Thinking About Home

You Are Not Alone

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Richard O'Fill, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000151

00:32 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:34 I'm Kathy Matthews and I am glad you are
00:35 back with us. Today our guest is Pastor
00:38 Richard O'Ffill from the Florida Conference
00:41 and I want to welcome you again Dick.
00:42 Kathy I am glad to be back. We have so much
00:45 fun last time I think it was, time to do some
00:47 more what do you think. We enjoy each other's
00:49 company don't we? I do, I do I like to
00:50 talking to you. I enjoy your thoughts and
00:53 the depths of things that you talk about.
00:56 You know, how I did last time, I began by talking
00:59 about the trailer that starts the program.
01:02 And I think I asked you that was a picture
01:04 of you and Tom when you first got married.
01:05 Oh! Yeah I remember that. Well I won't say
01:06 that this time, it's not, no, but when I see
01:09 pictures like this of the marriages and the joy
01:11 that goes with it. And I think I remember
01:13 when Betty and I were married and
01:16 you know I use, I was a 19, she was 20 would
01:18 you believe it, well yes, by the way our
01:21 anniversary in June, when is yours? In April,
01:23 in April and I was 17 and Tom was 20.
01:26 We were only child brides, don't we?
01:27 I don't recommend that to anyone really I don't.
01:30 Well anyway, I as I watched that I thought,
01:34 when we stand before the preacher and he says
01:36 do you promise to love honor and cherish
01:39 in sickness and in health, for better for worse,
01:42 and we say yes of course whatever you know
01:44 because we don't have a clue what that means,
01:45 really, you know especially for better for
01:47 worse because we can't conceive of what
01:49 it might be. Right, you are so nervous;
01:51 you can't even think what's to being said.
01:52 Yeah, you know there was a wedding one time
01:55 and someone said well you weren't there,
01:57 and I said well they don't know I wasn't there.
01:59 You mean mentally. I wasn't there physically,
02:02 but I don't think the bride and the groom notice
02:04 it there anyway, okay. But anyway, how thankful
02:07 we are for our homes and, right, and for our
02:10 marriages and, and I am so thankful that God
02:13 brought into my life a girl and she has been
02:14 so precious to me. But you know Kathy you know
02:19 we have a tremendous burden on our hearts,
02:21 so what's going on in the world, yes,
02:23 and what's going on in the society and even
02:27 what's going on in the church.
02:30 But I thought to myself you know probably
02:32 what's going on in the world and society
02:35 and even in the church is really about what's going
02:37 on in our home, of course it is that's what,
02:40 that's what makes it all up isn't it.
02:42 Well because the home is the bases for everything
02:44 and sometimes when I preach being a grandfather
02:48 and by the way I have eight grandchildren.
02:51 Oh! You beat me, I don't any.
02:54 Well listen, well I'll take that back there
02:55 is a couple we started with and they have a little
02:57 boy so we consider him a grandchild.
02:58 This is sort of an adopted grandchild.
03:00 But, though we are not all grand parents,
03:04 or neither are we parents,
03:08 we are all children, yes, can't deny.
03:11 And some times I'll ask a congregation,
03:12 I'll say how many grandparents are here
03:14 and some will raise their hands and then I'll say
03:15 how many parents are here and then of course
03:17 you know some others are putting,
03:18 and then I say how many children and then the kids
03:20 put their hands, and I say wait a minute everybody
03:21 should put their hands up. Yes right because
03:23 we're all children, because we're all children,
03:24 right. But, I have a real burden as a minister
03:29 of the gospel you know we preach the big,
03:31 big ideas and big thoughts,
03:34 but I am starting to think smaller,
03:36 maybe I am thinking bigger because I think
03:38 if we are gonna preach and talk about things
03:40 that are really relevant these days we need
03:41 to talk about our homes. That's painful though,
03:44 but it's too hard to talk about, don't you think?
03:47 You know, you know I read, I read right,
03:49 I wrote a book entitled Lord, Keep Your Mansions,
03:55 Just Save Our Children. I thought that was an
03:57 interesting title. Wasn't it something?
