Thinking About Home

Accepting The Unacceptable

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, Richard O'Ffill


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000153

00:31 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:33 I'm Kathy Matthews,
00:34 and again I'm thankful that you've joined us.
00:36 Our guest today is Richard O'Ffill
00:38 from the Florida Conference of
00:40 Seventh-day Adventist. And we're just
00:42 enjoying a discussion on your book
00:46 that you've written, and.
00:47 "Lord Keep Your Mansions."
00:48 Yes, that one. And I just can't say
00:52 enough how it's touched me on the information
00:56 that you have in there and about your life.
00:58 I, I guess, I'd have to tell you that it's
01:02 so much about my life that because
01:05 I'm very involved emotionally with it.
01:06 Yes. That when I read that I cry again.
01:08 Yes. And, and, it maybe personal,
01:10 we'll say when I, you know I, right,
01:12 that that's sounds kind of weird of me.
01:14 Right, and we're not here promoting the book,
01:15 but we're talking about we want to promote
01:17 or rather we'll trying to get into
01:18 and touch people's hearts.
01:20 Because I think we're all in the same boat.
01:21 Yes, we are. I, I, I think that that,
01:23 that when I ask my son permission
01:26 to do this book, obviously it's you know,
01:30 it's kind of explicit,
01:31 I'm talking about my son. Right.
01:32 And, and, and, and that's not some
01:33 far away place that's, that's right here.
01:35 But it's because you're running
01:37 into these things wherever you go.
01:38 I think we're all in the same boat.
01:39 Yeah. I, I, I, heard a long ago someone says,
01:42 I'm not gonna laugh when you are in,
01:44 end of the boat goes because I'm
01:45 in the other end. Yeah, right.
01:47 And, and I think that in a very real way
01:49 we're all in the same boat, right,
01:50 life is about our families and,
01:53 and with everyday that passes,
01:55 we're having more-and-more,
01:56 we're taking more-and more hits in our families.
01:58 I, I think Kathy that there was a time in
02:01 which, in which we were somewhat protected
02:04 you know this society itself had norms and
02:06 standards and, and of course the school
02:09 and the church. And, and so you know,
02:11 we had lots of a fort, lots of wall out there,
02:13 but those who are all down now and
02:15 it seems like there's nothing sacred anymore.
02:17 And, and, and the devils darts are coming right
02:19 into our homes. Now, I know we have these,
02:22 these safety systems you know,
02:24 you see a sign in the yard
02:25 that says protected. Yeah, right.
02:26 And if you try to breaking them
02:27 in my house it'll,
02:28 it's going to ring a bell, right,
02:29 but the devils breaking in.
02:31 And we're letting it. And I'm afraid so.
02:33 And you know, he's coming in
02:35 through locked doors and bar windows, right,
02:37 but he's getting in and he's knock down
02:39 through the chimney. We could get into
02:40 discussions of how that is?
02:41 But, but I think the, the point that we
02:44 wanted to make it will, you know,
02:46 it was out of the prayer. Lord,
02:49 keep your mansions,
02:50 we're not saying that we don't want
02:51 to go to Heaven. I have not seen,
02:54 or heard or entered into the hearts of
02:56 men and women the things that
02:57 God's prepared for those who love Him,
02:59 but we want our children to be with us.
03:03 Now you, you, you could get into the
03:04 big discussions where we live together
03:06 as families and we're gonna be married
03:08 in Heaven and all, this is not about that.
03:10 The fact is that God used Betty
03:14 and me to create our children. Right.
03:16 Those are His children.
03:18 And He wants His children saved. Amen.
03:21 He is not willing that any should perish,
03:24 but that all should come to repentance.
03:26 And here I as a minister of the Gospel and,
03:28 and all of us because I know you're a
03:30 soul winner you know we say,
03:31 well we must reach there,
03:33 the foreign fields of, no of course we must.
03:36 But first. But what about our children?
03:38 Right, right. And I don't,
03:40 I don't know, if I should say this,
03:42 but you know the hardest place
03:44 of all to be a Christian.
