Thinking About Home

Plain Talk To Children And Youth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Richard O'Ffill, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000136

00:31 Hi I'm Kathy Matthews and this is
00:33 Thinking About Home, welcome back.
00:35 We've been doing a series on plain talk.
00:39 And our guest has been the director of
00:42 men's ministries of the Florida Conference of
00:44 Seventh-Day Adventists, Pastor Richard O'Ffill.
00:47 And I'm glad you are here again I enjoy so much
00:49 to talk that we do. There we are as always
00:51 it's been wonderful. And of course as
00:53 you've told our audience you know we used
00:57 to say a viewing audience, but now we can say
00:59 viewing and listening audience, yes,
01:00 and as much as 3ABN now has radio, oh yes,
01:03 isn't that wonderful? Yes it is and I didn't realize
01:05 but they just informed me that this is going out
01:08 over the air, yeah, on the radio as well.
01:10 So we would also greet the radio listeners.
01:12 Yes let's do it. But you know we are talking
01:14 plain talk and of course I hope that those who
01:17 have joined this will understand that we are
01:20 talking about some pretty basic things and
01:23 of course you know we would have pretend
01:26 that we have the last word and that we are
01:28 writing everybody else is wrong. It's just that
01:31 we think that there are several ways to see some
01:34 things and that maybe we are seeing the things
01:38 much too narrow that there are other options,
01:40 right. And especially we as Christians,
01:44 we must understand, most definitely,
01:45 that the society in which we live is not our friend.
01:49 No it isn't, it's really against us generally.
01:53 And if we just take our lives as a society
01:57 prescribes we are gonna lose everything,
01:59 right. You know Dickey you were telling me about,
02:02 did you were talking with the pediatricians.
02:06 isn't that right? I was talking with pediatricians.
02:07 I don't know it tell me about that,
02:08 I was attending I think it was, where was I,
02:11 I guess I was in a church.
02:12 I was thinking it was a medical/dental retreat.
02:14 But it was in the church and between meetings
02:17 a pediatrician came to me and he said of his own
02:20 initiative. He said you know this tension deficit
02:23 disorders they called I think that's what they
02:25 call it. He says I think that's environmentally
02:28 induced. Was this recently? Oh it's just within
02:32 the last couple of months. Now before we discuss
02:35 this first of all I'm not a medical person,
02:38 I don't pretend to say that there would be
02:41 never an instance in which there would be
02:44 some kind of a chemical imbalance, right,
02:46 of that, in other words some kind of a real
02:48 physiological or whatever. But I want to come
02:54 from the point where the pedestrian was.
02:56 And he says I think that the children are being
03:00 hyperstimulated, he says I think that the environment
03:03 is creating some of these things for which
03:07 we are having to prescribe what they call that
03:10 pills, the source, Ritalin? Yeah what does it call?
03:13 Ritalin, Ritalin. I think something like that.
03:14 And so here our children are living in these almost
03:17 an unbearable society and they are the victims
03:20 and they are having to take medicine to be
03:24 able to survive. And I could have think about it.
03:27 I thought you know what it would be like
03:28 if you were 10 years old and your parents
03:32 were getting a divorce or had gotten divorce
03:34 and you are having to spend the weekend
03:35 with daddy or your parents are in the process
03:39 of getting divorce, they are screaming at
03:40 each other. And they treat in bitterness, yes,
03:43 and then for your fun for your spare time
03:46 you are playing, on the toys, yeah on the
03:49 computer games. And the place is going well
03:52 and then you're supposed to go to school and
03:54 listen to the teacher, who teach you arithmetic.
03:56 And the only thing that seems to stimulate
03:58 you are the games you've been playing, this is it.
04:00 I was even talking to some teachers recently
04:02 and I said what does it like? And I talked to one
04:05 teacher and she said we have to almost put
04:09 on a circus, to get them to listen, to get
04:12 them to listen, yes. Because they are
04:14 accustomed to this hyper stuff, Bob and I has
04:17 experiences with that sort of thing,
04:19 trying to take care of some Sabbath school
04:21 classes sometime. And not only that but
04:25 if you are at a larger function where there is
04:28 a lot more children, it's much harder you got.
