Thinking About Home

How To Look Back Without Going Backward

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Richard O'Ffill, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000156

00:32 Welcome to Thinking About Home,
00:34 I'm Kathy Matthews and I'm glad you're with
00:35 us. Today we're, our guest is Richard O'Ffill
00:39 from the Florida Conference of Seventh-day
00:41 Adventists and we're going to be discussing
00:44 how to look back without going backwards.
00:46 And Dick, I'm glad that you're here again today.
00:50 I'm glad to be here always.
00:51 And I'm gonna start out talking to you about
00:54 your type A personality that people have told
00:56 me about. I should, I should. You know,
00:59 that was kind of a, that was kind of a fast start
01:02 up. You know that reminds me you know,
01:04 here I must tell our viewers that Kathy starts
01:07 right off, she said I hear you're a type A
01:08 personality. And you know, that's kind of fast
01:11 could you work up to that? No, can't you see
01:13 you already; yeah you can see already that he
01:15 is. This reminds me of a, before I answer that
01:18 this reminds me of a, of a made up story of a
01:21 fellow that had build his house on the median
01:24 strip of the Interstate, you know sometimes
01:27 they're real wide and there's lots of trees,
01:30 so he build his house in there and he was talking
01:33 about, do you know this is a true story.
01:38 And so, he's talking with a buddy of his and
01:42 he says, how do you like living on this big wide
01:44 ministry because I love it the only problem I
01:46 have is just I have to be going 60 miles an hour
01:48 when I come out of my drive.
01:50 And so, that's what you did, you say
01:52 you know welcome to Thinking About Home.
01:54 Yes. Dick, I hear you have a type A personality.
01:57 Let's give them a little background in case
01:59 somebody you know hasn't been watching
02:00 the rest of this series that we're talking about,
02:05 about our families obviously and about our
02:06 children and particularly our grown up children
02:10 and maybe those who are a heartache to us.
02:14 And you know, we've mentioned on some of the
02:18 other programs of how I prayed that one day,
02:23 Lord keep your mansions just, just save our
02:26 children. And I'm sure that all of those who are
02:30 watching feel as, as you and I do that what
02:34 we want from heaven is the joy of having
02:36 our children with us. This is everything,
02:38 but of course we've never been parents like
02:41 this before you know, I've never been here
02:43 before as a grandparent and as a, and as a
02:46 father of grown children. And I've kind of
02:49 confessed and I said, you know it didn't turn
02:51 out all right. You know, it's not about my
02:53 children who have been all ministers and Bible
02:55 workers. We're talking about a son who was
02:58 an alcoholic and you noticed I said was.
03:01 Yes. See, this story has a happy ending. Right.
03:03 And I can tell it because it has a happy ending,
03:06 but I'm telling it because there are those who
03:08 are watching now, who are right in the middle
03:10 of it and it's not happy, it's very painful.
03:13 And you and I were talking among ourselves
03:16 that sometimes when we laugh in this program
03:18 it's not because it's funny. Yeah right.
03:20 It's really sad, but we have a hope.
03:22 See, so we're, we're saying oh! God we have
03:25 hope, we're gonna press on, but anyway.
03:28 It's we're not really making a lot of it.
03:29 No, we're not because it's awful, it's awful.
03:33 I think I may have said this before,
03:36 when I get to heaven notice I didn't say if.
03:39 When, when, it's a surety, it's a surety and
03:42 you ask me what it was like? I can say it was
03:44 a nightmare. You know to watch your boy do
03:47 crack is a nightmare, but I thank Jesus forever
03:52 because in this suffering I got to know Him. Yes.
03:55 I got to know Him like; I don't think I could
03:57 have ever known him. And you and Betty as
03:58 well closer. Oh! Yes, our marriage got closer
04:01 together. And the pain, but as our children goes
04:06 through these things Kathy, you know we can't
04:09 change them, but God can change them.
04:12 It took ten years to set my boy free from his
04:15 alcoholism and drug addiction. But he didn't
04:17 come to the victory in the end without you;
04:19 I mean you were a part of it. Well, but I had
04:21 to be praying see. In other words,
04:24 this is an important point too and that is that
04:27 that as we pray the God saves our children.
