Thinking About Home

Second Chance Family

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles Martin, Rita Martin, Kathy Matthews, Rachel Martin, Sarah Martin


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000168

00:30 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:32 I am Kathy Matthews,
00:33 I am glad you're back with us today.
00:36 Our guest today are Charles and Rita Martin,
00:38 they're from Minnesota and they're Bible workers
00:40 there in Minnesota.
00:42 And we have their whole family
00:43 together today, don't we? Amen.
00:45 And it's good to see all of you,
00:46 I like to see ZRachel and Sarah's
00:48 smiling face, big smile.
00:51 I think it's fun because when I say Rachel and Sarah,
00:54 it's our daughters named, Rachel and Sarah,
00:56 and it just switched.
00:58 Our older one is Sarah, and younger one is Rachel,
01:00 it's just the opposite with you.
01:03 I invited you because I thought
01:05 you had wonderful story of a second family,
01:08 for your... for your lives you've raised
01:12 a family before, didn't you? Yes.
01:14 And then the little ones came along.
01:16 The story is quite interesting
01:19 I think that you'll enjoy it too.
01:22 We wanna start, I think, with why you decided
01:27 to become better parents in your home.
01:33 And it had some decisions that were involved
01:36 on getting rid of the business,
01:37 didn't it, Charles?
01:38 Why don't you tell me about that?
01:40 Yes, we really came to the...
01:43 to the decision based on a lot of the frustration
01:47 we had in raising our older children
01:49 and we decided that we had did,
01:52 done quite a few things wrong.
01:53 And the Lord blessed us with another chance.
01:56 We're a blended family, Rita and I each brought
01:58 three children of the marriage
02:00 and then we had Rachel and Sarah.
02:02 And just so thankful for this new chance
02:06 to raise them again.
02:07 And yet we realized that we were getting
02:09 started off on the wrong foot again.
02:11 Oh, really? And following into some
02:14 of the old patterns that we had before. Right.
02:16 Well, I owned a business that I had a number of years,
02:21 recycling oil, it covered about 7 states and,
02:24 and 10 employees and it was just
02:26 a mile a minute pace.
02:28 And we were realizing that, that it was getting
02:31 so busy that we were going to be unable to run
02:34 the race of the Christian life.
02:35 Right. And we really felt impressed
02:39 that we ought to offer it for sale.
02:41 And the Lord worked
02:42 a wonderful miracle in our lives.
02:43 The moment we offered it up, we made one phone call
02:46 and as a result of that, it sold for cash.
02:48 Somebody took it.
02:49 And took the heavy load
02:51 of that indebtedness and the,
02:52 and the weary crushing weight that, that was.
02:55 And put our out of death and brought us
02:57 a nice place in the country.
02:58 And we just decided to get away and to simplify.
03:02 Where did you move to?
03:03 We went to the Kalispell, Montana area.
03:06 Is that right? I know folks up there.
03:08 Way back in the wilderness, but so far back
03:12 that if you hurt a car,
03:14 it was someone else lost again.
03:17 Or you knew they were coming to visit you right. Right.
03:20 And I wanna clarify that we have
03:21 6 beautiful older children, and one of the things
03:25 we regret was our time
03:27 that we did not give to them.
03:28 And that was so important about selling the business,
03:30 as we knew we were able to give our time to,
03:34 to the two little girls and to our older ones
03:36 who still need us.
03:37 When we made this announcement
03:39 that we were going to sale a business
03:41 and we were going to have a lot much lower income.
03:44 Right. But we're gonna trade that out
03:46 in exchange for the time.
03:48 We decided that if we lived another hundred years
03:51 and looked back, we'd never say we wished
03:53 we spend one more day in the office.
03:56 And so... We thought our older children
03:58 would really mock at that, because they were used
04:00 to a higher lifestyle.
04:01 We knew this was gonna make
04:02 a lot of sacrifices on their part.
04:05 And indeed they were very pleased
04:07 and very supportive and willing to take
04:09 the time over the money. That's good.
04:12 So the effect this had on us was,
04:14 was a real simplifying of our lives.
04:16 We suddenly found ourselves
04:18 with time to give back to the family,
04:20 time to go out in the evening
04:21 and play Dare Base or whatever it was.
