Thinking About Home

Lord, Teach Us To Pray

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Richard O'Ffill, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000157

00:32 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:33 I am Kathy Matthews, and our guest today
00:35 is Richard O'Ffill from the Florida Conference of
00:38 Seventh-day Adventist. He has been with us
00:41 for a little series now, and we are happy to
00:43 have him back again.
00:44 We have a lot of fun together.
00:46 Yes, we sure do and we've been talking about
00:50 our children mostly not our little children.
00:52 We've been talking about mostly our grown
00:54 children maybe our teens and what happens
00:57 when they get married, and what happens
01:00 when they got off the road, yes,
01:02 and maybe they leave the Lord.
01:03 Really want all the pain that's involved
01:04 during that time. And I've been telling about
01:06 my own story that Betty and I've been through
01:10 and having a prodigal who was a drug addict
01:13 and actually an alcoholic, and all the
01:17 feeling that this brings forth. Now and we have
01:21 the pray for ten years for Dan. We had to pray
01:23 for ten years and the grief that we suffered
01:26 raising a little grand daughter, and I'm sure
01:29 that we are not alone that we are not alone
01:31 that there is many who've gone through the
01:34 similar things. You did a lot of praying.
01:37 Do you know when you, when you go through
01:39 an experience I'm sure you found in your life
01:42 that's, that's difficult you can't stay the way
01:47 you were, no, no. I think that the trouble
01:51 and trial in our lives, changes us,
01:53 one way or another, yes, you see if some people,
01:56 but it changes us. Well definitely it can drive us
01:58 away from God. You can become bitter or better,
02:03 that was profound. Someone told me that
02:06 once upon a time. And in this program,
02:08 we want to talk about prayer because I think
02:11 that at one point that prayer is the way
02:17 or is the vehicle through which God gives us
02:20 the strength to be able to go through
02:23 these things. Now, we're gonna talk about
02:25 lots of things about prayer in the program.
02:27 Today the title is Lord Teach us to Pray,
02:29 Lord Teach us to Pray, and it occurred
02:31 to me yesterday, we were talking with some
02:33 of our friends about prayer you know, yes.
02:35 And I thought to myself, there must be a better
02:39 way to say this that prayer is not an end
02:44 in itself but it's a means to an end that
02:47 could we say that prayer is kind of like
02:50 the plumbing, its the pipe through which the
02:54 Holy Spirit flows into our lives, the avenue,
02:58 avenue that's much more you know distinguished,
03:02 but in a way when you think of water
03:07 I mean you know Jesus, He is the living water
03:10 that prayer is the opening of the heart
03:12 to Him, yes, it's the key in the hand of faith.
03:16 But when I think about prayer it seems to me
03:19 Kathy that, that prayer is not so much
03:24 to change God you know it's just if,
03:26 I've got to convinced God to be forgiving,
03:29 yes, or I've got to convince God to be
03:32 compassionate, right, I think is the other
03:35 way around. If we feel like that we've got
03:36 a wrong concept of his character.
03:37 Well because, because really prayer is the way
03:41 in which we get to be like Him, it's not that
03:44 we are the good guys trying to make
03:45 Him like us. He is the long suffering
03:48 in gracious and, we are the one in need,
03:51 we are the one that needs a change.
03:53 A prayer is very much in these days you know
03:55 it's kind of become it's the spiritual discipline
03:58 de jour as we say de jour, so de jour.
04:02 And so any, I remember though back about 14, no
04:07 even 18 years ago, book came out call the
04:10 ABC's of prayer it was about the only one
04:12 you could ever find. That was about
04:13 all that was, but it's not the way anymore
04:16 I wrote a book called transforming prayer,
04:18 yes, and prayer books are really everywhere.
04:21 But I'm gonna in this program I am going
04:24 to sort of tilt to one side, and I would like
04:28 to tell our viewers in advanced that I don't
04:33 mean to take away of from any good thing
04:36 about prayer. Prayer is so wide and so deep
04:40 and so high that nobody can pick up you know
04:45 it's like picking up a grain of sand from the
04:47 beaches, this is the beach. So, so we can't
04:52 get to the place where we say this is real prayer,
04:54 you do it this way, but I do think that we do
04:58 run the, the risk of seeing prayer as a technique,
05:03 have you ever thought about that?
