Thinking About Home

Intentional Parenting

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, Richard O'Ffill


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000164

00:30 Welcome to Thinking About Home. I'm Richard O'Ffill,
00:34 and I am filling in for our host which is Kathy Matthews.
00:38 And the reason I'm doing that is because
00:40 she is our guest today.
00:42 You do that funny. Welcome to the program.
00:45 You do that better than I do?
00:47 I have to explain it to the people,
00:48 otherwise they'd be all nervous and they say,
00:49 what ever happened to Kathy? I know,
00:51 I don't want you to think that I am gone, because I am not.
00:54 I'm really not. Anyway, it's so nice to
00:58 you know be able to do a program again together
01:00 and you and I have a good time, don't we? Yes,
01:02 I enjoy it very much. You know, I think we ought to tell
01:05 our viewing audience that you know what we do here
01:09 on the program is not to say the last word,
01:13 did I get the right. Right.
01:14 We don't have the last word to say.
01:17 And we might not even have the best word to say.
01:20 There might be a better way, but we do hope that
01:24 on Thinking About Home that we encourage ourselves to think,
01:29 that we need to be pressing on. We need to be doing better,
01:34 and so what we're going to do in the program today,
01:37 especially in the program today is to give some concepts
01:41 and other people might see it other way. Yes.
01:44 I think this is important that we start there,those of you
01:47 who are watching you might see it at a different way.
01:49 You might have a completely different point of view.
01:52 But at least you are hearing us talk about it,
01:54 and we hope that as we talk about it
01:56 that you will be thinking about it in the end,
01:58 that as we Think About Home that will be better parents.
02:01 Amen. Because the subject today, yes, is parenting.
02:03 Yes, it's parenting. Well, you know parenting is a big subject
02:09 and we can't possibly cover it all. And I had
02:12 the most terrible time trying come down to just a few things
02:15 that I can talk about. But if you know
02:19 I were in a course, I facilitate a course. Right.
02:22 And I've developed some of my own material.
02:26 You know you've got a lot of time and you got a lot of
02:28 Reports that you can build with parents.
02:30 I can't do that very well here. We only got a few minutes
02:33 and it aggravates me, it frustrates me.
02:35 You know those jokes they used to say when we were kids,
02:37 they'd say tell us all you know in two minutes.
02:39 Two minutes, I can't do that.
02:42 But it is true and as we talked before
02:43 that do you have seminars that you present,
02:45 because the subject of parenting is big on your heart.
02:49 It's big. And, so we're gonna talk about
02:52 some specific aspects of parenting. And but, anyway,
02:55 lets start out, parenting as it is on your heart.
02:58 Yes, and, I wanna talk about how I got started.
03:01 Yes, please do that. I want to get started and
03:02 helping and mentoring others about parenting.
03:06 But I have to talk about my own parenting
03:07 a little bit in the beginning. And, as I mentioned once
03:10 before I am the youngest of 12 children.
03:13 And so there was a big family
03:14 and there was a very strong sense of our father in the home.
03:18 There wasn't what you call really a Christian
03:21 aspect in our home, but there was a whole
03:23 lot of common sense it seemed like. Sure.
03:25 And when the time came that I became the Christian
03:29 and we were going to have child,
03:30 we had just studied the second coming of Lord
03:33 and we weren't gonna have children.
03:34 We had decided we weren't gonna have children.
03:35 Tom and I, probably about six weeks into that thought,
03:40 we were lying in bed one night and it was as if the same
03:43 subject about not having the child was on each mind.
03:47 And I just spoke out of the blue, you ever do with Betty
03:49 where were you've talked about subject a week ago.
03:52 I'm sure we do. And, then we bring it up.
03:53 I am sure we do. And, then she knows exactly
03:55 what you are talking about without going back
03:57 and talking about what it is. And, I just said
04:01 I don't know what it would like and he said
04:03 I don't know either and we both were thinking
04:05 about not having children. So we slipped out of bed, and knelt
04:11 beside the bed and we asked Lord,
04:14 the time is so short we feel. If you want us to have children,
04:16 because we've been married almost ten years at this point.
04:19 If you wanna us to have children
04:20 then you are going to have give us children,
04:22 and I could have a child by that time, but I didn't.
04:25 The very next possible time that I could have conceived a child
04:28 I did. After that prayer it was just six weeks or so and
04:33 and I was pregnant. And six or nine weeks or so and
04:37 I found out, then I found out very early.
