Participants: Kathy Matthews, Richard O'Ffill
Series Code: TAH
Program Code: TAH000162
00:30 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:32 I am Kathy Mathews and I am glad that you 00:33 are back with us again. We're going to do 00:35 something a little bit different 00:37 this time, So just hang on. 00:43 Alright we're changing places. 00:46 I am Pastor Richard O'Ffill from the Florida 00:49 Conference and I've been a guest on 00:53 Thinking About Home, Kathy numbers of times. 00:56 But you remember between programs 00:59 sometimes I have said to you, you know Kathy 01:02 I think you ought to be a guest on 01:04 Thinking About Home. And I fight with you 01:06 occasionally. And you have so many wonderful 01:09 programs and what I should say that other 01:12 people should because you have all of these 01:14 guests that come in and then when you and 01:16 I talk in between time. I say well Kathy you 01:19 need to tell us about these things. 01:21 We need to have a Thinking About Home that 01:23 has you as the guest and so that's what we're 01:26 going to do for couple of programs. 01:27 And he always scares me away I think and 01:30 I chicken out and have other reasons and 01:32 other excuses. But there are some things that 01:34 I would like to share. Well and I think that our 01:36 viewers are going to appreciate the programs 01:39 that we are going to have and we're going to begin 01:41 with something that I think that you are so well 01:44 qualified to do for us and we're going to talk 01:47 about the subject of hospitality. 01:49 Yes, I enjoy hospitality. You know it feels 01:53 different over here. I feel really unusual. 01:56 There you do to see how the rest of the 01:59 world lives. I am so out strive, I am. 02:01 Sometimes when I am flying, hope I can cope 02:03 with this, sometimes when I am flying in the 02:04 aeroplane Kathy, you know they have the first 02:06 class in the coach and so the plane takes 02:09 off course and they draw the curtain between 02:11 the first class and the coach. And so sometimes 02:13 I'll say the attendant leave it open so we 02:15 can see how the other out leaves. 02:17 And so you are getting to see what that's like. 02:20 Yes. Speaking of hospitality and for down south 02:24 you know when they talk about Southern Hospitality. 02:27 Yes. And hospitality I suppose we ought 02:31 to define it. I mean where do you see at 02:33 coming from, what are we talking about when we 02:35 talk about hospitality in general terms, 02:37 in general terms. Well I would like to, 02:39 we'll about that in just a second but I'd like 02:41 to start with that I was not a custom really 02:46 to hospitality as I was growing up and that 02:49 kind of hospitality that you would just talking 02:51 about is just having someone in for dinner, 02:53 a mere invitation or just fixing something that's 02:59 going to last couple of hours and it's over 03:01 in major. Entertaining! Just entertaining that 03:03 sort of thing, that's not really what I want to 03:05 talk about even though we talked about that 03:07 little bit. When I was growing up I didn't really have 03:10 the concept of even that kind of hospitality. 03:14 I grew up on farm in Arkansas and I am the 03:16 youngest of twelve children and I could 03:19 tell you stories about how my daddy married 03:22 momma's sister and sister would died and all those 03:25 kinds of long drama, stories that would make 03:28 me my own grandma and, but I won't 03:32 go into that, that's irrelevant. 03:33 But the hospitality like that I really wasn't 03:37 accustomed to and when I became a Christian, 03:43 there was a display, a modeling of hospitality 03:48 that helped me to understand what I should 03:50 be doing and as a gift to Christ in ministry. 03:54 In other words you are saying though you were 03:56 down in the south with the southern hospitality 03:58 that your life was a little complicated 04:00 from a big family and of course there weren't 04:02 a lot of opportunities to be hospitable. 04:05 No there weren't. Taking care of 12 kids 04:07 was a hospitality challenge. That was enough and 04:08 there were a lot of people in the home and usually 04:10 all that I ever solve was my own family. 04:13 If there was a sister or brother that got married 04:14 and they moved away. That's who was invited 04:17 back into the house, when they come home 04:19 for a visit. I didn't have a lot experience at all 04:23 about having any other people in our home. 04:25 So I didn't understand what hospitality like 04:28 that was either but it was modeled to me by 04:31 the house family when we became Seventh 04:34 Day Adventist Christians, we were in Fort Hood 04:36 Texas and Tom was in the military and I knew 04:40 they had something that we wanted and part of 04:43 that package was how hospitable they were to us 04:47 and now I had more modeling than just this 04:51 one family, you know you got to see several people 04:53 and you were a new Christian coming into 04:55 the church. We were ignored. 