05:04 Yes. I think it's got to the place where you know
05:10 we are so anxious and so desperate to get out
05:13 of our problems that we get to the place
05:17 well just teach me to pray, just teach me
05:18 what to say, if I can just pull all the levers,
05:21 and push all the buttons that God will give
05:23 me answers, then God will answer.
05:24 I had a story that if you probably heard me
05:26 tell before and maybe even some of the viewers
05:29 have heard me tell this story that happened
05:30 to me in Bangladesh, and I was doing some summer
05:34 school over there, and so one afternoon a lady
05:39 came to the compound where I was staying
05:43 and she announced that the devil was about
05:46 to kill her daughter, and she wanted us to come
05:49 and pray you know to kind of exorcism you know,
05:52 yes, you've heard of that. And this was a
05:56 Christian family and they had made some kind
05:59 of in fact a deal with Hindu priest
06:04 or something, and in the deal have promised
06:09 that if their daughter would get well,
06:11 they would pay 1 pound of sugar for each
06:14 pound of her body weight. Well, she got well but
06:18 they didn't pay, there were too poor
06:21 and so I don't know how long the time pass maybe
06:25 a couple of weeks she had gone across the river
06:27 to visit her uncle, and so one morning when the
06:30 little girl's went to the well to get some water
06:33 this apparition, this evil spirit comes out of the
06:37 ground and it says to her you owe me sugar,
06:43 and if you don't pay I'm gonna kill you.
06:46 And of course she you know she became
06:48 hysterical and she goes home as fast as
06:52 she can get there and she says mommy and daddy
06:54 you got to do something the devil is about to kill,
06:57 it's gonna kill me. But there was nothing
07:00 they could do, they were too poor.
07:03 So anyway, that day that she was knocking
07:07 on the door, the little girl had been walking
07:09 around beside the river and out of bushes
07:12 comes this thing and it says you didn't pay now
07:16 you die. She goes down to the ground,
07:19 she is unconscious, she is in coma,
07:21 and now her mother is saying you got to do
07:23 something, the devil is about to kill my daughter.
07:25 And here I am, I've been taking a nap by the way,
07:28 and I am kind of just coming awake and
07:32 these ministers who are my students you know
07:35 I was doing a summer school for pastor teachers.
07:40 I said well come on in, and now I had heard
07:43 stories like this in Sabbath school.
07:45 I've never been a part of them. In Sabbath school,
07:46 right, the mission stories you know you've heard
07:48 these mission stories, yes I did,
07:50 and now it was happening to me you see. And so
07:53 I thought that you know what we're gonna
07:56 have to do is go pray for this girl obviously,
08:00 and when I think of exorcism, I am thinking
08:02 of the words you use the words you know kind
08:04 of mechanical, yes, I am thinking well,
08:06 or I trust what we've heard. Well in exorcistic
08:09 prayer we say in the name of Jesus,
08:11 we command these evil spirits to depart,
08:14 so I knew that's what we gonna to do ultimately,
08:16 but I decided Kathy that I kind of put together
08:20 all the mission stories that I've ever heard,
08:22 kind of do a checklist you know, mentally yeah,
08:24 composite, yes, and that kind of do it by the
08:27 numbers you see, and then I need to do this,
08:29 and I need to do this, and this and this to get
08:31 it right, to come out right you see.
08:33 So, the first thing that occurred to me was well
08:37 if you're gonna go and pray for this girl pray
08:39 that the devil's be cast out, you got to have
08:40 a Bible see, because I'd heard the devil is afraid
08:43 of the Bible you know I scare him away,
08:45 so I got the Bible then I'd also heard that
08:50 if you're gonna be doing an exorcistic prayer
08:53 you would better have your sins forgiven
08:55 because if you get in front of the devil
08:57 and you got unconfessed sins he is liable to say
09:00 them out loud in front of everybody,
09:02 do you heard that, oh yeah I'd heard that
09:04 I even talk with the pastor that did
09:06 happen to, no I don't know that I was unconfessed
09:09 sins but the, but a person possessed of evil
09:11 spirits actually began to tell what he had done
09:13 and he responded by saying it's true that Jesus
09:16 has forgiven me. Well any way I think the
09:19 point is, is that here I knew we're gonna pray
09:22 for this girl and so I kind of did a checklist,
09:25 I was being a little you know technique,
09:27 I was gonna make it a technique see I wanted
09:29 to touch all the bases and don't leave
09:32 anything out. So we went over then to where
09:35 she lived it wasn't far, and when we were
09:39 approaching the house, we can hear the loud
09:41 wailing and carrying on and there she was,
09:43 she was lying on the ground unconscious
09:45 and I dressed in a green sari and her hands
09:48 folded across her chest, and I kind of walk over
09:50 not look at her and somebody says you want
09:52 to her to talk and I say how is that and they say
09:56 we will put leaves under her nose she talks.
