Thinking About Home

Walking By Faith, Not By Sight

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Rita Martin, Kathy Matthews, Charles Martin


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000167

00:30 Welcome to "Thinking About Home."
00:32 I'm Kathy Matthews.
00:33 And I'm glad you're back with us again.
00:35 Today our guests are gonna be Charles and Rita Martin.
00:38 They are Bible workers in Minnesota.
00:41 And they have quite a story on walking by faith
00:46 and not by side and it's about a son of theirs.
00:49 And I'm going to let them introduce that son.
00:52 But first I want you to meet them, Charles and Rita,
00:55 thanks for being with us. It's our pleasure.
00:57 I'm glad you're here.
00:58 You had a little trip didn't you?
00:59 Yes, It's not an easy thing to get down from Minnesota.
01:03 But I've done that kind of trip in worse weather then,
01:07 then we have at the moment
01:10 and sometimes met blizzards and so forth.
01:13 But it's not that way right now. I wanted to invite you here
01:18 because you have a really, really unique story on
01:20 how the Lord has gotten you through, right? Amen.
01:24 A terrible thing that's happened in your life,
01:27 and I've thought the viewers would really appreciate.
01:32 Just the grace of God working in your life
01:34 and how that he got you through this
01:36 and we were together in some classes.
01:41 Tom was in class with you wasn't he? Charles. Yes.
01:44 And there was something that happened at that time
01:49 and I will just let you takeover from there.
01:52 What, what hit your life at that time?
01:55 We were attending Mission College of Evangelism
01:59 in the Black Hills. And we, we came to
02:05 what we're about two weeks in at the program
02:08 and got a call in the night. Yes. They had said
02:12 that our son had been in a, in a very bad accident,
02:15 extremely bad and asked us to, to come to South Bend, Indiana
02:20 immediately if wanted to see him alive...
02:22 Oh! Is that right. And your, your son name is?
02:24 His name is Matthew, he was 24 years old.
02:26 I remember, I remember when you got that call,
02:28 it was just all of a sudden you were gone the next day.
02:30 And everybody was wondering where is Matthew,
02:32 where is Rita and Charles. And it was a sad thing.
02:36 There's a lot of prayers going on for you,
02:37 what happened then?
02:39 Well, we of course, drove through the night,
02:41 we tried to get an airline ticket
02:43 and couldn't get there any sooner then driving.
02:45 so we drove whole night long.
02:47 And whenever we'd call the hospital, they'd keep saying
02:50 when are you going to be there. Are you still on your way?
02:55 Yes. And when we arrived at the hospital we,
02:58 we discovered that Matthew had, had been in a very
03:02 traumatic head injury besides his legs broken a very badly
03:07 and they couldn't even operate on them.
03:09 They were, they were so bad, but this head injury
03:13 had caused 17 bruises to the brain
03:15 and that was a shear injury. Not like you would just hit one
03:19 on the front or something, it was like hitting on the front
03:23 and then maybe to the back and over there side
03:25 in fact the other. Oh! I see, I see.
03:26 He hit a van that was parked in a turning lane and,
03:31 It was parked, it wasn't moving on?
03:34 It was actually turning in this turning line
03:36 and he wandered over into that lane and collided with it
03:40 and then another car hit him from the rear
03:42 and spun him around. So it's a two car accident.
03:46 Oh I see, and what were you feeling Rita,
03:49 all at this time?
03:51 Well, I was it was one of those days
03:54 when we got the news were we had been out at 3:30
03:56 that morning in prayer time.
03:58 You know, we had joined this school of evangelism
04:01 and most of the students were younger than us, Kathy.
04:05 I know, they were. And we felt the pressure
04:07 of keeping up in those days and we're unwilling to
04:11 let go our morning prayer time. And so to do that,
04:14 we had gotten up at 3:30 that morning.
04:17 And found our refuge in Him and we're so grateful
04:23 that we had had that have that walk especially that morning,
04:26 an extra special time with him. But as that news came
04:29 that night we were just falling into bed exhausted
04:32 for the day. Yes. And so when we left
04:34 on the trip we were sort of in a days.
04:38 I'll let you tell honey the experience
04:40 with the prayer closets.
04:42 When we arrived at Black Hills
04:44 we, we saw that the closets for married student
04:47 housing were huge. And we said,
04:49 this is the best opportunity for prayer we've had.
04:52 In a closet, is that where you going?