03:46 Is in the home. Is in the home.
03:48 See, I can go out and preach like crazy
03:50 and sometimes I used the illustration
03:53 that when I preach in my families there,
04:00 I don't want them as they listen
04:02 to be thinking He's not like that. Right.
04:06 Why doesn't He tell it like it really,
04:07 like, like, like He really is.
04:09 I want them to say in their hearts,
04:10 He's like that, that's the way He is.
04:12 Yeah, that's right,
04:13 that the light of your heart.
04:14 Because it's easy. You know,
04:15 put on your suit and stand up and say,
04:16 we ought to love one and other and be kind.
04:19 Then what if your wife or your husband
04:21 is sitting back there saying,
04:22 wouldn't you shut your mouth?
04:23 You know, why don't you practice
04:24 what you preach? Right. Now I,
04:26 I'm not perfect, but I wish I was.
04:29 Yes. I don't always do things right,
04:31 but I wish I did, I have idea like you do. Yes.
04:34 But the fact is, we did the best we could
04:37 and for many of us it didn't turn out right,
04:40 if I were to, if we were to say,
04:43 Dick you know, are all your kids are
04:45 ministers and Bible workers? No, no.
04:48 Divorce has ravaged our, our children
04:51 you knows and, and we have to drug
04:54 addiction and alcoholism.
04:56 And you know in, in other programs
04:59 we've discussed these things. Are you,
05:01 are you and I to blame for the choices
05:03 our children make? We talked about
05:04 that too. Shall I hide this
05:08 and tell nobody? I know and if you're
05:11 answering the second question first,
05:13 I think we ought to share
05:15 each other's burdens. I'm not afraid.
05:17 That's not to say going around
05:18 announcing them. No, no but, but,
05:20 but, but, or airing your dirty laundry.
05:22 But I've not gone into all of the
05:23 gruesome details. Right.
05:25 I'm not saying and I said,
05:26 this and he said that and,
05:27 and then we did this and we did that,
05:29 but I'm saying that I know what it's like
05:31 to have a son who is an alcoholic,
05:34 addicted to drugs. I know what it's like
05:37 to have a prodigal son;
05:38 I know what it's like to have a divorce,
05:41 to see broken homes.
05:42 And I don't think I'm alone. Right. And,
05:45 and so and so, rather than to say well,
05:48 it should have been, it should have been,
05:50 it shouldn't have been, it shouldn't have been.
05:52 And beating your self to death.
05:53 I'm gonna have to say that's the way is.
05:55 Now, what am I gonna do about it?
05:57 What am gonna do about it?
05:59 I can't be young again, look at my hair,
06:01 I can't be brown haired again,
06:03 I'm gonna be white.
06:04 Were you a brown haired? I'm sorry.
06:05 You thought I was born this way.
06:06 Oh! So, I'm sorry,
06:08 should the changes come?
06:10 No, I can't be brown haired again,
06:11 I can't be 35 again, but I,
06:13 I've got to be a, a, a grandfather and a father
06:18 at this time of my life. And keep learning.
06:20 And keep learning, and keep going forward,
06:22 anyway. How do we accept the acceptable?
06:25 Well, anyway that's gonna be the theme
06:28 of our, of our talk today. And,
06:30 and I have to begin it by telling a story.
06:35 One day, I was in, in a restaurant with my son
06:38 and I might as well say his name,
06:40 my son Dan, I named him after my dad.
06:42 I'm Richard Wesley and,
06:45 and my dad is Daniel Wesley,
06:47 and my son is Daniel and he's got the Eldridge.
06:50 Wife's name. My wife's name tugged it.
06:52 And so I, I'm sitting there and this boy
06:53 is out of the Church and doing these crazy things.
06:57 And your heart is breaking.
06:58 And we're sitting and having spaghetti.
07:00 And he says to me, dad why don't you
07:04 just accept me the way I am?
07:06 And you heard that before.
07:09 In fact, they preach that.
07:10 And I wanted to say, are you kidding?
07:15 In, in other words, in other words son,
07:19 you're taken dope,
07:21 you're out of the Church.