04:39 So it was an amazing thing and I believe that God gave us,
04:44 a prayed for child. Absolutely. And so as it,
04:48 I was 28 by the time she came along and Tom was 31,
04:52 and seem to me like a lot of parenting was common sense,
04:57 though I had several sisters that was worried about me.
04:59 Because I was very social person and I had a business
05:02 at the time and I, they though I was not going
05:04 to make a very good mother. And, you know excuse me
05:06 for interrupting you know I don't know who made up
05:08 the word common sense, because it's so rare.
05:09 It's not very common, is that right? Go ahead.
05:13 Okay, well anyway, so we had our first daughter,
05:18 and I am, I have to admit that I wasn't a mother.
05:21 I didn't have any, I really wasn't a good mother
05:24 in the sense of my own standards for myself. Okay.
05:27 I wasn't a good mother in the sense
05:28 that I wanted to be out there in the social life,
05:32 still it was difficult for me to be at home.
05:35 It was difficult for me to just get away from business
05:37 and just stay and be a mother in the home.
05:40 Don't lose that thought, but in my generation
05:42 we didn't have that trouble, so you were 28
05:44 and just see a back in the old time of days.
05:48 When was that? We would have children almost
05:49 you know a year or so after we married.
05:53 And so, we didn't have this adjustment time
05:55 where you have to kind of psyche yourself up. Yeah.
05:57 And then change your life so drastically,
05:59 I can't remember in my married life
06:00 when I was the father, but there you were.
06:03 There I was and I, the Lord really convicted me
06:06 that I needed to be home with my daughter
06:08 and she was 14 months old by that time,
06:10 and it was difficult for me to let go of the work life.
06:14 And I, as I began to study and read
06:18 and for the next eight years after that it seemed like
06:21 I've observed studying Spirit of Prophecy
06:25 and the Bible like a sponge. And it became very obvious to me
06:30 that there was a lot of parents they just simply did not know
06:32 what to do with their children. And a lot of the things
06:35 that I was reading, my father had done with me,
06:38 some sample things. Of course. Such as,
06:41 who is in authority here? Well it was him,
06:45 and there was no question about it.
06:47 Now I am not talking about someone who had me
06:51 under their thumb, was harsh, some kind of dictatorship,
06:53 dictatorship. But there was no question
06:56 who was in authority, and that made things easier.
07:00 Because, the Lord has put a role in the family.
07:03 Really He has and I already knew that and I wasn't afraid
07:09 of the child. The Lord has assigned
07:10 the responsibility to get on. He had assigned it,
07:12 yes and we weren't afraid of our children
07:15 and we had some strong willed one,
07:20 so it was, it was something that had to be a jump ahead,
07:24 I had keep who I was. And I can't say that I didn't
07:28 make a lot of mistakes with some indulgences
07:30 and permissiveness and so forth. But after some studying
07:36 and some asking of people that I had a lot of respect for.
07:39 I began to realize what I needed to do as a parent.
07:42 All right. And mentoring others began to be something
07:46 that I wanted to do eventually. Because I've had to have some
07:49 experience under my belt. Which is what parenting is,
07:51 is mentoring, is mentoring our children,
07:52 is it not? Well it is, and but once they began to get
07:58 a little older and there began to be some comments
08:00 about you know, you just kind of happen like,
08:04 how did you get her to do that. I began to realize
08:07 that it didn't come easy in some folks home.
08:10 And, it wasn't just because I had a really great
08:13 little child to work with, that was not it at all.
08:16 I had a strong willed little girl.
08:17 And, but, she was pleasant and happy and,
08:22 so any how. In other words, the people were seeing
08:25 are you with... And make some comments.
08:29 And they are saying how is it that this little girl
08:30 seems to be so obedient. So,I just can,
08:32 I kind of came into it. And even I can't say
08:37 how did this little girl become so obedient,
08:39 because there were, there was the relationship of
08:42 how to get her to do what needed to be done
08:44 and it wasn't, it wasn't manipulation,
08:46 it was just an understanding.
08:47 No. And so I became interested in that,
08:51 and I have observed that a lot of parents were dealing with
08:55 a lack of common sense. They, they, especially
08:59 in the Christian realm, they tended to be,
09:02 I wanna be like Jesus. And, so therefore
09:06 they wanted to be very kind and tender and merciful.
09:10 And they were beginning to allow their children
09:12 to just run all over them. And they felt like
09:16 they needed to do this to be Christ like.
