Thinking About Home

Making Family Worship Spiritual And Fun

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Youngberg, Millie Youngberg, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000159

00:32 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:33 I am Kathy Matthews and I'm glad that you've
00:36 joined us today. Our guests today are
00:39 John and Millie Youngberg.
00:40 They've been professors at Andrews University.
00:44 They've taught there. And they're also
00:45 directors of a Marriage and Family Commitment
00:48 Incorporated. And I just want to welcome you.
00:51 Thank you. I'm thankful that you're here.
00:52 Happy to be here. Good. You know we
00:55 all have the similar burden, don't we?
00:57 We want to make sure that our Church members
01:00 and the family of God understands family
01:05 worship, don't we? We have that burden in
01:08 our heart for them to realize the beauty of it
01:11 all and today's program titled is
01:14 "Making Family Worship Spiritual and Fun."
01:17 And I just want to get started, John with you on
01:21 a question of, should our family worship be
01:23 designed kind of like the Church experience where
01:26 the father is the only to read and you know,
01:29 we're always reverent and quiet and only the
01:32 father does all the suggestions and so forth?
01:34 Is that how we always need to do family worship?
01:37 Well, you know Kathy, I started out a little bit
01:40 that way, but I soon learned that the children
01:42 got bored and Millie said, well why don't you
01:46 pass it around a little bit?
01:48 And when I had a five minute of worship they
01:52 were already bored, but then I had John
01:54 do one night and Millie do one and grandma
01:59 and pretty soon they didn't say they were too
02:02 long anymore. They were twice as long,
02:04 but they enjoyed them because they were in
02:05 charge. So it is a question of participation.
02:08 I believe that we learned differently and there
02:12 is different modalities of learning and if we
02:14 have activity, if we become involved,
02:18 if we talk and we play, we work on fields,
02:23 we remember what we're doing a little bit
02:25 longer and it's more enjoyable.
02:27 So I believe that having the whole family
02:31 becoming involved is very important.
02:34 Should we give another name to family worships
02:36 since worship seems to imply only adoration
02:39 and prays or? Actually in the religious
02:42 world today Kathy, they used to speak of family
02:46 devotions. The Catholics may talk about family
02:48 prayers. Right. We are in a minority
02:52 speaking of family worship yet family worship has
02:56 become such a Seventh- day Adventist word and
03:00 phrases deeply embedded, right,
03:03 in our psychology. And I don't have any problem
03:06 with the word, but we need to amplify
03:08 it's meaning, right, and so it means more than
03:11 just being quiet, right, and secret.
03:13 Right, and there is a time for that,
03:15 but we also want to like you said me,
03:17 use all the avenues of learning and,
03:19 and others join in, right? That's right. Okay!
03:23 Are there some guidelines regarding family
03:25 worship that you have for us?
03:27 Well Ellen White says family worship should be
03:29 brief and spirited and full of life,
03:33 extremely interesting. She says it should be
03:36 the most interesting time of the day that the
03:38 children will look forward to it with great
03:40 pleasure. Can't you just see the children
03:42 maybe they're, they're getting ready,
03:44 maybe mom and dad have told a story in the
03:47 morning, now the kids gonna telling with
03:49 flannelgraph at night back to the family.
03:51 Right. And they're preparing during the
03:53 day to get ready, right, something important
03:56 to them. And that will help them to remember
03:57 and want, I think it would be. That's right.
03:59 It would help them to imprinted on their minds
04:02 and if you do that over and over and over again
04:05 each day of their life, how can they forget?
04:08 That's right. You know we may not,
04:11 we may not always bet a thousand and every family
04:13 worship won't be extremely interesting,
04:16 but we ought to do our best and those memories
04:19 linger on. I still remember that
04:21 we were six children and my father and mother
04:23 we always had the family worship and it made a
04:27 difference on me and we have always had family
04:31 worship morning and evening.
04:32 Still together just the two of you.
04:34 No, and with the kids when they were home and
04:37 so those are sort of some of the things that we
04:39 pass along to the coming generations.
04:42 Right and we want to keep it going on.
