Thinking About Home

The Will, God's Plan, Satan's Perversion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Sedlacek, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000129

00:31 Hello I'm Kathy Matthews and this is
00:32 Thinking About Home. You know today we are gonna
00:35 be talking about one of the most favorite subjects
00:37 I have ever run across. And that is the will,
00:39 the right use of the will. Most people don't even
00:43 understand what their will can do or some don't even
00:47 realize that their will is there. I remember talking to
00:50 a child one time in a children's story at church
00:53 and I said something about their will and they popped
00:56 up and said I don't have one.
00:57 And it was reminded me sometimes of adults
01:03 that might not realize what they can do with theirs.
01:05 We are going to have quite a discussion on this about
01:09 the mind of man and what God's plan is.
01:12 Our guest today is Dr. David Scdlacck from Weimar
01:15 Institute and I want to thank him for being
01:17 with us again. Thank you Kathy for inviting me,
01:19 yes, I like the subject. What did God have in mind
01:24 for the human mind and especially the will of man
01:28 at creation? Well at creation,
01:33 man was created in perfect harmony with God.
01:36 It was perfect oneness with God and God's mind.
01:41 There was no sin, there was no discord and so there
01:45 was a perfect harmony and we might graph it something
01:49 like this, that there was God and then there was
01:54 the will of man and there were all other mind faculties
01:58 of man and the will was in perfect submission to the
02:02 will of God. In another words, the will of man and
02:04 the will of God were one. That's what God's plan was,
02:08 perfect harmony, no conflict. And that's exactly the
02:12 way it was in our unfallen state.
02:14 Well, help me to understand now then what more
02:18 specifically the will and its function in the life of man.
02:22 Well, the will is like a gatekeeper in many ways,
02:26 it's the faculty of the mind that makes decisions.
02:32 And when decisions are made, everything else
02:34 follows from that decision making process,
02:38 so the will is the deciding power it's almost like
02:42 the king of all of the mind faculties in many respects.
02:46 The king, yes, well if it's the king,
02:49 there is got to be other powers;
02:51 that's right there are. It's the king, so there has
02:53 to be other subjects or a king has subjects so
02:56 it's got to be the other abilities of the mind,
02:59 but the will, the will has so much going
03:03 for it or could, well that's right you know.
03:05 The other mind faculties and there are many,
03:07 many other mind faculties were meant to be
03:10 subservient to the king, yes. That's why I said that,
03:14 when you name it the king, that's right,
03:16 every other one is. Can you be more specific
03:23 about how the brain works when a decision is made,
03:26 you know because the will has to do with the decision.
03:29 So when a decision is made is got to bring that will
03:35 into harmony, right? That's right, but you just,
03:39 just tell me more about how the brain works.
03:42 Well it's interesting, every time a choice is made
03:46 to think something, to say something,
03:49 to do something, to feel something there are
03:53 corresponding neurochemical pathways that are formed
03:59 in the brain. And they form these pathways
04:03 connected to habits of thinking, habits of doing,
04:07 habits of feeling, these are all connected to choices
04:10 that we make, and the choices that we make
04:13 result in the formation of these pathways in the brain.
04:17 And these pathways interestingly enough
04:20 are not just neurological, but they are biochemical
04:24 and it's important to understand that every time
04:26 you make a decision for better or for worse,
04:29 what you are doing is you are either reinforcing
04:32 a pathway to make it stronger or you are weakening
04:36 that pathway and building a different pathway.
04:38 It's an extremely important thing to understand
04:41 that our brains are actively at work every time
04:47 we think, feel, choose, anytime the mind works,
04:51 right. So what happened to the will when man sinned?
04:57 Well when man sinned something happened that
05:02 debilitated the process. You see when man sinned
05:09 Satan got involved and when Satan got involved
05:12 he insinuated himself into the process.
05:16 No longer was the will subservient only to God,
05:19 but we had a new master when we sinned.
05:23 You see originally our master was God,
05:27 but when we chose to sin, we chose to follow Satan.
05:32 And so we are gonna see here how Satan insinuated
05:35 himself into this process. And so we wanna take
05:40 a look at that in our next graphic and so if we can look
05:45 at what happened to the mind of man.
05:49 What happened is heart's desire came into play
05:51 and when heart's desire came into play heart's desire
05:58 is that part of us that deals with appetites and
06:02 passions, flesh. Well in a sense,
06:05 what is the difference in that? But I don't want
06:06 unnecessarily put an evil spin on it because originally,
06:12 yeah, heart's desire was a faculty of man that God
06:15 gave us that God gave, yes and it was good.
