Participants: Richard O'Ffill, Kathy Matthews
Series Code: TAH
Program Code: TAH000134
00:31 Hi, I am Kathy Matthews and
00:33 this is Thinking About Home. 00:35 We've been discussing many subjects on home 00:39 and family and we are in part 3 of a 00:42 series called Plain Talk. And today we're going to 00:46 be discussing more about Plain Talk 00:49 to wives and women. Our guest today is 00:53 director of Men's Ministries of the Florida 00:56 Conference of Seventh -Day Adventist Pastor 00:58 Dick O'Ffill. How are you? Well thank you, 01:02 as I was listening to you make the introduction 01:04 I thought of the words Plain Talk, what's Plain 01:07 Talk means, what means that. It' just Plain Talk, 01:10 it means we're gonna do Plain Talk and then 01:12 I was thinking when you introduced me as the 01:14 Director of Men's Ministry for the Florida 01:16 Conference. Especially we are talking to woman; 01:18 I know I thought of it. It is like who are you to talk 01:21 about. Well obviously, Kathy it's gonna be up 01:24 from mans point of view, because I am sure that 01:27 woman have lot to say about men but from a 01:31 feminine point of view, from woman's point of view. 01:32 Well you know I think lot of times what we here is 01:35 what woman think, there is a mood, there is such a 01:38 mood where it everything you see in here is what 01:41 woman think I rarely get to hear what men think. 01:46 Can I tell you something between us, am I wrong, 01:48 maybe it's just me. I am gonna, I am just simply 01:51 gonna bear what you are saying that oh I hardly 01:55 have the courage to say this do you know that 01:57 when woman get together correct me if I am wrong 01:59 woman will get together and talk about their 02:01 husbands you know what doesn't happen, 02:03 men getting together and talk about their wives, 02:05 they don't talk about their wives, 02:06 this is a strange thing. Now they might talk 02:08 about things they shouldn't talk about, 02:10 but they don't talk about their wives. 02:12 And so I merely saying it's really true that we 02:16 do hear a woman's perspective and I think 02:20 as we said in earlier programs there is a kind 02:23 of revolution going on men are being kind of 02:26 disenfranchised in fact maybe I am using the 02:29 word that is too strong almost being 02:30 emasculated, yes, that the masculine role 02:34 is being re-examined being redefine, 02:37 but I really feel that the problem we face is 02:42 not a problem, the problem in the home is 02:44 not a man's problem it's the men and the women 02:47 and I think that's why we've chosen to talk 02:48 about, about wives and woman today. 02:51 Well literally it's the sinful nature, it's the 02:53 sin in us, I think so, this is the problem, 02:55 but you know it's identified as men or 02:58 women, that's right and we do have our unique 03:00 problems there is no, no doubt about that, 03:03 but if the women got together and solved 03:06 all their problems and then we still have the 03:09 men's problems. If the men get together and 03:11 solved all their, but you can't do that because all 03:13 the women's problems are men's problems, 03:15 it's not possible, that's true, that's good. 03:20 I wanted to ask you this question how do you 03:22 suppose that the Women's Lib Movement has 03:25 affected women as wives. Well now remember what 03:28 we said, because it has affected, absolutely 03:30 as I would we just said a moment ago this is gonna 03:32 be from a man's perspective, a man's 03:34 perspective, and anyway I think that there needed 03:39 to be a midcourse correction and in other 03:44 words, it's kind of late course isn't it, well 03:46 better late then never show you say, oh yes, 03:48 better late then never, midstream you mean, 03:50 midstream and so the worst things that needed 03:53 to be corrected and but however perhaps this is 03:57 an over statement, but way up high there are 04:01 women's organizations that are led of course by 04:03 women and these women are not always 04:06 sympathetic to the home I don't think I need to 04:09 go in great details, so way up high philosophically, 04:15 what might appear to liberate women in its 04:17 most extreme manifestations 04:20 could be an enemy of the home as we've known 04:22 and understood couldn't it. Well I think it has been 04:25 I don't think it could be think it definitely has been. 04:27 I have a friend that went to affair and I think the 04:33 idea of Women's Lib is to uplift women. 