04:55 And yes and we're asking the Lord every, every night
04:59 before I went to bed. Lord, wake us at the time
05:01 that you would have us to, to wake up.
05:03 And you know, it was almost invariably that was 3 or 3:30
05:08 in the morning that we would get up and we realized later
05:11 that He was preparing us, for what was to come ahead.
05:14 And, and so it seemed to the moment
05:18 when we would stumble out the closets,
05:19 sometimes it will be an hour later
05:21 and we're having the most dynamic prayer life of our lives
05:23 Really.
05:25 And so when this news came
05:26 about the accident, I can't describe the peace
05:30 that washed over us. It was, it was not ourselves,
05:34 I've been a lot of situations were a huge wave
05:37 would roll over you and you just about to crumble.
05:40 But it wasn't so in this case. The Lord had prepared
05:42 us for this. And said, I'm gonna be there
05:44 and I'm gonna hold you through the whole thing. Amen.
05:47 And as we, as we receive this news, we hung up the phone
05:50 and we just had this overwhelming urge
05:54 that we would kneel down and laid us before the Lord
05:58 and as we did, we said Lord we want to give you
06:01 thanks for this. And it seemed like a strange
06:03 thing to be saying. We wanna thank You,
06:06 for whatever you have in mind for this.
06:08 And it felt so right to be doing that.
06:12 And though we had a lot of anxiety and so forth
06:17 wanting to see him before anything happened.
06:19 we, you know, through the night it would even call
06:23 people and ask them to pray with us.
06:25 Some spiritual friends we had and so forth
06:27 as we rolling along with our cell phone going down the road.
06:30 Yet that was this abiding peace that was through the whole thing
06:34 That started from the very beginning?
06:36 It was an undercurrent.
06:37 The grief, the grief is there. We had to feed the little girls.
06:41 It came like waves almost in the new
06:43 the peace would push it back down or...
06:45 We had to concentrate on our family.
06:48 With us our little eight-year-old and five-year-old
06:50 we had to feed them. We weren't hungry
06:51 but we would stop at grocery store and I remember
06:53 separating a list, you take a few things
06:56 and I will and we'll go get this done
06:58 so we can get back on the road.
07:00 And as we wandered through the grocery store there,
07:02 we found each other again
07:03 both empty handed and just stood in the middle
07:06 of the grocery store and held each other and cried
07:08 because we couldn't concentrate.
07:10 So there is an undercurrent of deep grief
07:12 and yet there is a peace, I can't explain.
07:15 Were there any special scriptures
07:16 that we're just really ministering to you at that time?
07:21 One especially thinking of joseph's experience.
07:24 Really. When in Genesis 50:20,
07:27 where it talks about Joseph being realizing
07:31 that God meant it for good, it doesn't seem good,
07:35 it doesn't feel good, it doesn't feel right
07:38 but you have this overriding abiding peace
07:40 that the God means it for good. And good can come out
07:43 of anything that happens to us.
07:46 Was there any other scripture that were really
07:48 special to you at the time?
07:50 Yes, Isaiah 26:3 was this very special one
07:54 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
07:56 whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusted in thee.
08:01 You know, you haven't told us much about Matthew himself.
08:04 You wanna give us some insight as to what kind
08:07 of a young man he was?
08:09 He was a delightful, delightful boy
08:12 He was very special to my heart.
08:14 When he was little, he had a passion for sharing
08:18 his faith with everybody and he had a tackle
08:22 about that we would hear in the house,
08:25 we would know that he was having fun
08:27 at someone else's expense.
08:30 Yes, he really had a heart
08:33 for spiritual things from a very young age,
08:36 and a desire to share his faith wherever he went.
08:39 And I think that's what ultimately let him
08:41 to make the decision to go to Black Hills
08:45 and to become Bible worker and later take
08:48 the pastoral training. And also what inspired us
08:51 in many ways to do you know, wanna make that same decision.
08:55 So he was the inspiration to you going there? Yes.
08:59 Now I didn't learned that right way I didn't realize
09:01 that he had been there. I didn't know that
09:03 you had other family members going there.
09:06 When this all happened of course you just
09:08 you're learning some things about the books relating to
09:12 and you kind of got the Bible work in your family
09:15 it sounds like. In your blood so to speak.
