Thinking About Home

Plain Talk To The Church About Relationships

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Richard O'Ffill, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000139

00:31 Welcome to Thinking About Home.
00:32 I am Kathy Matthews and I'm glad you're with us.
00:35 We've been going through a series called Plain Talk,
00:39 and this is the last of our series and our guest
00:41 today is the director of the Men's Ministries from
00:44 the Florida Conference of Seventh-Day Adventist
00:46 and that's Pastor Richard O'Ffill.
00:48 We've been having lot of fun, haven't we?
00:49 I've enjoyed it immensely. I have, and you take
00:53 away my nervousness. We've been doing
00:55 plain talk and you know, I think Kathy that
00:58 it's important that we talk clearly we don't,
01:01 you know maybe there is a time to talk.
01:04 You know with the hidden agenda, not, not,
01:07 not not really or to you know kind of be really
01:10 careful but I think that by enlarge if our
01:14 Christian lives are gonna work, then we have
01:16 to as they say let it all hang out and
01:19 and I have found and I don't know if you
01:21 experiences the same, but though our lives are
01:25 different in many ways, as different individuals
01:28 has different families. We more are like
01:30 then we are different. There is kind of a generic
01:33 something about us all and I have found
01:35 in my own life, in my own preaching,
01:38 then when I began to talk about myself and
01:39 some of my own challenges and people will say
01:42 that's like me. That's just like me, I know,
01:44 our subject today is going to be about the family.
01:48 The relationship with the family to the church,
01:50 to the church, is that correct? You know.
01:52 What does the family have to do with the church?
01:56 You know we talk about the family of God
01:59 and whenever we go to church and we will say
02:01 aren't we? We are so glad. We will even sing that,
02:03 we are so glad, we are part of the family of God.
02:05 Yes. So, I got thinking about this and thought
02:08 you know, if we can see the human family.
02:11 Our God showed us as one family.
02:14 That this though it would be one family
02:16 it is really comprised of many, many families.
02:19 And, and as they say the whole is the sum of
02:22 these parts, and so it was seem to me that
02:25 the condition of the church at a particular
02:28 time wouldn't that reflect the condition
02:31 of the families that comprise it? Yes,
02:34 so would the church be changing the family
02:37 or the family changing the church? Now that was
02:40 profound, how would you answer that?
02:45 Well I would say that's in it it's comprised of
02:48 its parts then it would be the family that
02:50 changing the church. The family is changing
02:52 the church, but how be at when we come together
02:54 as families it's to encourage all the parts,
02:57 but I would say although its. What's happening to
03:02 our families? Yeah, what's happening to
03:04 our families is changing our church. Yes I agree.
03:06 And, in fact, you know there is lots of
03:07 discussions about what's going on in the church.
03:10 But what we are doing on Sabbath is tending to
03:14 reflect these days the way we live
03:15 the rest of the week. We don't know,
03:17 I don't think lot of people have the family
03:20 altar or the family worship as much as they
03:22 could and I believe that's really unestablished
03:26 principle in God's word and probably we ought to
03:30 be looking to that more. And of course this is
03:33 the challenge before we begin the program,
03:35 remember we were saying. You said, well
03:37 let's discuss the issue of family worship.
03:40 Well I don't know if the family worship
03:42 is an issue, is an issue,
03:43 but it's definitely a challenge.
03:44 Well it is a challenge, that' right.
03:45 It's not debatable, it's not an issue and then
03:47 it's debatable. As you just said it's got to be,
03:50 it was meant to be all of the, you know the
03:53 great heroes of the faith they had a family-altar.
03:56 Yes. And so here in the 21st century,
03:59 we need to have a family altar and we called that
04:01 family worship. So, how can we have more
04:03 meaningful than worship? May I ask you a
04:05 question? No, are you kidding yes.
04:09 You have two daughters of course Sarah and Rachel
04:12 such beautiful name, the Bible names.
04:15 Oh thank you. So surely you and Tom have a,
04:19 you know you have a family worship.
04:20 Well, in fact, I had been having breakfast with you,
04:22 you know, as we've been here and Tom leads
04:24 in worship every morning.
