Thinking About Home

Don't Take It Personally

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Richard O'Fill, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000152

00:32 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:33 I'm Kathy Matthews, and thankful that you've
00:35 joined us again. Our guest today is Pastor
00:38 Richard O'Ffill from the Florida Conference
00:40 of Seventh Day Adventist.
00:41 Thank you for being back.
00:43 I'm glad to be here. Thinking About Home,
00:48 I'm a father, grandfather. I've been
00:53 married to the same girl. That's good.
00:57 No, no I don't know why that you know that
00:58 we should boost on that, but it's getting
01:00 the place where our homes are breaking up
01:02 at such a tremendous rate. Well why not,
01:05 why not say a little something good for that.
01:08 Well you know if the devil can get at our
01:11 homes, he's got us and I think some of us
01:15 Kathy when we thought of the last day events.
01:18 We thought well maybe it was the signs and it
01:21 is, don't hear me wrong, but there wouldn't
01:23 be earthquakes and all kinds of problems and
01:26 religious and secular struggles, but I think
01:30 that right now if the truth would be known
01:33 that the devil, his, his most affective work is in
01:38 our homes. Yes. And I think that as Christians
01:43 that unless we, we come to, we come to
01:45 grips with this, yes, that we're missing what
01:48 the gospel is all about and sometimes when I
01:51 preach I argue and don't hear me wrong,
01:54 but I feel that, that we're not implementing in
01:59 our homes sometimes the most fundamental
02:02 of what the gospel is about. No we're not.
02:05 If, if we were, though we would be suffering,
02:08 it wouldn't be so much. Our homes are
02:10 breaking and as in my case we have four
02:15 children and eight grandchildren.
02:17 It seems like if we've got a disability in our
02:20 homes it's divorce. Now Betty and I you know
02:25 we've been together these many years,
02:27 but I'm getting to the place when I'm almost
02:30 embarrassed to think of all the sons-in-laws
02:32 and daughters-in-laws and former sons-in-laws
02:35 and I had this terrible joke. You know
02:36 sometimes you have to laugh when you're
02:39 not crying. Where two little boys were out on
02:42 the playground and they're mad, they're about
02:45 to fight see. One of them says to the other
02:48 that my dad can beat up your dad.
02:51 The other says what do you mean my dad is
02:52 your dad. And it's getting to be that way,
02:56 it's getting to be that way and, and
02:59 especially I think we as parents as our
03:03 children get older and when they were little,
03:05 we could hold them you know we could give
03:07 them a bath and tell them when to get up
03:09 and when to go to sleep and get them off to
03:12 school, but when they're grown,
03:16 things change and I remember Kathy that
03:20 when my oldest daughter got married.
03:24 Betty said well that's one less to worry about.
03:27 Right. Not at all, not at all. Well, no it's been
03:30 more complicated having a grown children
03:33 and grandchildren then it ever was to raise
03:37 little ones and sometimes when I'm in
03:39 the supermarket and I see these little
03:41 mothers with these little children running
03:43 around, I actually say to them enjoy it.
03:48 Well but we don't want to just look well I don't
03:50 want to get into that subject right now.
03:51 That could take us off on a tangent,
03:53 but I think of what we've been talking about
03:56 is that we're not alone in all of this.
03:59 And I could like to preview just a little of
04:01 that. We have been facing
04:02 the heartaches and suffering.
04:04 In another program I told a little bit about my
04:08 own experience of my youngest son and how
04:11 he began to take drugs, and I didn't even
04:16 go into all gruesome details that not only will
04:19 he be taking drugs and I would be going to
04:21 Alana, but about that time his 15-year-old
04:28 girlfriend is expecting and so here, here I am
04:33 as a minister in the Florida Conference.
04:36 The director of temperance. My son is
04:38 taking drugs and his girlfriend is you know
04:41 expecting and I was the, I was actually a
04:45 grandfather before I was a father-in-law and
04:48 I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
04:50 But you know I think the thing that was
04:52 comforting to me was that they never left
04:58 us, in another words you see we have this,
05:01 this tendency to think well if I go through
05:03 that everybody look down on me.
05:06 And one day Betty came home from the office
05:11 and her face was just blank I mean I don't even,
05:15 I know the word serious isn't the word.
05:18 It was more than serious. It was nothing.
