Thinking About Home

Testimony - Youthful Challenge

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Richard O'Ffill, Ariel Roldan, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000165

00:30 Welcome to Thinking About Home,
00:31 I am Kathy Matthews
00:32 and I'm glad that you're with us again.
00:34 We've been doing some changes on the program here recently,
00:38 and I was the guest, and now I am back in my old spot again.
00:41 But we do have Richard O'Ffill from the Florida Conference
00:45 of Seventh-day Adventist,
00:46 Pastor O'Ffill, you're with us again.
00:48 And our guess today is Ariel Roldan is that correct?
00:53 You said it good.
00:54 Thank you. Good, good rolling the R right there.
00:56 Oh, good, I have. But I can do it better, Roldan.
01:00 Five years in Chino would do that to you.
01:03 Well, I don't.
01:04 Well, I haven't been there and I don't know Spanish.
01:07 You did very good Kathy. Thank you very much.
01:09 You know that's the nice thing
01:10 about the Spanish language, Kathy,
01:11 is that they're so complimentary.
01:13 I mean, if you pronounce that with a Texas accent,
01:16 Ariel will say, it's wonderful Kathy.
01:19 No, no, he do it all of us, no they it all of us.
01:22 But it encourages us. Kathy, you did fine.
01:24 Thank you, but he's being genuine
01:26 and real this time, aren't you?
01:28 Yes, I am.
01:30 You know I like your shirt,
01:31 your mother sent you that, didn't she?
01:33 Yes, I am blessed with a good momma,
01:36 she sends me quite a bit stuff,
01:38 but she found out that I was gonna be coming
01:40 to this show, so she sent me something
01:42 a little bit out the ordinary so.
01:44 Oh, mother, you did a beautiful job,
01:46 I like the shirt. I like it too. It looks pretty.
01:49 So, we wanna compliment you.
01:50 It's wrinkle free, so it's a design for.
01:53 For a single fellow.
01:56 Yes, this is wrinkle free quite a long time too.
01:59 I meet Ariel at Black Hills Mission College of Evangelism,
02:04 and I was really impressed with his sincerity
02:07 and his surrender to the Lord,
02:09 and I asked him and two of his buddies
02:10 to come to the program,
02:11 and they were not able to make
02:13 and I'm really sorry about that.
02:14 Eddy and Doran weren't able to come,
02:17 but Ariel made it and probably wasn't easy
02:21 on the flight, was it?
02:23 It was interesting, it was a blessing
02:26 because I had already been exposed
02:28 to this type of thing traveling abroad overseas,
02:31 this is standard, when you go overseas.
02:32 They always check your language make sure
02:34 there is nothing being taking into the country.
02:37 But, when I go to the airport,
02:39 it was very thorough they checked
02:41 even inside my shoes and everything,
02:43 so I'm glad I had clean underwear, mom.
02:47 I remember old jokes about that kind of thing,
02:49 but I won't go there.
02:51 Ariel, I've invited you, because I wanted you to share
02:55 something about the changes in your life
02:57 as the Lord came into your life.
02:58 Your background and because this is thinking about home,
03:03 I want you to talk about how your home life was?
03:08 Where the change for Jesus took place and so on?
03:10 Can you tell me where you born?
03:13 Yes, I was born in Tucumán, Argentina,
03:15 I will not ask you to say that.
03:17 Please, don't.
03:18 It's the Northern part of Argentina,
03:21 it's a beautiful town close to Bolivia.
03:24 And I grew up into home of a Colporteur
03:26 or a literature evangelist, so. Your father was?
03:28 Yes, my father was a Colporteur,
03:30 he was originally a policeman
03:31 and my mom was an accountant for a car dealership.
03:35 Growing up was, we always have good
03:38 memories growing up home.
03:40 So, there were some shifts that took place growing up
03:44 because of changing living quarters where we were living,
03:49 because we came from South America all the way
03:51 to the United States when I was 11 years old,
03:53 that created a shift. But growing up home,
03:57 my mom side of family was all Catholic
03:59 and my dad side was all Pentecostal.
04:02 So from very little I was aware that Seventh-day Adventists
04:06 were not the norm, you could say.
04:09 My cousins would come over
04:10 and they always asked this question so,
04:12 from very little we had this ability
04:15 or this opportunity rather to share our differences
04:19 both with our Catholic cousins and our Pentecostal cousins.
