Thinking About Home

Women In Society Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arlita Winston, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000125

00:31 Welcome to "Thinking about Home."
00:32 I am Kathy Matthews, and we've been talking
00:34 about women in society.
00:37 And most specifically we are going to talk
00:39 about mothers in Israel again today.
00:42 I want to read a scripture to you out of proverbs 31:10,
00:46 and it's "A wife of noble character who can find?
00:50 She is worth far more than rubies."
00:55 If we were to meet the noble
00:57 Misses far above rubies,
00:59 the virtuous women of Proverbs 31,
01:02 would we be drawn to her or hate her.
01:05 Our guest again today is Arlita Winston
01:08 and I want to welcome her,
01:09 Arlita, thank you for being here. You are welcome.
01:12 What would we think of this woman?
01:13 Well, I don't know if you would love her or hate her.
01:16 She was obviously, she had it together.
01:18 She was a great woman. She was great wife.
01:21 She was a great mother. She was a great neighbor.
01:24 But one doesn't become virtuous by doing
01:27 all the things that are said in Proverbs 31.
01:30 One does those things because one is virtuous.
01:35 And I think that the key for that is found
01:38 in one of the verses of the very end of the chapter,
01:41 where talks about she was a woman who feared the Lord
01:44 Amen. That showed where her heart was.
01:48 And I think that when we are talking about women
01:51 in society who are going to have an effect on society,
01:55 on our society today. We have to start there.
01:58 Women who fear the Lord above everything else
02:02 they aren't afraid to be, to speak out the truth.
02:06 They aren't afraid with their children.
02:09 They aren't afraid in the groups that they are with,
02:13 but they stand up and accounted.
02:16 They set their face like a flint.
02:18 And they show that they fear the Lord
02:22 and that they hate evil. And this kind of woman
02:25 is obviously one that's going to be a noted woman
02:28 like this woman in Proverbs 31.
02:31 I think of one of my favorite women
02:35 in all of The Bible, I have a number of favorites,
02:38 but Esther is certainly one that I dearly love.
02:44 In her story here she is a young woman
02:46 when she is called into the court and queen Vashti
02:50 has been deposed because of insubordination to the king
02:56 and so a great beauty contest is held
02:59 and so you wonder what kind of story is this going to be.
03:03 Is this going to be about a woman who fears God?
03:07 You know, the word God is not does not even appear
03:10 in the entire book and yet you are left
03:13 with a very deep conviction that this woman feared God,
03:19 knew how to subordinate her own desires
03:24 and be submissive to her uncle, Mordecai!
03:28 Yes, and her mother and father had died
03:32 and she grew up in the house of her cousin Mordecai
03:36 and he was a man obviously of a note there even though
03:42 there whole nation, the nation of Israel
03:45 where prisoners there in Persia.
03:47 They were living there in Persia.
03:49 Yet he was well-reputed and it was an upstanding family,
03:54 so here we find Esther, she is brought into the palace
04:01 and immediately Eunuch, the man who is in-charge
04:06 of the women's ports,
04:10 Yes, I was thinking what's that called;
04:12 that area where all the women are?
04:14 Well, it's called the Harem.
04:16 I was going to say that and I thought well
04:19 was it that, it was. He was Eunuch who was in-charge
04:21 of the Harem, but Esther attracted him greatly
04:25 not because I don't think because of her beauty
04:28 in particular but for beauty of spirit.
04:31 And he gave her the choice place to stay.
04:36 He gave her the choice ointments.
04:40 He just singled her out for special, special favor
04:45 which is very interesting, but God is not what made
04:48 her attractive. It was because
04:50 she was already attractive. In spirit In spirit
04:54 that I think is why the king was so drawn to Esther.
05:00 And then of course, the plot thickens and you see
05:03 an another woman who is the wife of the
05:05 prime minister Haman and she is a rather a self-serving,
05:11 very strident woman and her name was Xerxes
05:17 and she nagged Haman on to positions of great apparent
05:21 no matter what the cost of lives, didn't matter to her.
05:24 Her husband needed to be next to the king
05:28 and so if cost Mordecai's life fine.
05:31 If he cost the whole nations lives, fine,
05:34 but she was determined to have power.