04:43 That's right. We actually are modeling when we
04:46 have family worship; we are modeling for
04:48 our children so when they grow up they will be
04:51 able to know how to conduct a good family
04:53 worship experience. Well, how important is
04:56 the variety then to making the family worship
04:59 enjoyable and spirited? Well, I remember we
05:03 wanted to have something on the last day of
05:05 that's for our family, for family worship and
05:08 we kept doing at night after night after night.
05:10 Soon our son say, well this is getting boring,
05:13 can we do something different?
05:15 And I think variety is the spice of life and if
05:19 we have all sorts of different kinds of
05:22 activities, the children are very interested in
05:26 the family worship and they're wondering what
05:28 do we're gonna do tonight?
05:29 So, so what are we going to do tonight?
05:31 Yes. Well, Andrew Philips, Dr. Philips wrote the
05:35 citation of the family worship and he found that
05:38 the most remembered and appreciated dynamic
05:42 family worship contains elements such as quieting
05:46 the people who come to family worship.
05:48 Things like what's the best thing that happened
05:51 to you today everybody shares.
05:54 And then you go on some soft disclosure who you
05:57 are and people participating, and.
06:01 Well, that sounds like somebody outside of the
06:03 family though when you've invited visitors then.
06:05 No we, that's right, even. Or the just family
06:07 members. Even the kids the John says,
06:09 our son John has well, I don't know something
06:12 good must have happen, but I did ran it I guess
06:14 on these three times a day,
06:15 so we all have a little laugh you know, right,
06:18 and so we're, we're telling who we are,
06:20 where we're at in life's journey?
06:22 Encourage the members of the family to,
06:25 to tell their own story, God's story of course,
06:30 but the story of who they are and to have an
06:33 affirmation time. Affirming my good wife
06:37 Millie on a Friday night or affirming the kids
06:40 we're glad that you're walking on life's journey
06:42 and we're right there with you.
06:44 Encouraging them put encouraging them.
06:46 But we also want to have an application to of
06:51 our spiritual things for their needs for that day
06:54 and so, we are concern about their home work
06:57 problems, where is the paper that they lost.
06:59 We're, we're concerned about our son getting a
07:03 job and applying the Bible to that we can,
07:07 we can all pray together that he will find the
07:10 job, we can also...So, you're talking about if
07:13 there are something like that going on,
07:14 that's right, in the life that some thought and
07:18 fore planning could take place, that's right,
07:20 by the parents and they could take the scripture
07:24 and say and claims some promises and then apply
07:28 it to whatever is going on with the child or the
07:31 other person, other spouse and so forth in
07:34 their life. That's true like a child who needs
07:37 a job you might say, well you know it's says,
07:39 seek ye first, for seeking of God now
07:41 these things will be added on to you and so as
07:43 we pray and study God just gonna guide you into
07:46 this work that you won't get and God says I will
07:53 show you things that what you know not.
07:54 You know there is a job there for you.
07:56 You know just apply the Bible in the scripture
08:00 to the needs of the family, right,
08:02 and that makes the family a Close Net Family and
08:05 there is relationship that's going on that's
08:08 beautiful. It's being built. We've talked about
08:11 adoration and praise a little bit.
08:12 Are there some other dimensions then to
08:14 family worship? I think Kathy that
08:17 what we usually talk about worship is praise
08:20 and the adoration, but there are other
08:22 dimensions. For instance, covenant building,
08:26 that we are the Youngberg family,
08:28 you are the Matthew's family what it means to be
08:31 a Matthews and that we have a family covenant,
08:34 but not only with each other,
08:36 but a covenant between our family and God and
08:39 our family in various occasion we've gotten
08:43 together and usually in the solemn special
08:46 occasion, and we've said okay, come what may,
08:50 we may have our differences that have a
08:51 problems, but we're going through together and
08:54 we'll make a promise a covenant with each other.
08:57 Now, just before we got started.
08:58 I ask you about the word covenant and,
09:00 and you've, you've described it a little
09:02 there, but just to find it more specifically
09:05 covenant means. Yes that's,
09:06 that's a solemn though, a solemn promise is more
09:09 than just say and well, my goals for tomorrow are
09:12 such and such. Right, yeah. So, hey,
09:14 we thought this through and by the Lord's help,
09:16 right, and with each other's witnesses.