04:57 We were terribly ignored and we were 04:59 in our late 20s and almost 30 and what I mean 05:03 is ignored about a lot of culture refined 05:06 things in life. And I was impressed by the family 05:10 of God that I got see at that point. 05:12 Now we're not all like these families that modeled 05:15 it us but in way, it was modeled to me in both 05:22 just the entertaining and it was modeled to me 05:24 in the nurturing soul winning, and that's what 05:28 I want to talk about. I don't want to talk about 05:30 just inviting someone at home for dinner. 05:33 Here there's we are not talking about Emily 05:35 Post here. No we are not. Or it's manners. 05:36 No not at all, no we are not talking about 05:37 etiquettes and manners though it think that's 05:41 something that we could talk about it another time 05:43 but that's what this problem is all about. 05:45 It took crude in my heart there that I wanted 05:49 to be a soul winner and I felt like it needed 05:52 to be on my grounds. It needed to be to 05:54 where I could have an effect on people and 05:58 but being really naturally friendly and I was in 06:01 the sales. I met a lot of people and as I wanted 06:08 to share the gospel of Jesus with others, 06:11 I felt that to bring them into my home was 06:15 really important. Now I had a lot of 06:18 naive expectations. I felt that everybody 06:21 in the church ought to be able to have this gift 06:22 and we might be traveling somewhere and 06:26 I would just expect what type, it was just 06:30 10 years. I just expected everybody in the 06:32 church to be able to have the gift of hospitality. 06:35 We're not, you know I might sake of you 06:36 I remembers years ago and may be times have 06:39 changed because there was a time in which 06:41 you would visited a church, you would almost, 06:44 always get asked you know, over for lunch 06:46 or people were making sure that you are being 06:50 carried for, but you know I might say before 06:52 you gone I was down in one of the southern 06:55 cities one time. I won't say who it was because 06:57 I don't want to embarrass the people there 06:59 in Miami and, okay sorry. Anyway so anyway 07:05 I don't know somebody dropped the ball 07:07 because it was a big church and I walked out 07:10 of that church and you know we had lunch 07:11 in our car that day, we had lunch in our car. 07:14 Yes we did. Yeah but anyway, but that's not 07:16 an unusual thing. No it's not an unusual thing 07:19 and as I went through the years I was kind of 07:21 sad to see that. But again I want to 07:24 distinguish between just nearly inviting someone 07:26 home and being hospitable which we need to do 07:28 as opposed to those of the kind of hospitality 07:31 that's required when you are so winning. 07:34 And I notice a moment ago that you would almost 07:37 interchange those words. You are saying that you 07:39 feel hospitality is a part of soul-winning 07:43 or is it on the road to soul-winning? 07:45 I think it is a serious part of soul-winning 07:47 because the nurturing that I received had to do 07:50 with the type of hospitality that required a great 07:52 deal more from an individual or a family 07:55 or a couple than just the word seems to signify 08:00 that hospitality usually makes us think of. 08:02 When you are so winning, you have a lot more 08:09 of self that's going to be put into this lot more 08:11 efforts and I wanna to tell a story. 08:16 I was doing some Apartment Management. 08:18 My husband and I were doing, we were property 08:20 managers and this was in the last few years. 08:23 Actually the couple I am gonna talk about has 08:25 been on the program here couple of years ago. 08:27 Okay. And this before they became members 08:29 of the church, but my heart went out to this 08:34 couple and they had just gotten married 08:36 and rented an apartment from us and it was going 08:39 to be a difficult situation I could because I had to 08:42 screen people, you have to show apartments 08:45 to screen people and Rachel, our younger 08:48 daughter was 12 at that time, and she watched 08:52 these people come up to the apartment and they 08:54 fill out their applications or put like that. 08:57 And I was just won over by the young lady that 09:00 was a part of this couple that had not yet 09:03 gotten married and she was telling her experience 09:07 in Christ that she had come out of drug rehab 09:09 and that she knew that the Lord Jesus had 09:12 helped her come out of that. Now she had not 09:14 given up many other things out of their lives. 09:16 Now you're giving me this background because 09:18 they haven't moved in yet. They haven't 09:19 moved in yet. You are processing these people? 09:21 We're processing these people and Rachel 09:23 was standing in the apartment then the 09:25 second day that we met them when the young 09:28 lady brought up her husband to be and 09:31 he looked, frightful. He frightened her, 09:35 I don't want. He frightened Rachel? He frightened 09:38 Rachel yes and she backed off against twill, 09:41 and she backed up against the wall 09:42 and I could see the expression on her face 09:43 and she had to leave the room. 09:45 Is this because he looked weird or something? 