Thinking About Home

Struggles In An Early Teen

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, Richard O'Ffill


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000144

00:31 Welcome to Thinking about Home.
00:32 I'm Kathy Matthews and I'm glad you've joined
00:34 us again. Today we are going to be discussing
00:36 more on Peer Pressure. Of course more on the
00:40 family and home and preparation for our
00:42 heavenly home, but today it's going to be peer
00:45 pressure and the struggles of early teens.
00:49 The reason that we chose this because really
00:51 one of our daughters has gone through some
00:54 struggles then we thought that maybe,
00:57 others may benefit from this and she would like
00:59 to share little bit about some of the temptations
01:02 she was up against and her decisions to follow
01:06 Christ after a period of time. And we
01:09 felt that, that was a good decision.
01:11 Rachel Matthews is our guest and Pastor
01:14 Richard O'Ffill is joining us again.
01:15 We thank you for being with us both of you.
01:19 Rachel I'm so glad that you are here.
01:21 You've got a sweet smile. I'm glad to be here.
01:23 I'm glad that you felt, that you had the courage
01:26 to get on this program today and our guest.
01:29 Well you know it's I would congratulate Rachel
01:31 too because you know when you get to be
01:34 14 years old you can get to become sort of
01:35 half anti-social. You know, you don't want to have
01:37 anything to do with adults, right,
01:39 and you kind of get this sort of look on your face
01:41 and I'm not here. And Rachel,
01:44 you don't want get that on your face.
01:48 Rachel is not that kind of person. Not too bad.
01:50 Most of time, she's not. You know I want to tell
01:54 our viewers that, we were talking before and
01:57 of course about what would we do and I said
01:59 well I wanna get acquainted with Rachel.
02:01 Now of course that doesn't something Kathy
02:02 you need to do. I could get then how to shape out
02:04 of that, over it but I won't, may be already I am,
02:08 I don't know. Rachel and I got acquainted this
02:13 summer at the Washington Academy, did we, Uh.
02:16 Yes we enjoyed that. Can I was comfort with the
02:18 honor, what is my honor? Grandpa. Yes.
02:23 And I guess, there true, I'm your only grandpa.
02:25 Yes. Both of mine have died. So.
02:28 You are the only one. And I was really honored.
02:31 And I say seriously when you sent me an email
02:34 and dear grandpa, birthday card.
02:37 Yeah, yeah it was really good.
02:39 So you kind of give away the next question
02:41 as I'm trying to get acquainted because
02:43 I was gonna say Rachel what's it like to be
02:45 an only child. Only? No, no that,
02:49 that was my question. And then she,
02:51 and then you are gonna say I have a sister
02:55 I am not an only child. But I have been an only
02:59 child for about the past four years because
03:01 my sister is been away to, that's true to academy
03:03 and college. So I can get really lonely at times,
03:07 because you don't always have someone to be
03:11 friends where to share something with.
03:15 But, you know my sister and I really close
03:19 so we email and we talk on the phone and
03:22 I send her letters sometimes play.
03:23 I'm not really an only child, just, you just feel
03:27 like that. Yeah. Just some times I feel like that.
03:29 but isn't that, isn't that a little bit gratifying?
03:32 You know here you know when two of you,
03:34 maybe older sister gets all the attention,
03:36 isn't that a little bit fun to be the center of
03:39 attention may be or? I won't say I'm a center
03:41 of attention. You are thinking that she has
03:44 become the center of attention.
03:46 Oh no I'm just I mean she is, you know she is
03:48 there unless you as the mother, you know
03:51 worried about your daughter away to school.
03:53 Well you know I think some times it's difficult
03:55 to them to realize whether they are the center
03:57 of attention or not. May be they think that they
04:00 need more than they get. Dick how many people
04:03 were in your family? How many children were
04:05 in your family? I'm one of four. And you,
04:08 how many in yours? I'm the youngest of 12.