03:59 Well, I guess when I first saw the title
04:03 the Lord Keep Your Mansions isn't that
04:06 a little irrelevant, or I don't want to go there,
04:10 or what did you mean by that? Well,
04:12 that title comes from prayer that I prayed
04:15 and you know Jesus said I'm gonna prepare
04:19 mansions for you and another place we read
04:21 about crowns He has prepared
04:23 and so I prayed it, and it does sound so irrelevant.
04:27 See I really don't need a mansion,
04:29 now don't misunderstand me you say well,
04:31 you must be really rich. I know, I have a roof over
04:34 my head, I know, and indoor plumbing
04:36 and you know, some people may take exception
04:37 for you to say that you don't really need
04:39 a mansion, but I've got a place to live and,
04:41 and when I say Lord keep your mansions
04:44 I am saying Lord really what I want about heaven,
04:48 is not the mansion or the crown, I want,
04:50 I want you to save my children, amen.
04:52 That's the heart cry isn't it?
04:53 This is the heart cry, Betty and I have four
04:56 children and eight grandchildren.
04:58 And, I wish I can say that they were all ministers
05:02 and Bible workers, but its not true.
05:07 And, you know you get all kinds of feelings
05:14 you now when you are parenting and it's not
05:16 turned out according to the book. I rejoice,
05:21 when I hear someone say you know my sons
05:26 some kind of a successful you know something
05:28 or other maybe a doctor or has a business
05:31 or maybe he is even in construction but he loves
05:34 the Lord, and he is the elder in the church
05:36 and you know what do you do if, if its not that
05:40 way you know, your kids aren't, maybe your kids
05:43 aren't even in the church or they've,
05:45 they've been you know maybe taking drugs.
05:50 Can I tell you a story? Well I wanted
05:52 you to tell me, I want you to tell me this,
05:54 I don't know where you are going exactly
05:55 at this moment, but the story in the book what
06:02 I wanted to know about because it made me hurt
06:06 so much was the New Year's Eve night
06:10 that you were so disturbed.
06:13 Let me give you background for that.
06:16 It was our youngest child, is there were you going,
06:18 or you were going somewhere else.
06:20 I am going there no I got, that's where I go
06:22 because the book is about that its starts
06:25 there, yeah. But I should give you bit of a
06:27 background my youngest son came home from
06:30 school one day and he started lifting weights,
06:35 I had pair of old sears weights or something
06:37 on the back pouch, I mean you can see I am not
06:39 a muscle man. But I had bear to the exercise
06:40 I thought weights were something you did exercise
06:43 you know, and to get you know but I didn't know
06:46 that for a lot of people lifting weights are not
06:51 about to you know getting muscles it's about
06:53 being beautiful, yes, and that's why when you go
06:56 to these body building places sometimes,
06:59 they shave their body, well they shave their body
07:01 and they put mirrors around, I remember,
07:02 I know about that, it's incredible. And so,
07:05 and so as I watched my son you know take these
07:08 little cheap weights, and he began to push them
07:11 you know up and I notice he looked at himself
07:13 in mirror when he did that and it had a funny
07:18 feeling because I thought it was about I'm gonna
07:21 you know but it was about look at my muscles.
07:24 And then somebody told my boy that he would
07:28 take steroids it would save him some trouble,
07:31 oh really. And so unknown to us he began to take
07:36 steroids and of course he began to just really
07:41 blossom out and you know 6 foot 2
07:44 and very good looking and pretty soon wearing
07:46 the tone shirts and big old muscles sticking out.
07:54 My life began to change, and I realize that,
07:58 that my boy was becoming an addict,
08:01 and at that point I did know how bad
08:03 it would get, it seem like it was only steroids
08:06 but that can be just kind of entry I mean
08:09 entry thing. And so when you ask me this story
08:13 of something on New Year's night that's down
08:16 the road considerably, from this point,
08:19 yeah from the background, background.
