Participants: Kathy Matthews, Richard O'Ffill
Series Code: TAH
Program Code: TAH000135
00:32 Hi, I am Kathy Matthews and this is
00:33 Thinking About Home. 00:35 We've been going through a series of called 00:37 Plain Talk, and our guest is the director 00:42 of the Men's Ministry for the Florida Conference 00:44 of Seventh-Day Adventist pastor Richard O'Ffill. 00:47 Hello and you're back again. We're gonna carry on, 00:50 I know we've been having a lot of fun I've been 00:52 enjoying this a lot, I've been enjoying it too, 00:53 thank you for having me. This time, oh well 00:55 it's my pleasure and this time we're gonna be talking 00:58 about Plain Talking about mothers most specifically 01:03 I think women as mothers and, probably one 01:08 of the areas that I've been most recently involved in, 01:12 in mentoring some others is how to, 01:14 how to stimulate your husband to be a 01:18 spiritual leader without intimidating him. 01:22 Yeah, you know in other programs 01:23 I think we've mentioned that naturally it seems 01:28 that women are more spiritual then men. 01:31 Kathy, I've notice in my ministry and if I go 01:35 to visit a home let's say, and if I want to talk about 01:39 the computer or the car or the roof or whatever 01:43 I talk with a man, but if I start talking about 01:46 spiritual things guess who kicks in, yes, 01:49 it's gonna be the woman, because he's kind of 01:52 subcontracted the spiritual affairs of the home 01:55 to his wife, and so I talk about anything else 01:59 with him but I have to talk about spiritual 02:01 things with her and I think that for what 02:04 you're saying, the question you're asking this 02:06 is a little frustrating because women are having 02:09 to fulfill kind of a spiritual vacuum, yeah, and if we, 02:13 what happened to the Mark Luther's, 02:14 and if we read the scripture correct God 02:16 seems to be holding men accountable 02:19 for the spiritual welfare of the family because 02:21 it when things went bad it wasn't Eve 02:24 that was called on the carpet, that's right. 02:26 We were in the lions of Adam, 02:28 and God says to Adam what have you done, 02:31 he didn't say to Eve you know what have you done 02:33 to this, that's right, if you messed us up. 02:35 So undoubtedly we men are supposed to be 02:39 the spiritual leaders and we don't tend to be 02:42 you know and of course you ask the question 02:43 how can women encourage men. 02:45 In other programs we've also brought up the fact 02:49 that that men don't compete with women 02:51 and that as women become stronger and stronger 02:54 in a particular area while normally we men 02:58 will be very competitive with each other, 03:00 but we'll pretty well back off, and so and so 03:03 it's kind of almost a catch 22, 03:05 the women is trying to fill a spiritual vacuum, 03:07 and as she becomes the leader then this becomes 03:11 a disincentive for the man to be a leader, 03:15 it causes her to be more aggressive I think, 03:16 in trying to fulfill the need, yes. 03:18 And this goes back to the question. 03:20 Well, you know now a negative side of this, 03:25 is that a woman must be careful that she doesn't 03:31 use her spirituality or her relationship with God 03:35 to try to be get out from under the 03:39 husband's leadership. You know she could say 03:41 well you are the head of the home and everything 03:43 but spiritual things I'm the head of the home 03:46 or she could become so devoted to church 03:49 that she's perceived by the husband as being 03:51 more committed to the church then to God, 03:53 then she is to, to family and you know to him, 03:56 and so this creates maybe an unspoken jealousy 03:59 and so I think I could wish you know 04:03 and again I'm saying this from a man's perspective 04:06 I could wish that the wife could see 04:08 the challenge of motivating her husband 04:12 to spirituality in the same way that she sees 04:14 motivating her children to spirituality, 04:16 in other words she is patient, she doesn't 04:18 just come on like this, she's very kind 04:22 and very long suffering and very intention 04:26 and in other, but many times it has to do 04:30 with her expectations, see we'll be, 04:32 we'll be patient if our expectations says 04:36 you must be