04:26 Is that what you usually do? Well that's what we
04:28 always do, but that didn't come natural, that didn't
04:31 come before those children were born.
04:35 It didn't even come at first when we became
04:38 Christians because we didn't know to do that
04:41 and then we saw the example and we wanted to
04:45 set that example in our own home.
04:47 Then we had learned little about how to do it.
04:49 And then when the children were small,
04:52 it was different then it is now, yes of course,
04:55 and all of those factors made a difference.
04:57 So, yes we tried to have morning and evening
05:01 worship of which we learned to do after
05:04 we did a study on the sanctuary.
05:05 Yes, you know I noticed this morning,
05:07 if I might refer to breakfast?
05:09 Yes, as we sat around the table and Tom had
05:12 the Bible there, yes, and I think he began
05:15 with prayer and he prayed and I remember
05:18 he said and Lord as we open your word bless us
05:21 and then he read out, like a little Psalm and then
05:26 we sang a little song. I didn't sing because
05:27 I didn't know the song. You know, I guess he did,
05:29 I didn't know the first part of it. Yes.
05:31 And yesterday you were saying a scripture,
05:33 the scripture Psalm, of which we don't always do.
05:37 That's one area where we have to become
05:39 comfortable, because when the children were
05:41 little we had to become comfortable hearing our
05:44 own voices acapella. Yes, you're right.
05:46 You are not singing in the choir or the shower,
05:49 where nobody can hear you. That's right.
05:50 This was becoming comfortable with
05:52 ourselves. Now, now when you all have
05:56 morning worship is usually around the
05:57 breakfast table or might it be often.
06:00 It often times is out in the living room.
06:03 Yes. Sometimes it's at the table. Well because
06:06 I suppose if our audience today has considered
06:11 about having, you know, family worship where
06:12 you have it will affect what is going to be,
06:15 when you having around the breakfast table
06:18 you can't have it too long. No, yes and
06:21 especially if you are expecting the children to
06:23 stay calm and, just to stay focused,
06:25 yes and focused. When I was ill we had it
06:28 around the bed. Around the bed, right. Yes.
06:30 You know Rachel is the, youngest, child that you
06:34 have at home now. Yes. Because Sarah is away
06:36 and but isn't that there is big difference between
06:41 the kind of worship you'll have when your child
06:43 is 15 than when it's five. Little more in depth.
06:47 Well do you know let me just say that, I make a
06:50 confession is the doctrine, is a fair, that
06:56 of course Betty and I have four children
06:59 and because they are all growing.
07:00 Is this going to be your confessing story that I
07:02 asked you for? Yes this is a confession that you
07:03 asked me to confess. So, she made me do this.
07:07 So anyway Betty always led in worship believe it
07:11 or not. She led in worship and she and of course
07:14 we were doing worship for little people.
07:16 So she was doing little people worship,
07:20 guess what I was doing, well you sleeping,
07:24 I'm so embarrassed, you should be,
07:26 you know I feel so ashamed to myself,
07:29 but as I look back on it and by the way you know
07:31 there is two ways of looking back. You know
07:34 you can look back and you feel just so guilty that
07:36 you just hate yourself or you can look back and say.
07:39 You know if I had to that do it again.
07:40 This is the way everybody do. See I think
07:42 this is what the Christian life is got
07:43 to be ultimately. Well that's what we have,
07:44 that's what we have in this program for us so
07:46 the things that we realize that are very important,
07:50 we can pass on to someone else and hopes that
07:52 they will do better than we did.
07:54 Well that's the point and we learn by experience.
07:57 Yes. So I can always, you know, tell you to do
08:01 what I did, sometimes I have to say don't do it.
08:04 Do what I did exactly. And so, and so I'm ashamed,
08:08 but I know the Lord forgiven me for all the
08:10 worships that I slept through, but as I
08:12 look back on it and this is not to critic Betty,
08:15 but then see Tom knows what he supposed to do
08:18 in worshiping, but you see I guess I didn't know.
08:21 I guess I was so may be little indifferent
08:24 isn't not that I didn't care that I should have
08:27 had in the sign role in worship.
08:28 Now Betty was going to read the Bible stories
08:31 to her little friend, but I should have had
08:34 the opening prayer or the closing prayer or
08:37 an input along the way, where it would have been
08:38 kind of like a Sabbath school program. Right.