04:36 Well, at a booth there she realized that she had 04:40 to do with this women's lib and other 04:43 organization, and she was downed for having long 04:47 hair for a lady that was progressive wouldn't 04:52 have really long hair, okay, okay, okay and 04:55 suddenly wouldn't be happy just being a mother 04:58 at home. So it was downing you as a woman, 05:01 yeah, and you know it's interesting how it can 05:05 down you in one way and lift you up another, 05:07 but it supposed to be all for women, but that didn't 05:11 work they backfired for her when she heard this 05:13 it didn't make her impressed by this 05:15 women's lib attitude, feminist attitude, 05:18 it's a feminist attitude and I guess I hear 05:21 you saying that, that there is an image that's 05:25 projected by these leaders and, yes, and it's 05:26 really an intimidating image because if 05:29 there was and this is what we go back to what 05:31 we said before if there was a mistake before 05:33 I think we are making another mistake because 05:35 if there was you know what they are saying is 05:37 unless you are woman like us you know you are 05:39 not a woman, yes, well I don't think that's fair. 05:41 I think there is a lot of woman too that have even 05:44 written books that what they thought it had started 05:47 out as is not what it is, and some of them are 05:52 backing off and, and trying to advice women, 05:55 but this is really not where you want to go, 05:57 exactly, it is ruining, it's gonna ruin your home, 06:00 it's gonna hurt you a lot. Well if there were some 06:01 positive things to say about the, 06:04 about the movement it would be that there has 06:08 been more sensitivity are given to the woman 06:11 as a person, yes, and to her rights, okay there is 06:15 the strength so, I think that would be the strength 06:17 and of course on the weakness side, 06:19 and intelligence, women every way we are finding 06:22 out that woman are capable, they are creative 06:24 and that they can virtually operate in any arena, 06:27 I might just say as a kind of little parenthesis. 06:30 I like the idea of woman in as doctors 06:33 as medical doctor. Well, for the simple reason. 06:37 Kathy I used to live overseas in a Muslim 06:39 environment, who else can, and Muslim woman 06:42 didn't go to male doctor, to male doctors, 06:45 and so I wish I mean may their tribe increase, 06:49 I think that woman ought to go through, better tribe 06:51 increase, of course without, we have your 06:53 blessing, and so that there is something right about 06:57 this, there is something right and however as we 07:00 say that the dangers are that it would be like us 07:05 men that if we, you know we had to corner on the 07:07 market and we are thinking only of ourselves 07:10 it wouldn't be hard for that to go to the other side 07:13 and we would be perpetuating but from 07:15 the other side the evils of the past, wanted some 07:20 more of the weakness of it though. 07:23 Well you should tell me, you are the woman. 07:26 Well I think one of the worst is the abandonment 07:28 of the home, yeah, living the role of the one thing 07:33 that can be so satisfying as being a mother 07:39 and a good wife onsidering others I heard 07:43 of yourself like the scripture tells us that we 07:45 should, instead of just thinking of yourself. 07:49 You know, when you talk about leaving the home. 07:52 See there would be a whole group of people 07:53 Kathy of your sex, who would say you know 07:57 so who says we got to be in the home see in 07:59 the other words they would see that there is a 08:00 problem right off, I know my name is gonna to be mud. 08:05 But God, in other words who did God create to 08:08 be mother, who did God create to be wives as 08:11 women, who did God create to be father's, 08:13 who did He create to be husband it's men. 08:16 So, really there are something going on 08:18 it's not right, this is not right, and by the way 08:22 I heard a story one time, I was there in Africa, 08:26 and I was talking with a wife and mother there 08:29 and she and her husband just got over their mission 08:32 service and apparently just before they had left 08:36 to go overseas she had attended the wedding of 08:40 her sister, you won't believe this, and so, 08:45 and she didn't mean anything by it. 08:46 She said to her sister well how many children 08:51 do you and John you know plan to have and 08:54 she said my sister said we don't think we're gonna 08:57 reproduce ourselves, she said I didn't know what 09:03 isn't incredible that something is going on, 09:07 you know women are being told you know 09:09 don't let children mess up your life. 09:13 There is someone that I spoke to in last year, 09:16 who had similar experience and some 09:18 they were standing in the kitchen together and 09:21 younger woman ask the elder one and this subject 09:24 came up about children and the younger one 09:27 thought it was demeaning and degrading to the 09:29 body, yeah, that would be, and that's having had 09:35 children now that the Lord gave me 'cause 09:37 I was married 10 years before I had the first 09:39 one and it was pride for a child that is a hard thing 09:44 for me to take. I get really sad when woman want 09:47 to get away from their children and so I think all 09:49 of this movement has affected the woman and 09:52 wanting to get away from it all, not only that is 09:54 devalued, it's devalued the women if you are 09:58 mother, if you are a wife, you know where is 10:02 your value, you need a career. Let me tell you 10:05 something, and I am you know I am not trying to 10:07 make it hard on women who have to work as 10:10 wives and mothers but we need to realize just those 10:16 characters that we can develop, oh yeah, and the 10:19 work that we can do with our husbands I think there 10:21 is that counsel too, yeah, wining our husbands to 10:24 the Lord by our chased behavior. 