04:11 There were 12 children. Oh that's a big family.
04:14 Yes, yes it is. They thought I was spoilt but
04:16 I have news for them. I wasn't as spoilt as they
04:19 thought. You ended up so nice. Oh,
04:21 I thought I won't get it. Would mind a little joke,
04:24 you know sometimes people say how many
04:26 children were in your family and I'll say well
04:29 I'm the youngest of 12, oh yes.
04:31 And of course I always had, you know being
04:33 the youngest I always had to where hand me downs.
04:36 That is only a joke of which I really didn't mind
04:38 except the other 11 were girls.
04:43 I'm not serious. And so you are one of two,
04:45 you are one of twelve and I'm one of four.
04:47 Right, but before we go into program I want
04:49 to tell you about my mother and daddy
04:51 little bit. Well we have fun doing this.
04:55 My father, well I'll tell the story afterwards.
04:58 My father married my aunt and they had four
05:00 children then my aunt died with pneumonia
05:02 and then my daddy's daddy died,
05:03 and my mother's mother died.
05:05 And daddy's mother married mother's daddy
05:06 and then daddy married mother.
05:08 Is that why they got to song,
05:09 I'm now your own grandpa. It could be?
05:13 That's a true story. You and I getting carried
05:16 away and our guest is just sitting here just
05:17 say when I'm gonna start being,
05:19 guest or not here. I'm sorry. Rachel you've been,
05:24 I understand, sort of a homeschool person,
05:26 you and your sister. I've been home schooled
05:29 since first grade, kindergarten,
05:31 pre-school whatever. At the beginning.
05:33 Sarah, my sister has been home schooled since
05:36 then up to 10th grade and then she went
05:37 to academy. And I'm in 9th grade this year.
05:41 And I'm so. I know your teachers pet you
05:44 get all age probably. No. That's not true.
05:47 No. actually I've been accused probably a bit
05:50 more hard on them than easy and lenient on them.
05:54 But this time you are on the computer.
05:56 I am doing, I have CDs for my computer and I
06:01 do science, English, History and Maths on the
06:04 computer and then I have my own Bible program
06:06 and then I have some music and hobbies.
06:10 I like work in my website, chatting on-line and
06:12 sending emails and stuff so. She stays busier
06:16 sometimes than, she needs to be.
06:18 It's hard for her to get some thing is done
06:20 and I would ask her to do.
06:21 Did you, do you ever wish that you were in a
06:23 regular school. I have several times simply
06:27 because you know I have friends there go to
06:31 the local church school or something but
06:35 I enjoy homeschooling, because it gives me
06:38 enough time to be able to do my hobbies
06:42 and I can have more spiritually based
06:43 education so. You know there is one thing
06:46 I appreciate and this was a personal observation
06:49 and it's not just with Rachel.
06:50 It seems to be you know almost generic among
06:53 the homeschool kids that these young people
06:57 can relate to adults. You know with so many times
07:00 when they got to be teenagers,
07:02 now they seem to be kind of alienated from adults
07:04 and you know, it's true you will, adult walks
07:05 in the door they walk out the back door,
07:06 that's true. You know they kind of get this doooog.
07:10 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But I noticed this about
07:13 Rachel and other you know the homeschool people,
07:15 when they are around adults, that they are so
07:17 mature they relates so well you know at the same
07:20 time they relate to their peers just fun.
07:22 I appreciate that. And most enjoy at little
07:24 children, babies they don't usually shun them
07:27 as if they were from another world or
07:29 something. But they can only so that they
07:31 might have. Well we'll started as babies.
07:33 We'll have a family atmosphere, in other words
07:35 you'll have a desire to be kind and friendly and
07:38 active and interactive with little children.