08:40 And then I had to stay awake. Yes.
08:42 That would keep you going; well mine was
08:45 kind of to lead the music especially when they
08:48 were little it was always expected that mother
08:50 would start the music. And then you got to
08:52 where we would let the children start or choose.
08:55 Of course, we have some counsel that says
08:57 when they are capable of reading they could join in
09:01 and they could read scripture and we were not
09:05 always though into a lot of entertainment
09:10 and we need to do, we need to balance out that
09:13 to where there are times that is very serious
09:16 and yet on their level, but we didn't do a lot of
09:19 song and dance for our children. No, no.
09:22 We expect that was the time, where we wanted to
09:24 prepare them to be in worship for church.
09:27 And this was the time that it needed to be done
09:29 and we realized that the God gave us the grace
09:32 and understanding to realize that.
09:34 If we are going to have them to enjoy or to be
09:37 trained to be reverend in church and worship
09:42 then they needed to do adhere in family worship,
09:44 where we would take care of it all.
09:46 It's really important what you are saying
09:48 because some parents are so frustrated
09:50 when they take their children to church
09:51 because they won't stay still.
09:53 They seemed to be out of control and the time
09:56 in which we prepare our children to learn to
10:00 worship is in the family worship because,
10:03 because if they have done that six days
10:05 a week then church is not going to be a change,
10:08 but if they haven't had family worship during
10:10 the week or if the family worship is so far out.
10:13 It was sort of a wrestle or rough-and-tumble.
10:15 Yes. Then this other situation. Do you know
10:18 I was in a home one time and we are sharing
10:21 in family worship. I want to say something
10:22 about that before we get off this subject,
10:24 but go ahead, well anyway I was in this home
10:27 with family worship and they were two boys
10:30 and of course their parents. Kathy they did
10:33 something I thought was wonderful, they had
10:35 this part of the worship in which one member of
10:38 the family would turn and tell what they liked
10:41 about the person sitting next to them. Yes.
10:43 All we have been through that.
10:44 Oh that was wonderful, we should keep that up,
10:46 it was wonderful, because you know
10:48 siblings especially are always insulting
10:51 each other, each other. You know, if I don't like
10:53 about the person sitting next to me, yes.
10:55 It was blessed experience. They got the sweetest
10:58 smiles on their face and not only, you know,
11:01 did it bring the good out in the person who was
11:04 having to, having to think of something
11:05 that they like, but these others, you know
11:08 the others just glowed and so I like what you say
11:11 that family worship has to be participatory.
11:14 That's a non-conflict time to build bonding.
11:17 It's what is about. Yeah I mean well, of course,
11:18 you don't build much bonding in conflict
11:20 but it was a time, when bonding could be,
11:25 you know, always remembered in that
11:28 beautiful moment of worship, family worship.
11:31 And this is where we also thought.
11:34 I've tried to mentor young parents.
11:39 And one of the things that they always have
11:41 trouble with here is worship, and this is
11:44 an area where if you have little ones that not
11:49 allowing them to crawl all over the place
11:51 while prayer is taking place. That's right.
11:53 Is something that mother and dad have a
11:56 responsibility to do, you might think that you
11:58 wanted to set the example because you know you
12:00 want to have your prayer in reverent position,
12:03 but it's your duty to watch out for them
12:05 and then somewhere along the line they are gonna be
12:07 watching you to see what you do all the time.
12:09 That's right, that's right,
12:10 but you are in a position of a parent,
12:12 where you are going to be watching them to train
12:14 them at these moments. If you wanting them to
12:18 close their eyes or fold their hands or do
12:20 some sort of reverent position of which I
12:22 feel like is necessary. But on the other hand,
12:25 you know if the little child sitting there,
12:26 you know, you are not spanking their hands. No.
12:28 And you know giving them hits on the back sides
12:31 you got to be reverent bang.
12:33 Now we are talking about hands on when they are
12:36 so small that you can put your hands over
12:39 their hands and that sort of thing and
12:41 and helping them just for a short prayer not a
12:44 15-minute prayer but a short prayer to help them
12:47 to understand that this is the time
12:48 and the place you need to be still in reverent.