10:27 You know, when I preach sometimes I say, 10:34 you know we men have not changed much 10:36 through the years, now hang on are you ready or 10:39 you adjust your seat belt on, yes, I say wish till the 10:41 dirty old men we've always been. 10:43 Oh, you better explain yourself, now what I am 10:46 saying is that you know the men who are the one 10:48 standed on telling dirty jokes, yes, I am talking 10:50 generically, yes, consonants where I am 10:52 telling dirty jokes, I said we men really in the 21st 10:57 century we haven't changed, we are the same 10:59 dirty old men we've always been, basic nature. 11:02 You know who is changed though, 11:04 the woman have changed. Now don't be upset with 11:06 me, but really, really now the woman and there 11:11 were things that need to be corrected but I don't 11:13 think the woman needed to come down Kathy to 11:15 our level. I mean come down to our level, 11:18 I understand that. I was standing in a pharmacy 11:20 one time and for some reason or another 11:24 you know a young lady was upset, but you know 11:27 she whipped into dirty talk and she said I'm 11:30 gonna jump across this whatever this is you know 11:33 and lead you up or something, now you 11:37 know maybe I am old fashioned, just been 11:38 watching the wrestling game, I saw to myself 11:40 I can't believe this. Now it's true that it didn't 11:44 use to be that way when the men were around the 11:46 women they watch how they talk, they didn't tell 11:49 dirty jokes, but I have been told, some respect, 11:51 there was respect. I've been told that by men 11:55 who work in public and I am not putting women 11:57 down, that it's nothing wrong to be working out 12:00 in business and having women foul mouth and 12:04 telling dirty jokes all, yes, and so if women have 12:07 been liberated to tell dirty jokes and to be foul 12:09 mouth this doesn't sound like the liberation of the 12:12 daughters of God, it does have son like me, no not 12:14 at all, and the daughters of God need carefully not 12:17 to partake of that, of course and to 12:20 avoid it at all cost. Now, I say something 12:23 else I mean I told you at the beginning I was 12:26 gonna be kind of a men's perspective to this, yes. 12:29 Now I hope said those who are with us, 12:32 you haven't misunderstood when I say that we men 12:34 are basically the same I am talking about by 12:36 nature, I am not talking about Christian, 12:37 you know, I am talking about generic, but 12:42 do you know who sets the moral climate, 12:45 now this is gonna be my personal opinion, 12:48 the moral climate for a society I say it's the 12:51 women, what, are you ready, it could to be 12:55 designers no. Well but you see, you see in an 13:00 environment, well it's true, or in a moral, 13:02 in sexual relationship, yes, who is that throws 13:06 the green light, who is that sets the climate, 13:11 in other words there is something these days 13:14 about and this is very critical and some may 13:17 disagree with it, where the women seem to be 13:20 getting more overtly immoral by the way they 13:24 dress, by the way they act, by the aggression, 13:27 the sexual aggression, and of course for us men 13:31 who were the same dirty old men, we've always 13:34 been this is bringing out the worst, number one in 13:37 men and number two I believe it's degrading 13:41 the women, you know, it is, God created women 13:44 last, it was His very best effort, she was the 13:49 crowning act of His creation. Now, there 13:51 would be those who would disagree with you, 13:53 you said it this is from personal opinion on 13:55 women's opinion, oh of course, of course, 13:57 and I guess I have to bring it out not 13:59 necessarily that I agree with the site because 14:01 I think I personally with my age and experience 14:04 agree with you that the women is setting the tone 14:07 on lot of this, but you know I've talked to some 14:10 young people who would say what about those men 14:13 who need to keep God on their mind, who need to 14:16 reserve themselves, restrain themselves and 14:18 be the Christian man that they ought to be, right, 14:21 but you know a man is still a man and you put 14:24 certain things in his face. I am glad, you're gonna 14:28 have drumble. Now, I think that is very 14:31 important what you've just brought out that we 14:34 men as dirty old men are going to have to give 14:36 account to God, there is no doubt about that. 14:39 This dirty mind is unacceptable, its 14:43 incompatible, and he asks us to think on that which 14:45 is pure, which is pure. However, however 14:48 and I use this illustration and it's a wife and mother 14:52 illustration especially for