05:21 And her face was so blank and maybe after
05:24 about a half an hour I said honey you know
05:27 what's going on? And she said today somebody
05:32 came to the office and said, Betty we know
05:35 what you're going through, we're praying for
05:37 you. Now that's wonderful, I can't think of
05:39 anything more appropriate. You know for
05:42 somebody to have said, but it hit Betty wrong.
05:45 And she said. Yeah you're not saying
05:47 that they shouldn't tell?
05:48 Oh well, what else there was to say I probably
05:50 would have said that, but Betty was so brittle
05:53 because of all the emotions of her, of what
05:55 was going on in our home with our boy
05:58 you know that when this person says Betty
06:00 we're praying for you and Betty said I felt
06:03 like Mrs. Bundy. You know the mother of the
06:06 mass murderer. Yes, yes right.
06:07 She said Dick, I think I ought to wear dark
06:09 glasses when I go to work. As if you know
06:12 I can't have people recognize who I am.
06:16 And I said to her honey, I said they love us.
06:19 Our friends haven't forsaken us and in that
06:23 other program that we did that we're alone.
06:26 This is what we've got to realize.
06:27 We always thought well if I'm a Christian
06:29 you know I can't let people know the truth
06:32 about me. Well the truth is I love Jesus.
06:35 The truth is I'm committed to Him and I
06:37 know He loves me, but the other part of the
06:39 truth is that he said in this world you will have
06:42 tribulation. Yes. Now we might have thought,
06:44 well that means I'll be persecuted for
06:46 righteousness sake. Well what maybe part of the
06:50 tribulation of the last days is our children.
06:54 And what's going on in their lives.
06:57 We thought well it's gonna be out there in
06:59 some place far away. No, what if it's right
07:01 under your own roof. I think that this is the
07:04 big test we have. And so, and so I was about
07:08 to tell you that, I said to Betty of course,
07:11 no honey they love us talking about the people
07:13 in the church you know. Right. And you know
07:17 we have a baby shower for Andrea.
07:21 And no, you know I should put into disclaimer
07:24 here before I go any further. People are
07:27 already thinking why in the world is he giving
07:29 names and places. I asked my son permission.
07:33 Good to say that. Yeah it's important in fact
07:35 before I wrote the book God keep your
07:38 mentions I said, son could I tell this story. He
07:41 said dad after all I put you through that's the
07:43 least I could do. Really, really. But anyway.
07:46 Well that was gracious of him.
07:47 It's not hard, it's not easy to come through
07:49 these things. No it's, no it's true I was telling
07:51 someone the other day. I said you know with
07:53 the divorce that's going through our homes I
07:55 said you know don't try to keep a divorce
07:57 secret you know, it's in the paper.
08:00 Divorce is printed in the paper you know, yeah,
08:02 and so, and so I don't think that,
08:04 that we boosted these, I don't think I go
08:06 around telling everybody, no that's not we're
08:08 saying, that my child takes drugs or did
08:11 take drugs or my kids are getting a divorce.
08:14 It's just that, that you ought to know that
08:16 I know what suffering is like, yes, and
08:20 probably if you will be honest with me.
08:22 You know what suffering is like.
08:24 Anyway we had a baby shower for Andrea.
08:30 And there were 50 people at that baby
08:32 shower. That supported you. And I've,
08:35 well you could imagine kids had marriage.
08:40 And these were the people like the grandma
08:41 types. Right. And you know some said well the
08:44 old generation was real egotistic and they
08:47 condemned everything. So they have proved
08:48 otherwise. I haven't seen that. All the things
08:52 that I've been through in my life,
08:53 now some people might have been condemned
08:55 here and there and maybe people whisper
08:57 about our family you know they say,
08:59 well if Dick was the kind of parent he ought
09:00 to be this wouldn't have happened,
09:03 you know he must have made a lot of mistakes.
09:06 But Kathy, I've had people come to me and
09:11 say Dick, we know what you're going through.
09:15 And we're watching you and you give us so
09:17 much hope. And so I think that this is where
09:22 we're at today. We're, we want hope and so
09:28 I'm not looking for, for the perfect parent I mean.
09:32 But when Betty came inn with the glasses on.
09:34 No she was just saying that she felt she ought
09:37 to wear glasses, because she was so ashamed.
09:38 Oh I'm sorry that's right. But when
09:40 she was feeling that way.
09:41 What do you think she was feeling?
09:43 Well she was feeling guilty, and I think that,
09:47 I would like to discuss this in this program
09:50 because, because when our children start
09:54 you know doing these crazy things, these.