07:42 Do you know we were in Pakistan,
07:46 Kathy and Cindy was going to begin the first grade
07:50 and I don't know if Betty did,
07:54 she must have done the first grade and maybe
07:55 the second grade? But she know it didn't work
07:58 real well, now this is I don't think it's you know
08:00 something against Betty or against Cindy but
08:03 I can remember Cindy aaai bubu hoo boo hoo,
08:05 I don't want to do it. You know it got to be
08:08 this mother child thing and I guess Rachel,
08:11 I mean you know would your mother
08:12 as your teacher and also your mother.
08:15 I mean do you separate this, is it all the same
08:17 to you. It is difficult sometimes.
08:18 It is but I've learned that momma is my mother,
08:23 my teacher, my friend, you know she is all those
08:27 combined. But they are all separate,
08:29 a nurse and a doctor, I know.
08:33 Do you have the same; same feelings are you
08:35 able to talk to her, as her teacher? Yes,
08:39 oh yes sometimes I have to get out of the mode
08:42 of being that way yet. Well to me,
08:45 mother and teacher are almost the same thing,
08:47 because you teach them from the time that
08:48 they can, they are born. What's the difference?
08:51 Mothers or teachers anyway that's what
08:53 you are saying. Mothers are teachers.
08:54 And Jesus was taught of us, at the foot
08:58 of his mother. That's true. You know and not
09:00 that everybody can homeschool I'm not saying
09:02 that everyone can, not everybody can handle
09:04 that maybe I do think that probably a lot more
09:08 or qualified more than they think they are.
09:12 Especially, if they are frightened I think they can
09:14 still handle early years which will give children
09:17 a good foundation but and I think we are even
09:20 admonished to be more careful in those
09:23 early years. But one of the biggest things
09:28 in homeschooling, I think is getting the idea of
09:31 obedience and instructions that you can follow
09:34 instructions. And when you can follow instructions
09:37 you got a lot of battle won. And if they can
09:41 sit down and follow instructions then they can
09:44 almost self educate if they are motivated to do so.
09:47 Well this was going to be my next question Rachel
09:48 that here you are at home, you know and this
09:51 must require some self-discipline because
09:53 if you know the school bus is coming or you
09:55 got to get in the car and go some place,
09:56 and it's gonna start at 9'o clock,
09:59 do you have some kind of like 9'o clock start
10:01 or 8:30 start and 8:30 to 12. I mean how
10:04 do you discipline yourself to put this together
10:06 or is at any time, all the time? Well in the past
10:09 we've had it from about 8:30 in the morning
10:11 until about noon. We stop for lunch then start
10:15 again and finish. But we've done a lot of traveling
10:18 lately, so I just start when I can,
10:24 I can make up days that I miss that's one of the
10:27 really get things by homeschooling because
10:28 if I'm traveling and I miss a day then I can make
10:33 it up later, so. Well you know it's interesting,
10:36 she says that because she says she in the 9th grade
10:38 and she is 14 now. She says, she was 14
10:40 and in the 3rd grade we would know she
10:41 was never make it up, that's right.
10:44 And you know this new program has a way
10:46 of keeping up with all of the records,
10:48 all of grades and everything is going
10:50 to be important for later and that's good for now.
10:52 But we have, it's been a unnecessary thing
11:00 in homeschooling to just help the child to
11:05 understand that they can take care of lot
11:08 of their discipline themselves,
11:11 because in spiritual prophecy we were told
11:12 that we need to teach our children to be
11:14 self-governed. And you know you,
11:18 like I said before you got a lot of the battle
11:20 won when a lot of that's starts coming out.
11:23 You know, of course we are not finished yet
11:25 but we work on it and this is kind of with
11:29 computer is helpful to work on being
11:32 self-disciplined and self-governed. It
11:35 really in this particular program we wanted
11:37 to kind of get acquainted which I think,
11:38 we have kind of set a context but really
11:42 what we would like to do Rachel is to talk about
11:45 the subject of Peer Pressure. In other words,
11:49 here you are 14 years old and you are surrounded
11:52 by all of these voices and all these pressures
11:55 and the advertisements and besides all the other
11:57 kids. And I just wonder how you as a Christian
12:02 young lady, you know how you relate to all this,
12:06 I see how your, you know that,
12:09 what kind of person you are got acquainted
12:10 with you. And you know there is a lot of other
12:13 girls of your age or really going off,
12:14 excuse my expression in the deep end,
12:18 and of course you had to confront that.