09:19 This is what we're going to do so help us God.
09:22 Right, so it's just more prominent and
09:24 more solid. That's right, and a family worship
09:26 experience I believe can also claim the blood of
09:30 Jesus over the family that we don't let there
09:34 let our children leave outdoors in morning to the
09:37 wicked world out there, seeing without them being
09:40 covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.
09:42 So, that's another dimension. That's another
09:44 dimension. So, first there is adoration of
09:45 praise. Covenant! And then, and claiming the
09:49 merits of the blood of Christ over the family
09:51 for that day. You know, I think of when you said
09:56 that to me earlier and then now that you're
09:57 saying it I just think that's a most beautiful
10:00 thing to remember that it's, it's, it's probably
10:03 forgotten to a great degree and I really
10:06 appreciate you're bringing that out.
10:07 And isn't that what the Gospel is about, amen,
10:09 the word of Jesus, amen. And we need to apply
10:12 the Gospel to our lives everyday.
10:14 And as little ones grow up and you're talking
10:16 like this, you're using words from scripture
10:18 like that. How much more then can they mentally
10:21 relate later to the Gospel like that?
10:25 It begins to take on a lot more meaning to them.
10:28 Everything Kathy that also there is the whole
10:31 question of instruction and family worship.
10:34 This is where our children learn to get ready for
10:37 Baptism; they learned the Bible doctrines,
10:40 but more than just doctrines they're
10:43 learning, we're actually passing our heritage to
10:46 our family you know the, the Christian Church is
10:50 always only, only one generation from
10:52 extinction. And if we should failed to pass on
10:55 the torch then things would end up,
10:58 of course God won't permit that to happened,
11:00 but we don't wanted to happen in our family
11:03 either. No, no. That the light that we have
11:05 received from our parents or grandparents just
11:08 that that torch should somehow fall from our
11:11 hands, yes, before we passed it onto another
11:14 generation. We want our children saved and we
11:16 want us all together, don't we? That's right.
11:18 Well, there is the transmission of religious
11:20 heritages also includes helping our children to
11:25 find Christ and to accept Him as the Lord
11:28 of their life and leading them to this point and
11:32 it's so exciting when a child says hey,
11:36 I really want to be a Christian,
11:38 and really love Jesus, I'm so sorry for all
11:42 my sins. And I want God to guide me and this can
11:47 be done during the family worship time.
11:49 To learn to love the Lord and want to trust and
11:53 obey Him, right. Is there any other dimensions?
11:56 And the fifth dimension is celebration like we
11:59 celebrate the children's Baptisms,
12:01 have the special breakfast they come and say hey,
12:04 what's the big deal, candles and everything
12:07 is spread out here? And Oh! December 6,
12:11 this is the fifth anniversary of
12:14 our Baptism. I have my new birth.
12:15 And then I took out the pictures of the Baptism
12:18 and show them, took out the Baptism
12:20 certificate that they had signed and said,
12:23 Millie and I are so proud of you boys because
12:26 you're on your journey toward the kingdom and
12:29 we want to support you. And then Millie brought
12:32 out of scrunch his breakfast that just
12:34 kind the kids are like and nobody complaint about
12:37 family worship that day.
12:38 Oh! No, I'm sure they didn't, yeah. So,
12:40 there they are five dimensions; adoration,
12:43 covenant renewal, sacrifice claim in the
12:47 blood, fourth is instruction or
12:50 transmitted the religious heritage and finally
12:52 celebration. Okay, we now let's talk a little
12:56 bit about music in family devotions.
12:57 What do you have there?
12:59 Well, there are so many things that we can't do,
13:01 but music is like a prayer and it's such an
13:04 important part we can learn scripture because of
13:07 our music that we sing, we can learn this very
13:13 songs, but some other things that we suggest
13:15 John plays the piano really well, really,
13:19 and sometimes he just go sit at the piano and
13:22 start playing and we guess what is the song that
13:25 he is playing, so that could be one other things
13:27 you could do. That's right,
13:28 another you might have the children learn a new
13:30 song every month. And I'm saying we have
13:34 like the old economy, the new economy and
13:37 stock market and so on. We have the old music
13:40 and the music in today's life of our children.