04:31 This fragment and thinking disability,
04:34 the lack of ability to focus and concentrate
04:39 for any decent period of time, it's very difficult.
04:44 What I think that obviously is a product of
04:46 the age and as Christian parents and grandparents,
04:51 I think we are going to have to be, no one uses
04:54 the word too often intentional again because
04:57 I think in our series we've been saying that
05:00 if the society is gonna do us in. All we have to do
05:04 is do nothing and we lose, yes. This is like being
05:06 in a river going towards a cataract or so.
05:10 Well in a garden you have to plant good seed,
05:12 if you don't put you'll get nothing, that's right.
05:14 No, you are gonna get something, you get weeds
05:17 because they are already there. Isn't that the true?
05:19 Right, oh yeah. And so, and so we've got
05:22 to do something to resist the deterioration
05:26 because it doesn't say in Isaiah, intentional
05:28 planting, exactly. See the Book of Isaiah says
05:31 that the time would come in which the darkness
05:33 would cover the earth and gross darkness the people.
05:36 And I don't know what is going to be like before
05:38 this is over, but it's getting pretty gross Kathy
05:41 is getting. And who is the victim,
05:43 see I have felt that when the scripture says
05:47 that in the last days the love of many with wax
05:51 coat, yes. That the first victim of that would be
05:55 the home, because of the home is about
05:58 voluntary love. And that would be the enemy's
06:01 intention. It'll break up the home, yes.
06:03 And of course the poor little victims of this are
06:06 the children, yes. And so you know sometimes
06:10 I pray Oh come Lord Jesus because these little
06:13 children who are coming out of current situation,
06:17 what chance do they have? Almost none,
06:22 and that's truly a miracle when they come turn
06:24 around and give their hearts to Lord.
06:26 And this is why I think we ought to pray that
06:28 Jesus will come because this is, you know,
06:31 don't misunderstand me I'm making an
06:32 overstatement. But if Jesus doesn't come
06:34 one of these days, there's not gonna be anything
06:36 to get. Will I find faith? Will I find faith in the
06:40 earth? See, now it's not that our generation
06:43 and you will hear me referred our generation and
06:45 their generation and all that. And you don't really
06:48 like doing that and you, don't you ever.
06:50 When you get white hair like I got.
06:54 But you see we want perfect but we knew the
06:56 difference in other words we could tell right
06:58 from wrong. But my conviction is that this
07:03 generation, you see for this generation,
07:05 I mean to get off on another subject,
07:07 to this generation adultery and fornication
07:09 are none issues. In other words back in our age
07:13 that was a problem but we knew the difference
07:18 but this generation doesn't know the difference.
07:19 Comes from the feel good do it. And so here we are,
07:22 so what are we gonna do to save our children.
07:25 Well what we are doing because husbands
07:27 and wives are working and so we've got to entertain
07:30 them. And so when they are not at the babysitters,
07:33 the television is entertaining or we are
07:35 buying them these games and by the way you know
07:38 games are expensive these days. The price tag,
07:41 no I don't, I don't buy a lot of them I'm sorry.
07:43 Yeah. You know Kathy and I were talking about
07:48 games before the program and we were saying
07:51 that when we were little guys or when our children
07:54 were, oh yes, remember that, yes.
07:57 I took a rock and a piece of wood.