04:29 We have to be praying that He saves us too
04:31 because we are part of the problem or we can
04:33 very easily be part of the problem.
04:35 Anyway back to your original question and I
04:38 wasn't trying to avoid it. No. Because it has a
04:40 bearing. Which one? Type A personality.
04:43 The type A personality. Okay.
04:44 And of course the title of this program is,
04:47 is how to look back without going backwards
04:50 and I don't need to tell you that to be able to
04:53 drive in a car you have to have a rear view
04:54 mirror. And so, cars these days they have one
04:57 up in the middle there. Not in some countries,
05:00 I'm sorry. I don't know you know,
05:01 well anyway maybe the countries where you've
05:02 been, whether it's all about bullock carts and.
05:05 No. Anyway, so the cars got a mirror on either
05:08 side and it's got one in the middle and if we're
05:10 gonna go safely forward we have to be kind of
05:13 looking backward at the same time.
05:15 Otherwise, it could put our forward movement
05:17 in danger. And I think as parents while we're
05:21 going forward we've got to be looking backwards,
05:25 how to kind of help us go forward?
05:28 You mean to learn about ourselves.
05:29 Well, and I'm gonna talk about this,
05:31 I'm working up to this type A personality so.
05:33 Okay, alright. Anyway, are you ready for it?
05:35 'Cause this is looking backwards.
05:36 They're waiting for it; I promised them this.
05:39 You know fortunately this is in the commercial
05:41 a television program and we need to say,
05:42 and I tell you about that after the break. Right.
05:45 Anyway, one Sunday, Betty and I were doing
05:51 our Sunday morning routine where you read
05:53 the Sunday paper you know, big thick paper.
05:57 And comes with all these ads and that's what
05:59 we just do that on Sunday morning and we
06:01 work around the house and all, but she kind
06:03 of goes through this routine. So, on this
06:06 particular Sunday one of these little ads was
06:09 from a furniture company and they were
06:12 advertising kitchen tables. Now, we had
06:15 raised our family you know, when I say that
06:18 I don't mean 30 years, but surely 15 or 20
06:20 years we've had the same kitchen table.
06:23 And I want to tell you, it was getting to be
06:25 pretty old, it was kind of trimmed in chrome,
06:27 and the chrome was getting a little you know
06:29 worn and what have you, little rusty.
06:31 So, they were advertising, I don't know if you've
06:34 seen these tables before that have white tile
06:37 on the top. Yes, yes I've a lot thing very much.
06:39 And they're kind of trimmed the natural wood
06:40 and they trimmed it like really pretty.
06:41 And we looked at that, we oh! That's really
06:44 pretty you know, and let's go look at that.
06:46 It was gonna be I'm not putting in a commercial;
06:48 it was going be at Wards, in all my life Wards.
06:51 So, we said, hey when the store's open this
06:53 was Sunday, so they weren't open till noon,
06:55 let's go to Wards and look at the table.
06:58 Watch this, Betty says, how do I do, how do
07:02 I live with? Now, how do these men live with
07:04 these women all this years because see we
07:06 men, we men, we men we want to go buy a
07:11 table. See, I wanted to go buy go to Wards
07:14 I liked it; I could see the picture I wasn't blind,
07:16 so I wanted to buy the table. You know,
07:18 what she says? Oh! While we're added lets
07:20 stop at Rhodes on the way down and see if
07:22 they've got one. And then as long as we're
07:24 looking the tables we can go to rooms to go
07:28 and I'm thinking oh! No, in other words I don't
07:31 want to go out and spend the rest of my life
07:34 buying kitchen table. I don't relate to this real
07:37 well you say we men. Now, Tom would be
07:40 shopping at each one like Betty. Well, say
07:42 okay. I think it's this type A personality that
07:44 we're talking about. Well, no anyway women
07:47 are shoppers, women are shoppers and well
07:50 maybe, maybe I leave it there. Good.
07:52 But anyway she was going to shop and so
07:55 what could I say because I just wanted to go
07:57 buy a table. So, anyway after lunch we got
08:02 a little bit delayed and Andre was living with
08:04 us in those days remember I told you how
08:06 we raised a granddaughter for five years?