09:57 Choices of their own. And their heart wrenching.
10:01 See there was a time in which parents did things
10:07 to their children and now children are doing
10:08 thing to their parents. Now we're gonna discuss
10:12 this a little bit I'm sure, but nowadays it's
10:15 common that are, you know the mistakes that
10:18 the children make these days back when
10:20 you and I were kids. Big mistake was chewing
10:22 gum in class, right, right. Getting out of line
10:26 you know. Throwing spitballs, throwing
10:27 spitballs, passing notes to your girlfriend,
10:30 but now we're talking about drugs,
10:32 pre-marital sex, and killing, and murder and
10:36 so suddenly here, here, here we are,
10:39 we're middle aged people and out there it's
10:43 not uncommon that a child will come home and
10:45 say you know my marriage just broke up,
10:46 here's my child raise it. And expect that.
10:49 And really expect it so, and so though the sins
10:52 of the fathers are being visited on the children.
10:55 The sins of the children these days are visited
10:58 on the parents. And so what you get out
11:01 of that guilt, guilt I did it wrong. If I had
11:05 done it right. It wouldn't be happening to me.
11:08 And then I think even in my own life Kathy
11:11 with guilt comes anger. Yes. Because I can
11:16 tell you at times I was angry. And I don't
11:20 think it was an anger that springs from, from,
11:24 this is gonna sound really crazy.
11:26 Is there an anger that springs from love,
11:28 there is an anger that springs from hate.
11:31 Yes, I think so. But because I could never.
11:33 Some call it indignation. I could never say
11:36 that through this all I didn't love my son.
11:40 But there were times I remember he's big
11:42 and handsome and you know it was never
11:45 between us. It was never like being dead or
11:48 going at that, it was like he was doing
11:50 something and even in the worst of it,
11:53 he would come home and he walks in the
11:55 door. He learned this in South America,
11:56 but you know in South America you know when
11:58 the young people meet the adult they give
12:00 them a kiss on their cheek. And through this
12:02 whole thing. He had come in the door and he
12:05 come and hug me and I didn't wanna talk to
12:09 him. Did you ever say that? No, no, no,
12:12 but I feel that way, you feel it,
12:14 I feel that way, don't touch me.
12:16 If you really love me you wouldn't be doing
12:18 this to me. And Kathy, I don't know if I've
12:23 told you this before. I went through a time in
12:28 which I think I suffered, I grieved like he was
12:30 dead. I didn't wanna watch old family pictures
12:34 anymore, right, and when we would watch the
12:36 slides from when we were missionaries
12:38 overseas. Little boy was gone. And I, exactly
12:41 that little boy that would get on my back
12:43 and with curly hair. We would go and jump in
12:46 the swimming pool and we'd go under the water
12:49 and I would look at that and I say he's dead,
12:52 he's dead, well what's this? I don't know want
12:55 that is. This is another something or other.
12:59 And so these feeling that you have and like
13:02 Betty we're to blame, we're guilty of this and
13:05 then the anger. What are you doing about that.
13:09 How did you deal with it? I ask you.
13:12 I said to you do about it? Do you ever,
13:16 does your carrying ever, ever make you feel
13:18 guilty? Oh of course it does. I don't,
13:22 I've said here while you're saying that and
13:24 even when I read your book, that I, I felt
13:28 those very things I haven't gone through
13:29 exactly the same thing, but I felt that don't
13:32 touch me. Why are you doing what you're doing?
13:34 Well if you really love me. And then dealing
13:37 with myself I haven't to be, to be civil and
13:40 kind and Christ like and to remember those
13:41 things at that time, so that's not always
13:44 easy to do. In fact you don't always conquer it.
13:47 Well and you see I think the one of the
13:49 things that we need to grips with and I hope
13:52 that our viewers can go with us on this,
13:54 and that is am I responsible for what my
14:02 growing children are doing. In other words
14:04 they're getting, their homes are breaking up.
14:08 Are you to blame. Yeah, yeah am I to blame
14:10 for that. Well we've talked about that even
14:12 before we were doing the program.
14:14 I want you to help me to distinguish the
14:16 difference between whether I'm
14:18 accountable or responsible we were.
14:20 Well see, see we've got the text and excuse me
14:23 for putting it this way. You know we got
14:24 the text that's in our face you know how
14:26 we use that part of expression.