patient, and so we'll be more patient 04:39 under circumstances then we are under 04:42 other circumstances. And so probably we men 04:46 have so disappointed our wives in the area of 04:48 spirituality that they've given upon us 04:50 and so they figure hey, you know 04:54 if that's the way it's gonna be I am just gonna 04:55 fill the void, right and a lost of respect 04:57 happens, right and so it's so happens so and so 05:00 the women spiritual leader could become 05:02 you know the pastor and it shouldn't be, 05:05 every women's spiritual leader should be 05:07 her husband. Yes, I can see that and I agree 05:09 with that, and the pastor, I think that's biblical, 05:12 and the pastor is the spiritual shepherd 05:13 of the flock which has made up of all 05:15 these women, and him guiding her to Christ, 05:18 absolutely, but going back to the question, 05:20 I'm just gonna to give you one illustration, 05:23 a husband doesn't like to feel like failure 05:26 you know in other words if she comes to him 05:27 and says well you know you're not being the 05:30 spiritual leader in the home, yes right, 05:31 and I don't think it's fair that 05:33 I have to lead out in the worship. 05:34 Well then he's you know he might do 05:37 it's three time in a row, but he's not gonna be 05:38 there the rest of the time. 05:41 In other words you're saying that's not gonna 05:42 motivated, that's a different thing 05:47 I had to make that clear, but I thought Kathy 05:51 one way and of course we could spend the whole 05:53 program on this, but one way is that we need to 05:57 give him the benefit of the doubt in other words 05:59 he is so busy, he's got so many other things 06:01 on this mind. When I do my little sermons 06:05 on prayer, you know I suggest that husbands 06:08 and wives pray together and I use the illustration 06:11 you know well you know what if what if my 06:12 husband's not a believer you know, 06:14 what if he doesn't belong to my church, right, 06:16 what if he's not particularly spiritual 06:18 in the case of your question. I say to women, 06:21 I say well, why couldn't you say to your husband, 06:24 honey, you know I'm going through a lot of things 06:27 in my life I need your prayers, 06:29 when you think of me, would you pray for me, 06:32 and that doesn't mean bow your head 06:34 and pray for me now, it's merely saying that 06:37 I'm not gonna call up my pastor 06:39 and ask him to pray for me, I am asking you 06:41 to pray for me, to pray for me, and I think that 06:44 what this does is that it's gets to a man 06:46 at a special point, it makes him feel like well 06:49 you know she's looking to me, 06:50 she doesn't just look to me to mow the lawn. 06:54 She wants me to pray for her, 06:56 and I said that would be one way, 06:59 honey, pray for me and you don't have to stand 07:01 and say oh will you, will you, will you 07:02 it's just in passing and you don't cry 07:05 or anything else, you just say 07:07 I've got a lot of things now I hope 07:08 you'll remember me in prayer. 07:09 Another area I think would be to possibly be 07:13 in the atmosphere of maybe a strong 07:16 spiritual leader especially if the husband 07:18 is a type or maybe he just doesn't know 07:20 what to do. Well this is true; 07:22 now I'm gonna a make confession, do they say 07:24 confession is good for the soul. 07:25 Well, but in hard of the reputation we're told. 07:30 A family worship and I think we'll talk 07:33 about this, yes later, in other programs it tends 07:35 to be infantile. In other words it's very much 07:38 for the little people and I think we men don't know 07:41 how to relate to these kinds of things well. 07:43 And so probably one of the challenges 07:45 that a woman has is to make spiritual things 07:48 to relevant first of all where 07:49 the man's comfortable, and where he's comfortable, 07:52 and you know I tell the joke I said you know 07:55 you women might deny it but you want us 07:58 in the first place you know whatever it took 08:01 to get us to ask you to marry us, 08:02 come on, marry us whatever, that's enough 08:05 that could be another program because 08:08 we're gonna talk about we could talk about men 08:10 and learning to pursue and being a man 08:13 that would do that. Well