09:18 Yes, very much so. And those few others
09:20 that you sponsored, didn't you? To there I thought so,
09:23 so it was. Well, you know, Rita,
09:29 there was a heavy two weeks afterwards
09:32 or a heavy couple of weeks afterwards, what happened
09:35 when the accident was over and, can you tell us about that?
09:39 Well, we had heard about the accident and had gone
09:42 to be with Matthew, we found our son
09:43 in a very deep coma and began to share hours.
09:48 We have a blended family, Matthew is my step son
09:52 and so we began to share hours with his birth mom,
09:55 who is there also of course. And I think they gave us
09:58 about four hours a daily to to share, and so we would go
10:01 and pray with him though he didn't appear
10:04 to be conscious in anyway. He wasn't conscious
10:07 we prayed with him, saying to him and shared
10:10 some very beautiful moments there with him.
10:12 Who were you then, who was this one?
10:14 We were in South Bend, Indiana,
10:16 where he had the accident. I see, in the hospital
10:19 it was just. Yes, he was in ICU unit there.
10:22 And, and his mother was there to you. Yes.
10:25 His birth mom had gotten there just before we did.
10:30 One of this special things about this time was feeling lead
10:34 to have an anointing right away. And not necessarily
10:37 an anointing that he would be healed,
10:40 but an anointing to know Gods will.
10:42 And one of our special friends who had been a pastor
10:47 when we lived in Newcastle, Wyoming came down for that.
10:50 I know who you're talking about. I think.
10:53 Well Pastor James Mitchell. Yeah, I know who that is.
10:55 And he graciously agreed to come down and be with us,
11:00 had all the family down on the chapel praying.
11:04 We really had beautiful anointing service together
11:07 and laid ourselves before the Lord and we,
11:11 as we were talking in the chapel there I personally
11:14 believe I had all the faith necessary to believe
11:17 that if it was God's will that he could may raise Matthew
11:20 and send him to the wedding on time,
11:22 if that's what was needed. And, and also we had given up
11:27 to the Lord where we would be willing to lay him
11:29 in the grave. If that's what he desired also,
11:32 that is not our choice. You know Rita
11:35 and I were talking about that on to way out,
11:37 and I said I know that, that it's not his will that
11:41 he would linger on and maybe be in a semi comatose state
11:45 or vegetative or anything that could never be God's will.
11:48 Sometimes we try to box him in, don't we?
11:50 Yes, yes. in what His desire are
11:52 and try to tell him what they are.
11:55 Right.
11:56 One of the text that mean lot to us is Ephesians 3:20
12:01 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly
12:05 above all that we ask or think according to the power
12:07 that worketh in us. And we really,
12:13 you know wanted to avail ourselves of that power.
12:17 We know that there is power in that name,
12:20 but the Lord didn't chose to heal Matthew in that,
12:22 in that service and nor did He chose to wake him out
12:27 of his sleep or lay him in the grave.
12:30 But... So you're having to deal with many things
12:33 that you were discussing in the car?
12:35 Yeah, there was a calm assurance that he had given us
12:38 that verses this morning that day and that he indeed
12:41 would do exceeding abundantly above all
12:43 that we asked or thought.
12:45 Didn't know exactly who was gonna do it?
12:47 We didn't know who, when or why.
12:49 Yeah, right.
12:51 Another scripture that meant a great deal to us was James 1:2.
12:56 It says, My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall
12:59 into diverse temptations.
13:00 How did you do that?
13:01 I mean, what did you pull out of that scripture that
13:04 was the point for you? What's neat about it is that's
13:07 not an emotion. If we follow our emotions
13:09 we will get in trouble, but it's a decision. Yes.
13:12 If you decide that will be joy you then,
13:16 then you just make that decision
13:18 and lay it before the Lord as such.
13:19 So you're really using a principle
13:21 to decide, to choose. Right, we really feel like the,
13:26 the will of the Lord has been taught us
13:29 in a different way through this experience,
13:31 because now it's coming upon six months
13:35 since the accident happened and we haven't had seen
13:40 the answers that we wanted, you know that we would
13:43 prefer and yet everyday there is grace for that day.
13:46 Amen. Amen. You know Rita, you're the step mom.
13:50 What were you feeling at all this?
13:54 well, I know I didn't experience the pain
13:57 that his birth parents did. Matthew and I were very close.
14:01 He was a delightful child when I... when Charles
14:05 and I married and came back for the honeymoon,
14:07 I found a houseful of bachelors moved in, you know,
14:10 living alone and so the first thing out of Matthew's mouth
14:14 when I walked in the house was welcome home mom.