12:50 There is nothing wrong with the child being still,
12:53 but they have to learn to be still. Do you know
12:55 if you permit me to say this, when you talk
12:59 about praying and praying with our children.
13:01 It occurred to me one day and I may have been
13:03 listening to my self prayer or may be to
13:06 Betty pray with the grandchildren.
13:10 And I don't say this disrespectfully because
13:12 I appreciate so much, you know, the prayers
13:13 of the mothers and prayer of my own wife
13:15 for her children, but I listened to the prayer
13:18 and it seem like, it seem like that many times
13:23 our prayers are at the children. You know,
13:25 dear God, you know help, help Rachel to be a
13:28 good girl, help her to be obedient,
13:30 help her not to do this, help her not, poor Rachel
13:32 see I hope this prayer gets over fast.
13:34 And so and I thought to myself.
13:36 You know, if we are going to confess our children
13:38 sins at worship. We ought to confess
13:41 a few of our own, our own of course. Yes.
13:44 And so if I'm gonna say you know help,
13:45 help Andrea to be a good girl and to love
13:50 Jesus you know I could add and help grandpa
13:53 to be kind and forgiving. And we should.
13:56 I could confess a few of my own. That's right,
13:58 and that would be very enduring I think and
14:01 balancing, and they can see that.
14:02 Well, how is the child gonna learn to repent
14:04 if they have never seen it done and they need
14:06 to hear you. Absolutely they do,
14:08 actually one of the things that we did when it,
14:11 it came to discipline it was not necessarily
14:14 a family worship but it was around discipline
14:15 and it was coming to me I was trying to teach
14:19 them to come to me to confess what they
14:22 had done and then, but then I didn't just
14:25 have me as the only confessor, but I said
14:30 and I will, and this was after they were
14:32 old enough, and I will take you to the
14:34 throne of grace and I will take you to Christ.
14:37 And in that way I want you to learn now to
14:39 soon bypass me and go to the throne of grace
14:42 for yourself. And this was effective,
14:46 that kind of thing was effective for them,
14:48 absolutely, but that's the time to in worship
14:51 that you can train them to go to the grace
14:54 or go to the throne of grace, so that
14:57 the confession of sin and then you don't
14:59 have to be confessing it for them.
15:01 I can do it for themselves.
15:02 Well I hope that those who are with us
15:03 have gotten some ideas and I'm sure that
15:06 if we could talk with them that they could give
15:08 us many ideas because it's challenge.
15:11 If we're going to have family worship,
15:12 we're gonna do it in a regular way.
15:14 We have to do it intentionally
15:15 and we have to work at it.
15:17 And, and I have really found that you know
15:19 in our lives we're usually into what we're
15:22 spending time on, it takes planning,
15:24 it takes planning and we have to know
15:25 in advance we don't just do it Adhoc and if
15:29 we would give God time all the change in our lives.
15:32 If we will give him time at home, our homes
15:34 would be different places, but you know maybe we
15:36 ought to just kind of a gone from family worship,
15:40 because family worship is really getting ready
15:42 for corporate worship where all the families,
15:44 right, as we said at the beginning of
15:45 the program all the families come together
15:47 as the family have got for corporate worship.
15:50 Well corporate worship begins when?
15:54 Oh come on now answer your question.
15:56 Well it seems to me though that as the world
15:59 gets together for the Sabbath
16:01 and honoring the Sabbath. Yes.
16:02 That corporately by faith we get together
16:04 at the beginning of the Sabbath. Well I thought
16:06 that's where you are coming from, absolutely,
16:08 in the preparation day Friday and then
16:10 coming to the beginning of the Sabbath
16:12 the opening hours. Well of course the scripture
16:15 is very clear that from the sunset to sunset.
16:18 Right, you mean it doesn't start at worship service.
16:21 That that's a good point, that's a good point
16:24 it does it, it does it. You know, I think
16:25 we ought to discuss just a little bit this matter
16:29 of the Sabbath I know and of the worship
16:31 and of honoring the Sabbath and I needless,
16:35 needless to say because of our kind of modern
16:38 lives it's getting more and more challenging, yes,
16:43 to be ready when a Sabbath comes and it's pretty
16:47 hard you know to be going 60 miles an hour
16:53 and then just hit the brakes that could put
16:56 you through the windshield and so I think
17:00 that if we're going to be ready for the Sabbath
17:03 we got to be slowing down before sunset.