04:21 And actually I get along better with my,
04:24 I enjoyed, my favorite cousins were the Catholic cousins,
04:27 because there were allowed to do more stuff.
04:29 So, you grew up Seventh-day Adventist,
04:31 they were allowed. Yeah.
04:35 So, you grew up Seventh-day Adventist, right?
04:36 Yes. Okay, all right, well.
04:38 I'm just being honest.
04:40 Right, well, I can understand that,
04:41 of course, that comes from a youth's heart, no, doesn't it?
04:44 Yes. It does.
04:45 And it is interesting, Kathy,
04:47 when he says you know when you think back
04:49 you have good memories he has good memories,
04:51 not everybody has good memories.
04:52 You know I thought of that when he said that,
04:53 I thought, I was gonna say the same thing,
04:55 not everybody does have good memories,
04:57 but I am glad that you do.
04:58 Thank God. The good memories come
04:59 when you involve the Lord, even the bad ones.
05:01 Because you go through some hardships,
05:03 when we were in Bolivia, there were some times
05:05 when being a Colporteur was not lucrative at all,
05:08 because South America... Bolivia was going through
05:11 some shifts during that time
05:13 and so economically it was not stable,
05:15 so they were times that my dad did well.
05:17 But then they were the years where there was much praying
05:20 and much tear shedding at home
05:22 and those were also good memories,
05:24 because it got us closer to Lord.
05:25 Right. You know, when he says
05:26 there were times, you know he is just using
05:28 these forma words he is saying
05:30 there's times when being Colporteur was not lucrative,
05:32 I don't know that word ever...
05:34 I think you're right, because that was one month
05:36 and he's in the States and it wasn't lucrative then.
05:37 What he's saying is that there were times
05:39 which we could barely make it.
05:41 Yes. Yes. Yeah. but in spite of all that,
05:44 I mean those are the times
05:45 where you see the hand of God closer to your family.
05:48 If you will take it that way.
05:50 See it's not a miracle when you get a paycheck,
05:51 that's standard lifestyle you could say.
05:54 Even the bad guys get a paycheck.
05:55 That's right, and really big ones.
05:59 When you see food being delivered
06:01 to you by people you don't know,
06:02 when money comes out at the last minute, you know...
06:06 I've been there, done that.
06:07 You eat the food differently, it tastes better.
06:10 Yes. you feel like,
06:11 you know like the Israelites in the wilderness
06:13 and God's given you Manna right there in there.
06:16 Amen. So even the bad memories,
06:18 you look back at them, of course, at that moment
06:20 you're not thinking, oh, I wanna remember this.
06:22 Yes. But now I am glad I do,
06:25 because all those little things helped to shape
06:28 where I am today. Yes.
06:29 And of course this brings up something too, Kathy,
06:31 and that is, that when we have hard times,
06:33 it's gonna do one or two things to us.
06:34 It's either gonna brings us closer to the Lord
06:36 or it's gonna drive us away.
06:37 Yes. But all things were together
06:40 for good to those who love the Lord,
06:41 and that's what you're saying,
06:42 because my family loved the Lord even hard times
06:44 drew us closer to him. Amen.
06:46 Did you cover all that you wanted
06:48 to on how your family backgrounds, differences,
06:50 one family off in this direction and one in this,
06:53 how it effected your life, did you?
06:56 I think it solidified me and my brother
06:58 that we were distinct.
07:00 It was awkward at all for us to stand out,
07:04 to be different even in our family.
07:06 So, wherever we went, it was always the four of us.
07:09 I have a younger brother, he lives in Massachusetts.
07:13 And whenever we went to new school,
07:16 whether it was Adventist or not,
07:18 we were used already being different and peculiar,
07:21 not eating certain things and not participating
07:24 with certain events on Sabbath and things like that.
07:26 So, growing up in that type of an environment,
07:29 I think prepared us to meet the world
07:32 in its reality as a Seventh-day Adventist
07:35 that you would stand out like, like a good thumb.
07:37 Like a good thumb, not like a sore one.
07:39 You know Kathy, I was thinking our experience in
07:42 because we live just over the mountains in Chile.
07:46 Did you? And tell me if I am wrong, Ariel.
07:50 but being a Protestant
07:53 in certain parts of South America
07:54 is not actually a bad thing to be,
07:56 it's kind of an upward thing.
07:58 In other words, it's actually the in thing,
08:01 now I am sure there is exceptions to this.