07:22 And I'm supposed to accept that.
07:24 What did you said?
07:25 I'll say that at the end of the program.
07:28 Really, you're not going to share it a little.
07:30 Anyway, I guess this is the question.
07:33 And, and that is, how can we accept
07:37 the unacceptable without accepting
07:39 the unacceptable? And, and, and, and so maybe,
07:42 maybe we could speak. Without approving of it
07:43 you mean? Now, you're getting to it.
07:46 In other words, in, in other words,
07:48 I'm not going to be satisfied,
07:50 while my son is an alcoholic drug addict
07:54 out of the Church. And so, if he is saying,
07:56 you know just, just get satisfied,
07:59 just get used to it. Oh! No, no, no God,
08:00 I've got going to, I'm going to pray,
08:02 I'm going to pray while I have life.
08:05 Well, isn't that what the Lord
08:06 would do Himself? Does He accept
08:08 just that to allow you to just stay
08:11 that way or does He, does He say no, no,
08:13 I love you, but I'm not going to
08:15 accept you this way,
08:16 I'm going to help you?
08:17 You're bringing up a,
08:19 a very interesting thing and, and,
08:20 and, and, and I think you and I ought
08:22 to say here because we, we talk lots and
08:25 I suppose that when we, when we watch a
08:28 broadcast or we hear people talk,
08:30 we can nickel-and -dime it to death.
08:32 And I hope when they hear us talking
08:35 about this subject they don't
08:36 nickel-and-dime it to death,
08:37 you know you could say,
08:38 well Kathy you said this or Pastor
08:40 O'Ffill you said that.
08:41 Oh! There's so much we're not saying.
08:43 I might have missed it,
08:44 I may have missed it,
08:45 I may have used the
08:46 right? But when, when,
08:53 I lost my thought, but I wanna tell you,
08:55 I, I got it back. Okay.
08:57 Because you're talking about God accepting us.
08:59 Yes. I use this illustration
09:01 when the prodigal son came back. Yes.
09:04 We say that his father accepted him,
09:07 you've got to be kidding,
09:09 he smelled like a pig.
09:10 Well, what do you mean that
09:13 that you've said that?
09:14 No, not that I've got it, you know,
09:15 if I open this kind of words,
09:16 he received them, he received them.
09:20 That would be a better word to be used.
09:21 Oh! Well, well see, see to me.
09:23 Or actually that's what said, isn't it?
09:24 Well. You received this? But see this generation,
09:28 this modern generation. Yes, yes.
09:29 Keeps preaching acceptance,
09:31 Jesus accepts us the way we are, He accepts us.
09:33 To me Kathy the word acceptance
09:36 means leave me alone. Yes.
09:38 Take me as I am.
09:39 And I'm staying that way.
09:41 Yes. Now, maybe that's
09:42 not what it really means,
09:43 but that's what this crowd hears it is.
09:45 Yes. You hear what I'm going to do.
09:46 Yes I do. And so, that's why when,
09:47 when I preach about this issue I,
09:50 I, I think the word acceptance
09:52 is not the best word because it means
09:54 status quo, it means I'm
09:56 gonna be this way. Right.
09:57 Get used to it. Jesus doesn't accept us,
10:01 He receives us. We come to Jesus
10:04 as we are 'cause there's
10:05 no other way to come. You know,
10:06 it's like taking Him, taking a shower.
10:07 Right. I have to get into the shower
10:09 as I am, but you don't stay that way,
10:11 if you're in the shower.
10:12 Right. So, you've got to come
10:14 to Jesus as you are,
10:15 but when you come to Him you
10:16 don't stay that way.
10:18 And so, that boy comes out of that pig pin,
10:20 he comes home to his daddy,
10:22 his daddy gives him a bath,
10:25 puts a you know, you know,
10:26 and sometimes just the way putting
10:28 jewelry on him. Well, that ring
10:29 was the checkbook.
10:31 Yes, I suppose so because that's
10:33 what he did, yes. And so, in other words,
10:36 he gives them some money,
10:37 he puts new clothes, he gives him a bath
10:39 and he celebrates it.