because, 08:15 because the worlds have changed a little bit, yes 08:17 but I think women have the graces 08:19 the feminine grace, if they will lower 08:23 their expectations and by the lower it means 08:25 just be real don't you say honey you know 08:27 I just, my man is a failure I think we've got 08:30 to all of us begin where we're at, 08:32 and I think too accepting us as we are. 08:36 You know I won't improve if I don't feel 08:40 that I'm loved and accepted the way I am. 08:42 Now have you really answered though 08:43 how a man can go ahead and do this, 08:46 become a spiritual leader, yes I mean men, 08:50 the large part of what we've been talking about 08:52 is trying to get men to take their roles that 08:54 they need. Well this would have to be 08:55 something that I talk to men you don't think 08:57 I would talked to you about that do you? 09:00 No, because I'd have to talk to the men I'd say 09:02 fellows, what are we gonna do about this, 09:03 but I wouldn't want you to listen. 09:05 Well I'm glad you made that clear. 09:07 Now because, because I do this when we go to 09:10 men's convention. I was just gonna say 09:12 do you do this when you go to men's convention, 09:13 absolutely, absolutely and I say come on fellows 09:15 and I said the fact that you have a subcontract 09:19 with your wife for spiritual, 09:20 this ought not to be you can do it, 09:22 so you're not making excuses for them. 09:25 No, oh no, no but we men we know as I say 09:29 we look powerful and strong but we our egos 09:33 are very, very thin, fragile, 09:35 oh we're very, very fragile 09:36 and I'm not saying that we're right in that 09:40 it's just, it's the nature of us beasts, 09:42 it's the nature of the beast. And, so, 09:45 if we can, if we can be as patient 09:48 with each other and you know I'm patient 09:50 with a two year old but I'm not patient 09:53 with a 30 year old. Well there is 09:55 more expectation. Well that's what I'm talking 09:57 about, so I have to learn when to have expectations 10:02 and when to lower them to the point where we buy, 10:05 where you're winning, where we're winning. 10:06 It's got to be a win-win, I don't think that 10:08 any of us improve from threats. 10:11 Now I know that guilt and duty and fear, 10:15 it can wake you up but they don't do much for 10:18 spiritual development. They don't make you 10:21 for that, okay we're gonna move onto 10:22 another subject, alright. I am ready, 10:23 wasting our time, because we've gotta 10:25 a big subject, well I don't know 10:27 if it's any bigger but we got another subject 10:28 you're gonna spend a lot of time on 10:30 and that is the phenomenon of self esteem, 10:33 I notice when we started that you had 10:34 this magazine I want you talk about that. 10:36 I got two magazines, on sell; I don't know 10:38 whether to show them, just you know 10:39 just from the back here. Let me show you 10:42 that I picked up a Time Magazine from, 10:43 I was going through an airport and the feature, 10:46 the feature on this issue was who needs a husband, 10:50 have you held that up very, oh yeah well anyway 10:52 we don't want to do negative advertising, 10:54 well no, but that's the title that's say, 10:56 who needs a husband. Now when I was coming over 10:58 to 3ABN here on you know just yesterday, 11:02 I stopped at a little magazine store 11:07 and I bought this one. Self, self, I remember, 11:11 I remember, I remember in the Bible 11:13 that talks about this sort of a thing a lot. 11:15 Let me tell you, I remember when this 11:17 magazine came out, do you, I remember 11:20 when this magazine came out, I didn't buy it, 11:21 how bad I felt when I saw it, really, 11:24 because let's just review this a minute, 11:26 you know it's probably been how many years 11:29 it's probably more than 15 years ago 11:32 that we began to hear of this word self esteem, 11:36 self esteem, it's kind of new, 11:38 while addressing all our lives, it was not because 11:41 I can again and I don't want to just keep going 11:42 back into history, yeah, but I as when I was 11:45 growing up in the early years of marriage 11:48 you know we weren't being taught to love 11:50 ourselves in fact it was just the opposite, 11:52 to be selfless, it was to be selfless, 11:54 to be unselfish and then suddenly 11:57 and I think it was the devil. 