05:37 So lot of difference between the two of them,
05:39 wasn't there? Enormous, enormous difference.
05:42 The Mordecai at this point has hurt of the plot.
05:47 He tells Esther to go to the king.
05:52 Meanwhile the king has not had Esther in his apartments
05:56 for about 30 days. And Esther knows that if the king
06:01 has not invited her it could be of with her head Yes
06:07 So, she sent back to Mordecai.
06:10 She said, how can I do this?
06:11 I haven't been be then to the king in all these days.
06:15 And he says, don't think Esther that your life
06:21 will be spared. Don't think that you
06:24 can get away with this. He doesn't know yet
06:27 that you are Jew.
06:29 The whole nation may die and you may live,
06:33 but who knows but what God has brought you for such
06:37 a time as this, and you go to that king
06:42 and you tell him. Well, here is dear Esther,
06:47 Trying to make a decision, isn't she?
06:49 Not only that, but she has been submissive to Mordecai.
06:53 All of her growing appears.
06:54 He has been like a father to her.
06:57 He has told her what to do and she begins realizing
07:00 that's true. My whole nation is at risk here.
07:05 And she begins to identify with her people. Amen.
07:08 And she said, alright, but first I got to pray
07:14 and she asked all of her maidens to gathered
07:17 to together and she herself and she tells Mordecai says,
07:21 you go on fast and my maidens and I will fast over
07:25 for three days. She fasted during those days.
07:28 I believe she went through such a cleansing experience
07:32 knowing that it was life and death,
07:34 and if God had mercy, would he please give her a plan
07:38 and a plan God gave her, a marvelous plan
07:43 which she set out to do and of course, you know,
07:48 the story of how she invited Haman and the king
07:51 alone to the banquette table and of course Xerxes
07:56 was thrilled to death that Haman had been invited
08:00 to the dinner for the king and queen.
08:02 And Mordecai still not bowing down to her husband
08:06 though she says make the gallows in the back
08:09 we will just have him hung.
08:12 Well, in then of course, the second banquette
08:14 that Queen Esther invites them to she does exposed
08:19 the whole plot to the king. And the beauty of Esther
08:25 of laying down of being willing to lay down her life
08:29 where she says and if I perish, I perish,
08:34 And she identified totally with her people
08:37 and wasn't ashamed to let the king know who she was.
08:41 And then she trusted God to do what she couldn't do.
08:45 She asked the king if he could reverse the decree.
08:48 He said, I can't, its law of the Medes and Persians,
08:51 but I can give them permission to fight
08:54 for their lives and fight for their lives they did.
08:58 And to this very day the Jews celebrate Purim
09:03 in honor of that marvelous day when that woman Esther
09:09 had the courage to go and speak on behalf of her people
09:13 and God honor that. We did, we did.
09:17 And there is verse there in Proverbs 31:30,
09:20 if you don't mind If I read it. Please.
09:22 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
09:26 but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
09:31 It reminds me how the story of Esther affected me
09:35 when I was in Shanghai and I was a girl only 12
09:38 and the communist were coming into the city
09:42 and we knew that there would be in that night,
09:45 and we had gathered all around in the living room
09:48 and the drapes were drawn and it was blocked out
09:52 and we knew we were listening to the radio
09:54 when I had my ear down to the radio to listen to a very
09:58 quietly and I was passing on what I heard
10:01 to the rest of the family.
10:02 We gathered all there round that radio
10:05 and then we were going to have our family prayers
10:07 before going to bed that night.
10:09 And I had been practicing for a part in the play
10:15 and I was Esther in a play that are young people
10:20 were doing, or we had a children's Bible study group
10:27 were doing, or we had a children's Bible study group
10:28 and one of the missionary mother's was leading it
10:31 and I got to be Esther in the play and I got to wear
10:34 the bridesmaid's dress in order to be the queen
10:38 and every day I was rehearsing
10:41 the lines of Esther, day in and day out
10:43 and it was wonderful because it took
10:45 our minds off, the Chinese communist coming in
10:49 and take over the city. And I was in another world.
10:51 I was in Persia and so that night as I was thinking
10:57 that may be we would die that night.
11:00 The lines kept coming over and over to me
11:04 perhaps we are here for such a time as this.