10:40 And so, and so that's how
10:43 I see the word.
10:44 And, and so, receive my boy, I have to,
10:48 I had to recognize that during that period,
10:51 I had a boy, who is an alcoholic,
10:54 who took drugs and who is a prodigal?
10:57 Was I to going? Accept him.
11:00 Be satisfied with that. Yes. No. Or,
11:03 yeah or receive him that way.
11:05 Well here, here's where we wanna go with this.
11:08 I think we need to in our minds
11:11 accept reality. And in a way
11:15 we need to kind of detach ourselves.
11:17 Now, in the first program
11:20 that we did in this series, yes,
11:22 I told you how I went to Al-Anon;
11:24 remember I told you about that.
11:26 And Al-Anon is for a,
11:28 the families of, of addicts.
11:31 They're there to learn to cope
11:33 with their problems. And to learn
11:34 how to relate yourself.
11:35 And so, in other words you don't
11:36 go to Al-Anon to talk about your boy
11:38 or your wife or your husband.
11:40 You go there how to learn,
11:41 how to survive with this, how,
11:43 how to get through it?
11:44 And one of the most wonderful things
11:46 that I learned at Al-Anon was
11:48 what they called detachment, detachment.
11:51 And I've even sent people to Al-Anon
11:54 and for other reasons maybe their
11:56 marriage is having trouble.
11:57 And I said, go and get those people
12:00 to talk about detachment.
12:02 Because see what happens,
12:04 is when our loved ones get into
12:06 big trouble because we're, we're,
12:09 we're, we're bound to them emotionally,
12:11 because we love them so much then,
12:13 then suddenly we catch,
12:14 you know it's like we can catch a
12:15 cold from each other.
12:16 And so, we can actually catch
12:19 their diseases. In other words
12:20 here my son was taking drugs and,
12:23 and drinking and all that.
12:24 And I told you how I lost it?
12:26 Right. I began to be emotionally
12:29 messed up. So, you're not functioning
12:31 in such a way that can be effective
12:32 for him. I think the word that
12:33 they used for that is co-dependency.
12:36 Okay. In other words,
12:38 you wanna describe or explain that.
12:39 Well, there maybe big
12:41 psychological explanations
12:43 for the word co-dependency but,
12:44 but I interpret it this way,
12:46 co-dependency means that when,
12:48 that that, that I'm related to
12:49 someone emotionally in such a way,
12:51 when they're up, I'm up.
12:52 When they're having a good day,
12:53 I'm having a good day. Right.
12:55 When they're having a bad day,
12:56 I'm having a bad day.
12:57 So, we need to learn
12:58 how to be you're saying that this
12:59 will help person to learn how
13:01 to be more stable in their lives,
13:02 so that they can be helpful
13:04 when that's having a problem.
13:05 Well, I have to detach from them.
13:07 Now, now this is the, and,
13:08 and why don't we go over some
13:09 of these points? Okay.
13:11 Because I learned this in Al-Anon.
13:12 And, and, and I'm not sure that
13:14 that every thought would be correct but,
13:16 but it's something to think about.
13:17 And that is, if I'm going to help
13:20 my son or my daughter
13:21 or my husband or wife. In other words,
13:23 whatever problem that our,
13:24 our viewers might,
13:25 you know might be having in their lives.
13:26 I have to detach from them.
13:29 Now, detach doesn't mean I don't care.
13:31 And it doesn't, oh! And it doesn't mean
13:33 you've severed a relationship.
13:35 No it, it, it doesn't mean
13:36 I don't love them, I don't care.
13:38 It means because I love them and
13:42 because I do care. I'm going to,
13:45 to separate myself from that problem
13:47 in such a way to be able to minister to it.
13:50 Amen, okay. Good, good explanation.
13:52 Now, now I've heard that in the
13:54 medical profession that the doctors
13:57 know a lot about a particular problem
13:59 that they don't take care
14:01 of their own family, in other words
14:03 surgeons don't operate. Right, yes.
14:05 On their own family members because
14:07 they're too involved.