04:23 Something else... And it took
04:26 on a new bonding experience with our children,
04:28 we had never been able to have before.
04:30 It was just a real beautiful time with them.
04:33 So those are the things that you chose to do
04:34 differently was the moving out,
04:37 the time with your children.
04:39 Okay, what did it do for these little girls?
04:43 They've, they've had the same experience also,
04:47 the time has just made a bonding
04:49 of our hearts together in so many ways.
04:52 We have felt God's grace and His mercy
04:55 and giving us our children hearts back again. Amen.
04:58 And we've discovered that's what we really
05:01 wanted all along was their hearts.
05:04 The attitude of the heart, you want to reach
05:07 their heart so that they will have
05:08 the attitude of what...
05:13 Well one of the, one of the problems
05:15 been with our older children was mixing so much peer
05:20 interaction with them constantly.
05:22 And we said, what is the,
05:23 what is the advantage of that?
05:26 And obviously there is no advantage to that.
05:28 As the child is younger, they really don't need
05:31 that peer inter relations.
05:33 But we noticed that the children
05:36 who were raised were that's mostly,
05:39 predominantly adult interaction,
05:43 they don't take as much.
05:45 Notice of the peer, Their cues from their peers...
05:48 And when they get older,
05:50 when their peers look matured more,
05:52 then they're more able to relate to them.
05:54 Right. So there is a time when maybe they can
05:56 or can't relate to them very well,
05:58 but later when they're more mature they can and...
06:02 I find that if they're too much relating
06:06 to their peers, they have difficulty
06:08 relating to adult or elderly adults.
06:12 Sure. Or young children,
06:13 but if they have related well
06:16 and long in relationship with their parents.
06:19 And if it's a good godly relationship,
06:22 I'm talking about, you know, this doesn't happen
06:24 in every situation of life.
06:26 But if its good godly relationship,
06:29 and they related well to their parents.
06:31 Then they can relate no matter
06:32 what age group there is. Yeah, yes.
06:33 Now whether it's little babies,
06:35 little children, their own peers,
06:37 adults or elderly, whatever it maybe,
06:40 I find that case.
06:41 And we wanted the privilege of being able to guide them
06:43 during those rough water years
06:45 with the cross road decisions they make.
06:47 We wanted to be able to be a friend enough
06:51 to them that they could ask us and not their peers.
06:54 Right, right, and have that trust going on there,
06:57 that relationship going on there.
06:59 How about, now these little girls
07:02 always did your little girls I'll call them,
07:04 these little girls, I'm sorry,
07:05 I talk to you like you're not even in the room.
07:08 Did they always earn obedience
07:10 from the very beginning then since you had
07:12 a second chance family?
07:14 Yes, definitely not we've started older with,
07:17 with these other children that's going down
07:21 the same road really,
07:22 but we had started with the first.
07:23 Yeah. Proverbs 3 verse 7 is a wonderful text
07:26 that we began to look at.
07:29 It says "Be not wise in your own eyes."
07:32 And this was a powerful text because we realized
07:34 that we were starting into a process
07:38 where we would allow our children to argue back
07:41 with us many times.
07:42 And this was probably something every
07:45 parent faces all the time,
07:47 but it was very frustrating and...
07:50 It was really a child in charge syndrome a lot.
07:54 You know, Rachel especially, when she was little,
07:55 she had six older siblings just all trying
07:58 to attend to this little general.
08:01 Yes. And the Lord started working on our hearts
08:05 and calling us to an obedience
08:07 and not allowing that to go on.
08:10 Because like Proverbs says
08:12 "It does make them wise in their own eyes."
08:14 And one of the ways we started doing
08:16 that was calling them on that and asking
08:20 them to... Well, usually we'd not allow them
08:24 to get the reward that they're asking
08:27 for when they started into argument like that.
08:29 Right. Okay, what do you mean exactly,
08:32 give me a little illustration?
08:33 What do you mean exactly about wise in your own eyes?
08:36 Didn't we talk about this in the parenting class?
08:38 Yeah, I think it's brightly thought
08:41 we were trying to get them to express themselves.