13:43 I'm suggesting maybe learn some praise song
13:46 one week or one month, next month learn something
13:51 good hymns with the real message.
13:53 So that they're not loss with those messages,
13:55 that's right, those are such heart felt messages,
13:57 born of the experience. That's right. Oh!
14:00 I like that, what else? And then other we can
14:02 learn the songs that have a special story behind
14:07 them that those are always interesting to tell
14:11 the story and then follow them.
14:12 It is now all with my soul with the man.
14:14 Oh! You're talking about the background.
14:16 Yeah, and the ocean where is wife and daughter
14:18 had died it is well with my soul.
14:21 And then sing the song. Right. One thing I like
14:24 to is, to have the family just right out a little
14:28 beginning of the song like I love Jesus,
14:32 mommy loves, make it up. Yeah, just make it up.
14:36 I love Jesus, mommy love Jesus,
14:37 daddy loves Jesus and so and then put it to
14:40 music or make a song regarding praising God,
14:44 praising the majestic Father of the lovely Jesus
14:48 praise Him for the Holy Spirit who guides us
14:51 daily and so, and then just making the song.
14:53 It's fun. They become, we did this with a group
14:57 perform, Young musicians and we said, put music
15:02 to these words and they did and I said to them
15:05 now. And enjoyed it. They enjoyed it,
15:07 and then I said now this is your first musical
15:12 composition or so you know they're doing
15:14 something. Was this a family member or
15:15 other folks? No, it was, we had a whole group of
15:17 young people over our home,
15:19 who are musicians and actually it was recital?
15:22 Oh! Really? It's really nice. You know,
15:25 we have a video clip on that don't we?
15:27 We don't, we have something that you want
15:28 to show about, about music we could do that now.
15:31 We'll see some real families singing a
15:34 family worship. Okay, alright.
15:39 Only a boy named David Only a little sling
15:43 Only a boy named David But he could pray and sing
15:48 Only a boy named David Only a rippling brook
15:53 Only a boy named David
15:55 And five little stones he took.
15:57 And one little stone went in the sling
16:00 And the sling went round and round
16:02 And one little stone went in the sling
16:04 And the sling went round and round
16:06 And round and round And round and round
16:09 And round and round and round
16:11 And one little stone went up in the air
16:16 And the giant came tumbling down.
16:22 [Foreign Language]
16:54 There's nothing to hard for God to do
16:59 in this world we're living in
17:04 No matter how situation seem you
17:08 could put your trust in Him
17:11 He parted the Red Sea and
17:15 He may bring you through
17:17 Because nothing, oh nothing
17:21 that God cannot do.
17:24 Nothing, nothing that God cannot do He has
17:31 the answers for the problem you go through
17:36 Nothing, oh nothing that God cannot do
17:41 just have faith in Him
17:43 And he will work things there for you
17:46 Nothing, nothing that God cannot do
17:52 He has the answers for the
17:54 problems you go through
17:57 Nothing, oh nothing that God cannot do
18:02 just have faith in Him
18:04 And He will work things there for you
18:07 Just have faith in Him and He will
18:10 work things there for you.
18:12 Just have faith in Him and He will
18:16 work things there for you.
18:22 Amen, shall we pray? Let the words of my
18:25 mouth and the meditation of our hearts;
18:28 be acceptable in Thy sight, Oh Lord,
18:31 our strength and our redeemer
18:33 for Christ sake, amen.
18:36 John is there anything else that you would like
18:37 to say about music in the video?
18:39 I think the video clip show us that worship is a
18:43 creative experience and music is very creative.
18:47 When the children are doing something like that
18:49 it brings out the best within them and helps
18:52 them to be all they can be.
18:53 Right! Millie we've talked about a lot about
18:56 music now, what more can we do in family
19:00 devotions whether it would be spiritual and fun
19:02 when we were using the Bible?