08:21 And, so now I had, I had confronted him,
08:25 his mother and I confronted him,
08:27 and said you know we think you are a drug addict
08:31 because he was fooling with other things too,
08:34 and you know when this begins to happen to you,
08:38 you have all kinds of feeling, I began to read
08:40 everything I could get you know, you say how
08:42 do I get a hold of this, how do I control this,
08:44 yes, and you know what list of things can I do it
08:48 and I tried everything I could do. He was not a
08:50 little boy anymore. He is not a little boy,
08:52 and he is not working see, and so I am sitting
08:56 on the back porch what we call slaughter room
08:59 and its New Year's Eve in Florida you know
09:02 that's not a blizzard. No it's not Florida.
09:07 It was pretty nice then, and but I am sitting
09:09 there and preaching, and I began to cry
09:12 hysterically. And, and I realize that
09:16 I was loosing it, because here I was trying
09:21 to control his life, and I was going out of control,
09:24 yeah, and so it was kind of like I was catching
09:26 quite it was, I wasn't taking steroids but
09:29 emotionally I was really going, really going weak.
09:32 And, then I remember when somebody told me that
09:36 there is an organization for people like that
09:39 and it's called Al-Anon if you ever heard of that.
09:41 I've heard of it yes. And now, I suppose everybody
09:44 has heard of it Al-Anon which is alcoholic
09:46 synonymous or maybe even narcotic synonymous NA,
09:51 that's for the addicts in sense.
09:53 And Al-Anon is not alcozolic;
09:54 Al-Anon is for the families you see, and so,
09:57 I went to the phone and, that day, well right
10:00 then I mean I was in big trouble, and I called AA
10:05 and of course they are really nice,
10:07 and what I wanted to know is where is the nearest
10:09 to me where is the nearest meeting because
10:11 I didn't know what it was gonna be like,
10:13 but I knew I had to have something you know
10:14 some help, right. You know I'd have to say now
10:17 and I can say this looking back that Betty wasn't
10:21 going through what I was going through. Well,
10:23 she suffers in a different way, what do you mean,
10:24 alright. She suffers this all inside you see,
10:27 and so when I suffer, I suffer all outside
10:30 you know I tell people I say when I get a cold,
10:32 the whole office, the whole office knows I got
10:34 a cold. And so, I can't suffer quietly
10:38 and does so I had to have help, I had to have help.
10:42 Well, we discovered where the meetings
10:45 were gonna be, I started going every night
10:47 that now you know I remember it good
10:49 regularly standing there, they only go once
10:51 a week, but I had to go every night,
10:53 you were feeling desperate I think,
10:54 oh I was desperate, but I am so glad I did,
10:56 I am so glad I did. It gave you a lot of help.
10:58 Oh! It just was incredible now you walk into room
11:01 and there is maybe 25 people sitting in there,
11:04 they don't know you from Adams, so you could say
11:07 to person well I'm going in there though really,
11:09 they don't know you from Adam, really they don't
11:11 care who you are, really all they care is that
11:14 you know we are all in the same boat, right.
11:16 In fact, this is not like group therapy
11:18 or anything. Well no I think it is a little bit,
11:21 but you walk in and then you say my name is Dick
11:23 and everybody says hello Dick you know
11:25 and then they've have a program a little program.
11:29 The thing I loved about it is that you see the group
11:33 around that table is somebody who is going
11:36 through what you are going through.
11:37 Right, but they weren't pouring out all of that
11:39 where they, not to do some details you see
11:42 because I remember, I remember one time
11:44 you know a lady said she was talking about her
11:47 husband and she said people tell me
11:49 I had to divorce to my husband, I know what's
11:51 that I've always got option but I am not coming
11:54 here to talk about my husband, I am coming here
11:56 to talk about me and that's what I really like,
11:59 because and I think it has so much meaning
12:02 when we think of our children is that hey,
12:05 we can't do much about our children, our children
12:07 who they are, but the question is what can I do
12:09 about me, what do you do when your kids
12:12 are taking drugs. Now these were obviously
12:13 when your children are much older and you can
12:16 no longer do what you did when they were just
12:17 little children. You mean like just say
12:20 don't do that, yes, exactly right,
12:23 and so it's not about our children in that we can
12:26 just make them obey or get them to obey
12:28 or bring them under control, it's dealing
12:32 with it when it's way out of your hands anymore.