11:59 He came up with this idea how can I 12:02 institutionalize selfishness, 12:05 and he does it from scripture believe 12:07 it or not, well is that what he did to the Lord, 12:10 well this is it, see, and by the way 12:11 we've got to be careful when we take up 12:13 the word of God because because you know 12:16 the devil makes his points out of scripture 12:18 and out of the Spirit of prophesy, right, 12:20 so what happened was and you remember that 12:24 they said oh yes, we should love God 12:29 with all of our hearts and we should love 12:31 our neighbors as ourselves, yes, 12:33 but you can't do that unless you love 12:36 yourself first. So in the hierarchy, 12:39 instead of putting God first, 12:41 we put our self first, first, 12:44 and of course you know in scripture 12:46 it's just the flip of that, God, your neighbor 12:49 and then yourself, yourself. 12:50 Well anyway a whole, a whole sub culture 12:54 has been born, it's, it's the culture of 12:56 self esteem and it uses that text, 13:00 it uses what others, well that's the main 13:05 one isn't it. Well you know I remember 13:07 when that came out, I was just becoming a Christian 13:09 about that time and I can remember 13:11 I'm just sitting here thinking I remember 13:13 hearing that a lot and trying to get 13:15 the 3 straight seem to me like self needed to be 13:18 last and I had a hard time in my mind 13:20 putting myself where I was being told 13:23 to put self. What Kathy, going to scripture, 13:27 I believe in, there maybe someone who would 13:30 disagree with me but we are born 13:34 loving ourselves, yes, and the reason I say 13:37 that is because a new born baby doesn't 13:39 apologize to momma for keeping her up, 13:43 and in fact I heard someone say one time 13:45 that a new born baby is the most selfish thing 13:47 in all the world, yes selfish thing, 13:49 and so a new born baby is thinking only of itself 13:53 and the process of maturation 13:55 and development and maturity is to move away 13:58 from self towards something else. 13:59 Well I think we would need to go into that 14:01 a little deeper, they don't think 14:02 of themselves. It's natural, it's natural, 14:04 it's natural, it comes instinctively, yes, 14:06 and of course here's the way I see it, 14:09 when the commandment says love your neighbor 14:13 as yourself, it could be saying 14:15 love your neighbor if you didn't already love 14:17 yourself in other words when it says as yourself, 14:19 it doesn't say if you love yourself, right, 14:22 it means more because you love yourself, 14:24 love your neighbor as much and then the 14:27 golden rule is predicated on the fact that 14:31 we already love ourselves. 14:32 And then there's another one where the 14:35 Apostle Paul says no man and we would add a woman 14:39 ever hated their own body, yes, and of course 14:43 I read it sometimes of course someone said 14:45 well I know a man who says that he hated 14:48 himself because he was so ugly, 14:49 but if he really hated himself he would be glad 14:52 he was ugly, in other words what he's saying 14:55 is I don't deserve to be like that would 14:58 somebody's told him he's ugly, 14:59 the fact that someone told him he's ugly 15:00 and then finally the probably the most 15:03 important text of all is the one that says 15:05 in the last days men and we would add women 15:07 would be lovers of themselves, 15:08 in other words perilous times, dangerous times, 15:11 and that wouldn't be said if that wasn't true, 15:13 and so we have to see that selfishness 15:16 is a characteristic of the last days 15:19 and we've seen it with out own eyes, 15:21 so especially with something like this, 15:23 selfishness is not new, it's blatant, 15:25 selfishness is not new but I firmly believe 15:28 Kathy that we are the first generation 15:31 to institutionalize it, to make it preferable. 15:36 Now let me say you something before we go 15:37 on because I know this kind of talk 15:40 can be a little shocking and that is though 15:43 I believe we're born loving ourselves, 15:45 a person who loves themselves is incomplete, 15:48 we don't become complete until we feel loved 15:52 by someone else. Reciprocate. 