09:19 No, no, excuse me for coming in there,
09:21 because it occurs to me that there was a day
09:24 in which we would call this kind of parenting,
09:26 an indulgent parent. But now in this age, yes,
09:30 they say a kind, considerate.... A child centered parent,
09:33 is child centered. Alright. But it used to have another name.
09:36 Permissive kind. Yeah, it was a permissive,
09:39 indulgent parent. Yes, right. Yeah, now you are not saying
09:42 that we shouldn't be kind and... Not at all, and, that's why
09:45 I can't address everything that I want to address.
09:47 So, I've to zero in on something.
09:50 Go ahead. And, but I wanna, you know the parents today,
09:55 there is a multitude of material in psychology
09:58 that parents could go to. But, a lot of it does not,
10:04 nearly all of it, does not really have
10:06 biblical principles in it. We have either one side
10:10 or the other or something that's completely off the ball.
10:13 And I think secular parenting teaches either control
10:19 or self-actualization and I would just say that
10:23 the former. Often are two extreme positions. Yes,
10:26 they are! The former would had to do with some,
10:30 the harsh authoritarian,
10:32 or making the parents wishes supreme.
10:35 And the latter would have do with the child's wishes
10:39 being supreme. You know Kathy it occurs to me that many times,
10:44 we seem to be confronted with,
10:47 and I think we have an expression,
10:48 we're the lesser of the evils. In other words somebody
10:49 will come to you and say of which you think we ought to be,
10:52 should we be this or this, yes. When the fact
10:54 is we should neither, neither, we should be something else.
10:57 And I think that's what I hear you saying.
11:00 There are two extremes, and a person says well,
11:03 if I've got be a Dictator or let the child develop itself,
11:07 right, right. I'll let the child develop itself.
11:08 But that really isn't the option that the scripture
11:10 would refer us to. Well, no and yet there is a blend of
11:13 discipline and warm communication can work together
11:17 and I believe that's what the Bible presents to us,
11:21 neither fully one side, or the other.
11:23 Now, I would like to say too that having been to some
11:26 of the places that I've been, I see and when we were doing
11:29 property management, what I see is not just,
11:32 not just harsh or indulgence. What I see often times
11:37 is indulgent, indulgent, indulgent, indulgent,
11:41 then explosion. Okay. And then harsh you know...
11:45 Going from one extreme to the next. Oh, yes,
11:47 and just until hostility develops between
11:50 you and your child and that's when parents are read to pull
11:53 their hair out, they don't know exactly what to do.
11:56 Well, where do we begin? What is the best thing
11:58 in parenting? Its God's word. It's got be in God's word
12:04 and I think it, I think well haven't we always done,
12:07 isn't that what we used to do in authoritarian,
12:09 wasn't that God's word. Now, now, hold that just a second,
12:12 because it occurs to me and I don't wanna be disrespectful.
12:16 But you know you can make the Bible say about
12:18 anything you want to. Yes. And I read a term one time
12:21 is called bibilize. See, I think it's possible to take a concept
12:28 that's really not in harmony with the word of God.
12:32 Go find some little text for it some place,
12:34 you know sort of out of context, it doesn't fit the picture.
12:37 And impose it and say well, here is the Bible text for that.
12:39 When the truth is, it's not within the Bible principle.
12:42 But it maynot be a Bible principle,
12:46 and I think this is important that we address this.
12:50 Because not everything that has the word
12:53 Bible painted on it, right, is necessarily following
12:56 a biblical principle. Biblical principle,
12:58 that's right. And I think in the past
13:00 when everybody said, do it or else, and felt
13:04 that was the Bible way. It took a portion of,
13:09 how I can I say this without being misunderstood.
13:12 I don't think we've truly seen the depth of biblical principle,
13:16 or biblical modeling of parenting shown yet.
13:20 I don't think we've really seen it,
13:21 not yet but not often. And when that happens
13:24 in our heart or we need it to be happening in our heart,
13:29 a good blend of discipline and warm communication.
13:34 But I wanna, I wanna go to a scripture Dick,
13:38 and it's in Deuteronomy 6. And I think this is where
13:42 we have to begin. And it starts at Deuteronomy 6 verse 4,
13:46 And it says Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one God,
13:51 one Lord, And thou shalt love the Lord thy God
13:53 with all thine heart, and with all thy soul,
13:56 and with all thy might, And these words,
13:58 which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart.