12:34 You know I probably shared this with you
12:37 before it's kind of joke I made up and I told
12:41 people I said when my children were about
12:43 this big I had a sermon I preach call
12:47 the Ten Commandments for raising children,
12:48 oh yes, and then when they got about you know
12:51 so big I change the title that sermon,
12:54 ten suggestion for raising children.
12:56 You know what the sermon is now,
12:58 ten questions I have about raising children,
13:02 everything changes even they are little you know
13:04 we know at all, but when they get to be big
13:06 you know it's not that way anymore.
13:09 Anyway here I am, believe it or not the
13:12 health and temperance director of the
13:14 Florida Conference, and my boy is taking drugs.
13:18 Go through your mind a great deal, causing some
13:20 pain and embarrassment. Well you see these of
13:23 the kinds of things I think we want to talk
13:25 to in this series is to what do you do it
13:28 and I think that the natural tendency that
13:30 we all have is to say I don't want anybody
13:32 to know, because I am probably the one
13:35 and so I hide it, and I think that it's a mistake
13:43 because Kathy in the first place we are not the
13:46 only one, yeah, and I think in the church not that,
13:51 it may not be the same you know you can't say
13:53 everybody in the church's has got kids taking drugs,
13:56 but I think everybody in the church now is
13:59 hurting in some ways, in some way,
14:01 don't you think so, oh yes I do, I don't run into
14:03 anyone who isn't in someway.
14:05 And now I know some people will say well
14:07 if we're hearting it's because so much wrong
14:11 with us if we were just following the gospel
14:13 or doing everything the way it should be done,
14:15 right, we wouldn't have any problems,
14:18 but Kathy Jesus was here amongst us doing
14:24 everything the way it was suppose to be done,
14:26 suppose to be done yes and guess who had
14:28 problems. Despised and rejected by men,
14:31 a man of sorrow, and acquainted with grief
14:33 finally betrayed murdered.
14:36 He did it the way it was suppose to be done,
14:38 and so I think as parents you know we got this
14:41 ideal and we must have an ideal.
14:43 Well some may say that well Jesus was opposed
14:45 because He did at all right, we are opposed
14:48 because we do too many things wrong,
14:50 what do you think of that?
14:53 Sure, well sure what am I suppose to say to that.
14:55 Well no I suppose that to be honest
14:58 there is no doubt that what we sow we reap,
15:02 that life is a causing effect situation
15:07 and I think we'll talk about this in other
15:08 programs that if I had my life to live again,
15:11 yes, I want to live differently, right,
15:12 but I can't think looking back on it I can't think
15:15 of ever waking up in the morning saying I think
15:18 I want to do it wrong today I think I want to
15:20 mess up my kids life, I think I am I want them
15:22 to be drug addicts, no, no we are just dealing
15:25 with ourselves and growing,
15:26 and we were never parents before and I think
15:30 Kathy one of the really important things
15:32 that those who were been to experiences like
15:36 I am going through, yes, yes, it's not the same,
15:39 it's not the same but it's other stuff.
15:42 Sometimes Betty and I when we talk we say
15:45 how thankful we are that our children don't have
15:47 physical disabilities, or the disability in our
15:50 family if it's not drug addiction anymore
15:53 because we got past that, but it's divorce.
15:56 It's divorce and with all the grandchildren
15:59 and all that sometimes you say oh God, so painful,
16:02 oh God you know keep your mansions you know
16:05 because I think when we are younger we give
16:09 the focus in our lives to I want to get a little
16:12 business or I want to be a success in my
16:15 profession, or I want to get two cars
16:17 or I want to have a boat or you know
16:19 whatever it is, and our kids are just kind
16:21 of growing up you know and then one day,
16:24 we protect them too much,
16:26 because its the way it is, too often it is.