14:17 Oh! Really. And he opened his heart to me,
14:20 you know, very real way and we bonded,
14:22 we could talk for hours on subjects.
14:24 How old was he? He was 12.
14:27 Really, and he said that. Yeah, he was a special boy.
14:30 That's beautiful. He had deep concern
14:32 for his nutrition, which is unusual for a 12-year-old boy
14:36 and he would follow me around the kitchen,
14:37 looking over my shoulder in all the pots and all the bowls
14:40 and say now what's in that? And so,
14:44 but we used to giggle over that later when I would tell him
14:46 that I used to find him things to do outside
14:49 of the house while I cooked. My heart was very touched
14:53 and it was a very hard time.
14:56 Don't you write poems, Rita?
14:58 didn't you have several poems written about Matthew?
15:01 or just a few, but we'd like for you to share
15:04 some of that with us.
15:05 Yes, I'll share a poem that I wrote.
15:08 God's Perfect Will.
15:10 Lord, you are my all, my strength and my peace.
15:14 I call upon Your name and doubting thoughts cease.
15:17 Your perfect will and way is all that I desire.
15:21 I place my hand in Yours while passing through this fire.
15:26 I ask you to create a new heart within me,
15:29 Remove the filth and dross until pure Gold you see,
15:33 Your promises I trust, they now supply the key
15:37 to rising up above and having victory!
15:40 By faith and not by sight I watch your plan unfold,
15:45 enjoying comfort sweet, safe within Your fold.
15:49 That's beautiful. Thank you.
15:52 Did you decide to return to Black Hill after that
15:54 did you want to say something? No.
15:57 Did you decide to return to Black Hills then after that?
16:01 It was a hard decision to know,
16:03 we, we really agonized over that, because each,
16:05 each day as we go and say Matthew,
16:08 it seems is if with his love of soul winning, he was,
16:12 was crying out to us saying don't spend your time
16:15 waiting on me. That's the way he felt inside.
16:18 Yes and, and so we kept saying Lord, is this your,
16:23 really your will, what is your will,
16:25 and it just kept coming on stronger and stronger
16:28 that we were being called to go ahead
16:31 and leave him there in good care.
16:34 And what was his condition then, he was in,
16:36 he was what? He was still in a deep coma
16:38 at that time, Matthew used to, when he had taken
16:42 the Bible college himself, he would come home
16:45 and share with us, you have to go
16:47 and share God's word. And he would say,
16:50 you need to go out and I would, I would say Matthew,
16:52 I have a missionary field right here and I point
16:55 to my little girls and he just look at me
16:57 and raise an eyebrow. And that would be the end
16:59 of the conversation that he, he... we knew his passion
17:03 was for saving souls, was for bring the Gospel
17:06 of Jesus Christ to hearts that hadn't heard the story.
17:10 So we knew that's what he would want.
17:13 You know, don't you have some pictures of Matthew?
17:18 Yes, they we can share, Yes, there is a picture
17:21 that was given to us several weeks after the accident
17:25 that we had not seen that a friend of his had taken,
17:28 that really tells the story of who Matthew is?
17:31 He had his Bible opened and... then he is,
17:34 you like this one because he is, it really shows Matthew.
17:37 It shows Matthew. He loved the word of God
17:40 and he loved to share it with people.
17:42 Well, you were separated by so many miles
17:45 and you were trying to merge yourself
17:46 in the Bible College.
17:50 How did you deal with discouragement?
17:52 We... it seem to every time that we needed an extra boost,
17:58 the Lord gave us one in various ways.
18:00 And one of them was the news letter
18:03 that he wrote for his little congregation,
18:05 just before his accident and it dealt with Romans 8:28.
18:13 Of course, it says that "We know that all things
18:15 work together for good to them that love God,
18:17 to them who are the called according to his purpose.
18:20 We know that, that, it doesn't always seem good,
18:23 but it always works together for good.
18:24 And he wrote this little article I'll just read you
18:27 a few sentences out of it. Okay.
18:28 But it says, I remember that text in Romans 8:28,
18:32 he is talking about just after he had a little accident
18:35 with the dear a few weeks before this one.
18:37 And this is a little articles that he had written.
18:40 Matthew had written. Okay, this is his words.