14:08 Now, now, now you can do that,
14:10 if you're a surgeon. I think they use,
14:11 they're not, they won't even
14:12 allow them to, when,
14:14 do they still do that?
14:15 Well, and listen an ethical problem
14:16 might not, now they might be there
14:17 or something but, but the fact is
14:19 we are very much emotionally tied,
14:22 right, with those we love.
14:23 And so, so, so though a surgeon can get
14:25 someone else to operate on,
14:27 on his child or on his wife,
14:29 what can you do if it's your boy?
14:31 And he's taking drugs;
14:33 you know you can't say someone else
14:35 is going to have to relate to him.
14:36 Right. Because I'm sorry,
14:37 I'm his father and someone else
14:40 can't be his father.
14:41 Well, a lot of people will like to say that,
14:42 but we need to be fathers
14:44 at times like that,
14:45 so that. Especially at times
14:46 like that. Especially at times like that.
14:47 But, but then if I'm going to be able to be
14:50 that father I've got to pull myself away
14:53 emotionally, so that I,
14:55 I'm not a part of that problem.
14:56 And, and, and, and we talked about that
14:58 in another program, if, if I'm loaded
15:00 with guilt and if I'm angry or
15:03 how can I help my son?
15:04 Because I'm taking that personally because
15:06 you're doing this to me and
15:07 you can't do this to me. Right.
15:08 So, so this isn't suddenly it's not about
15:10 my boy, it's about me making me look good.
15:14 And, and I think that in this whole experience
15:18 that I've had,
15:19 I've tried to soaked that out.
15:20 And, and again I would say,
15:21 maybe we haven't done it just the way
15:23 it should been done, but,
15:24 but we've, we've survived and
15:25 we're still love Jesus. Right.
15:27 We're still married. That something to say
15:30 right there, isn't it? And now and,
15:31 and I say that Kathy because,
15:33 because there are many cases in which,
15:36 they've lost their marriages,
15:37 there is a trauma, there is trauma I,
15:39 I was on in airplane not long ago
15:40 and the man next to me,
15:43 he told me that one of his children,
15:46 the baby suffocated in the crib,
15:49 it broke his marriage. In other words,
15:51 his wife couldn't handle it,
15:53 and so the marriage broke up.
15:54 And I know that there are cases
15:57 where the son up and the son
16:00 and the daughter is taking drugs
16:01 or in the some big problem.
16:02 Maybe, maybe the,
16:04 the wife will take one position, right,
16:07 and husband takes another. Yes. See,
16:09 and they work against each other.
16:10 And they work against each other
16:11 and they find themselves growing apart.
16:13 I'm so thankful to God that through these
16:17 things with our, with our son
16:19 or with our prodigal drug addicted son
16:21 and that we grow closer together.
16:24 We grew closer together. Amen.
16:26 You know, Betty said one night
16:28 it must have been and I didn't even know
16:30 what happened? Who knows it was
16:33 2 or 3 O'clock in the morning
16:34 and of course you know mothers do that,
16:38 see I don't care whether it's 18 or 38s,
16:41 in other words my boys out there
16:42 some place you see. And so,
16:44 she couldn't sleep at night.
16:46 And she said Dick,
16:48 she said one night it must have been
16:49 2 or 3 in the morning I heard the door open
16:51 and I heard him come in,
16:52 and I was filled with terror I,
16:54 you know, and this doesn't make
16:56 much sense to say that, she said,
16:57 I was filled with terror,
16:58 but in that minute I didn't I, I, I,
17:02 I pulled away from it then because then it,
17:05 it continued nothing changed,
17:06 but someway I got disengaged from it,
17:09 so that I could watch it happen and
17:11 it wasn't just destroyed me.
17:13 And, and, and I think that this is the,
17:16 this is what this detachment is about.
17:18 Shall we go down some of these points?
17:19 Oh! We're not talking about
17:21 hardening ourselves. Oh! No, no, no, no
17:23 what we're doing is putting ourselves
17:25 in the condition to be able to love better.
17:27 Right. And let me go back and say it again.