08:08 And when grandparents are raising
08:10 grandchildren that is a sad story.
08:14 Those five years were wonderful years
08:16 because God gave me and Betty a chance
08:18 to be parents again, you know when you're
08:20 young you don't know how to be a parent,
08:21 but when you've been around a while I think
08:23 we did a better the second time.
08:26 Anyway, yeah you back to the story now.
08:28 So, it was a little bit late when we left and
08:31 of course the stores were not gonna be
08:32 open till 10 O'clock on Sunday,
08:34 I wanted to get it over I didn't want to spend
08:35 the week buying a kitchen table.
08:38 So, this was back in the, in the days when
08:41 the children could be in their car seats and
08:42 still be upfront, you know they don't allow
08:44 that anymore. So, anyway Betty was going
08:48 to drive I'm gonna sit in the back seat,
08:50 so she is gonna be with the baby and I'm
08:52 gonna be in the back seat and away we go.
08:55 We stopped at Rhodes that was the first thing
08:57 we came to. I actually liked the Rhodes table
09:01 I think better than the picture the Wards picture,
09:04 so I said lets get it. And she said,
09:07 no let's go into Wards and see what.
09:09 I wanna get it over with, so anyway
09:12 you know the time is going by and I want to
09:14 get all of my life and. It's only a day.
09:18 See, anyway I should be like you just so relaxed
09:21 and now, but remember let's not get ahead
09:24 of the story. Okay. Anyway, anyway we go
09:27 up to Wards, I saw the Wards table I liked
09:30 the Rhodes better. I said let's go back to Rhodes
09:33 and get it. She said, listen lets move on rooms
09:36 to go you know, see what they've got?
09:38 Right, but now I'm watching the clock 'cause
09:41 I don't wanna be shopping for tables all week
09:43 long. So, anyway Betty is driving I'm in the
09:46 back so we pull out into the traffic in order
09:49 to go back to where we're going so we kind
09:51 of pull out we cross over to the left lane and
09:54 we have to get in a turn way.
09:56 And of course, when you're in a hurry what
09:57 happens, lights are always on red.
10:00 So, just as we turn around we're getting way
10:01 to go back light goes red. I'm looking at
10:03 my watch and I'm getting nervous.
10:06 And we're sitting there, I'm thinking myself
10:08 oh! I was just hurry up. Suddenly the light
10:10 goes green; you know when I say suddenly
10:12 five minutes later, ten minutes later,
10:13 half an hour later. And so the light goes green,
10:16 but the. It takes ten minutes later.
10:18 The traffic doesn't move. You know,
10:19 how it will do that sometimes?
10:21 And so, when the traffic didn't move I said
10:22 to Betty toot the horn. And here's the punch
10:26 line, she says to me just as calm as you
10:28 please I'm not a type A personality there's
10:31 where we go. In other words I'm saying toot
10:35 the horn she says, do you know that hit me
10:38 like a ton of bricks, if she had slapped me in
10:41 the face, if she had punch me in the nose it
10:45 wouldn't have been as bad. I considered that
10:47 an insult. Remember, I told you in another
10:50 programs how when I get mad I don't throw
10:52 stuff, I don't cuss, sometimes I even keep
10:55 smiling. And so, I was there I was smiling
10:58 kind of you know, but I'm thinking.
11:00 And does it look like a really good smile.
11:03 And I'm thinking why have you insulted me
11:05 so bad? I thought this is not a psychology class.
11:09 So, you don't like being called a type A
11:10 personality. Well, maybe in a psychology class,
11:12 but not when you're shopping for tables,
11:15 I thought she was in, I thought she was calling
11:18 me names; I kind of reacted that way.
11:20 And it was kind of like remember when we used
11:21 to get teeter-totter when we were kids.
11:23 It was like she jumped off the teeter-totter
11:25 I got boom and I thought hey,
11:28 we've got to level this thing up; I've got to
11:30 say something to get back at her.
11:33 And they're crazy what the hard, but you know
11:35 when you think of what anger does?