08:03 But the Protestantism is growing leaps and bounds
08:07 in South America.
08:08 Was it like that though when you were there?
08:11 Argentina and Bolivia, I've never been to Chile.
08:13 But Argentina and Bolivia are strong Catholics.
08:16 Okay. And our friends the Catholics
08:18 have you can say, predominance over there.
08:21 But me and my brother, we have a problem learning
08:26 to say The hail Mary's,
08:27 my brother could actually recite them better,
08:29 then some of the other kids so.
08:30 In the public schools, public schools were run
08:32 by the Catholic Church. So, you had the priest,
08:36 sometimes they would bring the Virgin Mary
08:38 to the school and the priest will come
08:39 and bless the school.
08:40 We had to participate in all these rites.
08:42 So were very much exposed to all that as kids,
08:44 and God gives you wisdom.
08:46 You know, you can only go as far as your beliefs
08:49 and your understanding of the word of God is,
08:50 you can only go so far.
08:52 But the Lord give us wisdom as children to be like
08:55 the three faithful that they were in Babylon.
08:58 They went toward the statue was,
09:00 but they never bowed down to it.
09:01 So, we find ourselves sometimes in those situations,
09:04 I'm saying that.
09:05 So, did it help you grow spiritually?
09:06 It solidified. it did.
09:08 because growing up in a Colporteur's home
09:09 you have tons of books.
09:11 I praise God that I have a mom like the one he gives me,
09:15 gave me, because she saw in me
09:17 a desire to learn fast.
09:19 Reading was one of the first thing she caught up,
09:21 because I used to have the Bazooka Bubble Gum Wrappers.
09:24 Mom, what does that word say,
09:25 of course, she's Spanish.
09:26 Yes. Mom, what does that word say
09:27 and she will begin to teach me
09:28 and so I learned to read before I went to school.
09:30 Yes. And because of that,
09:32 I think the Lord used that and...
09:34 That is so funny,
09:35 well, so where did you learn to read, Ariel?
09:37 Off the bubble gum wrappers? Yes.
09:39 That was the beginning. Well, it's wonderful.
09:41 I never that's just a new one.
09:43 Right, I, that's the only reading material that I had.
09:47 And it was short enough that, you know, a book has pages,
09:50 but a bubble gum wrapper is just a bubble wrapper.
09:52 So it was not threatening. No.
09:53 If I can read this, you know, it's a style.
09:56 It was a five year old's newspaper,
09:58 you find out about the world from those sources.
10:01 And of course, if you chew too much bubble gum,
10:02 you don't... Oh, dear.
10:05 I don't have to worry about those,
10:07 they were coming out naturally. Oh, okay.
10:09 Anyways, because of that,
10:10 when my dad would bring children's book to sell
10:13 as a Colporteur, I devour them,
10:15 I mean, I just went through the stories of the Apostle,
10:17 the stories of Joseph, Moses.
10:19 So, me and my brother were extremely or thoroughly
10:23 exposed to biblical themes and biblical stories.
10:25 So, I praise God that the foundation,
10:29 the foundation that our parents
10:30 were able to give us by God's grace,
10:33 placed a very concrete foundation in the life of me
10:37 and my younger brother. Amen.
10:38 Did you stay there?
10:40 Then we came to United States.
10:42 Oh, no, what's that going. You're suppose to laugh.
10:45 I think I'm suppose to stand
10:46 and sing the national anthem or something...
10:49 I will explain myself what I say about that.
10:50 I didn't laugh my head hung...
10:52 Let me explain what I said about that,
10:53 Okay. Because coming here
10:57 it was a blessing, of the opportunities
11:00 that were given to myself, my brother.
11:02 And I do not by any means regret any of that.
11:07 But this country, the way it's setup,
11:10 this is for my outsiders perspective.
11:12 The way it's setup is designed at least when we came here,
11:16 this was around 1984.
11:18 Things that, you know, you have seen them
11:20 flashes of those times in the past.
11:22 Some of the things that I remember,
11:24 were the one time I was watching PBS,
11:27 and there were gonna run a special,
11:29 after school special and the question
11:31 on the whole show was going to be, am I gay?
11:34 And they had a picture of a 13 year old boy.
11:36 Really. That question never,
11:39 ever, ever entered into my mind.
11:41 I thought, you know, girls were, you know,
11:45 fun to play soccer with and things like that.