18:42 It was a church newsletters, what it is. He says
18:45 I remember that the text, that text in Romans 8:28,
18:48 when I realized that all things work together for good,
18:51 to those who love God, and are called according
18:53 to his purpose and I was able to focus on
18:55 the blessing and the trials of the accident.
18:57 And in any circumstances all things work for good.
19:01 And we knew that the Lord had sent that message
19:03 not for them, but for us knowing this was just penned
19:07 a few days before that. And there was also
19:11 a letter that, that he had written to a friend,
19:14 that didn't arrive until after the accident.
19:17 And this friend went ahead and forwarded the copy
19:21 of the letter back to us, because it was
19:22 so spiritually rich and it was a real comfort to our heart.
19:27 When our son couldn't speak to us,
19:29 it was so beautiful that we had words
19:31 he could penned himself just prior, its so comforting
19:34 and I know the Lord had planned that ahead of time, amen.
19:37 Yeah, it was a beautiful thing, I remember
19:39 when this letter, that when you got it
19:41 and it touched everybody's heart when you read it.
19:46 Share with us. I'll just read a small portion
19:49 where he is talking about working
19:50 in the garden at Black Hills. And he says, one day
19:54 as I was pulling weeds and potatoes,
19:55 I notice the leaves had holes in them and they were
19:59 turning brown, that's the potatoes.
20:01 I started to think that we had done something wrong
20:04 in raising those plans, because it appeared to be dying.
20:08 So I decided to the dig under one of the plants
20:10 to see what the problem was. I discovered six to eight
20:13 good size healthy potatoes under the seemingly dead plant.
20:18 What do you think the lesson was that I learned?
20:21 The plant had to die and put all its energy
20:23 into bearing fruit.
20:28 What a comfort to know
20:29 that could this was, this was the stage of Matthew heart,
20:33 just hours before this accident. Right, this was written
20:36 to a friend he was encouraging, wasn't he?
20:38 Right, and it did not even arrived to her home
20:41 until after the accident, so it was written
20:44 quite soon before. How did the scripture
20:47 of Romans 8:28 help you with discouragement, Rita?
20:50 Well, it was like, Matthew was reminding us that
20:54 what we already knew, that all things work together
20:56 for good that back to back exceeding abundantly
20:58 above all that we ask or think. God had a plan
21:02 and we knew it. Oh! That's hard to grasp
21:03 though when you're in middle of that, isn't it?
21:04 then you, did you feel the difficulty of grasping
21:09 those promises? It is that's, there again
21:12 it comes back to a decision. Yes. And when you
21:14 make the decision, then the Lord add the grace,
21:16 like Paul and Silas when they are thrown in prison,
21:19 you know, they didn't really grasp on to it until
21:23 they started to, you know, sing in prison.
21:26 And when they started to sing,
21:28 then God moved in their behalf.
21:30 He was the one telling me that decision.
21:33 You were kind of at a camp meeting?
21:35 Weren't you together?
21:36 the last time you saw Matthew?
21:38 Yes and that was a unique situation,
21:41 because we had no plans to see him
21:43 and while we're at a family camp meeting,
21:46 they asked us if Matthew might be interested
21:48 in a job there. So we called him and he said,
21:51 you know, I'll come down and have an interview
21:53 with them, so he drove 18 hours and got there
21:56 and the job closed right before he even got there
22:00 and so we had a blessed time anyway,
22:04 it was interesting, because Matthews could have been
22:06 a little upset over that, you know, disappointment
22:09 and his countenance never changed.
22:11 He just knew the Lord had a plan no matter what,
22:13 he claimed that verse, we all did and we thought Lord,
22:16 this doesn't look like it make sense right now,
22:18 but we, we know you had a purpose and everything.
22:20 So we went on as a family and had a wonderful rest
22:23 of the week together. Later finding that was indeed
22:26 our last time with our son.
22:34 The condition that Matthew is in now,
22:38 is it easy for you look upon, is it?
22:42 And what's the doctor's prognosis for him?
22:46 Matthew is in a long term care facility.
22:51 We never dream that we would ever see our son there
22:53 or allow our loved one to be in a situation like that,
22:57 and yet it's been something that's totally
22:59 out of our control. Yeah. But Matthew right now
23:02 has very limited brainstem activity really he,
23:08 you know, has sleep and wake cycles and is able to
23:13 hear loud noises and respond and so forth,
23:15 some of those basic things. But very limited responses in,
23:20 in relation to the people around him.