14:28 Raise up a child in the way he should go and
14:31 when he's old or she, he will not depart from
14:34 it, and so here we raised up our children
14:38 and at somewhere along the line maybe they
14:40 leave the church. And I remember at one point
14:45 and the kind of the worst of it, my son
14:48 married a girl who wasn't a Christian.
14:52 She began to be interested in spiritual
14:54 things and his response, I don't want my
14:58 woman get into religion. And he wanted to
15:00 scream. You know here this one that you
15:05 have raised to love the Lord, right,
15:06 is not only gone himself from it,
15:09 but he blocks it, somebody else from
15:11 getting into it. And so Betty and I were, were
15:15 lying in bed one night and we got talking about
15:17 this, this text. And I don't know. I really don't
15:26 know what that means. Because even you know,
15:31 even the one who wrote it didn't pull it off.
15:35 Yes, yes. It's the idea and I think that this
15:38 is where you and I in our discussion.
15:40 But we have to reach for the ideal.
15:42 We're gonna be working for the ideal.
15:43 In another words you know we can't say
15:45 I'm not gonna raise my children.
15:47 I think I'm accountable to God for the way
15:51 I am raising. Maybe you want to put this in
15:53 a present tense. Yes. I'm accountable for
15:56 the way, for what I'm doing, see, see, maybe
15:59 this is important and that is the God, God
16:02 looks at us for what we are, not for what
16:04 we were. Does that make any sense to you?
16:07 In other words God doesn't see me. Yes, yes.
16:10 He doesn't see me as father with little
16:12 children 'cause that isn't who I am.
16:14 I was that, so he's not gonna.
16:16 The repentance comes in. He is not gonna
16:18 wave that in my face, in another words
16:20 what he holds me accountable as, is a
16:23 grandfather with eight grandchildren and with
16:26 four grown children. And so, and so this
16:32 doesn't mean that, that, that I didn't
16:36 contribute to what my children, in another
16:37 words that I don't remember waking up in
16:40 the morning and saying, well I'm gonna mess up
16:43 their lives today and you know I just hate my
16:46 children and no I love them. I was probably
16:48 doing career you know, yes, but we still had
16:50 family worship, we had Christian education.
16:53 Read child guidance. And we read child
16:55 guidance, but still it didn't turn out.
16:57 It didn't turn out. Now the question is,
17:01 because it didn't turned out am I to
17:04 blame for that? Well, where does free well
17:06 come in. Well, see this is what I meant.
17:10 If it's true and I don't say if it's true,
17:13 but because it's true the scriptures teaches we
17:16 all are going to have to stand before the
17:18 judgment bar. So if this is true it sort of
17:22 makes a mockery of the judgment,
17:24 because it means when I go to judgment
17:27 I'm gonna say God don't talk to me,
17:29 talk to my dad. And my dad is gonna say don't
17:32 talk to me talk to my dad. You know we're
17:36 gonna keep passing that. But we see that
17:37 today in the justice system. Well we see that,
17:40 so obviously God's judgment is certainly
17:43 going to be more fair and true and just than
17:45 what we were seeing in the justice system,
17:47 because they're blaming all the parents.
17:49 Well and I think that you're saying that, that,
17:52 that though I contributed, my father
17:57 contributed to what I became later on,
18:00 but that somewhere along the line I have to
18:03 think that what I'm today. I am choosing to
18:07 be. And because of that, there is gonna be
18:11 a judgment God's gonna take it into
18:13 account where I came from it,
18:15 because scripture says that.
18:16 He takes into account where a man was born.
18:19 But yet we are all going to stand before
18:21 the judgment bar, which means that in a
18:24 wonderful way we are accountable for what
18:27 we are presently with our scars and with all of
18:31 our mess up, but this, this business and I
18:34 think you're referring to what they call
18:36 dysfunction, which says I'm not responsible.
18:40 My dad is responsible. Now maybe daddy did
18:43 some terrible things and now this brings
18:45 up a whole another subject.
18:46 Well I don't want, you know I'm not
18:48 responsible on the child side, but then there
18:50 is the, you know I'm not responsible on the
18:52 parent side. Somehow we have to have a right
18:54 blend of it and then an understanding
18:57 of it, so that we can move on with our
19:00 lives. So we get on with our lives? Right.
19:02 Well in fact this is where I think to me the
19:05 mistake of this generation is to blame
19:08 it's parents for everything, because though
19:11 our parents you know dysfunction and I think
19:14 sin is dysfunction. Am I right? Yes.