17:06 Well we need to be slowing down in our thoughts
17:09 in preparation for the Sabbath
17:11 well on in the week. Yes. Planning toward the
17:14 Sabbath and it is, it is a sad thing that many
17:20 are not thinking about the Sabbath as much as
17:24 they should nor planning, and this is what we
17:26 want to do is to revive their interest in this
17:29 sort of thing and then and the command to do so.
17:32 Do you know have you heard the expression
17:34 anticipation is greater than the realization
17:37 and in some ways this is true because
17:40 getting ready for an event is what makes it
17:42 exciting and of course I think in many homes
17:46 the Sabbath is kind of the punishment,
17:48 it's kind of threat, you know,
17:49 you better stop doing that at Sabbath.
17:51 You better get ready Sabbath is coming
17:53 and so the child in their minds are saying well,
17:55 you know, I just hate this, I just hate this,
17:58 but we don't hate going on a vacation.
18:00 No, you know, we don't hate going to,
18:02 preparation is exiting you know, visit a friend.
18:03 It's because, this what makes it go and so,
18:06 in someway we need to see the Sabbath
18:10 as a joy or something that hey when Sabbath,
18:13 Sabbath is almost here. Yes.
18:15 It's going to be Sabbath,
18:16 oh great it's going to be Sabbath.
18:18 And it is not just for the fact that you can sleep.
18:19 It's going to be special. Yes something special.
18:21 I don't know, but that's where the planning
18:23 comes in and that's the responsibility of
18:25 the parents or those who are guardians
18:29 that if you can do some planning toward that
18:32 and then cause a little anticipation
18:33 or little excitement and as they get
18:36 older they are understanding;
18:37 that it's their responsibility
18:38 to prepare ahead of time.
18:39 I will tell the story Kathy about how when my
18:42 children and grandchildren come to visit,
18:45 how you know for a week in advance
18:47 Betty is getting cleaning the guest the room and
18:50 you know buying some little gifts and
18:52 by the way when our grandchildren with us.
18:54 Betty has what she calls as Sabbath surprise.
18:56 Oh really. Yeah. That's a nice thing.
18:58 And you see something special for the Sabbath
19:00 by the way I've heard that it's good to have
19:04 what we call Sabbath toys, had you hear that before,
19:07 the soft thing. Yeah right.
19:08 It's some special for them for this moments.
19:09 It's something that comes out only on Sabbath
19:11 you see because a child can't just sit there,
19:14 you know for a 24 hours and just say.
19:16 Now you just sit there and don't move,
19:17 you can't do this, you can't do that, alright.
19:19 Sabbath has to be a time in which you can do
19:21 things that you can't do any other time.
19:22 So the child says, oh I can wait for Sabbath,
19:25 this is what our grandchildren they say,
19:26 oh grandma do you have the Sabbath surprise.
19:29 It's not a video game right by the way,
19:31 it's not a video game, something very,
19:33 very appropriate. Oh, you need to make that clear.
19:34 Yes. In other words it's not something that
19:36 speeds up the course in the pace of their life.
19:39 It's something that's appropriate to the
19:40 Sabbath hours. You know, I think that generally
19:43 speaking probably Friday night can be made
19:46 very special and of course Sabbath morning
19:51 is not so difficult but may I have bounce
19:53 something off of you. Oh you know I may be wrong
19:57 when I say this may be it's a personal opinion.
19:59 But there seems to be a trend to breakup
20:03 the family during the worship service.
20:04 Now I'm not talking about in Sabbath school
20:07 obviously we have our Sabbath school
20:08 departments for the little child.
20:09 You understand where I'm coming from.
20:11 But the society now, that we are gonna have
20:13 babysitting, you know in other words the church
20:15 advertising babysitting, so that mother and daddy
20:18 can sit there. You know listen to the sermon.