06:18 God says he delights to give us the desires of our hearts
06:21 and so that must mean it's okay to have desires, right.
06:24 And isn't that what he wants to restore to us?
06:26 Exactly right, that our desires would be brought
06:29 into harmony with him, that's right.
06:33 Not perverted and controlled by the enemy, that's right.
06:36 But what happens is heart's desire in its perverted
06:40 sense in the fallen human nature scenario gets
06:44 you into following appetite that may be perverted
06:49 appetite or passions that are not sanctified passions
06:52 and what has happened is that, is that those
06:56 things have become such a powerful drive now
06:59 in man in their perverted state that the will gets
07:05 filtered and decisions get filtered then through
07:08 heart's desire rather than heart's desire
07:11 subservient to will. That's what's happened
07:14 in the perverted condition of man and so now
07:18 that's what Satan knows that he can cater to if
07:23 he can make things appealing to us.
07:25 If he can make them look good or feel good
07:28 then we are gonna make our decisions based upon
07:30 that rather than based upon sound principle.
07:33 It seems like it would be kind of hopeless if Satan
07:37 is in control wouldn't it be? Well, how can we make
07:40 a change? Well the reality is that alone,
07:43 it is hopeless for us. There is no hope we are
07:47 literally slaves of our human nature and slaves
07:51 to the enemy. I don't think people,
07:53 I don't think even we in the church understand
07:55 this very much, do you, do you think we understand
07:59 as the way we should? Because it seems
08:01 to be like if we did, we might be able to make
08:08 a change more readily? I totally agree with you
08:12 about that Kathy, do you think so? I do,
08:14 because you see when we don't know what our
08:19 behavior is saying then we do certain things,
08:22 we think certain things is giving evidence of who
08:25 our master is and Jesus said you are either
08:28 gonna serve Me or you are gonna serve Mammon,
08:30 you can't serve us both. And when what
08:33 we do gives evidence that we are serving Mammon
08:37 really our master is still Satan even though
08:40 we are in the church. There are many of us
08:43 in the church unfortunately who have a profession
08:46 of Christianity or profession of Godliness,
08:49 but it doesn't get translated into our daily life,
08:53 our thought processes our feeling realities and our
08:57 behavior. Right. And so true Godliness gets translated
09:02 that way and so the way to get that is through
09:06 a true conversion experience, yes of course.
09:08 So then, a true surrender of the will if you will,
09:12 I guess that way. Okay, so we are in bondage
09:15 so how do we make that change,
09:16 how do we get out of bondage to sin? Okay,
09:20 well the first way is to know that in Christ
09:25 I already am free, yes. You see Satan doesn't
09:28 want us to know that we are already free,
09:30 so we could act like we are not, behave
09:33 as if we are not, if don't know that, exactly.
09:37 You know as Christians our heritage is one of freedom
09:40 not bondage, but Satan works by lies and deceptions.
09:43 And so most of us, he has succeeded in having
09:48 us believe that we are not free, but in fact we are.
09:51 So first of all is coming to realize that I have
09:53 freedom in Jesus already, okay then secondly
09:57 it's making a conscious decision to surrender my will,
10:03 okay. First of all, and what that implies is that
10:08 I know that I have the capacity to do that, to
10:12 surrender. Yeah most of us, some of us don't even
10:15 know that surrender has to be a conscious
10:17 decision that I make. You see Jesus doesn't
10:21 wave a magic one over us and say poof you know
10:24 you are changed now, right, okay.
10:28 The Christian life especially this part of the Christian
10:31 life that we are talking about which is really in
10:33 the realm of sanctification. It's a workable lifetime
10:36 and it's a work of daily surrender of the will
10:38 to God. And lot of us don't know that we have
10:42 that capacity to choose that that's a right we have,
10:46 it's a responsibility we have,
10:47 and that when we make that decision to surrender
10:51 the will we are making the decision to have Jesus
10:55 as our master rather than Satan as our master, okay.
10:59 Now that's, that is extremely important,
11:02 but do you know that there are many people
11:04 who have even what we call disabilities of the will.
11:08 There are things that Satan has done to destroy
11:11 our capacity to even make those choices,
11:13 now we can dwell. Yes, we are gonna be talking
11:15 about that in some of our future sessions, okay.
11:19 Yes because I wanted you to talk about this most
11:22 especially because in the home we want to do this,
11:26 we want to recognize this as parents or whoever
11:29 is the guardian or caregiver even to a child because
11:34 I wanted you to talk about this to lead us to how
11:38 to train our children and if we can train our children
11:41 to learn to choose properly and to set their will.