16:29 And so, the one day you get to the point
16:31 in your life and you will say you know all that
16:33 really matters is my children.
16:35 And we learn too late most of the time.
16:39 Too late or too late to live our lives again.
16:41 Yes, well but that's what I mean by too late.
16:45 Well, it's not too late its change.
16:49 Its never too late, it's never too late.
16:51 Now let me tell you one day it was really
16:57 in the morning and I don't know why,
17:00 I guess I saw a light under my son's door
17:03 and I think if he is up you know at 5 O' clock
17:06 in the morning and that's when we were having
17:09 problems with drugs and all, and so I went outside
17:13 and it was still dark the sun wasn't up yet,
17:16 and where I could look in his window you know
17:18 kind of clean dust you know you see perhaps
17:19 it must have been a spooky place, but I looked
17:22 in the window and he was laying on the bed
17:24 on his elbows he had ear phones on
17:26 and seem to be reading and for a flash,
17:29 for a flash I thought he is having his devotions,
17:32 yes, until I saw him flick a cigarette lighter
17:35 and then I knew he was doing crack,
17:40 a crack cocaine and. Did you feel like
17:42 at that moment? And that's where I'm leading
17:44 up to, I saw I think I would rather have him
17:48 dead that what I am seeing here because
17:51 you know you hear these stories about this being
17:54 a living death and just with that minute
17:56 I thought oh if he was dead I wouldn't have
17:58 been going through this I mean that's your reaction
18:00 you know, but how thankful I am because
18:04 in death there isn't no hope, it's finished
18:06 it's closed, but as long as he is alive there
18:08 is hope, with his life and so, and I'm reacting
18:10 to what you said a moment ago you know
18:12 about it's too late, no from what I,
18:15 what I meant and from what I've gone through
18:18 it's too late for me to have little children again,
18:21 right, but it's not too late for me to be a
18:24 father of grown children, and to be the kind
18:27 of father that I ought to be, right.
18:30 But I think it's important for and you know
18:35 out there those who are watching,
18:36 maybe I am the only one who has had this problem,
18:39 no, but I don't think so, no. But I think to the
18:41 parents and the grand parents who are watching
18:44 let's know we are not alone I think it's starts
18:47 there because when we feel we are alone
18:50 that's when we really get to close to Dan you see,
18:53 and so we've got to hide and we can't face it,
18:55 right, we can't let it come out but we can get
18:57 help you know I could have a go its like
18:59 I could go down, you know would you know
19:01 what they think of me, right. No but I'll tell
19:04 the world, you got to get over that,
19:05 I'll tell the world that I went to Al-Anon
19:07 and not only that I'll say you if you get to
19:10 where I was you need to go to.
19:12 And, I think of the text of scripture where
19:15 it says that we ought to share one
19:17 another burdens. So, it used to be in the
19:20 church that, that we thought well the church
19:23 is the perfect place for perfect people.
19:26 And, what about the little saying you know that
19:30 the church is and not a rest home for saints
19:32 but a hospital for sinner, for sinners.
19:35 And I used to think that I misinterpreted that,
19:38 I thought it meant if you want to sin go
19:40 to church, wrong, but the key word is not,
19:43 is not sin, it's hospital, yes, and so I think
19:46 as time goes by and it's the devil does one
19:49 more damage. The church is going to have a lot of
19:53 really wounded and damaged people.
19:55 It's not gonna have perfect people,
19:57 and how do we do what that.
19:58 It's gonna be perfect, I mean it's gonna be
19:59 people with high ideals, but I tell the story
20:03 I say I used to look for perfect people,
20:06 you know I am looking for survivors, yes.
20:09 And so there was a time in which,
20:11 in which you know you came to me and you say
20:14 well or somebody come to me and say well
20:17 you know pray for my boy he is out of the truth
20:20 or pray for my daughter she is taking drugs,
20:22 pat them on their shoulders.