09:46 He was different yes. So he had his chains on and, 09:50 I said weird and you said different, 09:51 I guess that's. You're little more, 09:54 I thought about my words differently. 09:56 Now this is true. And the multiple earrings 10:00 and the various body things. Oh mine. 10:04 The black jacket, the boots. Right. 10:06 It was kind of, to her it was frightening, 10:08 the hair was down to here and I don't have 10:10 any problem with that but all package put 10:12 together makes you wonder. 10:14 Okay, if I rent an apartment to these 10:16 people what am I going to have to deal 10:18 with that, deal with later on? Is it going 10:19 to be a difficulty for other people in the 10:21 apartment complex and this was a 10:23 secured area, however it wasn't a very, very, 10:28 it was in the ghettos. It was in a poor part 10:30 of town. So our lives had seriously changed 10:33 by being in that part of the city and it was 10:36 not something that we had wish for and 10:38 I did a lot of lamenting that who am I going 10:40 to get witness to. Why am I here Lord and so forth? 10:44 There were nice ambulances and people 10:48 who would in fact to be this young lady's sister 10:51 that I had also for her sake rented an 10:54 apartment to. I had to go through a night of 11:00 suicidal attempt and to hold or deal with 11:03 the police and this was not an uncommon thing. 11:06 Now that was probably one of the worst things 11:08 that we had gone through at that time, 11:09 but I was in ministering to them. 11:12 It changed a lot of things in my life and 11:16 how I needed to really spend time with this 11:20 type of person well. Excuse me for interrupting 11:22 and so that I'll unders and, so there you were as 11:25 apartment manager. This couple comes. 11:27 He is kind of far out looking you know to put 11:29 it mildly and so apparently you let 11:32 them move in then. Well yes because of her 11:35 experience in Christ and where it appeared 11:37 that she was. So she didn't look like he did? 11:39 She did. She looked a lot like he did. 11:41 But she had a kind of a testimony that 11:42 appealed to you. That appealed to me 11:43 in great deal and when they moved in then 11:45 you kind of, do I want to use the word sort of, 11:49 sort of felt you know, there's something out 11:52 to be doing for this. Yes exactly and it appeared 11:55 that it would make a difference in their life 11:57 they were, they probably didn't know it at that time 12:01 but I felt like they could, they needed mentoring 12:04 and that I really didn't understand my own 12:07 desires to mentor at that time and I didn't 12:09 understand how successful the Lord could make me. 12:12 How blessed, what a blessing it could be. 12:15 Of course it was, you really didn't know what 12:17 you might be getting into? No, I had no idea 12:19 what I was getting into but it was satisfying 12:23 to say the least because even if you loose sleep 12:26 at night, you are still, you are in very close 12:29 connection with the Lord for the sake of 12:30 someone else. Sure, sure. 12:32 So I rented an apartment a month later the two of 12:36 them married and they moved in and it started 12:39 the opportunity to invite them on my grounds 12:43 to woo them, to pitch out the beauties of 12:49 and the gems of truth and just see how 12:50 they would react. I would look for the green 12:52 lights you know. One thing I was gonna ask about 12:54 that because obviously they were, you know shall 12:57 I say that they were some kind of a different 12:58 culture then you're and Tom, yes, yes and 13:01 so did they look at you and think you know what's 13:03 going on here or it would be interesting to know 13:06 how is it that they responded even at 13:09 all through you. Well they responded 13:10 like children to parents that really loved 13:13 their parents. They loved our interest 13:16 in their life and now they had their own thing 13:21 that they were constantly doing but then when 13:25 I would share with Karen and with John when I 13:29 would share with them and Tom too, 13:31 they were really, they were highly interested 13:35 but then there were some things that would happen 13:37 that would their own life would take over, 13:39 their own lifestyle, which was surprising, 13:42 I am interested while I am standing here 13:43 but when I go away you know everything 13:45 else takes over my habits, my practices of things 13:48 that they were dealing with. Okay, so anyway 13:51 we moved on to a point where we could talk 13:57 about Biblical matters and then we moved to a 14:00 point of having them in our home for Bible studies 14:03 and this is where the hospitality in the sense 14:08 of so winning and nurturing really takes 14:12 intentional effort. Oh my. And so as they would 14:17 come in for Bible studies, we discovered that they 14:21 could not even open the Bible and concentrate 14:24 on the scripture without several hours sometimes 14:29 of mediating between arguments because of 14:31 their personal life. No. So we discovered that 14:34 when we would try to give them a study if they 14:39 were tensed about something that was 14:41 going on in their life, they could not concentrate 14:43 and if we're trying to give them something that 14:44 seem to be a little drab in the way of video 14:47 or we used to have encounter series that it 14:50 became slow and soft. Right, right. 