11:45 That's right. If we don't know how to do it and
11:51 so we have to understand how to get out of bondage
11:53 to make those choices that we need to make
11:55 under true conversion, that's right.
11:57 So that we can train our children so that our homes
12:00 can be being prepared for a heavenly home,
12:04 that's right. And I want you to help us help the
12:07 viewers to know more about the subject that's right.
12:10 Well I wanted to go little bit more technically
12:12 now into how the brain functions because I think
12:16 it would be useful for people to get a real clear
12:19 picture of this, okay. Whenever we make
12:24 a decision as I mentioned earlier there is a pathway
12:27 formed and it's a pathway that is a nervous
12:30 system pathway as well as a biochemical pathway.
12:35 When I make a decision the nerve cells are
12:39 stimulated and the electrical energy flows
12:43 down the nerve cells flows through the dendrites
12:45 down the axon to the end of the nerve cell.
12:48 And on the end of the nerve cell our little buttons,
12:52 our French word for button, a French word for button.
12:58 And so each of those buttons has little
13:01 neurotransmitters or chemicals in them and when
13:07 that nerve energy flows down the nerve cell,
13:11 it triggers the buttons to release what we call
13:14 neurotransmitters to go across a little gap,
13:18 a little space and that goes on to trigger the next
13:21 nerve cell. And then the chemicals are released
13:24 and that goes on to trigger the next nerve cell and then
13:27 ultimately the thought, the action, the feeling,
13:31 the moment of the muscle whatever it may be takes
13:35 place because of this happening, because of that
13:37 happening. Now what we need to understand
13:40 is that a decision triggers this neuro-biochemical
13:45 response. Now the normal chemical that flows across
13:50 this little synaptic gap is called ACH,
13:53 which has an abbreviation for acetylcholine, okay.
13:57 Now why that significant is this; that God has built
14:02 into the normal human brain a mechanism to
14:05 counteract pathways that have already been formed.
14:10 For example have you ever run into a situation,
14:13 where you found yourself doing something
14:15 you are developed a habit already and you thought,
14:17 oh yak I don't like this, I want to change it, right.
14:20 And so you made a New Year's resolution or you
14:23 decided I'm gonna change this thing, okay.
14:27 And you make promises that you are gonna do it,
14:30 we've done a lot. Now what God has
14:33 done is he built a mechanism into counteract this
14:38 habit pattern that has been established.
14:42 And that mechanism is another neurotransmitter
14:47 that's called GABA, that's stands for
14:49 gamma-aminobutyric acid. And when I say no I am
14:53 not gonna do it, in another words I'm just gonna
14:56 use my own will power to try and counteract
14:59 on an habit that I formed. What happens is
15:03 gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA is released to
15:07 weaken or to counteract the normal mechanisms
15:10 of the ACH and other neurotransmitters that are
15:13 used in the development of habit pattern.
15:16 God in His great love and mercy built this mechanism
15:19 into the normal brain function isn't that wonderful?
15:21 It is wonderful that God has given us that ability
15:24 to do it. Well I'm fascinated with hearing about it
15:28 and hearing about it is like hearing about how
15:31 He did something with the Red Sea,
15:32 it gives me the understanding of,
15:39 well it just seems like a miracle and when I hear
15:42 about it, it gives me more faith in God that he
15:44 placed it there. Well that's true,
15:46 but you know there are lot of people who are not
15:49 Christians Kathy, who let's say they try to stop
15:53 drinking after they are an alcoholic and they,
15:56 I am just gonna do this thing and how many times
15:59 did I try to do it and this mechanism is in place
16:02 of GABA that work and responds to their will,
16:07 but they just cannot follow through it what
16:08 they've done. Their promises are like robes of sand,
16:11 nothing, nothing. So, is that mean that we are
16:14 hopeless even with this mechanism that God has
16:16 given us? No, no. There is got to be more,
16:19 there is got to be more, isn't there? That's surely is,
16:22 because it would seem like that would be a very
16:23 unhappy person who was going through that
16:25 and yet there are people who can set their will
16:28 and manage, that's right, but are they converted
16:31 people just because they can do that?
16:32 No, no they are not. The Philippians 2:13 tells us
16:36 something very interesting, it says it is God in us
16:40 that works both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
16:47 And so God gives us both the capacity to choose
16:50 and then to do to follow through with that which
16:54 he desires of us. Now it's real fascinating that
16:59 when we look at that scripture and we take a look
17:01 at other scriptures like that were a new creature
17:05 and old things have passed away.