08:00 And well we grew up on a farm it was a cotton
08:03 and rice farm and it was easy for us to copy
08:06 what daddy did or what mommy did and if were
08:09 copying with my, and I played in the dirt with
08:11 my brother if we were copying what daddy did,
08:13 we were growing rice, it's right. Or cotton and
08:17 we were making levies and roads in the dirt and
08:19 lot of kids, some kids would do that but the
08:22 majority of kids that's just not stimulating
08:25 enough. Well you know what I've noticed and again
08:28 I know the people make their living you know
08:29 manufacturing toys and selling them and so forth,
08:33 so we wouldn't want to be, you know,
08:34 disrespectful with that. But you know when
08:36 you buy a truck all you can do to truck,
08:39 when you started doing truck. You know what my
08:42 grandchildren say, it can't be anything but a truck,
08:45 yeah it can't be anything but a truck. Right.
08:46 No creativity there, I can remember when my children
08:50 were small they would go to the kitchen and
08:53 they would, you know open the cupboards
08:54 and they get out the Tupperware. Yes, yes.
08:56 They could play, you know even Rachel was just
08:59 telling us about a little baby that she was
09:00 babysitting that had more fun getting out
09:03 Tupperware, oh yes. And could actually play
09:05 with the Tupperware for an hour or two,
09:08 but you know I noticed my little grandchildren with
09:10 some of these things every five minutes grandpa
09:12 I am bored. Yes, yes. And it's because may
09:18 be in some of these toys that are so mechanical
09:20 and even they are so mechanical, they
09:22 are real that there is not this, what do you call
09:25 at this creativity, yes; you were saying something
09:28 about that. Element of creativity there or a
09:30 different kind crops when you go into the games.
09:35 Over stimulation I remember one of my
09:38 favorite books is the desire of ages.
09:41 And there is a statement in there that go
09:42 something like this. The more quite and simple
09:45 the life of a child, the more can do so to mental
09:48 and spiritual life, yes. No I'm not saying put
09:50 them in a closet, no, by all means please don't
09:53 misunderstand me. But to have quietness that
09:57 a person can think that's almost done hardly.
09:59 Oh yes, right. You know these computer games
10:03 and again you know we don't wanna just
10:05 categorically say that everything out there is bad
10:08 in the computers that every computer game would
10:10 be bad. But they are tremendously
10:13 nerve wracking, oh I know it. You know these are,
10:14 somebody was saying I don't know who it was
10:18 they said that some of these young men that
10:19 going to the arm forces these days. Oh,
10:21 Tom was telling you that, the Tom was telling
10:23 you that. Repeat that, well I think it was,
10:27 he had been talking to a recruiter or a commander
10:30 or somebody who was in the military and he said,
10:35 oh he was a member of our church,
10:36 he was a member of our church who is in military.
10:39 Well actually there is a member that comes to our
10:41 church, he is not yet a member, he is
10:43 a husband. But anyway he is in the military
10:46 and he said that the observation has been with
10:51 the young people that are coming, young men
10:52 that are coming in to the military that they put
10:57 a gun in their hands and they are already sharp
11:01 shooters, they are already dead shots because
11:03 they've played so many of these games that are
11:07 violent games where they have to shoot that
11:09 they don't have to be trained to be a good aim
11:13 or a good shot. Isn't that amazing?
11:14 They already know how to do it.
11:15 They've never had gun in their hands in this sense
11:18 like the military would have them to do, yeah.
11:21 Nerves of steel and, ahhaa I don't know but
11:22 anyway this thing right there is frightening to me?
11:25 It is, it is, it's amazing. Well I think that in our
11:29 homes we owe it to the teachers to slow down
11:34 our lives a little bit and our children of the product
11:38 of their homes. Now I recognize that there are
11:42 some terrible things going on in the homes
11:44 for example, you know homes are breaking up
11:46 single parents, yes. Now you know I can't tell
11:49 you what is like to be a single parent.
11:51 I can tell you what is like to have a son who
11:52 abuses drugs, he is an alcoholic,
11:55 I can tell about that. We can recognize it as hard.
11:57 I can talk about many things but that one
11:59 I can't talk about being a single parent and so our
12:02 hearts go out, yes, out to the single parents.
12:05 But yet how can they, how can we altogether
12:08 with them move in the direction of trying
12:11 to stop this freefall, it's friendly.