17:29 Should point to clear that up.
17:30 Let me say it again.
17:31 Or not becoming indifferent.
17:32 No, not becoming indifferent,
17:33 we're not loving less;
17:34 we're not going and living our lives
17:36 somewhere else. Yes. It's just now we are.
17:40 Actually you're becoming more
17:41 Christ like; you're becoming really
17:42 involved like Christ is with us.
17:44 Right, but not part of the problem
17:46 and that's very hard to do,
17:47 but anyway we learned in this,
17:48 in this business when we studied
17:50 about detachment. Now, this first point
17:53 that they make in Al-Anon is,
17:55 is really hard, hard to comprehend
17:57 and it says, "Not to suffer because
17:59 of the actions or reactions of
18:00 other people." Now, when I,
18:03 you know when I look at that it doesn't make
18:04 sense because I'm suffering all the time.
18:06 Not to suffer. Not to suffer,
18:08 but I guess that, I guess that it means let,
18:12 let, let me use a real bad illustration
18:14 that if my, if my child should choose
18:17 to be lost that I don't choose to follow him.
18:21 Well, that's understandable
18:23 I mean I can, I can,
18:25 I can grasp better it that way.
18:27 That that though all suffer
18:29 short-term obviously, I'm not gonna tie this
18:31 up in such a way, where there long term
18:34 lost is my personal,
18:37 well if well then I'm going to heaven,
18:39 I'm not going either,
18:41 because you know this that even in my,
18:43 in my little prayer. Well you, yeah the looked up.
18:45 I'm saying, if they don't
18:46 go to Heaven I'm not going.
18:47 You're not? I didn't say that,
18:50 but I'm saying don't, don't worry about
18:52 the details that's what I really want you see.
18:54 Oh! I see. You see, you see Kathy.
18:56 I see, I see. You see where I'm coming from?
18:57 Now, I know that Moses said if,
19:01 if you don't save the children, right, right,
19:02 that's will take my name out. That's right.
19:04 And that was wonderful but,
19:07 but I don't, I don't think, I,
19:09 I don't think Jesus wants us to say,
19:12 if my children are not in Heaven
19:14 I don't want to be there.
19:15 No, I don't think He does either.
19:16 Do you think that?
19:18 No, I don't think He does either,
19:19 because, He wants us to go on and be there.
19:22 Because He ultimately is our,
19:24 is our Heavenly parent.
19:25 Yes. That though I'm a parent
19:27 He still my Father and He wants me to be
19:29 there as one of His children whether there,
19:32 its sound this terrible whether
19:33 there are anybody else there or not.
19:34 Right. So, that through these crisis of the,
19:37 of a, of the salvation of our children we must
19:40 recognize our salvation, is that risk? Yes.
19:43 And, and we must not trade it out
19:46 'cause Jesus died for us.
19:48 So, then from me to say,
19:50 if my children are not saved
19:51 I don't want to be saved is an insult
19:53 to Jesus. Yes, I can say that.
19:55 And so, anyway the next point was,
19:58 to not allow ourselves to be used or
20:01 abused by others in the interest
20:04 of making them better. Enabling.
20:08 I think that's what we're talking.
20:10 Okay. In other words,
20:12 I think that wives are what,
20:15 what, set the children out of these,
20:16 but wives many times feel that that,
20:19 that whatever their husbands are doing,
20:21 let say an alcoholic husband. Yes.
20:22 It's, it's their fault you see.
20:25 And that, if I was only doing it right. Right.
20:28 Then they wouldn't be wrong.
20:30 And so, once that dynamic sets up
20:35 the other person becomes aware of it,
20:37 and they began to exploit.
20:39 And they can abuse it. You know,
20:41 my son said to me.
20:42 Our sinful self shows in so many ways,
20:45 don't they? My son said to me Kathy
20:47 after it was over, he said dad,
20:50 it was never about you. Wow! He said,
20:54 I was selfish that's what I was.