15:54 In other words, in other words, 15:57 a child cannot be healthy emotionally 16:01 and spiritually unless they are loved 16:04 by something outside themselves, 16:06 and so in other words loving one's self is not 16:10 sufficient to be emotionally 16:13 and spiritually healthy. So you say that 16:15 our self esteem is not, it didn't come from 16:18 ourselves or it doesn't come from ourselves? 16:20 No, my self esteem comes from outside of me, 16:24 this is why Kathy I think that we're not shooting 16:27 ourselves in the foot, we're shooting ourselves 16:30 in the head when we encourage each other 16:34 to love ourselves because when you encourage me 16:38 to love myself you are denying the very thing 16:42 you need from me which is my love 16:45 and acceptance, do you follow me? 16:47 And so the purpose of the church was never to be 16:51 a situation in which we come together to love 16:55 ourselves, and call to self love but rather 16:59 it was to be a placed where we would come 17:02 together and announce that God loves us, 17:04 yes, that God accepts us, well, 17:07 and that we love and accept each other. 17:08 Would I be get into a can of words 17:11 if I got into the self needs 17:13 or the self help programs, 17:16 that are so much apart of church lives now. 17:18 Well, see obviously as the, I mean 17:22 I understand that there are needs 17:24 but is it ever done, you see we have needs 17:27 but the questions is who is gonna fulfill 17:29 our needs, right, and so as the society becomes 17:32 more and more self centered the problems 17:34 are gonna become more and more acute, 17:36 and so forth we will try harder and harder 17:38 to resolve this problem. Well I think they've gone 17:40 more to the Realm of Psychology to fulfill 17:43 our needs rather than God's word 17:45 about ourselves. Well, of course you know 17:48 we could, you know we don't want to not 17:50 appreciate those you know who were Christian, 17:53 I understand and there's certainly 17:56 a councilman that help is needed, 17:58 because psychologist, because psychology means 17:59 the study of the mind, but what the issue is 18:01 are we are going to get out study of the mind 18:04 from scripture or from Fiord, 18:05 you hear that from, yes, and so these 18:09 some of these pioneer psychotherapists 18:11 were hardly worshipers of God 18:14 and believers in the word, they were just 18:16 as far ways that could be some more atheist 18:18 or they were agnostics. I was talking with a man 18:21 one time and he said that his sister had become 18:27 heavily involved in this self esteem thing, 18:30 yes, listen to me, she had divorced her husband, 18:35 she had quit coming to church and she said 18:39 I've never felt better, and so to me 18:44 if what we're teaching about self esteem 18:49 and the importance of self esteem 18:50 if they were crew as much as we are doing it 18:53 things are should be getting 18:54 better and better, but they're getting 18:56 worse and worse, and have you noticed that 18:59 they're being carried to the absurd because 19:01 and I don't need to be disrespectful 19:03 or irreverent but supposing that a mother 19:07 you know kills her children. 19:09 You know what they're saying immediately, 19:12 they will say the problem was she didn't have 19:15 self esteem, self esteem yes, or someone does 19:19 something that you know that's very wrong, 19:21 we're not gonna say they're murderers, 19:23 we're not gonna say they're thieves, 19:24 we're gonna say the problem is lack of 19:27 self esteem. Now I know some may disagree 19:30 with me Kathy but it would seem to me 19:33 that a mother who abandons her children 19:38 or a father who abandons the family is not 19:40 doing it because they don't love themselves. 