11:09 And so after we heard the news and passed
11:13 the word on to dad. He gathered us with the Bible
11:17 and I will never forget we went around a circle
11:21 and prayed, and all I could think of Esther's lines
11:28 perhaps you have come for such a time, is this? Perfect.
11:33 But I thought oh! My sister is going to just laugh
11:37 out loud because she has got a thing I can't get out of
11:40 that play and here this is serious business
11:43 we just might died tonight, and I felt so ashamed
11:47 about praying this prayer because
11:50 this is all like think off, and so the time came for me
11:53 and I just thought I just have to pray this and I
11:58 said, Lord we have come for such a time is this
12:03 and if we perish, we perish for Thee,
12:07 and it wasn't until many years later that I realized
12:12 that was the heart cry. The mother
12:16 and dad picked up and they were able to go to bed
12:20 that night, talking us all in saying Lord if we perish
12:25 we perish for Thee. And the Lord used you.
12:28 And the next morning we got up and dad said,
12:33 did any of you sleep? And we said, yes.
12:37 And he said, go look out the window.
12:40 We looked out the window and the whole place
12:43 had been shelled and there were bodies
12:47 laying everywhere, sand bags put opened and our home
12:54 had not been touched. And we had not;
12:57 we children had not heard a sound that entire night.
13:01 Mother and daddy had been up all night praying,
13:06 the entire night, but we had slept right through it
13:10 and then the Lord enabled us to move from there.
13:14 We were put under house arrest,
13:16 but we were kept save.
13:18 But Esther has always been a very special person
13:21 in my life, for many reasons but that strikes me
13:24 as one where her testimony to this day is helping women
13:31 to trust in God. Yes, she might have being impact
13:36 in your life even that play and her words, yes, it was,
13:39 Gods words, the words that God gave to her.
13:43 But have you thought of other women?
13:44 Have you known other women or Well, I've thought.
13:48 I had a big impact in society as women?
13:50 Yes, I think of Lydia she was of the city
13:54 of Fire of the Torah and she was a business woman,
13:58 a wonderful business woman providing purple material
14:03 in particular. Yeah, purple.
14:05 Yes, and it was too wealthy homes
14:08 and even to the royal household.
14:12 And this was a woman who knew the ways
14:16 of the marketplace and she knew of a certain man
14:20 who had come to speak down at the river,
14:23 and all the women were gathering to hear.
14:26 And she had heard of this man who had
14:29 once been persecuting the Church of which
14:32 she was part of. She was devoted woman who feared
14:37 God and yet she didn't know really about Jesus Christ.
14:44 And she gathered and she thought I've got to hear
14:47 what this man saying and Paul so stirred her heart
14:51 and stirred her whole family's heart
14:53 that they were converted and she constrained
14:58 Paul to stay with her, in her own home
15:02 and she constrained and so she opened up her home
15:04 with great hospitality as well as being a business woman
15:09 and my what story she must have heard from Paul.
15:12 This man who had persecuted the Church had that an equal
15:17 if not greater fervency in winning others to the Lord.
15:20 My what story she must have heard him tell.
15:23 I think so, and there is another scripture that
15:27 we can share on the women of Proverbs 31 here,
15:31 isn't there? Yes, and read that one.
15:33 Proverbs 31:18 to 27, Okay, alright
15:36 "She sees that her trading is profitable.
15:40 She watches over the affairs of her household
15:43 and does not eat the bread of idleness."
15:47 There is another woman now that
15:49 I am thinking Priscilla.
15:52 She was always linked with her husband Priscilla
15:54 and Aquila wherever you read about them
15:57 they were linked together and they were tent makers
16:00 just common ordinary tent makers whom Paul
16:04 found and he stayed with them.
16:07 And he must have had some wonderful times
16:10 talking over the scriptures and their hearts
16:13 also were stirred with the love for the Lord,
16:16 and I can imagine their sharing together,
16:18 and I can imagine Priscilla and Aquila
16:20 growing in the Lord as they would share with Paul
16:24 and one time Priscilla and Aquila traveled with Paul
16:29 from Corinth to Ephesus and then he traveled down
16:32 in left them at Ephesus and I imagine they had an impact
16:36 on the believers there because we read
16:39 about them listening to the great orator Apollos,
16:43 the Alexandrian Apollos and they noted that he,
16:47 as far as he went he gave the truth but it wasn't
16:51 the full truth. He was still stuck on teaching
16:55 on the Baptism of John.