19:04 There are just a lot of interesting things that
19:06 we can do to teach the Bible,
19:09 to bring the Bible alive and to find new things
19:13 in the Bible I think one of the things that we
19:15 can search for is something that
19:17 new that we have never heard before.
19:20 Now, a few years ago we were saying John what's,
19:26 what's new in the Bible and he came up with
19:28 Jebus. Tell us what you said?
19:31 Now, well you know it's popular everybody knows
19:33 about Jebus. Yes, everybody knows about the
19:34 Jebus now, but some little known detail of
19:37 the Bible that can make a lot of difference.
19:39 For instance, Timothy came from a divided home
19:43 and most people would have missed that point
19:46 altogether, divided homes can still have worships
19:49 and change the lives of children.
19:52 Right, well okay, you chose to tell us about
19:55 Timothy rather than Jebus on,
19:56 on these new little pieces that we could find
19:58 in the Bible. What about other stories?
20:02 What can we do with? Well, we can take various,
20:04 yeah, making the stories more alive. Right!
20:07 I think when we start thinking about the feeling
20:10 of those individuals who are Bible characters
20:13 that we have heard about in the past,
20:15 well this comes alive they come alive to us.
20:19 They're more important and we take the story of
20:22 like the paralytic. He was on his deaths
20:26 door and he had friends who want to take him
20:29 over to Jesus and so when we start thinking of a,
20:33 what, what the feeling of the,
20:34 the people who are carrying him John what
20:37 might have been the things?
20:38 So, there were four friends and let,
20:39 let's not forget the four friends and what
20:41 they did he wouldn't have been healed,
20:43 if they wouldn't have been for the four friends,
20:44 for his friends, but the other thing is,
20:46 it was Peter's house and you imagine Mrs. Peter
20:50 when all of a sudden she looked up and saw
20:52 that the roof is coming apart and all the rest.
20:54 How would Peter and his wife felt about the
20:57 pulling the roof apart in order to lower,
21:01 yes right, the paralytic, yeah, and so enter into
21:03 the feelings of all these peoples?
21:05 The paralytic when Jesus says,
21:07 Son your sins are forgiven,
21:09 the peace that must have come over him,
21:11 enter into the feelings of the people.
21:14 And think of the people who were sitting there
21:16 listening to Jesus and all of a sudden look up
21:18 and what's going on here, well they're disturbing
21:20 our special time with this man you know,
21:23 and you start thinking about the feelings of the
21:25 individuals and you begin to identify with them.
21:29 Well I think we have another little video clip,
21:32 don't we? Yes. That we can go into now.
21:35 Tell us little bit about what that's about all?
21:37 Team participation and how the children can do
21:40 things with their hands to make it
21:41 them alive. Okay, okay.
21:45 Well, I decided that we do the paraphrases for
21:48 tonight since we all seem to like that.
21:50 We did. And dad's very good at it.
21:54 Paraphrases of the Bible. Yes, and so,
21:58 I'm going to start off and either of you can
22:00 answer whatever you and whenever you want.
22:03 Okay, this is your first one.
22:06 Permit your baby blues zero tighten ups and your
22:09 peeper blinkers no snoozing.
22:13 Permit your baby blues and your blinker peepers
22:18 from snoozing? Something about slumber.
22:22 Eyes. Keep your eyes from sleeping?
22:26 Yeah, some eye. I haven't a clue.
22:29 Alright, what is it? Allow no sleep to your eyes,
22:34 no slumber and no slumber to your eyelids.
22:37 Where in the world do you find that?
22:39 Where is that? Yeah, it's in Proverb 6:4.
22:42 Proverb 6:4. I don't remember reading
22:45 anything about eyelids.
22:48 How many colors do you think Joseph had
22:50 in his coat? A lot. He had lot the Bible said;
22:55 it was a coat of many colors, didn't he?
23:09 Oh! Lorraine, this is really good.
23:10 Tell me about your picture of Joseph?
23:13 He is so happy. He is looking in his coat,
23:15 and he is looking at himself, thank you Father.
23:19 Do you think that he is saying thank you Father?
23:22 Well he was appreciative of his coat, wasn't he?
23:27 And look it's bright and cheerful.
23:29 Now I see that you drew some sheep.