20:24 Didn't take it too serious, that's okay
20:25 no, no I was serious but I didn't feel anything,
20:28 I see, and so and no now somebody begins
20:31 to tell me and I cry with subside, now,
20:33 now you know, Now I know and so if a person says
20:37 to me well all of my, all of my children are Bible
20:40 workers and ministers I can say thank you Jesus
20:42 you know I would, but I am looking for somebody
20:44 who's been through it, right. But isn't the
20:47 scripture you know scripture is so wonderful
20:50 because it says we have a Lord Jesus
20:53 who knows how we feel now.
20:54 Now, when we are talking about drugs
20:55 and all these it's different but suffering
20:58 in a way is generic, suffering is generic,
21:00 so where there has been called,
21:02 what do you mean, well I mean I think the
21:04 sadness is sadness I think that pain is pain.
21:08 Now you know pain can be charged are caused
21:10 by numbers of different things,
21:11 and so remember the little, the little verses
21:15 the spiritual is it nobody knows the trouble
21:19 I've seen, nobody knows but Jesus.
21:22 You know what I say I say everybody knows
21:25 if he would be honest with us, oh yes,
21:26 everybody knows because we are all going
21:28 through it. See, at the office you know
21:33 you walk down the hall and you say
21:34 how are you today, fine lie.
21:42 But you are not going to want them just sit there
21:44 and tell you every thing that's going on you just
21:46 passing in the hall. But sometimes you know
21:48 people will say how are you doing
21:51 and I've of course you suppose to say fine
21:53 see right, yes, and but I want to say do you
21:57 really want to know how I feel, yes,
21:58 and you mean it, oh no but by that time,
22:00 no I mean in side we would like to be able
22:02 to say that I mean it, we would like to be able
22:03 to share, yes, or you mean we would like to say
22:05 we were fine. Well, I would like to say
22:08 I am fine, but when you are feeling like
22:09 this we would like to say do you really want
22:12 to know, do you really want to know,
22:13 and actually be able to say so, to share,
22:15 but you loose lot of friends that way,
22:18 well, that's why you weren't telling them,
22:21 but you and I have shared and you are still
22:23 my friend. Well, where you Dick I am sorry.
22:27 You know and I think there are,
22:28 there are viewers and lots of them,
22:31 lot of them we would rejoice scripture says
22:33 rejoice with those who rejoice,
22:35 but I think most people who are watching
22:38 this program will understand,
22:40 that we can all cry together.
22:41 And we've got to be able to cry together.
22:44 It's that the church, the church is a place
22:46 it's like a hospital, it's where you come
22:49 to get well. And this is where I was in that
22:52 little saying that the church is not a rest home
22:55 for saints, it's a hospital for sinners.
22:57 Now, if a person wants to be a sinner
22:59 don't come to church, if a person likes
23:01 it that way church is not for you,
23:03 willful sinning it's different
23:04 what we thought that. Yeah we are talking about
23:05 sinning with impunity, but the fact is that as the
23:08 days go by I am convinced that we're gonna
23:11 find in the church more and more of us
23:13 wounded people, right, but we're gonna come
23:16 there not to give up, right, because we have
23:19 hope that Jesus will do, we will have there is a,
23:22 you know there is a text of excuse me
23:24 for interrupting. In, yes you are right up
23:27 you and I interrupt each other
23:28 all the time, I know. Anyway listen to this
23:32 you are gonna really like this, 2nd Corinthians
23:36 the first chapter, it's not the first chapter
23:38 third and fourth verse or so is it, that's
23:40 the one I was gonna to bring up
23:42 go ahead, you bring it up.
23:43 Well I had this experience and this particular
23:47 scripture kept cropping up over the next two years
23:50 and it just by someone handing it to me
23:53 what happen in Sabbath school class some one
23:55 handed it to me on a piece of paper that was
23:57 a third time it happened. And, this kept coming
24:01 because we had gone through a very hard
24:04 situation and we were grieving and we needed
24:08 comfort, yes, so go ahead and read it now,
24:11 and I, yeah go ahead and read it, now that
24:13 you kind of let into it and let's see I think
24:16 what you've just said that you haven't been
24:18 through of what I've been through with your kids
24:21 taking drugs, not at all, no not at all,
24:22 you got these lovely daughter, but did yeah,
24:23 but you've been so suffering,
24:25 you know what is like to be kind of discourage
24:27 and feel all alone and here is the text.