20:56 I'm a selfish. And you know I asked,
20:57 I, I'm glad you said that
20:59 I wanted you to, to share just
21:03 what he came up with when it was all over,
21:05 so that people who are in the middle of it
21:07 can realize they just you know,
21:10 that the selfishness of our hearts
21:13 is playing out in their lives.
21:16 And for him to recognize it after all
21:19 that he put you through,
21:20 and to say that to you, it's helpful to me.
21:24 And it would be helpful to others
21:25 I think to understand the situation.
21:26 Well, ultimately sin is about selfishness.
21:29 Yes. And, and, and maybe we could say
21:32 that we can encourage each other
21:33 to be selfish, we can contribute
21:34 to selfishness, but the fact
21:36 that a person has chosen a lifestyle
21:39 that is making excuse expression,
21:41 hell for the rest of the family is selfish,
21:44 it's just playing selfish.
21:46 Have I ever this a little off the subject
21:48 health is really about that I've come
21:52 to the conclusion that I owe it to my wife
21:55 to be healthy because the day
21:58 I fall on the floor where the stroke gets
22:00 his lives messed up. Right.
22:02 She has to push me around, give me a bath.
22:04 Yes. One day, we were at the grocery store
22:06 and she was wanting to buy some chewing gum,
22:08 and I said is it sugarless?
22:11 She said no buy.
22:13 She said your teeth belong to me.
22:14 I see. So, we belong to each other,
22:18 we belong to each other. Right.
22:20 And obviously what we do affects each other.
22:22 Right. And you know the question and,
22:24 and I really think probably in the
22:26 Day of Judgment that the Lord will honor,
22:28 will really be able to hold us accountable,
22:29 you're selfish, you're, you really,
22:32 you refuse to accept salvation. Right.
22:34 You refused to, to live for anybody,
22:37 but yourself and, and we were ready
22:40 to pull you up and to save you,
22:41 but no. You would not.
22:42 You're gonna do at your way.
22:44 Right, so how much time do we have
22:45 to get over the rest of this?
22:46 Well, we're taking, oh!
22:47 We got a rest of our lives, but.
22:48 But we don't want to take it
22:50 rest of our lives, if we want to help.
22:52 Anyway and here's a good one,
22:54 how we learned in detachment
22:56 not to do for others what they can do
22:58 for themselves. You know I've,
23:01 I've worked for more than 20 years
23:02 in community services,
23:04 and now this could be misunderstood but,
23:08 but I came to the conclusion that
23:10 we should not help people the most we can,
23:13 give them the most help, but the, this,
23:16 the littlest that doesn't make any,
23:18 any sense. The least.
23:19 The least we can because,
23:22 because alternately a person must,
23:24 must solve their own problems.
23:26 Where the people are gonna take
23:27 exceptions to that?
23:28 Well, well you see I feel that that take a person
23:32 who is real needy, you see,
23:33 if I bare him in aid then he doesn't
23:37 need to do anything, but wait for my truck
23:38 to pull up next time. Right, right. And so,
23:41 what we're trying to do.
23:43 Cease to be self-sufficient.
23:44 Well, even in ADRA see, and ADRA,
23:46 I and I worked there you know for 12 years.
23:48 The purpose of ADRA is to help people to help
23:51 themselves. Yes. And so,
23:53 this means that that,
23:55 if we're helping our children as much as
23:57 we can we could feel,
23:59 well this is a gesture of my love,
24:01 but we could be helping so much, yeah,
24:04 that we're actually contributing
24:05 to the problem. Contributing, yes.
24:06 And here's another one it's very important,
24:09 not to cover up for anyone's mistake
24:12 or misdeeds. Now, because this
24:15 gives them a shelter. Right,
24:16 we were talking about that
24:18 in the car there right, we were talking about
24:19 that I don't come up for them.
24:20 And, and, and now I don't think that means
24:22 and I'm gonna put in add,
24:23 in the newspaper that my son takes drugs.
24:24 No, no, no. But, but I'm not gonna
24:26 deny it because, because ultimately you know,
24:29 if there's gonna be a change
24:30 to anybody's life, in my life or yours
24:32 we've got to be accountable.