09:59 And I thought no I don't want to hear that
10:01 because it could be that evil spirit or something,
10:03 right. Well anyway I can remember I am trying
10:05 to go, I am trying to do the technique,
10:07 I am trying to get the technique right.
10:09 So I called the parents around,
10:11 and I rehearse with them what they shouldn't
10:13 have done and got them to say I am sorry.
10:16 In other words doing it all according, the sins,
10:19 by the numbers I was gonna to do prayer
10:21 by the numbers and I was a sincere as
10:23 I could be. Listen it was a desperate situation,
10:25 right that's all you know. And so then finally
10:28 we made a little half circle around her lying
10:31 on the ground and the person over to the left
10:35 we big prayed and of course I close my eyes
10:37 and he prayed in Bengali and when he got to the
10:40 place where I thought he said in the name of Jesus
10:43 we command the evil spirits to depart,
10:46 I wouldn't do open your eyes like that I'm gonna
10:48 see what's gonna happen, because I was doing
10:50 by the numbers and nothing happened,
10:54 and then it was next person's turned to pray
10:57 and again I have my eyes closed and when he got
10:59 to that part in the name of Jesus I am doing
11:02 it again, and I was as sincere as I could be
11:04 because, because you were anxious
11:06 to see her saved. I wanted to see her
11:08 come out right, yes, see like in the
11:09 mission stories, but it wasn't coming out,
11:11 it wasn't working. And now it's my turn
11:14 to pray and I am thinking to myself
11:17 oh, oh, what have we left out, what in the
11:20 prayer technique here don't we have right.
11:22 Have you not answered me because of the
11:24 technicality? Yeah you are tagging me out
11:26 because of a technicality. So I decided well we are
11:29 not probably, we are not probably praying
11:30 right, so maybe we are not praying
11:33 long enough or we are not using big words,
11:37 I was serious and maybe when it comes to that
11:40 part where it says in the name of Jesus,
11:42 we command the evil spirits to depart maybe
11:44 you've got to say that forcefully and you know.
11:47 Yeah, all these things can run through your
11:48 mind rapidly. Well and you know even some
11:50 of these some the ministers you've heard
11:54 in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus,
11:57 you know they kind of put a little in the
11:58 name of Jesus we and so I thought well
12:00 maybe we're gonna through and then
12:01 we gonna say it rightly. And, so I close my eyes
12:05 and I prayed a long prayer as long as I
12:08 and still stay on the subject, and I used
12:11 big words and I just finally I didn't know
12:13 what else to say and I said forcefully in the
12:17 name of Jesus we command these evil
12:19 spirits to depart you know I did everything
12:22 I was suppose to do, and I tries and
12:25 nothing happens. And in that moment
12:30 I'll never forget tears start to,
12:33 I mean you don't like to say squirting out of my
12:35 eyes but it was that way, it's just,
12:37 it's start coming down my cheeks just like,
12:39 just like rivers and I forgot everything,
12:42 I forgot all about the techniques
12:44 and I just said oh God, oh God help us,
12:53 and then in that very instant she opened
12:57 her eyes and I reach down and I took her
13:00 by the hand I lifted her up, amen.
13:03 And, immediately I thought of the text that
13:07 says the effectual fervent prayer
13:11 of a righteous man availeth much.
13:14 But you see, I'm concerned Kathy that,
13:18 that, the fervency wasn't just in the tone.
13:21 Well, it wasn't in the checklist you see,
13:23 or check the words in the checklist,
13:24 you see I was just I was praying by the numbers,
13:27 and I don't want to be misunderstood by anybody
13:30 who is watching this program,
13:32 but I feel we are trending toward this,
13:37 prayers technique, yeah so then what about
13:39 the rest of us you put the technique
13:41 how can I do it? Well, I don't want to be
13:44 disrespectful Kathy, but out there in the churches
13:49 they have what they called prayer warriors
13:52 do we have to be one, do we have to be
13:55 prayer warrior. Can I talk with you heart to heart,
13:58 heart to heart, well you usually do,
14:03 do you have to be a prayer warrior for God
14:05 to hear your prayer I say no, I say no.