12:21 Why have you chosen to, you know before
12:24 you are? I mean how do you resist?
12:27 Well you know I have had my own share trails,
12:30 but I've realized that God's way is the best way
12:33 and that's the way I want to follow and that
12:36 my parents do know best, I mean if they
12:39 made mistakes at times but they've been
12:42 a child like me, they've been a teenager
12:44 and stuff. And they know what I've been through,
12:49 and I think a lot of the peer pressure that teens
12:52 struggle with is, it has a lot to do with how they
12:56 dress you know. Especially, if you like me where
12:58 I won't hand me down for my sister and
13:02 I shop at this stores, I'm not ashamed to say
13:04 that I shop at this stores, you know because
13:06 I feel that I can find better bargains there.
13:08 I mean I can find really good clothes there but
13:12 I can save my money 'cause I think stewardship
13:15 comes in there as well. If you don't feel like you
13:18 have to have named brands you know Polo,
13:20 Nautica, Tommy, Sketcher shoes you know
13:23 if you feel like you have to have those then
13:26 you can't save the money. You can't put it toward
13:29 anything. Now I mean, how can you face to other
13:32 kids I mean, doesn't make you feel like nobody
13:34 and you know I'm nobody, how do you face these
13:37 other kids with sister clothes Well they would
13:40 have to know they are just a clothes.
13:43 And I did you are even telling me one time
13:44 that you can by name some sister.
13:46 That's true. You can find it if you go to the right
13:49 place then you can find it. But in reality
13:50 some of the stores, that she has had is going
13:53 through those feelings of hand-me-downs.
13:56 Exactly, because even if other people don't know
13:58 that you wearing hand-me-downs,
14:00 you know it. And you almost feel like they are
14:02 scaring at you because your brand,
14:06 you know they not brand new, you know.
14:09 So a close issue is something that the
14:12 children do have to face. Obviously,
14:15 if you've seen anybody on the streets,
14:17 you know that there is an issue about clothing.
14:19 I mean. You can, if you watch anything on
14:23 television and occasionally for information
14:28 I will watch a talk show once in a while,
14:30 because I want to see some of the things,
14:32 where I don't like to watch the whole thing
14:34 and I don't know who is like to see what
14:36 I've just seen. In other words it only takes
14:38 five seconds sometimes. But if you see anything
14:42 like that you know that there is a horrible issue
14:46 and draw uphold to the world about clothing.
14:49 And that's just one of things but that's gonna
14:52 big one for you. because if you aren't dressed
14:58 like the person out there, the person that
15:00 you see walk down the street there on,
15:04 you know it seems like they have it altogether
15:07 they got polo, polo sport you know oh wow,
15:11 awesome but inside they are so lonely and
15:19 besides they got a hole in their pocket,
15:21 since they notice. You gonna see money,
15:25 and thrift is an important thing to ours.
15:26 You know Rachel for those of us who,
15:30 who were not young people right now
15:31 we used to be young. We see some of these
15:33 styles. It is incredible you know,
15:35 is there is a young man walking down the street
15:36 looks like excuse me his pants were about to
15:38 fall off. Or you know these kids that wear these
15:41 baseball caps on backward these days and
15:43 of course I don't know if you remember
15:46 Kathy that back, when we were kids the only
15:48 one that worries a baseball cap backward
15:50 was the catcher in a ball game. Yes that's true.
15:53 And so I heard a good one Rachel wear this,
15:55 where these two boys were walking along the
15:56 sidewalk and hold their caps on backward and
15:58 one of them says to the other,
15:59 I don't know why they don't make these caps
16:00 so they keep the center out, right.