17:09 And what that old things means in this context
17:11 is some of our old ways of thinking,
17:13 some of our old ways behaving,
17:15 some of the old habits that we've developed.
17:19 That what seems to happen biochemically is this,
17:25 you know that we use only a small percentage
17:27 of our brain, right, let's say about ten percent,
17:30 about ten percent which means we have another
17:32 90 percent available to us. And what seems to happen
17:36 is this, that God did something much more
17:40 wonderful than GABA, as wonderful as that is now.
17:46 He does something much more wonderful,
17:48 when I say Lord I am helpless,
17:54 I've tried all these things myself.
17:57 You see a lot of people who just got it out and make
18:00 these changes by themselves they do it but
18:03 they end up still being miserable people because
18:06 they still have the same unconverted heart.
18:10 And what the Lord does is, he wants to take the
18:13 heart and convert the heart and change and
18:16 empower the will to willing to of his good pleasure.
18:21 When that happens? Here is what we think happens
18:23 actually in that other 90 percent of the brain
18:26 is when we ask God for help that he creates
18:31 a whole new pathway, amen. And this is,
18:35 now this has been discovered, hasn't it? Yes,
18:37 you thought, you've seen the drawings or the
18:41 pictures or whatever of this type of thing happening.
18:44 That's right, that's what the new research
18:47 is tending to show, is that, and this is the miraculous
18:51 part. Is that when I ask God for help,
18:54 he literally does it, not he even overcomes
18:59 the normal ACH, GABA mechanism to create a whole
19:03 new pathway now when he does that it gives
19:05 me new choice that I didn't have before.
19:10 Now when I have new choice,
19:12 when I exercise my will to choose this new thing
19:15 now that I know that God has told me to do,
19:18 is it new choice or new power? Is it either one?
19:23 Well it's certainly is a new power to choose differently,
19:26 yes, which makes it in a sense not the old thing
19:29 I've always done, but something new.
19:31 But in fact the new power come from,
19:33 couldn't that new power come from of course
19:35 from God but working on the hearts of desire
19:39 to make it change puts the new oomph in to making
19:44 the decision. Well that's interesting because
19:48 research have shown that any decision that's made,
19:51 if it's made without the full ascent to the heart
19:57 it's not going to be a decision that's followed
19:59 through it very well. They needs to be that emotional
20:02 component to it and when its there when
20:04 the two are combined then it's very, very strong.
20:07 We are gonna look at that more,
20:08 in more detail in one of our future sessions,
20:11 okay, but those two have to be together.
20:13 But when that happens and God forms us new
20:17 pathway then when a situation comes up
20:22 and I have a decision to make, am I gonna choose
20:25 the old thing or am I gonna choose the new thing?
20:30 Every time I choose the new,
20:33 what happens is that the new pathway gets reinforced
20:35 or deeper you might say. The groove gets deeper,
20:39 if you wanna call it that way, right, but literally
20:42 what happens is this. Remember I talked about
20:44 those little buttons, the buttons on the end
20:46 of each nerve cell. What happens is the stronger
20:50 a habit becomes the more frequent decision
20:54 is made the more, the greater the number of
20:58 buttons at the end of each of those nerve cells.
21:02 So every time I make that decision that new decision
21:05 I strengthen the number of buttons,
21:09 what happens to the old ones.
21:10 Well the old pathway, what happens is,
21:13 to the buttons on the old ones, okay, what happens
21:15 is with disuse they tend to weaken and atrophy
21:20 and ultimately to disappear entirely,
21:21 they can do that, yes they can, yes they can.
21:24 And so therefore eventually with new
21:27 choices, new heart's desire that new path can
21:32 be strengthen the old one can eventually dissipate,
21:36 that's right. Romans 12:2 says be transformed
21:41 by the renewing of your mind.
21:44 And you see this has to be a real Christian experience,
21:48 it has to be something new and different that
21:50 God gives us the ability to do that also wouldn't,
21:54 God just doesn't tell us things in his word to just
21:57 stick in there, right. And he puts them there because
21:59 he wants them to be real part of the human
22:02 experience. And so I think what I want to do
22:06 is I want to go on now to talking about the restored
22:11 picture from a graphic point of view, okay.
22:15 And so if we could take a look at that,
22:18 we see in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17,
22:21 if any man be in Christ he is a new creature.