24:30 1 Corinthians or 2 Corinthians 1 verses 3
24:33 and 4, Blessed [be] God, even the Father of
24:37 our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies,
24:40 and the God of all comfort.
24:43 Oh don't we need to be comforted, amen.
24:45 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation,
24:50 who comforteth us in all our tribulation that
24:53 we may be able to comfort them that are
24:56 in any trouble, and that was the answer,
24:58 by the comfort wherewith all we ourselves
25:01 are comforted. And so Kathy when I think
25:05 of what Betty and I have been went through,
25:08 then you need to think of, when we get to
25:10 heaven if you get, Cain and Abel, we need to think
25:13 of Cain and Abel. Well the scripture think
25:15 of the scripture is full of it.
25:17 Must been how Adam felt,
25:19 and how God Himself felt when assert of his
25:21 only children, right, we are in good company.
25:24 In other words you can say well the fact that
25:26 mine children have had trouble or they are out
25:27 of the church must mean that I am a bad guy,
25:30 no I just go back through scripture beginning
25:32 in heaven with the father of the soul
25:34 who lost assert of his children, right,
25:36 and then Adam and Eve, and we need
25:38 to think this why. Well, not that we're going
25:41 to say well hey I am just one no it breaks
25:44 our hearts. Well it's not gonna turn us all joyfully
25:47 in a moment either just because we think about
25:49 somebody else having gone through it,
25:51 but we do need to be able to know others that
25:54 I felt what we felt. So we can comfort each other,
25:57 yes. You know I thought of Adam and Eve
26:00 and hear they had their boy they get their
26:01 first boy, he leaves the church forever
26:05 and you know the one that we love
26:06 and respect so much one of the finding mothers
26:08 of our church Ellen G. White,
26:09 Did you know she had a boy named Edson,
26:12 and he wrote a letter one time and she said
26:14 it broke my heart, when I read that,
26:16 she said I am not interested in spiritual
26:17 things mother, and this is the one of the
26:20 founding mothers of our church, and how she felt,
26:22 oh and she said if you could just be a
26:24 little baby again, oh, if I could just hold
26:25 you again and take, and I thought to myself
26:27 is we've been through this with our children
26:29 I felt only if I can just hold them again
26:32 if I could just, but we can't we can't the fact
26:35 is I don't have little babies I've got grown
26:38 men and women I've got grand children.
26:41 I can just look back to the point where I drive
26:43 myself crazy but I got to say no,
26:45 no I'm gonna keep going I better be comforted,
26:49 yes, God comforts and I'm gonna comfort
26:52 others amen, amen. We're gonna strengthen
26:54 each other, this is no time for us to,
26:55 to pretend the nothing is wrong, right I am fine
26:59 how are you Dick, fine oh no, no I am not fine,
27:02 but I have faith in God, that I will be fine,
27:06 yes, because he is not finished with out
27:08 children yet, right, and he who has began
27:10 this good work in us will finish it, amen.
27:12 You know our time is already over,
27:15 and we are going to be doing some other
27:17 programs right. And I want to invite our
27:19 guest back with us, our viewers and the programs
27:23 that we're gonna to they are gonna be touching
27:24 your heart. I pray that you will cry a tear along
27:28 with us and as you've been going through
27:30 things that you will learn more about
27:31 comforting others and be able to overcome
27:34 and remember that you are not alone,
27:35 that we're not. And Dick I wish you would pray
27:39 as we go out and bow your head
27:41 and pray with us. Heavenly Father,
27:43 we are thankful Lord that we walk through
27:45 the valley of the shadow of deepest gloom
27:48 that we need fear no evils for you with us.
27:51 And our Lord when we pray that you keep
27:54 your mansions with we are not trying to be
27:56 you ever it's just that we want you to
27:58 save our children, amen.
28:00 This is the burden you gave us.


Revised 2014-12-17