16:04 Oh Dick, sometimes you ridiculous.
16:08 But times have changed, that's true.
16:10 And I know that Rachel has had some struggles
16:13 in that, you know while we were here,
16:15 is because you wanted to share some of that.
16:17 And Rachel what we are saying is that here
16:19 you are and you are hero and you are saying
16:22 you know I can actually resist these things
16:24 I don't have to be what everybody else
16:26 is but we've always that way I mean,
16:29 how did you get to where you at now?
16:32 Well I've learned that, I have to check myself
16:33 where .who I am because God made me the way
16:36 I am and he knew what he is doing I heard
16:39 preachers say once God never says 'oops'.
16:41 That's good. Yeah, right. God never says 'oops'.
16:44 That's right. And he is coming back that close
16:46 on some of the people. No not true.
16:52 But you have to learn to accept yourself because
16:57 God knew what He was doing. And in sometimes
16:59 it's really hard you know because you don't have
17:02 the money, you don't have it altogether it seems
17:04 like but you do, if you trust at the Lord,
17:08 if you trust God. And well where do you get your
17:11 value from? You get your value from God,
17:12 you don't get your value from what kind of car
17:14 you drive, or what kind of clothes you wear
17:16 or you know if you have a stereo system or not,
17:19 that's not one, where you get your value from it?
17:20 Right. And you know I want to say that if friends
17:24 don't accept, if people don't accept you for
17:26 who you are now, then if you change then
17:30 won't be your true friends, once you change.
17:31 Did you change that, If you change for them
17:33 they won't be your true friends. Because if
17:38 they do be friends you then it's just because
17:40 you see him like a co-friend at that time.
17:41 You become like them. Or you become like them
17:44 or you might have something that they want.
17:46 It's a very selfish way. It is, it is.
17:49 But if they will like you for who you are now,
17:51 then they will like you when you change because
17:53 in reality you still the same way. Alright.
17:56 Did you have trouble with your immediate peers?
17:59 No, no. I struggled the most with what I thought
18:03 the people out there, thought of me because
18:06 everybody there I knew accepted me for
18:09 exactly who I was. All your immediate friends.
18:12 All my immediate friends, everybody at church,
18:13 you know everybody that I knew accepted me
18:15 for who I was. But I struggled with what
18:19 the people in the street or in the grocery store.
18:22 It seem like they were staring at me, you know.
18:24 So this is going on in your mind probably.
18:26 Yeah, yeah it was all in my mind. So
18:28 you know I just realized several weeks ago
18:34 that's it was the people out there that may
18:37 be you feel like uncomfortable.
18:38 You mean you identified it. Yeah, yeah.
18:42 The people you didn't even know, the people
18:43 I would never met before that, I didn't know
18:45 their names, I didn't know anything about them.
18:47 But then this would have some connection with
18:50 advertising, wouldn't it?. Yeah, yeah.
18:51 Advertising, Advertising place such an important
18:54 part in people's insecurities because they
18:59 always say oh I got to have that to be,
19:00 to have it made, you know. I got to have that
19:04 but you don't because the more you have the
19:06 more you want. Do you know, you know
19:08 I thought Rachel that advertising I am talking
19:12 about the general that surrounds us is the
19:15 biggest foot down area. See it's advertising
19:18 that says when you are fat, it's advertising it
19:21 says when you are thin, it's advertising that
19:23 says when you are good looking,
19:24 it's advertising that says when you are ugly,
19:27 it's advertising that says when you are smart
19:31 or you are dumb. And so advertising is
19:34 manipulating our hates. You know,
19:36 I think it came out of you recently Dick
19:39 that you said something about getting our value;
19:41 it's you that I get my value from someone else,
19:45 not me but from you. Yeah we were talking
19:48 about self-esteem in another program we did
19:50 and so that basically speaking that we are
19:54 allowing the world to put us into a small.