19:16 Sin is dysfunction, so did I have a perfect
19:18 daddy? No. Was I a perfect daddy?
19:21 No, so come on now you know, and so but
19:24 the issue is, the issue is I wish I have been,
19:27 yes, but I want to be as close to the idea.
19:31 I wanna be as perfect as close to being a
19:32 perfect grandpa as I can be. Yes.
19:34 I wanna be as close you know my daughter,
19:38 she called us the other night. Our oldest
19:40 daughter and when she, she calls us for advice,
19:43 believe it or not. She is calling, she's got a
19:45 teenager. Well if there was a relationship there
19:48 I can understand that. Now she is going
19:50 through, yes okay. And she's going through
19:54 I need your help. And that's the point,
19:55 but you see when she was a teenager,
19:57 no way. We were dumb and now she's got a
20:00 teenager, guess who she calls up.
20:02 And so, and so the other day we were talking on
20:05 the phone and she was giving us her concerns
20:08 for her son and her concerns and I think this
20:10 and I think that she said. And we were just
20:12 as calm and cool you know, she says
20:15 I think I wanna go back and be
20:17 born again into my new parents.
20:20 Oh I've heard that, oh because
20:21 now you're calm and cool.
20:23 Because now we're calm and cool.
20:26 If you've only been the kind of parents,
20:28 but we consider that a compliment.
20:29 Because what she is saying now and
20:32 you know, and she is saying you're just,
20:34 you're great, you're great. Aren't you thankful
20:36 for that? Well how many years, four years
20:38 later. I mean that's a lot of schooling.
20:41 It's a longtime before you can
20:42 raise an encouraging remark.
20:44 And I think this is the important thing,
20:46 important thing is that, that I really feel that
20:51 though I contributed to what my children
20:54 became. I'm in error, if I say that what they
20:59 are doing now is my fault. Okay, so then how
21:04 do we live? And so, and so I have to,
21:08 I have to, and I think maybe on next program
21:12 we'll talk about detachment I think what
21:15 we wanna do is to detach ourselves from our
21:18 children and so this begins by saying although
21:23 I contributed to what my children where.
21:25 That what they are now and they have
21:27 chosen to do. Chosen to do. This means then,
21:31 I've got a disengage my anger, because I've
21:34 got to realize that in their heads now,
21:39 they maybe getting even. But I shouldn't
21:43 take it personal. See, see this is what.
21:46 Because taking it personally makes you,
21:49 part of the problem, and yes right and unable,
21:51 unable to be affective in their lives.
21:53 Exactly right and use the illustration you know
21:56 if somebody is in the water sinking, you can't
22:00 go out you know in another words if I can't
22:02 swim, I can't go try to save somebody who is
22:06 drowning. If I'm in the same soup with them,
22:09 see. So I think if we're going to help our
22:12 children who are going through these crazy
22:14 things when they get be older, even and
22:16 we're talking about teenage up, that in some
22:20 way. We're gonna have to set aside anger.
22:22 We're gonna say though I'm a part of it.
22:26 I got to say what they're doing they've chosen
22:28 to do and it's not what I would chose.
22:31 But I've got to get it off my back.
22:33 Draw closer to Christ. And I've got to say not
22:37 take it personal. I've got to say I'm gonna
22:40 separate myself of this, so that I can deal
22:43 with it, so that I'm not furious, because you
22:46 just think here my boy, he puts his arm around
22:48 me you know when he's going through this
22:50 and I'm gonna say don't touch me.
22:51 Now if he had been in a, in a car wreck see I
22:55 would have felt different. Right.
22:57 And I thought of this many times Kathy that
23:01 when it's physical. You know if it was a
23:03 physical disability we would have just our
23:05 hearts you know been open all the time,
23:08 understanding, a car wreck, we'd have stayed
23:11 up day and night. It's one thing to be by the
23:13 bed of someone who has been in a car,
23:15 a car wreck. It's another thing when they
23:17 haven't come home till 2 O'clock in
23:18 the morning and they're drunk.
23:20 Well one is the choice and the other is not.
23:22 Well that's the fear, but then, then I think we
23:26 ought to realize that in a way that the devil is
23:29 after me. Another words we got to say,
23:31 see if we become angry at them, how can
23:33 we help them. If we're gonna say you're doing
23:36 this to me, then I'm not thinking of them,
23:39 I'm trying to think about how to clear myself.