12:14 We are almost in a freefall, yeah.
12:15 And I think that we've got to save you know
12:18 if I'm going to save my own sanity, yes.
12:21 And if I'm going to raise same children
12:23 I've got to slow things down, yes.
12:25 And you see, one of the problems is that because
12:28 of our selfishness we don't want to spend much
12:31 time with our children and this is why to set them
12:34 down in front of computer game that solves our
12:37 problems. Because they can just go from one
12:39 game to the next and you can imagine what
12:42 it does to them, that just start selfishness
12:43 coming out so. I think it is, absolutely.
12:45 Because if we would spend quality time with them,
12:47 it would be at the level at the emotional and
12:49 the energy level of the computer game surely,
12:53 how can you do that. Well I don't know a lot of
12:54 people might because that's what they've been
12:56 may be a lot of them have done themselves and
12:58 gone caught in good and that might be quality
13:01 time there, it might be. But I think people are,
13:04 I think many people and that's what I hope
13:06 for our audience is that they are looking
13:09 for something better looking for what God would
13:11 have them to do, yes. And to replace that people
13:14 sicker, many people are becoming very sick of this,
13:16 they are looking for something better.
13:18 Because, because things are going wrong, yes.
13:19 In other words you would think that if what
13:20 society is teaching us, what's the way to go
13:23 that things would be getting better and better
13:25 and they are really not. Violence is now not
13:27 only simulated in the videos, violence is now
13:29 become real in the schools and we know the
13:31 stories that we can talk about that. Yes we do.
13:33 You know, I think, I think Kathy that is coming
13:36 upon us as parents and as grandparents to
13:38 provide an environment in our homes that are safe,
13:45 that hold some and they are I even say Holy,
13:47 they are even I say Holy, oh yes.
13:49 And see this brings up to the subject that
13:51 I don't know if you are willing to discuss with me
13:53 a little bit. Are you going to pull new one here
13:55 on me? New one, it's kind of an extension
13:57 of what we are talking about because our
13:59 children have their rooms, oh yes, this is,
14:02 oh yes I want to talk about that;
14:04 you want to talk about that, yes.
14:05 See this is junior's room you know and so junior
14:08 goes in and closes the door and that's his room.
14:13 And I don't know what you feel about that but
14:15 I have some feelings about that. Well I do,
14:16 I have some feelings about that too.
14:18 I recently was asking some advice from a dear
14:23 friend about this kind of subject and they told me
14:27 that they had been listening to
14:28 actually a radio program and I don't know who
14:31 this was but they had told me that this person
14:35 reserved the right hand and was the policy and
14:38 instruction within their family.
14:40 So it was an understood thing to the children
14:42 that at anytime there could be room check
14:44 and it could be anything in the room.
14:48 And it was understood that was for their safety,
14:50 it was for their good because of the authority
14:53 and the experience that God had given parents.
14:58 But for their safety they need to be able to realize
15:05 the room isn't theirs. Let's see I take the position
15:10 right along with you that Betty and me were there
15:13 before the children came, yes. That will be there
15:17 after the children grown and our children have
15:19 all grown and they've gone away.
15:22 And that in a way and some may have problems
15:25 with this but we loan these facilities to these
15:30 children, yes, for the duration.
15:31 Now they can stay there for as long as they want.
15:34 But that I think that we as parents in particularly
15:36 we as fathers have the responsibility for that
15:39 realistic, yes. I'm saying in that way, yes. For
15:41 that piece of realistic that whatever goes
15:43 on under that roof that is not for junior but
15:48 for the honor and the glory of God, right.
15:52 And just because the room has a door on it,
15:55 it doesn't mean I close the door and this is my room
15:57 now I do whatever I want, I can do anything going on.
15:59 Well we had this creep into our thoughts that
16:03 it has to be pride total, total and complete privacy.