24:34 And so, if this person feels that
24:36 they're being protected it all the time then
24:38 they never have to be accountable.
24:40 In other words, there's always a front,
24:41 there's always somebody that keeps me
24:42 from having to face to truth. Right.
24:45 And, and I think I have heard that in,
24:47 in treating of, of addictions they talk
24:50 about confronting somebody with the truth.
24:52 Right. And so, you know the fact is
24:54 you're an addict. Well, I don't see that but,
24:57 but that's what you are,
24:58 as soon doesn't scripture say,
25:00 if we confessed our sins.
25:01 Sins, and specifically by the way.
25:03 He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
25:06 And so, if we're gonna keep our loved ones
25:08 from admitting their weakness. Right.
25:12 Then there we're simply gonna perpetuate
25:14 the problem. And, and, and the last one
25:17 was we learned not to prevent a crisis,
25:19 if it's in the natural course of events.
25:22 And, and so that is to say that
25:24 and, and, and, and that's basically
25:26 what we did? You know.
25:27 Then what do you mean exactly?
25:28 Well, let me tell you this that whatever
25:31 we sow we're gonna reap. And,
25:33 and I believe a person is going to stay on
25:35 the wrong road as long as they can stand it.
25:38 And, and in fact, with my own son.
25:40 Till they can't stand it any longer.
25:41 Till they can't stand and do any longer.
25:42 And with my son he called me up one day
25:45 and he said, dad I need your help
25:47 and then I took him to the emergency room.
25:48 And the whole process that would lead to his
25:51 restoration would set emotion,
25:53 but all the time before we talked about it.
25:56 No, he wasn't, he wasn't going to change.
25:58 He wasn't ready for that.
25:59 Because it was bearable you see it,
26:00 it was more enjoyable than the consequences.
26:02 Right. But friend, exactly and, and, and
26:05 I really think it's true,
26:06 and if that we will keep doing what we've been
26:09 doing until we fed up with it. Right.
26:11 And so, and so therefore we've kind him
26:14 got to let nature takes his course.
26:16 And of course when our,
26:17 when our children hurt we all hurt,
26:19 but we've, you know the expression
26:22 I think they uses, hit bottom.
26:23 Yes, yes. Nobody is going to change
26:26 until they hit bottom.
26:27 And I think that's in, in the Christian life.
26:30 We confess our sins when I cry
26:33 God be merciful to me as sinner. Right.
26:35 It's when I admit, but it's what you say,
26:37 he that humbles himself should be exalted,
26:39 humbled yourself before God, right,
26:42 and He'll lift you. Right, right.
26:43 And so, ultimately it's, it's our helplessness;
26:46 it's our hopelessness
26:48 that's our strength in God.
26:49 So, how do we accept the unacceptable?
26:51 Well, we're real I, I can say my son is a,
26:56 is, is an alcoholic,
26:58 but anyway to end that story,
27:00 I said to him son; I'll never accept you
27:03 until you give your heart to Jesus. Right.
27:04 Tears were running down my cheeks. Yes.
27:06 And they were running down his cheeks. Good.
27:08 And, and, and, and he understood where
27:10 I was coming from. Right.
27:11 I would be a real person,
27:12 but I would never be satisfied until
27:14 he was back home. Amen,
27:15 well you're going to back on another program.
27:18 Right, we're gonna be talking again.
27:20 Telling the story, more of the story.
27:22 That's right, and I want to invite you to pray,
27:24 but before we do pray, I want you to remember
27:27 that if we are going to help others
27:29 we need to rise up and live with Christ,
27:32 so that we can be able to do that.
27:33 Well, Dick. Heavenly Father,
27:36 we're so thankful Lord that You
27:39 receive us however we are,
27:40 that we can't stink so bad,
27:42 but that you can wash us
27:44 and make us clean.
27:45 Lord, help us to detach not so
27:49 that we can go on our own way,
27:51 but so that we can really help
27:52 and be compassionate
27:53 and be supported to those
27:55 we love so much as you
27:57 have been and as you are
27:58 with us through Jesus Christ
28:00 our Lord we pray, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17