
18:05 to come in around us, it will do a sin.
18:09 And what about this, is it in John 17....go ahead.
18:15 You see, there's things, I could say, but I don't want
18:19 to spoil the program, there's...there's areas
18:21 that I would like to get more specific Dick
18:23 And...But we're gonna talk for that.
18:25 It's hard for me to stay general.
18:26 You see, I've had it, I've had it, tell Kathy
18:28 because we're gonna do a series of programs,
18:29 as we've got it talk about certain principles.
18:32 Yes. And then we're gonna get very specific
18:34 before this series is over.
18:35 I know, and it's difficult for me to stay here.
18:37 You just, just chopped at a bit you're saying,
18:38 I want to talk about this or I want to talk about.
18:41 Yeah. But in our first program in this, in this series,
18:44 the point that we were trying to make is,
18:45 in the last days there will be deceptions.
18:48 Yes. And I hope that we said in that program,
18:51 Jesus said, there would be look out for that,
18:54 there gonna be deceptions that can get into your mind
18:56 and cause you to give up your salvation.
18:59 Yes. In this program, what we're trying to say,
19:02 is we're surrounded by culture.
19:04 What are we gonna do about it?
19:06 Are we just gonna let it come in the doors and windows,
19:10 and take us over, we're gonna say,
19:11 well, the gospel is one thing and.
19:13 And culture really doesn't matter.
19:14 Really culture doesn't matter,
19:15 or we're gonna think to ourselves,
19:17 could the devil deceive us through the culture
19:20 in which we live?
19:21 Because we could say, well, here in America,
19:23 or here in Europe, or here in South America,
19:25 this is the way we do it.
19:26 You know, a young man. And expect others to say
19:30 that it is it, okay, and now you should
19:32 not expect anything of me.
19:33 If I stick with all of this, and not let
19:37 Christianity change anything.
19:39 This young man was from Jamaica by the way,
19:41 and he said one day, he was listening to rage music,
19:45 and it kind of made him nostalgic,
19:47 to make him think about home and he said,
19:49 he told me, he said, that's my music.
19:51 And he said, you know, Pastor O'Fill,
19:53 it occurred to me that's not my music.
19:55 I'm from another culture, now, I'm a heavenly culture.
19:59 Right. And see, what he was beginning to do?
20:01 We should need to think that way.
20:02 He's beginning to break himself out,
20:04 of course, he's from Jamaica.
20:05 Jamaica has his own culture but he's beginning
20:08 to differentiate.
20:10 And saying well, this part of my culture
20:12 in Jamaica is acceptable.
20:14 But I don't think rage in his case, at least,
20:18 was figured into his new cultural objectives.
20:22 His heavenly culture, or his new citizenship,
20:25 maybe, into heaven.
20:27 Aren't we preparing to go to a new culture?
20:29 In John 17: Let me see where is the,
20:33 you know, the payer of Jesus.
20:34 And I think we, that we're aware of what is he says.
20:38 He says, I pray, Jesus is praying to his Father.
20:42 "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out
20:45 of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them
20:48 from the evil."
20:49 And so Kathy, you know, this is saying to me,
20:52 we live in a culture, all of us, wherever part,
20:56 whatever part of the world we are,
20:57 the culture surrounds us.
20:59 The culture has its chopsticks which were acceptable.
21:03 It has its caps which were acceptable.
21:06 Yes. But it has other parts that unacceptable.
21:09 Because these are not consistent with the new culture,
21:13 which is the culture of heaven.
21:14 Right, now why are you so, why are we concerned
21:17 about this in the first place?
21:18 Because our Christian families are being absorbed
21:22 is that not so?
21:23 I think that...that...that if we're not careful.
21:27 Now it can happen, it can happen wherever
21:29 we are at because I can go, as we said early in the program.
21:31 I can go to another culture, and tell the difference
21:34 because I'm on the alert. I can see what's different.
21:36 Right. And get in my own culture.
21:38 And suddenly I can't tell anymore because it's in me.
21:41 Yeah. And so I think the point that that we want to consider,
21:47 is that the Christian family in the last days is going
21:51 to have to discerned, which parts of its culture
21:54 are acceptable and which parts its are unacceptable.
21:58 So we have to guard the senses,
21:59 we're going to have to guard the eyes,
22:01 the ears, and sharpen it to. The way we live it.
22:05 If our culture is the way we live,
22:07 then we've got to decide, can I Carte Blanche?
22:11 Lives the way everybody else is living.
22:13 Just because it's whoever happen to be.
22:16 Or does the Christian family in a way begin to kind
22:20 of break out of it's, of it's culture.
22:24 Right. So we need to give glory to God in the way
22:27 we're living is. Well, you know, some people think
22:31 that there are certain things that don't matter.
22:33 You know, we use the word amoral.
22:36 Now, I don't want to get into that but.
22:40 Define amoral? Well, What's without any moral way.
22:44 It's not the saying an immoral.
22:46 In other words, it's not immoral,
22:47 it's without implication. Right. But I guess that the thing
22:52 in my mind is, you know, what about the text that says
22:55 is it in 1st Corinthians? Whether we eat or drink,
22:58 or whatever we do. We do all to the glory of God.