14:52 And they would. Sleeping? You know. Oh Lord. 14:56 And we didn't know what to do so we, 14:58 it took a little while to discover what was going 15:01 to really grab them, but the first things that 15:05 we had to do is just mediate between arguments. 15:07 It was draining. Well, you know and I was thinking 15:10 too because you know knowing you like I do 15:14 in of course being a man I am wondering you know 15:16 what Tom's added to you, did Tom ever say to you, 15:19 you know there's no hope for this, 15:20 you know this couple. Leave them alone, 15:22 you know they are messing up our lives. 15:23 Let's go on. I don't know. He may have felt that 15:27 way sometimes because time is not, 15:28 time is more even kill and more quiet and 15:31 though, but he was just as interested in 15:33 witnessing to them. But you mean you 15:34 would have moved to the house as so to speak, 15:37 they would get into it right there on. 15:38 Oh, yes, yes. And then it wasn't, it's not a 15:43 funny thing. It was a very hard thing on them 15:45 and it was a hard thing on Rachel because 15:47 we are not pastors. We don't spend our time 15:53 all the time doing this and I just want to say 15:55 to the audience that I am not talking about 15:59 the type of soul-winning where you need to 16:03 neglect your whole family to take care of a person. 16:07 I am talking to the people who find it 16:10 difficult to do much of anything and I want to 16:15 encourage you that it's satisfying to where 16:21 it was people like these, but I wouldn't want 16:22 you to neglect your family to do it. 16:25 But when I say that because I just mentioned 16:27 Rachel's difficulty with our doings this in 16:30 our home, but we have always been witnesses 16:33 and we have often had people on our home 16:35 but nobody liked this, nobody like this people. 16:37 Amazing! They were needy people. 16:39 Amazing! And so we would invite them into our home 16:44 and we would mediate between arguments 16:46 and sometimes up to four hours and there has been 16:49 nights that we were there because they 16:51 seem to need it until 4'O Clock in the morning, 16:54 now Tom had to quit before 4'O clock in the 16:56 morning came on. But I would try to work with 17:00 them until we could pray together. 17:02 So it came to time where between these arguments 17:06 we couldn't get description. We needed 17:07 to get description and I finally exacted a 17:12 commitment out of them and that was in the 17:15 sense of I needed to lay down my proprietors, 17:18 I mean my proper behavior, yes right, 17:22 so to speak and I got on my knees in front of 17:26 them on the couch and I said you know we, 17:28 if we are going to make a commitment 17:30 for Bible study and if we're going to really get 17:31 into the word Lord, if you really want to change 17:33 for your life then we need to make at least 17:36 two commitments. One is that you need to study 17:39 on your own and you need to pray together out loud. 17:42 The studying together you could do here and 17:45 I would like to get two weekly commitments 17:47 from you and I got their attention and I made them 17:50 look into my eyes just if I were talking to little 17:52 children and look at me this is what we need to do. 17:56 And they looked at me and said we'll do that 17:59 and they did it. And you know I was fascinated by, 18:03 okay they committed and now 18:07 they were coming regularly. 18:09 Now I have to say that one of that, when I am 18:12 talking about not regularly, they weren't 18:15 coming regularly before that point and 18:18 Tom would take off work because they would 18:20 commit to come to a Bible study. 18:22 So Tom's quite, and we lost many for this. 18:25 And then they wouldn't show up? 18:26 And then they wouldn't show up, there would be 18:27 a no show and this was kind of becoming regular 18:30 and so that's when I exacted this commitment 18:33 out of them that they needed to do that. 18:35 The time, the hours, the efforts, the dinners, 18:41 the inviting them to be with us in the 18:44 recreational things and eventually we invited 18:47 them to 3ABN because I wanted them to see 18:51 how the sharing of the Gospel, the work of the 18:55 Lord was far larger than me and Tom. 18:58 Now that even before they had changed their lives. 19:00 Oh yes, they came in their leather jackets and 19:03 their chains and all this kind of stuff. 