19:42 I can't imagine, it's because they loved 19:44 themselves too much, well I can see that, 19:48 but I think thinking people are seeing 19:50 some of these things. However, 19:53 I think the majority are being sucked in by it. 19:58 Well it's a song and dance, 20:00 now one of the reasons why it has become 20:03 so successful is simply because it's telling us 20:06 what we want to hear you see, 20:07 yes my mother used to say, Dicky, 20:09 share your toys with your sister, in other words 20:12 she's always trying to get me to be unselfish 20:14 and so now I have to wait till the 20:16 21st century, now you came, 20:19 and they legitimize my selfishness go ahead, 20:21 go ahead Dick, don't let your family stand 20:23 in the way, don't let your wife 20:24 and kids stand in the way, be who you're meant 20:26 to be, yeah, so everything is about 20:28 who you're meant to be, and I think Kathy 20:31 that probably the component of the 20:34 human race that's taken the biggest hit 20:36 is the women and there we have it. 20:39 The self, I know and now it's blatant isn't it, 20:42 oh it has been, no holds bar, and you know 20:45 I don't want to be disrespectful to the 20:48 young mothers, because the times are moved on 20:51 I know that, but you know my mother probably 20:55 had her problem, but you know being selfish 20:58 I don't remember as being one of them, 20:59 you know this was a woman who gave her life 21:02 for her children, I think of my own 21:05 dear wife Betty, we have four children 21:06 now this doesn't mean my wife's better than 21:08 your wife or you know I'm you know it's over, 21:10 but you know in that day it was about your children 21:14 and it was about your family but nowadays 21:17 the young mothers are being taught you know 21:20 your family's messing you up, you can't let 21:23 your children you know stand in the way 21:25 of your career, that's right, you're only 21:28 valuable if you have a career, mother, 21:30 being a mother is truly low on the total point. 21:33 Yeah, it surely is, and so I recent the fact 21:37 and I say this spiritually you know 21:39 that of what this society is doing to us, 21:44 the devil is speaking our language, 21:47 he's telling us what we want to hear, right, 21:50 he's legitimizing, he is making acceptably 21:54 unacceptable, he is making normal 21:56 the abnormal, yes. There's a scripture 21:59 that says those things what is it calling 22:03 good evil and the evil good in these days, 22:06 this is right, this is right, yes. 22:07 So, you're we cannot listen to this. 22:09 Well, you would say, we must not get our values 22:12 from this, you know somebody might say 22:13 well Dick you know that's just you point of view 22:15 and you know and your dogmatic 22:19 and you gotta keep an open mind I tell people 22:21 sometimes I say you know you gotta be careful 22:24 with having an open mind you can have such 22:25 an open mind your brain falls out. 22:30 And so, and so I think if we in the 21st century, 22:36 if we take it like they dish it up I think 22:40 we're going to lose for sure. 22:42 I don't think our family's gonna exist 22:46 if we follow the society, the society is 22:49 telling us what we want to hear, 22:50 it pretends to have our best interest. 22:52 Now going back to your question about 22:54 some of these self help things, 23:00 I believe as a minister that if I have a sermon 23:04 or a seminar and if there's an atheist there, 23:09 and if that atheist hears what I have to say 23:12 and walks out and says I love that I can do 23:15 that, I don't think I was preaching the gospel, 23:19 because through Christ I need some help outside 23:22 myself, it's gotta be outside myself, yes, 23:24 because you see this was the whole, 23:25 this is the whole Pagan of Philosophies 23:28 and the psychotherapies of these fellows 23:31 that found it all. It was all that we have 23:34 the answers in ourselves of course the 23:36 Eastern Religion say we are our own Gods, 23:38 new age says bring out all this goodness in you, 23:43 and of course this is not what the 23:46 scripture teaches. So the gospel would help us 23:47 to understand the good news becomes much better 23:51 if we understand how bad the bad news 23:53 is about self, this is it, this is it, 23:55 if there's really no hope for us, without God, 23:57 that you can't bring a clean thing but 24:00 there is a text that says it's, yes, 24:01 you can't bring a clean thing out of something 24:04 that's unclean and some, transformation, 24:07 now one of the problems that this generation 24:09 has now by the way I am a part of this generation 24:12 but one of the problems that are we can push, 24:13 we can talk about that couldn't we, 24:14 that