08:44 But in essence, it was getting them
08:46 to be wise in their own eyes,
08:47 they were making the decisions
08:48 and calling the shorts.
08:49 And mom and dad looked smaller and smaller
08:52 and they looked bigger and bigger
08:53 in their own eyes.
08:54 Okay, you were thinking about having them
08:56 express themselves, but in reality
08:58 you were allowing them to make all the decisions.
09:00 Yes. Okay.
09:01 Yes, what color cup do you want, honey,
09:02 what kind of juice do you what, honey.
09:03 And they were becoming powerful.
09:05 Yes, well and that's not to say,
09:07 you can't ask what a child wants.
09:09 Right. You wanna clarify that.
09:10 Yes, right. But it was a constant,
09:13 go head, it was a constant thing or what?
09:15 Yeah, it just became child in charge
09:17 and we realized that it was making her
09:19 very powerful and...
09:20 Okay, all right.
09:22 And another, another principle
09:23 we came under convection about
09:25 was the first time obedience.
09:28 The idea that we need to deal with frustration
09:33 for five times before we get obedience,
09:35 for calling them to come to dinner
09:36 and they're playing with their toys.
09:38 And they will calmly keep on playing with their toys
09:42 until it maybe the third or fourth time
09:43 when we start to really get angry.
09:46 And they have a build in sensor
09:48 when they know when they pushed me
09:49 past that brink.
09:51 And now is the time to come around and obey.
09:55 And we started realizing that.
09:57 That these simple things that if you could put them
09:59 into affect, you realized what?
10:02 Well, I guess it boils down Kathy to,
10:04 to the roots of the problem
10:07 I think it lies in our own hearts.
10:09 In what I say is that our own conceptions
10:14 of God conveyed to our conceptions
10:17 of what we expect out of our children.
10:19 Right. Our relationship to Him,
10:22 if we expect that God requires obedience
10:25 from us the first time we're asked,
10:27 then we would give that same thing
10:29 to our children and ask them to do the same.
10:32 You know, go head, go ahead.
10:33 Oh, often times we find ourselves,
10:37 often times I would feel like maybe
10:40 some kind of chastisement, there's an order
10:41 because of not coming into obedience.
10:45 But the conversation itself would convince me that.
10:49 Because many times I would come
10:51 to Rachel and Sarah and say, now what's the infraction
10:54 here and they would explain and...
10:57 So, you explained it to them first,
10:58 so they understood what was expected of them.
11:00 Right. And then you came to them with a question of...
11:03 Well, then the idea is, you know,
11:06 the Heavenly Father is looking down
11:08 and he sees me, and He is asking me
11:10 to obey and He also asked me to make you obey.
11:13 And if I'm out of compliance with the Heavenly Father
11:16 in my own heart.
11:17 Then I'm also in disobedience.
11:20 That's exactly. And that leaves us
11:21 no other choice but to have a consequence,
11:24 this believe that there is no consequence
11:26 but disobedience, it's rampant
11:28 throughout the whole world...
11:29 Well we see it in our society, don't we.
11:31 Yes. That I should not be blamed for my
11:33 or have a consequence for my own choices.
11:35 But we need to learn that we do. Don't we?
11:38 Yes, now let's look at First Samuel 15,
11:41 just a moment we could.. It says,
11:44 "to obey is better than sacrifice."
11:46 This was given when Saul was asked to make
11:49 a sacrifice and to wait for Samuel for three days.
11:53 Well, he didn't telling him
11:54 how long he was supposed to wait.
11:55 But he waited and waited and Samuel never showed up,
11:59 until he went ahead and went on with him,
12:01 with his own ways, was wise in his own eyes
12:03 so to speak and didn't get that first time obedience.
12:06 And the next part of that is in the next verse,
12:09 which is very interesting.
12:10 Because he really nails it down,
12:12 when he says "For rebellion is as sin of witchcraft"
12:16 and that's what we're dealing
12:17 with if we don't have first time obedience
12:19 is the sin of rebellion.
12:20 And he, isn't that powerful It is.
12:23 When he says that it's witchcraft,
12:25 it's the same as.
12:26 Same as, you don't want to,
12:27 you don't want that confused please.
12:30 Yeah, right. Is in principle or the.