16:58 He had fully understood about Jesus Christ,
17:02 about his death and resurrection.
17:04 And the new birth in that way.
17:07 And he was still preaching of repentance,
17:11 but not through Jesus Christ.
17:13 And so dear Priscilla and Aquila very humbly,
17:17 these humble tent makers, take them a side.
17:21 They invited him into their home and just more fully
17:26 explained the scriptures to him.
17:28 And here we have a woman working side by side
17:31 with her husband, both in their workplace,
17:36 but also in their spiritual outreach and then they
17:42 established a Church in their home.
17:44 They were there hospitable it sounds like.
17:46 Not only hospitable but she knew well the scriptures
17:49 and it's sounds to me like she was well versed
17:52 in the scriptures, and that she and her husband
17:54 were a real team which is a beautiful picture of how
17:59 I think God would have husbands and wife
18:02 worked together. Not the one you slurping over that,
18:05 and no Pricilla did not take over from Aquila
18:09 but she added too what he gave.
18:14 And had great influence on an orator
18:16 who went on to established many Churches.
18:21 It sounds like what my husband
18:25 and I would like to do.
18:26 We have a ministry called Tentmaker Ministries
18:28 and he got that from, oh did he, those scriptures,
18:32 yes and there is more scriptures that
18:35 we can share, isn't there? There is.
18:37 On that, it's proverbs 31:23 and 26 and it's
18:43 "Her husband is respected at the city gate
18:46 and faithful instruction in on her tongue."
18:49 And Arlita this reminds me of the story of Deborah.
18:54 Oh! it really does. She was a magnificent woman.
18:57 At a period of time of tremendous discouragement,
19:01 desolation, gloominess, Israel had been in captivity
19:06 really under King Jabin who lived in the
19:09 Northern city of Hazor.
19:11 And he had a dreadful, dreaded general names
19:16 Sisara, and they had nine hundred iron chariots
19:21 and so nobody was safe around there except
19:25 the people in the hill country where
19:27 the chariots couldn't get to and so
19:30 but you find that there was palm tree which was not
19:34 common right in that area.
19:36 And this palm trees sitting up on the hill where Deborah
19:41 would go and sit every day and she was a Prophetess
19:46 and a judge of the nation, and I often wondered
19:50 how she got to that place, I would like to know.
19:53 I think she was definitely married and her husband
19:57 gave her honor and obviously let her
20:03 have this place and had it was though
20:06 he gave it to her. And she sat in judgment to show
20:14 the people how to rule because everything
20:18 was just going to smothering the nation.
20:22 There was so much evil
20:24 and there was so much oppression, in fact,
20:26 we need to think of it, the children who lived
20:27 in that time really didn't know of anytime when they
20:32 won't under oppression, only the parents knew of a day
20:36 when there wasn't depression.
20:38 And there was such sadness and Deborah
20:41 would go every day and listen to the heart cries
20:44 of the men and the women and I can imagine her
20:47 going home everyday from the palm tree.
20:51 A mother in Israel in fact it calls her a mother
20:55 in Israel, yes, going home and crying out to God
21:00 for her people but you know it wasn't the nation
21:05 the King Jabin headed up. There was the problem.
21:12 It was the men in Israel that with the problem.
21:15 They were not leaders Within the Church
21:19 They were not leaders at all. They are an Israel.
21:22 And I imagine Deborah kept saying Lord
21:25 where is the man who can lead Israel so that
21:28 we can get out from under the suppression
21:31 and how is that I have to be here.
21:35 Where are the men and I think she was called by God
21:41 to faithfully do a duty at a time when men
21:46 were discouraged and couldn't rise up
21:49 and take their rightful place of leadership.
21:52 The God chose a woman who is able to do it
21:55 in a very discreet wise way because here what happens.
22:01 The Lord speaks to Deborah and said, Deborah
22:05 it's time the nation rises up I want you to call on a
22:11 man and his name is Barak. Barak, Barak;
22:20 God you are sure. He said, I am going to deliver
22:24 the nation of Israel out of Jabin's hand
22:27 and you go wake up Barak and tell him to get up
22:32 because I am going to deliver the nation,
22:35 so she says, rise up Barak, Gods given them
22:39 into our hands. He wants you to go.