19:57 You know there is a text it says,
19:58 it says be not confirmed to this world,
20:01 be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
20:03 I think another translation says don't let
20:05 the world put you into a small.
20:07 And so I think what I hear Rachel saying
20:09 is that really the world which is squeezing
20:13 in around her it was just trying to force her
20:17 to be what it wanted her to be one day
20:18 I guess you woke up and say wait a minute,
20:20 I'm not gonna do this. No, well I don't it was
20:23 just day or was it? No I don't think it was
20:24 just one day it took a long time to get out
20:27 of feeling, so uncomfortable with
20:31 the way I was. You know it takes a long time
20:36 to can have a, you can just snap out of way
20:38 right way. Well you go into in a day.
20:40 You can't because I knew reality its nothing with
20:44 the people out there, it's all in your head
20:47 it's all the way perceive yourself,
20:48 in your particular case. Yeah, yeah it's all the
20:50 way that you think of yourself what you think
20:53 you look like. Well then that's not necessarily
20:55 in your particular case because it's always
20:58 in the way we think of ourselves,
21:00 right isn't it? In peer pressure.
21:03 As we perceive that others are thinking.
21:04 Others are thinking about it. Do you know may
21:06 I still on the table here, another concept of that
21:11 you know it will sound like a same thing.
21:14 See it's natural for us, to be surrounded by
21:17 what we call peer pressure. Peer pressure
21:18 is like air, in other words is because there
21:20 is everybody else and to be under peer pressure
21:24 is to be a human being of because it's there.
21:26 You are not gonna escape it? We are not
21:28 gonna escape it, but however I think
21:29 what we are talking about is will we become
21:33 peer dependent, this is the key word.
21:36 Good term, in other words that I depend for
21:39 my self respect, for my concept of who I'm,
21:43 I mean it in others, tell me how to dress,
21:46 Tell me what to eat, Tell me you know what
21:48 I how to do and what I ought not do?
21:51 And to the place where I'm not a person unless
21:54 I'm doing what you said. And so it's not peer
21:59 pressure, peer pressure is like air,
22:01 but it's peer dependency is this think gets
22:04 into your head, right and which we become almost
22:06 taken over about it. Can you share any more Rachel
22:10 about your feelings, how well how you got over it?
22:15 Well. Maybe in the middle of it, do you remember
22:17 one day are praying with you? The three
22:21 of us even got in the bed room together and we
22:26 were she was feeling this very strongly and at
22:31 a point in time when it was becoming depressing
22:36 to her and not just dress but that and some
22:43 other things but as we begin to get into what
22:47 the problem was and we begin to talk about it.
22:50 You began to be freed from it, because it
22:52 was no longer just in her head.
22:54 Yeah because I realized that what I was thinking
22:58 was just foolishness because the way I saw
23:05 myself wasn't with other people saw me as
23:09 you know. Right you had to become,
23:11 you had make that clear in your head that was true.
23:16 That it wasn't what you were thinking about
23:18 yourself it was well it just was not what
23:25 you thought there were thinking about you.
23:27 Right, do you know I had an experience that I
23:30 don't know if it's exactly like here was Rachel
23:32 and but it was happening to me when I was
23:33 in college and I must have been 18 years old
23:37 studying for the ministry believe it or not.
23:39 Do you know I think I was having this thing
23:41 that was having, you know what I was having?
23:43 Friday nights, oh yeah Friday nights believe
23:46 it or not. It was like I wanted to go out
23:47 into the world, I wanted to do,
23:49 whatever they were doing, whatever that was.
23:52 And it just got heaver and heaver on me.
23:54 And I can remember that one day I finally went
23:56 to the dean and I said you know I want to go
23:59 out into the world, I want to do whatever
24:00 they are doing. And you know, what he said.