14:02 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children,
14:06 and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house,
14:09 and when thou walkest by the way,
14:10 and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
14:14 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand,
14:17 and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
14:19 Now, I've a question. Who is it He's talking to?
14:23 Make it easy. It is, it's pretty easy,
14:25 who is he talking to? Let me guess,
14:26 who is He talking to? It sounds like
14:28 he's talking to parents. He is, well He said Hear,
14:31 Israel. Yeah. Okay, they are the responsible
14:33 ones listening doesn't mean the youth weren't there,
14:36 the young people weren't there. But he's talking to the parents.
14:38 He is talking to parents. And do you remember
14:42 what he said where should it be? No, I didn't know,
14:46 of course our viewing audience, they weren't with us
14:49 when we were kind of talking, you know working up to this.
14:51 Yes. So, I know all the right answers to this,
14:53 you know so they won't think I'm smarter or something.
14:56 I'm hearing... It's pretty simple though.
14:58 I'm hearing this text say that is being addressed
15:01 to parents and it's saying that the word of God should be
15:05 in our own hearts. Yes. It's got be in our own hearts.
15:08 Yeah. And I think that where we're going to go is
15:11 that maybe it's possible, this is kind of
15:14 on the negative side for parents to be trying to teach
15:18 their children something that isn't in their own heart.
15:20 Yes, exactly. But he is saying teach it to them
15:24 he said in thine own hearts and then he said how,
15:27 teach to them how? You have to help me
15:31 out with that, I grew a blank. Diligently,
15:33 that's right. Okay is that... And diligently mean
15:36 just intentionally, intentionally, this would be
15:38 a word that we would use these days. Right,
15:40 how? We use the word diligent, when we would say,
15:43 you know you got be intentional about that. Yes,
15:45 that kind of a replacement word now but diligent,
15:48 we don't say as much. Right. But to teach it to them
15:50 diligently means intentional. And it means obviously
15:53 that you need to know something about what you're doing
15:56 and you can't just assume a child's is gonna grow up
15:58 with your values, or on its own, and be a child
16:04 that's going to accept Christian values.
16:07 It simply isn't. It's got to be taught to them diligently.
16:09 And, so I would, if we're under the hand of God.
16:14 And it's in our heart then... Lets see,
16:20 because this program is so small,
16:23 so short in time, I've to start somewhere.
16:27 So, after it's in our heart, I just would like to
16:31 read a couple of things about,
16:33 that I, out of a favorite book of mine.
16:39 And it's about training and not just telling a child
16:46 what to do. And I had a tendency just to tell them
16:49 what to do. And I had to learn much more about training
16:53 a child what to do. And training takes intentional
16:57 and diligent effort. Okay, and it says
17:00 here on page 38 of the book. You can see all my goodies here
17:03 I've marked all kinds of things. Okay, a Child Guidance.
17:05 And the book is called Child Guidance,
17:08 and it was a favorite of mine, there has been a lot of material
17:11 out now that can match this, but most do not.
17:15 It's not better then that. It's not any better than this.
17:17 And right here we're talking about on page 38,
17:21 it says many fathers and mothers seem to think that
17:22 if they feed and clothe their little ones,
17:25 and educate them according to the standard of the world,
17:27 they have done their duty. They are too much occupied
17:30 with business or pleasure to make education
17:34 of their children the study of their lives.
17:36 They do not seek to train them, so that they will employ
17:39 their talents for the honor of their Redeemer.
17:41 Solomon did not say,
17:43 "Tell a child the way he should go,
17:46 and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
17:48 But, "Train up a child in the way he should go,
17:52 and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
17:54 So training to me says that, I need to address
17:59 the attitudes of the heart. All right. I'm not just asking
18:03 them merely to behave. Now, do I want good behavior?
18:06 Of course. Do I expect the child to become
18:08 reverend and respectful, and that doesn't come naturally.
18:12 So yes, I want good behavior. But, I want to say first
18:21 that child training, if you do not address the heart,
18:22 you've missed it. Okay. Okay, now we've talked about this
18:27 little before we got started.
18:31 Addressing the attitudes of the heart
18:34 takes moral reasoning.
18:38 Can you reason morally with a two year old?
18:44 Do you know I would just say to our viewers
18:46 when Kathy and I... And somebody might said yes,
18:48 my child, you can do that. I told Kathy that
18:51 I've an experience for this. Because Betty,
18:55 before the birth of our first child Cindy. Yes.