11:37 Anger is a destroyer, it's a destroyer.
11:40 So, I'm gonna think that something I can say
11:43 to put you know, you know sort to get back
11:46 at her. Why did you say that? But when we
11:48 I thought, I'm thinking by that time we're going
11:51 down the street. And in all reality, really I'm
11:53 sorry I've interrupted you again,
11:54 but this happens a lot. This happens to people
11:58 on a regular basis and they don't single it
12:00 out like you have and thought it through like
12:03 you've done? Well, see that's a title of our
12:04 program how to look back without going
12:07 backward you see. I think as I go through
12:09 life I had better look back. See this story it'll
12:12 end up alright, but I had to be aware of what
12:16 was going. Remember that little diddy,
12:18 to err is human. Oh! Yes. To forgive divine.
12:21 Now, I like yours. You like the way I spin it.
12:23 Well, I like that of course because that's
12:26 the true, and the best way to look at.
12:28 But I spin it a little different. Yes.
12:29 To err is human not to admit it is dumb.
12:32 That sounds like a Richard O'Ffill.
12:34 And so, and so I think that that in our lives
12:38 we need to look back, we need to look back
12:41 and see where we went wrong?
12:42 See, this is a story I'm telling on myself.
12:45 Right. Now, if I were to ask the viewing
12:46 audience, if I'm your, if I'm the only type A
12:49 personality who has ever done this I think I
12:51 get some hands going up on them,
12:53 but anyway I'm telling this story on myself
12:55 because we need to analyze ourselves like,
12:57 you know we count our money when we do
12:59 business, and we're doing an audit of our
13:01 business, we audit our plans. Listen,
13:03 our homes don't break up overnight. No.
13:06 Life is cause and effect. We will count our
13:09 money and we'll wonder why we got a divorce?
13:13 When it was happening all the time?
13:15 It was happening all the time, but we're not
13:17 gonna count, we don't wanna look,
13:19 I wanna count my money, I wanna make sure
13:21 my car gets it's oil changed, but I don't talk
13:23 to be about my, about my wife or about me
13:26 and my kids see, when that's really over?
13:28 Man as you get a new car. This is our
13:30 character though; don't talk to me about my
13:31 character. Well, that's about. The very thing,
13:34 well you've talked about what we want to
13:36 do is like our children to have, save our
13:38 children. And that's right, but.
13:40 But it's our character. And that's the only thing
13:41 we can change but, but I think we're saying
13:44 sometimes we're more interested in our cars,
13:46 in our boats, in our houses then we are in
13:48 our character, in our homes. Right, now
13:51 you were turning off. Well, and so I'm going,
13:53 I'm going down the road and I met and I'm
13:54 not cussing or swearing I just think I've got
13:58 to say something you know. And of course
14:00 you know when you're mad what you say is
14:01 no good. What we say well usually when we're
14:04 mad or usually you know complicated things.
14:07 Is that striking while the iron is hot or is that
14:09 something else? Not easy, oh! Yeah, well when,
14:12 if you wanna talk about that of her just a
14:14 minute, shall we break into that story for a
14:16 minute? Have you heard the expression
14:17 strike when the iron is hot? Yes. I say don't.
14:20 And I say that when the iron is hot when you,
14:23 when you mark it or bend it, it stays bend.
14:27 You could do permanent damage.
14:28 We do permanent damage. We're saying
14:29 something when you're angry. So, what we've
14:30 say when we're angry or when someone else
14:32 is angry you can't take back, but the problem
14:36 is when we're not angry we don't care.
14:39 And so, really if we're gonna solve problems
14:42 and share and actually teach each other we
14:45 should do it when there is a good will because
14:47 a person persuaded against their will is of
14:49 the same opinion still. And so, and so no
14:52 I don't believe in striking when the iron
14:54 is hot I think we ought to wait until we cool off
14:58 and if it was still important enough to care
15:00 then pray. Then speak about it.
15:01 Then speak about it, so I'm going on the
15:03 highway and I'm thinking to myself I got to
15:08 say something and then, then I start this little
15:11 debate with myself. And remember she said
15:15 I'm a type A personality, and so it occurred
15:19 to me I kind of ask myself what is it true,
15:23 for what true? So, you're looking back now.