this generation has is it doesn't want 24:16 to put down. You see in other words well 24:17 I've got my you know you're, you're not 24:20 building my self esteem in other words 24:21 if you don't tell I'm great then you're 24:24 putting me down. See, well you know I could go 24:26 to the doctor if I get sick go to the doctor 24:28 and he tells me that you know that 24:29 I've got a disease he's not putting me down, 24:30 he's saving my life, yes, and so when we go to 24:34 Jesus and Jesus says all that have sinned 24:37 have come short of the Glory of God 24:38 and unless you repent and be converted 24:40 and become as little children you'll not see 24:42 the kingdom of heaven. Now, now, 24:44 to the modern mind that's a put down, yeah, 24:46 because that's not building self esteem. 24:48 The truth is that when you listen to the 24:50 preaching of Jesus he doesn't do a lot. 24:53 The ancient prophets don't do a lot 24:55 of self esteem, I know they don't, 24:57 it's very much of a put down because 24:58 they call for repent, they say, they say 25:00 repent unless you repent, Jesus said 25:02 in one place unless you repent you're gonna die, 25:06 this is a put down, but the wonderful thing 25:09 is that we have the promise that 25:10 if we confess our sins, he is faithful 25:14 and just to forgive us of our sins, 25:16 he is faithful and just to forgive us 25:19 of our sins, and to cleanse us, 25:20 that's right, and all of our. So the greatest need 25:21 of this generation is to turn outside of itself, 25:24 yes, and to realize that our hope is built 25:27 as we saying, our hope is built is nothing less 25:30 than Jesus blood and the powers within 25:32 and this is like you know this is our hope now, 25:36 yes, this is our hope, thy word is a lamp unto 25:39 my feet and a light unto my path. You know, 25:43 I want to invite our viewers to write 25:48 or call to Thinking About Home or mention 25:52 Thinking About Home to 3ABN 25:53 and there's the address 3ABN, PO Box 220, 25:58 West Frankfort, IL 62896 and the phone number 26:03 would be 1-800-752-3226. I think that could be 26:09 one that you would catch at any other program 26:12 as well, it's the same here, and this series 26:17 is going to keep going on, 26:18 we're going to be talking about grandparents 26:23 and old age and youth we're still going to be 26:25 talking about youth, we haven't finished yet. 26:27 But we better get to it pretty soon 26:29 or we're gonna be old by then when get around to. 26:30 Well you know one of the other things 26:31 that we want to talk about on this one was 26:32 over stimulation, we haven't gotten to do 26:35 that, yeah I guess we talked about some 26:37 of these other subjects but and maybe just, 26:40 maybe we can still get to that on the subject. 26:42 I just in a word or two, that in our homes 26:45 we maybe hyper stimulating our children 26:49 and it's leading to what are being diagnosed 26:52 as real emotional problems, what did 26:54 they call it Attention Deficit Disorder, 26:56 ADD or ADHD, and we could talk about how 26:59 our homes are going way too fast, 27:01 they are way to stimulated and that 27:02 we need to slow our homes down, 27:04 we need to get back to the word, 27:05 and we need to get outside of ourselves, 27:07 oh yes and outside of ourself. 27:09 Well, I want to thank our viewers for a watching 27:13 Thinking About Home and as we're preparing 27:17 for our heavenly home may this be a help 27:20 to you especially when we recognize that 27:23 we need help outside of ourselves 27:25 and we certainly can't get what we need 27:27 from the media and from these magazine covers. 27:30 May the mothers and the wives and men 27:33 and families and anyone who's in a home recognize 27:36 this as a Biblical truth. Pastor O'Ffill will you 27:39 pray for us as we go out and join us again 27:42 next time on Thinking About Home. 27:43 Heavenly Father, we're thankful for our homes 27:46 and we pray that we might turn to your word 27:48 in this time of selfishness, knowing that 27:51 you've given us hope and that you've given us 27:53 a light which could take us through this darkness, 27:56 this darkness covers the earth and goes 27:58 darkness the people, and so Lord. |
Revised 2014-12-17