12:32 God deals with it, looks at it with the same,
12:34 with the same severity as he would with witchcraft.
12:37 Yeah, okay, all right, that's very clear...
12:38 And other principle that men have lied to us,
12:40 and the Lord laid this on my heart
12:41 in my devotion time.
12:43 It was an idea to incorporate.
12:45 I had not even heard
12:46 the Ezzo's talking about this yet.
12:49 Now, who were the Ezzo's?
12:51 Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo.
12:52 We had received some tapes from a friend,
12:56 Growing Kids God's Way, and been richly blessed
12:59 in listening to them.
13:00 In fact, I had received them myself
13:01 on a trip alone with the girls,
13:03 Charles not with me.
13:04 And I stopped halfway on the trip
13:06 with these borrowed set of tapes
13:08 and called the Ezzos and said,
13:09 please meal me one.
13:10 Have it, have it here when I get here.
13:13 Because I knew that Charles
13:14 would be thrilled to hear them.
13:16 But all I know is before I had heard the principle
13:19 the Lord had laid on my heart,
13:20 why not have them say, yes mother, or yes father,
13:24 when we asked them to do something.
13:26 And it turned out to be one of the biggest blessings
13:28 in raising them, because we trained them
13:30 to say yes mother when I ask you...
13:32 Aren't these the simplest things?
13:33 They're simple.
13:34 These are the simplest things.
13:36 But it's so beautiful. Yeah.
13:37 So, we're talking about having them,
13:39 when you ask for a response from them,
13:41 you expect them to respond to you.
13:44 Right. By saying, you know,
13:45 in a respectful way.
13:47 And then what does, what does this do for them?
13:51 I mean, I know what it does for them,
13:52 maybe the viewers may have some questions
13:54 about what it does for them, but, go ahead.
13:57 A lot of people would think this is a tyrannical type
14:00 of request to say yes, they turn you into robot.
14:03 And really that isn't it at all,
14:04 the idea of yes mother, yes father is simply to say,
14:08 I acknowledge and I've heard. Yes.
14:10 And then if they don't come into obedience
14:13 that first time, you have a knowledge
14:15 in your own mind that they have
14:17 indeed heard what you've said.
14:18 That's right. And it's a way to know
14:21 that you're not punishing them unjustly.
14:23 Yes. It also give them a forward momentum,
14:26 I just said, yes mummy, here I go obeying.
14:28 Yes, right okay.
14:30 Then that happens in the mind,
14:31 there is something about that.
14:32 Yes. That happens in the mind,
14:33 they've acknowledged you and they've acknowledged you
14:35 positively, correct?
14:37 Right. Right and we're told that,
14:39 that if we make a, if we're attempted
14:41 in some way and we make a positive
14:44 statement in our own mind, that that's three fourths
14:47 of the way to overcoming that temptation right there.
14:50 Amen, so you're training them.
14:51 Exactly. This is training, yes.
14:54 Right, so that's beautiful that you're setting
14:56 something like this up.
14:57 That you give them three fourths
15:00 of a victory already by asking them to say yes.
15:02 I remember when we were going through
15:03 the parenting class together.
15:05 And I asked Charles to give us a testimony
15:07 and it was so tender.
15:09 And I don't wanna put you on the spot,
15:11 but can you remember anything about
15:13 the testimony you gave.
15:14 Well, it's a precious time to be able to come apart
15:17 and take part of this class, there at the Black Hills
15:20 that you were teaching.
15:22 And we had already put some of the principles
15:27 in practice already.
15:28 But the, I remember that especially what,
15:32 with the fruits of the first time
15:33 obedience were, when it swept over me
15:37 and just swept over my soul as I realized,
15:40 that suddenly I liked my kids.
15:43 Oh my, they don't have to be the terrible
15:46 twos do they, they don't have to be.
15:49 And they don't have to be someone
15:50 that you can't honestly wait to get out of the house.
15:53 Right. There is somebody you love to have around.
15:54 Where more, other people began to enjoy our children.
15:57 Oh, and that's a principle in itself. Yes.
15:59 Isn't it? Don't, it looks like you have
16:01 something more to say,
16:02 but don't give up that one, okay.