11:47 I was nothing to this sexuality mentality already.
11:51 Right. But when I saw that,
11:53 it was like just like Satan in the Garden of Eden with Eve.
11:56 You know, has God really said?
11:58 The question was never in Eve's mind
12:01 until Satan planted it. Suggested it.
12:04 And that just created a chasm of conflict in my mind,
12:07 because my parents had already told us,
12:09 you know, listen, girls are gonna be
12:12 a part of your life, but later.
12:14 Don't worry so much about that,
12:15 you have school. And women will take up
12:17 enough of your brains once you're done with school,
12:21 No, no. Be positive,
12:22 it was a good thing,
12:23 you know, you've focus on how to please this lady.
12:25 You noticed, he's kind of above that...
12:26 I think I'm, and it's not fair here,
12:29 I don't think I will go there.
12:30 Go ahead with your story, there's two,
12:32 two sitting over here and one sitting here, go ahead.
12:35 And so you're telling us that coming
12:37 from the culture of South America
12:39 and coming into this kind of somewhat secularized,
12:43 very open, very open.
12:44 Really, it was more open then there.
12:46 As far as certain things, yes.
12:49 But you know, well, it was like that for us
12:51 in Europe, compared to here.
12:53 Ariel, I also hear you're saying that this is a land
12:59 where there are more material advantages,
13:02 you know, Kathy, I was, I remember
13:03 when I was in Pakistan years ago.
13:05 A conference president, he told me, he said,
13:08 pastor, he said, I can't think of anything
13:10 that would be in heaven that you don't already have.
13:12 And so this is seen as the land of opportunity,
13:15 and so this did give more material opportunities.
13:19 It did quickly, in Bolivia and Argentina,
13:22 I can remember that if you had car in one place,
13:24 you really didn't have money to afford a TV.
13:27 And if you had a TV in one place
13:28 you really couldn't afford to have a car.
13:30 That's how the mind of a young person thought.
13:35 When I came here we had everything,
13:37 all of us had cars, we had a TV in every room
13:41 and all of those things began to crack at that foundation,
13:45 Because the first thing that I was,
13:48 I was very prone to read,
13:50 but then I was very prone to watch cartoons,
13:53 Bugs Bunny and all those other.
13:54 I grew up that way. Cartoons. But I wasn't a reader.
13:57 But we didn't have cables in South America.
13:59 And South America is different now of course,
14:01 now the whole world is pretty much the same, 24x7 TV.
14:04 But, back then they had,
14:08 They had started 12 with military news,
14:10 then they had a Mass, and they had soap operas
14:14 for about five hours, and then cartoons for an hour.
14:18 And so once the cartoons were over,
14:20 you know, you didn't wanna see soap operas,
14:22 we didn't care about those things.
14:23 So, you read, you played games,
14:25 you did all these things.
14:26 Here they had the cartoon network,
14:28 24 hours cartoons, all day long.
14:32 Seven days a week.
14:33 And so, it was hard for me to turn it off.
14:36 So, Satan supplanted the love for reading,
14:40 for the love for watching. yeah.
14:42 And no mental exercise. So, coming here was,
14:46 could have been a tremendous blessing,
14:49 unfortunately the circumstances that I allowed myself
14:53 to enter both in high school and even after high school,
14:58 we're just extremely detrimental to that foundation,
15:01 to the point where it seemed like
15:02 everything was gonna crumble.
15:03 In other words, you're describing
15:06 your early life with high spiritual values,
15:09 and a high sense of importance
15:12 of spiritual things in your life.
15:13 And so you're saying when you came here
15:14 that begun to the diminish somewhat.
15:17 Well, on your choices, you choose certain things
15:19 that undermine all the other things that you've been taught.
15:22 Yeah, in high school, the values were different.
15:27 In South America, I'm not gonna say South America is better,
15:30 this is the difference, it's the difference.
15:33 In South America, you had uniforms,
15:35 everybody had to wear uniforms
15:37 no matter what school you went to.
15:38 Here when I came here Adidas,
15:41 Shell Top Adidas and this specific jeans
15:43 and specific jackets were in style.
15:46 And of course, those were not found in Kmart,
15:48 where my dad shopped. Right, right.
15:50 So, when I went to school,
15:53 it wasn't no longer my academic performance,
15:55 Right, that dictated my level
15:58 but rather my outward appearance.