22:41 He says, wait a minute Deborah I know
22:45 you are a good judge. I know you are a good Prophetess,
22:49 but not me, and she says, Barak, God has said,
22:55 you to go and lead them.
22:58 Well, I am not going to go unless you go with me.
23:02 And so she said, alright, I will go with you.
23:06 I will go, but you too trust God that's the one thing
23:12 you have to do is to trust the God to deliver
23:16 this nation. I will go with you Barak,
23:19 but the honor will go to another woman.
23:23 Now when you first read that story you think
23:25 of course, the woman is going to be Deborah
23:27 that the honor goes to, but no isn't.
23:30 What happened is Deborah goes along with Barak
23:36 and they go up to Mount Tabor and then you can
23:39 just picture from the Tel Megiddo here
23:45 and King Jabin over here and Mount Hazor over here.
23:50 And Israel going up that mountain
23:53 and then getting ready to come down into the plains
23:56 of Megiddo where incidentally that plain
24:00 is where more fighting has happened down to
24:03 the centuries, and is where the great final battle
24:07 will be fought. More blood has already been spilled
24:10 there than any other single place on earth
24:13 because that was the great cross roads of all the nations
24:17 coming across the plains so here come the children
24:21 of Israel down the mountain, down
24:24 to the river Kishon, just at the precise moment
24:30 the Barak gets down there with his troops
24:33 and Sisara with his nine hundred chariots
24:37 a pounding across the fields this way.
24:39 The precise moment God opens up the heavens
24:43 and it rains and it hails, and the river Kishon
24:48 overflows and of course the mud's starts turning up
24:52 the wheels of the iron chariots and you can
24:55 just pictured the horses eyes just bulging
24:58 and straining trying to drag these iron chariots
25:01 through these muddy fields and the hail,
25:05 the rain completing in and just the chariots start
25:10 piling up falling up one right after the other.
25:12 Well, Israel who you would have thought had Loss
25:18 because they were so small in comparison
25:20 to Jabin's forces. They win a tremendous victory
25:25 and Sisara the general though thinks he can get
25:30 away free and he slips out and runs
25:34 into the interior lands. Finally comes
25:42 to a little tent where Jael is standing.
25:47 Now Jael, you have to understand,
25:49 Jael her name means wild she-goat. Really!
25:54 That's what it means And it gives you a clue
25:57 as to the personality of this woman Jael,
26:01 and she stands there and she said, coming Sisara,
26:05 come and rest yourself and he comes
26:09 and she not only has laid down and rest
26:12 and he is exhausted from the battle.
26:14 She said I will give you milk as well
26:16 and then he falls a dead asleep.
26:19 She takes a tent pack and a hammer
26:22 and goes way up right through his temple
26:27 to the ground, and the forces are defeated.
26:33 And it's Jael that Deborah sings the praises up
26:38 and her song is magnificent. Yes, and isn't it
26:42 one of the oldest and most beautiful of Hebrew poetry.
26:45 Yes, and isn't begins like this; listen oh!
26:49 'you king and princess for I shall sing about the Lord,
26:52 the God of Israel and then ends with these words,
26:56 but may those who love the Lord shine is sun
26:59 when he goes forth and his might.
27:01 And there is a verse in proverbs that really
27:06 describes it says. Why don't you read that
27:08 the proverbs 31, 25, and 26. Okay,
27:11 "She is clothed with strength and dignity;
27:14 she can laugh at the days to come.
27:16 She speaks with wisdom."
27:19 I think Deborah is one of the outstanding women
27:21 in biblical history and one that we can emulate
27:27 because of her submission,
27:30 because of her relinquishment,
27:33 in many ways and because of her praises.
27:37 So we come full circle again, to woman
27:40 who have relinquish their rights
27:44 and yet who have accepted God's
27:46 calling in their life and who end up praising God Amen
27:50 Arlita, will you come back and join us again?
27:53 I hope so. I want to invite you back again
27:56 and I want to invite you too again.


Revised 2014-12-17