23:24 For instance, when we pray with him, he doesn't
23:27 closes his eyes for prayer, it's the one thing that
23:29 he could do, but doesn't do. What about the car?
23:32 what did it look like? What happen and all that?
23:34 Don't you have picture that you can show us?
23:38 Yes, a friend handed me a camera,
23:40 I didn't have my camera with me at the time of all this.
23:42 So, is this when you were there?
23:43 Yes, yes this is the picture of the car
23:48 that Matthew was in.
23:50 It was difficult, I'm sure.
23:53 Yeah, it was difficult to see the car and be there.
23:55 Out little girls were very moved by that.
23:58 What is he look like now?
23:59 Well, he has trek in that helps him
24:02 on his breathing as a feeding tube
24:05 basically there is not a lot of other intervention, right.
24:07 We had desire that Matthew maybe could come home
24:11 with us when he got to this point and that hasn't
24:17 happened legally we been that, that door's closed
24:21 to us now. Is that right?
24:23 But we felt that also was the Lord's leading,
24:25 because of the same time we had a call to come
24:28 to Park Rapids, Minnesota and do Bible work.
24:30 Is that right? Let's see the picture
24:32 of him in the hospital there, I think that would be
24:35 something that would help people to understand
24:38 of what we need to pray for, for your sake
24:44 and your family and for Matthew's sake.
24:47 It's a process, isn't it? Yes. This picture of course
24:51 shows him on a ventilator and all the apparatus
24:54 and head monitors and so forth, monitoring his brain pressure
24:58 was a serious situation. And now,
25:02 he's pretty well past all that, but it was quite
25:05 a scary thing to come in the hospital
25:07 and see your son in that condition.
25:09 Oh! I guess! Is 1st Thessalonians 5:18
25:11 have any meaning to you on this. Yes, definitely
25:15 "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God
25:17 and Christ Jesus concerning you."
25:20 That's... once again I had to say when they say it.
25:23 It is, isn't it? In everything give thanks.
25:26 But we know that God still has a plan in all this
25:29 and we've to just wait for it to unfold.
25:31 It's dangerous to try to look ahead
25:34 and see what tomorrow is, we have grace for today,
25:36 but that's all we're assured of. Right, and that could be really
25:41 encouraging for those who are going through something
25:43 anywhere near like this, or lesser or more.
25:48 And 2nd Corinthians has some meaning for you,
25:50 doesn't it? Yes, 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 7,
25:54 beautiful verse,
25:56 "For we walk by faith, and not by sight."
26:00 You know we're told that
26:02 if we could see the end from the beginning
26:03 we wouldn't choose it any other way. Amen.
26:06 And we haven't seen the end yet and yet
26:09 the beauty of it is that he has given us the grace
26:11 to say for today. We see that it's going to be
26:16 all right and that's for the best.
26:17 Oh! You know Charles and Rita, I remember when this
26:21 all happened and I asked how we could minister
26:23 to you and you felt that you just had the peace
26:27 of the Lord, that you didn't have to have everybody
26:30 ministering to you. But it was a wonderful thing
26:32 that everybody cared about you the way they did.
26:36 You know if this program has been a blessing to you,
26:38 let 3ABN know, write or call 3ABN.
26:41 Let them know how it might be touching your heart
26:44 and pray for Charles and Rita.
26:46 Matthew is not out of the woods yet,
26:48 so to speak and your prayers certainly could be added
26:53 to theirs and ours to bless him and their family.
26:55 And pray for them as they're doing their Bible work too
26:58 and we're going to be praying as we close out the program.
27:02 Please join us again on on "Thinking about Home."
27:05 We're always glad that you do that.
27:08 Charles, you wanna lead us out or take us out with prayer?
27:11 I'd love to, Gracious Lord, we want to thank you
27:15 especially for the privilege it is to be partaker
27:19 in the sufferings for Jesus Christ.
27:21 And though we don't see the end from the beginning,
27:23 we know that you have a plan and I know you're gonna
27:25 reveal that plan gloriously far above but we could ask
27:29 or think and then by faith we can grab hold of it today
27:33 even though we don't see that.
27:35 I thank you for your study, ever loving, carefully handing
27:39 over us and the love that you've shown us
27:43 in so many ways. I thank you for being able
27:46 to share the story and I pray that every one
27:49 who might also be sharing the similar circumstance
27:52 or hurt in some way can use this
27:55 as a comfort in their souls.


Revised 2014-12-17