23:32 Why did you draw sheep on your picture?
23:34 Okay, there is a lot of sheep where he lives
23:37 because he was a Shepherd. He was a shepherd?
23:41 So there were sheep and at his home and out
23:44 in the field; Molly let me see your picture.
23:48 Look at this? Wow! I'm really impressed.
23:53 Tell me about Joseph and his coat of many colors?
23:56 He was happy and he had a big coat that had
24:03 a lot of colors. Do you think he told his
24:07 dad thank you? Yes. Oh! Yeah, I bet.
24:10 He gave him a big kiss for making
24:13 that coat of many colors.
24:16 Every time I see that clip it touches my heart.
24:20 This was the single parent family that you can
24:22 see that the beautiful relationship there with
24:26 the children. Oh! Yes, you know we don't have a
24:28 lot of time left Millie, but I want just to go
24:30 into a little bit about memorizing Bible texts?
24:34 I always have difficulty memorizing a Bible text
24:37 and the older I get its worse.
24:39 But we found a way that it's easy even for me,
24:43 but I'm going to practice on John.
24:45 We're going to have him repeat to first John.
24:52 I have first chapter verse 9 and what we do
24:56 we start with giving the first two words of the
24:59 verse and so, I will give John the first two
25:03 words which are if we and then for each word we
25:08 have the first letter, so lets see how well
25:11 John does, okay? Okay. John I give you the
25:15 first words; if we the second word starts with
25:18 the C. Confess. O. Our. S. Sins. H. He. I. Is.
25:25 F. Faithful. A. And. T, J. Just. T. To.
25:31 F. Forgive. U. Us. O. Our. S. Sins.
25:35 Okay, that's a good way and it's a fun way we
25:38 went to a home one day, the children were all
25:41 laughing and we asked what's going on?
25:44 They said we are memorizing, alright,
25:46 and when they started memorizing they started
25:48 laughing. Oh! Here is a way that Oh! Go ahead.
25:50 But I was going to say music is another way of
25:54 learning the text. Right, that's what I was gonna
25:55 say that the way that we did it was not so much
25:59 that, but putting it to music and it's,
26:02 if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to
26:10 forgive us our sins and cleanse us and cleanse us
26:17 from all unrighteousness.
26:20 And it's First John 1 Verse 9,
26:23 so that's the way we learned a lot of
26:25 scriptures song. Really, a very good way.
26:27 And there is another illustration you have,
26:29 isn't there about demoniac or getting into a
26:32 Bible story. Yeah, you were there and what
26:35 do you see? Let's think about the demoniac,
26:38 John. Do we have time for it very much is that?
26:41 I will just say a word. Okay.
26:43 So, you've come across the lake at night terrible
26:46 storm, Peter gets out and said,
26:47 I never want to put my foot in the boat again.
26:50 All of a sudden these demoniacs come out of
26:52 the mountains and you see Peter running back down
26:55 on the boat jumping and come on guys these mad
26:58 man are after us, so you were there and
27:00 you play this, somebody plays the part of Peters,
27:03 somebody plays the part of the Peter,
27:05 somebody plays the part of the wife of the
27:08 demoniac when they came home that night.
27:10 Right, Oh! Well, and now that's a way
27:12 to really get into, into it, isn't it?
27:14 And it's exciting. Well, our time is already gone
27:18 and it went fast, isn't it?
27:19 And I enjoyed the clips that you had,
27:21 I want to invite you back and I want to invite
27:23 our viewers back with us. And we're going to
27:27 have prayer for you and you pray for us while
27:29 we're praying for you.
27:31 John, will you pray for us?
27:32 Heavenly Father, we are so thankful
27:34 for our families. We're thankful for
27:36 our boys and girls for our husbands and wives,
27:39 and we're thankful that we can kneel together
27:41 and praise Your Holy name and adore You because
27:44 You are there that we can claim them merits of
27:47 the sacrifice of Jesus to save our family that we
27:49 can make a pact of covenant together
27:52 that we can get ready for the kingdom because
27:55 Jesus is coming very soon. Dear Lord acceot our
27:58 family not because we're graving.


Revised 2014-12-17