the mothers who have had 14:55 experience having little children, I would know 14:58 that if you are preparing dinner or if I was 15:01 preparing dinner and I have a pot on the 15:04 stove that has a handle sticking out over the edge 15:07 and I am boiling water and I know I've got 15:10 toddlers running around who can hit that and 15:13 scroll themselves. Now I could say well 15:14 that's not my responsibility that's 15:16 their responsibility I didn't do anything 15:18 you would say wait a minute it's irresponsible 15:21 for a person who is cooking things on a stove 15:24 to leave a handle when there is a little child 15:26 running around, right, now you can't say it's the 15:28 child's problem, and so I guess what I am saying 15:31 as a man that I know we men have a problem in 15:34 this area, but I wish that the women of God would 15:37 get together and say you know we can't be 15:40 excessive after the fact and scripture talks about 15:44 being chased in, being modest, and modest, 15:46 and it has a lot to say about that, a lot to say 15:49 about the responsibility of a women in the area of 15:52 moral purity. So that even Christian women 15:55 have taken on feminist ideas and really promoted 16:00 selfish thoughts that I can be what I want to be and 16:03 you are not suppose to think anything, 16:05 that's right, and this is a sad thing for Christian 16:11 women to for Christian women to do this, 16:15 now I can understand if a women who is not 16:16 professing Christianity, of course, of course, 16:18 but if a women is professing Christianity 16:20 then she needs to see what the word says 16:23 and we need to come to harmony with it. 16:28 Do you know, do you know there is word that's 16:31 not hardly used anymore and I remember at least 16:34 when I was growing up it was all around, it was the 16:37 word modesty, when is the last time you heard 16:39 that word? What is the last time you heard that 16:43 word, well you don't hear it in public very often no. 16:46 And I was thinking of my own little, my own little 16:49 granddaughters how many do I have, 16:52 I have three I guess I got to be if I have got seven 16:55 grandchildren I have got three grand daughters, 16:57 and you know the way they dress, now they are 16:59 not strippers in the night club, but it is you 17:03 understand what I am saying, yes, they can be 17:05 dressed in the summer time very scantly when 17:07 they go to the beach. I don't need to even talk 17:10 about that, but I don't think that the modesty 17:14 is a word that in the 21st century has any meaning 17:17 to the young people, right, but yet this word 17:20 modesty is very important in scripture, 17:22 and used multiple times in various ways not 17:25 necessarily the word but principle of some kind, 17:28 the principle and so it I think if we don't as 17:32 Christians and we are talking about women 17:35 you know I wish why should I Kathy, 17:38 why should I as a man be talking to you about this, 17:41 this is not my day. Well I think though I am, I am it 17:44 is your business. I think if men would be men then 17:48 women would appreciate more of being modest 17:51 women, what is it isn't it the sinful nature that says 17:57 out of one side of the mouth I would like this 17:59 chased women who is modest and all of this 18:01 sort of thing, but over here you are leading at 18:03 the one and this is when you are giving the 18:04 compliments too, that's right, and this is the one 18:05 you are appreciating what kind of message are 18:07 you giving to women who want to be beautiful 18:10 and attractive, but obviously and have been 18:14 for sometime doing it in the wrong way. 18:16 Do you know I was sitting at a Sabbath dinner 18:19 table, character is beautiful also, well, 18:21 I was sitting at a Sabbath dinner table and you 18:24 know around the table there were you know 18:26 several families represented and there 18:27 was an attractive young Christian wife that was 18:33 there she was without her husband, her husband was 18:35 traveling and so we got talking about some of 18:37 these things, and she said I want to appear desirable 18:42 to other men, what does that mean in her mind, 18:44 what do you think she meant, what you see 18:46 I only have one meaning for that see and I wish 18:50 that women understood that, that if a women said 18:53 I want to appear desirable to other men we only 18:56 know that from one perspective that doesn't 18:58 mean I want to be a friend, I want to be seen 19:00 as a person, to me I hear that loud and clear I want 19:03 to be a sex object. Now I heard something 19:09 Kathy one time and that maybe we as parents 19:12 and as grandparents need to be very careful when 19:14 our little girls or grandchildren are this big 19:17 we are always talking about their bodies, 19:19 oh isn't she cute or boyfriends, or whatever 19:22 it is, but you see it's always about how pretty 19:25 they are, we look at the cute little socks, look at 19:26 the cute little dress, look at her cute little curls. 