15:25 No, I'm looking in my own history,
15:26 but I'm looking back. Well, it's a too much she
15:28 said, where I suppose if you can talk about
15:32 personality types. I guess you would have
15:34 to say I'm type A personality. And then I
15:37 said to myself then why are you mad?
15:40 Do you think you've said that to yourself or
15:42 you maybe that was the Holy Spirit running
15:44 that thought to you? You know me I'm a
15:46 little sensitive to saying God told me this,
15:49 God told me that. Well maybe. But I do believe
15:50 the Holy Spirit impresses, I do believe that that
15:54 the Holy Spirit was really impressing my heart.
15:57 He was making me think seriously because I was
16:00 obviously on the wrong track, I was about to
16:02 say something that didn't need to be.
16:04 I don't know what it would have been?
16:06 But it didn't need to be said.
16:08 And so, the Holy Spirit was pressing my heart
16:10 and I'm learning something from this.
16:13 And I'm asking myself the question, are you
16:17 type A personality? Yes, I probably
16:19 am if you're gonna saying that.
16:21 Why are you mad? And then I got to thinking
16:23 to myself I thought you know, I'm praying
16:27 that Jesus will, will change me. I wanna be like
16:32 Him, I really do. And then it occurred to me
16:37 then how is he gonna get through to you?
16:43 And then I thought well maybe Lord You
16:44 maybe You could speak a voice from heaven
16:46 maybe. See, in other words you want to tell
16:47 me something, tell it to me from the cloud.
16:51 You don't want to accept it any other way,
16:53 no still small voices. No, maybe a dream or
16:56 vision or even if you need to a donkey and then
17:00 it occurred to me what about your wife?
17:02 Oh! No, Lord no. A dream or a vision or a
17:06 voice from heaven or a donkey, but I don't
17:08 want my wife telling me anything.
17:12 And then I realize that that if I'm really sincere
17:16 about God working in my life and really
17:19 impressing me I have to be listening.
17:22 To your wife occasionally. Or from wherever
17:24 the voice comes. Right. From wherever the
17:27 voice comes because the issue is not who said
17:30 it to me? The issue is, is it true.
17:35 And so, one day I was walking across the
17:39 grounds at one of the big Florida hospitals
17:42 and there were some fellows that are working
17:45 on the lawn and we started talking and one of
17:49 them said, something I'll never forget,
17:52 Pastor O'Ffill he said we ought to listen to
17:55 our enemies because they'll tell us things
17:59 about ourselves that our friends won't tell us.
18:04 And I think there was lots of wisdom to that.
18:08 Makes me think of a scripture though that
18:09 says: Precious are the wounds of a friend;
18:14 but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
18:18 How do you gonna work that one in.
18:20 I'm not going to try, no because, because,
18:23 because I think to be honest with myself I
18:25 should be listening to the voice of God from
18:29 wherever it comes. Right. And the issue is
18:31 not are you my friend or are you my enemy
18:34 and what you said. Because obviously,
18:36 obviously friends like I in sharpen friends like
18:39 you said, but you used the word deceitful
18:42 to be specific. In other words, you see maybe,
18:44 maybe my friends would try to deceive me or
18:46 my enemies rather would try to deceive me,
18:48 but I guess when I, when I want to say.
18:50 Sometimes there can be some truth,
18:51 that said and you can listen to it. And that's
18:53 the point see they can just be really blunt,
18:56 and so, and so when I preach about this
18:59 particular subject I will say, the next time
19:02 somebody puts you down I throw the
19:05 congregation. Embrace it. No, ask yourself a
19:08 question. Is it true, is it true, is it true?
19:12 And I would say that to our viewers because
19:15 you know, this society is very sensitive.
19:18 You can't walking on egg shells.
19:20 Yeah don't put me down man I got to look
19:21 out for number one you know, you can't
19:23 abuse me and so, and so if I've got a shield
19:27 around me all the time that's going to justify
19:29 everything I do then how can I ever change?