16:04 Well, I don't want to infer that I didn't enjoy my kids,
16:06 but I did realize how much more
16:09 I could enjoy them
16:10 and the deeper experience we could have.
16:11 It was just such a bounding experience
16:14 bringing us both together.
16:15 When they came into obedience.
16:17 But the incredible thing
16:18 was how much happier they were.
16:20 I mean, I can remember some of the biggest smiles
16:23 on Rachel's face in her entire life
16:25 where from this experience.
16:27 From what? First time obedience.
16:29 First time obedience.
16:30 Can you explain that, Rachel?
16:32 What is first time obedience?
16:36 Well, it's when you obey on first call.
16:42 Okay, you wanna say it again,
16:44 because your hand's in front of your face.
16:46 It's what?
16:47 It's when you obey on first call.
16:53 And when mommy and daddy used to ask you
16:57 to obey before, how did you always respond?
17:04 Six and seventh time.
17:08 And is it better now then it was before?
17:11 What was it like before?
17:12 What your descriptive word that it was like before
17:15 you were taught this.
17:17 Miserable. Miserable,
17:19 that's the word she uses, it's miserable.
17:22 And what is it,
17:23 why do you feel like it's better now?
17:27 I just feel a lot better now,
17:29 because I know I'm doing the right thing.
17:32 Then you use a word with me and I told you that
17:35 that we taught our little girls that
17:37 when they were younger, no maybe I was telling you
17:39 that I don't know if I told you that Rachel.
17:41 But there was something you said that you feel now.
17:44 You feel something.
17:46 Do you remember that? I feel a lot cleaner.
17:48 You feel a lot cleaner. Amen.
17:50 Now isn't that language of the Bible. Amen.
17:55 It is, isn't it?
17:56 Forgiven, obey, obedience, clean,
18:01 free of whatever is burdening you,
18:04 especially your own disobedience.
18:08 These are simple things. Yes.
18:09 But when it's couched in the language
18:11 of the Bible, isn't it.
18:13 Then you're teaching them
18:14 to relate back and forth to Christ.
18:17 And I think, as they get older,
18:18 this was always my philosophy
18:19 and I think it came Biblically,
18:21 that as they got older they understood
18:23 what was happening for their sake
18:25 between them and Christ.
18:27 Sure. You know, in redemption.
18:29 Amen. Don't you think?
18:30 Yes. Absolutely.
18:32 One of the things that goes right along hand in hand
18:34 with this is the appeal process.
18:36 Because it prevents
18:38 the child from being frustrated.
18:42 Right. For instance, if they're playing a game
18:44 and you know the, they know that you've
18:47 already told them that every time before
18:49 they come to, down for dinner.
18:50 Right. That they need to clean up
18:51 their toys or something..
18:52 Right. And yet you come and say,
18:53 come down right away, time for dinner.
18:56 They're in disobedience on one
18:59 or the other either way.
19:01 Right. But the appeal process says,
19:04 mother, father, may I appeal.
19:06 It's a respectful way to say we need to backup
19:09 and look at this.
19:10 And it keeps it at high respect
19:12 and yet it builds interaction
19:14 between father and mother and child.
19:16 And what I found is that you don't lose dignity
19:19 if you can stop and they can respectfully
19:21 ask you something.
19:23 Now is this to be used, now we also want to,
19:27 we want to say that this was learned
19:29 out of the Growing Kids God's Way, wasn't it?
19:31 Right. And then we discussed it
19:32 more in our parenting class.
19:34 And I just want to put that
19:37 in there for the sake of Ezzo's,
19:38 who developed this and had done a wonderful job at it.
19:41 Right. Amen. Amen. A wonderful blessing.
19:42 And it's a blessing.
19:43 And, but we did that in our home years ago.
19:48 And the appeal processes is not for every little excuse
19:52 a child wants to make.
19:53 And they cannot if they're just trying
19:55 to get out of the job, make an appeal.
19:57 So it has to have some what, it has to have added
20:00 information that maybe mother and dad
20:02 didn't know and it saves
20:03 the dignity of mother and dad.
20:04 Right. And then you can back off
20:06 of whatever you've told them to do
20:08 if they have done they have approached you
20:11 in a respectful way with information
20:13 that you didn't know, is that correct?