18:59 Read this book Child Guidance, and something popped out,
19:04 was about reasoning with children.
19:06 Yes, and go ahead. And of course, and of course,
19:09 of course we must reason with our children.
19:10 Yes. But I think that what we're gonna go in the program
19:13 now is that, is that when a child is first born.
19:17 In other words, you got to have something
19:18 to reason with. Yes, you do.
19:19 Can you reason with a two year old?
19:21 And, so, I think that if we, if we...
19:24 I think we kind of got ahead of ourselves,
19:26 because I think Betty began to reason with Cindy.
19:30 And she reasoned with her to the place
19:31 where a little two year old like you said,
19:33 felt that if she was given a good reason
19:35 for the little two year's old mind,
19:36 she didn't have to do it. And I think that you got
19:39 problem with that. You do. Well, I hope you do.
19:42 I do, I do. And there is, and there is certainly
19:46 reason for it. A child does not have the experience,
19:49 they don't really have the moral,
19:51 the capacity to reason at those early ages.
19:53 No. I'm not talking about the possibility of some prodigy.
19:57 I'm talking about the average child. Right.
19:59 The average child cannot do this.
20:00 Now we will read another couple of things. Okay.
20:02 Out of Child Guidance, page 82, it says begin
20:06 the Teaching Early - Obedience to parental authority
20:10 should be inculcated, what is that?
20:14 Just get it into their heads. Yes, but I was fascinated
20:17 with that word, when I first read it
20:18 several years ago, so I looked up
20:19 in the dictionary. Okay. It means to make a path.
20:22 All right. You have to make a path.
20:24 Now, with all that we know about brain function and dendrites
20:28 and neurons, and pathways. You have to,
20:32 you have to help them with disarmament and wisdom.
20:35 It has to be a path in their frontal lobe,
20:39 so to speak. So, we need to inculcate from when?
20:43 From babyhood, from babyhood. Now, we're not talking about
20:47 the five or six year old. We're still talking about
20:50 the younger age. So, they're just starting out.
20:52 Training, it says, obedience to parental authority.
20:56 Now, I'm gonna go down just a little bit further,
20:57 still talk about reasoning. Okay. And the title
21:01 to this little section is, Before Reason Is Developed,
21:04 one of the first lessons a child needs to learn
21:07 is the lesson of obedience. Before he is old enough
21:11 to reason, he may be taught to obey.
21:14 Now many, before we were talking about a moment ago.
21:18 You wanna reason too early, well what does that
21:20 make out of the parent? The parents' almost
21:23 asking permission, almost asking the child
21:25 and say would you mind obeying me,
21:28 would you do me a favor? Yes, because they're,
21:31 because many Christian parents want to be as Christ
21:34 like as possible, they mistake their Christ likeness...
21:37 Oh boy, I hope you don't take and pick my words apart.
21:43 There is so much to this, that I just cannot get
21:46 everything I like to in. But because parents want
21:50 to reason when a child too soon,
21:53 they forget that the first lesson is obedience
21:57 and they try to reason and coax and plead,
22:00 and then become threatening repeating parents.
22:04 And then explosion happens, see.
22:07 So, now let me read a little bit more.
22:09 It says, few parents begin early enough
22:12 to teach their children obedience.
22:13 The child is usually allowed to get two or three years
22:17 the start of its parents. Who forbear to discipline it,
22:22 thinking it is too young to learn to obey. Alright.
22:26 Okay, so, we wanna address the attitudes of the heart,
22:30 but we want to do that in an age appropriateness. Okay.
22:34 So, we start with our parenting first lesson is obedience.
22:39 Now, there is a first, there is a thing
22:45 that we need to learn as parents.
22:48 How do I get from... to there from here?
22:50 Yes, right. And one of the...
22:53 because I wanted to zero in on one little something
22:55 that I could give is, if a parent wants to be consistent,
23:02 or if a parent wants to teach obedience,
23:04 then they need to learn to be consistent. Okay.
23:06 Of course we already talked about being in your heart,
23:08 kindness. Right, right.
23:10 But a little thing is, if you would learn to help
23:15 the child to do first time obedience,
23:18 not just first lesson is obedience.
23:21 But if you would do first time obedience that means what?
23:26 When if I'm asking the child to do something,
23:28 then I don't allow myself to get to the point of hostility.
23:32 If the child is not obeying, when you ask them to do
23:35 and if it's within reason I mean,
23:37 I'm not talking about every little thing.