19:33 We need to look at ourselves. I think we need
19:35 to look at ourselves and I'm thoroughly
19:37 convinced that that if I'm on the wrong road
19:42 I'm gonna be stay on that wrong road until
19:46 I admit I'm wrong. And I know we men are
19:50 real sensitive about this, I think we've
19:51 mentioned this in another program we don't
19:53 want to admit we're wrong, we want to
19:55 justify ourselves, but we're really dumb,
19:58 to err is human, do we make mistakes?
20:00 Do I make mistakes? You bet I do,
20:03 but not to admit it that's, that's not smart.
20:07 And so, I think that I guess the point here
20:09 is because we're talking about being,
20:11 about parents, big parents and grandparents.
20:14 And our children you know they're grown.
20:17 You know, for the purposes of what we're
20:18 talking about now. What are we gonna do?
20:23 I think we've said in another programs,
20:25 we've said well we shouldn't just beat
20:27 ourselves to death and just say you know,
20:29 it was my fault and I'm to blame and I think
20:33 the point is, look back I must, but start going
20:37 backward I must not. Right, right.
20:42 Now, this brings up the question to of how
20:44 often shall we look back? Because we're pretty
20:47 soon start going in the direction where we're
20:49 looking. Right. So, if everyday.
20:51 In spite beholding we become changed,
20:53 we become changed. So, if everyday I'm
20:55 thinking of yesterday, last year, ten years
20:58 ago and misery. I think and I'll start,
21:01 I won't be able to get on with my life,
21:03 but I do think that I need to look back.
21:08 I hate to say, well about the thing now I
21:10 don't know what happened and I hope they
21:12 don't arrest me, hope you don't call the
21:14 police when I'm about to say.
21:16 For some funny reasons, funny,
21:18 some weird reason, one day my kids must
21:20 have been all cutting up, they were just you
21:22 know sort of middle size. I lined them up on
21:26 the wall and gave them all the spanking at
21:28 the same time, I hate myself for that and
21:33 you know, and I might say here that I have
21:37 actually asked my grown children to forgive
21:40 me for some of these obvious, right,
21:42 crazy things and say, oh! I feel so bad about it.
21:47 Oh! That's okay, daddy that's okay,
21:49 but see I have to get it out of my head.
21:50 Right. I have to say, oh! That is how I feel
21:53 now, that was really crazy. I can't live my
21:57 life again, but there is one thing if I could
22:00 that I leave out. And so, I ask them,
22:05 whenever I think back of something that was
22:08 really, a sin of omission or of commission in
22:11 raising children I'll say to my kids,
22:14 you know I feel sorry about that. Now, you
22:17 could say, well how long you're gonna do
22:19 that? Rest of my life. I'm sorry that I spanked
22:22 them all at one time and it wasn't like till there
22:25 was a, you know broken bones or anything,
22:27 I was mad, I was mad. And when I'm 85 I'll
22:32 still be sorry. Kathy, I'm sorry for every
22:35 mistake I had ever made. I think of my father
22:39 when you were said 85 and at the age of 85
22:42 there was 12 of us and at the age of 85
22:45 he was still saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the
22:48 things. And long since I had forgiven him,
22:51 but some had not. Well, and see now some
22:54 maybe could, could disagree and say,
22:58 well why think about it anymore.
23:00 Well, see I think we can look back without
23:02 because when he was saying that he wasn't
23:03 going backwards he was showing through
23:06 repentance you see, even the Apostle Paul
23:08 he would never retell the stories,
23:11 but how you say oh! I'm chief of sinners.
23:14 Right, right, and remembering that,
23:17 but that spurred him on. Well, of course it did.
23:18 And Peter too. And he would say forgetting
23:20 those things now that doesn't mean that he
23:22 didn't learn from them. And he says,
23:24 forget the past or you would better learn
23:27 from the past, you had better not forget
23:29 everything in the past or you'll keep doing it.
23:32 Right. And so, that's, that's where I made
23:36 in my life I do look back and because I want
23:40 to grow, I want to grow and I'm glad we have
23:43 a heavenly Father that's on our side. Amen.