20:14 That's right.
20:15 Okay, and the appeal process is a blessing.
20:20 But you don't know how to dothis things
20:22 sometimes unless you put a name to it,
20:24 isn't that sound, Rita? Right, that's right
20:25 It seems like you have to put a name to it
20:27 and then describe it and say, hey,
20:29 that sounds good, we can work that out.
20:31 I think I could incorporate that into my family.
20:33 Right. Oh, now what else did you learn?
20:37 Now, another one that really has been
20:39 a blessing in our family
20:40 is the preciousness of others.
20:42 And that would be a whole program of it's own.
20:46 Wouldn't it, there's scripture
20:48 that goes right along with that
20:49 in Philippians 2 and, go ahead.
20:51 Yes. Yes, but in your own family
20:54 to treat each other as precious,
20:56 by cleaning up behind ourselves,
20:59 doing those things that just show
21:00 common courtesy and respect.
21:02 Right. But then, so many things that,
21:04 as we began to study this had started
21:06 to change our own lives.
21:07 For instance, like putting your grocery card back.
21:10 In the cart corral at the store.
21:13 Oh, yes, that was a big one, wasn't it?
21:15 And for me, stopping at stop signs,
21:18 that way out in the country
21:19 where no one ever saw you anyway.
21:21 You know, you're just talking about
21:23 being courteous or honest even.
21:25 But the preciousness of others
21:27 and how can we teach our children
21:28 that if we're outside of it,
21:30 outside of God's will in our own lives.
21:32 And that is definitely something that
21:35 it hits right home on everybody doesn't it,
21:37 because of our simple nature
21:38 we think so much of ourselves.
21:41 Yes. That we really don't want
21:42 to think of others at all.
21:44 And why is it, it seems
21:46 we have to teach about others?
21:50 Because we're inborn selfishness.
21:51 Yes. Inborn selfishness, isn't that?
21:53 It just comes naturally. It's the truth, isn't it?
21:55 It doesn't have to be taught...
21:56 It doesn't, yeah, those precious sweet babies.
21:59 And you're wise in their own eyes
22:00 that you're teaching them.
22:02 You know, just makes that worse,
22:04 because they learned me,
22:05 I'm the only one I need to think about.
22:06 Right, okay.
22:08 Oh, there is two, three other things.
22:09 There is a couple little stories about the kids
22:11 that I want you to tell us about,
22:14 especially about some scripture
22:16 the hoary head. Okay.
22:17 And explain the hoary head
22:18 in case people don't understand those words?
22:22 Who's gonna do it? In Leviticus,
22:24 it talks about rising up before the hoary head.
22:27 And we like that, we like the concept of teaching
22:30 our children to respect their elders.
22:33 So, we had been working with the little girls on that
22:35 and the three of us were just
22:37 entering that health food store.
22:40 And I was stoop down, blocking the doorway,
22:42 tying Sarah's shoe and she was facing outward.
22:45 And she saw a woman coming that I didn't see,
22:48 and she said, mother,
22:49 there is an older lady coming in the door.
22:51 But I was busy tying and didn't hear her
22:54 or listen to her well.
22:55 And she said, mother, she is really, really old.
22:59 And so I stood up,
23:00 kind of embraced and she said oh, she said.
23:03 She heard that. Yes, she heard that.
23:04 The lady heard that.
23:05 She said oh, don't worry about it, she is right.
23:07 I am really, really old.
23:09 But she was trying to be respectful.
23:11 She was learning the concept.
23:13 Yes this is a hoary head and we need to respect her.
23:17 So really what is talking about the gray hairs?
23:19 Older, the gray hairs.
23:20 The older, the respect for your elders. Right.
23:22 Okay, and you know, we don't always have to have gray hair
23:25 for you to be able to respect us. That's right.
23:28 And we hope that we can make it
23:30 to where you can respect us. That's right.
23:32 Sometimes older ones don't like it
23:34 where it's easy for you. That's true.
23:36 But there is more, what is another story?
23:39 Well, another story was we were talking about,
23:42 in family worship about.