16:07 I'm not saying that a person shouldn't have
16:09 a respect for the privacy of another individual
16:12 and even our children. But total and complete privacy,
16:18 oooh am I stepping on toes here, I think it's,
16:22 I think we need to be careful that one of the
16:24 reasons why parents have lost all control in
16:29 their home, lost control. There is a president for
16:32 this, may I say the armed forces. You know people
16:37 making flashbacks; you know that might think
16:38 that you are getting a little pushy here.
16:40 But they have inspection, they have inspection
16:42 for the common good. In other words you can't have
16:45 everybody living like a pig for the common good,
16:47 yes and so, and so there is something about
16:50 a common good, so the common good of the family.
16:52 That's exactly right. Do you know,
16:53 I would like to share with you a little experience
16:55 that I had I got a call one day at the conference
16:57 office and a man was, he was asking that there was
17:02 somebody that know anything about exorcism.
17:06 And one of the secretaries has passed the call to me
17:08 and so I thought when I heard the message that
17:11 this man was going to do some kind of a meeting
17:13 on exorcism and want somebody to talk about it.
17:15 And you know I'm not attracted to that
17:17 and you know this doesn't really,
17:19 this is not one of your, this is more than I think,
17:20 yes. But there is a phone number to call and
17:24 so I called this man up expecting you know that
17:27 he wanted information let me tell you what was
17:30 happening. He had a 15-year-old daughter.
17:33 And she was hanging out with devil worshipers
17:37 and with skinheads whatever that is. And that
17:40 apparently, apparently in this it's kind of
17:44 an evil circle that this 15-year-old girl was in
17:47 someone had put curses on each other and
17:50 already two children had committed suicide, oh.
17:54 And now someone had put a curse on his daughter
17:58 and he was really concerned, concerned.
18:00 And he was calling can anybody help. And
18:04 he saw this as a reality; this was not anything
18:06 to play with. This what already two children
18:08 are dead, yes, see in his, there is a curse
18:10 on his daughter whatever that means. So
18:12 you know I, so I said I don't run after these
18:16 things but I recognize that he was a father and
18:19 that would need help and he was basically saying
18:21 would you come and pray for my daughter.
18:23 And so I got on the phone that afternoon and
18:26 I called some of friends around the country who
18:28 are my prayer partners because I knew that
18:30 when you go into situation like that.
18:32 You know you want to have lots of prayer
18:33 of the power of God and the angels that are
18:36 accompanying. And so I made arrangements
18:38 to go over to see him that night. And he said my
18:41 daughter isn't gonna be here. I said that's alright
18:43 you and I need to meet each other first before
18:45 we can pray for your daughter, we need to get
18:47 acquainted. In the conversation, he mentioned
18:50 something to me about his daughter's room,
18:52 remember what I am telling, something about
18:54 his daughter's room. So time came I got in my
18:57 car and as I drove over I was praying you know
19:00 that the Lord would help us and give us grace
19:03 and power. I went knocked on the door he came
19:05 and he met me at the door invited me into the
19:09 family room. And we sat down and we begin
19:12 to get acquainted and there was a picture of his
19:14 daughter and she is 15-year-old you
19:15 can imagine, yes, you see.
19:17 And she wasn't there and we talked and I was
19:19 trying to get handle on his own spirituality, yes.
19:23 And so suddenly it occurred to me that what he
19:26 has said about his daughter's room.
19:29 And so I said may I see your daughter's room,
19:32 yeah what did he say? Well why not and so
19:35 we got up we walked down the hallway we passed
19:39 his 10 year old son's room in on the wall are these
19:43 Rambo pictures, these machine gun stuff already
19:46 some posters, some posters. When we got to the end
19:50 of the hallway there was the room,
19:52 his daughter's room. Believe it or not Kathy
19:55 the trim in the room painted in black,
19:57 that's weird, that alone should alert you.
20:01 That's weird. And I don't remember what color
20:03 that the room was painted but it was another
20:05 weird color I mean a black trim weird paint.