16:00 So, you begin to care less about getting honors,
16:04 and carrying more about how many friends accepted you
16:07 and who you hung out and who you ate lunch with,
16:09 and who sat with you at cafeteria.
16:11 So, we became very shallow,
16:13 and of course, the transition wasn't fast,
16:16 it was extremely gradual.
16:18 Like I said, the Lord blessed me
16:19 and my brother with, we're not perfect,
16:21 but perfect for us parents.
16:24 Because they refer, they are like, you know,
16:27 we don't care what they're telling you on TV,
16:29 we don't care what they're.
16:31 You know, at that time,
16:32 it was around the time where I think
16:34 there was a young man that had divorced his parents,
16:36 I don't know if you guys remember that?
16:37 I do remember that,
16:38 I do remember something about that.
16:40 And my parents were like, listen,
16:42 you know, you cannot divorce us, That's right.
16:45 because we have a big belt then you do.
16:48 Are you sure? well in God's eyes though that's not possible?
16:54 Exactly, legalities, may say what they say,
16:57 but in God's eyes that was, that was false, that was void.
17:01 It was not heaven, they did not look
17:02 at that as something solid
17:05 or something that actually took place.
17:06 So, my parents had this fear of,
17:07 I was being drawn away from them,
17:10 and graduated from high school was actually
17:13 now back funny to me and my brother,
17:14 because as conversations grew back between
17:18 my parents and my brother.
17:20 When they were sitting together and we ate
17:22 and then we're finding out that they were scared
17:24 and we were sacred of something similar,
17:26 but from a different perspective.
17:28 All our friends in high school were telling us,
17:30 man, I got to get a job, my parents,
17:31 I am gonna turn 18 and they wanna kick me out.
17:34 I have to go and find a place to live at.
17:36 And me and my brother looked at each other like,
17:38 I wonder if mom and dad are gonna do that to us.
17:41 And in Argentina, you don't leave home unless
17:44 you get married, right, or basically, that's it.
17:48 My parents on the other hand were getting from their parents,
17:51 other parents saying, my child's threatening me
17:54 that when he turns 18 he's leaving,
17:56 and was never gonna see me again.
17:57 So my parents were thinking well, you know...
17:59 Are they gonna do that to us?
18:00 Ariel and Marcelo are not thinking about doing that to us.
18:03 So, it, this mentality that at least we found ourselves in,
18:08 what it begin to do was put
18:10 a huge wedge between our families.
18:12 The communication broke down really fast.
18:16 You couldn't talk to your parents of certain things.
18:18 So, this particular subject you just talked about,
18:21 the two fears had you all not talked to each about that?
18:23 No, we just acted them out, complete misunderstandings.
18:26 Our parents were over reacting to certain things
18:29 and we were over react to other things.
18:30 And so it just created a lot clashing,
18:32 a lot friction, it's also misunderstandings.
18:35 And Satan does things in such a way that
18:39 with through those misunderstandings you got,
18:41 you have a great separation. That's right.
18:43 And a greater chasm... Divide and conquer,
18:45 Yes, yes. And you could do a good job
18:48 dividing by breakdown communication,
18:50 yes, right, right, absolutely.
18:51 That's the first thing that I learned to do,
18:53 is to be suspicious of my parents motives.
18:55 Do they go through my things, blah, blah, blah,
18:58 and my parents on the other hand
19:00 were being taught to be distressful of us kids.
19:03 Are you kids bringing marijuana from school,
19:05 are your kids smoking,
19:06 and you don't know these things.
19:07 Are you kids drinking. So both of us had this fear
19:10 that were foreign to us.
19:12 And it was kind of difficult adjusting to those
19:15 and maintaining the conversation.
19:17 Because when you don't trust, you're kind of like waiting
19:19 for the other person to give you a little more information.
19:21 Yes. Rather than you give to them.
19:24 And when he came to issues like talking about sex,
19:28 because in, I was what 15 in Junior High.
19:33 And you know what sex education consisted in my school?
19:37 It was not anything more than showing
19:40 the males how to use a condom.
19:42 That's all basically that it consisted of and informing us
19:46 that we could have access
19:48 to as many condoms as we would need.
19:51 Is this once you got here obviously?
19:53 Once we got here, this is public high school.
19:55 And safe sex was actually, if you wanted to title it
19:59 correctly was half sex class education,
20:02 Right, Right. Yes.