14:09 You see I am afraid we are getting to the place
14:11 where we kind of unionizing prayer,
14:14 you know where I am coming from.
14:15 In other words these people have the gift
14:19 of prayer. If you want your prayers answered
14:22 go to these people. I don't think, I don't think
14:26 that's the way it's supposed to be.
14:28 Now, I'm sure that, that some people are
14:30 committed to prayer, and who have spent time
14:33 and fervent in prayer, but the danger in all
14:37 of this is that I begin to think that,
14:39 that God hears them better than he hears me,
14:43 and there in someway he is not hearing me
14:45 and I've got to find kind of a guru or something
14:49 who pray for me. Yeah, all good things seems
14:51 like there is an area to go off on it isn't it like
14:54 a rabbit trail where the Lord,
14:56 where the enemy can take us off
14:58 of a good things. Well see, can I bring up
15:01 something that is really sensitive
15:03 and is if I have already, there is a wonderful
15:07 prayer that's you know in vogue it's called
15:11 the prayer of Jabez, and it's somewhere
15:14 I think in the books of Chronicles,
15:16 and it's little kind of a four sentence prayer
15:19 and it starts out with you know something
15:21 like God increase my territories,
15:24 I don't remember it all, so that will bring pain
15:26 on others, yeah and so forth and bless me
15:29 it says bless me and, because He is not
15:31 in that pain, and what you've heard of it before,
15:34 yes. Well you see, I think it's a beautiful
15:37 prayer if your name happens to be Jabez,
15:41 but the word is out that if you really want God
15:44 to hear your prayer you got to pray Jabez prayer.
15:47 It's kind of almost and don't misunderstand me
15:51 it's like a mantra you know if you pray Jabez
15:54 prayer then he will hear you oh but if
15:56 you don't to see, what if you never heard of it,
15:58 what if you never heard of it,
15:59 does this mean that I've got to be forgive me,
16:03 I've got to be prayer warrior praying Jabez
16:05 prayer or he doesn't hear me you see
16:10 I hope not I hope not. I don't want to make
16:15 it look like that I don't want appreciate
16:18 the prayer warriors because I really do it.
16:20 In fact, I ask people I need the prayers
16:23 of those I love, I ask people to pray and
16:25 I would do that now Betty and I need the prayers
16:28 of those we love people who don't even know
16:30 that's we need their prayer.
16:31 But I think I've got to be I've got to understand
16:36 that God hears my prayers I look it,
16:40 I need that. Don't we need that? Yes.
16:42 I looked in scripture in the gifts of the spirit
16:46 I looked for the gift of prayer and there was
16:49 the gift of healing, and the gift of evangelism,
16:52 and the gift of pastors, and gift of teachers
16:54 and you know the long list, right, right.
16:57 I didn't find in those lists of the gifts of the
17:00 spirit I didn't find prayer, and I think
17:03 I know why? It's not that there are not people
17:07 who are really into prayer it's the God want
17:11 just all to be into prayer.
17:12 Yes, he is calling in other words to pray.
17:15 In other words everybody is not
17:17 suppose to be a teacher, everybody
17:20 is not suppose to be a pastor, everybody
17:22 is not suppose to have one particular,
17:24 but everybody is suppose to pray, yes,
17:27 and when we don't pray, then we don't have
17:31 a lifeline. We will be disobedient for
17:33 one thing, yes right, I've been reading a lot
17:35 about prayer lately and I've heard these
17:37 authors referred to the sin of prayerlessness.
17:42 Now, we are talking about our children,
17:45 and I've heard people say well I've just taken
17:49 my children to God. Does that mean that I don't
17:52 need to pray for them any more or what does
17:54 that mean? Well it sounds like that to me.
17:57 Well I just taken them so I won't worry
17:59 about anymore. Well, I've taken them to God to,
18:05 it's not that I worry about, I am still
18:07 concerned see, see I think the tendency that
18:09 we have is Lord let me get on with my life.
18:13 I am tired of this I am tired of worrying about
18:16 my children; I am tired of crying about my children,
18:19 I am tired of a broken heart.
18:21 Now wait a minute we need to move on
18:23 but we don't want to leave behind something.