20:20 Now I think it's important you know for the mom
20:23 to be able to you know to listen to the sermon,
20:25 able to hear, but I know that Betty for so many
20:28 years she would have those four children
20:30 on the front row. I don't know how many
20:32 sermons she was hearing, but thank God she was,
20:36 she was doing something as important as the sermon.
20:38 Right. She was teaching these little children
20:40 to worship. You know, I can understand having
20:43 all the mothers poise in the back.
20:46 They used to have mothers poise in the back
20:48 they were listed as that and that can be
20:51 important for the reverence of the
20:53 sanctuary and but I found that if I carefully
21:00 tried to take care of. If I was striving for
21:03 taking care of worship during the week and then
21:06 I put them on the front in Sabbath on Sabbath
21:11 then they tended to listen better than if they
21:14 were in the back and I'm not trying cause
21:15 confusion in any church congregation.
21:17 No, no, of course. And distractions but if I
21:21 took care of it during the week I had more peace
21:25 on Sabbath morning and then they could listen.
21:27 They were right there listening.
21:28 That's right, that's right.
21:29 And that help them through the years.
21:31 I mean to say as you say that because
21:33 I might say personally that, well, well let me
21:37 say you know as Pastor will say to people
21:39 why do you want to sit in the back
21:41 come to the front, you know come to the front
21:42 and we always say that. One day I was going to
21:44 a meeting of ministers and I walked in and I
21:46 went right for the back row and I thought
21:47 here I'm doing what I'm telling people
21:49 not to do and then I tried to figure out
21:51 you know what was the sought of the pathology
21:52 of that and I realized that where I sit in the
21:56 church depends on how much I
21:58 intend to participate. Well, yeah.
22:00 And then if I sit in the back it means
22:02 I'm gonna watch. The further down that
22:06 I sit in the church is an intention of
22:08 my determination to participate in it.
22:10 And so, I think mental participation, and so
22:12 I think it's very meaningful what you say
22:14 that if we have our children on the back
22:16 row then they don't even what's going on.
22:18 It's like being you know at a ball game in the
22:19 back and all they see is people heads.
22:22 That's right and that's why and you know you
22:23 might think well I'll never do that
22:25 with my children. Betty had four children
22:27 on the front row. Well I want to be gentle
22:29 with those who may be first coming into
22:31 the church and they are striving toward this,
22:33 but I just want to encourage you that it is
22:35 possible that during the week that this
22:38 sort of things can take place and you will have
22:40 some success and if you'll be consistent and
22:43 you won't give up don't weary in while doing.
22:47 Can we say something maybe, yes our time
22:49 is already. Well you know you get into these
22:51 subjects and just there are so many wonderful
22:53 things and I would hope that those who are
22:56 with us, would not think well they are gonna get
23:00 the last word, they are gonna tell us what to do
23:01 and we've got to do it their way.
23:03 What we want to do is begin to think
23:04 about these things. Yes. We're gonna
23:06 turn our minds on because I think all of us
23:08 together are more creative than any of us
23:10 just by ones or twos. But it's really not just
23:13 optional, we do it or we don't do it.
23:15 God has asked us to be reverend
23:17 about the Sabbath. You know Sabbath
23:19 afternoon is a big problem. Yes it is.
23:21 May I bounce something off of you,
23:23 when we go to church on Sabbath day I suppose
23:25 I could get into discussion on this too.
23:27 Should I stop you before you get into the
23:29 discussion on this because I want to ask,
23:31 give you a little commercial.
23:32 Yes, I want if there are those that have topics
23:36 for the future or suggestions,
23:38 thoughts in your mind needs that you have
23:40 something that you would like to hear
23:42 Thinking About Home discuss then call or write
23:45 3ABN and the address is 3ABN, PO Box 220,
23:50 West Frankfort, IL 62896 or
23:53 call the 800 number 800-752-3226.
23:58 And mention Thinking About Home
24:00 and give a suggestion for a topic
24:02 I don't know that we can handle all that
24:04 we will hear from but we will try to do the best
24:07 of what we can and there probably would be
24:09 some subjects that we might not be able to get
24:11 into but possibly some that we can
24:14 and we'll do what we can do best for you.
24:17 Now we're back to you. Okay, well and I think
24:20 when I hear you little commercial you are saying.