20:03 It wasn't safe sex, it was, if you feel like it,
20:07 go ahead, but now you're safe.
20:09 Which is the most destructive thing
20:12 you can say to a teenager,
20:14 because it distorts totally the mentality of relationships,
20:18 it distorts towards the mentality of family,
20:20 of intimacy, it just, and Satan does that masterfully,
20:24 he begins young about breaking down
20:26 how we view these scared Holy things.
20:29 Yes. Ariel, now you were going
20:32 through a period in which you were being
20:33 very Americanized, this in some of the more
20:37 negative aspect of the culture.
20:39 What was going on in your spiritual life,
20:41 in another words, did you drop out of church
20:43 about that time or could you tell us about that?
20:46 I learned to fake it. You know you go to school
20:50 for a certain number of years and you get a Ph.D
20:52 I have about three of them.
20:54 Because of how many years I learned
20:55 to put up aside as an Adventist.
20:59 Because I didn't want to leave the church,
21:02 I was not happy anywhere else.
21:04 I mean, as far as truth was concerned,
21:06 I knew like I told you guys that foundation as a child,
21:09 gave me a conscious that I could not enjoy the world
21:12 no matter how hard I tried.
21:13 Amen to that. Yes, and thank God
21:15 for the prayers of mothers and fathers.
21:17 Because the Holy Spirit even though I wanted to go
21:20 and do the dancing and all these other things,
21:23 at the end of the night you come home
21:25 and you have this dreaded fear,
21:29 God's watching and he's seeing everything.
21:31 So, you did, you did drop out?
21:34 I did, but not,
21:35 I technically I always remained in the books.
21:37 I always had a suit and tie in church.
21:39 Okay. But Sabbath evenings
21:42 I was watching movies and doing anything
21:46 that if I was really in the church I would not.
21:49 I would not be participating in a lot of the things
21:51 that I did and doing many of the things that I did.
21:54 And for many years I was satisfied with that.
21:55 And when you said God's watching,
21:57 did you have a sense of hashes,
21:59 or did you have just a sense of you know I'm hurting the Lord,
22:02 God knows what I am doing, which was it?
22:04 If Satan can get you to misunderstand your parents,
22:06 he will have a easier time making you misunderstand God,
22:08 that's true. Because as the more ignorant
22:11 you are about the love of your earthly father.
22:14 Right. The more easily
22:16 you'll be deceived about your Heavenly Father.
22:18 So, did you have some experience
22:20 now as you came did coming, did you stay there?
22:23 Did you come back to the Lord?
22:25 The Lord and His mercy brought me out, amen, amen.
22:27 He put hedges about me, you know sometimes
22:29 we see restrictions and things that are not removed
22:33 quickly as hindrances. But now I see them
22:37 as a wall that Lord will not bring down,
22:40 to keep me from passing it, to keep me from passing it.
22:42 Because I was blindsided.
22:44 A lady once told me, you know the Lord does not deal
22:46 with all of us the same way.
22:48 He looks at the circumstances we were raised,
22:50 he looks at circumstances we find ourselves
22:52 in and he's merciful, amen,
22:54 and he was merciful with me to the utmost extreme.
22:59 Finally in 1997, I'm not gonna go into all of this,
23:05 but I was able to go to a mission field in Bolivia.
23:10 It's a branch of, Serve a Need,
23:11 of ADRA called Serve a Need.
23:14 And it's for drug we have children.
23:17 And I've got to see eight to ten,
23:19 twelve year olds glue sniffers from Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
23:24 We would take him away out in the Mountains,
23:26 change there diet and offer them prayer.
23:28 Really. And these kids had parents
23:31 that were horrible parents,
23:34 I say it the way it is, they were horrible parents.
23:38 And yet these kids loved their mom.
23:40 Really? Once they got past their anger
23:42 and the frustrations of the mom not being home,
23:44 and being out with boyfriends.
23:45 With the dad being out with girlfriends.
23:46 When he came down to it at night,
23:47 they wanted me to pray for those parents.
23:49 And I began to think. Amazing.
23:52 How have I treated my parents,
23:55 you know in the Mountains of Santa Cruz,
23:57 I remember after reading Spirit of Prophecy or the Bible,
24:00 I always sit out there and cry.
24:02 You know Lord, what kind of treatment
24:04 have I given my parents.
24:06 I've just been a horrible, horrible burden.