22:24 All things are passed away behold all things
22:26 become new. And in this new picture what happens
22:31 is that, the human will is now brought under
22:36 submission to God again instead of back under
22:40 submission to Satan, we are no longer under
22:42 that bondage but there are three other faculties
22:46 that are now brought into play.
22:49 One of them is conscience, the other is reason
22:53 or common sense and of course the third is that
22:55 one we've been talking about what is hearts desire.
22:58 These three work in harmony with the will,
23:01 we are gonna talk about that next time,
23:03 good because I was gonna ask you,
23:04 could you explain more about Conscience,
23:07 common sense and heart's desire.
23:08 But if we are gonna talk about it later,
23:10 we will keep on going then. Yes, we are gonna talk
23:13 about those things and what happens is that,
23:17 God's plan now is complete restoration of the mind of
23:22 man and complete restoration means that my will,
23:28 will once again be entirely in harmony with God's will
23:34 that there will be no dissonance that sin will have
23:39 no more power over me. Now Kathy I believe that,
23:43 that's gonna be an experience of God's people
23:45 before Jesus comes again, I do too,
23:47 not only afterwards but that God is right now cleansing
23:51 the hearts of people he is renewing and restoring
23:55 our minds so that we can be brought in complete
24:01 harmony with God's will that there will be no more
24:05 dissonance that we will be entirely submitted to God
24:09 once again, the same way Adam was before sin.
24:12 Now that is something it really excites me.
24:16 It is, it's beautiful. I want to hear more about that
24:19 and I guess we can get into a little bit more about that.
24:24 When I think of what this can do for a person
24:27 in the home and it gives us the power well it gives us
24:33 the power that we need or the understanding that
24:37 we need to keep moving forward in Christ,
24:40 I think it's an exciting concept. Well,
24:43 I think a lot of parents tend to be discouraged
24:45 at times because they try things and they try things
24:48 and they don't end up working and a part
24:53 of it is understanding even in your child,
24:56 the power that the will has in your child.
25:00 You know, we've heard a lot for example about strong
25:03 will children, yes, and how a strong will child seems
25:07 to be a rebellious child. The trick is to take that
25:11 strength of will and to redirect, a channel in a
25:15 direct direction, exactly. Too many parents
25:18 make this mistake, they make the mistake
25:20 of saying well my child has is the strong will child
25:22 and so I have to squash that child's will,
25:25 I have to, if you will beat that rebelliousness out
25:31 of him and that's not really what you want.
25:33 No. You need that will for later when you can
25:36 serve Christ. Exactly and so God does not want us
25:39 as parents to control our children to the point
25:42 where we eliminate their capacity to make
25:46 decisions for themselves rather what he wants us
25:49 to do is to take our children and teach them
25:52 how to use the faculties of the mind and so apart
25:56 of it we need to do is to consciously educate
25:59 our children along these lines. I know I've made
26:02 a conscious decision in my own family to take
26:06 my son and he is 12 now and I am going through
26:10 these studies with him and I am saying, are you,
26:12 Michael this is what God wants to do with your will
26:16 and this is how the conscience works and this
26:20 is how reason works, and this is how heart's desire
26:23 works and this is how Satan tries to bring these things
26:25 against God and this is how God wants to
26:28 restore them, I take him through step by step
26:30 scenarios and apply them in real practical ways
26:34 in his life and help them begin using these as
26:37 tools that can really strengthen him and built him
26:41 up right now and not just in the future,
26:43 right now as he is living his life as a young
26:46 preadolescent body, yes. Can you give us up
26:50 a quick summary now of how Jesus' plan for
26:53 restoring the human mind. Okay,
26:56 Jesus plan for restoring the human mind is number
27:00 one to have us begin studying this area of the
27:04 will and the mind and how it works.
27:07 We are told that one of the things that we should
27:08 study is human nature. And so he wants us to begin
27:12 looking at it, to begin studying it to know how
27:16 it works and then to make a conscience decision
27:20 to make a surrender of my heart and my
27:22 will to His. Now the will surrendered is the will
27:28 in perfect harmony with God, okay.
27:32 That is, that is absolutely the perfect place to
27:36 be and next time we are gonna talk about decision
27:39 making process aren't we? That's right,
27:41 oh good, how it works, yes I want people
27:44 to join us and you will be coming back for not
27:46 only that program but one more on this right
27:50 after that, that's right, oh that will be great.
27:53 When you tune in next time get your pen
27:56 and your paper and you will be
27:58 happy on Thinking About Home.


Revised 2014-12-17