20:10 On the walls these awful pictures of these what
20:14 they call them these rock groups,
20:17 what's it called this the worst kinds of rock.
20:20 Well there is a rave rock and then there is rap rock,
20:23 and it was the works all this awful stuff,
20:24 and there all kinds of heavy metal, heavy metal.
20:26 These heavy metal people and then right
20:28 in the middle I'll never forget, right in the middle
20:31 of the wall was this picture of this goat.
20:33 I don't know a lot about that but I think that
20:35 goat head, you can recognize that,
20:36 the goat head is a symbol of this demonic stuff, yes.
20:40 And I stand there and I looking and taking this
20:43 stuff in and then down on a kind of a bookshelf,
20:46 this big bunch of paper back occult books and
20:52 I looked at that. I could hardly believe it.
20:55 Well anyway I don't remember saying much we
20:56 turned and we walked out, we would back,
20:59 did he not be, was he not more concerned.
21:01 Well, no, no it's just, did he not recognize it himself,
21:03 no we were just back. When we get back to the family
21:05 room we sat down and it occurred to me,
21:11 you know how the Lord, the scripture says don't worry
21:14 about what you gonna say it'll come to you, right.
21:16 It occurred to me the case of Gideon.
21:19 You remember Gideon was called to deliver
21:22 the Israelites from the Midianites, band of 300?
21:25 But before he could do that, he had to get rid of,
21:28 he had to get rid of his father's idols.
21:31 And so one night he got and he threw it all down
21:34 at risk of his life, yes. So I said to this brother,
21:38 I said you know I don't know how we can pray
21:42 for your daughter under these conditions.
21:45 Because here she is living with this,
21:47 not living but associating with these skinheads
21:50 and these devil worshipers all day,
21:52 she comes home at night to a devil's nest.
21:55 She really doesn't have any option wherever
21:57 she goes the devil is there. And so I said to
22:01 him, how can a holy angel's come in without?
22:03 How could she be delivered? And so I said respectfully
22:07 I said I think it's your obligation as the
22:10 spiritual head of this home to overthrow,
22:11 I used the word overthrow this room, yes.
22:14 I said you could go overthrow that room.
22:15 What was his reaction? Well he, what he could say,
22:18 what could he say? And so I suggested that he
22:22 overthrow the room and I said now when you do
22:25 that she'll probably attack you physically and she
22:28 probably runaway from home.
22:31 Well anyway we spent the rest of the time that
22:33 we were together with a recommitment of his own
22:36 heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, because obviously
22:39 he had slipped. He wasn't being,
22:41 he wasn't protecting his daughter from the devil.
22:44 Well anyway I don't know it was a week or so later
22:46 he called and he said Pastor O'Ffill on Sunday
22:49 I went in, I didn't do it the next day, so they
22:51 didn't do it that night on that time. No, no.
22:52 Three or four days passed. On Sunday he took a
22:56 bucket of paint and he went in and he starts
22:57 painting out this black trim, oh really?
23:00 And I said what did your daughter do?
23:02 He said she didn't do anything. But
23:04 when I started ripping down those posters
23:05 then she began to go into a rage and she
23:10 attacked me. I said then what she do?
23:12 And she got her stuff together and ran away.
23:15 This is what you said, but he said. She
23:16 didn't stay going alone? He said pretty soon
23:20 a few hours later she came back he said we sit
23:23 down on the outside on the porch that night and
23:26 we talked together till 2'o clock in the morning.
23:28 The first time we had talk in cool Lord's wind.
23:33 And he came back and he saw me years later
23:34 Kathy and he said it was that talk that night
23:38 that turned it all around. And I thought to myself
23:41 what chance did the girl have? What chance,
23:45 because her father was not protecting her, yes.
23:48 He had allowed her under whatever like he
23:50 was saying, under the name of privacy, yes,
23:52 of that was her room. She could do in her room
23:55 what she wanted to do and this is not true.