23:40 And its in reason you've asked them
23:42 then teach them to obey the first time you asked.
23:46 Then you can avoid a great deal of becoming indulgent
23:50 and becoming too permissive, and becoming hostile
23:53 because they didn't obey you. Just one little thing,
23:57 teach first time obedience. And that just going back
24:02 to the thing that says, because you know,
24:06 because I've asked you, you need to learn to obey me.
24:10 Now, I see a little a smirk on you.
24:13 No, no, because I remember my dad,
24:16 and you know he would say because I would say why.
24:19 Then I'm not talking about a little one, yes,
24:20 and we are talking early start year.
24:22 I'm talking about an early start, an early start;
24:24 we are not talking about what to do when you
24:26 are later on necessarily. But I can remember,
24:28 I can remember as a little boy, I say why, because I said so.
24:32 Well, no. But I don't object to that,
24:34 because I think that's consistent that,
24:36 that we must train up our children to be obedient.
24:41 You see some people will even argue
24:43 in the later on into Christian life.
24:45 Well, you know God doesn't expect
24:46 us to obey unless we understand.
24:49 And I would, I would argue that I don't think
24:52 we are going to ever, I don't think we're ever going
24:54 to understand until we obey. And that's what I hear
24:57 you saying Kathy, that if we are going to
25:00 teach the child how to reason.
25:02 We are talking about moral values.
25:04 Yes. Then they have to start with obedience,
25:07 not with the reason, I think that's what you are saying.
25:08 That's right, that's where we have to start
25:10 and you know our time is almost gone
25:12 and I've got nowhere. That's because you know
25:14 this is a seminar that will probably last for five nights.
25:17 You will, yes actually when I'm facilitating a seminar,
25:20 that last 18 weeks. And, now I use other material,
25:24 I have used some good material by some friends
25:27 that I feel like matches what we get from the Bible
25:29 and Spirit of Prophecy. And I incorporated more things.
25:33 But you know because I've had little opportunity,
25:37 I hope people will give me the benefit of the doubt,
25:39 there are, there so many other things that we can move to.
25:42 Well, Kathy, what I've heard you say
25:44 in this program and as we mentioned
25:48 you know you did lay down all the reasons,
25:51 read all the books. But I think the appeal
25:53 is lets don't be afraid to teach our children to obey.
25:57 To obey us, right. And, we do that because
26:02 God told us to do. The first thing that he asks
26:05 of us is to obey. The first thing we ask
26:07 of our children is to obey, and obviously I think
26:09 you've already ruled out. Are we gonna do like dictators?
26:12 No, we're gonna do it like this? No...
26:17 It has to be in our heart. It's in our heart,
26:19 it has to be has to be Christ like in our heart.
26:21 Now the child might, might not always want to follow along,
26:25 but probably the biggest favor we do to our children
26:29 is in teaching them to obey. Yes.
26:31 That's what I'm hearing you say. I want to clear up something
26:33 before we are going into our prayer and that is,
26:37 at the right time, we need to give the
26:39 moral reasons why so. Of course.
26:41 We can go into that some other time,
26:43 but because they need a moral warehouse.
26:46 They need something to relate to,
26:48 so that when they're not around mother and daddy
26:50 that they can obey from their heart,
26:52 but that's later... From a principle that they've learned.
26:54 From a principle that they've learned.
26:55 So, its not just do it, it's just because I said so,
26:58 so don't go away thinking I am talking about that.
27:02 Well, no and I didn't hear that. I think what you've talked about
27:06 is how should we start our children,
27:09 and what should we start them with.
27:11 And now, let's start them with the obedience. Right.
27:13 And from there they have sanctified reason. Right.
27:16 And don't be afraid to be parents.
27:18 No... Not at all. Well, let's pray,
27:21 for us as parents, yes, for those who are
27:23 watching our program. Okay. Heavenly Father,
27:26 we are thankful that you shared with us,
27:28 that we could be part in the creation
27:30 process of our children. And Lord that you've said to us
27:35 that we should train the children
27:36 and we should train them from our hearts.
27:38 We pray first of all that you will be in our hearts.
27:42 Lord, teach us as parents to obey your will,
27:45 to delight to do your will. And then Lord,
27:48 may we someway, somehow, through the Holy Spirit,
27:51 within our hearts and in our homes,
27:53 may we be able to convey this
27:55 joy of obedience to our children that they might grow...


Revised 2014-12-17