18:26 Well, I see at this way, we live in age in which
18:30 you can actually move the lawn, be baking bread,
18:36 doing the washing, wash the dishes,
18:38 wash the dishes, yes, and listening to radio
18:40 all the same time. But I think that in prayer
18:44 and in inner seeding for our children,
18:46 I don't think we can be doing other things
18:49 if you hear what I am coming from.
18:50 In other words to say God I'm gonna leave
18:52 the matter of the children to you,
18:55 and so I'll go on to something else, because
18:58 I think that as God is saving our children
19:01 He needs us in the mix, amen of course.
19:05 I don't see how I can actually separate myself
19:09 in my own life from the prayers that I'm making
19:12 for my own children, because he is saving us
19:14 as well. Well, and I think that we've said that
19:16 in other programs, yes, that it took,
19:18 it took ten years for Him to answer my prayer
19:22 for my boy. Now he wasn't gonna say
19:24 let's make ten years out of this,
19:25 he probably would have done it in the
19:27 very first day, but my son resisted Him for
19:30 ten years, but God never gave up I never
19:34 stopped praying. And, I remember telling
19:39 I am sorry when you say resist in,
19:42 there is a book called Steps To Christ
19:44 and for years I told the girls and
19:46 still occasionally do, but they remember this well,
19:49 if you don't resist, you will be drawn, oh yes.
19:53 If you don't resist, you will be drawn
19:55 and it puts a different light on how I can have
19:58 the assurance of heaven.
20:01 Do you know Kathy I was reading a book on
20:03 prayer and it gave me a thought that I never
20:07 had before and that is prayer is not our idea,
20:10 it's God's idea, and it's Jesus' idea,
20:14 and remember the text where He says, behold
20:16 I stand at the door and knock, and knock
20:19 and then hear my voice. Hear my voice,
20:21 in other words, sometimes we could
20:23 think well you know I've got to Him
20:25 and get his attention, no when the thought
20:30 occurs to me, He is already know,
20:32 that I need to pray He is the one that gave me
20:34 the thought, yes, it's God's idea that we pray,
20:38 He is the one who is calling us to prayer,
20:40 and He is not calling us to prayer,
20:42 I ought to prayer rather so that we can change
20:45 his mind. I think that He is calling us to prayer,
20:49 so that He can make His mind, our mind,
20:52 so that our mind will be, in harmony with Him,
20:54 would be in harmony with Him.
20:56 Now, I've discovered that many times our
21:00 prayers are kind of narrow.
21:04 One day a lady said to me bless your heart,
21:07 she said my son is out of work.
21:10 He is not a, he is not a believer pray that
21:13 he find work, and I thought you know bless
21:17 your heart honey. You know you're concerned
21:19 that your boy pays bills, but the biggest
21:22 concerned should've been that your boy is away
21:25 from the Lord, and that probably she,
21:31 she should have said or she might have said
21:34 pastor O'Ffill my son is not a believer,
21:37 he is out of work. Now you see the crisis
21:40 around which he is out work could have turned
21:42 his attention. Let's this crisis bring him to you,
21:46 don't you think so, and so sometimes
21:48 I think we're short, and so we'll go to God
21:52 and we want the immediate pain soft.
21:56 When God sees the big picture, and you know
21:59 this story of this was the widow in Tyre
22:04 that came to Jesus and said heal my child,
22:07 yes, and Jesus actually, you hate to put up this
22:11 way kind of make some racial slurs,
22:13 well that yeah, who I might have to do
22:15 with you, you know we consider you,
22:17 you know the dogs and all that, and so at this
22:21 point this women, this women stretched because
22:25 it wasn't about the daughter anymore,
22:27 No. Now she is being tested her faith being
22:30 tested, and she holds and her heart breaks
22:35 and when it's all over, she gets a broke heart,
22:39 she gets close to Jesus, she commits to Him
22:43 all the way and He heals,
22:44 He heals the child, amen. And I think that
22:48 this is what's, what's happen to Betty
22:50 and me in the years that we prayed for our son.
22:54 It makes me think of a scripture in the
22:56 Old Testament, he had smitten and he will bind
22:59 us up, yes, after three days he will revive us,
23:03 no after two days he will revive us,
23:05 and the third day he will raise us up,
23:07 and we will live in His side forever.
23:09 So, He has a more, He sees more and I think
23:13 one of the challenges that we have is that
23:17 our prayers need to expand.