23:58 And so finally when he exercised his leadership,
24:00 and did like Gideon did. He gonna pray,
24:03 he gonna purge the room then he gave her
24:05 choice back. And that would began to be the
24:08 breakup of this power of the darkness around her,
24:12 saving of the daughter, yeah. Oh amen,
24:14 I'm glad to hear that it turned up that way.
24:16 Well this story has a happy ending, good.
24:18 But I guess that my appeal and I think you are
24:22 with me on this that my appeal is that we as
24:25 parents owe it to our children to maintain not
24:29 only a home where there is no rats. Yes, or
24:33 snakes, yes, or you know a poison gas, yes.
24:38 But I think we owe it our children to providing
24:40 the atmosphere that's wholesome and it's moral,
24:45 the spiritual. Now this doesn't mean that we are
24:48 gonna ram our religion down their throats,
24:51 we can't do that. But if we are living at ourselves
24:55 and they see the enthusiasm of serving God
24:57 ourselves, the joy of, well it's bound to have
25:01 its of good effect as well. Well it's like now you know
25:05 you hate use this, may be this isn't a good
25:06 illustration but when I go to a hotel they fix
25:09 the environment, in other words they don't try
25:12 to say this is the way you got to live but while
25:14 you are here this is the way we live.
25:16 And so I think we got to be careful that we don't
25:18 force spirituality on our children.
25:23 Because we can't get in our heads we can't take
25:25 away religious freedom but I don't thing it's wrong,
25:28 many may disagree with me to say that in this
25:31 house we don't play rock and roll music all over
25:34 the house, right. Rock music
25:36 for example is like smoke, if somebody in the
25:38 house is smoking guess who smokes,
25:40 everybody smokes. So if somebody in the house
25:42 is listening to some weird heavy metal guess
25:45 who is listening to it, we are all of us,
25:46 everybody, yes. So may be I won't say to my child
25:49 you can't listen to heavy metal.
25:51 I mean I don't have to have a police force and
25:53 an army to follow wherever they went,
25:54 because they are gonna do it at some place but
25:56 I don't think that is wrong to say sweetheart.
26:00 You know if you are gonna listen to that music
26:01 you know which is your choice, you're gonna listen
26:02 what type of music you want to, but don't make
26:05 all listen to the music they know you love that.
26:06 But that's where is our duty Pastor to try to
26:10 help them, try, strive to help them to make choices
26:14 from right principles, amen. And that's not a one
26:19 time shot that's over and over and over repetition
26:25 is most necessary in this and every situation
26:28 that comes up and if it's 2'o clock in the morning
26:29 that's when you have to do it, that's right.
26:32 And but the time that it takes the energy that
26:36 is gonna take is and the leadership that it's gonna
26:40 take, oh and the leadership, that's right,
26:41 with our children in our youth,
26:43 unless we fight for our homes we gonna lose them.
26:46 Unless we'll struggle to save our children we
26:48 will lose them. The devil is, the scripture says
26:51 as a roaring lion. If there is a roaring lion
26:56 in your house the first thing you do,
26:58 you get him out. Yeah I agree with you Dick,
27:02 I'm going to invite our audience to write or call
27:06 3ABN for future topics for Thinking About Home.
27:10 We might be able to handle if you that you
27:13 give to us, its 3ABN PO Box 220 West Frankfort,
27:18 Illinois 62896 and we are going to be praying
27:22 for you now. We've been talking plainly to children
27:26 and youth and we want you to join us again next
27:29 time on Thinking About Home but before we
27:32 are going to have prayer. Heavenly Father
27:35 we are thankful that you let us share in your
27:37 creative power in having children.
27:39 Lord we pray that you will put a head around
27:41 our youth. We pray that this roaring lion
27:43 will be held and obey Lord, yes,
27:45 that you'll protect our families, protect our
27:48 homes, give us the courageous parents, yes,
27:50 to do what you are called us to do and wake up,
27:53 we pray this in Jesus name thanking him
27:56 for all he has done for us and for all he.


Revised 2014-12-17