24:03 He said go ahead. Yeah you told me this,
24:05 he said go ahead. Now you have to be careful
24:07 today I think if you said that. But, it was thing
24:10 I needed to hear because I think this is
24:12 happened in Rachel's head to see.
24:15 In other words she had to deal with something
24:17 she had to make a decision before it was
24:19 just all going with a flow, but there she had
24:21 to become intentional and so when the dean
24:23 said to me well go head then he sit me
24:26 free I decided I did want to go. Okay,
24:29 I decided I wanted to be who I was not but
24:32 ever that was. I think that's what here are
24:34 you saying. That's once it came out of me open,
24:38 suddenly you said I like who I'm, right.
24:42 Can you share a little bit about how
24:43 you begin to feel about yourself when you
24:45 wrestle this thing to the ground and it became
24:49 a decision now that's not really what I want to do.
24:54 I have to draw a line and now I feel.
24:57 I'm happy with who I'm, you know and like
25:00 I said before I don't care if I brought my clothes
25:03 secondhand shops. Because I don't find my value
25:07 in how I dressing I mean I like dressing nicely.
25:10 And I don't mind if I find name brand clothes,
25:14 but I don't find my value in how I dress
25:18 what I look like. I find my value in what God
25:21 thinks of me and what my family thinks of me.
25:25 And, it's kind a gotten into a maybe the channel
25:30 where God had wanted it, I hope so.
25:34 I want to go, do you know, you know when
25:35 she talks about the importance of clothes
25:38 is diminished. It's what she is,
25:40 now this important. I heard somebody say one
25:42 time that if you ask me to describe someone
25:46 I don't know or describe how they look.
25:49 If you ask me to describe someone I
25:51 love and appreciate are they what kind of people
25:53 they are, right. And so really the higher our
25:56 concepts go the less we look at the outward
26:00 appearance. And the more we look at the
26:03 inner man and I think this is what I here her
26:06 saying that. Suddenly as I begun to realize
26:08 my true value in the side of God and I would
26:11 probably say inner side of my family, yes.
26:14 That it wasn't me as an outside person
26:16 it was me as an inside person that really matter.
26:18 That's what we were looking, what a victory,
26:20 what an answer to your prayers.
26:21 And this really is a struggle with,
26:23 that's probably good for you to have gone
26:25 through now and not at later age and not
26:28 to say that you are not gonna go through
26:29 them again, or anyone you know lots of people
26:33 are going through this things and we need to
26:35 make solid decisions. Are you happy now
26:38 that you are made the decisions?
26:39 Oh I was just to say that I'm so happy,
26:41 now that I have made the decision to accept
26:43 myself for who I'm. because, you know that
26:46 there, you are just happier, you know,
26:51 you are just yourself, right. She can be free.
26:53 She is saying you are just happy and you
26:55 think, it's mother, boy I'm so proud to have
26:57 a daughter like that. Yes that was,
26:58 it really was a painful time.
27:01 And that is only one of the smaller issues,
27:03 but I would rather deal with the smaller issues
27:05 now than die over the later and it can still be
27:09 painful. Well thank you Rachel I know that
27:13 it wasn't easy for you to be on here.
27:14 But, I'm glad that you tried and thank you
27:17 Dick for joining us. Oh it's been a pleasure.
27:19 And I know that our viewers and listeners can
27:25 be thinking about what their families go through.
27:28 I want to encourage you and I hope that you
27:30 won't weary or well doing, amen.
27:32 Stay with us we gonna have a prayer but I hope
27:35 you will join us gain on Thinking about Home.
27:37 Dick will you have prayer for us? Sure.
27:38 Heavenly father we are thankful for Rachel,
27:41 we are thankful for her victory Lord
27:43 and that through every stage of our lives
27:45 where they were 14, or 40 or even 70 whatever
27:49 it is that you by her size that you never
27:51 leave her for seek us, be with Rachel as she
27:54 continues to grow in grace and in the
27:56 knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.


Revised 2014-12-17