19:29 So, a child from the time she has this big is fed 19:33 the physical, yes, and then of course if she has 19:36 fed the physical when she gets to be 16 and 17 we 19:39 are talking about some serious problems, yes, 19:42 and suddenly the father is saying oh you know 19:43 what could happen and it often does happen, 19:46 little by little, step by step it happen. 19:48 And so it goes back to what you were saying a 19:50 moment ago that when they are this big we 19:52 should not be talking about how pretty they 19:53 are, we should be talking about the character thing, 19:55 yes, I agree with you and that is a problem, 19:58 actually those that I have had an opportunity to 20:00 mentor as young parents I've talked about this and 20:04 when they meet this problem because it's 20:06 everywhere within the church, we were always 20:09 feeding that physical thought, if you meet that 20:12 problem then you better pray about how you could 20:16 witness or handle for your child sake because it's 20:18 gonna happen to your child at sometime. 20:21 Do you know what I think the most wonderful 20:24 for lack of a better word women's lib text series 20:27 in scripture hang on I think it's the one that 20:30 says let it not be the outward adorning, yes, 20:34 now watch out how that works because Jesus is 20:37 saying to women, honey it's not what you are 20:41 physically that's important to me, 20:43 see because I think that even the women 20:46 are hyped or trained to be physical, I think they 20:48 resented, I think deep down inside they 20:50 resented, they resent being seen as objects, 20:53 yes, they want to be seen as people, now I don't 20:55 think you can tell me if am wrong, 20:56 well also though they want to be seen 20:59 as beautiful attracted to somebody, but if the 21:03 right thing was said to them by the men they 21:06 could, they could be happy, happier being 21:10 attractive for the right reasons, if you would 21:13 compliment a really modest women, yes right, 21:16 then I might put on that real modest outfit again 21:20 because that's what you like me in you know that 21:22 kind of thing, but did you know Kathy that those 21:26 who we know the best for example if you ask me to 21:29 describe somebody I don't know I would describe 21:32 the way they look, yes, if you ask me to describe 21:35 someone I know, yes, I'll describe the kind of 21:37 person they are and you see I think this is 21:40 a question that we as men but not just we has been 21:43 but the women particularly. Does a women want to be 21:46 known and remembered and describe as how she 21:49 looks, nearly for physical, or does she wanted to be 21:52 describe as the person she is and later, 21:54 well I'll have to choose the later. 21:55 Well later we're gonna to do a program here in 21:58 our schedule you know about old age, but let's 22:00 just introduce it little bit because a woman that's 22:03 hung up on the physical appearance, yeah, 22:06 when she gets down the line a little bit, could be 22:09 devastated, when you get a turkey neck 22:14 so and so anyway, anyway I guess what we 22:15 are saying is that, is that, is that God is saying to 22:19 women I value you as a person, amen in fact 22:23 God is God, he does and but we need to get it 22:26 across to Christian women that if you want 22:29 to be a somebody you don't want to be sexy, 22:31 right, you don't want to appeared to be desirable 22:34 to a guy that walks down the street, you won't have 22:37 the character that God can appreciate. 22:38 Let it not be the outward of adorning you see, 22:42 it's incredible, but anyway you forgive me 22:44 for saying talking this way. No, I don't mind it, 22:48 it's from a man's, I think it 22:49 perspective, needs to be said, 22:50 I think it needs to be said, but I wish, 22:52 I am glad you are saying it actually when we 22:55 invited you, when I invited you to do this 22:56 I was surprised that you were willing, to do Plain 22:59 Talk, yes, and it is Plain Talk, but I would long 23:02 for the day in which we men could get together 23:06 and talk what does God expect of us as men. 23:09 Now we men have a problems, we are dirty 23:11 old men among other things we have anger 23:14 and bitterness and that's, even once you become a 23:15 Christian this is something you have to 23:16 deal with, and then I wish while we are doing that 23:19 that the women would get together, because women 23:22 have their women things, I have a desire for that to 23:24 have the women together to study these subjects but 23:27 you know that is not something that women 23:29 often like to talk about, they would rather talk 23:31 with their pastors see and see this is the thing that 23:34 I have as pastor. See women can be very 23:36 free to talk with the pastors they can say 23:39 things to a pastor that they should say to 23:41 anybody, they can talk about their intimate life 23:43 and sometimes I will be talking with the women, 23:45 that's dangerous, and she will start on that and 23:46 