23:01 So that means then that if we should be doing all
23:04 to the glory of God, if you reverse that there must be
23:08 something you can do that's not to the glory of God
23:13 or inglorious. And so could,
23:17 we close go so far as to say. That there's really nothing that
23:20 we do in our lives, that He's not interested in.
23:23 Right. There's even another text somewhere that says,
23:26 that He's going to bring every work into judgment.
23:29 Yes. Everyone, which means.... And give reward according
23:31 to our works. According to....and our work,
23:34 it must be the way we live. Yes. So if He's going to hold us
23:38 accountable for everything we do.
23:40 Then this, this must mean that there's something
23:43 that's not neutral. Right. In other words,
23:46 I think probably chopsticks give to the glory of God,
23:49 give to the glory of God. Okay. If you can say that.
23:52 Yes. Because they are acceptable to Him.
23:54 Yes. But there are other things in the culture,
23:56 that are not to His glory. Yeah. And I guess that the challenge
24:00 we have as Christian families in whatever culture,
24:03 is to discern, what about my culture is me,
24:06 it's my cap, it's the way I dress, it's the way I eat,
24:09 I eat with my fingers. But that's not the glory of God,
24:12 but then there's something. Well, if we'll make it to
24:14 the glory of God, because you mention one,
24:16 with the way why we dress, that it can just be easily be
24:20 not to the glory of God. Well, and see, I think we want
24:23 to do in some of the other programs.
24:25 Yeah. We want to begin this, to specifically say that,
24:27 as we live, how well the Christian relate in,
24:31 in some of these specific things.
24:33 But I think that there must be a test.
24:37 Should we say an objective test, whether
24:41 you and I in Russia, or in Pakistan,
24:45 where I used to live. Which will all be in harmony on.
24:47 Well, which would be kind of a, which brings us into
24:52 a new culture. And...and so I've sort to
24:55 myself, that if you happen to be let's say,
24:58 you're an in the Orient, and you're the Christian
25:00 in the Orient. You know,
25:02 you're in the chopsticks. Is everything about
25:06 the Oriental culture to the glory of God?
25:09 No, but then, how will I know Ten Commandments?
25:12 See, I think that in every culture
25:14 the Ten Commandments are the rule.
25:16 I think the sermon on the Mount, it is an another thing.
25:20 I think if you live in South America,
25:21 you should say well, how much of my culture
25:23 should I observe? Check Ten Commandments.
25:25 Yes, okay. Check the sermon on the Mount. Right.
25:27 And then finally what about the Philippians 4:8?
25:30 Yes. And Finally Brethren. The final screen.
25:34 Yes. Finally Brethren what so ever things true,
25:37 what so ever things are honest, what so ever things are just.
25:41 And what so ever things are pure,
25:43 and what so ever things are lovely and good report.
25:46 If there be any virtue, if there any praise.
25:48 Think on these things. Don't you think so?
25:52 And thinking is what so gonna produce our culture.
25:55 It produces the way we live, so I think that...that really,
25:59 we're a part of cultures, we are in the culture
26:03 but Jesus said, don't take them out of the world now,
26:05 don't take them out of their culture.
26:07 But keep them from the evil that is the culture.
26:10 And obviously if He has said, that there is something
26:12 there that we cannot put hike up because He said
26:14 that there was something there.
26:16 It''s the evil part, and again I think that what
26:19 we are saying is, how do we know what's evil in the culture?
26:21 Ten Commandments. Right.
26:23 Sermon on the Mount and Philippians 4:8.
26:27 Yeah, right. Are you going along with the onward?
26:29 I am, and you know, we used to teach our children
26:32 that as a little song, Philippians 4:8.
26:34 Did you really? Yeah, when we do,
26:36 I don't know with you, did you not?
26:37 No I haven't heard that little song.
26:38 Yes, what so ever things are true,
26:40 what so ever things are honest. You ever heard that?
26:45 No, not that sweet. What so ever things are just.
26:47 Anyway goes on, I am not a singer,
26:49 but that was for the purpose of helping them to remember that,
26:54 these were the things that you could test other.
26:56 Other cultures. And other things by.
27:00 I think that when we preach the Gospel all the world,
27:03 we don't need to get everybody eating
27:04 with knife and forks. No, no.
27:06 We definitely need to get the Ten Commandments,
27:08 the sermon on the Mount and Philippians 4:8:
27:10 as being the test. And we can judge by those.
27:12 And that we'll impact the way with it,
27:14 it's going to impact the culture.
27:15 Right, and we need to do that. I think so.
27:17 Well, it's all re-over again. Okay. More is coming up.
27:21 Yes, we gonna continue. Okay, all right,
27:23 if there is any comments, suggestions, or anything
27:28 you want to write about, write to 3ABN
27:31 or call and join us again, on thinking about home.
27:35 We'll be back with more programs.
27:37 Dick, want to pray?
27:38 Yes, Heavenly Father, we are thankful for
27:43 the prayer of Jesus, which is said Lord
27:45 don't take them out now. He's talking to His son,
27:47 don't take them out now but keep it from the evil.
27:50 Lord, we as families, we pray in these last days
27:55 that shall open our eyes to keep us from the evil.


Revised 2014-12-17