24:22 You're saying to the people not only share
24:23 with us but think about yourself. Yes.
24:25 Our homes are under attack these days,
24:27 we're in big problems. Our homes are breaking up,
24:30 our children are having huge problems and, and
24:33 as men and women of God at Christian homes.
24:35 We've got to fight back, we've got to fight back,
24:38 but let me say something going back to
24:39 the subject of Sabbath and how to honor the Sabbath.
24:41 Yes. You know the Sabbath afternoon
24:44 is really a tough time and let me say this and
24:47 we won't be able finish this by any means.
24:50 You know, I think how we act has a lot to do
24:54 with how we are dressed. Yes well that would bring
24:57 up the subject to Christian standards.
24:58 Well it really does because see there is even
25:01 a trend to dress down and going to church.
25:04 Yes. You see if I go to church.
25:05 What isn't that come from the idea of God accepts
25:07 me the way I am. The way I'm see,
25:09 and he does accept that he doesn't leave me that way.
25:12 Well because he accepts me but you see I ought to
25:14 think more of him. You know how we dress
25:16 on a particular occasion indicates how we feel
25:19 about it. That's true. In other words,
25:21 if a person goes to a banquet they don't go
25:24 in shorts and cut offs. Not usually.
25:27 And so if I'm gonna dress up for a banquet
25:29 you would think it would only make sense
25:30 that I would want, you know, to treat
25:32 God atleast on the level of banquet. Right.
25:35 It is the spiritual banquet after all.
25:37 But what I'm leading up to is I think
25:39 the challenge of keeping our children
25:42 honoring the Sabbath in the afternoon,
25:44 can have to do something with the way they dress.
25:47 In other words, if they come home and we
25:49 change their Sabbath clothes and we put
25:51 them into some grungies. Something that they
25:53 usually wear when they go to a ballgame,
25:55 and then they gonna want to play ball.
25:56 Yes there is a connection isn't that.
25:58 Of course there is and so I think we need to make
26:01 the Sabbath special all day long.
26:03 I mean, you know not to threaten them but
26:05 to say the Sabbath is a special time in which
26:07 we come up see and if I'm dressing up a little
26:10 bit and I'm having these in special occasions.
26:12 I think it will bring out the best in me. Yes.
26:15 And not only in the children
26:16 but in the whole family.
26:17 Well, but I think society has pressed on us
26:19 and we've accepted it, the idea that we should
26:22 be so child-centered and I'm not trying to
26:25 be unkind to children. You're right.
26:27 Please don't misunderstand me on that,
26:29 but children can learn to be respectful
26:32 for a short period of time.
26:33 God has asked only 1/7th of the week
26:38 and if we don't realize at this.
26:41 This has as a connection with our being prepared
26:43 for heaven, yes, our preparedness.
26:45 If we, if we are not trying to
26:47 prepare and strive toward this then our
26:50 character is not being developed the way the
26:52 Christ wants it to be developed and we need
26:54 to think about these things. Absolutely,
26:57 what a thrill it is that God shared his creative
27:02 power with us and that we have our families.
27:05 Yes. And that we are one with him in this
27:07 relationship and how important is that our
27:09 families stay strong in the Lord and stay strong
27:12 in the Lord. Amen. And we haven't got to
27:13 discuss everything, but we're gonna have to
27:14 to end with prayer. Let's do that and let's pray
27:16 for our families. Yes, we want you to know
27:18 that we'll be praying for you.
27:20 We want you to join us again, this is the last
27:23 of the plain talk, plain talk, but we're going
27:25 to be having other programs coming up
27:28 that I think you'll be interested in.
27:30 We're gonna have prayer for you,
27:31 please join us in prayer and I'll see you again
27:33 next time on Thinking About Home.
27:35 Heavenly Father, we're thankful Lord for
27:37 our homes and we pray that is
27:39 mothers and fathers and is grandparents
27:42 and sons and daughters. Oh Lord may the angels
27:45 be in our homes, may we have homes where the
27:48 angels love to dwell and in our homes,
27:51 may the words of our mouth,
27:53 may the meditations of our hearts
27:55 be acceptable in yours sight
27:57 through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray.


Revised 2014-12-17