23:20 I think of the case of Lazarus, remember
23:22 when Lazarus die that and Jesus finally shows up,
23:26 and the sister says where were you man
23:29 you know Lord you could have prevented all this,
23:32 why did you let that happen, yes.
23:33 And maybe a little bit of bitterness here,
23:34 why did you do this, you are healing
23:36 everybody else. Yes, why not my brother.
23:38 See and why not this person you love,
23:40 now obviously they said it real nice you know
23:42 they were real sweat about it,
23:43 but the feelings were we know,
23:45 still bound up in rebuke,
23:46 this would have never happened if you had come
23:48 when we called, little rebuke there.
23:50 But Jesus had something bigger,
23:53 He was gonna, he was not only gonna make
23:55 Lazarus well, He was gonna to do something
23:58 that would really change the whole course
24:02 of history, so, it will established the plan
24:04 of salvation, it would make Jesus look good,
24:06 if He would to heal Lazarus you know well
24:09 we don't bother with that anymore,
24:11 but in letting it kind of get worse before
24:13 it got better. He get something bigger
24:16 and better, bigger and better and I kind of
24:18 wonder in your life and mine as we pray that
24:23 we know we could wish oh God just make it go away,
24:27 I just, I'm fed up, I'm tired, and this is where
24:31 one of your favorite text what is that one
24:33 about don't get tired, let us not be weary
24:35 in well doing, for in due season we shall reap,
24:38 if we faint not. And I must confess
24:42 that with our children, just a few days ago
24:45 Betty said what good does it to pray because,
24:47 because in the short term nothing is happening.
24:51 In other words here we are praying that our
24:53 home be saved, and we just prayed our eyes
24:56 out and the divorce went through,
24:58 and it can make you to say well what good
25:01 does it do? Now, I believe that in this,
25:04 in this terrible the death of the family of which
25:09 there is no resurrection that there are something
25:13 great can come from that, I don't know what
25:15 it will be because, because in the end,
25:17 in the end we want all the players to be saved,
25:20 all those who played a part, and so,
25:22 and so I said to Betty when she said what
25:25 good does it do to pray, because I think as
25:28 parents feel that way sometime,
25:29 oh God this is going from bad to worse,
25:31 what good is it doing. I said to her after what
25:34 good it does because we're gonna stay
25:35 faithful to Him, we're gonna stay
25:37 faithful to Him, amen, we're not giving up.
25:40 Are you learning to praise Him during it?
25:43 Well you have to, you'll have to give me a
25:45 speech on that. I can say that remember I told
25:49 you earlier that when we get to heaven,
25:51 I'll thank Him forever that in this I got close
25:55 to Him, but I guess I'm, I guess I would say
26:00 it another way in other words when the divorce,
26:02 I know I couldn't say thank you Jesus.
26:04 No not like that's not what I mean.
26:06 But I know that all things work together for good,
26:10 for good, and that doesn't mean everything is good,
26:13 but isn't that praise. Well, I see it I believe,
26:18 I trust in God, I want to get to the place
26:21 where I can see the long term and though
26:24 that the, I don't know how it's gonna turn out
26:27 I know that He is saving me and that
26:31 He is going to do everything thing in
26:33 His power to save my children.
26:36 We need to believe that. And I even said to Him,
26:39 I said God I don't know what is gonna be at
26:41 the other end. You know not all of His children
26:45 will be saved you know do I have a guarantee,
26:48 not all of his children will be saved,
26:50 and I said God on the other end all I wanted
26:52 to know is that you tried it's hard to save
26:56 them as the devil try to cause them to be lost.
27:00 And the judge of all the earth will do right,
27:02 yes, He will do right thing. Yes, you have the
27:04 face in Him don't you, I do.
27:05 Now you've been through it.
27:07 We're thankful that you've been with us
27:10 and I am always touched by all that you bring up
27:15 I pray that everybody else has been do, yeah.
27:17 And, you'll be back again, oh yes absolutely,
27:20 yes we've got one more to do on this
27:22 particular series, that's right, and
27:24 I enjoy it so much, thank you.
27:26 I want to invite our viewers again back
27:30 next time and as we go out please
27:33 pray for us as we pray for you.
27:35 Lord, teach us to pray, teach us to pray
27:40 to the long view. We don't know where this
27:43 all ends, but lord may we be faithful as
27:47 you are faithful to us. May we be faithful
27:50 to you in prayer through Jesus Christ
27:53 our Lord, amen, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17