24:08 And so I hear you telling us,
24:10 Ariel, that though you had some ideological
24:13 conflicts in your teenage years,
24:16 when you began to get out there
24:17 and see things from another perspective,
24:19 you begin to reevaluate yourself
24:21 and kind of tune up your spiritual life.
24:23 And all the horrible things that happen
24:24 to those children yet they could love their parents.
24:27 Yes, and I had wonderful parents
24:29 that I totally mistrusted.
24:30 And I denied them my love, which wounded them deeply,
24:34 I know it did. First thing I did, think,
24:36 then when I came back from South America
24:37 was apologize to them.
24:40 And you know that was the beginning
24:42 of me seeing God hands in my family once more.
24:45 Because, I remember, I was kneeling together
24:47 and my dad praying and thanking the Lord,
24:49 with tears in his eyes, we were all crying,
24:52 all of us were crying in the kitchen table,
24:54 I remember it. I see it here that he,
24:57 all embrace like we should do when we were little.
25:00 It was like a big long time had passed
25:02 and it was full of darkness.
25:03 And God had once more brought the family together,
25:06 oh, amen, amen. And my brother of course
25:08 was there too and we, for a long time,
25:10 me and my brother never hugged,
25:11 and our father used to make us
25:13 kiss each other on the cheeks,
25:14 it's very Spanish thing. It's very Spanish.
25:15 Yes, yes. [Foreign Language].
25:17 Yes, and the kiss as well, for the longest time,
25:20 me and my brother we did not show
25:22 any type of affection, he will go his way,
25:24 I will go my way.
25:25 But after this, we could embrace each other
25:27 and tell to each other, I love you again.
25:29 Amen. It was the most wonderful
25:31 experience, Kathy, to see in the short time
25:34 that I've been alive in this planet.
25:36 To see a God of mercy rescue somebody
25:39 with the knowledge that willing forsake it.
25:41 And he protected you during your most difficult time.
25:44 During that time, oh, the Lord is merciful.
25:46 I mean, anything could have happened to me,
25:47 those roads going up to those mountains in South America
25:49 are not like the roads out here,
25:50 people die all the time. Right.
25:52 He preserved me through that, preserve me through...
25:54 He's pursuing us, isn't he?
25:55 Yes, and to use us.
25:56 And to use us, we had for a purpose,
25:59 he is pursuing us for a purpose,
26:00 he has a purpose for you.
26:01 And you're doing a lot right now.
26:03 Ariel is the massage instructor at Black Hills Mission College
26:07 there of evangelism in South Dakota.
26:09 And he does a wonderful job,
26:12 that's good and he's taught
26:13 so many to do a wonderful job as well.
26:16 And that's by God providence as well.
26:18 Amen. It is by God providence,
26:20 he's got good hands. I would like to ask you more
26:23 about what most affected you about your walk with the Lord,
26:28 I don't know if we have enough time to even go into that but...
26:32 I say short prayers of whatever comes to my mind first,
26:36 okay, quick. The prayers of my mother,
26:39 oh, amen, okay. The prayer of my father,
26:42 yes, and the Desire of Ages.
26:44 Oh! That's good, which is a book,
26:48 on the Life of Christ, on the Life of Christ,
26:50 That's right. That book broke my heart.
26:55 It would do it for anyone who was looking for the Lord,
26:59 wouldn't it? If you were open to that,
27:00 it would do it.
27:01 What wonderful story.
27:02 It is and it's not enough we didn't get all the details
27:04 I would like have, but you are going to come back
27:06 into another program with us.
27:08 And it's more or less telling us where you are,
27:12 and in the subject of courtship and seeking a companion,
27:17 And a little bit more then that.
27:18 But before we go, I want to invite the,
27:22 our viewers to write or call 3ABN.
27:25 Tell us about your impressions of our program.
27:29 We would like to hear from you,
27:30 I enjoy hearing from those from the past.
27:33 Ariel is gonna pray for us now as we go out,
27:35 you stay with us,
27:36 we'll be praying with you and God bless you.
27:40 Dear Father, thank you so much for your mercy.
27:42 And Lord I am thankful that you saved me.
27:46 All of us Father we could not even,
27:50 we cannot even imagine where would we be Lord
27:52 had you not intervened in our life sometime.
27:55 And Father, I pray that all this work
27:57 and after repeating to our lives will not be for nothing.


Revised 2014-12-17