I will just stop that I will say, I will say 23:48 sister I think you want to find a women of God, 23:50 that's good and I am glad you are, I am glad you are 23:53 doing that because this is, I don't need that in my 23:56 mind, I don't need that in my mind and she doesn't 23:58 need to be sharing this kind of information with men. 24:04 You know I hope we haven't offended anybody 24:06 out there because you know we kind of went 24:07 into this little bit didn't we? 24:09 We kind of went into this you know, we can go 24:10 into more I think, you know another thing that 24:12 we had on our list to discuss in this program 24:14 was this matter of and I think it connects with the, 24:18 this matter of the physical, yes, you know 24:20 advertising is out there, yes, and where do we get 24:23 our role models for, oh yes, while we started out 24:25 with the movement and how it effected us but 24:28 obviously that movement has effected 24:30 advertisement. It's effected advertising and 24:31 I don't think we're gonna be able to finish in this 24:33 program, but I think you and I want to discuss 24:35 maybe even at another time, how that advertising 24:39 is creating a dissatisfaction, 24:43 yes discontent, and this dissatisfaction means 24:46 that I have to go out and buy a new dress in other 24:49 words it is that I am satisfied to be what I God 24:52 meant for me to be if I don't have a new dress 24:54 I am nobody, and then when I go out and buy 24:57 that new dress I put it out in my credit card. 25:01 Are you going somewhere else now, 25:03 because we were talking about that, yeah and we 25:04 were talking about that and maybe we can do 25:05 that in another program because our homes 25:09 are being virtually undermined by this level 25:13 of debt and debt is being exacerbated by 25:18 advertising and you see advertising is ultimately 25:21 the biggest put down there is, see advertising is 25:23 saying to you as a women and to me as a man. 25:26 Unless Kathy you look like this, oh I know, 25:28 you are nobody, I know, unless your shape like 25:31 that, you are ugly, you began to a person who 25:35 is not strong in the Lord can began to market 25:37 themselves in a totally different way and actually 25:39 it is marketing yourself. Well, it's the, I wish that 25:42 we would talk about this at the church you see we 25:44 used to call these as Church standards, yes, 25:46 but nobody wants to talk about Church standards 25:47 because they say that's legalism, but they were 25:50 something right about that we that are Christian 25:52 would dress because the fact that he would be 25:54 simple, the fact that he would be modest would 25:56 keep him out of these big pitfalls all around, 26:00 they create these huge problems where we 26:02 would have these moral implications or where 26:04 we would have over spending, we would have 26:07 discontent, well I don't like my house my house 26:09 is ugly, I can't stay in my car, my car is no good, 26:12 anyway, we need to continue on this debt 26:16 thing because, keep thy heart with all diligence 26:18 for out that are the issues of life. Dick I want to 26:22 invite our viewers though if they have topics for 26:27 family and something that they would like to suggest 26:32 call or write 3ABN and tell them that this might 26:37 be a particular topic that you would like to see on 26:40 Thinking About Home, if we can we might be 26:42 able to deal with it. You see the address there 26:46 and or call mention my name and Thinking 26:48 About Home and I appreciate if you do 26:49 that I am sorry Dick I interrupted you, oh no, 26:51 no, I was just saying as we come to our closer 26:53 this program that as men we need the word of God, 26:58 and I believe that excuse me you women you need 27:02 the word of God that if we let the society 27:04 determine what we are gonna be, we're gonna 27:06 be lost women as women and as men, yes, and our 27:08 home is gonna, they are not gonna break, yes, we 27:11 Christian women need to be listening to this, this 27:13 voice, absolutely, this voice. You're gonna be 27:16 talking about a few other topics Plain Talk as our 27:18 program goes on, what's next one do you think? 27:20 Or we're gonna keep talking about women, 27:22 oh fun, I don't know we want to pray for our 27:26 viewers, yes do that let's do that. 27:28 Heavenly Father, Lord we are thankful for our 27:30 families, we are thankful for our wives, we are 27:33 thankful for our sisters, we are thankful for our 27:35 mothers and grandmothers, yes, and O Lord we pray 27:38 for the women for the women of God, 27:39 the daughters of God that they will be able to resist 27:41 the great temptations that would take away their 27:44 beauty, their inner beauty that would take away 27:46 their dignity, their intrinsic dignity that 27:48 they have in Jesus. Oh Heavenly Father in 27:51 these last days, we pray that you will 27:54 protect us and as Jesus prayed that you will 27:57 keep us from the Evil, we are thankful. |
Revised 2014-12-17