23:47 Did I ever tell you the story, when I was in
23:48 the seminary? I got a D in an examination
23:56 and a C in the seminary is an F, and I got a
23:58 D that's below and F, and so the teacher
24:02 instead of giving me a D he writes on the
24:06 exam he says, Dick, what's wrong,
24:08 come and talk to me. And so, I went on and
24:12 he said, what's wrong didn't you understand?
24:14 'Cause there was only one question and I
24:18 said no, I didn't understand, but I
24:19 understand now. And he said go do it again.
24:23 He gave you another chance.
24:24 He gave me another chance, and I never
24:26 forgotten that I've even when I was a
24:27 teacher I would do that. Now, I'm not going to
24:30 give you the privilege of getting F and I think
24:33 that about God I think what a wonderful God,
24:37 who doesn't hold our past against us.
24:39 And sometimes when I make a big mistake
24:42 in my life then I tell God I'll say, let's do that
24:46 again. Yeah. Because I know that in Christ
24:49 we can be more than conquerors that if
24:51 we confess our sins he is faithful and just
24:53 to forgive. Amen. But anyway, I have a text
24:56 that before we get on further in the program,
24:58 time goes so fast that it's so important
25:02 because sometimes we think well, in the past
25:04 you know all the bad things I've done,
25:07 I'm responsible, God holds me responsible for
25:10 all I've done and he's gonna hold it against
25:12 me and I heard a person preach his sermon
25:16 not long ago and I went found this text and I
25:18 would like to share it with you and with our,
25:21 with our viewing audience. It's in a Ezekiel
25:23 18 verse 20, listen to this. The soul that
25:26 sinneth, it shall die. Listen to this:
25:29 The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father;
25:32 neither shall the father bear the iniquity of
25:34 the son: the righteousness of the
25:36 righteous shall be on him, and the wickedness
25:39 of the wicked shall be on him. But if the wicked
25:42 shall turn from all his sins that he hath
25:44 committed, and keep all my statutes,
25:47 and do that which is lawful and right,
25:49 he shall surely live, he shall not die.
25:52 All his transgressions that he hath committed,
25:55 they shall not be mentioned unto him:
25:57 and his righteousness that he hath done he
26:00 shall live. And this first part is so important,
26:05 the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father,
26:08 neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the
26:10 son. Amen. Though I might have been have
26:13 contributed to whatever the mistake was of
26:17 my children that in the final out at the end
26:21 God sees us who we are, He'll see us
26:24 individuals. And so, I think we can look back,
26:27 we can learn from the past. Not so that we
26:29 can go backwards, but so that we can go
26:31 forward. Yes, we need to ask for forgiveness
26:33 and learn from our mistakes. Everyday don't
26:36 you think so? Absolutely. And I try to
26:37 do this in my own, in my own devotional life.
26:40 When I begin a day I don't begin a day by
26:43 looking forward, but by looking back because
26:45 I don't, I want to do better than I did
26:47 yesterday. Amen. That whether we eat or
26:49 drink or whatever we do we do it to the
26:51 glory of God, glory of God. I'd like to come up,
26:56 I mean I would like to say those scripture again
26:58 that I've been saying and that is let us not
27:01 be weary. Oh! Yes, in well doing, amen,
27:04 for in due season we shall reap, if we faint
27:07 not. And that's a little scripture song and I
27:10 enjoy it, but every time we talk about things
27:12 like this it makes me think of it because we
27:13 can get so weary. We get tired,
27:16 we get tired. Yes, but we need to learn and
27:18 go forward. But God never gets tired.
27:20 See that's the nice thing. Thank God for that.
27:21 You get tired He never gets tired and He
27:24 renews our strength and so things get
27:26 really heavy we get discourage, but he wants
27:28 us to press on towards the mark. Amen and
27:31 I want to remember to tell you to press on
27:37 toward the mark as well and as we go out
27:40 pray for us as we're praying for you.
27:42 Heavenly Father, we're thankful that you
27:45 give us a new start everyday, and as we
27:48 look to the past that we have the confidence
27:50 that if we confess our wrongs that you're
27:53 faithful and just to forgive.
27:55 And it is in that Day of Judgment that we
27:56 stand before You as our heavenly Father.


Revised 2014-12-17