19:04 They dressed a little differently when we did 19:06 a program with them but that was their normal 19:08 attire and that was their normal life. 19:10 It wasn't unusual for them to have serious 19:15 argument that would require police intervention 19:21 and trying to work with someone like that 19:25 requires a lot of commitment. 19:27 Now was it going on over months? 19:29 This went on for several months until it was 19:34 probably from about a fall to spring time 19:39 and anyway, could you see in their lives though 19:43 as you are going along a little changes that was 19:47 beginning to breakup. Yes. Now that you must 19:49 have seen, you must not have been going 19:50 from bad to worse although it was manifested. 19:54 You wondered sometime if it was. 19:55 But there must have been a little hope because you 19:57 weren't giving up. There was, there was, 19:58 because finally when this one night where we had 20:03 this mediation so to speak for them and with them 20:08 and trying to help them and counsel them 20:10 and just listening to them. We had to send Rachel 20:15 out of the room. It wasn't the first time 20:17 but we had to send Rachel out of the room 20:18 because we were, they would need to discuss 20:20 material that she didn't need to hear. 20:22 No, right. And we can talk about that may be 20:27 on the next program the resentment 20:29 and the things that happened in her heart 20:31 and yet at the same time there were resentments, 20:34 there was, they need to pray for them, 20:36 the desire to help them. So you know, you don't 20:38 have your mind can go back and forth and you 20:40 can feel two ways about something. 20:41 But the Holy Spirit must have been working 20:43 in their hearts because their hearts weren't 20:45 getting harder that's for sure. 20:47 No, it wasn't getting harder. 20:48 They would come up and we could hear them 20:52 discussing things even from the spiritual point 20:55 of view before they would even come into 20:56 the house and may be that we had an appointment 20:58 set and they will be standing on the stairways 21:01 before they would enter into the door, 21:02 knock on the door. Right. And we're gonna hear 21:04 the argument going on before they will enter 21:05 the house. And we were just be inside praying, 21:07 and waiting for them to come to terms with 21:11 themselves before they could walk in our door. 21:16 But now they weren't getting any harder, 21:18 they were in fact getting much softer and 21:20 you could see things beginning to change 21:21 in their lives. What's all the purpose of 21:26 all of this? What's the point I am trying to 21:28 make in all of this? Well, now let me tell you. 21:33 You know the viewers and me, you know I am 21:37 beginning to think Kathy has taken hospitality 21:40 here into the next generation because 21:43 some of the start it was having people over 21:45 after Sabbath and you are talking about 21:49 opening your life with someone. 21:51 That's right, yes I am. You're talking about 21:53 something that goes way beyond even 21:54 staying overnight, you know further, 21:57 this represents a kind of a commitment 22:01 and I can see why that you are a calling 22:05 it soul winning. It's a commitment to change 22:09 your life. Now you would go so far as to 22:12 say that you know, every Sabbath that 22:16 we would be doing this. I think that what 22:19 you are talking about is almost even being, 22:21 about being neighborly is do we want to bring 22:24 that into it? Well, I was being. 22:26 Is this about a good neighbor stuff? 22:27 It is but I was being neighborly. 22:29 It may be moves out of that ramp from the 22:33 beginning because you have to be neighborly, 22:36 you have to win a rapport, and you have 22:37 to build a trust. We did that in the beginning 22:40 and then it moved on but you know hospitality 22:43 enters in because you have them in your home. 22:45 You are feeding them, you are working with them, 22:48 you are bring friendly and sociable to them, 22:50 that's all hospitality. You are and it is a soul 22:53 winning that's true but in the realm of getting 22:56 them into your home to do it in, and so that they 22:59 can see a different atmosphere then the 23:00 way they grew up. Off course there's something 23:02 true I think that really touches my heart with 23:05 the story to tell and that is you are giving 23:07 the time and you know this generation doesn't 23:10 have time. We would rather and we would 23:12 diminish the importance of writing out a 23:15 cheque to 3ABN. So that someone else can 23:18 take the time. Alright. But you gave time 23:22 and time is what life is about, you are paying 23:25 someone else to do it for you. Right. 23:27 And I made this you know. 23:29 What did you like to? No I have got to make a 23:33 confession here but I am sure that the viewers 23:35 are holded in confidence. You know, I am not very 23:38 good about this. I think that I was a little bit 23:42 like you, I didn't have the models. 