23:46 Well, we started, instituted
23:48 a new practice in family worship,
23:49 where we at the close of everyday,
23:52 we go around the circle
23:53 and everyone confesses to each other.
23:56 And it's been a real blessing in our lives
23:59 to be able to do that.
24:01 To have that confession time, real healing and it has to,
24:05 we've taught the girls that it has be specific
24:07 and to the point for it be real confession. Yes.
24:12 Well, the other day we were teaching Rachel
24:16 about this concept
24:17 and the Holy Spirit worked on her heart
24:19 and when we were at church the other day.
24:22 She went up to one other older ladies there
24:25 and said, I have something I like to confess to you.
24:28 And what happened?
24:31 Well, she didn't quite have the concepts down right yet,
24:35 the Holy Spirit was working in her heart.
24:37 But she confessed to this old lady
24:40 that she had some wicked thoughts
24:43 or evil thoughts she told her about that. Oh, no.
24:46 The older lady didn't quite understand
24:49 exactly what was being said,
24:50 I think the Lord blessed in that.
24:52 The lady didn't quite grasp what was going on, okay.
24:56 Didn't, wasn't able to catch it.
24:57 But afterwards she was tearfully telling us
25:02 about this confession.
25:03 Who Rachel? Rachel was. Yes.
25:04 And we were just sharing her joy
25:06 that she's starting to get this concept down,
25:11 that we do need to confess our sins to those...
25:13 What happened the next day though?
25:15 Did you say someone called you.
25:17 Yes, the next day, that little lady called and said,
25:20 your child is just so precious.
25:22 She said, I didn't catch exactly what it was
25:25 that she was trying to do,
25:26 but I knew that it was a very moving thing
25:28 she was trying to tell me.
25:30 And said, I'm so appreciative of your children
25:35 and what they're learning.
25:36 You know, I discovered that several years ago
25:39 and that our children when they,
25:42 I didn't discover this from Growing Kids God's Way,
25:44 I didn't, the Lord showed me this on my own.
25:46 When our children have bumped someone or had an accident,
25:50 and they say oh, I'm sorry.
25:52 And it was simple and it was not moral,
25:54 it was not a moral problem.
25:56 Then saying, I'm sorry was okay.
25:59 But to say forgive me,
26:02 when it was something that was wrong
26:05 or that they needed to ask forgiveness for,
26:07 was completely different then just saying, I'm sorry.
26:12 But the words forgive me would again,
26:16 teach them what redemptive language,
26:20 the plan of redemption. Right.
26:23 It would help them in biblical language
26:26 in their relationship with Christ at a later day,
26:28 and as they worked with people,
26:31 it would help in conflict management.
26:33 It would help in a lot of areas. That's right.
26:35 As a conflict, rather resolving conflict.
26:38 And so this was something that we felt
26:41 was really important to distinguish between,
26:43 oh I am sorry. Right.
26:45 Or would you forgive me, please.
26:48 Gives that person a chance to respond.
26:50 And make a decision. And make a decision.
26:52 Well, you know, there is other things we could tell.
26:54 Isn't there? Oh, yes.
26:55 There is lot of things I think we could tell.
26:58 But I don't think we have anymore time,
27:00 but I thank you for coming all the way and joining us.
27:03 And thank you, Rachel, for your part.
27:05 And thank you, Sarah, for your part.
27:09 And do you enjoy mommy and daddy better now too.
27:12 And they enjoy you very much.
27:14 Well, it's a sweet thing
27:15 to have a sweet family, isn't it.
27:17 And to have harmony in the home.
27:18 The blessing of the Lord.
27:19 Well, let's pray for your family,
27:23 you join us in our prayers.
27:24 I'm going to ask Rita to pray for us
27:27 and maybe there's somethings in this program
27:30 that you've really enjoyed.
27:31 If you have, write or call 3ABN about it.
27:35 And join us again on Thinking About Home.
27:39 Dear Father God, thank you so much
27:42 for the privilege of raising a family to your glory.
27:46 Lord, guide us with your eye and order our footsteps.
27:49 We want to please you in raising these families. Amen.
27:53 We thank you for all your blessings
27:55 and for the principles you've given us to work with.
27:58 Please Father, attend us now.


Revised 2014-12-17