23:41 Right. You know I don't wanna look anymore.
23:44 I'm fed up with you. And I think that this,
23:47 I've been there, that let me get on with my life.
23:51 I put you through Christian education,
23:54 I did everything I thought I was supposed to
23:56 do and look what's your doing to me.
23:58 Well parenting is not convenient is it?
24:02 And it's really not ease, we are not at ease
24:05 doing this, not if we're really doing parenting?
24:07 You know I should do this, I thought of doing
24:09 this for the program and I thought I won't do it,
24:11 but I'm gonna do it anyway. You know
24:12 sometimes. Do you have time? Oh no, it's an
24:14 illustration and I'm sure that our viewers can
24:17 go along. You know when our children were born
24:20 how we loved them, how we carried that
24:21 little baby from the nursery. Here goes.
24:26 If we had known what was gonna happen to
24:28 us down the line, instead of just carrying them
24:30 from the nursery like this we might have carried
24:32 them. You know what's gonna happened to
24:36 me. We had no idea. Isn't that awful, oh no.
24:41 I'm sorry. But just yet let me say this that
24:46 you know some people say well I don't wanna
24:47 have any children, if that's what it's like,
24:48 I don't wanna have any. And I, but I think
24:51 you know I'm glad that God let me share the
24:55 creative power with Him. And it takes your
24:57 selfishness away. Some people say well I
24:59 don't wanna, you know I'll raise dogs,
25:02 I'll buy myself a poodle, because you a poodle
25:05 will just sit in your lap and just love you and
25:08 you could do no wrong and a child won't do
25:12 that. But a child will love you sometimes,
25:17 other sometimes it will appear that they don't.
25:20 But I got to thinking about it Kathy I thought
25:23 I don't wanna be remembered. Now we
25:25 used to raise poodles by the way.
25:26 I don't wanna be remembered as a person
25:29 who raises poodles and I wanna be remembered.
25:32 For something better. As a father and as a
25:35 grandfather and as husband and though I'm
25:40 sure that God could create poodles in heaven
25:42 you know I can get my poodle there.
25:44 I can't take my poodle, but I have to take,
25:49 I have to take my children. You want to
25:50 take them. Well there is no other way to get
25:52 my children there. In another words you
25:54 can't buy children in heaven. God might bring
25:57 your poodle. He won't bring me a child.
25:59 It's the ones we have here and that's why I
26:03 prayed that day and I didn't mean to be
26:06 sacrilegious or disrespectful. I prayed
26:11 Lord, keep your mansion, you can even keep
26:14 your crowns, I don't need crowns and you know
26:17 and I'm not sure I need a mansion,
26:19 but please Lord. Save my children.
26:21 Save my children. So we need to get rid
26:23 of anger if we're going to be affected.
26:26 We must, we've got to separate ourselves in
26:28 some way and not take it personally that,
26:30 that the Lord and by the way you know if
26:33 we have raised our children successfully then
26:36 we will take the credit. Right. We are saying
26:38 now if you want to raise it's me.
26:40 But I'm convinced going through what Betty
26:43 and I have gone through and even what
26:44 we're going through now, because there is
26:46 the broken home thing, it's really messing us.
26:48 Messing our children up and that is when my
26:51 children are saved, notice I didn't say if.
26:54 I had the hoped, well, when my children are
26:56 saved it's gonna be Jesus who saves them.
26:59 We need help. Yeah. Well before we close,
27:03 we need to have a prayer for the folks, oh yes.
27:06 Because and we're gonna talk about other
27:08 things. We're gonna talking about detachment is
27:11 that right. Oh yes, we will do that in our next
27:12 program. But our Jesus is our hope and
27:15 let's pray to him. Yes let's do it.
27:17 Heavenly Father, Lord, we're thankful that
27:19 you shared with us your creative power.
27:23 And that you let us have children,
27:25 but Lord it's different in having children and
27:27 having poodles, because poodles are so
27:31 committed and so loving and children aren't
27:33 always that way, but help us to be like you.
27:36 Always committed and always loving.
27:39 And we know that someday you've promised
27:43 to prepare a place for us, but we want to be
27:46 there with our children and so we commit our
27:48 children wherever they're at right now to you.
27:51 And we're thankful that you're our heavenly
27:52 parent and help us to be faithful as parents,
27:56 in Jesus name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17