23:43 You had a model and I was raised in the 23:47 minister's home and I think we were more 23:50 you know close. Now we're gonna it was a 23:51 very sociable life but I don't remember having 23:54 that opening up your. But I didn't either 23:57 because, I think my wife saw almost a little 24:00 more this way. Yes. But you know I am such 24:01 a bad neighbor. I am using the word neighbor 24:04 you know to go with this. You know that a Seventh 24:06 Day Adventist moved in as a neighbor to us 24:09 in the house next door and in the five 24:11 or six years since they have been there, 24:13 they have left the church. Oh sorry. 24:15 I mean now that all for, I am sorry to hear 24:16 that, and so when you tell me a story like this 24:19 you could imagine how it makes me feel. 24:21 Now when I look back on it, I think well may 24:23 be it was complicated, may be there were 24:24 things going on. You know that I couldn't do 24:26 anything about but I know that I could do 24:30 so much more in giving off my time. Yeah. 24:32 Now off course in the ministry, the ministry 24:35 is about ministering. Yes. And so may be the 24:38 minister rest by not ministering but how can 24:41 I ask you to minister while you do your work. 24:45 While I minister and then when I rest, 24:47 I don't minister, you know that's kind 24:48 of messing up the word. Alright. God calls on us 24:52 to minister to each other in season and 24:54 out of season and that's what I am hearing 24:55 you say. And well that's true and it is because 24:59 this became not only ministering in our home 25:03 and so winning and being hospitable and giving 25:06 our time and our effort and our money. 25:08 It also eventually this young man needed work 25:12 and it went on to where Tom was able to help 25:16 him get a job where he was. And then it was all 25:20 day long and. Working together. 25:22 Because well you know not because they were 25:25 talking all day long but there would always be 25:27 that time where he will be watching Tom 25:29 and where he needed to know while I don't react 25:32 to this. Now does the story have a happy ending? 25:34 Oh yes, it does. Do these people, then 25:36 I think in the minutes that remain in the 25:39 program bring us right up to the happy ending. 25:41 Well they have but I want to say you don't always 25:45 have a happy ending just because you put 25:46 all these effort into it. Well no, that's 25:48 important. You know, you don't always have a 25:50 happy ending but that doesn't mean that you 25:51 shouldn't do it. In fact there is a text scripture 25:54 Kathy that says a give expecting nothing in return 25:57 and your reward will be great and you are doing 26:00 this just as a matter of principle. Yes. 26:02 And we need to how it was, I want to share 26:03 the Lord and I want to share, I found out that 26:06 I was much enjoying and being very satisfied 26:09 in the Lord to ministering into this way. 26:13 I don't want to rescue people, there comes a 26:16 time when there is tuff love and you want 26:18 them out of your life. But we're gonna talk 26:19 about these things that it does to you in 26:21 another program. Sure, in another program 26:23 we're gonna talk about some of the principles 26:25 behind hospitality. Yes. Because this is been 26:30 good for me to hear the story, we're suppose 26:31 just because it's right to help. It is. 26:34 That's what Jesus did. It is. That's what 26:35 Jesus did, God causes the rain to fall on, 26:38 he could cast it back and sometimes we think 26:42 well I'll help somebody if they respond 26:46 but if they're not gonna respond I am not 26:48 going to help. Absolutely, and their response 26:51 was good and then there was no response 26:53 but the ideas to not give up and to continue 26:56 on inviting them into your home and giving 26:58 them an environment that they don't 27:00 normally have. For this type of person and 27:04 we can talk about more of heart affected 27:07 our family. We'll have to do that in the 27:08 next program. Thank you so much for being 27:09 our guest today on Thinking About Home. 27:13 It feels funny being over here. 27:14 And we're going to pray as we close the program 27:16 and I wanna pray for my self and going to pray 27:19 for others who may be a little bit like me 27:21 that God will give us greater sense of 27:25 commitment, catering into hospitality 27:27 and off course in the next program 27:29 we're gonna talk, we're gonna flush this 27:31 concept of hospitality out some more. 27:32 Yes and some other things that are blessings 27:34 though they may hurt to do it. 27:36 It is developing our character. Let's pray. 27:38 Yes. Heavenly Father, Oh God of love and 27:42 the true hospitality. We pray that this love with 27:46 this compassion that you have so richly for us, 27:48 that we might have for others, but Lord we won't 27:52 be afraid to invest not only of our funds, 27:55 Lord but we may be willing 27:58 to invest the right time. |
Revised 2014-12-17